Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 13, 1923, p. 3

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wjnmwrprjt7 ytttt shg acton 3frcrlrrbb tiiuhhijay dcrlkmiujt 13 iuj3 111 iih irlii rn urciiiik minion 1 loin uin win iin iiuok i film for rmnii o hlioitli nl mii crivi iimlln llkii irl lrmk iih duy in llu liinrton hlnuiy in nli it foui 1t nhiifr rlui iu mini- 1 o hbcph hlilhiird i illt mhii til it il tun mil h i injlo llko iliinr llko tu ml win nlalit win tit li iliukni 1ut iii hr an luylt hbalnxt lili an lo jitrnliinr frawn dont hrlntt rilut hil hut do hliilin hn mnll lotto an ortt 111 liruulc hh hlmylh ml it li h it ding f oultr lilmntn i w ulllior dflfciilii hy romik v i my frlmul lif inlllii id conniy llylr whtrti imiiiirlniim uiki mutiny mid tho imiin unity iw unurulofu tmilti itimlnutliin hi in lllliil wllli r rod it ilio ulviinuib r rvm iiih llitl thin jlyd u ntloi rmnluhfimiur wmm till nutujulty illd know lin wi inonllnit tnilil c1m1 food unil f rlr t dallon limo xlri rpuuury iff iuu ln- tlin wiiti ii oomfurtubly liuuhnd and nut ovonrnwdixt allow ubout four hijuurn fmit tit floui bint und kn that all runkm nnd opoiihiifu ut iho riir mid ulrtun tit tlm huuao wro ulowuftu nmvont ilntlitfhtm ottmrwlui onlltt urn llkily to rtovolop which not only rntnnt irodui tlon hut of ton 000 tlm lo of bird a littlo purmimifonuto of notunh hand in ihf drlnktnjf wutor onoiitfli to ulvo a donp winn color wilt luli to tirtivont tlm proud in tf of uatnfrhiil cold but in morn inrlon cumii bird nhould bu uolntod und troutml by washing tho oyou noutrllm nnd llirnnt with u solu tion of ik rue la acid cotton ud in tho tipurt front linun- aliould bn kopt brutjliixt off und rdiould m opened up on flno day to fuoltltam ventilation thlu will nlo prnvont thu uacumulfttlun ut ia o in turn which 1 mom injurlou to th hnalth of thn bird tlmn cold 1lonty of nloun utter nhould bo provided for hcnttolilna pur- pomcji llco which ara unuully prcnont in certain numbor nhould bo kept in control thu truiy bo dona by duatlnff tha bird with lnuaal powder or by mourlnir the nkln around th vml with blue ointment about tho lxo of u pea cam should bo taken not to ktnoar the foathorn with thin ointment a vraln mbcturo should bu fenl in tho llttor morning and ovenlnn vad at the rate of about ono quart per day to ten bird a mixture oonlijiic of equal purttf cracked oortl wheat und cair ha ulvori aplundld eutlafartl ut thle btation buckwheat or barley my be ued to replace tho corn but in audi cnjmj only the beat oau avail able ahould be uaed in unlor tt reduce tha amount of fibre a dry maah ahould b kept in hnp- pera before the bird ut all time a tnash conlntlnt of 100 pound wheat bran 00 pound m hid i tne 100 pound corn meal 7g pounda ground oat 1c pound unaoed meal 3 ik und char coal and 100 pound baof ecrapa will tlve kod reault if aklm milk but termilk or moat la uvallabln the beef- acrap may be omitted a portion of the abovo moan may be moutened with aklm milk of water and fed to th mrd at noon olvo them what they will eat up clean in a few mnut commercial rjydy mixed iterate h feed and miuhea may be fed if mo dealrod but allkhtly araalor xufna havo beei obtained at thla station by foedlns the homemixed feed qrlt oyeter ahell and fraah water ahould be providod at all time flreen feed auch a cabbage manicela boot turnlpa clover aprouted uuta und alf alfa ahould alau be provided dully tho lattor two may be ateomed and fed in the maah or the leavea may bo fed dry in rack or boxea a doao of kpaom aalta at the rate of one pound per hundred bird ijlvori ut interval for two or throo i wenkn will help to koep the blrda healthy and prevent inteaunal disorder iroflt from hen dopenda vury large ly upon winter on production ilreed- ing pjoya an lmkrtunt part in winter production but inonlor that the reaul from breedlnt may ik obtained ood food and earn ure uuopsnary h ij learvi kximrlllloiltul b tat ion rrudarictun n ii tho irtth t i will hlh uo mnj hjilrll lu biiur muiilfniilml r hi bor of thn hindi ut tti houd of tho p unrliorh rlirht ul el xilnl i unovn i hflti- ii tu fur thl it it the uh luul wnok it th uttlo whitro 11 i wax a imiy ouuh thti lultle iept liylnklntf u 1 lite of jl uvvv u low 1 rttrun1l imki itiithlutf thn tunalcit curly hnul while monbaiumh pluyod ut hld ith lit ht ttml llwrllt willi wh and wh o thn 1 op oucli huii brownod 1 b boy it lltllu by i drnuiiix tho dr minn i i uboy u tlttht boy 1 lir thf urtild hut throusjb tin luttlo iiirauniml over my fnldod n uuemod to have the iflft of prophecy and to brlnif m kllmpuna of ttmo t who uiibood clurloi lied tu kh that wiui thn s all when i waa u boy- otot 11- lltlh boy unit ut ho poll ounlllorn with t lllorx und a nw u ubln luritor uifun icutitt of vi ty oldfuahloud mpliit id upprohatlon if wrvli e rom tlli 11k th o niter ttutrtf thins to it 1 for mo wuy hut it hi tho luimi m vory iclud und hi never iimplred lo und mary uayn it mho would nivir ywuy mo tlon ulwuyi fulrnvaa iwiiy the 00y who was biqk of his jod 1 nick of hi jid 1 hlu bin ho iliihfcrieni imld duvi itinipeit mill i tu hi altli hli ri wuu movvd t ry unuuiiul thln lm u of ho liniiulmi t k wuh ollr und lu n for u man of y iltitn fiirmuhillnir ttio thouuhl lf iulrt lud kriiik intttlit do itoh idoii that lil ik fur 1 mitiry ii vt loiuptu a n hi mluiinilomlu ui iiomiii1 umiuiiu- uh lvull- in look lilt ivit rlm ilftin r uln on fiioixlnhll lillf hi iou1 itt he ii hllllml ut yo why job wvll- nw 1 uulioi tjlut tubki il ullhu nlok of your old thlnu yo it ll iiutly t thn jilin oti know all ulteethnr uf th ilolik lie world kful too lunlclpal jtiat i nipalgna hiylnir i uaud to mil littlo hoyi u moon would ill llko to loop who wlmn t whm a boy- for in that lnttloo peep llrlnslnh hur tide of dreulntl tu swoop tho amsao und tfilf of the yoiira away ivom tho heunt that 1 weary und faint today and thoae dreama nhould ulvo mo intck usulu imaco i huve never known ulncti l boy a httlo btiyl huuu ku1i the when i win the kind that rises an interejttlnir und alknlflcent lunl dent 1 told by u tnombor of u law firm who hlrvd a ituaalau jew a oltlco boy ho wbi amull und obviously un do rfod and hla employur soon arranged that ho ahould have ut leaat one ghml meal u day in a nearby roatuuntnu latnr ho sot lolnim for him in u better dlatrlct than that iii whloh he hud grown up within a year he wu attendliiht loo- turea at uh evouliig aw school in tho ottlce hti did not walt to bo told what to do fo did thlubja when he hud u moinonta lolaure ho boiled law hooka borne time in hi mooiii1 yur hv uaked advice on a ttolnt of taw saying he did hot ugroo with the luwachool louturer on tho mat tor auk tno toniorrow im busy auld tho lawyer hut pluuao tell nirt whurv to look it wont do me any good union 1 have it today why notr the boy rulld well you eee i lio- tura tonight und the point conioe up iolun wheru t to whomt why to my olaaa i have thirty boy und im delivering luat yeu luwauliool lecture to them ut toil cenui u hoail the lawyer looked up tlm point foi um udnfrurii who i now u rlnlng law yer lnu grout elty when thla otfunwlny undpioduut of the atrwuta und night hohooln wum ilrat umployud he lould apull wi lli olaur lcnifllah and purne whluh it morn than u uood many high uuhitol gruduutvm can do he got hi 1c tig 1 11 n tho oldfuahloned way thtough apelllilg gruimnui und writing but could nut havt paaautl an tmtruinw kmluutluii in icngllah hvtuu could not havo told thu plot of lloi lcarnond an imphe88i0n thotoucher wua trying very hard to convoy the meaning of the word tin- proa ion to thu huiioiuih lu itijr uluari after giving many ijluatruilnyim ahe said lluya 1 huvn nn iniprvudou in my mind can anyone toll mo thu moan ing tho wortl impiesaloiit yea ml- uuhworotl u smart httlo fellow well what iv itt unked hie touch er a dent in a amall spoil wui boya reply th tommv8 wav 1 vory ul hlatcr tommy ydu naughty boy to slap lutby tonuiiy lie drank all my ink und now he wont out i hi blotting paper tttose boyhood days till king und thinking of tlm tlmi when i was u boy awakena miimorlmi of tha far back daya in thla community and juat now of experience ut thlu time of your when we were hoy thut la when t and haf a doxon or more other gruy hoiida who uro atlll here und who ient their early day here ue aoon u tho tlrat snow of winter mantled thn earth with ita white robe und atrung fry gar land a on tho evergreen iwjugha of tho pine und the cedars tiatlvo juuilh would como down f thn wood and introduce tbem- to thn chicken of our hurnyurd invariably with tho approach gf cold weather mother would miy to u boyi dont forget tho bird whon you feud the fowui 1 we had no more idea then of for getting tho blrda by which viamo mother included ull of tho faithful friend which remained with ua ull through the winter than we hud of overlooking tho cow or tho oxen tho robin the wren the awejtowa even the blackbird and the chickadee told ua boodbye juat a aoon a tho froat turned the fulling leave into red und cold hut the natlvb auait the crouee the pheuaant tho bob white und the meadow lark remained tho lur of distant warmer cjlmca tho charm of other- avuthem- pjace did not make them take wing wo boy loved them because of their hnmituylng luull- to and devotion and woo to the ihapa who would dare to wcaru thorn by stoning or with ht gun inder tbn broadsproadlng roof ol our wood ahid we kept a km re clean apace on the ground whoro wo could brow crucked grain bread crumb anil leftover bit from the family tablo how thu birds enjoyed eating ut free lunch counter am the big abed va open at he front und omw th bird could enter und leave without difficulty one bird uwnted lo huv u way of telling another for tho upn-nr- ice of one lurk or the initial vult of bob white ulwayu muuiit two or iree more of the auino kind before 10 day nndwl hat u happy fralfruul uplrit there wua innong tlmau faathcmd frlotiiln of our all would aliure the common aproad provhlott by mothor und oiir- aelveawlth uo uurrulllng or juibbllng bomatlmea u nolsy crow would f1ai down into tin ahtxl and join the other bird th upeuruiico of thl blucu- robod troubln-makm- ut ui other time or pluco would huvo rreatud u dlnturb an co hut nothing of tha kind hup poned hum jlpi cfiw keoiiiod t luideratutkr with ull the other that thl wua u pouru tublo atnung thu regular puttukur of our bounty tho iimuituw lurk wa the only hint that rouhl toniroa hi grutltudi ami thvho wole hie ahyailt creature of ull heldom did wo moo 1 thowo iuily day morn than four or five yullnwlrounud vlator lu our wood uhud hut uh often a they came thoy sang for u giving tho- lnjt they hud in trilling note und bllng melody hivury time 1 hoar leadow lurk in ttute thiya it tukea tnu bauk to hiy itoyhood wlnni thn miadow larkm vlalted u lu wlntr line lcvmi through the blinding auow nwlrlmthut on blustery day amntherod lh hill and held in u muio of pow- dety nake w could hear the aweet tone of the lurk ajway thu yellow- bruaat wuu futthful duvotad und true und for thl wo lovttd him do ytu wondor tlntn hut now um winter l- glna unil htuiw fall toverlug ho round thut my thought wander luirk to tiod oaily day wlmu we tuy and 1 ho bird were intlmat miuid whim i wa u boy a ultle boy hlnro thi tilootlun of councllloia luut wuek my tbiiuglitw have huii roumlng over thu rlfty year nlmoaoton boguu hur municipal uluotlon i wa ut that lliat oluutlon lu 173 whon w ii utorey wa ulentud uuovo und john hpolght aa j lull dr miourvlu und fhurlo t hill were tuudo aotou rlil couiiclllorm they wero all uluul by uuolumutloii they hurvud til town faithfully but only mr htoruy kept in harno until hi uialh i think no your liaseod from 1m7s utiol ihiw the ytr of id puaulng uivay that he wh not either a momlwr if council or thu hoimioi hoard und etlmu of both hut his oxihilinctr wa hot thut of iho uvurugo cltlxcm who hu won will ing to auorlflte lime und tioi in- tore hi thu aurvlon of the town ovor und over nulu lumi have lnjuil ul lu the tlrat or hoooihi year 11 they huvn been tundlduto ut hod of tho poll viiur ufter year thoy have iontlnuud iti omo and almost invariably tmforo lijoy milro thoy huv lol in their vote until hy the time they are thinking of ndhlug tljelr service axe forgotten niul nyuolf upon to b blucusuardod uvry tom dluk and lfariy whothor hoy owikhi u foot of land lu tho town or a plot in thu omuinry no mld- liluhl hour aicomung cuiinrll tnoot- intf or oynlor niiiiper or such no council for you my man your plac lu ut home with me or tuku ma with you whom you go well i made mary soutlmontw mlim und im itlud i imvor got mlkl up with tnunlolpal pnlltlcu i tunt bo dropped out of alght without u word or lm dropped down from tho hnud to the tult of thu poll wol i goodhyo for thl tlmn times up th nlo think your nm of tho passing of time thu following muxlm old and new uhould make u think of tho value of timt any time meun no time moat time a man who doe nothing iieverhtiti 11 mo to do utiythlng he who hu moat time ha nonu to nothing la mora pmcloua thuli time and nothing loaa valued no rewurd calf recover lost tlmi he alwayw in time too lute 1 crime the time that bear no fruit dtmei no namo life 1 but time waste the lu und you reduce the formot you muy havo tlm uituln but m tho time takn time when time lu for t will uwuy time preaont 1 tho only tlmo how lib follow i well not to bmllo hit could have old ho hud wlveii comb tlon und ho und km work hot wen 11 thorn its ix good thing when your wprk gooa ktulo to lutoroitt youri ihu luoo of the yellow on uhu ifw a uiuii way to bo rudy ftr i tlon and it eaay to c alck uny job unloum you koop huirn jluil out thitr abort tried if uiiyonn rank what u time 1 wu on bin vuca- dy divided hlu diminishing friction in thin frh hon frioi d imy aii uny ohlclug it to n void a dliiuhhlo ottllng tho uiitli id jf thlu kind ul bant wo ul frl in inplm i gems op thought of mil itukhig ii ill fl 1 one in glow ho iiltlpltitoly fr lo mo hhnnoir in i loo jc r t wauhlng inoitixitlvii it thut othoru in- flr ho lvhy iho lollglo ti phuihle f do tholr plrltllul wuu 11 in wild animals and catnip koliert said nothing und uftor u mlnutti frank wont on if your pluco dinmit have u ruturn it well to iilt txiforn you get into a rut i wouldnt keep a place if i knew i hud reached my limit und thut promotion wua out if the latlo dont well komn of our men got uohort owned tl little rolu they tut do thoy 7 ibout that promoted mintly then tnaki on ol be of noun can bo provident of- 1 a not prudent lu the choir ompuny discoveries that brilliant artist mr tilmpaon ha u gift of rw par too other day a frlund remarked i am- you uro hilled to write an urtlclo for iiv of ho paper i didnt know you could writo 1 well if it comoit to thut roplud ulmpaun 1 didnt know thut- you could read it interesting by durlding tu b itohert wa silent hi on of injury thut krnnk did not ii ollnod to do anything for him lost iisolf pronoutly in lnturvht in what lrunk wnu saying whon i find myself hotting nick of tny worki look around tlrat to oo if ii learned all i can ubout ii unit if i have i try to pick up uomothliig about the other follow work i cant koop inu rent ml if thnro nothing more to icum and then i look uhoud und try to nnd the abort cut betwoen the work im doing upd the work a head of tho oompuuy a long aw you keep growing und kiip hoping tho pluco ypu 111 la bound to be one of the moat treating thlnna in tho world im very old i lob but i havo found can make your old work aee ulmoot any time hy putting now energy and now interest into it irobubly the fact that it wa pruiik who wuu wpeaklng and not name older imreoti mudo itnbert listen rempectfully unit when he went to hi work next duy he looked ut it with nw yu ituiik hud holpwl him if not to nut u new job to make an old job over uo it seemed new harry joyc ill ol tiger 1 nnd thn notlio tl puiiuucon titlun ore lailntoroum i of uleumuro 1 tlnn ptnnnnr 1 by t d th their p keeper big inop uunifoat aniollcd it licked ll and kiiwiil it uimiik in 1 lug hlu kingly dignity plckd it up in hor h long undttatlo unlrf 1 und ovr upon it in thu might rm th upper 11 foriued lu lug kind jcroni thl ximirin gutor wu autluflod tl wait not mrnd branch of thn cut fai utt of hor hea tic fuut of ai tit lvled upon ll ray unbeoosn- tbn looiurd igo paw took nd rolled over apply it j per inlah needed 3 pace at 11 certain county court in thn uilt mute thu upplltaht for u murriugo llcoimo la handed u blank to till out thl blank require thu uppllcunt to atutn naniu ago und uum- lni- of provloua murrlugu with the liumu of tlm former hualtand or wifo u thu lima muy be x tuovinuctiehm came lii and pro- irod u blank which aha proceeded htudy carefullyv tlio must i torn iul ht to roglstor porploxlly then aho went up to the clerk and asked prettily have ypu a longer now blank or ahull i puato three of those 1 thorr njoy dm a lo tl inthlng win ilhl tin wlnit in ho the time whiotlc rullwuy oilp lal liivltui thi loalr lunimon 1 n 1 plrita 111 tltudu hhiikoi n tlllo epic i and nui umii but nan an imlnltely wl carlyl tin nothing jn o absurd a u inn a vury la an orator or a uuful till he huu orda umullcr thu prvpoh to null 1 1 party ii uo wild 1 party ut ihoi i iievtr aiic- arnpd to make hl hi idea umor- meliu fume i like t grow uftor thoy jire just u little use to th hair which 1 ami with vlllluni not a matter of oeogbaphv time for another bath conforming recently that hor idoax for slorucii came to hnr mostly in thn bath hs 1hylll austin tho knulluh lioveliat told un amualng atory on tho uhjct llufom taking to novel writing alio wrote u number of lyrics which were not to roualc by her brothor harold austin and published by different firm on one occualon whop another ipoaur wuit particularly strmck with tho auccos of a lyrin aho had written for him nnd which alio informed hint later wa compostd in the hath he wrote uftor throq month almijy und wistully dear mia aualln hant it tjiiie you had another batht the teacher oauoht if u lainaiia cost thri con la mild th teacher what will u doxen coatf willie hoaltuted then guvo it up well do you uupioao you could do the sum if wo worn to play ut keupli mllop willie thought that ho could and consented to enter tho maknbellevo market and addrea the ahopkeepor lluvu you any good buiiutiuu to- duy7 homo flim one ut throa cent uplute wu the rily if you pleaae aujld vllllo digging dowi pocket for imaginary cash how muill will that br into hi and old colored mammy i w ticket fo ktorence ticket agent after tnu 11 turning over rnllwuy guide 1 florence old colored mummy holtli ifnutei whur ur de bench the flagman ahead heuklug 1 qeolglu will of hulllluni for u trulu h atute one 1 hour paused i wa ubout ti tu drive mo t make whut th i would 11 nut bo train pulled in negotiate for u vehicle the pluro i wished to atatlof t aald go to tliat rouble the trulnll be ulong aoou now vvhut inakiu you think ov well ho unuwoiod im pretty 11i11 of it horo comou tho conduc- dog now jcvtiryoiiu may aim dally inutain tu f iveoplo who unmplulii for tho more habit of complaining tjrav wo ulwayu lovu thoao who ndmli 1 but not ulway thoao whom w udmlre iu llndiofoutuuld luiih i the pencil of hu uou that picture huavoiily thing t hur- bridge laiw kupt im only law law broken i both luw and execution meiiundr tone but cowumla he murphy the habit of helping thvexp in ulnod fron 1 whhh pan ulxillt elov lluiro oi huniluy linilohillhle o what in ull hu w muk iiuch a rl1l well you l 1 id pr 11 ilfiydv ng hlu wl illltgm th nip pii ill il 1 you to pluln hone our pjllitil pifli ui 11 the whlutlo blow ll ii i ul ox ij i km wuu tw u iiihi humlay nkw tamp hpiimq tt lmt cent air ooats eloctrlo a 11 w oil amp tin t glv ih m u wu luliy brillla t u tt willi i 1 ght 11v 11 lad tor than gua ur oh ctfh ty ha bo 11 tested by tl 0 u h tlov rn iioih u d 3s 1 ding live sit 11 a ul tout d to he uii pi nor to id oidluary oil lamp it burn without odor aiuoke or nolau no pumping up i almplo clean safe hum 04 air and o oommon keroaouo coal oil the inventor j n johnson 28 craig ht v montreal la orforlng to iioiki u lump on 10 daya vutelz trial or even 41 give ono lltikto tlio tlrst user lu ouch huality who will help him introduce u writ him today for full particular alan ask him to explain how you run got tha agency und without experleuci or tiionoy muku j260 to jcoo per month ducklets 1 mixture isavednvjlire raui thla traa at lament i mrs clayton have suffered from lironcbitta for year and found rollef only in buckleys bronchitis mixture i conaldor thi tu ho a wonderful remedy anj wouldnt ue without it in thu house and i am finnly con vince that ii saved my life mr w cleylon 90 uxbripg av- toronto buckleys is guarantaad to rallavo willi the vary first do cough cold and bronchitis- c bottu at your uvuggirfs today w k buckley umited 143 utual t- tononto i eanr money at home jlit rit upwnrds of 2t weekly grow ing mushroom for uh all wlntor ilouuiint work for ilthr bx 1urt of frontproof ellur or oulbulldlng unci kiiary illuutrutnd latoklet and paitlmiliira for mump address plain cnnada fiucliroam co ilopt i 1 ti en ave ttiroliki we want 300 hen ulght iuiw for big paying mechan ical job if you aro nmohanlcally in linod und nit working acountt nutomobllnu und irnctutm dant do- lay nivir wua thoro such a de mand for mined mon a few wimloi tlmn invosteil now will give you a trade that will moan inde pendence fur ufo ioarn automo bile and tructor operating und re- pulrlng tlm vulcanizing battery building and uxyucetylano welding by the hemphill practical system vtio employment sorvlce 1 at your dlepohul kree catalogue got big pay nt id toady work lo it now hemphill auto traptor school lai king st wat toronto ia you ctlc helpng rough pluco simply for thu ioy thut you can get out of the uot have you uvor experleiiuod thu exhilaration thut tonie from dolnrf aomoboily olae a good turn without expecting to bn rewarded for it of 1 ourao you havo i everybody doe auuh tiling occasionally but did you ever think it would bo worth your while lo repeat ut did you over think that repetition meun huhlt and hut good huhlt are worth culllvullngt iiohiiio thl doing thing for th other follow occasionally bring into autlotl a few how faculties moat of um havo ioeu vrupped up in tiuradvo long thut wo can think ofnodilntf or utiyliody except ourselves iol uu cultlvulu the habit of helping other of going out of our way to bo of service to our ful lowinun juat bucuuai it makes ua happy to be helping aoinn- body olau ingratitude tommy w in the deutll uirice the dentist hud just finished eutraot- it t 1 tooth uootor aald tommy the tooth xt to that onti uuhea too y replied thu doctor it ache in uyntpathy yunk it out communded tommy durn auch ympathy the acton radio electric wo arc demonstrating our receivers at the residence of j precious john street wc arc opening demonstrating par lours in the studio next to j c hill watch for the dote sparks phantom fliver concert receiver 2500 thl hot hu uofolvcd courert over 1000 mile awuy sparks sncll supersensitive kecciver lrlcu on application acton 6110 tube receiver complete 42j5q radioluy one tube receiver complete 4800 acton two tube- receiver complete 6z50 acton three tube receiver complete 8500 radiolux supersclcctivc complete r u5um canadian independent telephone sc10 5500 special for interested yount men build your own set complete parts for ono tube receiver 3500 complete parts for two tube receiver 52jfj complete parts for three tube receiver 68j0 browns loud speaker 1375 free advice on assembling and wiring above parts g wtecious manacer e coles sales manager bo no 313 phone 23r3 ryans mens store sania sukesls for men many such vaef ul tilfld as are lisud below pure linen hand embroidered initialed hand- kerchiefs 55c each i for tl stripe check knitted fibre silk neckwear- designs 55c each 2 for 1 brush wool scarfs colors fawn grey brawn and loyat prices 95c j145 175 and 193 genu umbrellas prices 145 200 s2jh and up to 500 mens all wool cashmere socks 17c 75c and 95c mens lounging robes puncy putlcrns in brown grey etc each 975 mens suspenders armbands and carters boxed singly or in two and three piece sets prices 21c 33c 37c and up to 125 a dozen ways to a boys heattt boys strw ties 35c 3 for 100 silk and knit ted tics 55c 2 for 100 boys gauntlet mltbt fringed cuff und lined per pair 47c and 57c boys gloves per pair k5c 95c tuidsl25 boys suspenders per pair boxed 45c lloys belts liach boxed 27c boys wool toques 47c end sikr boys knitted hookey caps kuch 75c boys culf buttons pullapart style per pair 25c 35c and 50c boys sweaters each 97c 125 145 to 350 boys sweater coats each 97c to 295 boys suits 775 and 1075 boys overcoats 776 and 1075 tsos vgisja lets make this on old time folksy christmas with fun und fciiming and stocking tilled to the brim with mibtletoc und holly und of course u tree with u lighted cundle in tho window on christmas eve lets make it u scuson of wholehearted good will not only to out own folks but to all mankind the ryan store is splendidly ready and tho stuff prcpurcd to u bmilinj cheerful bervice eager to do their hhurrf towards bringing ubout thu merriestof merry chris masts be suretovisit us when in guelph hints from the staple department blue und pink seasonable hosiery womens all wool hose extra line in narrow and wide rib mixtures of black and white brown and white sand and white grey and white all sizes price 150 same with wide top 175 wide klb hose all wool with lino rib elastic top hgh spliced lice and double sole colors black brown grey and sand sizes ti to 10 price 100 silk and wool hose solid colors as well as mix tures of black und white sand and white brown and white grey und white alt sizes iprico 95c pure thread silk hose all the newest shades ulso black prices 165 to 350 childrens silk and wool hose cream in sizes 4 to ii prices range from 59c to 125 wool gauntlets wool guunucts in bolid colors bands of con- ranting color und some with fringe prices 85c and 95c fancy akt1clks cluny 1ace doylies linen centres extru values at 12c 19c und up to 195 oval doylies each 20c and 25c round centres euch 60c 95c 125 and 150 tray cloths 10x27 inches 75c bunners 5c 125 and 150 luncheon cidths 175 und 25 handbags four styles of pouch and envelope hand bags colors k slutc brown und bluck just right for shopping business und truvel thoy have good frumes pretty linings und mirrors und the lino leuthers they are made of indicutc thut they were intended to sell ut u much higher price euch only 179 other styles ut prices viuying from 129 to 500 all wool iluld blankets each 445 all wool blankets pink undbluc bord ers per pair t25 bath kobe blankets cord und tussol to match each 6j5 bed spreads crocheted und sutin 295 lo 1100 ijnen table cloths and napkins lurgc variety of puterns und sizes funcy pillow cases hemstitched und scalloped edges pancy towels with colored border handkerchieis colored handkerchiefs mude in ircluud in colors rose tangerine hclio rcsedu nluize und sky very pretty embroidered cornells und wonderful vulue ut 15c other spcciul lines of imported handker chiefs ut 19c and 29c sample handkerchiefs hundreds of stylos one third dff dress goods and silks shopping is mudo cusy in this deprtincnt us cut lengths for dresses blouses juaiuet- tcjj underweur und ment silk shirts uro uro x ready in gift boxes silk trlcollette for undorvcsts colors muuvc pink und ivory plain or drop stitch boxed euch rusc j i ttlouueri and fruocuettctihcuvy quality cropc do chino new und popular colors boxed eucli drww jliiijthri all pure wool botuny und ccoasbreascrge coluri nuvy cocou wind seal brown jap blue und bluck boxed euch 250 and i8h- mens shirt lengths pi ui it und striped silk mutcriuls in buitublo colors boxud euchj 109 ladies ready-to- wear and millinery store silk underhklrifl huhuutui incssalinc and taf- fctu a nice assortment of styles in brown black rose grey purple and shot effects special price 395 bloomem jersey sjlksutlii or vontian cloth good roomy mukcv finished below the knee with double band of shirring shades of rose flesh and blue ulso black prices 51l25 and 295 itath uoberi or kimonos blanket cloth in pretty shades of dove and rose dovo und blue blue and sand blue and white grey and white mauve and white nuvy and white grey and red satin or silk cord trimming heavy silk cord girdle prices bj50 750 825 a75 pleated skirto fine all wool serge in nuvy only three different styles of pleats wuist punds 2ft to 30 special price 295 plaled sklrid all wool ho inc pun in four styles of pleats waist bands 25 to 30 spcciul price 395 girlu coote 795 lo ja50 women ctmin oiiu third off albo special lines selling ut 1095 and 5u why not a phettv hat we are showing ut the present time metallic trim med satin ha til fhe latest fad ni u lurjjo variety of styles and colors price lr5 satin md panne velvet huts the newest forms with metullic trimmiiif enfrn value ut 550 metallic uumohiemt individually boxod price 69c comaife llouiubj unit wruaths silver und gold scapes metallic mowers und metullic flowers combined with ostrich prices u575j 154nul 150 skating yubrutjli uool scurfs und huts to mutch assorted colors price 195 g b ryan co department stokes gheuh and owen sound dont forget baby wool itooteetj two lengths white und colors prices boc wool jacketri white or colors assorted syles prices 69c u 195 short whlut ijiwn drehkeri v yoke- cinbioldercd tucku lace ahd insertion some with embroidered frill dn ucirr sizes 0 months to two yeurs spcciul price 139 white ijuderakiru lonj und short with lucd edging ut neck und urmholus some with lino swiss ciubioidery on hkirt special price li9 inanh whroe haimelette kimoiiat4kound col lar fastened with silk ribbon at neck iihdtcijed with pink and sky special price ut9 while wool scarfti 17c- iutd 95c iir cairluke uobet siowy white chiuew goat pocket stylo felt lined two sic prices 75 und 795 v-

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