Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 27, 1923, p. 2

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j i fillip artrm 3ffrgg lrgafl a iiuithttay ini kmimh 27 toaj a new year 0 wiqh tho oil ar u muni willi hb plows ore und pln u huiiuu i ulm tli nw ynr uuulu w hull lilin ut ftlmd und w iiii not tifiulu lioiil wlvliiif u hi- lot- tlu ktfl of oh i lni lu u gift uu all i may hl wimhtvn kill may his joy it imvr pull and nmy w nr k1 him whatever l out- ulixlnoiix now vr muy ull of hi puthu load in nlmity may ull from griefs bunds find u joy- and muy ull tho discords of enmity in every sphoru may goodwill or uil tlm turtli brood like u dove may wo ukcak wnniv uml do uctloh prompted by liivn and may iviry blessing from heaven above coino with our now yuur uuy each una not kindly forgetful of uoir may hatred uni malice li plarod on the shelf and may ho bring plenty of plnuxuro and pelf to ull wo hold dour may each of tils day an thoy comu to an end vho nlled wilhtho will halp to others to loniti and muy each now day prove 10 cut h a new friend this gladsome new year some sad but truthful t boardinghouse reminiscences hoarders at thirteen bourdlryf houses in a large city met on thursday even ing not ua an indignation meeting hut to talk over tho different muthods that might be suggested for indud landladies to put more bod clothes on tho beds resolutions were adopted ojtpreaatvo of the mdm of the mooting which the aocretary wu in true tod to have transcribed and forwarded by mall to the proprietor of tho board ing houses represented at the mooting after tho business that brought thorn together hod been transact ed the boordere exchanged view on the sub jeet of board in houses and discussed the d iff o rent methods of bringing thu landladies to terms mr bmllh aald that ha had buffered from slewed prunoa at tho table where he boarded vor thirteen yearn ila had not touched a prune for eleven year but a glaaa oauco nlate full aoajced in tepid water hod been oat deal do hut plate every night mince he bad beer there while he did not wlib to com plain ho thought uie thing had baei carried far enough aftd ho would be thankful if ny gentleman prea would suggest a method by which a boarding house keeper could be in duced to give prtmea a furlough mr brown rose to his foot and aald unaccustomed as he was to tubl peaking he could not let the occsj- lon poaa without relating hla experi ence lie aald he had been troubled with prunoa that way for sbt yoafra ton month and thirteen days got ao that the algbt of a prune him into hy miotics and when ha aaw a barrel of them in a a tore it mode him see sick last summer he aald he made up hla mind to raleaae prunoa from tholr engagement at that hoosa if he broke up tho business ha aald he oat on the left aide of the landlady at uje table and when she waa not looking ha put a dead mouse into bar aaaoe dlah she took tho mouse up on a tea spoon and waa just about to place it la amongst her falsa teeth whan he called her attention to the deceased she shrieked and took all the prunes off tho table he- aald there ware no prunes for supper for some days but at length they cams again and be put a mouse into a dlah belonging to on old mold on tho other ida of the table she was near sighted and thought the prunes were these preserved crab apples with the stem on and ahe took up the mouse by the toll on that understanding and bit lu hanging on to the tall with her thumb and jfarennger brown sold he felt as mean as an indian commis sioner when he saw her trying to mas ticate that oxab apple and whan she gave it up and adjusted her glasses and looked at it and saw what she bad done mod left the table and the other boarders and the landlady looked at the mouse he felt as though the days of prunes were numbered that was last summer and he has not seen a prune since and he said he could conscientiously recommend the mouse plan as he sat down mr smith asked what a good mouse trap would coat or if any gentleman had a second hand mousetrap to aoil he aald he would try it on bis boarding bouse at enoe mr robinson saldthe bad mousetrap spell ago but it bad got lost and as he had found a piece of wire in his hash he had concluded that the trap had got into the bash gutter by mistake mr jones sail that was not necessarily the case as he had found wire in his haah also and on tracing it up ha found that a hairpin had been cut off in the fower of its youth mr harvey in moving to adjourn suggested that the boarder form a society and meat once u week for tho purpose of exchanging experiences and devising ways and mauti o better ihelr cendiuun the proposition was acted upon favorably and the society is to be known as the boarders ex change and antihash bocioty j committee waa appointed to secure rooms and it was agreed to moat every tuesday evntdng milwaukee hun mmwmiimwwmiamwme rmlssmhlswsllll qlffr 3ffrei jlrpsfl jjort 4tnrg eniijyvncw year resignation j mlltvin ii1iiu mope comfortable for travellers th amiilluii riwny huvo nlmwii hut liny uu wllll in h ml inuiiiy wit money in i iniulrut tlntf thirty leaving the parm l has been many years alnoo there have been so many farm auction sales in this county as are being held this fall the reason la not far to weok farming has been unprofitable this u u wallknown faat the trouble is the want of pric adjustment- the farmer gets too little for what be s and hnn to pmy too nniuhfor what he t buys thu farmer continue xn pay wr prle fur moat of his things ho purchases while the price of his pro duce has jeollnod to prewar yaluarf the result is that farming us u uuhi hos 1 unprofitable tills u thu real cauaa of the present unsettled iximll tlon of the farming industry there is itu relation between tin prloa of farm products and the oust or production the old saylikg that the furmer would atop to ouunt the cost he would uever start the plow is truor today than aver before lie is faced with high prices high taxas and high cost of labor commodity prices are based on coat uf production plus prortt labor oosts ure axed by a labor market whure production is based oft cost high taxes ure due u a higher standard of living and greater cost of public service hut the furutrr has no say lu the fixing of prices for his product this is not u tisw situation but it is aggravated by thu prvevnt general economic condition uiid it will not un improved until these conditions im prove as conditions exist there is rauah to be said in favor uf some mauvod of fixing prlues for farm pro duce on a costbasla until some such method is adopted farming will uun- tinue to be at a disadvantage ilcti uaaette t ju ianiuti1 itw t uu tulkhitf i i ant si j 5 tttuun wild jndluns uny loiig- ir i rn hundlng you my mlgnutlon ni vim must huvr i tiutihir for th ciuhh l the txgini uf tho yur oh come now kmliy those lmyw uren t such u bud lot mr ila n fort wus lmlnnitb to protest when sud rirnily 1m notlrtml tho expression oi kmllys riiro und went no further li thut dlroclloii all right ho wuvod his huqd in ogronmenl wo 11 call it u now yonr llosolu or ileslgnallon and say no more about it liy tho way 1jiilty im rmhor busy to day would you l willing to tako these llpmi doiutrtment quurturllcs to mrs hon drwrit us quite a llttlo wulk up un der tlm rullwuy rulvert thn farm house on tho lrow of the terruco 1 ii imi glud to go mr danforth i lovo that walk und u talk with mrs llondorsuii lu a feast any tlmo mm thuts so and kmlly if you have u llttlo talk with mrs hon dorsoti i wuli you would just montloi to har that you have resigned and that i shall need k tciow taaclier for your class of loys at now yours and john dun forth turned away ti hldo a quoer llttlo smile as imlly wulkod along ovor th crisp snow she kapt thinking ubttut mr danforth a last request what did ho ask her to do that fort ho wa superintendent who was full of sur prising way of doing things unyhuw iasslng through tho railway culvort sho wound slowly up tho mountain aide till sho camfaut on the terrace whore tho whole white beautiful view of tho village and tho valley below was spread out before her she tairly held her breath at the loveliness of the scone when suddenly the most terrific yells see mod to come right out of the ground beneath her kbo walked over to the edge of the tomtco and lookli down she saw five boy climbing up and sliding down thn steep slope on ooasters made of barrel staves thoy locked up and caught sight of emily taacher teacher p thoy called watch us go down and down they certainly went in all shapes and directions and billy morgans coaster catapulted over hump and duiy came down head fore most into a drift till all that could be seen of mm was two legs waving wildly in the air which only made the boys about a little more joyfully as they pulled uuiy out and waved a farewell to teacher such energy thought emily only it could be why emily btowalll come rlgtyi in out of the cold it was mrs henderson who had opened the door of the coxy farm house and stood beckoning to her whai a racket those youngsters do make dont thsyt i think it s a won der they don t alt break their neckv dont you 7 oh i guess a kmlly spoko wear ly though thoy seem to bounce like rubber balls anyway im through with them after next sunday i told mr danforth ao this morning and he asked me to bring these homo depart ment quarterlies to you mrs hendersons gray eyes twinkled a bit as aba took the quarterlies got to thinking about john danforth aha said when i was out on the terrace watching the boys coasting and oho u ting sir danforth 1 how did those whooping bouncers make you think of him draw your chair up to the lire kmlly and have one of these northern spies and ill toll you you see whei z was about your age i had a alaa of small boys in the sunday school the same a you have john danforth was one of them icrloy gould was another and amos dartt waa another the whole class was a lively bunch of boys but a ct with a dog after her la a alow poke compared with those three amos dartt waa bright as a button always knew hi lesson but und i he was like the famous fit put your finger on him and he wa there and as for john danforth and iarley qouldt thoy hud to ba doing something nil the lime pr else they would fly into inch pieces so i al ways had them alt pne on each sldi of me so that i could keep them with in bounds i remember at that time full dross sleeves wore all the style and 1 had a blue dress with some white corded stripes running down the sleeves john and parley took a great shine to those stripes mud they would sit quiet if i would tat them run their fingers up and down th strip emily stirred uneasily in her chair oh mrs henderson how could you stand ttt it would make me so nervous that i couldnt think of a word of tho lesson why didnt you jump up und run away well i guess 1 should if it hadnt bean for one thing that promuoyou know hi thut gooth forth and we eth bearing precious seed shall doubt- iras com ugsln with rejoicing bring ing hs sheaves with him i got looking alidad you see und thinking what those troublesome boys might become if x was faithful to thorn 1 sort of hustled uround and sat as quiet us l rould und kept on tea ing and in duo tlmo 1 had a reward that just made my hoart bubblo ovi with hsppltia what wu itr aakod kmlly iy it whs the duy when john ut iorloy and amos ull stood up before the whole tongmgatlun to be welconi ed into the church and you know what thoy pre doing in tho klnadom lod now john u splendid hunduy school superintendent iorloy a chris tian business man in uhuwraut known all uvor- tho world for his gifts to tin kingdom and amo dartt preaching the gospul to thousands luilwoeii thursday und bumuy emily did a lot uf thinking whait her boy cuma orowdbig und hustling in she uiotitiml thorn lordutly ulud they pullod you nut uf the drift she auld lo hilly morgan which put thorn all in good humor and tnads them ivudy to listen a utile oh uo thoy did not behave like little talnhs und kmlly knew that there wore trying days before her nover- tholos sho went to uf duurorth aftwi ttto susslou was over und said lo him i i will recall my resignation mr duit- fortli i will be with my boys the nrst sunday in the now year th uxiffntondant smiled happily thats good ntiws kmlly lot u now look at thom dldijt your im looking ahead mr danrorth auld icoilly eagerly im hoping there will be a john danforth among thorn ijh a matter of finances doctor was called in lu see u lljgro who was lown with lnfluuul what 1 gwlns to gib himt asked wife xjlve him whiskey the physician res i minded how much do ifcostt whan thai doctor named the price of whiskey per quart the wife remarked i oan bury him cheaser dan dat- v the day after christmas and now thai you hsvo your sow ing box iruoc you ran go ovr to iorus house and havn sin h fun mak ing dally rlolho mmm siiggnstnd ho she could i ixro loved ui mew bt- t- than anything jrur triid i foignt how much ahn hornolf had wum d u book hro is u llttlrt plncpshlon und hore are the needles you know wore always losing your noedlo and hore all sorts of little pallnrn foi nproi and drraso und caps mumma explained thom till orare lww real ly excited a sewing box wss u very nice christmas present after ull hlr hud hnvit rtjuch invod to sow but nhi would now and she und dorn wouh imi buttar friends than oviir kim wont uklpplng to iorus houue with tho uowlng ihix under her siin but half wy she mer dors coming to her house carrying hr own christ mas present a his lovoly book with an interesting hand organ and monky right on thn vi r my new liook that ranta clous brought mo sh sajd proudly so my now sewing box isnt it a dsurt just for u moment doras faze full she had always wanted a sewing box and had secretly hoped that ron la claus would brnghor one but alio wont on talking about her book hhe was anxious that tlrucv should sao it she knew oraco loved lunik better than anything in the world oraca was initially anxious to how her patterns and bright bow noodles thoy didnt havn u vory pleasant visit and the two llttlo glru went homo sail for almost tho nrl tlmo in then- live i thought t was going lu have sarh a good time showing my hook to grace dors complained sho slwnyn lovod to road books bettor than u sew but now aha cant think of any thing but sewing because sho got u new sewing box v dont care i ii read my book myself and she did and found it contained many wonder fully interesting thing and dora doesnt love to siw any more if all now so we won t have any fun wuh- my new sewing box after all she just pokes over her new book all the time i dont care i can i all by myself anal when ive made a perfectly lovely dross shell seel so q race went to work with hr sciors and noodle and soon was surprised at what she could do whten the two llttlo friends mt again they had a groat deal to toll one anothnr there wore stories that dora had found in the new book too good to keep a minute and llttli dresses and aprons lo bo displayed i like to sow just us well as i ilk to read how orace aald i like to read just as woll as 1 like to sew dora declared fur u momant they stood looking at one another than they both laughed lant lt porfectly wonderful w- bath ilka exactly the samn tilings nowr grace said and bow well live happy together forever and ever aald dors ing mra booming i h ihy dmimir ol go i us to slurvi roltlng hlnru ulii ii y im b thllt lu nubllo ubuj thut tioi 1 pair i fu i iiixidoring 11 know tin dlsroi tnodorn slootier win n ut good dnllsra for th t lfnl or the llr hun jxill prlvllog an adventure on the farm on j hilly mnti h t write u ruin punliii t ontrlhutor ttftrr tally had lnolci ilortook ull hyfi gl i with uu ol i lid n tded to rk in ulr ban gossip next to your own aftalrm the most interesting topic in the world is the affairs or your neighbors so the tendency to gossip is natural and l- most universal indeed the person who never gossips or shows any inter est in gossip lis a dull companion however efficient he may be as a work er however worthy he may be a a cltixen he is undeveloped on the human aide tbe trouble with gossip 1 that even when it la not malicious it may be ovh in its effects the desire furnish some particularly interesting item of news to an appreciative ear or to offer om remarkably intelligent speculation about motives of actions- may lead a person inadvertently into a betrayal of on fide rice or other dbj loyalty also gossip la insidiously demoralising in that it tend to make a noon cowardly about tho conse quences having thrown out the item of nqws or tly intelligent speculatloi os deduction he is very likely to add the cautious words hut dont quote me about this so fearful is ho of being confronted soma tlmo with a quastion from the person most can corned people who are truly interested jt others cannot avoid commenting ot incidents that illustrate characteristics uf their friend the bad trails as well as the good gossip that thus con corns friends and is transmitted only to friends is gv no rally interesting rather than harmful tloaaip that con cerns people who are pot even ao qualntsncea and that is caught up and passed on to people who are only acquaintances is usually either- mis chlavous or in no not a millstone lu the kjourse of the fourth lecture of the series which he is giving in the ihylc building in connection wltti tho university of toronto summer mlon lrof c m muclunea siok- un thw crown cqlonle if a sot htm self the task of refuting the argu ment of those who oonsldar these colonies a millstone about the hek uf great britain aftor quoting uuiclsl figure which proved conclusively thud from thu olnt of visw of trade the crown ooloulos wore of vltul importance to tho tjnplrw the hiejter turned to th criticism levelled at grvat britain for pot granting complete uelfgovernmonl to them forthwith the ruon in thu first plaow this hud hot been granted was to save thorn from exploitation home well- iiicunlitg peopln had put forward thu urguuiont thut because in th wo of th lord all wn eaual thut all worn oquut to undortako resigns i bl lit y thy hoi moil to forgxt that the uvenugo uatlve or weut afriul for lnstuu tossesid up to the present the men tality of u child uf those critic would hardly iste to hoe ihulr own children of that ug thrown un tholr own rvoponelblllty but would uulte rightly pref to protect thm against outsule flkploltutlon until thoy lutd ivui hod thu ugw of uildtiraluiiding like the years oentle decay gracefully and gotitl wanw th dying year tho besiity of th wood lingers rn it finally dopari und each uvhluvod autumnal nowic seems frwiuently to bid us farvwell in grsd usliy sinking to thu earth in ull this nvery heart noli wtuolod id natural oiuotloti must fitol a drslgpetl giod ijuss and kiutu fully acknowledge the omlttiikg ouru of u kind and boun tiful father 4t were easy to point out in thl gentle decay of tit yar- y analog whut we dully wit- i in human ufa as for example i that which obtains bdweeu the decei and ihs qulet ebbing uf life in the aged and almost ripened christian whose gray hairs fall poawfully ilk the undisturbed leaves and whose tlmo n- frame la imperceptibly and by alow degjroeg fitted fur ibeundrnadod wtntor of the ithjl duncan sloping on ii shelf hiilf sinotheretl by shroud like curtulna with tho pleituuiil kmltihi of lundlng in i ho ihtusugi wuy n un enlarrasslng slut of iteiillgee nn mimos in tho conclusion that otiiobody iiho is getting tho worth of unit money rotnurku the kltrletir itecord lisvr you ever tried thin ijukstloii 1 for men only j put on a pair of trousers when tying ut full length in in upior ixrtrit have you ever at- letnptrd this also in for tho mere mulo to dod from your oyrle wllhout wmvlnclng tho lttdypasonitwr bolow ilocks liiat you worn trying to gut a kllmiteo imhlnd thos awful curtains lave you nvor pold in mldulr on utie of ihoae perilous lad dor that wore supptsed lo und you on terra firm a while th rupldiy moving truln ruimtol a curvnt havn you ever trlnd to shuvn in the men m dfosslng room iiiim i also askod f ih alcrnor sex when tho wutor from the uwnylng banln swished like a inltitum whlrlioil und you rlutchd wildly st uia tups with oiio hand whrln scraping your face with tho other liuvo you over trlod to uiall your lmikllmenta injo oim of thosn in vlslblo hammocks tend watched your collar and tji slip through its meshos to necroto thnmsalvo bolwoen your sholf and the wallt if you huvo hud uny of these xprl cut you will rcjolco to hour of homo of tho improvemohlm now proposed upper imrths ureto bo mudn safii for tho sleeper f wnd irtooiupsiblfc case of aclcdent yhormosgnlllel olnctrla fsns radiant buttons onvio bells mo thoy can be ftperaled in tbe dark safety ladders for upper berths loyi und soimlate curtains for upier utnl lower no more avll uus- plolons from the party below docks monti inside of th- indlrs droanlng room but it is said that tiny are to have boudoir chairs and other accessories which will maki ut morning toilet n pleuaure instead atilghtmaro thn spending of ull till money by tho c n il mean better service und batter service means bettor patronugo und more money the maximum safety comfort and convenience is to be considered atld the exaggerated idea of those opposed to public ownerohlp will be somewhat mol lined by iht ullcy sot forth by tho imw udmlnl trtttvan the whispers of death wll doubtless continue but the tuture will show the wisdom uf public ownership a well aa justify tho expenditure of money for tho public safety and venlance nil ho rnrk i -it- enough t i tra k fort mhnrt laddoi iiiiiwh twi nd while i of hny cli dul photography on the farm kew putcos offor hotter opportunity for successful und even prafltabln amateur lhotography than tho farm men and woman ut work in nil seasons und weathers domestla anlrqabi tolling and in repose nature in her frlondll ost and sometimes in har loveliest forms homely subjects such as theso have been the inspiration of great artists ihotographs of such aubj ara especially interesting to pooplo who llvn in cities but who spent their childhood on a farm a girl with a camera can make photographs of farm ufa thut will only be of interest to herself and bur friends but that will have artistic and commercial value as woll for there is a market tor farm pictures amom tho agricultural publications a sat of photograph of farm oc cupatlons typical of the changing seasons whon mounted und bound to gether forma un attractive calendar suitable for u christmas new yours or blrthduy gift good pictures of spot uf local interest printed on a htetlpost cards tnuka charmltig souvenir for which there is ol o sale if you have the tlmo und skill you may find it worth while to tint wltl wqiercolors or with tbe trqnspureni japanese paints especially prepared fur the purpoee some of the best of your landscapes or interior after printing thm lightly on matsurfaoe bluckandwhito paper artistic prints with or without color framed in wood er passepartout make attractive coratlons for tho home or the school room enlargements ure usually bent fchey can imi made at homo but an not expenslvo when the local photo grapher make thorn the secret of success in making good pictures of farm life in chooslna subjects that are typical and commot ordinary people working ut tholr or ldjnary tasks in tho ordinary wy the things that at first saom common place and unlntortatlng it is impor tant that thu background shduld bv charactorlatia of the work the souoon and the place und that the attitude of the figure should he unstudied the fcioopla should go on with tholr work as if thoy hud no idea that they were being photographed a plcturo lit which the subject ha paused lu hla occupation and stands mturlng at the camera has no artistic valua much depends ulsu on tbe composition of the picture a careful study of thu subjoct beforehand will usually reveal tho best way in which to arrange it upon the plate besides the usual forms of work and retro tlon upon the furpt thora are many old t lino diversions uucji us husking bees quilting partis uppla paring and burn raisings that bave especial interest und utt fuel welles ill photograph the thing you must alwsvst remiri- ber is thut the ohjoct of out picture is nut to mko a group portrait ot your family or of your friend and neigh- itors but to show clearly arid umui lltlculy an poailbh what i going on country bred dovb a prom his nt professional nmii ii v tu lu toronto in conversation with thu prtis not long ugo wxpresstxl hm- uolf ut follows i ulivy you iluopld who live iii mnmll und pleasant town whore oiio nail his tiolghboijaxk und vhur mury graots her neighbor june in a true liolghtiorly and frlondly spirit whoiv your inlsfortutiu wtrlkd u rosthiuslvd oord of symtliy in the heart of thd dtnunlty und where it honiu 1 u home in the truest atcium uf lilt word oontlnueil i wak burn hi jio country and my boyhood isys wuv sp nt on th farm hliuu complutlug my college ihufmoj 1 lisvn truvollo4 piucti and intervluaxd and tulkui with many prominent men and i huvd found that the greatnr number uf thd successful nvtn uno from mtnull or ntry communities ii this connection t might bo in- teresling to ikiltit out that with fow oxorptluna ull th lnraldent of the united htutr wore country brvd boys or came from small towns aw an x- i ohsng rotantly pointed out tliat half of th hucssful city men oums from the country on often wonders what would happen ff the country influence ulkjit our national life war mmoved all hall to ihs country mhiolhouse with its shy and awkward pupils whoso learning sometime undr try- lug olrcumataiu vm is ut least thor ough and free from luauy of tho city vlten und lniptslons windiest it tavix my hv no one t itollur mo nnd no neti to hurry my luirn i imillt iiftr n olnmoli plun tin r mo l wi buy mow on fior uple f n l1flou font drlvnwsy u hlvo th lout into this driveway und the fork imlnlh lb liu into tlm ulr und urrbn it lo i of tlm mow au iron filulo or mwiii h up in tlm aeiitrii of i trili k lelfrirluo in which hldit thu uoy uhatt vu at buy ing time thy nwlii h b id not works 1 pnorly mhi umimhi miui my bum wu uimvouly in u rov lotih oc hud h iped mo mmh lint huvo i lll r rrsih from the floor uihv so wo resit over a beam lu one i men nut on the lo third crawled thn truck thorn won u loud ikilow und consequently nof tnu got frbm u full hut dof i dpturmlpod tojmtend to the matter nil ulono the truck wn fus toned ulmont in tho comb f thq rtmif with iron hooka ut every iaftnr standing in the mow ut the sldo i pissext a rojmt through tho two ntlddln hikiks tie i turn end with a stout innther stiap to my bidder pulled the luddor up anil rustane the othor end of xho rope to u imam after tenting it tuuilousiy i fruwl- nd out on tho ladder with u wrench in one hand and u hutuhat in tho other i tcould soon roach tho track nnd i kept a hand on thut i ran tl rlage hack and forth u few times and tried to pull tho hayfork up and down i aw that the switch wum too low to enguge the proper trigger tho wash ers beneath it had sunk into the wood of tho track i must take tho awltrh piuto off and put in new washers but the uwltch plntv was fastened with bolts thut cume through from th hobtnm and the nuts wore on lop o tho track tho bolts would have to be driven out imfuro i could gut the plni off i found this u hqrd tusk fur tho bolts seemed to bo stuck lu tholr holes hut thoy flnutly fell out to the floor and i brought thom up uguln with tbe new wasliars i decided to put tho holts through from tho top of thr track r but tho toard of which tho truck wuu madn maemed to have sprung uturt thn tolu would not go through j prleil and poumled with the wrench until my grip was gone anil my breath and iiatlanco too so i got a heavier hatchot tapped th bolt u coupln of time to get tho measure und then leaned back to give a good swing hut tho swing waa too long the hatchet g tun cod nn a rafter abovn und before i could atop it thd cutting edge came down and cut off the strap that hold my ladder to tho tracjc tho next moment 1 was dang ling in tho ulr by one hand with a us loss hatchot in the other i lost no time in dropping that and catching hold of the track with both hands i could lint sea how i wa to escape from my awkward plight my stiffened angora threatened ovory moment to slip off th track once i tried to skin the cat it took such a awing to get my feet into the air that tho jerk almost pulled ny hands front tholr hold my muscles began to ache i tried to pull myself up hut i could get only half way however i could throw first ono urtn and then the other dvor the track 1 raised myself u llttlo in this way but my heud hit ngulnst the roof and my back raked on the hulls that protruded through the shlngloh as i swung there in mldutr i re membered how 1 usod to hang on tho ojd fool log ut thu swimming hole and kick the water years ago if i only could sink into tho water and swim out us 1 did then i 1 dared not awing hand over hund ulong the track it wus as smooth us gtass from tho fric tion of tho carriage wheels upon it if i tlruppod it would moan serious in jury if not death suddenly 1 had an idea awing down tho roof by gr ruxtara ins tho cracks botw and the shingles the cracks at times uould udmlt only two fingers but i oould got u pretty good hold with thom i drew a long breath und started the sharp edges of the rafter cut likn knives and my fingers were blis tered in half u dooon swings but somehow i hung on at last i neared tho edge of the now llenouth ma was the top of an old surrey dropped and wont through it like u cannon shot to the meat below i lay there a fow minutes tu got my breath and then t wont to thu door for fresh ulr bally was juat driving into the harn- yard as 1 led th horse way sho aald why jobu whut has torn the hack of your limit sot 1 dont know is it tornt i replied might aping the them forgetful edgar edgar vurhlsh is a singularly ub- montmlndcd youth whilo hu is in ono of his trance to use tho word by which his family rfar to hut period of self- abaorp lion th most extraor dinary thing limy happm without hi being in the least uware uf them not long ugo edgar had a bhrtliday it occurred during tho ihort dark day uf midwinter white hu wa nt home from college un his vacation 1 mother dualmd lo ulgnallxa u bio und arranged u family party at hotkey ganw in tho arena ro lowed by a dinner and party tor edgar young friend edgar enjoyed tho hockvy gunio in tensely when h urilvod homi with hut mother und sisters he oponed thn door into the lighted hall with his utch key yawned said ho had hud bully jlmox und trutnpad orr ui stairs attending to the preparation of tho dinner table mild the dressing of the girl took up tho next hour of his mo tho i tlm after bur own lujrrled tolls uho wont dowu stairs edgar hud pot yt mud bis nppur- unco a hell drift in juml mm the tlrat guest oomos mother suld oils of tho girls reassuringly you know he tiovsr u minutu uhtuiil uf lint if he can help 1l kivit minute pasmul und still nu edgar a itniouslll atoped outside thn waltrns was tilling tlm glass in thu dlnliia room tho girl worn prun ing themselves for th lust time be- foru thti big gold mirror whor- cult that wy bet orlod ed gars mother in ulunu ull run up and woo if ho tiwodm uny help loaslby it lant iniikii hi neck 1 1 act us it should or ipuybu its a collar button i th door of edgars rtvom wa cloavd htm upnol it and fttonl utter dark no in alarm sh felt for thu slpotrlu light mwltoh eitgurm i lot ho wvro folded uoally ltoas two i hutrbui ks und edgar himself wu us neatly folded in under tho bodilothii mlooplrig the of tho innocent uml tho weary k4lgurl iii putuut shrieked s she imiunoml uikn und shoik him wildly whats the muuert he demanded sleepily uu hi itainud olin eye ifouso unret whut you up for lu the mlddlo of tho ulghty icdgur had goiia lo hd with tbe idea that he had b en uijuylng jui evening with thd hooky player instead of un fternooiil friends made to order m p is a plory told by i a mm a friendly fornn r wlo uoml sslng movers when lli v win the accommodation train afii i nu i iimv m hi xlinl nn limy sld fnmi jntinslo you till us whut kind ol will lliid in jumittown the othir thouhht u linked wijhi kind of you huvo in jnhusluwu tho vi i y wirl bin i ply out imlslitmtts win unbind und indifferent to mow uwsy you will find th tu ighlmrs in jumlow sumo thr vix i v w i u tl if n- hun nly day unolhor rumlly t iking until th f uekod where lhly wro tfolug wi uta moving ho was lolil riti johns town lo jumestown fun you i- ii if whut kin or nolghlmim w- will lln i there r whut kind of uoghlhoi did you find in johnstownt tho vory best our iiulglibor w r kind considerate und very nil v indn d it lnot broke our 4ieartn lo mov uwuy you will nnd thn uimo kind thn furmer ansurnd them exutly i he siimi kind lu jamestowu we will ull find timtur iielulilrs f lends business ussonlatnh urn hirgny whut wn make them kludin ri- lloci klpdnessj and if uko us ot blu ftp look usually for tlm roumon in yoiir- sf tho psrson of rrutndly hi ipfiil ills pisl tlon will sttrw t friends t once hoard a girl of dlstigro ways who had boon unplvtkantly v buff ol o tilling out iotipln dont lln- doratand me hut tlm real in ubln wus that mtople did undurstnml lr loo wall for her own onjoyment our success in the buslnons world uu woll as tho social doimnrt much umn our good will and courtesy u mm h as upon our good knowlodgo of thn work a t stewart morchunl prlnm madn thn polltonoui of all mployu a sincere desire to pjeuso oiui of the main characteristic of his stor a man returning to a tertahi city after an absence of ymr uskod why a particular persop hn knew hud failed in business he had sum lent capi tal he recalled a thorough know ledge uf the business and axioponul shrewdnoas and sagacity jin wus aour and morose was thn reply hi always suspected hi employee of cheating him und was dlhtourlooti to his customers hence no mun nver put good will or energy itito work dona tor him and hi matron wmit to shop where they wern uso tit civility his rniployoes und uslom- or were largely what ho madn thom yos you can make your business associates and your othor ucquuint- ances to order do you want plnusunt ones those who like you ond urn eager to help or patronise vout then be kind to them and try to help thom ufo bj a lookingglass your kindly smile and helping hand urn ro floe ted back to you agnes k volontlnn no rush to get home 1 understand you gav u porform unco ut a prison during chrlolmuu week yea said tho eminent tragedian und i round the eonvid un ideal audience appreciative eht 1 yea very appreciative hut better still xat a single person lsljc hull to catch suburban trainmcttroiley car before the final curtain foil birmingham ageherald iu w will i i iii wi v u 1 1 tin i ii i lii log wis oil h i muy l win illhh rh i hi und hu thing tin 1 1 v hlng bill e id ilk i i ii ry bod h nov i f ii thut liln ik hoy m hilu lh iy win vry limit d i lllwl odtlo m for nthk truln thiil isp the rull y is lh nrroinmodiitloii i w loph rullxn l t xjn of iii frnqiinit utop mill hturtm all th inomnlum gulni is loxl nvny llnm u truing jhh fr u ninth r ililn in hturt in mm thut n jiird to k p li tlon and un tlm in luhhy km it u nnlly iimium u mo ly uiui lh xpr itk whlh ink udvunliii of ull itu momonlimi a icl miiuy young iteopln uin run ning ihelr uvn on thn prlnclput of tti un ommoluon th y rt ultitf inudi i unity by fiul ntin whl h result in thn nliy of utunlng ovr thiit tny huvo little left for gelllnk ulmul th y i iiniml ink odvuntugn of their uuiui nium thn young folk who like lllery dim m to bo looking for u imhioi with no ilruwtuirks ur of our declined to dlsappoltitinont th r is no job wliuh oooh not buvn nome dlsttdvant- uks and while thsrn romu tlmo wh n n hungu is dumlruhln or even lleohhtiry the i mt liroinlsn of lllmm comos from holding to thn course you buvn rhosen willi us f w stills a 1 1 1 whath e would have done hon tiuitur w noted for his uhlft biirmi if it hud not lhn for hi wlfu ho wouht not btive donn u slroko of woikon hlu tittle f und gurdin it wu nil hi wife uould do to got 1 im to work for ho prof rrd to sit ii till read nil duy on ovfiiiiur aftrr hn hud iwn read ing kench history with drop in tarns be closed the book and sal to hu wife do you know mnrla whut id u donn if i hud len nntolnoiir oh yos i know woll nnough hli wlfn rnuonded you d havn sottle right down on a farm in corsica and iet it run to ruin whlla you grumbled ubout your hard luk thats me htrutigur ut the door i uin try int to find u ludy wiidm numn i tiav furgottcn but i know sho lives in thl neighborhood him 1 u woman easily drsctllxif uml tmirhupm you know her a sliiguhirly imtuutiful couture with pink und white complexion level uyim und hulr such a a goddes might i nvy son ah t itnally sir i dont know volda from bead of stairs juno toll tho gentleman 1 tl bn down in u mluuto my ncqolution iy i i lh h h in i iieek my uimlil iu i ull inv iii nx i if w v hi uli lb ii if l i ki hill t llt i i i h in ii inf i f i iv ti i mil u w ill if ll i liiv i lilni o ll m in u i i li if i f uiv i i 1 i li a li i i i mi u lul i i r ui lln ikli ii iu m- dwl vlll i will 1 w ll y i f ll i h kill i uloy f i v- ll miy ii v i till i n my wuy my ifh iniv wr u hion ilk i in viiri ly wuy itm lh 11 uf i ft j y- i lh r ii uiti- u r111 ii i will i w r it v f tl mi new lamp burns 9i per c4t aih r bests electric or oss a li- w ii htinp ihut elves sn umsx li tllllini ft whlta llgtit i ll r tl in hum i r im trl ity has heei- t by tl ir h fovrnmnf an4 1 i wlini uiwriltl s ant found t im sup rlor to il ordinary oil tamps it burn without udi r kmokn or noise no iimplit up lu simple clean uf llurn t ulr uul t rvmmon kirimnn o ollj tin inventor v v johnson 3 frnlg hi fv t i offor i rf l nd u i i vult y- tul or even lo t v nn- lill lo th first user in vqili lofulliy who will half him litroduio ll wrltn him lo day for tu i nl lirm aw ik hlin to explain how y 4 ull git the agency uml without oxperlenm or rnuiuy msk o to too month we want 300 men bight now for big paying mechan ical job if you are mochuliiilly inclined and itko working around automobile and tractor dont de lay never was there such u de mand for trained i men a fnw weeks time invested now will glv you a trade that will mean lnd- ixindnnre for life learn automo bile and tractor operating and re pairing tiro vulcanising batter building and nxyacetylene welding by the hemphill practical system kree employment service i at your disposal fre catalogue get big pay und ateody work bo it now hsmphlll auto tractor school 163 king hl west toronto roberts syrup oftfmctiwctcfgdllrim for c0u6hs colds nd bronchitis milalaalaalsaltuamlh his reason jimmy id uko lu bn a doctor whon i grow up tommy what ful t jimmy- ho u whon follows tnolhors brought em to mo 1 could say koep oi home from hool for a week or two tell the world john wanamaker mritl to discon tinue advertising is like taking down your sign if you want to do business you must let people know it i would as soon think of doing business without clerks as with out advertising and wanamaker knew what he was talking aboul the enormous business he lias built up is ample evidence of the correctnessr of his principles t it is just asimportant for you to ad vertise as it is for him size lias nothing to do with it the mere fact that you may be a neighborhood retailer of no great size does not signify you have not something in the way of service or convenience or price that your neighborhood slwuld be told about in fact such a location makes ad- vertising of some sort all the more es sential no big business was ever built by hiding its light under a bushel your competition is keen you may not have a newspaper in which to tell your story then you will have to devise some other means to keep your story going the 7 rounds no set rule or method can be set down youve got 16 woik it out to meet your own particular competition letters circulars telephone calls personal visits movie slides sample distribution store ne are but a lew of the mediums possible you may be able to think up something much belter and dont think you have nothing in teresting to talk about look around and you will find any number of things you do that your competitor does nol xet us help you with your advertising problems

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