Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 27, 1923, p. 6

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n tilfth uerrlag barged or ilie w mrru toe e1 w htjdnick i in mi 10 ltu mrlkoi mothudlst thursday married uckinhvimjcit icckln oriilut so 1933 by ti llweketc william junk- inil tn ilillpubenu ml ujer of nummignwnyo died cahmirifalqls in hlllshurg onvura day immmr 1h 1633 jumta cur ihlohucl in hlu mth year kbnniciy- wodnoniln mlchul i krln ivmmiciiy in tjrlii township u dncimlr 12 103 elginy- ofck at the lencrul hospital ou1di on thursday december ti ua adam orr sou of mrs mury jan- orr iliiwor avenue aolnu aged 33 years gflg artntt ufa grg0h tjiuithday decicmhku 27 1033 brief local items lluimv nw now for tliu tho young oik pleasure w resolution hud grout in foil have imxmi c turkey 20c lu 23a- li days thn year 1933 om pie led wold ut mount voresl st wiwk the budding shrubs gt ha ped on huiiilny night thn i stamp is snow earn out u iow red threecunt post low on sjilo here anovelllng rommonroi i monday ftiurnlng wllh ull our for a green christ ma winter evidently got tho hahlt ntiil made an extended detour thl mouth says happy kkem ihbui mm new tituto lom everybody yev but t boiling wood collft i la to it was qostroyod by ore on friday 76000 sundays snow storm muilo every evergreen tree look like a christina tree well laden xh road whore not gravelled or macadamized have cut through rather badly this puat week college and normal school stud ents and the school teacher nro home for the holiday the drop in temperature on sunday evening kept the price of iultry up to a fair and reasonable point- there wu u flno aheet of len kalry lake on monday it wa cl a crystal and smooth a glass a llttlo candy now and then relished by tho viiut men and it tvolly lookod like it at chriatnuui tlmi of couno it will be popular for young folk to ee the old year out aiid the new yoar in next monday night sleighs and cutter were runnlntj on monday and the merry sleigh bella were a fair earneat of the wlntor to come christmas service of wbrahip and pralaa were held tn st al bans church on chrlatraa morning the rector rev mr baugh officiated tii fuc piudu want all the local new of this community if you know an item of intereat pleuae let this office have it for publication t- whether the weather be cold whether the weather be hot we roul weather the wmtber whatever the weather whether we like it or not it lake snow and the merry jingle or sleigh bella to give u the christ rao we all abproclatp and on jay ju such- a wu experienced on tueaday good rpomlnfl have you renewed your naa plana aubacrfption for 1924t if not kindly ue the renewal blank and envelope sent you at your early obituary adam oltll horn r mih mtiry im avniiilx wuk iikiiiii mill iiihi tlitlxulio wliii ali wuh llml jjwiy lillh lllrlih nt 1 ml ciiilllully 111 nl ru y- thri youiii tmt ii iiiiiiu 4 ctnmdti willi ihn raitilly in lnliv t im hi wim u llbiniy i uooil wllldntl uiul u utimtiil fairlt hi wtni itn- nirlil wltli knox hunh unit wu loyiil to lh tifrvlttim lhtr thl llrulil youiiir nun ln h nlln of inultl vr 111 to hmlll 111 mid faithful ii nitlivttirtt rlth hi ikuhii u otliir work hll uu ut- h hlii vry nil im wiin ihllicnl in no lu rnothit mill hlw im triicluui for him uiul mnh of hlu hullrn mnputhy in flt for m imliy in 1h hoio hi on wlrik ui flouoly upon i thn fmiiiul on hut on wu roniluuthl by iwh11 m a numnroui horn i til iltih hurrolllilml thn uxkt unit inuni fl- rvlouu lny ufmr- mv a c a modcflt municipal rrokrammo important laauoa whloh demand tbe attention of our municipal 8rvanta in ordwr thut tin w council tnuy h foa to whloh to dli rly in the how ym hnu 11 member of thu lniilto objoo- it tludr uotlvitloii tiiu1iiku imuran nlttlng tlio fl- hluhv convenience j brown winnipeg in renew ing hi flue ius aubacrlptlon laat week aya we wish all in the old town a merry chrtttma and a happy- new year havo you gueaaed the weight of the baby bef curcaa at ratterona meat ahopt therea u ton pound moat out of it for you if you guea tho correct welch t theanow fall on hunday gave an aapect of winter weather and llvoned up bualne very terceptlby next day xtualna in winter wqarthing hu been good vr lnce there never came u anow htornt more weloomn to tho klddlea than that of sunday which gave a chrlamaaay environment for chriatma eve anil chrtatmaa day mr julia mcarthur who a apandlng tho winter in new orlean ha klmlly remembered tn fux iunu with a collection of attractive vlowa of the creaoent city tho merchant of parry sound contributed 10000 mo a olvlo uuiidy fund and organised a santa cluua event over dq children received a aupply of chrlatmaa candle and nut 1 want tim fmdj iiues for an- otber year here my 200 we uru exceedingly glad to ee that the old home town 1 muking progrea in eu many way j korr llrown win nipeg- the municipal nomination for hvquealug mnwuignweya uliil ull othui rural and uivlo municipalities in llulion with the exception of aaton will be held next monday aotona elec tions were over on december 3 german toy flooded the canadian tnarke1 this year belug ao cheap that the toy made n canada find it dlfn- oult to compete iut dual or uy that mr harry uoyds maniuia doll held their own in populur favur and old u well a evr ing for tlmlr coimldnnitloii i tho formulation of u uilmmu fi ml junto piirtiotuul car pluli fi irvlow comotory with govoruli hoard in whluh tho coylrll utid ult anim will b luully repruaotitod 2a ioiifomnoo with thu irovlnol highwuy uutborltli for thu rorou iiiif ut mill und main hlroetu in liner whluh will ittlmfuctorlly pro- i fur tho extra truttlc throu when thu towinto to t complotol i 3 iorputoiil rvnilinir und tnmplni thu deprimaloiim which uxlat in nl part of thn town whorevnr watrr urka horvlooh havn bnmi coiniuotud 1th the oudlnw muliih 4 uecurlng imw dumping placi for thu lxiatowul of tho uurbatia of thn town and a proper clounup of tli garbage dump opened nl llm grovo at tho weal end of our public pnrk nni hch ho been on ayauore for month and a damage to tho trens thuru 6 to consider the udv inability o ubmlttlng to tho rutnpayoru thu pro posal of putting thn wutorworku v tern into th control if a ilourd o cummlaalohor for admlnlatrutlimi ui hns boon done with uinlnntit hutlafaa tlou in many other townu and with dlatlnct advantage to tho rwanuu and oxpondlturo c thai a frimidly coiifornco arranged with mesru ileordmora co respecting tho uotlou upon wh tho liability rost for tho mulntenunco of tho maria htntot bridge ovrr tlv ilonrdmom aiding lit lira hon la vnrj ooatly thnro nro aovorul cltlnim heri now who are able to givu ovldcnr rftapectlng the torm upon which tho idliib wa constructed und tho brldg o roc tod who in thn natural irdur ut thing will not bo avullublo in u fuw year neighborhood news- town and country naq8aqaweva the litht jliihn hrldii m lal hvkii- iiik in thvrrhtytoi inn chunh nrloi mo vn i of mr cutllphnllvllln lull to itll hu thut ooiiktogiillnii ihodrmi rami lim win frunk mid mn hiimwl ilmm willi tdupol illlkh wllh i 111 veiling wu vii oallinafad auxiinilni -nm-rj- i fjll mix huuix ilnilht toronto for tho hoi our liulllnufiil u w hilt of toronto run for tin imuyoi rnl rnjotrlnif h honor ofnleittni imniii to hltn thjt rlftli lln ihly iii for tin f thu llnlllikulflhi mayor of toronl crcwgons cornkrb mm utuii crown on iran hml wondiirf i huconk in drilling u wu over i wellpnlcy in waterloo county f mr henry koltirtom btitchnr il it at a depth of 172 fool wuter wiin tf in hucii a ituantity it ovorriowh with volume of 1c00 gallons puvtiour fot foot from thu ground mimh haxol tannin nura wu hotr from ouolph lnuml howpltul u chrlhlmuh t 4iy happy fuuilly gulli mmiinlty on chrlntmt happy fontlvul hrn thoro v nringa in uy it rookwood canadian girl a royal princeas mis lois franoea booth to wed prince erik of denmark ottawa december 26 tho engage ment of mis lola fruncoa uooth granddaughter of j it ilooth ottawa multlmllllonaria lumbormaii tu princ- erlk or penmark cousin of king george the fifth wu officially un- nouncod toduy mian ilooth will have on her marriage tho aamo tank u hor husband and 1 the first canadian girl to become a royal prlncus prlnco krtk is spending thu christ mil holi day with the pornnta of hi ft nan cm- mr and mr krod uoxith tim an nouncement of thn uiigagainunt will also bo made in copenhagen prlnco urlk frederick christlun alox- andor is the third son of their kuyal hlghncaao prlnco und prlnco vul- demur of lenmark tho murrlugo it 1 understood will bu hold in ottawa this spring and will bo attended by the bridegroom rut hor prince vuldu- tnar ml booth nrst tnet itinco ertk at lake louuo whan aha was vultlntf there aoven year ago and it said thut it wa a caao of love at first sight prince krlk own u ranch hour cal gary and la an accomplished mtigor and broederuf prlx auqk he la it year old and 1 a nrsjcoushi of king chrlatian of ionmurk the dowur queen alexandra of knglumt la u sister of prlnco valrtamar ml ilooth today worn un uincagn- hient ring prasonted to hur by prlnc irit thu ring of illuitmnds und euiur- ulds ho ixnm in hlu family forgenor- utlon the couplu will rsldu alter nately hi canadu and in ieiimdrk mia ilooth ho ulwuya boon fond of outdwr sport und nwarepreauntml thu itoyal ottuwa golf club lu many of the golf nmtuhe with otbnr clubu- hu- pluy u good gum of tutinlu anil la fond of horsebuck riding hltu la in her eurly twenties heartless motorists at hamilton wn vletlrr lying on tna 8trt timm and lau kansas violator tnay havo to carry words speed fiend i biles tham lerhup well of the spevdluw signs bearing th jn thulr autom6- doe not rwform it will at least give tham a wld berth try it here in ontario proposal ar com in in to orncaru of the free library board from manu- faaturar uf brick building sup pile fheatln plants etc for ha new library building pfopoaed at laat meeting of the library hoard unfortunately those are a trifle premature at prwaent toronto will have bcd acres of parkland flooded his year ror akuting page mr frost i tho rest is up to him a lobe acton fairy luke and cor poration lond provided oh ucrus tho uuor 1 how iii prlmn condition for skating and i much in commission license inspector grunt and pro- vlnclo constable melville raided a butcher shop run by k c howutreo hamilton in search ofjlquor on fri day thay found a quantity of liquor in h refrigerator- hawntre will b ohanred with bavin liquor in an ii- laj pl4 hamilton dncember 2 two pedoti trluna who wur run down byuitkimwi ino tor lata christmua nvu und tiirlat us morning wuni ort lying nmbued thu loudwny mrs nathun muinwufinu wum ine- intf main and weitworih htru with iiur h uit hand wlmii alio was kniwk down by an uutumohllu travelling ul rapid rule mra muluwurlng sua- tallied u severo cut on tin fucu uiul a ronioved to dr mowbray ur- gory she will bu dlailgured for life it la stated the number oftlio uutu uh nuu luuniud jimmy hotrum u ilftuuywarold buy who llvus ut 3j9h king burwwt uiibt wum knocked orf hla- bicycle to night ut wullliigton uiul ilolntccu dlriiets by u rckle ituiturlht who dmvu u ford coup ui a fal clip thu boy upd hla badly danughl wjiuol wro dlsrovered u few lulmitus lutur lying in the mud in the roud tin drlvil- never stopped hlu liuinbur wiis ot oblalnod thu polio uiu uftor thu motor honda who commit td luad crlm n tho ummul moihodut chrlstmuu tio- uiul uiiturtuinmuiit wua huld in thu town hull on motuluy tveiilny th acholnm of tho hunday school worn presented with cundlo und tnungea ituv mr aelsur tho twimlnr pawtor rocalvod u title flit iflmwn un u chrilt- inuti preuent from tint choir und u huskot of fruit from tho ludl aid the chrintmua iron im tho uroplucn from which kulitn cikiim omuruid worn u ilollght to thu little folk thu hplou- did progrnnime wuh niijoynd by n crowded houuu chuhchill miss pearl mcdonald num wuh homo from ounlph for tlm christmas holiday mrs nelson und thu two child run went to colllngwood on monday morn ing to spend christum in hur mothuru home mr arthur hwuckhumor was pain fully kicked by a cow lu hla burn unn duy lost wortk hu wum hudly hruiacd but no initios witro broken tho annual chrlhtnin trnut for the children of thn hunday school w held on monday uvoniug ut tho honh of mr and mr a j murray clovurdulo farm a vory pkiisuiit eveiilnfc wuh apout and thn old boy und- girls tn- joyod it juat uh fully um thu klddlenj mr und mr murray wr adtnlld host oakville thrun hundred und eighty four liumoa wore uddud to tho voters llu of the town ut thn rocmit court of tho hope of u second deputy hcnvu for tho town hua been dlaulpatel wtt ufa loo abort lu population to meet the roqulromonta mr uort unwln nulled on the steamer montcalm for icnglaud to spend christmu with his mother tho boring for water in the rldgo northeast uf oakvlllu la procoodlng merrily and alrvudy u depth of two hundred feet hua iteen reuchud it is eatlmutoil by thu u porta that fifty feet more should produco a flowing well tho uxcoptlonully favoruhlo weather hu proven a greut liulp in uomplntlutt tho rebuilding of tho oust plor oakvflles harbor when the work waa nrst started in november it wu novo proposed to complete thu work thli your but merely tu muko what pro gross wua possible and complotn thn work nuxuarprlug hut thu weut has been so excptlonully favoru wut now thn work la pructlcally cc plated new after christmas two laddlea wjth their christmas thlno in hs nolas room tmi it tool tool itllliutlilbilub iloowmni ii houiiii ilk ihq first of jilll tn iwcniyfoiirtli o may a i mrs loiica hut it wh imly he duy ufnr lmliniin yiiluy joiy und jlininy with thdr clirlit- ii pr hl i shut into tin it pu jones culled tin nurnery tlmy iiai hud tho run uf hit- liituip all day chris tmuu fur mil in mil joaes ul great pullence with chvihliniis nickel hut yuxterduy moru- luif slm hud turned thorn into ttnlt own kingdom now mukn ull hi polso yiu please ili mild kindly as she hurrlol uwuy with her niigcrh tn hor earn then there wua u guoil time in tin joey nut down on tln hd und purr ed out hla uppitiki ohuuka und blew hl tlf ilk- iii north w und jimmy 1th both ullckm sund- januarv fod and qun lir i hoi pllk dli prang t ut jimmy ily uimmithhi lllh chod all ut i t iuum und rui iitllll he crloi lie you with my fife jimmy didnt ii hul joey explain in hlh picture lkk hlurclied u other and lttel with fifes und ko jimmy rum from thi hi h he and joey from the foot ing und rubitduhhlng und in up und by um i urouud wcrouming i lullifhlng until joey wum so out hriiith h riruirt to blow und ut htlll uml then jjmmy cullo out heut und jumped ut tils prisoner hind owl thoy txith fell over the edge of tho bed to the floor am luy there whricklnir till muinmu en mo rushing in to see what wua thu matter i uhoiill think this wus a nolse- plcklng thorn up l k fife und drum hi hi do nomu- lf kiuitu chin thii iioumo hhit to huntu cluua n thut uy dfpond fools out with guns vouno mm likely to lot an ey becsua he and other fooled with guns ml oiilhurliiua deo 24 daniel hhor lock 2 2 yearn old nluguru-on-tho- luku lu in the general hospltul hoi with u chutgu of it 12gnugu shot uu in und about hlu y um u result of peculiar hooting accident he wuh with hla brother heiir hhootlng ducks at the twnmlln pond i nluguru lute yesterday ufternoun wh john luvell 1h yeur old thn pond ut a small bird food thu shot went danger to hhurlock who bell lud wa firing ut ilmm dnrnln grnli led his brotliors gun undjlrod buck youth who jumped ho hi nit a trej cttvuf und in no doing mxfttnti tally discharged tils gun the gryeor umatjiit of thn eh urge entering aunluvs fsfai the dlstunoe wus about jnlnuty yurda none tif the thron wnfr iuuifled to if the above roport is re- appreciation for financial help kdltor fiit puu acton ontuiio denr hlr nllul for coi cully to uckm r of the munknka hoa- xumptlvu desires gruto- ndedgn thi following con- limeh0u8e christnuis visitors wore uuineri homacoiuora were hern from nunirr liolnta mr jolly thu tuuchnr is removing hi family here fiom o we tr- hound mr douglas dowdy u iwnjio from knox co ii ok o for the holidays thu roud into llmxhousn thu past wook liuvo bun uuusuully bad our usually uulut community was considerably disturhud till wuuk by u visit from county llceiiso inapector ueuvoly und provincial constuhln at kins their visit to u couple of cltlsetih cuusud couslderublo coiimtefuutlon onu resident bo been summoned to attend policy cuurt lu aolon toduy tn uxplulu ills poasosaloii of u quuntlty niooiialilne und u stuck of umpty liquor bottle the iiuw tlino liable of the toronto suhurbuu uluctrlu roud untiioa thn fourth lino stop 70 hcott just two minute uru allowed fiom hcott to llmohouav mr und mra kuuuiu thlwdy uiul mrw dr davldaoji uud hur son donuld uf guelph were uuest of mr wllllum oowdy ayd douglas on huu- day hilton the uiiliuu inevtlng of thu llalton frtittirs club will hu held in the club loom on huturduy dec umbel iv ut 30 u in tho hiikuu iturul hockey leuguu wu reorganised tor thu ueuson milton mi huturduy evening it composed of climpbjllviuo milton heights hornby ash iloynw und jul- urmo at tuesdays meeting uf tho county council thu oakvlllu milton georg town und llurllngton high uchoolu weru grunted 1300 each ni ucco uf tiiulutunuiicu for lt33 thrje claims for dumugu for motor accidents un county ruuda were oon- sidtuod by tlm county council on tuus- day two were dlsullowod kud tli third held over for inveatlgatlon huidly u inuutbig passed without mi or more such olulmu hut u a rule thuy uro not well grouiltlo1 the people of milton uml vicinity urn hpoclully fuvoiud now with tiia mjiuiidld und inspiring musiu thut i being given ouch hunday by th methodist chqlrf under 0nl direction of chun taylor of itruiitford mr taylor wa recently uppolntwl or- gunlst und choir leader und ho la u innii of wimrturiul tuugnutlo person ullty oliamplon trlhutlonu lu acton l thu meld secro- lury of tho nntlonal hanlturlu m as- soclutlon neuon co 2 00 mrlemi ai co 2 00 a mason 2 01 w a htorey 2 00 miss m v dennett 2 00 mr j uyinun 1 01 ltnv c hackott 1 00 j c hill 1 00 j m iloll d d h 1 00 t aliukr 1 00 d c itussnll 1 00 w jr patterson i 1 00 miss j gulbrulth 1 00 k luiswlrk i on v uumluy 1 00 j c mitlhiws j j smith 1 qu k0 w dtulbot a friend e0 e0 d thotford 37 a friend 13 30 00 your very truly geo a hold ituhlue- manager toronto doovmber 19 1023 apioikos of tho imw school build- ligs is the vlllugu council going to see that lie uldewuiks iluiuagod by ioiitrnolok truck aiu rupulred by them or will it b uhargvd up to thu rutopuyorvt druytun times there seum tu be driver cmolesa us to alde- waimifndrxuluvardm in various towns on tuesday thu county council appointed f m qould ii a uf actuiy ua u mouther of tn llalton kutrume hoard of uxumlner to summed miss knapu resigned champion jiu couiioll will be under the tiurosly uf cons id or lug this mutter again my gould having- now resigned arton and it wua flcliuol board evidently huvonfkupl plriug council to incur lit expetts allison council against pool roams tho town amipnll of allison which luclluutl to issuo a imioliniom license i thu buginplng of the your refused ut us lust meeting to tuka u plolilsdto on thu iiuastlou tho hisltl svuh that the niujorlty of tho pool against u potd room fur ho town t advlaublu for an tjx- uknn oo ltmn llarber poatad uf a plebiscite a problem in economics seven workman under prohibition in amarlos do s much as ten in england under liquor the globe yesterday morning pub lished thu following uh uu editorial thnro la rul food for thought in tin statements it contains prohibition is un ucmwmilo question uu well as u moral lsauu xti on article in thu januury century charted icd- ward itussull urguu thut tho saloon wuu dustroyvd in tho united htatn not by thn anilhainan ijjaauo but by economic pivwauru und the neces sity for gruutur uiricluncy in-pnuluo- tlon brought on by tho war mr hua- soli bus bout lit icuropo studying thu possibility of worldwide prohibition and hi hla urtlclu he reports that whether luropuuna thumselve like it or not the increuuud uiriclaiicy in am erican production will rorce kumpe uhto to adopt prohibition thu theory tif pnhlbtion ho writes nmy bu good or bud ft is to thu physical fuot of prohibition that wi chiefly own thu stcuugely plutiid oco- iiomlii waters in whluh w how navi gate iirelguor uru beglunltig to notu thusu fuuta ovep if we ignore thuui after two yeuts of aniuriouu pndilbl- mr o c vyw u ilritlah busbies unl uullprohlbltlontst oumu to litis country to observe the workings if thu now ruform on his return tie fus uuotud us declaring in a speucli ut illrmlugham that suvuit ainurlraii worklugmnii with tho sumu itlunf satnu materials siililu fucllltlui would pro ducn more than ten hrltlah working- men hur la a vttry duriulu stateniont by u ilritlah amployui- of lulxtr thut shuulil be suaceplible of proof is it true thut seven men on this aids of thu allan tlo undur prohibition conditions can upd tu produce as much u tot men in icilglund with tho upon publluhousu u round th corner or opposltu tho fuo tory gutear thorn ufust bu inuny ltu- migrants in ontario recently arrived rtum thu motherland who uru ih u ixmltutii to glvu personal testimony ui to thv vuluu or nhurwlsu of prohlbl tlou uu u factor in luureuhlng factory piodiiutlon thu jlohe would like hour what lutichauus think of vylos statement tbu story uf uu ev tilp is toll ih the j li itoil und gun in cm know lu with puddle in quebec there 1 descrlpllon of u iiimu athubuscu itlver hy while f v wllllums v a irugndy v wltt llfi trucku ft the hiiow ii told lit the hnow and oilier deiurtment with fine urthus by january issue oneua tl of the now your with i ntful tiuary front y fish i o u gmiriy oolng flailing inoi hunting knives n and ummunltlon turcsts und u bos h 11 mien ivhlly loser 11 us unfolded by hla a lory ootlxr tutk i iwull nilod indsls thu la the first number lit urticlea on ci e hunting skllng iturn studios gu nipping kennel i of othorsubjevi measuring the dride a uuulnt ruremony ol- vud ut itoydon in norfolk about thrnu hun dred yours ugo thu lord of the manor hutuuuthed thu sum of juiooo thu in- torest from which wu to be vottxt unnuully to provide iluwt iks for four lirlilou under thn terms of tjio inxiuest tlte 111010 has to i m divided hulwoen tho youngest tbu oldest ihn shortest und thn tallest hrlla murrlod during thv ouch year in thu purisli chu aft f the murrlugo m rumony ihn bride and bridegroom pn cud i the vestry to ulg l thu reg is 1 or un tho brhl n is then meusillel by the otr ilul- lug m ulster at the mil uf the yu r tbu nar- rlagu records um oxuinh od am ihn dowrl ps uwur od to those ipjullrit d to r oco wo them sea water cure hon lncrea wuter sing in taken uu u fuvnr with modlclri ilucifith fy ahoru ui some cases thu method of in culur injection is ionaldored tho preparations oil about twunty ml a depth of thirty enrn having proved that it tliut sou water is ut its betji- ltu beuuncial properties are jlert from thn halugen salts it contains lit solution among other thing salt water is useful us u mild purgutivo sailors iiuvn lung uppreciutnd it une a tiuphuzurd indulgence is not re commended of course but if bathers happen to swallow a few pint while luurnlng to swim they need not worry us they will probably bu ull tho bettor for it i sjtruiigu utorles have been told madnus liclng provoked by drinking sou wutor this reaction however only occur in casus of shipwrecked sailors with no supplies of fresh wut getting into a rut dont get wndgod into u rut wrest yourself uwuy from your dully resimung occasionally get uwuy fronirwiur buslpesa visit vi- morchutu htudy their stores talk to them und got their idea of business they tnuy ho ubl hulp you and you tnuy lx of i assistance to thorn ko man ever muda u big suacesu in business by keeping hli closa to thu grlndstono thuru is a limit to what wn can touch ours thn men that do big things und enjoy unusual success urn tho ones who ml lit with other uud inurn from them the man who doe tho same old thing lu thu same ojd wuy lay in und day out never changing it become stale und wltuts more his business shows it he is so busy lit hi own store that hu novor gets out und i earns what other tnorchuut uru doing thu result- being that hu falls behind in tho march of prog runs its ull right to uttond utrtctly to business but remember thut this call mi curried to a extreme dont get into u rut if you do you tnuy find yourself so rirmly wedged lu thut you cant gut out sugar from dahlias in tho hour ruumi thn dahlia to become one of thn chief so tho worlds sugar aupply thu now formula for dahllu augur has just4tou completed ut thn unlvurslty of houth- cm callforiilaund it will prpttahly result in thousands of acres ejhig occ6pled with thu cultivation of u tuber which bus hitherto been valued only for u ilowu thu tuber of thn duhllu contains nut only a inrgu percentage of sugar jiut sugar onu and a tulf time uu sweet us cuiiu or beet sugar robubly tho grcutwst buttuflt durlvod from thb uuw discovery of the com mercial value of thu duhllu tuber la that thu augur it yields is qulto harm leu to diathetic patient and this raot taken in connection with the recent discovery of liikulin will bring cher uhd hew hope to thousands of invalids johnnys wav whut dirty hands you imw john ny huld the muster what would vou nuy if i cuiuo to school that wuyir wouldnt uuy uuytiiliig rupllod jolumy i utn too polite to puss re marks let something de said hen ovei the fair funle of friend to ulow of dltgruc sliuli r i m me or pr othlng goo bo i luste till lu wuys of symp tut may iwuken if sumethlug g shame with tea iod he suld rt nuy vainly ithy no sou ho iroug i xl be aid i ciiarge ye by th and by your ing gum juntes whllcomb llilf the secret of collie win is mullln liergert asked ger trude wllson us she wus tuuvliig tin cuh wliiro she hud juat been proposed lor membership moili iinrgort lmiyllls roeutid thats so moilln wasnt thoro toiluy im so sorry uhu 1 such u darling ho i inferred when no fewer thun five jxiople look for u certain tor bon named mollie ull of ihem doclurlug lu ulmost identical terms that she is a darling you naturally bncomn curi ous what makes herauch a darllngt la she n heuutyt clever a goeuv- talksrl what is ejir no she isnt a beuuty or u brill bin talker and situ tins no special glft hhns just mollis uy whut ukes isychologlct nllu7 1iiyllls wu no idea gertrude shook i u reusou for every laml dtmt make it phyllis protestud mollinl however curious myself ill clap hor into tli labtirulory thoughtful the isnt it ubsdrd iund so horrid mnlllolsm am youvo ma brln you of nyos 14 319 16 23 en analysis smile gl her color voice analyses i gortrudu there muiyt be let again vou and your sroffod all tho a reusou und i mean to discover what it is us soon as i ran three wueks later tho two gorirudobad been sick ono phyllis hat been out of town another but ouch had seen mollie in the in terval now they met laughing after the lecture ive seen your famous mollial ger trude cried and ive discovered tho ho havn ii phyllis replied tell um what did you discover discovered that she is that ruront of ull persona u ruully creative llaton- er phyllis made a gesture of aurrendnr i might huvo known youd huvn her properly lubnilodi hut it is wondarful isnt it7 hor hourt and mind am so utterly your while she is wfth you there isnt any part of them busy with herself or her uffulr hhe supplies un utmohphoro lu whloh everyone blosi out vou soem to have done some anal ysing yourself gertrude remarked phyllis noddod mora than that i hope i um going to try to take lessons from her just a few of them a bunch of amerlcun professors are trying to rossurect noma of thu dead lunguages- we wilt lend u helping bund by presenting a fuw of the dead phrases unyway i want to hire u horse and buggy for u couplu of hours i whatt flftnnn cent for these nt it its outrageous t vhls drinks on f tlm house gents wlui ill you havot tito ministers wife heeds a imw hat so wu thought youd liko to con tribute i know she pot say she pulnts my deur i wa show i wus dowi evening nlers and they do burlesque i saloon ull 111 mclean cq y we take thin opportunity of thanking yon for your patronage during 1923 and to wish you a happy and prosperous 1924 mclean co millstheet acton ont i notice now is the time to buy your goods and save money mens blue serge pantp regular 050 on sale nt 400 mens heavy winter caps regular 2o0 on sale at 125 mens pure wool pullovers v neck reg 450 on sale 295 mens fine shirts regular 175 on sale at 125 mens pure wool worsted socks reg 75c on sale at 50c mens fleecelined twopiece underwear reg 125 on gale a garment 85c mens tweed pants reg 500 on sale 3a5 mens heavy sweaters reg 250 on sale 149 mens pure wool check sweaters reg 500 on sale 335 bpys pure wool stockings reg 85c on salo 50c boys shirt waists reg 85c on sale 59c w r- royal clothing and gents furnishing store m brown openeveninqs mill street acton a clear case hugo hand did you uuy you wanted u window or a wfdowt uhuw manager l said window bill theyre both much alike whuti i gel near either of tham i alwuy look out a great convenience clancy stopped his friend hwounuy on the at root ono day i hour youve tnovud hwceiiuy how do you like your imw placet well mlku it costs a lot but there is a lot gtie wltli it an thai thltn new convenluuues uru great tilings hunt weve been llvhtu mouth there now und tho first duy wo lit tho gua run go in the kitchen und it aint out yut millinery and fancy goods store we wishyou one and all a happy and prosperous new year miss j galbraith mill street acton ont scfyurday treat we wish to thank our many customers and friends for their very liberal patronage during the christmas season and we take this opdoytunity of wishing you all a bright and prosperous now year atple blossoms this is a rich creamy fondant cream rolled in crisp fresh cocoanut in maple and vanilla flavors a real tasty pleoo of candy for all regularly 40c to saturday treat 29c b weekend chocolates 32c lb a good assortment of fresh chocolates including pine apple maple vanilla strawberry jellies caramels and pea nut clusters this assortment usually sells at 50c and 60c lb and wo offer it to you at only 32c lb ught lunch x you feel a little chilly or hungry while down towm drop in and have a cup of hot chocolate it just touches the ipot brick and bulk ice cream always on hand v rumley phone no 3 acton ontario r tu to as holding lu own when yuti pick up u weekly pvper irrylng u goodly volume of bright in teresting advertising its u sign thai merchants of thut town are lli- i uiigresslvu und can bo counted yn hold their own against the mall or hnua uslowui 1 tun nor quite reasonable li 1 ester want more tuuuey at did you do with thuldo l gave you ytyiterduyr us wl- 1 spun it for a dshinv utile gold lilush plirntr which will he utterly useless unless you give m some moooy to carry in it i l starkman e wish to thank uic j puplic for their pat ronage during y the closing year und to wish all a happy and prosperous v new year mill stmt l starkman 1 acton qntaho tt contest closes thursday evening at 6 pm the guesalni contest on the wcluht of tho huhy- heef ii our display or nicut closes this eveiiinu nuu olily guesnui in before six oclock cun be counted the wcikiiiiii of the milimil will tuke place itt eight oclock this evenlnk tho winner of hid content will lie innoiice on iriuuy dvciiiiik mid the uiiiinul will be nut on hrldy hll i roust presented hhdy oveiiiiik ththree nenrcst kuesics to the oorieot weight will he announced in next weeks paper we wibh you all u lluppy uml prohpcroua 1924 open wednesbav afternoons ww j patterson counbk mill and main streets actofe ont n i vtyjafl latv l

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