Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 15, 1923, p. 3

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i bin artott 3rtcvrsba tiuhhday mahmmi i iri053 thei r cost iii w tho 1 what oh ip lie hiktlt 11 i kiutiriit i i i ini i v 11 1 ihi l liu ii it i 1 ull sol will k 1 1 id hi willi 1 1 jow 1 in 1 i in ill i 1 t am wi n li rful hut oj thi r lie u niunt ik ihnugh wi li uiuiim in mnull a t nlu nn t xi limited northland ilu sjjkn iiiiirii whli h tun ni yard if ihuughtlj jhe putlnni e that us it trhs to hour through burlont rim the songs of tin o tijf tlclluj th urmlvu ilml ml tur limtc 1 cnurugu unit full m it breath n stress of no buttle hi saith iii measuro my utra ifgtli uutor and douth tho lovo thut uirougl pain will incroust tho longing und ntl hnt u into peace that in perfect und uatlutled coax a iloubtlug mid mi uu calmed no those theso are tho dour things kins on hi thrbno can buy them away from tho poor and unknown who tnako them through labor or anguish tholr own i mr helen w h oato by way of the rooster ila wnji u bantam rooster but his crow did not orreopond with his slxo it mado a noise equal in vol u mo to that of a bird hulf a doxen limes hi lu a noise mutoovor of a peculiarly irritating quality tho uulliks hail never lived next door to u iantani rooster before and the experii nee was so disagreeable that gradually ol though unconsciously ttioy cume to include tho birds owners um woll oji the bird in their fooling of hostility we really must go in und call t mrs oullck would sigh it is din graceful not to when they uro next door neighbor und strangers hare at that i buppom we mull vlyn would uoiwor wiui a responsive sigh but 1 do dread it what can we have in common with a family that keeps a rooster uke tbatt so six weeks slipped by and the ouucka had npt culled and on tho seventh they no longer thought of calling on anyone for emily was iii it began with a severe attack of grippe that left her alarmingly weak whllo be wu delirious she had not noticed tho rooster but in tho exhaustion that followed his ahrlll and constant crow ing tortured her more and more fin ally mrs gullck and evelyn decided that they must do something 1 don t know what they wlu thl of us mrs qullck ftflld when we vv never oven colled but 1 ii write the nicest nolo i know how it is a difficult situation evelyr returned whimsically wo might orfei to board out the rooster uu emily gets welll really you don t know how to approach people like that tho note was written however and the guljck waited anxiously ail day hero was no reply but the rooster did not crow the qullcks were un easy they did not want to offend thalr nelahbomi even if they were people like that then they had a surprise it comb over at five oclock fiy the hands of a trim little maid t was a sliver tray with a bowl of bouillon and a note that ran dear mrs qullck we are so very sorry that hannibal should have annoyed your daughter of my friends who sloop thorn aro not only neglected hut uhunod hy tho i rmks of thoughtless buys i wish sonv i ubll rplrltnd org lulxutlon wjjh ii lovo und rovoront o fur mirrwl thingu would got together uud formuluto u plun to tiuvu llilit l i tci of mi man id morion diur und hinting i ut into n r tulubli rcniif luldt ultrui tlvn con illlon it in tinw umiii f riy ycinrw rn i uirvli w cimliy vun peiiutl luirlulm dlr ntliukd in ihr i id nv lurd yith lh ii4uli of um tli nctthct orihq ld io mm i i i aim ut hlrry yuurn ill in iufhiuli kwnncily i 1 h who 1 u railing hn profnmml neighborhood news- town and country ouplington 1h win lily pliy 1 rt if rftii th p mlu r clnir h of inml t llro li ill o 1 rt i hyilry thr the i n th wo immii one suminnr ft r old nimmuajty niirrouiidlnkm iln ujoantvd up thu m ry til ls un i vvalka lraightdnt up tin utnnvn und hulll it ilx foot clur im urd font nil ihlw old iin h ii en bin the hcoulmunlor r did noma ol od conditio im t it mm the j anil tho un iuy hiouu hi d miro i think ll und improv hut tn day 1 in bud repair idu und hmi the garden of wars tntirnl ypiiru in hprlnglltn uroutih in uvi n i lottm beautiful ountoi like rhnr i ttiu rnuoultuht tllir druvn in pugnantu tho sunlight foil iinft and the night wus as fair u day and i thought thore wax nothing on turth that could grin v ilbt that ull tho swout world munt 1m gay i was only a rhllil in the garden of yon and my hops were in bloom with the ro4 and the musie of llfo rang in nhlmas in krom th daw of uucli day to it we should have silenced him before this indeed we had spoken of doing so but bobble pleaded for his life t hope it doom not arguo iii for the strength of bobble s affection that he has decided that after oil rolli skates will contribute more to the joy of life than ilanntbal wlu miss emily bo good enough to accept her fallen foe in this form 1 with best wfshos for her swift re covery very cordially yours fury a htedmaq above tho note mrs gulick s eyes and ber daughters met to morrow wo call on the stodman evelyn do dared ho i ptayod with the butterflies iuro lot with bird and dr umcl f thu stnm while i rho lunguago of life was my mother s kind words and into god s buhom i mpt itut rlixtmm us i grow in tho uurdn of yean a lesson of mournful surprise x lourm i with thv hopes of the world thro were fours and found them were sorrowful eyes i found the heart woary in many o breast and i saw thut to many a homo where love had invited some rmllum gtimt the angel of borrow tuid come i found irv the beautiful gunlitu of years i too hod a cross i must lxur out whenever i looked for gods snilln through my tears i found my life rainbow was thure and onn day i chanced thn wlm gur doner to meet who taught mo what love should have known that he who from sorrow leads others shall find paths of peace for his own and now grander still is thu garden of years than in that old sprlngtlmo subllmo whose memories fall like u curfew that cheers prom the fur uway towers of time for blcsse 1 is ho who life s sorrow abates forgiving us he is forgi for him shall ufa angel through doath ope tho gates of that gordon htemul called ueaven ernest w slturtleff hetfnibclinceh herb and tiikiie our editor came to me quite tickled the other morning j hay ho said youve got all the old folks going anyway ho said i had an old gentleman tn to day re now in his fnm subscription thl observant old disorder it would certainly ln i very worthy urt of darnnry und inv enc if uny organisation or body citlsons would undertake to roslnro this dour old spot to thu condition of order mtupeot und tidiness which som of um remember it wus fifty or even forty years ugd we owe much to the memory fof our unceutar their virtues und tholr dotf especially those by which we prontted shotilil in hold in loving und grnieful memory no nmojuoof pn sent day i rosperlty or ructmi can rellnvo us nrilio detit wo owo tin in how shall wo honor thorn our ieath loss dead t with strew of laurel and tho stately tread 7 with blnxo overhead 7 nay not atone th brhig iwiinern brightening cheaper prali thy will not have this easy honoring let us sweet remembrance keep theli memories sjllve and their graves green to do so w should strive havop t heard anything from my young friend the young fellow op xtank steps for several weeks 1 hope hi hasjaken ray udvlcu to heart a to study some useful und helpful book or books in tho evening in stead of louring on any bank corner or other corner i hope boa getting proud to show his new bank book with a substantial balance to bis credit mary suys olvu the dear boy my sincere regardp and best wishes i wish ho d romo over und have a doughnut und a glaas of milk noma everting meres an item 1 came across to night written by one of the worlds groat rion which x wish he would take to heart and write down some whore tall your bays to have all the good fun they can so they make thing balance in life uf good fun t mean tho kind they can tall tht lr mother and sisters about the other kind al ways leaves a bitter taale in tho mouth bitter regrets lifelong after ividloi aid nimrrh will bold t full in the rurly u it wus dm hhd to jo oo i r fool for lo nlld an u i llll n lo otme lh now tru k unapprove 1 the hui mr und mnr 1 v ii while un 1 ii left o thursdny lut for kh ri in hey went hy motor about twnty five of um young folk f hjisi end west i in in drove in lurllngt n on mondtiy night und hi urd ltiv ltrown in tho meth hiihi church fx itnljteraaji tti v j r ilrown lo evungnlhit in dmwlng lurgn rowdn to tin meltiodlht church an 1 i mnklng it very fuvorublit liuprasnlotr lie is un nbli hjhouit unl well worth lieu rt nc mr john t gray who bun been for the punt thrtn und a liulf yua charge if thu diiionsuxy ut the urant military hospital whh h pouitlon hi resumed after returning from ovi r sous hue opened a drug store on hrnnl htreel gasette milton the halton ui ring uskixom will bn held ut milton up m mduy april n jut wifok j c kaglcnon mmovwl from fcrilion t weston ham jlendoraun has no i two of his now brick dwelling on court rltroet to alossru evnnn and itosonberg of the milton wort tod yum und tiplnnlng mdu rr gowland spent a week at chicago at tho meeting of the american colege- of surgoons deacon of toronto form ltrly of milton who underwent a serious operation last week is doing very nicely iii many friends in town and throughout tho county will bo glad to bear this mr and mrs bamuel crosier of muton announce tho engagement of their daughtor jessto jane to mr tilgur william may sun of mr thos may of hornby wedding to take place in november the people of milton will have the opportunity of oarlng itov letor nryce address the annual mooting of ui children s aid society on 1ho evening of november 20 mr ilryce is well known throughout the dominion for his social service experience an 1 knowlodge ills subject here will be modern development in child wol tur lleformer the day of destiny tin lennolli win hounocl unlng tin word in in l uiikki itlvo r seronty dill tlu i um iln win jperli m i off the thing il it j wnml h addition to the ior hi dm i i r rl i luilnli mid in in flic dining oood night i iint lulsufx lh ii loinml u h irv y i th i ii it i r uktuiit tlim ihntil i huvi itvi in new 1tgluul i ihi iwi i lii hi iiiitury he w nil i ivi f mud tlilu mini suggiiitlv in it up jtun iinltl mluhlov mly tin unit in yt to hmn anil two bourn inn r multent uiiuul ly grew worsi uuiijiuii t the dnunt leas rhtu tumud whllo when the card iuttm up miss jlrluttiw win m iihq wus lo nin uhout tl ii hlutory position thut i he hutl u i her heart upon how i ould it have h ii m iik i wtku miss ilrlstow hud dlhtltictly oujd that she- would lie punning tliroiil the city the hint of ilio wik und bin was only tusiluyt home in a rusty boiler dlognnou made his hnrnn in u tuli but cuptulii john mpkcnsk of hji t rantlnro 1ms almost outiliojl th cynliul pillmmphers record by llv inh fvi nt n yurtl in a big rust tmiiior when hi tuplallih liousi win il etroyed in lit grnut earth u ik ut tim lruniluo in i0oc in iruwlitl on nlglit hiti u big ixdltr un i foil ii i i u ci hy thai in dulled lo tnki up hi ulx b in ii he iiuliidd um intirii white uu i flili i it up like u idilp al in u phllosoi hli tnki i lust alwiut u lilt wun safe fr i t hlu i with uld iii ll vet toiler i lib i i i no day th in the street with him llttlngs hd holler bud ihwomn vou lur i lis tuke hi i th yoi i 11 huv rled qeorqetown it we hadknownuiat anyone wam f tho t 1 tlons of your old man in tho dig clock tower i find them very in terostlnjr and i haven t been in the untry half u doxen years yet 1 reckon they must be interesting to a much greater degree to old residents of uie community i hope you will keep the old tnnn with tho ions mem ory writing his local reminiscences and biographical sketches well i may as well frankly admit i have no intention of quitting so long as my old rememberer keeps busy my rbeumaus i at all reasonable mary stays with me and the editor will uufup with my rumbling para- graphs bo here goes for another week condign punishment the late frederick hamlngton had a personality as original and vivacious as his artistic style his friends tiave scores of amusing anecdotes to toll of him it was h w kemblo who introduced me to frederick iteming ton m lflvo writes mr augustus thomas in the century magnxlno the two illustrators were close friends und they understood one another perfectly they sat together one night oh m lute train out of now york kern i rig- tan by the car window and kembl next tq the aisle an obstreperous commuter who had dmmnrttfklng wai disturbing the passengers with hi noise neither tonductor nor brake man could tnuko blot behave himself the men passengers seemed afraid of him the rowdy grew intolerable a be passed keinble we- on h third blatant pakuda through the car itemlngton reached out into the aisle and with a mighty grip lifted him from bis feet llkau nuughty boy und laid him face downward uvi r limn bio s lap then us itemlngton held the ruf flan fjial knmhb spunked him while tho man legs wriggled frantically for a foothold tho correction pro longed and vigorous wn ucoulmod by roars of laugh or from the other lutasengers whin it wuw ovi r item ington stood the orfuiidtr on hi feet tho mat begun u profube tlrmi tie i fore hu hud got hulf u tluxen words out rintnlngton hud him tuan down again and kembh wu ut work ui before that wn uiuitigh nhd when they lut thu follow go be uj idly dl wpiieurud iti another cur hot and heavy mr kellogg- was ulwuys tunning hi wife it wus strange thut mho til i not nftener s us pet t the tfalln he pre pared for her this time ha t sou homo to dinner und said gravity young whites wife guv it to hlin hot and hoavy this tuornjngl the whites bad in on marrlad but a i few roontlt and mrs kellogg rotnpt ftj ly scented a ecandaj flghurut already how dreadfull she oontinuotl tell m ulxjut if oh she just gave hint one of tho biscuits she made fur liruukfuwt re- plltnl her husband generous bod hobby was in bed with the tueasles anov hs uaked ills mother to let ls teaaher comu and see him yu are u good boy i said his mother do you like her so inuiiht it hm t that sld hobby hut i wont her to catch the iiowsl- ho thel other boys can bavw a holiday from aohoolt i i gave up part of my space in lost issue for major grants letter on curl ing fifty or sixty years ago ol acton georgetown and stewurttawn with i good deal of pleasure this wus main ly because i delight in reading the recollections of other old chaps and especially one i know so wall us i do luahlan grunt lschlah is scotch and my forbeurors wore scotch though have nothing ut all to say against our noighbors tho irish and i suppose ihould stand for curling us superior to all other winter gum itut to vou my early bringing up with the fellows who played shim the mill pond drew me out tu prefer that lively gume ugulnst all the bit of a curling rink duwi at the old mill dam wus too slow for me this standing art und and getting only two shots out uf sixteen dldn t to me- at bm u bright crisp winter dsy why in the good old games ot shinny wu used to have un the big pond fifty boys und yuung men could play ut utile und they could all play ut thu outnw time und skutu too and vie play ore werent confined to uio lllage boyd either on saturday uf- ternons lots of the farni boys would got luti the guiid too 1 reninnibi r quite well when both the cumorou boy lliurllo und tom played uiiu thoro w nt lh lusby boys jucu unt charlie and sometimes one or tw t xm gonlon imys would be overutu tarn leo and jack o donughue uik alnuui mull wnd jul k hmltlf utu goortu hjs brother couldnt btgh to uuniu ybp sl the village buys lvlio d be in those big shinny games hut usually there d bo jim nlikliil hill and diik tburtell austin tubby and george tom fulhane lave ugltttitart jake pnipy mud jack wlnlow alex hume gi org hyuds ku mcgarvin und thre ur four of tho hill boys john uad jim und charlie und chester whetl hi grew up und there were the llghtheurt boy hanis unl jim und george utlitgerlund uik the john- buys uid jwijkuhd mutu uvlug 1 und j unit utafford mud joe uiul juck first brook and lots of others i cannot now ruinember tulk about tho hockey of to duy hut it wusn t to be compared with bur shinny gams i am sure uouu of us who saw tlixin let alone playing them would ovr admit that hockuy no uld tompure with sliliiny fur minute fur real enjoynb ull rot healthy good nuturett spurt the point of view jasper eidon smiled to si teak frankly mr qrimshaw i don t see how being a member of the church will help me to live tlu kind of life i want to live alton demons belongs to your church wbon ho failed last week it was found that he had craftily put ull his property out of his hands if i were a church member my faith wourd be a good deal shaken christ lunlty represents some thing definite people who profess it don t i once thought an you do jasper mr grimahaw replied aloavly the only dlfflsrenoe was that i had joined tho church and looked at the matter from tho inside i thought tho church ought to bo a place where choice specimens of character were put on exhibition and j was disgusted be cause it fell short of my ideal because some of the men whom i distrusted were apparently tho most deroul i began to pay leas attonuon to prayer and hlblo reading that was a great mistake for however yju esptmn it wo need uio constant contact with ood to keop an edge on our conscience that pavod the way for my temptation and tall it was nothing more than a bit of sharp business such a i had often seen others practise but tho time was unfavorable and i was caught at it no legal step wore luken against me but people looked ut me askance and i felt thu disgrace i went to tho luistor told him my story and asked him to drop my name from the church roll to this day i never cease to thank ood that uio clergyman of that parish wus the wise kindly man hu wus i dont think id do that walter ho sutil jesus christ was the ihysio ian of soul sick men and we r doing our best to keep open a hospital for tho same class we dont euro fhem ull i m afraid some uf jboin don l want to be cured but i hope you ii stay by us roy boy yours isi hopeless cose by uny moans from hut point uf view i understand the i hurcli bettor and have more symitathy for its inconsistent members a fuw urn hypocrite per- liups but 1 am sure most of them are weak fallible nion und women hon- istly seeking to get buck to spiritual health 1 oor uu their suoouas is they do better than thoy oould without the treatment and tho nurlnk they ars getting major grunt was ut us to wo i during the- week visiting hi brother mr john il grant who is seriously 111 if you auto drivers dont want to got pinched for bpeedlngceud thj chief notice in to days herald and then govern yourself accordingly mr and mrs k y llurructough olenwllllams returned last week from a visit to us towel friends io second instalment of taxes is und payable on november if und 16 miss jean watson has ret urn od home urter un axtondiid visit to llrltlsh columbia mrs h d henderson loft last week for winnipeg where she will visit her son norman und other friends mr and mrs h w hnelllng left last week for hamilton thoy were good cltlxen during their stay hero and tho lrmt wishes of numerous frien lu will follow them misg krniu hell has boon appointed on of tho critic teacher at kyorson school for the toronto normal stud- its the autumn meeting of the nutloi council of women will be held in georgetown on november 21 und yoii tun t lake uny body to luntii im fi re eleven jean retorted no 1 vo got to uio htr hire if shrl cant uouirntp mo from housed anlngi 1 don j wuut to tnn b in her school llir chin was duuntlossly ruhod onco more but hur vi ico uhook a little howovor j nun run down ut nine miss itriutnw ust tiotm li ft htundlng in the hull mlns ilrlstow looked us if shn had ledod to to rune u ml miss inunellt iu asked 1 um ho distressed k wau railed homo unexim ctediy and hail no lo write you but i should have tolegraphod you i please dont say anything joan interrupted her 111 promise not to mind if yt u won t and if you it uver look tho fact that huir my books uro m tbli floor we ran find a qulot romnr n my room liuf the stairs uro vur ilshod on one side cull you go up lose tu the hunlstirt miss llrlxtow null and did and in j jeans room thoy found comparative comfort jean meuled her guest with j her buck lo the dismantled bookcases und tho talk began the both start od when tho luncheon bell rang j wiii legged interpreting mian ilrlstow s look of dismay please don am treating you to strange ox terionces the pnlntor is in posses inn nnd hu will prt bably go right ot painting you shall sen how we carry on light con versa t ion in the presence of u painting tack an hour latt r j win tlrod and gruve dropped down on 1- llzuhotu s bed i don t know hiki mild im afraid not hho dldn t say anything it s flowers mis joan man da an liounccd at tho door jean opened the box wondering ly iruddtj upon tho beautiful roses lav a card jum lo try 10 thank you for your lovely buspltullty will you come come upon the terms i wrote yout a girl who can masti r circumstances is the oiii wunt for my girls jessica hristow captain wus round hla iluthts ublau auglit hn und the loo hoi for him utlll he had only bolur was rol and aguln the rim will at leant give tn ohio 1 f liiiuih clounlnj ho housing pniblem hue u i ho magnet lrfts six tons ihloctromugnets am much used in onnottlon with cmncii und other con veyurs f r lifting heavy pieces of iron and steel onn big sliol compuny has u magnet weighing i 200 miunds which lifts six 1 one in both this country mid i urom mninetfl nrir employi d to lift tons of hot metal in fiundulrh und rolling mills tho power of tlm loctromugnet is regulntod by the switch controlling tho cumnt tim rnagnot is lowered to tho object needed with tho current turned off win n the switch is close tho magjdet ho coming uctlve holds the urt tries to ho- i if in while they axe raised and transported to tholr destination when they aro lowered the switch is cpeped nnd the magnet- immediately re louses as tho operator of uio crane control the action of the magnet through th switch this one man can attend ti til the do a lis of transferring hoavy mot i details no assistant is needed attach them to the conveyor or lease them when they reach their destination another use to which the electromagnet is put is in breaking old castings so that they may be moltod td utilised to accomplish this the magnet is made to lift nnd drop a stool ball weighing from one tu six tons the boy who gets the job a retired buslmmn muii with ui uxiejltnt memory 1111 liirn or mind roc utly study of the topic aiuckwhliid iltjn if thin artlch ho hu i tit or u if imys und y ting mm lot hlu i mi 1 iy in yiurwpul i 1 i turn i 11 w v hlliiitrids of ul i lit until un 1 tin i nix in r or later illachurgihl u l n 1 nt ug r i bono hi hud hire i n tut ally bo mull not rixtill the llnumm iiuvi in nv ry ruw i ut hu 1 i xm in i li u h with miml of um mm in in und mill why hud tine boon nlni i out 1 f a uosett applicant- why hu 1 th othi r eleven ihh n considered until t vvhut leil him tu drop one and unolhi aftir a few weeks trial t thi thirty odd yearn two you it rtpimhrod had imm n discharged iu ipoitod dishonesty und others for cureless habits none of tho t nen who liud continued longest in the li nth man u employ w re vttry hrll llant luds so far us be could remein ber uud only 1 on or two were nepoclul ly if tod in any iiuriirtilar way the invistlgutor miui nunruioil to discover how muny times hla choice luid imon decided by neatniss of dressa prompt intelligent nnnwt r a a qunstliln or thu brisk slap oxthe applicants and really tho solid worth of his imjsi men was more u composite tf humble vir tues llkn iatlonre industry truth worthiness truthfulness perm vnrnncu und kurliny titan any particular ahnt standing out alone tho hoy who got a job and holds i must fit in wus tho sage conrlu ion there am u good many point of contact und a poor contact invari ably shakes loose charles t white x erin riddles why did the willow wcepr hecause it saw tho water fall what ham ho mouth the wind yet call whlstlet why did tho owl howit hecuuse the wood pucker would peck horl whkli toffeot tea because druw vjhllv odffi down the busiest life tea ur t is the dlff tenet letweell a rnl a sailor at uio top of the and tho othor wlm ship 11 mastt one sails ovii the sum ivr the sail how tail you muke cunudlan butter into irish butler hy turning it into utc bay my old heart was touohod when i reaw an editorial by the 1 lltor y terdsjr about the dear old graveyaid just pff main htrvel livtho nutr of tba olj presbyterluu churtli it was written for thl issuo for yvurs ivwl fslt bad that the sjrawas of so many blcyci whut is brunch of i u bowwow pat kat tho dtffeinlno between a tret uud u do bough and the other is at tho last meeting- of erin town ship council tlbqo wus grunted to hillburg horticultural hoclety a j hlndluy s claim for domuga to car on lot 8 17 si do road was dls allowed by the township council mr and mrs edward grlner hill burg have left fdr a trip to california this is an ideal holiday for this tlm the year l scouts mother club has been formed us an auxiliary to the 1st crl troop of hoy hcouts tho o ulcers are i resident mrs 3 m labhott vice 1resldent mrs hultnon ucru tary tmasurer mm dickson the dover oil co which has spent considerable money drilling for gioi 1 tour inglowood has made an assign ment for the benefit of its creditors gus in paying quantities was found but the company run out of money and lb proved impossible tu get suf flclent to further develop tho hold mr and mrs john leslie are look ing after tho home of mr and mrs- fred thompson gleiiwllllums whllo the lattet uro visltlug with their daughter at kamui city mo mrs win scott kth lino is sit floruit from un uttuck of blood itol turning in iter left band the maple iluuf missloti haijd of durn church krln will hold u buxour uu frlifuy november tj und mrs w hull vlsitetl with and mrs h u hsrrll buit woek mm arscoit has returned rruni a visit with rftlstlv at edmoiiion ll mr j 1 hush left lust we with i the farm creek hunt club for thlj unnual deer hunt in muskoku messrs j h gibson c k ovr liltd aul harry gear left lust weuk with the caledou hunt club for tholr annual deer hunt in muskoku mm john mcleuti left on rtuturdu tut toronto where she will visit with relative boforv going to cloveulli i for th winter advocate new breed op fowl new breed of fowl which accord ing to its miononi will fill u long felt has been originated in califor nia a common white hen was crwut ed with tho austrulian ktwl tho smallest species or ostrich the latter has but three too and its body covered with sort downy plum tho kiwi chicken an the now cross t termed has ho feuuiers but plumage similar to the kiwi the fowl may be skinned und th hldo used instead of wflita fur tho kiwi chicken has only rudlmontary wings and u two foot fence will hold it this makes it desirable backyurd fowl according to the hen weighs about sovon pounds when mature and la supposed to havo a delicious dainty flavor when roasted originators of thu kiwi chicken claim that the birds uro happy und docile in confinement and uru good winter lay er meetings will be jeld htilfl mfltho i lua supjortorn of up gtrantf bird dlsr church miss gooatanoe whltmee who for the past year has been chief operator the dell telephone office has roi cently been promoted to manageress and mr j cunningham who returned some week ugu from a pleas ant holiday tn llrltlsh columbia re ceived the sad bows of the sudden death of their da tight of in law whom thoy so recently visited the regular monthly meeting of the georgetown heading club will be hold on bat urd ay november 17 at the home of mrs 3 w kennedy charles street tho members will visit scot land edlnborough in particular herald hot onions and pneumonia hot onions according to a french physician urn sold to bo sure cure for pneumonia the remedy is as follows toko six or ten onions ao coming to slxo und chop fine put a largo pun ovi r u fire tht 11 add the same quantity uf rye maul and vinegar to make a tlilk paste the meantime stir u thoroughly 1 ting it simmer for five or ten mlnuti ttion put in a cotton hail largo enough cover the lungs und apply tu chest hot as patient can ixutr in about minute upply another und thus itinuo by rnhiullug the poultices und in a few minutes the patient will be out of danger this simple remedy has never fulled to cure this toooften fatal malady usually three or four uppllcutlons will be uumclent london tit uits village of acton re actio machine company proroski bylaw ptlou tn grunt ex tu the abovu m company ntloiiod aumi helping the burqlar twould be fool i ex don t you want lo buy a bicycle tu ride around your farmy asked th hurdwum clerk us ho wrapped up tho nulls 1 hey re uhaap how i um soil you u first class one for 36 id rather put 136 111 a cow re plied thu furmer llut think persisted the clerk how foolish you d look riding around oh i unit know reptltijl the farm ur stroking his chin no more foolish guess than i would hillkln u mrs illuck woke her huebuiid inn lib lil and whlsprui l there burglut nnwtitftulrrf i hoard him bump ojfulnat the piano i strike severul keys is therer said the husband i 11 down ut once oh whispered tho excited wife don t do anything rash i ilunht rtillllrxl the hustmitpl why im going- to help him i you dont nuppoao ho uui movu thut pluno from th house without help do your 1 tennyson and the gab bill was tkw attorney for nsfcing u lu pulur ern uiw fa gas omjuiny wu address think of thu good thu gus 10m- psny lias dona he ad if i were pirntlttd u pun i woul i say in um word uf the pool honor the rjght ibuaisp whureuikun a shrill yoke canu from oh what u charge thuy j liatwl i a made i synopsis of by isw the purpose of the unl t by law is i grunt exemption from municipal tux ution except school taxi m and local improvement rutus to the actun ma ohlpe conitiany fretlerlck h ulow proprietor for u porhwi of ten years on u new factory to bo ireotixl in the vlllagv of a on by tho said actoi maoblm- company fur thn purjoso of manufacturing uxles and other motor ucmessories 3 ho said exemption to euco und date mini the com- meiit tif the nitlnn of the said ruettiry luko iiotlio thut the voles of tho ruthpayer of tlu 1 ul i village tu acton will lie tuke 11 uu tho ubuvo mentioned pr mod by law oil monday tho third duy of december id 3 ut um sola tlm ut tho sutiio place and in the same muiitmr us thu vote in thu uh- nuul municipal ftliktlitn also tuku tiotlce thut uu tliuy thu twolilytblrtt day of noveiaber 103s tin- hoove or acting huuvh will uttend ut tho fireiiu 11 hull lit tho town hall st ten o clock iii thu fire noon tol up point in writing uign d by i1i111 two persons lo utteiil ut thu tluul summing up of th votes unl 0110 pirmvtl to sst ut curb lulling ptuio up behalf of the persons lutt n ud und do ous of prouiuiing tho iiasalug of the uuld by law uu i 11u11 tho same numbet of person on behalf uf tho person opposing the said bylaw also tuke uotuutlmt the ob rk of the cuum il of tho sul 1 village will ut tend ut the twii hall aolon ut 6 so p in untlio sail thlnl day uf putiun bet 1vj to sum uu the number of votes given for und ugaiust tho said by uw noti0e is hereby given that if tho f thu rutepayois lu obtained the sail bylaw a true uyu opsin if which uppturs above will be tattoii into consideration by the muni rliuil cutincll of tho jllluge of acton afti r ono month from thu eighth day umlhr 1933 bilng the dute of the diat publliallon of thl luitltu h n 1 ahmmt i ik of uie villugu of actuu i acton novlinher ith 1b33 j n i it u usiiout i like the mosquito as usual mrs morton enlivened tho dinnet table conversation with un ac count of tho now servant i don t know much about her yot sho said but she is good naturcd and harmless at any rate how did you find thut outf asked mr morton tty ber singing she is always singing at hor work mr morton slapped viciously at the back of his nock thats no sign ho said a mosquito does that murini m keepseyes cfatr bright and beautiful v game increase in jasper park tho manner in which big game anl uls uro roe pond ing to sanctuary con dl tlons in jasper national iurk in northern alberta is 01m of the gruufy ing fouturou of a recent report of tho bupertntondenc lxceptionauy large numbers of elk deer and caribou have been found food in in tho buffalo liojrlo region and guule in the habit of g rasing tholr pack horses in that section report dlftluulty in finding suf ficient rood for their onlmola as many as una hundred elk have been seen feeding there at one timo while shoep and goats uro also reported air vb exercise ojo gnat dlffi renre between out- 1i01 r uir uml lodooi ulr is thul he liret cirrulnten ihy unl tho seconu in nttigniint anoin rirnm is that ii kkix f hunshlin mntuutly r limns outdoi r nlr f us uiiiiu uilh hut most r mm 1 fii t very llttlo of thut useful omtnntlt muny 1 1 n m who visit um 1 iihi iuii with ci uiplulnts of our iii nion un i anal mlii ini pur th it un y in utilvo ull duy lung unl that grdiii 1 ut fir wulks lu the lust thins uk y 1 1 i i hoy limy h rliht about uie amount of ur inn they got but moplu cob- uinntly full ulck in aili of plenty of mi rrlue in tho liousi und get well uguln with a little outdoor ext iclse a 1 1 rtuln umount of uotlvi work about u h ur 1 good for everyone but there uiht to in hi mo dally outdoor ufa us well it doeu not f how that outdoor llfo 1 light to jncludn violent exorcise of evto uny uii n im ut ull why should the houui molhir tie told tlial she can not un p will unlusu she dresses up lu wulklng clotiiih unl take b long walk uf li r u futlgulng morning ot phynlcul labor iu the housot tire people should do their resting in the open ulr there uru very few days in thu putting his foot in it i food served him after ha had tasted tho soup bo remarked tnia is pretty good soup what there is of it- he was greatly disconcerted to ob servo a frown on the face of his hoi toss and ho hastened to repair bis blunder by remarking and there s plenty of it such as itr la st paul dispatch we want 300 men right now for big paying mechan ical jobs if you ore mechanically inclined and like working around automobiles and tractors don t do lay nover was there such b do toanot for trained men a few weeks time invested now will give you a trade that will mean lnde vend once for life learn automo tive and tractor operating and re pairing ore vulcanising battery building and oxyacetylena welding by tho hemphill practical s free employment service is at tour disposal free catalogue get big pay and steady worst do ll now hemphill auto tractor school 13 klng bt west torom useless to try mistress jane lvu mislaid the key of my escritoire i wish you d fetch e that box of old keys i dare say i in find one to open it juno its no us ma am there isn t a key in the ouae as 11 nt that desk yonr when a person who 1 warmly t wrapped up cannot alt with enrafdrt in u sheltered sunny corner every on knows how babies thrive when they take tholr tup outdoor the principle upplles 10 tho adult also it is a matter of scientific record thut people whose dally occupation obliges thorn to sit in tho open sit such us market women attendants at fruit stands and newspaper sailers sire robust 1mo d w 10 do not take cqld oaaiiy ytt it is probub o that fsw people take iran exercise let it ha understood that this is not x all un argument against physical xprclso thut lo not only excellent but in most canes necessary but you need not forego both air and mrnrnr because you cannot conveniently haw both open ah life without ex ere bis is much more healthful than indoor life with iu explaining the telegraph as a general rule the telegraph no longer arouse tho wonder and awe that it did in our grandfathers in remote countries however there or still people who have never hoard of it or who are unable to understand il das echo lolls of the perplexity that the telegraph causod lp a small village of bosnia the government had installed a tele graph line from jrljedor to dlbatsch what is tho meaning of this wlrsjf johnny having reached his teens was invited out to dinner without his parents an anxious mother told hlhv to bo careful about his manners and to w ilii l 11 1 1 naked the aatonlshod inhabitants of a speak in complimentary terms of tbef7 vlllugo through which tho line nap pe nod to pass if is a telegraph said tha head man of the vlllaga who had been in consultation with the officials 0a can send a message along thla wire straight from here to stamboub the villagers were incredttlotfr that is impossible how cas a ms sage run along a wire the headman thought awhile then ho hit upon the proper explanation imagine be said dog that la terribly long and whose tall la stretch ed like the wire on those poles im agine that hla tall la ao ion that- im reaches from here to slaunboul now suppose we pinched hlu tail hersv wouldnt he howl tn stambouir the villagers understood whats your verdict weve asked that question of any amount of our customers who havo tried excelsior flour and without exception we have been assured tht it is the best pastry flour the tuyet tried weve put fhe best or everything in it to make it the finest flour procurable and we knov it is all our customers say for it a full line of feed and seeds always on hand dhlindsay mux street acton ontakio i you pay for it anyway the inanuf acturer or the dealer who does not advertise pays for the advertising of ins enterprising competitor business is drawn away from the j nonadvertiser profits he might have se- cured go to jhe competitor business dwin- r dies the store closes another store added to the total of failures from poor business judgment instead of paying for your competi tors increased business why not pay for your own good quality merchandise bought from a manufacturer who believes suffi ciently in his goods to advertise their worth and help you sell a wellbalanced stock a wellarranged store intelligent clerks service a square deal and com mon sense thats the foundation coupled with the proper use of newspaper space and local publicity the public will soon learn where to come for the things they wantor rather the things you make them want through advertis- j you cant afford flfot to advertise your own business mw

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