Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 13, 1923, p. 5

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ipt t gurr arton jffrng ff rf hh tiuhhday dkcru1iiji j3 1p3 a girls jov t in ulml i am u lllllo glil and tiuvo iho aft in n vnr if i or b husy im i n itl huvn to w irk and if 1 w ln 11 til til a fruit o ki i all iliit and if 1 wi ri mi rh till nt- how rti uhl i 1 1 m iln ami if i wt u j in v iii if i might forget in v ii linn i 4i1 1 ami u i llttl ll tf i couldi n t r ud till ll iiiim n l my sakou i whet i 1 ll it muki m 1 1 1 k nil uwhirl there nr my rm why i r biu 1 i ii in u hltli kir twentv vcars ago from the tsaue of the free press ol thursdy dimntlur 17 1903 pi lily of unow foi sleighing mm liulii t huml frslono of now tohltook iruvi ml interesting udrtromi in wlroleas tilogruphy in compart w mon with tin nervous hystem or tlin llumun i tody at jim pp worth iugutf on tuesday uwnlni mlsa murgurot ilowsn who has boon a mo successful member of thn li-ech- inir sthht of the iumit- hchi ol for snvorul years ha resigned at iho nnnuul mooting or the mntho list hun day bchool last monday even lux the following offlcor wnm elect ed for the cotnlliff year superintend wnt tt t- moore aociald superin tendents j s coleman and a e nlcklln secretary w if speight assistant secretary j il moahler treasurer lloyd a hmlth librarians jamas coleman e f fjamblo and x will lama homo department huhr- ln tendon t miss e ialng associate superintendent urn a stop he neon and miss perry man ushers i wil llama and urn uookni- miss mnnon and mrs rico organist mima joslo stephenson leader- of orchestra j c hill u died mooneat toronto on wednesday dmbor b 1b0s dorothy anna laura triplet b loved daughter of h il nod nellie moora ngiid 1 year 5 months and 11 days akthorft- in fcsouosln on wed nesday december 1 1003 margery mann widow of the late joseph ar thur aged fi yearn the sunday school lesson for sunday decemli new cars j3e luxe made in canada woltl i l i io k si i i i th ti onclutllng t lit to prnach tho orel i lilaco thut i self ho horn nx vlntlp n that men concerning field root varieties now that the aoaaon la paat for tho harvesung of omr field root cropa conaldormtlon of what the harveat haa brought ua ahould bo pro ota bio ac the central bbtyerimcnuu farm at ot tawa we have for the paaf few years been conafdftrina not only the total yield of green welfht obtained but the amount of dry matter and iho knu- lnenoaa of the variety aa well the conalderatlon of keniilneneaa la what we wlakt to consider briefly at the pr time in our attempts to elajulfy held root varieties we have met with some verj peculiar mixtures that were sold under pectal some with fancy variety names a year ao we received h paokace of aeed supposed to bo of a yellow in termed la tu variety but which produced at least one half small round garden beets this year we had a variety which save ua one half swlae chard in both of these caaea the mixtures were obviously due to the mechanical mix log of varieties in some warehouse due very likely to care- lfamnmni on the part of those handling the seed whatever the cause of the mixing the fact remalna that a farmer buying such aeed would auffer a can- elderable loss and it would seem only fair that there ahould be mom means by which g who receive such seed could get repompenaed for the loas sustained because of sowing it a much more general condition than the one previously mentioned is thu ooeurrenee of off types in any es tablished variety just how serious such a mlxturo is from the standpoint of yield bf the resulting crop la do pendent on the character of the off type individuals present plants which are off type in color only do not usual- ly mean a redfjctlon in yield but plants on shape very frequently do a single example will serve to illustrate this point tin a lot of half sugar mangels grown at the central experimental farm this summer there occurred about thirty per cent of off shapes and sties- the half augar types and the off types were weighed separately and the decrease in yield due to the off types figured on an acre basis amount ed to a little over flvo tons there a a special adaption of typo of root to soil and climatic condition as for example the qlobe or tajikard types of mangels for shallow solla the half long or long types for very deep open soils etc the presence of types not suited to the soil type in which they are grown in a variety suited to the soil in question will almost always result ln an appreciable loss due to decreased yield we may have however a lot of roots true to variety name and type and still giving us a very inferior yield because of wbakrgnrmnstlorr or the seed from which they grew in com mon with animals a poor start very often means an ultimate development much below normal it is very es- sentlal therefore ui have vigor of ger mination as well us purity of the resulting crop if we are to obtain maximum yields what we wish to omphaalxe is that some root seed sold to the farmers of canada at the present time is a dis grace to the seed trade and a serious loss to the tgrowen unfortunate en ough to buy it we wish at the same time to call attention to the race that there is reasonably good root seed available and being aod by some of our seedsmen home way uf regulat- root seed trade so thal all of ur seedsmen woujd aell only good seed would seem to be in order- q p mc- rostle dominion agroalologlst a little too mucrf of that there is one word lb hie tcngllah language which can uppui six times consecutively in a emitonce ttttd make txtrrect kngllsh a boy vfrote on tho blackboard tito man that lies does- wrong the teacher object to the word tlial so the word who was substituted and yet it must l evi dent to the reader fur all that that thai that that that teurhur objoctud to was right after all let them cut labels the next rainy dy when the chil dren are clamoring for something to do aet them to cutting ogci i illus trations of peaches pears etlples uml other fruits or vegetables from seed catalogues save these pictures to paste un your fruit cans they can be identified in u dark closet noro readily than the ordinary printed labels always ready and rensbls rua- tlcally all pains arising from inflam mation can be removed with di thomaa ec lee trio oil hlm rub it on the sore spot and it i nulekly absorbed by the skin its heajlnk power a conveyed to the inflamed tissue which is quickly soothed this tine old remedy is slso a spoolao for ull manner of ouls nurutihes bruises and svratns keep a bottle handy al ituimil f r it in tin hw r of uto halvtitln to nvry one thul th horn i 1c t explained moijkiii to ko forth hat jihi had lulled gouool thin la tho ukc rofors to hltn iriiuoa a at run ron are douniloly rjllhl of god lt rii xltliouah be was 1uul a iqfdlri attiiidullt h evidently filt thul in hhumd wilt iuul tho ro iwtillllliy of irruchlnc versps 11 12himn trows sett infc- nsll from thlu pluc a lriultt rour to hiimollif this wss un island of dm jmii etea lontlgunibt io thraro lf ullnd hanioutiur or tho lun humui it is nmui twenty in circumference hml is now hamurielrui hi to neajkills thrm vrero muny ltua of this namo this wua u uvatx rt town of maoo la m fow hllloa east of ihlllpi nmtxlls algnlflow the new rlty thenco to 1 hlllppl this won a town ot mum don la ln tho territory or tho ivdone- un tlin cononoo of thraco altuale1 in the sldo of u stitoii omlnonco it took its niunfi frum j hlllp ii king of uuoo- ilon it was to the church in this city that halnt iaul wrote tho eplatlo that still goes under their adam clarke verse 13 hpako unto the that wore come together the ureek refers to those gathored togother on this particular occasion only con slderlng the little regard which jows had for women aa persons to bo con versed with and taught it note worthy how largo a part women piny ijoth in the oospol history and in tho acts it was one effect of christianity place woman in her true position lumby verso 14 ono that worshipped ood worship is a moans of rain ins know ledge tho worshipping mind is open to the truth in prayer the soul is beholding bo lydla a heart was ipened and she gv heeu to tho things which were spoken by paul aots 21 30 and he abode two whole years paul a prlaoner in home turna his own til red dwelling into a preach ing place and although chained and awaiting execution be continued blng the kingdom of ood and teaching tho things concerning tho lord jesus christ with all boldness none forbidding him horn ie 19 from jerusalem and fround about even unto uiyri this is another of the many instances ln which paul pursues his mission to the gentiles round about signifies in a circle and reveals paul a method of making a city a centre of hi evan gellxm it was paul s ambition t tell the good news where christ has not been named lie would not build on a foundation laid by another continually pressed forward into evangelised buida he labored for the obedience of the gentiles lesson thames wprld winning iauls worldwide campaign is the most araaxlng enter prise ever undertaken what must have been the conviction and mora earnestness of the man who could go out against the heat hen v world with the one clear call in his memory i ills aim was sure and his msthod devolopod logically the journey to the heathen led finally to the council of jerusalem if the council had pre ceded the journey it would have been more logical on the part of the jeru salem fathers hut it was paula suc cess which raised serious quest lop as to its merit here is tho- wonder of paul he established the new order without precedent with audacious boldness he want out and made the universal application of christianity thing that wrought consternation in the mind of the mother church thus he far outstripped tho church with a cjear perception of the truth and a sure kntfwledge of his npostleship he went forth alone ily his inspired preaching he determined forever that the oantlle world ahould have the light of heaven the essential problem was solved in real life and thepreasure of events compelled the recognition of pauls aim and method the way of the bplrit w- might huve expected that when the young church left its native continent and crossed over to europe thus signal ising a momentous epoch there would f have been a grand display of heavenly phenomena or at least u conspicuous and indubitable leadership of the di vine spirit if this leadership had been spectaculsrly manifest to men nd nations how much easier would the work of iaul have been and how many more converts he would have won i no we thtnk not and we are sure that they would not have been the right kind of converts uen who are won by sensational and theatrical displays are not the christians that are won by purely moral appeals and spiritual influences though it may seem jhat the spirits ways with tho introduction of the church into hurope were singularly quiet and even tame his ways are ever the right ways full of instruction is it to note that he did not sound a trumpet before iaul nor did ho give the groat spostlo definite and strongly marked pro gramme lit advance the bilent bplrit moved softly upon the soul of thn apostle and only as tho occasion came slaving gone through the rvglun of ptirygia und oulatla paul intended to go to asia but the hplrlt forbade this not telling him however where jio might gu next lie tried to go to illthynia but here also tho bplrit suf fered him not he moved on to traas wondering where his work was to bo attrt then came the vision itut oven this was not of a host uf ungell oon- veylnf thu glorified christ who should give him directions- for his u n parallel il work it was only the apparition f a roan calling for help truly the hslrll s ways are not our ways hut this reflects upon ourselves alono rt urn lug a world this is what paul und his helpers weru doing by testimony uf their enemies which tnarkod coni oilmen t to thotn it takes itower to do a thins- like this and the more w study thu wlcko 1 world or antiquity the more of a task we soo it to havs boon it is said thut a primitive xi el hod 1st preacher inod throe heads for hul ser mon thus first the world is wrong ida up second it bus gut hi be turned ivci- and third we sio tla boys to ilo it 1 bis fulth is as tremendous as it is refreshing but the jgospel prewi hnrw have made good tin und yook at lnglahd un muny and uwlurjsud mid hcotland ami holland ami the united htatws of america look ut tho skirmish of christian tnlasluns eticlnllnif lobe and stretohhig out to tho far islands of the seas yos this selfish illful true and false woild had to bo turikod upside down way b mads for rlghtoouanoss and mc and truth and the hon of ttod ui rompllahlng this by his mighty goapol for- study and discussion how did paul ooiinect tho man iii hli slnn with the hplrlt a leading fr what other instances did paul ruelve divine uoldunee through a vision y fontmst pauls roaikmsu to ood s rail with that or the prophet jonah what macked traits of character made iaul successful as a missionary t why did above exterior csfe p trior car left interior of the psrior rlqht the dining room of tho boat of modem iniprovimunts rullwuy servlcu in catiadu urn th canadian pscldo oiriblnutlon dlnln i iiarlor mra thn new all ntocl s six ln number will operate on the mum important short runs afford ing every convenience and luxury where fully slso dining and imrlor cars not roqulnd they urn the only cafe parlor cars exlstunt which urn fitted with a smoking room and tho revolving slumber hack chairs nro un other distinctive featuro iter lor doco ration has ikmhi given special comslde ration hy thn company d the new cars axe hiij xtremely well finished product inlaid mahogany has been usod with good onoot the ceilings haye u light brown finish and tho lighting has boon arranged o inarm it reading in any purt of iho car without strain or glare lamps an arranged along the centre of tho celling and bracket lamps over each table and chair all with truscan ahsdes dlftuso arm glow tho new cars ore dif ferent from any othors doing sorvloo in canada in that thoy are practically divided into four separate compart ments tho kitchen fully equipped lakes up nearly 16 foot of one end and in this nro found a huge range with ovi ns and steam tables attached a churooa burning grill is placod next tho rutirp and on tlm other sldo are tho hoparatn refrigerators for mnutu null rvults milk cream and loo mam uvery available inch of flooring seems lo imi utillsod hut there la room enough for three men to work und for the curving tuhlos sink dish washer end innumerable lockers for grocurli u chnawaro glass sllverwaro etc a tank overhead supplies fresh and fit urod water for uao in tho dining room and kiii hen jouvlng the kitchen one comes utwjii u small vostlble which ooons into thn dining room handsome china und silver cuhlnets can bo soeu here und stowed snugly into the cornur is u bar which will hold u surprisingly large number of bottles and keep them cool loo beauso ico may be lot into chamber ut tho rear through tho roof the dining room is 19 feet long and seats 18 poople three tables each accommodate four diners and three tabltfa two particularly when lighted the dining robin in moat beautiful tho gunorul pftoct is vury rich and soft tin- parlor- ovnr jl foil long con tains twilvn iiiulrs with swivel base und rovlliilng bulk there is a good lustributluii of liuhl for reading and thn ompurtmunt is ubaulutely tho last wor in comfort thi tniokhi room is reached throuih li short corridor off which urc th wash i on in m this is somowha hiuulur lull decdndly more comfort nl in tlwni tho imiokliiu rooms of th standard u p r tr flmt oloss toacheu it u over v fnt long and the two leiilh r sofiiu ucoimnodatn six pooploj with nose thn litv cuimdluii 1 uairto cafe imr lor curs imvfl thlr own ijoallng unl whlrh iff anolhur udvuiilugn thny ai fitted with cooling faun unl tho ven- tllutlnu syutem hus bo4ii uo arranged us to niihum u oomvletn change of ulr every few minutes without causing ilraurhts tlmsn curs urn a credit to the can a dla ii workmanship that hus gonn into tholr muknup ami will do muoh to encourugo travol in this purt of thn continont the wonder kidney liver tj stomach tonic as nationally adverlibcd sold by a t brown acton and by a a ood druggist evsryvwhsre n i for long winter evenings lanterns and oil cans jtlh at chore tlnli a wnll having u huml lift 1 a iood umtihn is your bnl frli ni on a dik wlnuru night t chore tlnli wnll mttd liuik rn liomlnlt two pints of ill unl hut ioiik h llklilhik u mutter or only a fw onl is priced at 1jg und tl86 oil cano thro un smoother and with l us rtulsu wli they are iiesli clod ln aus h is an oil van a hundy oil can u haws improved llncor axis llum h n uuruiilootl iv m ally klimlilluhtu any thhiip around thn hourio uut run nil th y ur ulvn a iuieq often mm h ixiihitr to apply tho oil without iking for you ut taillotm id cold midul 1 ully w d talbot mala street phone 76 acton ontario paul and his companions seek iho river sldo as a place df prayer t who was the first convert in tumpat how can we bo sura of ood s call to special dutyt dally readings for next week monday december 17 the unlver sal kelfcn of christ is 0 17 tuesday december ii a kingdom of imghtoousnoss and 1 eace isu u 110 wednesday iwetnlw r lo a con quorlng kingdom isal rn 1 11 thursday ioeomlor ro an kxaltoi kingdom ins 2 16 friday december 31 a kings dream and a4rophets vlsli in dm x 3845 saturday iwcnmbor 22 for th glory of owl and the good of si oil luke j 830 sunday december 23- the llelgu of the hlghtfous king psulm 72 1 1 old earth cellar best for apples f one of the problems of the house holder each your is what iuantlty of apples he can storu oootiomlcaliy and another question why did not my apples keep well lust wlntert or is there any way by width i can ketp them better this year this dootf pot apply of course to those who urn fortunate in having od rushlonod eel lars without a furnace which was cool but frost proof and moist without being damp it was and is ln such cellar that apples can be kept to the best advantage and where thoy will beat retain their flavor thsioarer thn 00001 1 ions approach thoso ln the old earth cellar the better the results will be first thu fruit should be kept as cool lui possible without rrooxing if the temirature tan bo kept be tween 36 and 40 degrees fahrenheit this would imi host the higher the temperature the shorter tho life of tho fruit next in importance la retaining rhe mulsiuro in the fruit if tho individual specimens are oi posed to a very dry atmosphere they will wither hence the doolrublllty of keplng them in such as to retain the moisture as much as possible even though the air of the storage room bo dry tola can ib lain ed to some uxtent by keep log the fruit in a closed package and better still in addition by wrapping ach individual specimen in wnxed or lied imper which wlq do much to preserve the moisture in the fruit and to korp dlssaao from spreading from specimen to another it is also desirable jf one has mithlng rise in torugo that will ira adversely uffoctod to keep un open vessel with water in it in the room a cafurul cholro of varietls should lie made if olio is going to luy in aov- erulbarrels or tnuro than the family can use in a month or so as not withstanding favorabls conditions for vtoragi thn length vf season ttutt any variety will remain in prime condi tion is limited w t uutoun do minion horticulturist one of tho commonest oompluli of infants is worms and tho m effective application fur them hi mother graves worm eutermlnulor two kinds op self confid ence helfcinnuoino is an important uu set while self conceit is ulwuyu u hundltap the good i inloii of ones self which is bused on tho kutlwlodgu of ones tuuiilty is un untlrly dtf fernt thing from tho good opinion whti h u only a phase of vanity if you are lortultt thul you uro itolug to rnuko u suoooss of u nw pluo of wi imouuso you huvu mwilo u uucoosi of averythlng you have vl uiidortakuii thut conlldi nee hus it sound roundu- tlon liut if you untlclftuto wucuoas not berause you have won it pmvlously but luausu you uro going lu try some thing pew the prospects slit poor thn fulth in ones self which amounts to any thing is thu result of ralthfully dolt the little duties that come ot way ui thn hublt of sutciss is tubluhed bpectacleb for horses it appears thut anions thu tunny odd inventions of a more or uss practical natunt them uro spictuiies for horses tho purpose is auld to bo not to lm prove thu sight but by luushig the ground ln front lo appear nearer thai it reuly is to indtlio lb- hiirao io uk high steps after a training with such spoctuue i ri uvitrul iho borsn sonuirtio und lelulns the hublt or hitch stepiilug those spaetuclos it is said a to uvrgaly used in hngland by luvera of horses of the thoroughbred type towards the kingdom how far the world our partial iwrf of it gets better and how fur it getff worse is u subject for never end ing discussion in some directions wo certainly have improved wo hehuvo more decently to animals we acknowledge rnoru hi stlnctlvuly the fellowship in which the human race is jolnnd with every thing them was un illustration of this yiatorduy in u hospital near london a tiny klttnrt was run over bomo little boys picked it up an i took it lo tho hospltul now that ln itself was u decided advance irty yesrs ago thut course would hot uvon have suggested itself put it out of its misery would havo ik ii thu moat humane suggoatlun hut more follows at tho huspltul the klttnn was treated with tho utmost care an operation was performed by dim tors j nd nurses in the operating theatre the uttle creature will bo looked artnr until it is well again there is something in a story like this which thrills the chords of syro- luuhy and even touches tb font uf tears whan wo all uct towards one another and towards every form of life whether in suffering or in health with this tonderneas and kindly earn wo shall bo really civilised wo shall have begun to found the ideal com- nwulth uio kingdom of god upon rlh daily herald an excellent pro toe t ion ugulnst worm can bo got tn millers worn powders they render the stomach und intestines untenable to tlium they heal tho surfaces that have beoomn inflamed by tho attacks of the pora- is and sorve to restoro the strength of the child that has been undermined by tho draughts that the worms huvo mudo upon it and that their opera tlon is altogether health giving vour handicap it is very natural for ua to fool that our especial handicap is the hardest ono to overcome- x youth who has 111 health to contend with tells himself thut it is the most serious disadvant age of all if he weru well and strong tu thliiks nothing on earth could duuut him and the girl whn backs u good education is sura thut above uverythlng else this hlnduru her from getting to the place whem nhe wants to h and so it goes down thu list poverty soeins an insuperable obstacle to the poor und thn youth with defuu tlv vuiom is certain that ha would huvo no difficulty in getting the hottut of uiy other handicap as long as we think of our ha ltd i rup us soma thl tig we cannot get tho better of so long will it continue to gut thu butter of us hut if wii deter- iiilni to tontiuor it wo will have lukon u long step toward victory tin ro is consolation in tho fuut thut tin m is no handicap thut some anu hus not oonquured that some one is not conquering awry day poor boys grow into rich men ignorant girts by studying lu their leisure time ucqulro the knowledge they ktood to help tllem uhixid people with ulllng bodies do more tbun their share of thu worlds work tho blind tnakn a success of life these things uro huppelilng ull tho time and us you sou what otheis huvo dona you und youisolf usbalnud to n gurd your own ehpeclul liamtuup us holm loss the gieat point is to huvovli tjiry 1ar your goul inxteutt of trying lo nnd uu xcusu or your fulluio ditirnilun lo huicimh and tbwii push on toward hu coss let the church whistle thu minister was ut dlmiui with tl cliuffle family johnny spoke up ui said pan a church wh why do you uk jtihunyr liujuhwl the p roue her kindly llw uuia u owes 112 pw rent und hn says he is holug to let thu tlilirtli whistle for t aftnr ttie pn ai hr hud luknn his d purtuiii tlieru was u voiul solo hy johnny ynjla pilgrim the last attack of athms muy roally bo thu lat one if urompt uros uro tukeii dr j d kullogg s asthma hnitiedy wiji safeguard you it will enetrulo to thu inullest broil- i lut passage und bring almul a heulth condition ii ulwuys rolluvvs and its loiitlilued use often lius u pormallulil ents1 why not got this long faminn reitkhly to day und foiumeilcn lis in inhulod us snioku or vapor it is iual jy effuctlvo the storv of development homo tlm os the xcuvatnr rind upon jatunns marks that evidently am not tho work of chunce homo of thes- ruoonls studied long by uxperts havi ylnlded rich stores of information when ut length they were rud thi fiiinotiu liohottu stono which proved th kny for dec inhering the unci inomiiih tits or lgypt wus studied for forty ycurs before it wus interpreted hut though tar so long it soomed im- iioshlbto to mud out its meaning tio unn tio uli tod thut ii hud one hormtlmn ufa aeoms to pa u jumbl- of nirolatol happenings w cannol unilerstun i thu meaning of the things thalcomo to us our i xihiriencos soem without ru la i ton umi to another with out significance hut this is all wrong some future wis r than we are ut sunt wo shall read the significance of oui suffering und our strugglu all f it com mhos to write u story of du- vutopmont the oil of the athlete in ruhbmg iwn tlio uthleto will und dr ttiomus lo loci lid oil an excellent article it lers tho muscles und sinews pll- i tukns the soreness out of thorn und stron athens them for strains that muy lm put upon thum it stands pru- rnluotit for this purpose and uthletos who for yuats have boon using it can tify to 1s value uau lubricant a welltrained audience tlm oiilhuslaam of a public audl- eiicti is not always mo spontaneous as iuuiiim wo huvo oven heard thai such jntelllgent und prl ileal gather ings us those which attend operatic pr riniuicud in tho greut metropoll- uti housos have sometimes boon led ml stimulated lu tholr upplauso by well orgunlxod ollquis a recent tory hi un atnericun inugaxlno hints hut similar i erects are sometimes ur- runged for ut political mootlngs a political orator addressed in english luh of italian voters to hi sslorj- lyhmnt uml sutlsfuctlon bis llstsners ivuld htrlot uttontlou und uppluuded l tho proper pluceu shouting vlvu und lira vol n pouted i y at the uotiuluulou of hts speech the ora tor took ills sout busldo the chairman i lu u whisper auld that ho was delighted with his mceptlon und had ivvt i spokeil to u more intelligent udlunco iu uhl replied tho cliuir- mau i iku thut when i hot up two u riugu evora man suya vlval win ii i hoi up t rtou rlniiu evra ui say u ilrayo i tol up wholeu ii und uvmu inun suya hlyll n big a yp ttx u thut cnrnx uio cuusi d vhy hid prossure f tight boots hut no mm iiouj lw trusjbli il with didtii long whuti so liiiplu u leunwly us hollowuy s corn llniiov r is avullabln three black cats lveiyoitw ruculls tho statement of mui k twutn who urif fimiillug his ubltuury in t hewspupor gave out umuiit thut the ruport was slightly uxnggerulud a rustier reoontlysent a i lipping to tho often thut 1 60o s hud hueii colleuto 1 by children in nw york city for which ihoy ttsolvud t dents eucli and uskod if wu thought such uttlons should be ullowod wo sent thu notice to jmieiul man ugr lloiton of th american h i c a new york city who immediately luplld tho facts of the cuse are thut thu howling oreeii nelghbortitod ahmoi utlon did foultshly offer fi ctintu tuih ror utiuy tuts li ought to tsir othi t as soon us wo htanl of it wo protest d ull i thu oiler wus piompily withdrawn thu assoi jatloi liifotmid us tlmt thoy puld tttf just out iut limit tri usury wus dupls to tho i xthu of ilvo cunts thu yooiily uiuovii twontytwo tuts and iidwmi uputs suld that tlftmii hundred tuts worn tukuu uwuv to bo hanged acton creamery pays highest market ibice por churning cream fresh milk daily 8 cents per quart ai the creamery sundays from 8 to 0 a ni no cream received after 12 oclock noon on saturdays acton creamery co quality- our motto t j cneil prop phone 63 railway time tables at acton nadun nationaisrailwiys going west no 3 it 1 ham no 11 10 sfiam in w 3 3ft pm no it i oj pdtl no ib 8 39 v m ni c sun lay going cost 10 20 am no fit 7 oh o-m- no nu 14 fl 3d p m no iff mi 17 pm n 18 iiipm no 34 hunday 7 0hpto toronto suburban electric going west b 17 a m lsjy except uunday hip id dally except sunday i 1 00 p m dally except hundaj 11 os a m w hunday only 0jg p m runday only 5 66 p m sunday only going east 7 48 a m dally except sunday 2 07 p m dally except hunday i 18 p rrf dally except hunday 31 t m sunday only k r p- m sunday only u slip n sunday only h kroight delivered by special express freight freight picked up at an ad dress in toronto bj t tuertford agent aotoo personal greeting cards beautiful emblematic christmas designs artistically lithographed your name neatly printed in text or scripts fine plate card with envelopes to match good choice of designs and greeting inscriptions no 1 no 2 no s 1 dor 2 do 3 dor 4 dor 176 200 25 s300 3js0 37s 400 ljso c75 500 575 order at once before assortment is broken the acton free press phone llw castoria nvvvvwnvvvc yes quite likely v dun t know who lr i feiinlng is 1 ut this is his rtpl y to u icttei odors t il cf u liutflot tuiii uriihig the purposo of u jiorthwomfurn liunmim worksr a hull und the hoclutli s aim rupiuaented in dilvu the wild wist hhows out of uxlsti tuo is it tho idea if thu humubo sd- cl tls t try to do us tho title of this laflit wtatusv all the women who ajo in tl innjoilty uf thu humane soi let us going to wesi tho pants of tin nation jm till us what we run mid unit di7 w should n t imi nuipilil if thoy kill hoonei uf lutei they on if they hi oumb animals win- vinnvfcvoisvvvvvnvvvxvnnvnvvvfcfcfcfcv mother fletchers castorin is a harmless substitute fpr castor oil iparegoric teething drops uj soothing synips prepared to relieve infants ln arms and children all aged of constipation wind colic flatulency to sweeten stomach diarrhea regulate bowels aids in the assimilation of pood promoting cheerfulness rest an j natural sleep without opiates to avoid imjtatkini always look for tile klgnature of xzyttxili ftmyro dlr- ti ni in rili picbiur liiclans everywhere rccottuttend il ee lavage and eee better write or phone for appolntmejit for when vou wish to coma a dl savage optometrist a mfg qptiolan ssvaoe optical building right at the post office ouelph t e gibbons expert 8ho repairing prompt attention toi orders left t e gibbons ua1m street acton acton monument works dealkllh and iupoutkbh ov wonumfcnts ok afjb kinds orders for lettering on stones already erected promptly at tended to elxpert workmanship and reasonable pricoa j nicol fcox 17 uttiust acton acton elevator near o t r station following brands on hand flour manitoba flour pa8trv rolled oats oat chop oats oilcake hav and orain grain bought and retailed alex l noble henry awrev manage j free press job printing is always neatly done this stores policy to represent goods ex actly aa to their quality to sell to thoso who know and to thoso who dont know at a uniform fair price to fulfill all guarantees and cheer fully correct n all mis takes to deserve your confldoncc fay always giving you aatlafactloii savage co jeweuera guelph ontario

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