the home of lp artmt 3ffrei jitpbh nuf sild tc i wklu di oauflo kti ni uuiulns mill street acloa ontario to sauacrlptloa ptie it tnw pr soar la uiim poataaa u turfed adullrobal to office in ts united slates ttis data to which aubavctptloa axa paid u iodic tod 6a tjunwidrw ubcl advcktisinc batestunaleat advcriua- taenia otota per lw agate neuart for first inmrtioa and j cents per hd for each ubo- quctii laacrtloa coatcact dtspwr adtrtia- mcntaitor s inches oc mora pt a id cent per inch each isacmioa advert laesacat wlth- out imciic dirsctloaa will b laaertod till orbld ai charged accord lag y laaagr and aaautsat editor telepiiohes- edltoriaj and bu tineas osm u luidgtcn ol ltcaldt tij hydro power rates now at maximum it is very gratifying news that the cost of hydro power to the municipalities has reached the maximum figure tiis opinion was given by ir adam beck to a deputation of representatives of several cities who waited upon him in connection with the- rates for domestic users inst week sir adam also prophesied that oftcr further installations at tho chippewa de velopment scheme which arc to bo undertaken early in the year that within a year there will be a down ward revision of tho rates for power to tho various municipalities all contract should be retained in canada in an effort to keep canadian labor as extensively employed as possible during the comingwinter the canadian manufacturers association has again been directing tho attention of governments federal pro vincial and municipal and all largo buying corpora tions to the importance of keeping contracts jn canada and thus contributing to tho volume of employment there has been rpore immigration this year than for sovoral years past and there iwill be a need for providing work f a larger number of people it will help materially to stave off uncm ploymcnt if all thqgc who control large scale buying will take pains to sec that canadianmade goods are specified when orders arc placed thursday morning november 15 1023 editorial british maids are making good of 526 girls that have been brought to saskatche wan from tho british isles from 1020 to june 15 1023 only six have returned overseas and of tho sum of 4541155 advanced to the girls the sum of 4298098 had been repaid up to june 15 400 having- repaid their loan in full and the balance of 126 paying all but the sum of 243057- the girls pame to canada to positions as household workers there appears 4q ho ample employment for all competent girls who may come and take positions as maids in canada accjdenla in the countrys factories industry in ontario today is facing a serious situation in the increasing number of accidents re ported to the workmens compensatioh board it appears that there were 50411 accidents of which 418 were fatal reported to the board in the year 1022 while for the twelve month period ending sepi tember30 1023 there were 59351 accidents reported byindustry to the compensation board of this pro vince and of these 37 were fatal the decrease in fatalities is worth while noting but the increase of an average of practically one thousand accidents each month is something in which the whole community is interested and something to which employer and employee alike should give careful thought it is a tact that many accidents can be prevented and it is llsp p fact that there are too many accidents hap pening today management and men should jointly lend a hand in a campaign of carefulness and help to reduce the heavy burden that accidents havelad upon industry in this country canadas prosperity continues the closo of the first half of the present fiscal year last week showed an increase of approximately ten million dollars in the revenue of the dominion as compared with last year for the six months of the present fiscal year which ended september 30 last revenue totalled 213092087 on september 30 1922 the corresponding total was 203107018 the in crease therefore amounted to 9084160 on the other hand there is revealed a decrease of over four million dollars in the ordinary expenditure of- the country ordinary expenditure foe the half year ending september 30 last amount to 134306768 as against 130492713 in the first half of the 192223 fiscal year this is a decrease of 4625045 this surely is manifest evidence of canadas prosperity some of us can remember when the entire revenue of the country was not equal to the increase now reported by tho minister of finance the remembering kind mrs jnnnon waa a llttlo woman ljfci had trmiikht her years of unro- mlttlng toll hut they had heen power loaa to hutxlua her cheerful spirit mow in her hil ago with an invalid husband to aupnort the problem that might have immmi too tllmcult even for her daunt leas soul woo tujtitenea by tn klndnom f the no inn bora who don llnually aought her help 1 thnlr houwe hold taknl pnhl for ii after a mom in apent in helping young mrs morrison majao currant jelly jin jnnaen mat down tu the dalntyluncheon with a lgtirf content a cup of tea will taata rual good aim aald und i declare if you havent got omo hally iunnt i remembered that you liked it mra morrison oxplalhed the old woman looked in admiration at her hoateaa you m one of the remembering kind alia axclalmod well i might liuvo guoaaod it hut to thfhk that you retnetnborod ultout mat i nuppoao mime folka nrn mucin tliat way and aoma aln t licit and ones been mar- rind forty yearn but he a in i ever learned that i dont eat bacon i aln aaylnjf thafchn can help it ifena been a real good min to me but aomralraea it doe mdi oueer that ha aint learn ed in forty yrara if i had a daughter i cortalnly would try to bring her up to be the remembering kind the remembering kind he quaint phtii ivuuli the tecret of many a woman whoso name beam a perfume in the mention flha may not ho brilliant or ixiautlfut or even especially charming- but aho ao enters into the uvea of others that aho remembers not oaly joys and sorrows but their likes and dlallkes no matter how whimsical it la she who sends the message of sympathy on anniversaries that others forget it la she who nils her guests room with tho guests favorite now era and takes away the clock that gets upon that particular guests prvm it is she who always remem bent whether you take sagar or aalt your cantaloup and she never sends you cerise slumber slippers when you prefer pale blue it la she who smooths ncounted rough comsga of ufa and dds untold comfort ff the passing day the remembering- kind may their tribe inoroasel editorial notes hoting- railway crossing signs back from tracks federal legislation will now be sought by the ontario motor league in connection with its cam paign to render level railway crossings safer for motorists the league has pointed out to the dominion railway board the advisability of a survey being made of the level crossings throughout ontario with tho object of ascertaining if they could not be rendered safer by tho removal of bushes or other obstructions to view in a letter to the execu tive of the league last week the board said the board is continually giving attention to the question of improving the view wherever feasible by the removal of trees and other obstructions this phase oftbe matter is one which is constantly kept in mind by the boards inspecting officials it is signi ficant that the league wrote to the railway board pointing out the lack of protection afforded at the oakville level crossing two days before tho serious accident which took place there recently had this warning been- at once acted upon by the railway boards officials the accident would in all probability have been averted the motor league is on the right track in this matter and it is hoped that satis factory action will promptly be taken to better existing conditions improving the old cemetery for many years tho old cemetery in front of which originally stood tho old presbyterian church has been sadly neglected weeds and brambles and unsightly shrubs are growing promiscuously over graves plots and walks monuments and tomb stones have fallen down some have been ruthlessly broken or marred by thoughtless boys who make this sacred old spot a playground only last week a citizen who resides near the cemetery called at this offlco to complain that a boy or boys had been there a short time before and deliberately had broke corners off a fine granite monument with a hammer or an iron bar tho condition of thisplace where numbers of tho early settlers of acton and vicinity are buried is deplorable brampton has an old cemetery in similar condition last week r martin president of brampton horticultural society took steps toward putting this neglected spot into a tidy and attractive condition he has plans for a community effort why could not our owi horticultural society in augurate some- similar plan to rehabilitate the old acton cemetery the community would undoubted ly follow intelligent leadership in thuf important matter and no local organisation could more pro perly take the matter lo handv if die old cemetery were cleaned up the monuments nd tomb stone straightened the paths made- tidy the premises would bo one off aetnas beauty spots it is situated with an entrance from river street ad- adjoins altons public park sndwuid be made an attractive jtuict to that munwpat possession ytsocfaty entertain tjie propotj fmidtqnittosprmhnpvit depui canada is surely growing customs and excise revenue increased 22352637 during the seven months which ended with october as compared with the corresponding period last year according to figures furnished by the department of customs and excise there is one compensating feature of the vote on the liquor question jast week in alberta the effort of the hold men to have tho bars restored was uncompromisingly defeated of the 150000 votes polled only about 3500 voted for the return of tho barroom it looks as though the british government in offering to extend the british preference so as to include fresh apples canned salmon fruit juices and honey imported into britain fro nt other parts of the british empire would hit certain impprts from the united states a rather hard blow homo interests first howover the government at ottawa will do well to hand out a definite and understandable ruling on tho new sales tax that comes into force on january 1 now taxes are never popular and this new sales tax is no exception at present every business man one talks to has a different view of it and no one seems to know exactly what they will have to do tho milton reformer still in the hands of its founder richard white has added another year to its long journalistic history which twelve months hence will have readied its fortieth year no local newspaper is more loyal to its constituency no news paper man in the county pays more strict attention to the work of his office and no editor is more fully satisfied with the returns resulting from his journals enterprise playing separate a slalom now in middle life spent their girlhood in a small new en- lam ilia- where they were carefully and trlctly reared they had few com panions nearly all their games they made up and in time they grew to prefer them to others that tradition or their alders supplied one of the games they called sep arata when they grew tired of each others society one of them would auggrest that they play that game starting- in opposite directions from a given point they tried to keep away from each other as ion as thay could that was the whole game the longer they kept apart the more successful was the sport if they stumbled upon the same hiding place or if they so much as saw each other they had begin all over again the thing is so absurdly simple that tt does not seem at first glance to de serve to be called a game at ail never theless in the passing of time it hom come to stand out in the minds those two women as mora interesting than any other game of their child life the reason is that it rests on basis of sound psychology it anneals a fundamental need often overlooked as adults the two women see that the simple gama lessened the friction of their early years and they believe that many persons who must live in aaaoclatlon with others would be hap pier tr they would only learn to play separate with understanding and good humor r last winter a bright energetic oman the mother of a family of gr sons and daughters decided to take a vacation sh a that she was tlrut to bermuda and to the amaxement of her family that she was gains alone she did it and had the moat aallafaotory vacation of her life for not only waa the trip itself da- llgbtful but the brief separation quick ened her love for her family and their love for her r vor those who have grown irritable and weary because of the strain of being constantly with the same per sons there ts no better way to set u new grip on themselves than to do as the little girls and the wise mother did let them go away alone to aoek new faoe fn new scenes to nil the days wlttr- unaccustomed occupation and the mind with rresh thojjhts in a word to play separate many young boys are growing up in this town whose futures are as yet to to carved out if taught the proper use of their brain power wbilo young they will become selfmade men of tho future if allowed to drift along until they arrive at mans estate they will find greater rse for tho hand than for tho brain they may not become failures but at best they wilt bo simply cogs in the machinery of better men kincardine reporter tho referendum in alberta possibly does not show so much a desire for liquor as a fear of law lessness says tho montreal witness it does demon strate a great ign prance on tho part of a largo per centage of voters as to the actual facts the menace of alcohol and the advantage of prohibition to circulate papers that keep people informed should bo one of tho first efforts of every individual organiza tion and church that believes in prohibition tho appcaranco of an advertisement in tho tor onto dallies a few days ago requesting freight for the first cargo for a steamship direct from toronto to vancouver marks tho first realization of the city as an ocean port tho experiment of shipping direct from montreal to vancouver was recently tried via tho panama canal with entire success which has no doubt encouraged the enterprising manufacturers of toronto to attempt the same wo have no doubt it will also be successful thus bringing to toronto the realization of its long cherished hope of being really and truly an ocean port at least for a portion of tho year beaver ton express since the successful issue by the dominion gov ernment of a domestic loan of 200000oqq tho pro vince or ontario has placed a loan of 40000000 the greater part of which has already found its way into tho hands of investors except during the war there baa never been financing on so large a scale in the dominion the success of these two loans is a master of some prido to all citizens of canada and made an attraotfre iguniwell for the future of the dominion the on wfllttrjota ijmattin products of canada those of tho field oaal and tajitt- fermtanjr miritfs are finding markets abroad in ii aja xlai- mjng volume despite the unsatisfactory cqndi- jm tfvn in so many countries british held bull fights long aqo hull flghtlna was not always a peculiarly spanish institution it was common fainuaement in great ilritain in a somewhat different form the bull was tied to a stake after having the points of its horns padded pierce dogs were let loose on tt and terrlna battle would ensue bull dogs were bred specially for ths sporl their peculiar jaw gave a grip oo itrong that the bull could not throw off lis attackers once their teeth had met in its shoulder bearbaltln too was popular during the tlmee of queen uary and queen kllaabeth hootweru fond of bearbaitings and bullnghts great men kept rings and there waa one in nearly every place of uaement llankalde was a notid place fur the eport in london the charges for admission were u penni ti enter another penny to go in tho grand stand and a third penny for equivalent of reserved seats thursday and sundays wra the rav- ite days for baiting bears and bulla t one time tbe theatre were ordorod to close down on the former day so that competition should not interferr- with the baitings asleep- in no mans land are you like one of those men whom htuddert- kennedy pictures in one of hbj speeches whom he found asleep between the lines in no utni land and who was aurprtaed at being srous- i0 you know shouted utudderi- ennedy that theres a war unl it is only those who are spiritually asleep who f to see that there u h ar unliiuw not against the individual urawarj oft an a good and generous man not against the saloonkeeper htmaeir when i was rector of a parish t always regarded the saloonkeeper as much my parishioner as any one alse egnint the individual tnoderuti drinker but against he drink itaelf irlnk has grown to be such a colos sal national evil that as lord hoa- bery auld it will strangle the state if the state does not strangle it lllshup of london the wrong finisher a teacher waa on day giving a o- ooii in a hoottlsh school when sud denly she caught sight of a utile boy moving up and dawn and then nutting his head under a daak and than up uaaln t wurried bar vary much so she nt up to him and was just gelng oak him what was the matter when she aaw htm with a big round sweelja hhe told him to go and on tab tt in the as she went on with her lesson sho saw another uttla boy crying bitterly hhe want up to him and ashed him what ha was crying for lis replied iloaae teacher that was my sweetie that that boy had i only 1st hlni have a n of it to have a sobk v the best thing at thtv fair in tin unurcountabln moment of gon eronlty zebujon coleman had prom litod to takn his wife with him to the htulo fiilr while ho wan feeding his durtk jerseys he counted up tho extra cost of taking harnh willi him and he could not give himself any senslhln reason for such a waee of sixteen dollars tho only excuse ho could think of waa that harah had not lean on the placo for more than a dnf at a time in thirty years and tho trip might do her good- anyway he had promlsetl and he was in for ll when they got to thq fair sarah did not tag round after zebu ion as hit had expected her to do when she hud learned where tho different hutld ings were aha fol her husband go to the trotting races and the foxhound races and other events that she did not care for sarah realty found a lof of interesting things tho machinery exhibits tho hiirnemuknra exhibits and tlie riminim whom they allowed pint urns and pieces of handwork she mot several women from her own nelgh- ixirliihid and they attended moollngs of the homnmalors club on tho way home she aeetned in uch good spirits that xobulon felt that the nix toe n dollars wua not wholly yraatod itnaldoa a he cuuld economise on something about the house to help make up the expense well sarah he aald after supper what was thn mini interna ting ihlng you iwwr mil rah face to face with thv appal ling amount or work that awaited hsr return sank down in a rocking chair the moat interesting thing 1 aaw zoli aha replied was that chore boy didnt ynu eoe it over where all the englnea and machines whizzing and puffing what do you mean sarah zeh- ulon looked at her a uttla uneasily what waa a chore boy doln among the machines r why aald sarah it was ana jit those little churing engines no bigger than a tub and it ran a washing nu- ctilno at one end a churn at the other they had a card on it that aald the chore lloy that never gels tired zeliulon tcrnped his feet a little un easily on the rag carpet it only cost twentyfour dollars riimarlced sarah well wacunt afford it aald zeb- ulon ulwaym ready to atop the rtrsl inslijioua advance op hi bank ac count heckon well have to aald sarah i ordored cn and it 11 he hero uat- iown went zebu ions newspaper you ordered itt he shouted sarah nodded til pay for it with themonay my new coat would have didnt know you were roln to hftvo a new coat 1 wasnt aald sarah thats why took the price of i for a chore boy and that was what he got by spend a sixteen dollars to give sarah a good time well it would never hap pen again he cleared his throat for an explosion but just then their near est neighbor came to the back door and sarah went to the kitchen well mrs coleman zebu ion heard the neighbor oak did you have a good time at the falrt yes aald sarahs emphatic voice i did and im go in every year what did you bring baekt asked the neighbor f hpunkt aald sarah significantly and zebulon slowly picked up the liapur und began to flgum on the mar gin with the atub of a pencil how h should get along without that twenty four dollars economy that does not pay nro an nronomliuil in of approrlntlun an if r a wal ohn thlnkx bomo people i thalr expression they coat a dnllai there is nobody like hie mothur has the utmost ndinlratlon for tho wny aho munugna thnlr lltll home fin i modeat nromo jin xnown that in r pie crut lu uiinurptutsed and in hku heart tie la profoundly grateful for the love which hue blcuwvl him ill hla llfo hut he never nuyu uny f theae thlnga tie leuvex tils moter to get them by intuition nml he would be urprued if he knew how uttla ho really does guess soma of us are economizing on choerfoinetui wu anvn our umllea for some especial occaahin an we savo our immu frocka or mint lure hand kerchief soihn folka iircm to think that an overcoat nulky fuco la quite good enough for every day audi a fretful wjmptojnlnjf voire murncru for saying ordinary thlnga tho fact of the mutter in that clunirfulnrnn can ho worn dally and in only brighter and stronger for the next rtny a cliimrfut- ness that if reserved or capfinlul or- caalona tsa very flimsy variety it m the most mistaken economy in the world m economize on cheerfulness some of you tare too economical with sympathy you say it for thoap of your frlenda who nro in trouble but you ronomlxn by falling lo nympathlzn with the happy iiow often the joy js inkin out or 1iom little uu and triumphs hecauao there is tu to lie glad with tlmm tl mmi to weep with those who woe rouplml with the lounmil lo riaipv jolce mpdle rhyme my drat is in atoit but not in in my seconds in house but not my third lln mother but not n ma my fourth la in near uii well uj in far my nrth is in muffin ut t ot in cake my alxui la in luck hut ii t in draka my seventh- n ahfithurd but not in my whole la a bird con e a eas if you can ana wer oalr ch making up your mind if you do not know your nwn mind do not try lo got mimo one elite tn interpret it foi vou tin r in some thing really pathetic in the iiltflit nl young peopht iihklng ndvlrn not i hut may profit by the nuperloi- wlm hut that thuy un have the lt of mother decision in muklnu up thel own mlmlm i dont know whul 1 1 uu frilled u nmull ixiy urnndinu i wluli y tell me what i wunt to do a tut m of you who nro older ntlll pi our that unfortunate dependent on i oc in inn of others you need ut oiui lo toll you whether you wunt kenp on in arhool or ntop to kii work you want some friend to dec on the oourae of nttidy ytiu she pjl ratio home young imople ran eveti purcnuea uii article or wearing apparel without tukllljf home frlunil along to make up their nil ruin fur ihetn and of t nurse the longer thuy indulge fhenmolveu in thin the harder it to be independent know what yu like without appealing to anybody iurn to make up your mind without iihmluhinco choose a possible goal i not upoll your life by tlxlng lm- ikiealbln ronltt for yournolf one of thn maddest thlnga in tho world is in enn u girl who hna no mnalial ear or mimical taste- atruggllng with piano practice three or four hnura a day or a yotliik fellow who has not the luust qualltlt atloti for tin practice of lawj jiiiterlnif the liiw arhool bocuuen hta noreiils toiialdor ihut u dexlrnhlo pro- uo not wunte your energy trying to do tin thing for which you are not at till nttod your natural aptitude la it algn nmt directing you to the hlgheut uu cent pctnalhln to you texas bull attacks train a mad bull recently duputed a rail way right if wuy with u passenger train in western toxaa seeing the train upprouchlng along the tracks tha erased unlmul chargod madly toward thn train and crashed into the engine with tretnemtnu force ht great waa the impact that tho mglno and baggagecar were thrown into a ditch und ixith tho engine- driver and the fireman had to aavu themselves by jumping not a mathemat1can t much 1 nm r clan aald to your trouble your earnings i aches and palna i tention 1 can tak work and dlscour safety muthnmatl- ut i can add i can ub tract from can multiply your can divide your at interest from your it your chances gems op thought we are fond of exaggerating the lov our friends bear ua but it la often leas from a principle of gratitude than the desire of prejudicing people in favor of our own mertl- lj heche- foucauld long la the journey of a deceitful friend though hj dwell near thee but direct lias the path to a ruithful friend though he dwolleth afar off rider kdda tin always the other people be foou lu this world it ho ida of lire genera tls said the world be full effools yet no man will ever allow la one selfsacrifice is not sorrow or gloom that la true because love never counts what it loves and the greatest pleas ure of lira is tho privilege of bestow lnr he forgiveness of tha lord is not sonio sweet and ineffectual senlunent it is tho mighty energy of creation engaged in tha work of to creation that which we see in others we icoitsclausly bring to tha light even i the artist brings to tha light what he eoos in the block of marble our great nd today la to havo our hearts tuned to the loving- pur poses of our god and in tune also to tha principles of christian living outwards forms the loulest atlll re ceive tbjslr finer influence from tha life within b t coleridge good man la one who loves god ulul hla fellow men jfeaus taught that love was the key which unlocked the old hook his faith but as the fashion of hla hat it aver alianges with tho next block shakespeare my oul ittt thou a patient looker on judge not the ptay until the play bj done quartos ivo alwayn love those who admire but not always those whom we ud lie who makes the llible m dally lonipahlon enlarges hla soul dally easier to know tuati in general man in particular easy to bark fault hiding la uu easy job and thousands of people ur working- at it without ly tt takes an effort to ao- lompllsh things worth while isauo mocurry illustrates it this way a dof hitched ti i lawn mower atopped to bark at a pwarby thn lmy who was riding to lawn mower oajd dont mind tha dog he is juat barking for uti exou to real u is easier to bark than pull tha machine it is easier to u critical thai oqr- ract it la doaur to tttroy reputation than to coivstruu character anybody call gamble criticise or cenaure but it takes a big man to go on working faithfully at a constructive task norman okla tranocrlpt church bells the amaoclatteu at twlla with religion goes back to the remotest ogeal and we hnd them mentioned in tha hlatory of the ancient jews of the greeks sini ilomana and of the lsgyptlana and assyrians while they have also a prominent part today in roust of the orwl of th east la tne christian fulih we first 04 rocord of balls be ing used whas paraoautlons oeaaed and servjom bgaj tp b jogld openly in aaoa whan clock aftd watches were unknown church bolls oarved very real purpoms in cpullsst contegatleni not necessarily eftsreti but to pray- new lamp burns 94 per cent air beats euctria or gas a new oil lamp that gives an unii- lugly brilliant soft white light eveti i totter than gas or eltrctrlcity has boen basted by the u b government and 36 leading universities and found to be superior to id ordinary oil lamp it burn without odor smoke or noise no pumping up la simple clean oafo hums d air hnd t common kerosene coal oil the inventor v n johnson te craig st w montreal is offering to send a lamp on 10 day a piles trial or even to give one rlleb to the firat user in each locality who will belt him introduce it write him to da for full particulars also ask him to explain iow you can get the agency and without experience or money make is0 to 1e00 per month substitute for wood this eeoma to be the day und ugu o mubstltutea the latent along tlib lln wim uncovered by u norwegian union tint who has succeeded in making artificial wood which la sulh to pos ses all tha characteristics of tlin na tural product and is as hard an oak it can ha tjafod planed borod nailed painted stained or hllshed und can 1h used for all purposue thn same as real lumber tho com poult ion is a mixture of sawdust chalk chemical etc in the proper proportion as yt aeon no compuriaan of tho price be- twxnil till muhstltutnand th real article hua been given even the country cow knew tho cly jjlrl boarding in the country spoke to thn farmer about the savage way in which the cow regarded her weir aald thn farmer it must be on account of that rod waist youre wearing ier i coursn i ki but hud t cried tho girl of w its terribly out of wtyh idea a country cow would business directory dr j a mcniven phyelolsn and surgeon offloo and flesldonco corner avenue and elgin street phonic bh dr e j nelson vivmmzhiiik htklict aeten ontario dr w s- laird olf uorll ho woolwich street icyo icar nose and throat r legal ihono no 22 j o uox sm harold nash farmer m a barrister bolioltor notary pub tic conveysnoer ijte ferryman block acton ont moni2y llnt on molltoaolcs hours 0 30 am to c p m saturduya 12 00 ifilock h g meir barrister solicitor notary public gsorastown ont dental dr j m bell d d s l d a dantlat honor graduate of toronto unlrar- alty tiie latest anesthetic used if desired ofqoe at reside frederick 8 tree l loe corner mill and dr f g gollop dd s l da dantal surgeon orlce over bank of nova scotia hoitrs 9 so to b so icvenlngs by appointment miscellaneous francis nunan bookbindar account books of all kinds made to order periodicals of every description carefully bound huling- neatly and promptl7 dona wyndham street quelph oat over williams store lodge directory tom 1 uy old chap ive got hen that laid an egg three lonjf the other day ham thats nothing i ca homethiuu- to beat that tom an ostrich 1 expect sum no an eggbeater wanted women weavers for wool len mill 50 hours per week saturday free learners taughl harris co limited hockwood aluminum cooking utensils a row of shining aluminum cooking utensils will make a bright spot in your kitchen this winter tho shining bright ness of aluminum-it- not its only virtue it is the lightest and most durable of kitchen wares and its even acquisition and long retention of heat make it tho ideal material for cooking utensils w d talbot main street phone 76 acton ontario family banking r keeping wiifa its practice of extending to it cuocotnccn every proper bomaang oooco- moda the bplt of monteetdircct nrnrioo to the fact that many hiubanda and wives mstntttn joint accounts with this burituoon a convenient arrangement whereby either may deposit or withdraw as the occasion denund 4 chequing accounts for the purpose of dealing with household mxxmnts may also he opened it is ike aim of the bank to oe helftfui in matter financial acton branch b shorey manager bank of moist established over iqqj 3p sons of england lodqe woodqreen no 302 meatln rt and third thursday la oach month at h p m in l o o v hall mtimbara and visiting mom bora cordlajty invltod to attend precious w p j little sao rotary acton l o l no 467 thn momlwra of u o t u 4c7 will liiild a auulaj y ovnln in tho 1hbo roam 1a j on frtduy ottolmr 28 kvtry memlmiru lnvltad to bo iimsunt tiiktkoud c v kennedy w m it h r j kerr auctioneer and real estate agent 17 yoara exporltmoa acton ontario balea ontruatod to jl of kerr -i- clv attention from data of llatins to data of aula liat your aalef with tno itosldonoo bow or jlvontio acton phono 3 ac ton call at toy axpanao e pbowman basc ols land surveying and engineering 10 doualasst quelph suoaor to th ut d a nlvn o l s jekckavfrg g ti0honio a4to j e cheevers book dimoer q st et uulph onc liookd hd muifuslnow bound id haqauiu uid bubauntul uovry dumri uturd tn vald un yub hymn hooka and uuir booka all work promptly bkaoutad the old and reliable grsnlu and marble work wo ar manutaoturara mid dlraol importor or all idnda o uonuiuonul lid uaadatoaa work wa all illiaoi lo our auatomara at wbolaaala prlo thua aavtna oar ouatomara 0 bar oont wa ht tbo baat aupllanoaa and th ooltaaobaiuos in tha dominion bo eaa obarau pnaumatlo toola proparty we can at iernoa trom huodrwui of our auatomara in toronto and ouiar damm whan othara hta to naa uw iatula eroer to oollaoi we bv the lariaat and bett took of aranlta la theooralaion or note tnan eiiy throe tox wt w ex lu- aeatera and employ no eceara bpv4a not annoy vr past ouatomara krieeaun eut icnorant aollolt- iomata we employ jj mav oorapeuuon amploy only tnaonanoe and mir oorapeuuon 1amilt0n sons