Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 27, 1923, p. 1

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imfgvt w1i- t- tlte sttt vts fortyninth year no 26 thursday morning december 27 1023 acton ontario canada thursday morning december 27 102 single copies five cents the methodist c1iubch acton rev chas hackett pmim- pmmmo- willow st 1100 a m thn xi in liter kubjoct a look ul ijfe iso i m munduy iu hoc i 7 00 i ni tli milliliter hubjecl htandlng ut th ikmii- kvkiiyitotm wkixtome presbyterian knox church acton minister rev a c suwart m a manse willow street it 0 tim mb nulfc hu ij ret a llupy new year 3 00 i m kundsy hchool 700 p m the minister hubject tlin itmrawul orlhn hprlnt of ufo htrangn ion vine ixldroaa with l be usher will be called upon by tto tualor all- altk cordially ikvtteid h u special notices ailttlijbjls in ttum rnluiu a cnli p ord uulnnin charge joe per insertion a clearing auction sale of the kinn htock lurnltum of it lonchman will w hold at lot 19 uuelph itoad nuaaagawaya friday decvmlhtr 2h ut 1 so m il j kkuil auctioneer 232 i ho no 38 art 0jdo0 head of poultry wanted il utihgnn poultry buyer and mr vtiyor la in the market for all kind of good plump poultry alive- or dreea- od light or skinny bird not wanted it u ill oak 136 tfllbphono jr2 ho 341 acton for sale large resident ul homo solid rod brick all wniwoloncwl hot water heating 3 piece bathj wired for elec tric stove fixture- good lot a bar gain for quick aaln box 37 234 acton ont strayed to tho premlaee of tho undersigned a red steer about tho end of october ownr may huta umt by proving property and paying expense alkreu wilson il t kn 1 campbell vi lie phone ilr i took wood 363 farmstor sale 4fi farm in tho countls of halton ad woulngton vary ins from 40 to 100 seres lot u send you our i tat a number of home and business p in acton for bala flra and ufa insurance uoor to a smith itaal batata acant aston ont notice annual meeting of acton horti cultural society tim annual meeting of tho horti cultural society will bo held in the town mall wednesday january 9th at 8 p ro hhaitp the commit to specially requmit that all member will make a special oftort to attonj k very body welcome e t- thetford p scriven satorwury preside nl free railroad fare to nearest branch a job for you 0 to 135 per teek wo wa fifty man wo will train you fpp auto tractor garmgp mochun- offer good only for fifteen dgya mention ad h em phi 1 1 itroa auto a oaa tractor school 13 klng- bu w- toronto gnelph business college offer qpuldata clerical fiuatneaa stenography and se cretarial course by wtpftttojt- partoncad toaoher- htudent may tutor any day wiutb xob information v o wrott principal aa i a n i if i pi friday december 8 ttw drivin m waly v utlwty uulh idllltm- a picture that abtiuiula with thrllbl aiwil and hixluti in fact thu fuatuat hlx ihu sut on tha rmii coniady thu fyjoul a krmah umqiy that la ruilliur thuti u t un akstaa saturpay dcoeubi p fortune mauk with irla wllllunw a klury of cantrul aninjiijl t yulu- tluna wild ltm kihwitimw kqll o myatttry uml livn cumniy tha kturruahrr new yearp d- pom to the hea n hipa slth aihtclal mitt jiu luuftr iva inaljiht ti hi knaund wbulhuf onnibdy at 300 cm it out atrj muttp weqheb0av january 8 wwt jusuct walta dramh i fd v nu starrliuf ikumtllt rnum a jnb that wlm khm yuf aciiaaa ay your tinuttlnip cum- ittoulri wut tm kplaodr imunilor j a mcclure son beginning our januaryclearance in december no time to be lost its an old old story that never loses its thrill january clearance men and women know hat they are going to have a chance to take advantage of wonderful savings at macdonalds special emphasis is placed today on tho january reductions in mens overcoats 1950 regular up to 2750 j2o50 regular to 3500 and 3750 3750 regular to 4500 and 5000 two hundrettantntfty coats in the choosing every desired model and shade plain looseback coats big roomy ulsters with half belts young mens models with threcpicjcc belts plain and fancy checkback models best picking to earliest comers will you be in guclph over the holiday weekend saving- like those quoted above will be worth coming for in a hurry happy new year as we approach the threshold of a new year wo pause to express our appreciation to our many patrons in this vicinity for the generous business we have enjoyed during the past year and we humbly renew our pledge of loyalty and service that the bonds of friendship and confidence between us may be strengthened tho new year that lies before is full of new hopes new opportunities and new responsibilities for us to you may it be full of happiness and prosperity and tho best blessings that life can bestow d e macdonald bros ltd goelphs ilwg and largest store peanut taffy just fresh in with lots or pennuts weekend special 25c lb wishing you all a very happy and prosperous new year i new years special assorted chocolates assorted chocolates with hard centres soft centres and peanut clusters regularly 40o and soo per it weekend special 2se id regularly 30 lb m at h wiles hjl harrison the shoe man happy new year to all h l harrison the shoe man whir qualify oounts w win dni htn it wfll pay you news of local import chriatmaa mm at 8t josapha ohrulrrm inn aw wan reloitrutad mid n leht in ht joatpha ohurrli there win n bimki congregation preaont it kiithor mcltoavy 1 i omrltilod llttt home town poem oh town of htnxita idjkih whit with nrtow wham homo and alnlghi ho sully no uml t hooka rnlimn will hciulth do kihw rnim frinklnit wlndn thiit frtwly bin w whtro heart a uro wunn iih furra red at chrlalmna tlnttr my thotiahlm wrolod llkn him whii ciimn front j ion vcn ntxivtt your htimhlji liroa th life 1 love turkayo from manitoba mr nnd mr- wuhnm mcphnnton of i el muti mninmlmtnl acton mfutlvim thla ynar vrlih turkoya from holrurm llork in the wnal chlif t j mcllntmoii unit mnaara william und uwmnni wihumit imch rocolvnd u prime bird nnd fouml thntu to ixt txndfir und lollrlotim at thnir yulatldo fiilnlly kuthrrlllkal an appreciated chrirtmaa illumination landlord hltchle of tho hundnrland houan matin uultn u hit umotik oltl- sntim uml vlaltora whim ha turnod tho ncur rif nlwtrtc llshta which llluinlnutn hla lawn on chrlatmaw hunday ovonhnf with tho nowly fill in li bnow rovorlntf luwn trnoa nil mhrtiblwry thn offmil wu qulto a fairy luixl uiimurnnc and tho hupdroda of ultlxciim iuultiit urtnr church i liritcluled vmry luuci tho protty upoo- t j chrtatmaa sunday in th churvhaa notwlthatulidlntf tho prvullnir nw mtorm on hunday tho pooplo on orally nudit it a hotochurch day thfirtt nrtt la rav comcroaatluna in ull thn hurchft tlio anlrlt of rowl worahlii wa tnunlfeat tho upprtirlatn chrlat- tnaa moaaasiut from tho pulpit and tho aulnndld chrutmaa mualo hy tho cholra und aololata nvo tho aorvloea tho rul clirlalmnntlde lnailrutlop tho paatorw all occuplod thalr onrn pulplta during tho day a wadding announcement it in announced tlutt ifrn limrrva kuthohno knowloa tho divorced wit f uv itoborl 13 cnowloa tho wnll- known author and mlnlntor fur many your of knox itoahyterlun church gait will return to now itorno north carolina whore aha wiw married to mr tcnowle 2a yoara ao to be mar ried asaln on january so john fcnrat- liniov a prominent bualneaa hiun of toronto who upon i hla imyhood daya in acton and na hla lummer homo tho trout tunda iiero will be tho it room christmas visitors and happy home- comers numerous a joyful chriatmnsude was spent in many homes numder of our citizens spent the festive season out of town chrutn iiiioiim u vlultoih und fumlly ro in the wm- luulty illirhuf thn v ructtl tl fotlowliik mr aluxwoji ion toronto to will lbttmm toronto llr k j moor- of toronto mr j c iludhuy of toronto mr mcun jurat f toronto the shop windowa at christmaa the chrltnut dliuya in tlie ahop window in town wore hujcnly redlt- uhla lo our hierchanta they wr- unufiualiy attractive- nnd ho doubt i- iiucih cuatomara to make purchnwea a ottlsen of toronto in wulkln throuab town thft nrat of the wew remarked i rnuat conxmtulate the bualnuot mkipio of acton upon tho it atilonilld window dlauuya they are fully aa attractive a tho dlaplaya mio by atoroa of the aume bualneaaf lliiea lu toronto and the merchant of acton cortulnty doaeive credit georgetown mayore narrow eacape mayor li toy dale of georgetown wuu luoky luat thuraduy oiornlug- ut 3 50 kiid uwea hla life to the fuot that hi var a tuck faat lit tho mud two foot more und he and hla companion would huvo boon in the awlft current or the hydro canal at nlaauru lall mr dale hud been told lo take a detour juat putalde the city but took wrong road and waa drlvlnsr ttlon- bank of the canal whin ho waa hi i rd he wa horrified when ho dla- covered how olge to the brink he lid boon a wrecking uutnt pulled tho car out and back to aulld ground qreat ruh at tho poat office the regular atalfaf the toat oiric which waa augmented by aeverul aa- alatunta had an abnormal chrutmaa builneaa- it continued from tho middle of laat week until yoaterday on monday vvory mall was equivalent to u dray load and tho chrutmaa week wiw the bigrt mall that ever crnno to aolon ro nearly a week the publla mco at the othce waa cruwdod with cltlaena ahxloua to luauro and mall mrcel und utter to frlende jnd relative or to receive letter upd imrcol for thcmaolvc through it all tho buay atair manifested uniform courtday uhd did their level beat to keep everybody liaipy and aatlafac- torily aorvrd ontario and labrador ekehanglng flower while in ht thomaa recently dr qrottfell ttrntuged with vr v h lleii- llttt jreldent of the horticultural tumiloly and an expert gladioli growor for an exchange ut horticultural pro- duot between iabnadur and st thumaa- a collection of trie and cladi- ull will bo bent from st thomaa to tho two largeat hbapltal operated by lr orenfell and hla co worker und in ruturn lc orenfell hu promued to end to tit thomaa a collection of the hoautflul perennial for which luibra- dor la noted uhdume of the country no we ring hruba auch aa tho kalmla and uutlooa theee native ahrub huvo nvt- before been eetit out of labra dor horn and horn paper l nolo from uur former jhurle h gambia lluf- ih much atmreolated the liaiipy himith of the vettr with it featal aeoaon to u who havejievervd tu u certain extant tlin old hontu tlt lit glvnil the tdvawant okrtunlty ut helm whig our auhacrlp- tluw to tho tusuhom lanr with hundruda of fortner autonlaha 1 cat ueeuix you that it la h lea laaur to bv pcrmlttpd to pay my annual uu- nurltulutt to ttta kaaa ihaa t hav bcoii u reudar uf thla hum iatr muum hty uhlldiioud in faot it waa the nrat tiowmpaimr i over read when u old id i thought it wa a treat paper today i kay terloualy it u atui to me h krat paier 1 have enjoyed thu recollection of th old man in tho utif ulook tower aty muoh during tlie iuat year tho hla lory of crawaona corner waa eapeaully intematlug to me aa i am more or familiar wltli it all i mini hour illy in tavor of th limikwul made by my eateemjed pr- dtrcoaaor cunt john bhaw und otliora with refareiieo to ihirpotua litre of the iilot und gruvvuf in vulrvlew ceme tery i hone the council uf the preaont year will formulate a feaaiblu plan hlul curry it out autlafm orlly i will gladly contribute my ahuru to hi worthy cuuae i wlab you and your and everybody in thu old home to a droaparoua new year mliut mai thu rr of toronto mr john l withtln of kim ira mr liny 1 iniwn from hamilton mia kruu iiuihi of toronto mum nor ih l6nney of ouolilh mr lloyd kfiuuiy of toronto mr jordu ii lwwaou of toronto m1h uihi i wlggliim ut toronto ur aiiuui knihfcdv of toronto mr w c knny toronto mr flim mtraon of oahuwa mr iiinr huiidnruou of torontt mr lunioru johnton of hamilton mint vrii wlwcliiw of 1ort collwrno mix horuthy nolaon of avon mo re mr harold wuiiauirough of toronto mr utid mm w- o smith or toron- mimk margaret j macdonald of tor- mr onto a mill 11 homorvlllo of tor- mr onto ulid mr cordon haywojtl tor- mr uoorgo ah now of ietrolt wu mr ami mrn j i kcnney of kit- nut wa home from huilth wuu homo from mr ctiurlo mclco wa here frm mr nl mtx iclwl mad dock of toronto u ulo mutthnw wu hero from mr j- to rou i ii mis vura hurvuy of toronto teurh- lug uturr krmi lamk of king- mr und mr hamton m y mr and mr lloyd muale and ha bo toronto mum lurtlm llrov 1 trow ii toronto n btut mr krnrat mlaav jiun ti toronto mr and mr toronto ml liuihel ktart 1 in tpra for the holiday mr it w htuwurcwe homo from amrkvrlng ifumhoiid of itochc- nd anna llpdauy rom q h jtrown wam at hoeaor and kdlth ett waa homv mr gladalnna lor y and mm- h of toi otiio ml margaret from toronto mi- arjiuld mucdonald waa homo from 0hawu mr- und mr hurley itrignall and iwilm of toronto mlac olive jaid und mario mowut of toronto mr qrnnt nd mr c hoy molntcah ami of oahuwtt mia grace hood 1 lhndlhg the holiday in guolnh- mlaaea icttle and myrtle dill were home front toronto mr und mr k 3 hlce npent the holiday in hamilton mr ut murio d mr itort i if ltruntford fwaou olid ml of toronto chriatmau at 3 mia loutae uocker vlaltcd acton friend it x hlitcllrfn i home in chely rr w a rjlchol la home from now york for the holiday mr juck mcnlveu of toronto unl- voralty wuff toronto ml jole mcnubhof toronto wa mr john a omltha mr k a malvau of chaaley waa at mr wllllum johtixtonom mia kdna johnton apent chrlatmaa with rvlatlwa in hamilton mia ollu armatmng i at hr homo lu uruaadlu for tho hullduv- mr und mr churle w maaon und mliw mien nor from kllitioner mr kilillni luttor of ueveutoke tl c 1 vultiitg rrhmd here mr melboruo overholt teilt chrlat- tna ut hi home in tlrantvrd mr- oreiivllu maaale la ahdln a few day with mend in wiartoil mia floroiue klllott wa homo from free port tuililturluitl for chr talma mi- juhio- mill upwiit tho chr latum holiday with hi aletor in hamilton mr und mr w it r uulr und vlniu vl crlrmt at owtm huuitu- mu lciniiiu hoblhoit went to hpr ho hie ht konilwmth for the holiday ml kht ully of llmeouae auenl cliruttmt wlh mr and air wm hall mr john h moore of dundaa wa ut the homu uf hi muther mr jama moore mr and mr ijoiothy of torot uttirey hubert and mu j war at mr gei air uoiik wre at mn chrhjtma mr i- un monday kitchener mr jd mr nlcolof uulph vult- ud uttho houikwu their eon councllloi jolili nal id mulfcimd mid wilfrid i ktolt iak avaituw for 1 ia tub iwiro ugh returned uflor via it in filanda til mr in t m i uii igovln imnt chrlatmai in ilmwj with friend trvy n y hie high school h home splendid programme olven by the scholar of the high school tho anituul high iuhool at home held laat friday ovrnlng who one of tho beat uvnr put on by tho rhnol tho prtigrammo romiirlaml i horuof ru folk danrou rocltutlona piano anion und lootla thn mi hoot lmmr mid a oneart luy und ovory horn whu ns- tho choruw achool wu u und ahowod m iturt uf tnurlii during thr progi who had done th 1iib hy tin- mfhoh news of local import the mild december weather uuul nxpnrloncc at aprln ml acholur mmvmra o training for tho folk danooa und mr jtyrno who hud charge of the kr lrnnrh winging wore nifh tnwdu u auituhln pftfntntlon forthelr inlnroat lu the work of train ing- itov a c htn wart wuh thu i happy und eftlrlont chulrmun uf tlm n veiling proceeding and welcompd the vlaltorn on ihu1f of ihi achool r tllfrtrtifi itcma lu thnir order of atipearoticii on the progrummn were follow onmp aonga hy the achool chairman uddreao hy hov a c h teaart ma folk dnncv by high hchool pupila piano duett by ml gray and ituamnll itoaa kronch recita tion from henry drummund by addln hurat a lrench aong hy girl of the high hchool thn preaoiitallou to mae mooro and mrs dyrno a aocond group of aoiik hy tho achool und the efradlntf the achokl pair hy mia helen mclvonuld tho progrummo waa cloned by a oneurt 1uty with arthur hackott wuirdao hold marguerite kydar nhd clweudollyii muddock tak ing tho vurloua rolu on leliulf of thit literary kocleiy of the hchool thn tre of the oocloty arthur hurkett thauknl all who had aaslalnd und announced tho remaining liart uf the programme xtltt tho progrummn m aorle of promenade and ikncnii wero ludulgod lu and at an lntntmlaaloii in thl iturt u dllqhtful lunch wa mrvml by the pupila thn unuu llkn tmihiruturom in ivmlirr which imvn itrnvnllcd iirtty inrgoly through thn mouth haa imtmlitml of much outuhln wurk tnth nftun poaalble plowing coiii lnuci ight up t cliruimun wonk ci ti arim ware b- irvil dluglng iyd ruklng lu their gurtuxin luiit wmik und thu poll frlahlu and workoil up un moly aa intlm anrlng inilldlng opei hnvi cohtlniifil uputuitikl th-wotti- r of iknmlhr 163 will hi rnijlr rologlcul hutnry un tnauy roipwt sir henry thornton popular lde tcvnry paiuiciigir wakln n clnaal- limn morning on a canadian nullonul train anywhere in can tula had hand ml to him ut hr an unnxpocted and ploualng rvmltxlor or the advent pf chriatmaa thu ihu the form of a telegram front hlr huury thornton print id on n apeclully decorated form and nni luatnd in a anulol und docoratod envflopo bruring thn following moa- ougu to all puaaongor on board train thn omcor and omployoea of the canadian national i tall ways wlab you a very merry chrlatmua and- a ilrlght hafpy and lruattertua now police court newh- not sufficient evidence to prove tho still outfit secured by inland revenue officer delonaod to phil forbee kulurduy moruhurh hiiii of tho in urn court wau mowdid lnytnd capacity mtlrh luti rtnt wu niunlfcal- twl in the mattnr of tho hiiii illiitovornd by inland itavimuo ottlior lloody in- apoclor itnovnly uml hoiiilnluii mount ed iollcnman mcmuiiiih lu nuioiagu- nya a couple of wcuktt ago it wiu generally beillovvd that tli outllt imi- longixl to ilill korlxu the df-uc- knowlmlgod ltootlrg wliti huif imkii llniil 1100 tlilj your foi hnvhii uhd aelllnk lliuor lu vloluton of thn on- turlo tiinimirancn act un1 thut ho old now ihi convli tod of oiuluting a atlll a broach of thn inland itovnnue act of thn iomlnlnn the evidence ring tho rlrcutnatunctih nlxi dim of in htlll the story of a trip intaroatlng serla of latter by j maroar denhtm written to hi newapapertwu newa-trj- bune blenheim from laat hummer mr j mercer ln- hnlm editor of the nnwa trttmne tllenhelm apont hi hollduya in eng land and scot lurid and through tho war area a ri of interesting letter deacrlptlvn of thn trip hi journeying and experience through tho out homo and incident relating thereto were aent to the newatrlhune from week to wl bo instructive and w tleecrlptlvn weru thoae letter that reuunat worn made for extra coola in aurh demand that mevera of the eitltlon worn ex- hauatl and many anxlou to secure plea were unahlo to do no with char oterla tic generosity mr tenholm reprint nd thn letter in book form and ued a neat brochure of about forty page embracing these letter these are iwlng distributed among r inholm rrlend tho infunna- tion given will lie especially interesting to member of the canadian weekly newspaper aaaoclatlou who intend taking a similar trip next summer lu connection wlrh tho annual meet ing of the aaaoctatlou tilm saat lines hn been fnvnrei with u copy lis alma conway toronlu und mia irene ftvlewure are home for tho holiday mr melford mann of rwdrolt vialt- 1 with hi brother and family mr george mann mr w w kcatt f llraehoium itpent chrlatmu with her daughter mr wm hall hamilton 1 vlalt- of her huder mr mu gulnn oi llig ut thn hum i herbert hwltxot mr and mr feirl h vincent t- turned rrom their honeymoon tour on haturday evening mr a j hponcn of toronto 1 spending the week with rrtotid at 0prfnge uhd acton mr charles conway wu cullnd to ux bridge last week owing- to the erlou i line of hrr niothar mr and mr guorgn ilrutur und will spent chrlaunua with mr and mr harold huddlck ut ltrontu mr und mr churlc a o mat thew and muatur 111 ilk- uf toronto were here for christmas sunday ir and mr montaitue gregg und itabe of toronto spent the weekend ut th home uf mr george agnew mr hubert wtteraoii of klucar- llno wa the guoat nf her brother mr ix h young and family an hut- urdy mu i charlotte murklo of toronto the chrutmaa holiday at tht of mr junto mucklu cliurch rtreet mr w d tirlm mia mjrjory und mr llruut of toronto were holiday vtaltuiv at the home pf mr n korbea church utreet mr a 1 hcott mia coustanrd and mils tot john of liremnlon were holiday vultor ut the home of mr j it kennedy muater gordon mtintt who ha own in ouelph hospital since being run ovrr a month ago wa able tu return homo fur chrltluuu hcuuburdur t ohlie of the it c h a kingston t upending christ ma holiday with hi tutruuv mr and mr h otlnni tluaidmore crbscont mosar jbhn a blnrey of thdrult and ltulert htoroy of toronto visited ut the home of their tnuther mr thunm htoroy u day or so laat week mr cecil lliowii biotormah on the toronto hifburlian electric road ou nf mr a h drown ha immii tibllged to romove tu uuelpll um u trumult uf the extended service mr gmy left oil monday for tltrulh- roy to attend thu f mural uf hor hrotherluu aukatidr mokellu who passed awuy on 1ylauy urter u abort nine mr mukullur waa native of nufauguwuyu mr und m j uvtrurtme and family uf mount lurmt mr- c j mukochulu donald and mlmom nf itpoheoter n y and mr ami mr melvln hoper of rrealou wnrv guosl of mr und mr geoig uoer foi the holidays the hon nighy wllhuni consul of thu dultml htutu who wltil mr wilson and daughter urn mud lug u tnonth or ho ut 1reatou hprlug prloi to leaving fur hi new consulate in uuuth amur lea wa hero vlsltlnj fmtluuluuw mr t xx j car stolen from chureh at oakvlli on wmlnooday evening irlnclpal hhixierauin wu ut tending the lnrtu glvnn hy ir bnlem itland of tnront in thn mt hod ut church und after tho incture dlllgetit search failed to reveal tht whereabout of hu aford car the matter was referred to chjof kerr and whim ktrr htroot waa being vlalted ttuit night at eleven thirty the car wa ihmn on thn street aide evidently the cur waa taken shortly after eight oclock and wa driven until eloven wtiim lhn gau ran out and the car was left by tho atrent ijide icxcepl fur huvlng boon ovophaaatxl the car waa not othnrwlso 4rokwl und when guu wu phcurod it waa driven tu it owner htur getting back to normal during thn war period there waa a lt vrboottlughor stylo adopted und with many it continues to thl day irrespective of class or position there 1 a pleasure- mad programme n thn go uml coat a heap of money nd often intnrferos with the practical ctlvliloii that tnuxt bo maintained if nccounl uro to le squared up by th- end of tin- yec thn only way to get back to normal condition 1 for every nmence with them- xnlvns und uu personal aucevsa la at- uilnrnv- broaden tho work to take it tlio fumlly and community with living oxihua so high and tho main tenance of public affair on the rise the mptmidtht ift manner uf living can have only onn exit that 1 down and till 1 no pessimistic photo graph hut a rnul picture or condition with many liusael itml the mcarihur- henderson nuptial idlwyld main htreet koith wa tho w qiin if u very pretty wedding uuturduy arternoon last at 4 p rm mih helin mcleod henderxm 4cuini tho hrlde of john luithwell mcarthur of thn llank of hamilton huln lit n th bride looked charming ioliiguwuy gown of nigger brown lmlrt twill embroidered in gold fimrlntf u corsage bouquet of oiihlu rono und illy of the valley wu glvti uwuy by her uncle mr nuimun mclemf of torqnto the ceremony wu performeil by itov mr mckuy of ctoroulo tlie drawing room wuu leautlfully decorated with uml chrysanthemum after the muny u buffet luncheon wa anrv- ik in the diningroom tho dncoratlona being pink and white cuniatlum the mlipy oouplu urt on a abort trip to lumlltoii and ituffalo o their re turn they will rvsldt lu hamilton georgetown herald a unique itujoo german mark noul mr km eat wordou of toronto tint- irnlty and at present apendtng thi chrutmaa holiday with hla mother guclph whllo in ronvnraatlon with moroury representative thla morn- ing nxhlbnd a vvry unique aouvenlri in tho form uf u 10000 german mark ite ued iii janqary 1931 to the suul glance the tnark looked the me u thn orthjftsry laauo of gorman onoy hut uiwiirvahi obeorvatlon and hidden in u very cunning manner u thu plot urt of u rench vsmplr at i ihu thrtiat uf a german workman thu hiplctlnir the condition lu the huhr um germuny see it it will be re- brd ut tho time that the vverich took oxceiitlou to theee hill and con siderable trouble rjulted mr wonlnnl ivejl the uoln frtun u friend in huitalo guelph mercury km est word oil u an acton boy a son of tho into h h wonleii und a gruduuto of acton high hchool bawar of conftdeno men a coutdu uf atrungera purporting jbu cuuvushurm for ateck in u munu- oturlnif coucnni engaged a room at tho klua utrgw hotel und uftur being hure two or thrvn diiy one of the ineii loft and aald hu would tie back hortly tho hoxt dy the other man aald he had word to go to halnlltoit t engaged the same room for another woek ahead hu auld hu waa short fund und by hi urn presentation gtt mr- itiown to coati a cheque for 1sk x few day after tho uhequo back murked no vmiida mr 1 row it immediately photiodjtu toronto und got iii touch with th hotel afl oouittnn- h wag only u couple uf luyu till tho mn were located aud a wurrunt wu plured in the hand uf lnuwhuble iclrk for their urreal they were tukp tt toronto und took the ultertiullvu ut aqua ring up rather thun fact u jail faro over the hullduy nxwiiturkat cru pretty horn wedding on saturday a viry iirotty wedding wu wilcm- ilsodoii uutnrduy ljeiiiler 3a ut the homo of thu hrtlu uiriit ilrocl avonuu whuti icilxa may blast duugh- nf iir und mr david cumochuti i united hi liiurriagf tu vvedoilcx old hell of ooilelhlh tho hov churle uurkutt onloluti krumptly ut four oclock to thu mtralit of tin eildluw autrch playd by mu jessu muilbj tho hi ida entered the parlor ut th arm of her ruth gowned in whit satin ami mullein weariiis bridal vull and coreugu bnuquot of rose und ifml ton mis 15 ule iaptilu wear ing pink milk ut tended the bride mr toiler t jouuhtnun attondad the groom- little wihu hull linphew of the groout lictet u ling bearer tim grtmim gift to tint brldu wm u krnch ivory mlr- 1or to tho brideamald a liuuch ivory nwel ra to tho orguuut a allk acuirf v id to the roomuman un ebony htual und coinh mr und mi toll will m dao lu-uudarlch- ihith the hrlrttt und hriunuld am uumui of tho iady truit llluo iiodgi und the groom ii groomaiiuiii and mluulor aro all mem- boia ox ua laojaj onuoai undejai tho mowmunt of tho iturty au- pectod poliitml with suspicion very atrougly to ihll lulm in summing the matter however mugiatruta ire said thut while auaplclon waa very strong and circumstantial evi dence fastened thn guilt upon f or boa ro wo nut any direct nvldunce to prove that ho wa thn guilty purty and tacking thin ho wuw obliged to durou tho churgo r in hi own mind tho magutruto said hu had not tho slightest doubt thut lhll korbc wa the owner uml opera i or of thn still but the evidence brought out by tho crown had not ii roved till klvo wlt- nosao worn examined george hllmon jr a cousin of korbe guvo evidence which would havn hud u strong hjtarttur upop tho cose if it hud been sup ported hy fact showing that for ire was operating the atlll hu uaid- orbom wont to tho hilwon homo on uuiurday night after hn hod boon arrested and liberated on hut tried to find out who liud boon served aa wlt- neaau said h would makt it right for him if ho did not awour too hard against him aald that thn uillron had destroyed over 600 worth of stuff when they smashed the atlll outfit and doc la red tho officer hud not discovered a cache of twenty hundred weight of sugar located junt over tho hill from tho atm w i lilck crown attorney acted tor tho prosecution und l w ooetx guelph for tho defence ituaaell uekorwt was charged by inspector ittevely with having tuor in a place ntjior thun tho private dwelling house where hn reside the evidence wont to show that on hunday two week ugovinspector hoe vol y and chief jackson of loorgitown had gone over to noasagawnyit to arceat alox tekorest uncle of thn accused on a chargn of theft lu acton for which a warrant had boon issued agulnat him when tho oitlcur drove up to tho place whern dekoimt waa aupkuwd to bo in hiding thny saw alex uekorist lhll korbe und hua- aell hekorest standing togothor ut tho aide of tho roud immmtlutely the officer had alighted from the cur and n rocognund ituell ijekorest jumped tho fence and cmred through thu bush hoth o ulcer tumued thlmc- ing it waa alox tekret nacaplna as deforeat run loth offlcnni saw him take a bottle of liquor from hu hip pocket and amaah it on u rock the odor of thn liquor gave munlfuat proof that ll wu moonshine whukny and that tie purest act wu an uttompt to destroy tho evidence when the oitieer caught dekornsi ho put up the bluff that hu wa currying a bottle of water just to foul tho otqcer tho encn of inapccluf ttoevuly wa positive that tho liquor wu mimiushlna whiskey nnd chief jui kson aald it certainly wu not witter a convic tion wa regutnrod and a penalty of sioo and cost imtxuied l w aoebx of x who dufoiuled uefurest gave notice i hut ho would uppual and auked that lie ko rent be ullowud out it ball until tho ainkul wuu decided hn hull to tho amount df j 600 waa furnuhod by lie kn rest lhll rvirbe and john 1l watson w l dick crown attorney prosecuted john ll itlnglium of georgetown i complaint uf irovluclal ct ma table atkln wa tlnetl 1 501 und coat for apeetlliig- on guorgetown street laat thursday at tho ivallco court on baturduy in guolph hoy grluuott wuu clutrgl by henry house waa tln nonpayment of wago amounting lu thu sum uf ilc ploudod not guilty tt tho charge and the- story wu tluit urtnr house hud worked for 13 duy hu met with an uocldent whljn ut work und wu com pelled lo gn to gunlph honiiuul grln- t claimed is for bringing iouaa tu guolph und ulso wuhtud tit t hurge for the keep of tho latter horse f luivn itneu taaniu hniutl mull but nonu quito a mean u thut uald tho mugutrutu ahegavo houmi judg ut for tho mil amount of hi claim and taxed grinuntt with thu costa which u mounted to 8 osheiuld courud tluttor uiiuh john dunlop h1i john iiwlllig convicted u week ugo on two iliargiua of pumuhiu worth- ins cheque uu muuuructurcr in ouoliih und runiuiidud for toutncu uguln uppearl iwjfoiti mugutmta wutt wodnmsduy morning hu wa kiehteiioed to thu ontiii in uuforulutory for uu mopthu curiulii uml un indutor- mluate perhul thiruattttr of ouo your uch churgo aunitoiicit to run om- currnly hutlvr hu a bud tvoord nurmuu walker of carluln who wau rroatchl ut kllbrldu with liquor in hi posaeaalnu ut u ilanou ounio hufortt 1 nil ice mag ut rate monro ut thu court house milton on thursday norutua ha pleaded guilty to tho clmruo und waa dnud isoaoo und route put upon oath an to lb ft uuurc of hit liquor walker hworo ha got it from thn driver of u motor cut for pulling him out uf u holu whun hi cur ytullml ho did not know the itiuji whuro hn camu from7 or whuro hu wuu going tho liquor wa nukiiiuhliiu week of lrayer serviced union of the congregation of th town for thoa brvio thn unnuul wtmk of vayr burvlco will be bald on thu 7th sth oth und 10th january in anton thu congregation will uultu for the aervuu huo utuvlcu will ito held lu uaoh uhuicii und tho four mlnutvm will luldrua tho uiiltud c4in- gregutloas a follow monixay in tli i anultruii cliuitih itov a c htuwurt m a to givu thu add res tukhhay lu th llaptut church itov charle huckiitt tu no tho upnukur wkdnicjjoay lu the muthodut church itov i u l- itulluh tn ad- driwa thn uongt gullon tlimthday lu tho ii hyti un churuh 1uv w ii howard lo b thw awqknr of lbo oveuluui i 4

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