Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 13, 1923, p. 4

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9bmnm 1 r i y lfmgk iilwilmia yjvjw vra6mmjt r watf t tiik hour or lir ivrtmi 3frrr prrfia iici tql wul ul onl lluilurtu til acton hue pkkv tim rail ay lin t 0 ullt sirrt ai tn oatariu 1 price iuo pr yatar in ajdvabcc itima rliamctl stjmonal lo in ilia umled mi- th laie to wtikh uuacrjptloes are paid u indi alcd the adilreae lbl advertising kateatranaliit ad v tit mnl la tmli tut liv u measure lur firal in ten on iwl s iila p line d each ubw queni tntcrf i coolxi diaplay daart i meats for w imlin or rttoi per inoua id tnt per ietlkath inrtion adytftl with lfic drt will u uatd till lolkl r dimly tpccifi i ii p tllur hliai i ta a- diijx uuiftr and a eatitoi telethon es- fdiuvul and flu osm keitacsc of irwmidnil the facts evident were mislaid tlio stnlcmfcnt is mode by modcrationists that the united states there is more liquor drunk under prohibition than ever before and that every second house hub its private still slatisttcs however prove that while the death rate from alcoholism in 1010 was 5 4 per 1000 it was only i h in 1021 one news paper in commenting upon this matter soys evi dently the kind of liquor the people get now is not id potent as formerly or else our wot friends have mislaid ho facts canada tnkea a nnuona place effective participation by canada in the world iowcr conference m ljondon next summer is assured a result of a mcctins of outstanding representa tives of the canadian electrical engineering profes sion and the hydroelectric industry at ottawa last week the london conference will bo the biggest gathering of its kind over held the original plan was that it should bdcconiincd to the british empire but at the instance of nvc british electrical manu facturers- association the stope wos enlarged to em brace tho world a oeprqian joker by birth thursday morning december 13 1923 editorial fall wheat promises well the report of the department of agriculture in dicates that fall wheat in the province of ontario is in fine condition for the beginning of winter agricul tural prospects on the whole are favorable tine weather having contributed to a large acreage f fall ploughing and to late grazing on pastures with a pro fitable saving to farmers in expense of wintering their live stock dont wish to lose the substance for the shadow toronto board of education favors a change in tho ontario municipal act whereby a schqol trustee will not have to give notice of resignation ten days before nomination day when ho intends to seek elec tion to a municipal council tficmotici colls for the sending of a request to the department of education to ask the ontario government to change tho act in this regard thi5washe law at one time and it seemed rather anomalous to have dual representation with a member of tho council taking part in passing resolutions for payment of monies to the school board of which he was at the same time a member roman catholics for prohibition tho catholic total abstinence union in its fifty- third annual- convention held recently in chicago adopted resolutions again endorsing the eighteenth amendment and tho volstead act calling for rigid enforcement of tho prohibition law and making an tppeal that the flag be kept stainless and unsullied the resolution read in part because the volstead act is violated is no reason for its repeal what laws are not violated shall we repeal the lav against bribery against the adulteration of food and drink against adultery against the social evil against ob scene publications because jhey arc infringed prohibition protects the industrious against the waste of tho dissipated the innocent against thq crimes of tho guilty the home against tho merciless hand that would destroy it and generations unborn from tho inheritance of weakness poverty and vice which is ready to overwhelm them this call is just as neces- aary and insistent and reasonable to the people of ontario to stand by prohibition in this province canadas patriotism and public financial effort collycrs news bureau of chicago publishes the following compliment to canada by governor parker of louisiana the patriotism of tho canadian people is splendidly shown by tho manner in which they have subscribed to the loans of their country paying themselves tho interest and promptly taking care of their obligations the example of canada and great britainishould be an inspiration to the foreign coun tries not to avoid honest obligations but to endeavor on common sense lines to soamortire them that they would be certain of payment within a reasonable time signed jno m parker governor canadas natural resources a wealth of information on canadas natural re sources developed industries and commercial growth has been assembled in canada natural resources and commerce a small compact volume issued by the natural resources intelligence service depart ment of the interior this is not a government blue- book but an attractive publication compiled especial ly for the business man it gives a condensed but thorough survey of canadas varied resources and of tho broad features they impart to the commerce of the dominion by their limitations as well as by their diversity and abundance it gives in short a birds- eyo view of can adits physical assets developed and latent effectitenesfl of friendly relations between great britain and the united states the first cxpressioq from premier king upon landing at halifax was momentous and important in its solution of world peace its problems and difficulties said the premier tho old world needs the assistance of the new world which should offer helpful cooperation as the opportunity presents it self in matters which are not without their effect upon present stability fend peace of tho world amid uncertainty and insecurity twogreaipolitical enti ties the british empire and the united states whose unity strength and stability made them all powerful to agencies of peace and progress in the world stood qttt hi striking contrast to tho rest of political society they had ideals of human justice and human liberty they understood government by opinion and they looked to reason rather than to force in making right prevail tho most hopeful of all signs on the worlds horizon today is cordiality of tho relationship that at presentexists between these two peoples and canada t can play no more helpful part in tho world affairs than in lending her effort whenever and as often as the opportunity permits to maintain this relationship of goodwill and frendly cooperation actons hydro system debt free it is very gratifying to learn that actons hydro system is free of debt and has a place on tho honor roll the hydro bulletin says it is a questionable compliment to speak of a municipality as having no debt the statistics show some such curiosities but on investigation it is usually found that their freedom from debt is largely due t6 tho same reason that the indians who possessed this fair land had no debt because they have but few of tho modern conveni ences such as good roads permanent bridges drain age modern schools public buildings and rural tele phones which more progressive municipalities con sider essential with this thought in view it is re freshing to fird in the annua report of tho hydro- electrlc commission of ontario a list of eighteen hydro municipalities in which tho quick assets be longing to tho hydro utility such as cash securities book accounts and stores exceed in value the total liabilities including debenture debt in other words if these municipalities could call in their unmatured debentures issued on account of hydro they have sufficient to pay off the debt and still have a working capital these municipalities are acton barrio baden beachville bothwoll collingwood creemore telmvate georgetown new toronto norwich ridge- town rookwood st gerre tavistock waterdown waterford and zurich a more remarkable state of affairs ja difficult to imagine and as tho report lists thirtytwo additional municipalities whore the not balance over quick assets la nominal there is no question but bat the year 1033 now drawing to a oloee will see qui to an addition to the eighteen muni cipalities now making up the honor roll of the province acton haa now 8004305 invested in the hydro system a plant renewal reserve of 11950 and total of retervea and surplus of 3b2250 tpo hjire 431 consumers of electrlo current in tow 247 r cent ofpopulation milton haa 41 which jl3lq cento population magistrates order bandits to be whipped general satisfaction will be felt with the action of magistrates clark kcwson and govcr in dealing with tho hold up men brought before them last week at ortllia when they were sentenced not only to an extended term in prison but to ten lashes each presumably with tho cato ninetails the magistrates made it plain that the sentences were imposed to help in putting an end to tho wave of crime as it was in tho days of tiiypin and duval and their ilk passing over ontario there will be found today nothing more effective as a deterrent than the cat- the cowardly scoundrels who lay in wait for unarmed wayfarers and who are prepared to do murder if necessary can have no claim even on sentimentalists to whom this form of punishment is abhorrent the only effective way found for its repression being the lash which quickly brought the crime to an end beavertoo express theodore- hook genllm wiui anything but a gtiutlamjun in con- duel for no roal gonlli nan no avail though 1110 i look tin worn u cnuiy of lliwu ilrummol nnil of ooorge iv would do what hook unco did to satis fy u grudgn ho and a friend wu inarn from chumbera hook of buy worn passing ono- morning throustfi humor htroot u quint lltllo ijtirtor by way when tlioy cume oppoallu no c4 hook auddonly grinned n bin nyim titutwjl ihnrs uvxl ft ura tottliivbnm tin objoot of hla grudgi ii turnod to til frlond and no id in uffoct t will wager that within a wuk i ihall miilia thin ubacuro atroat lb mumt talked of nlac in all iciialuiuit tho wook w n0 u w on ornlna ut duwn mra tottlnahamm rvunlm worn rouaad by iho r la of if tlio awrooiim in indon wliobuh cwno to clauu bar chimney a tho llatructud horvanla worn atlll nxpluln- litir that no owrtwim bad boon ordered who ii tho hral of domona of houvlly ladon coaj wajrona drow up rrom of iho huuaa while tho drivers joallod with tho woo mi a bukor boy arrive with fifty tloaon rroah rotti that ho vowed ho tyuat laavo at no c4 hud- doiily tho ky aoomod to rain boy with traya of rroahbaknd roltn tho atroot could only bo reached ihroutfb a mu of narrow la no urn by mlilniornlna tho neighborhood wuu in mi uitinpr wioq with blanon vvuiiona with barrel of ale waaona with furnllur nuahed into the atroot um klnif wlieoln and jamming traftlo urn atlll other ladon veblolaa nroaaod on bo j i nd bool do thnra war hun dred of tradoamon afoot boya bear ing wedding cukea oahmongera with very vorloty of fuh ny butchj with am many loga of mutton bolomn undertaker liuahed through the peaked crowd with cofflni made to agreoublo to letter hve foot mix lnchca by alxtoen inchon a troop of phyal- clan a troop of apolhacarie anil troop of dontlata all appeared al t door at the aamo hour and after them enmn a doion clergymen prepard omo u ohrhuenlng and aomo a uurial borvlca l2vn tho archbuhop of canterbury it ui aia camn to attend a nobleman on bla deathbed and thero wore olhor notable tho lord mayor and tho governor of iho iink of kngland- drove up in hot haato in obedlonce to urgent letter tho tjuke of qlouoo- tnr of iho royal family appeared in all hi trapping to puy hi re t wet to an old attendant of the king mother hmarllng undor the trick the lord mayor proceeded to make complaint noareat police auuon when tho con table appeared aix tout men were bearing a parlor organ up tho atreet flanked by a company of wine porter bootmaker and bar bora with frmhcurlod wigs all eagerly bent on depositing their burden at no h meanwhile from a window in u hotiao ppoalto hook and aevaral of hi friend wore enjoying a perfect day he had written fully a thouaand letter to brliil the hoterdgeneou crowd into the quiet of bern era street not for many year did hook dar to adroit hi part in the buln though hi reputation a a practical joker made people generally auapot him take many another wit of hi aort ho heartlaasly inuictod pain on aomo und heavy loaa on other which i goneruliy the rult of practical jok ing neighborhood ew8 town and country thr oakville ri atlll dlrnalng tltn prottoad octrii nro ulurm tiyntcm tho oakvlllo i tod croat- hoc uny will puck and ahlp a ckrlatma lux n a woldiar fumly in northern ontario thn oakvlllo rituon hand gave tho flrat of a aorlan of nacre j and claaalcul txmtnrt to a largo and approdatlvn nu dhi nro in tho now jrogory tboatro luat hunday ovnnlng minn hoimi walkien a former aup orlntvndont of iho uludatonn hoapltal toronto ha otoiiod u coltuo hoapltal in mr ijiiigloa roltuga at thn cor ner of ciilbornn htroot und iouglah avmiun it will im known a oawiurit ifotipltul tho wooden form ur imjiiiu rum nl from tho cement work on iho new brldgn olid tho work of lurimtructlng tho mi at each nd of tho brldgo ruahnd ahead it 1 expoctod that will bo opvned fr irafno oarly in ut new yoar thoro were nine fire call during tho year greatoat damugo and ion ixi lug at tho ilaakot factory and tho atom of j i mcirnvu und waliy wale damage loa in all about 1104000 00 ilocord georgetown ii 1 clark a hon ehlpped thron ur of cattle hoga and aheop to tho ity on tueaday mr ii johnatoii of toronto apent the weekend with mr j m oneill vordun kebekali luodgeyrfll hold a tea and aale of home nada baking in the lodge itoonia on haturday doombur is from 4 to t p m mr jlunuln left laat week for cali fornia where tto will apand the winter with rolutlvo mr itene 1u ttarltor who la over from england fr u few wooka apent lat weekend willi colonel and mr a o iirown at the kim tho iuhlla hohool uoard at milton hu utcurml tho aorvlooa of mr co tell u muhln auporvlaor ho will touch on two day of each week mr walter 1uraon waw aeveroly brulned when he wu atruck by auto whllo on hi way to church hunduy evening ooorgeiown hookey club ha been glyon a grant of j76 or the coming winter by the town council georgetown 1reahytoriun church lin imjoii granted a rebate of f it talto lm- lme on tho church uhed tho hoard of arbitrator eompoaod of k k kojtl milton chairmao j u muckmiala and a v campbllre tho arnold action agalnat the town for damage to property by the lowering of queen btrcot roadwuy met at mil ton on tueaday attar examining uoviml wltneaao the hoard adjourned to moul on tho 17th herald true independence independence 1 a word a great many young american fall to underalund too many of ilmai it mean doing u they pleaan and puylng no adnnllml to authority liut tho indepondence thul ahould l your goul i aomo thing vary different home of thttaa aame young fulk who um reatlvo under authority am tho mini dependent imaginable thuy rannol oven wake thomelve in ilia morning homo out in iho family hit to miurnn thn rmnlbllliy of getting thom to auiool or to work in time wo find hoye wlfo are eenalllvo in regard to taking order from any oim in- iulrlng whore nty hair or when i my umhrolla then mny fithor young poopl an lopundent on other for their enjoy mn nt ioft to thdr own device they ro u unhappy a a humnlmm dog thny are nbt good i onipany fur thoin- moivon they have no idea how to go about the tuak of aolfnnlertulniilent with all duo reapoct lo the vuluo of human comianlnnahl it i fur evory rational human being to loam lo get along by blmaelf to- imi cheerful when thrown on bla own rnaourcoh lo lw hi own boat comjmnlon home who pride thomaelv in their independnnce are dependent in regard to their opinion what thoy think de pend on what tholr aaaoclato think if a daring little thought that differ venture to lruggle up into the llghfr- thoyi immediately amollmr it thti nlogutib tliat mean the moat to thom are kvoryhody doe it und every body aaya and until thoy toimitr thut aervlle awe of u vugue uvory- body they cannot tklbly bo irido- indeiendvne mean aomothlng vary different from getting your own wuy it moana aolfaumclency it meurt individual dovolopmont in thn way of helping youraeir mid depending on yuuntelf and thinking of youraolf und thut the wirl of hide tie ndciice which aliould be your goal shop early a word to the wise if you liuvim i ulrady ntnrld your chriatipua buying y t tutu don t put it i ft umiihf week mliirl now and ihii t full to vult iii rinl hatila clnti- hiudqunrterm for anton toy lajore fancy china jewellery of all kin itoffers hllverwar jsveryliilntf for chrluimnn vou can euv oirya ron the whole familvlhkrk george hynds mill straaf amart ontario business directory dif j ay mcnivhn pttyaleun and suroein i and i td n- l uriib and klgln hlr ltttnh un hu h j niison htl i1 hu it i aelon ontario dkw s laiwd tit wiwui tf kac 7 mnt thr i urt im auction sale iv vhqukhui horses cattle amd poultry roelved adequate government inspection of canadas banks tho wrecking of tho homo bank haa worked up the people throughout the dominion to tho impcritive necessity for a thorough and adequate inspection of all chartered banks annually under the supervision of the federal government autrong resolution to this effect was passed at a meeting of the creditors of tho home bank in toronto laat week another resolution was adopted at the same meeting demand ing the passage of an amendment to the canadian bank act compelling oil chartered banks to contri bute to a depositors indemnification fund for the reimbursement of depositors in a defunct bank the amendment to be retroactive to january 1 lt23 the clause making the amendment retroactive is hardly tenable but such a clause would surely be a deterring influence to tho careless and criminal administration of our banking institutions which characterized- the homo bank and certain others which have failed during the past few years eoitobjal notks a third weekly paper haa been launched at bramp ton with two such excellent papers as the banner and tho conservator it is difficult to see where there is the need or the hopo of support fur a third where will you spend chri8tma87 in all the cycle of the year there la o llmo that bring faxplliea together a doe the yul otitic though you were fct tho end of the earth you would ions be homo for christina and if it were at all poaalblo you would bo thure in the ion uzo when travel ling facilities were very limited people journeyod many weary ml to and en dured great hordahips that they might b with friend and loved one on chrlatmu liay today it i o imt- forenl- jho modern railway enable you to croum the continent in u few day in comfort thl year thoro promlac to be iho uaual heavy chrlat- ma and now year travel north aouth eaat and wet und in order that you may reach your deaunation a coi fortably and peodlly tut poaalble canadian national hallway are hmk lnt preparation far in advance any one wlahlng to pay for the travaluntf expeifie of relative or friend froi any point need only to place tho money in the hand of nearest ticket agent of the una our reproaontalivo will lelirti- tho tran porta tlon tree of any charge lo your rrjend at tho other end in a few houra when traveling thl chruuna go national way 34j temperance work in france trance lead all oountria in the fight against the oonaumptlon of al cohol lo bovorage it now ha a la igue nutlonale contra laioollm with 3000 branch a and 100 000 mem- bora it president i atotudaur har riot mayor of lyon and deputy of the llhono a lyench admiral ttnil general are on it executive board it work ha been crowned by the wench academy the government haa declared uia league a public utility blltig- it thereby to accept ega i und ikernilaajotl tu preach th truth about alcohol in the army and navy hu been authorised levery yur 1300 prise are dlatrlbuted tu atudent who have written eaaay dealing with nome phaai of aloohollam the aohool teacher of wane are clroularlaott and offerm literature to aid them ill teaching children the hygunio fot illoernlng aloohol thousand of lioatal carda ahowlng by picture- und paragraph the d contraat between u aoberand u drunken life ufa dlatrlbut ed to tle krench children burlinqton the dominion veterans alliance will undertake to make generally known throughout canada the proper use of canadian and british lags it was bo decided at tho closing session of tho dominion coun cil this is certainly a worthy enterprise tljo buttle of wits between tho illicit seller of liquor and the officers charged with tho enforcement of tho o t a is novcrcndlng but that is no reason for tho repeal of the law tho general result of pro hibition in ontario has been most satisfactory globe it is often observed that australians are more imperialistic than the british wo have n right to be if the errtpire were dismembered tomorrow tho british would remain white and free this cbuntry would probably bo assimilated by an asiatic power wehavo more than a community of interest in tho empire ic is our common insurance policy tho institution on which all rch and poor labor and antmabor depend for their national life sydney bnlloria 1 i call for bkillful handling it i generally known that banana ur ehlpped while yet green and unripe but row peraona ar kwar nf tliu carerul und elaborate- tlraecolculatloii ioyulred in betting out tho tlata unit ttlng off the fruit in order to inaure a arrival of the bahanaa in proper condition ut their destination when u plantation i begun tho young plant are at out ut certain period au that thay will produce ut oortaln prwned period during the year crtuln number of day be fore th urrlvul of tli ateatner the grem fruit i out and u aloe caloula- l of the time that will be oonauni- in tho voyage tnuat ujway be madv elo the banana will be apolted jyult atouiuni carry atambating apparulu to inadra jl uniform t-m- beruturo through th voyage th flpenlng i ralouluted to ooour only after th fruit hue reached th retail lel taking no chances you want to hubby may i change my hoi l day mother t what in th world do change your name tart hobby i cauee pp uld whip m when lie get horn u my hajoi i hubert if i ohi u pood boy bad oovj moihr why ji what i ulp mailer you hould not b- rylnj r n h ho y to puy wml brlhd frday jimmy uooboal i oaua it i o long until my ttic blrtli- mr fouie of toronto ha taken over the management of the ilrunt inn mr and mr ved hell and mr and mr frank mcmillan wild children left on monday evening for california wliure they will upend the winter mr a u coleman i making- or rungementa to take up realdenoe at hi plouaure reaorr at sutherland florid tho houe and two lot on ilrunt hi root owned liy major mauda wore dlupoaod of by public auction on sal day laat mr jf a und ley maple avuiiud wo the purchaser mr iuul a klaher la in northum berland and durham count lc thlu woek giving addreaso on frult-grow- lnf praylng ahd fortlllaing ut tlio hhort cooniea being held in tho two countle a bylaw to n tile uaseaamont of all properly proposed to be purchased by llurllngton lumber company in town of llurllngton ut a fixed u- uasniutit of tvood 00 for the term nf ten your will be ubmlltod to tlio lector the annual bunquot of the nouon and burlington agricultural uocloty wuu liuld in the muthodlat church gytiinuaium on friday ovonlng laat und wa one of tho most aucceaaful over held in the history or the aocloty ovur throa hundred gubat out down to tho excellent upreud which had bmiii prepared by the lady director tho principal apeak or of the evening wore hon j 0 murtln minister of agriculture and irlnclpal he y no id of tho o a c auelph loul 1arkln of toronto wa charg od before police mugiatrato jhleld with having liquor llleguily in hi tmihtloti and wu fined 300 uuxette makinq excuses reople gunartiliy regard the huh i uklnif oxcuso a u bad one to got in- but if thoy uro uaked why it 1 u bud imbit thy muy not im roady with u newer homo peraon would llrobably may ihut it 1 bad brau it oncourage a rnun t shirk dlfflcukloa unolfbaiucia inataud of uvnrcomlnif i hum other that it i hud imlmum it tend to dtriy u man jnrerity ti well urn hi atruiigtit olhor- hat it i bud bacuu j u gull tic and u llreoom hojjlt one that eompu imople n llslxn lo explanation that they have no d tr to hour is doubt iher la truth in thxee reaaona if a per ia aellladulgent he la prone tu moke axcuae akid tho a aucceaaful in making excua he ha murw indulgent he i likely t become if it 1 trouble to him a it usually u to put forth hi best effort he can find reaaon why it impos sible for him to put forth hi beat ef fort lie become more concerned with plausibility than with reality and he begin to um hi power of invention i baaa manner thu insincerity grow upon him even while ho i acaro aware of it the reason the small boy entered tho shoe makor shop und unwrapping u amall parcel produced a alxn 11 alioo v much the worao of wear the ahoemaker took it from lilni and after looking ut it uaked well whut do you want mo to do with thlatt it do nt wunt mending ditra ut yea aaid h tmy that father hlippor iuhi there a null sticking ut in it i wunt you to put it right beforo ho hollce it youre u kind little boy uuld th old manj beaming you muat l fond of your father thut 1 not tlio only reuaon replied tho email hoy calmly you boo tho null sticking right through tho ol und thl lt the allpper futhur spank with tim undrgid trutlon frrn h e svcotr i isord lirir kulrg umf hpe- nlile lo aell by iubll aort ion n thursday december 30 1923 ut niu u urfu ahurp ih following holihkk 1 brown hora 6 year iliuvy flruft miumi i buy mare i yur inavy draft mun1 thl oan will wolgti ooo nt 1 mark mar ft your heavy draft ourd 1 hay tn 14 r if your hfavy droit sound th horse ur all ound and in good iiindltloil cattlji 1 red row 3 yri iv b 1 jermiy cw fresh i durham cw due llmo of aul 1 jtsrmmy row do j 11 january i blue cow due in etirlng 3 llolsteln helfre du fr april 2 holsloin helfr 3 yar old 3flu hum attire 1 yj liarn holfor 1 yrur duu lust dockmur ilcirt u york pi h month old ur lri i york pig 3 month old kahnkhh1 ot if lifuvy lm iurns cnitch breerhliig anil heel halo almost new 1 pair of xtr icuvy cu liars nearly new rowi s pure hrti luiodo island mister ii choice turkoya imflkmenth 1 god pw ver ity 1 set heavy eloop sleigh nearly iw ubut 400 bushel turnip tkitmm 110 00 und under tah ut that umount 10 month credit will he glvan on rurnuhln approved joint notes f off for cash turnip and fowl cash ft j kerr auctioneer i ho no 28 acton c o 1lantf clerk hakold uahh pawmett m arrietef sol htry pub lie cenveyaneer ete perrvmam block acton out ufnky th jf miutiujral tutttwm bj a t xm alurdas ml u uu h g meir barriel baltella nefsry puoihx om demtal inn old 4 rd dor- t 1 rl tstrmffi yearsf dr j m bell d d s l d s hoaaf oroduat tf toronto tnlver- aity the utat mnmthmtlr ued u dealred flr reoldarvca corner- mill anal frederick street dr f a gollop d d s lds deetcal bwgem ome eer ibank of sf evealnga by appointmsmi miscellaneous francis nunan baoumadsi account boaja 0 all kind mod t ler pertodlcala refully bontud promptly dooe wyndham street owe i ph oat orr william 8tnrj ruling neatly todge directory milton h 1 hhaw mllloh won th cham- ploiieljlp for alfalfa in the seed cm- tmitltion ut ouelph whiter lair dr jo telfer who wu tuksn ud- deiily uid ueriouaty ill u week ago 1 makintf fulr progrea toward recovery the mountain union hunduy be boo i will hold a ghristmu tree entertuln- tnent in the uchool root oh wodneaduy uveiilng deoomber 10 mr w it utewurt wont to whighum luat wook to uttond tho fuiisral of u younger brother mr ju l btewart who illoti auddaiily on tjunduy snd ln mr und mr uurdon huntuf of kuntln mutiltohu un vlsltltig- frlund in milton und vicinity mr himlo wu formerly mia orrio hurrlaon ttuughter of mr j 13 hurrlaon mrs w j llewuc murtlti utreet ha ukun up bur roaldeiice in toronto for thu winter month hh ha three daughter there who will reside with hut two are uchool tuuuher and one 1 attending normal he pupil of llgny twhool purpoo holdlnjf their christum nntortulumant tvlduy evening december ii they will be uaalaled by u aopruliu aololst i vlollnlat vt toronto ahd uleo by the mountain llro of milton the lleltoti mission clrdl had aplon- dld aucoeaa wltb tholr baaaar hold in hie methodist hohool uoom hot wuu llxod from sale v l aerlou acolduiak uocurrsd at th milton iveaaed irltk compuiiy plant lut week harry cliurltorf aged 4u your of milton wa on top of u box endeavoring lo looaeli the brake when it allptol uinl h wu thrown tn 1 truck lundltig on til back ucroaa lull ilia apltiu wu injured furmer t luat mot hi a of milton town cuuiilii it wa locliied ihul tiuvotu will be taken oh tile sow el prooeltlot ut the junuury uuiotlnn thu early closing byluw wuu withdrawn fishing extraordinary a iluti uh gentloniuu write a hill- trlbutnr toll of alrungu rishhig ttiat he enjoyed in hi boyhoud a doaeii or tnore of tit vllluge ld would go out together with bug alud over their boulder to catuh tloultder with their huhd utid feetl kin und or ure black ubove und whltu below moreover they are uroa- eyed when uwtoy auw u black apeck on the sand he would walk toward it but would keep directly ahead or dir ectly behind moving u lha hall mov ed he had to wulk inuybe in aotfio nriaep in he of wulr without inukluh u eound or u ripple after ucoe- fully alulklng the floumlor he would cover it with una foot plok it up and tu it han hi bag another nah in stunt wu tu haul out lobsters with your hand lying prone on u rook a boy would reach hie arm down into th water und seisin u lubafer jerk it out und tlftig jl be id him it i true thu lobatun aumatlmea hlitoliod hi ringers but think ur th cunt the ministers picture wlille the minister wu making cull the llttlu girl of thn house wa busy with pencil und pupor whut uro you doing t ho akxl en her mother had loft th room for u tnommit im making your plctum aaid tho chlkl tho minister out wry atlll und 1 worked uwy very earneatly then hm htoplmid und compurvt her work willi tho original und aliook her lioud dont uko 1l much mho uuld tulnt u greul deal like you i guv ill put u tall on it ulid call it u dog clearing auction sale iv litin townbhi1 farm stock and implements tht umlvmlgned hu received in alruttiouu from roland allan hit i 2nd lino krln 2 hi lie went of acton to tell by iubllc auction oil tuesday december 18 1b23 at duo oclock whurp tho following iioh9ls 1 buy horue ruins 0 ytuii uciihlng 1 400 ma 1 tuy bora rlulng 7 ymrs weighing l4oo ir llniwu hlufi u yoe wolghlng 1300 svrup cattik 1 rod cow 8 your jue mumy 21 1 brlndlo cow 8 yeurs due junuury 1 1 grvy cow fl your duo 10 6 1 nruford cow k yure o 0 4 cow date given day of uulu 1 holfor rlulng 3 your i ator rising 3 year 4 holfor calvon rialng 1 ytur 3 holsteln cown duo tirn of nuh iicut 1 york uow duo jupuwry 13 1 yiiuna now duo junuury 23 0 plg 3 urn nth old hii13ei 10 tjhourllnir owe implvmknti j- nuou cultivator gewwi how 1 ot harrow cock- ahutt 4 soction oki a now 1 cock- hutt acuffler gohl a pew 1 iortlulld cuttir in good condition 1 wheelluir- row 1 utoiiubout t a took ruck 1 gasoline euginu 14 h v i cutting ihix hand or power i root pulpr i musaoyhurriu crum separator used s mouth 1 daisy churn i butter lwwl ladhi und print wlilfllolree nockyouea forku hoe chain ahov- el titc hot of wheal ud tongue for cultivator haunlkh 1 aot of double ltumna coiuplolo 1 aot ulllgle burnesa wll collar bolls homo blanket hay ouaiw ictc q ton timothy buy a inn clovr buy ubout 100 buuhelu liuiinor out nt tot aed u quantity of mangold aomo turnip u ttuanlity of good fd corn no reserve a the farm i sold tkllmk 110 00 und under cuh over that amount u month crellt will txt glvon on furnishing upprovod joint noli 8 of for ouxh hay gruln und root cuuh r j kerr auctioneer v mtone 3d acton c o ilamk clerk sons of england lodge woodoreercimo 302 mooting tlmt and thlrtl thuradoy u each month ut jl p in in i o o hall munibrttnd vlelting memberal cordially invited to attend j precious j little secretary quality counts thats tho only reason wo can account for tho demand for excelsior brand flour and wo will always maintain that quality thero aro all kinds of pastry hours on tho market today but just ask any housewife with good baking what brand she uses und you will usually hnd it is encelslor brand excelsior brand flour is the choice of all good cooks dhundsay mux 8trke acton ontawo our windows are full of many christmas gifts useful and suitable for many members of the family and what you dont see in the windows we are almost auro to have in the store if its in the hardware line wojvo got a big long list of sugges- tlons but space will nor permit mention of them all so youd better conic in and see thaiu for yourself fvehything in hardware for christmas wd talbot main street phone 76 acton ontafso acton l o l no 467 the member of u o l no 47 will hold u socio evening ill tint lodgu room on prlduy october 26 livery riumhorij invited to lie preaunt tiietkoud u 1- kknnkdy w w it h r j kerr auctioneer and iteal estate agent 17 year xprluiic acton ontario hale entrusted to u j krr re ceive attention from da to of listing to date of aula ust your aale with me llealdcnoe downr avenue acton 1hone 30 acton cull at my axpenao guelph business college offoru uitodttte clerical lluslne mleuogruphy and ilo- creturlul course by uxport on- pirlrincod tnuclwiru utudnut muy untur any duy wliltb lfou 1n1 oumation v d utmtott itlnclpal fgavihg cbliiaiijottubrwvar i tffchonro canada j e ciieevers book binder qub4 bl eakt ouelph owl tiook and mugoulbe bound lit haudafmie and uubatulltlaj oovera name lettered in bold oil ulbuel hymn hook and utha book all weru promptly eueduud trus old and uellnbld granite and marble work we are manufacturer and dire importer ilf all kind of umiuinoiitaj and hoodaum work wo aell direct to our outorari at wholeuula prloao thu aavlny our ouatoniftr 40 per cant- w have the beat uppllaiuoa uild tba only meohanie l the dominion who oati operate pitoumutlo tool property we can give rafurauoo from hundred of uur auatomara in toronto and othar place where other hv to ht iftw suit in ordor to ooludi wa bava the uxrgestt and bast atook of ohrmnlte tm th pomiblqo or mora than any thn deikn in tbt wesrt w r ifsffltl- mu daevlarti and mpkry no sslta l do not wumcrtior prt on tejndotiw o mnonuii ugotgl bt nrmntf ttplajr only mw fclsflv dotty ofletpjtttlqn aju hmjplton sons iaij-

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