v j i ntrtbm mrl nl iklh charred lo at lh lollowlnl ft irth e htrristtc vc dlli s nil 50c loc kr line clt lor trm rv it died 1iauiukii nnkvltln hulunliiy ilocmbcr 22 02j ir t t ilurrii in hla hint yr iiinoham- al kulill hu mm in out on hunduy imbir 1033 iila- hlh tunnfnkhuin widow of th luto hubert luniclmm ulrnfrty of aclon in jtnr 73rd yiur eullamtc at iii rfsulnno of h du uk titer hwunwlck avonllo tor onto i tunwlny junnury 1 104 ann overton widow of thn lulu tliomu kblton acton in imr hfllh year rtmcrul ut aclon on iyidny from tha s 37 trnln to th mot hod 1st churcl for ihtrvlci ul s oclcok interment ut knlrvlow cetnotory ffiljp artrni 3rriwfjbb tihihauavrjanijaliy 3 j brief local items rranllcu wrlllntf it 1014 avion schools rooin thu nm- in tim holiday urn over now for bualfona toll ilio marehanja ym rm tnolr udvcrtlsomtmta you uro not the only ono who forceu to write tt 11134 tha mercury fllrtod with thn oro iwlnt nn nw yoara nlht 4 the qurry of tho dy ilavo you uny calendars to iv uwayt thn trains eyiarauy kant irotty bood tlm during tho holiday impriaonmcnt i tho oonulty whleh obtalna for iutomobllo sdors i ojnin winter wnit and ae thu you dont bllvt i upnroclalo till pna iiueb very much mr colin gomoron naah- vlll tho lore of aclon will maume their wednesday hulfholiduy next week no one la complaining now that were not bavin un oldfushlonod winter news of local import trafalgar councillor remunerate the hihvk iikh count mora rrmh the following romunttutlnn rr vlcou r udfixd lurloif 1123 w mordmi llnwunc und mllcim ld2 3r jiumu wiildbiook 104 20 j a jol if 111741 a a lulhrullli 163 a mm u 12 2s clohthtlme mayor retlrea uuyor i i mullhwu tdhl iin mityor of port arltuir retired from public life ufui ttlnr miillniiuiisly in civic life nlnc 1hd und tiir klil vuru wus mayor of th city ll hua held evory public- nine in port arthur mr a llwrl tiurney on of artuiv renaful hualnuu mini lit aenernl mun uinior mr multliw luro ninroun tile hualnimm in port artliur muaio jln aoton bohoola mra mlnnlt ii moore of tin puhllo hchimtl nturr linn immhi npmilntd hup ervlaor of mualn for th himmi ihi der her aupcrvlalnn euch ti ailiff will lube up muiiici in hei rgppei tlv rmmi mi a mourn will k1v tin tea utra mien lit inatrurtlori in mualc an wull m the uuinrvihtnu ulm ulvim to the iirhiml kenrully in till huhjfft for tide mnrvloe the lloanl hua liirreuaed hor mulary hy 1100 editor lattaa dauohtar won literary prit al the clirlotmua v erofae m 1uwuwinn hljtll kclnml lit whlrh muyor oertiun prexlitfxl mi mae iult ilnuchter of councillor j ii luke editor of the kewa wua aunted with the void pluce uwartled for the heat euiuiy oncutiudlun litem hire there wr fourteen compcfltoi tho prtxe waa tftven ivy the culhollo womepa ieojcue wild rabblta decomlna pt it la reported that wild hare unuauullyi doatruotlve to orchardu thlm country tho ntnlilt lark yot treea and f urram huahua and enjoy nlbhllnif the tltxt of hranchon luitir- have failed to decreaite the harta ti any extent uml their number ur k row iii rullier than decroaaliiff i la atutod that thn injffor hremla huv ordinary variety kmiwh driven an cotton tulia oakvltl firm alarr at ill town council wodnnaduy evenlnif a c fire- alarm myatem waa syatam moetlntf laal ntrtict for i luthorlaed d nil kaatar now ho next holiday steady work v good krlday will be april is hurrah i for mayor hilt of tor onto iua boyhood waa apont in thla locality tho lianblnbonalelilu habit renowad by the klddlev amt weak better b careful at kincardine i oat week fine tur key went bcgylng nt 20c per itound aaya the he porter cven tommy church haa found that ho haa no perp claim to the chief poaltlon of hta city laroy dole barrlater georgetown rcltd 42 0 for legal acrvlcea from kaqaealnt couocll at but meeting- windsor haa a good fellow a club whoae mlaalon 1 humanitarian the name and the object sound good man a man who complains that the world lant goitlng an bettor lant doliur thin himself to make it better hard time are evidently gone judctna from the nplendor of the recent holiday festivities and the volume of fine presents distributed judge spotton or ouolph recently received a letter threatening him in connection with a reoent liquor which came before him the chalk artist who omana sundry buudlnx enoes sidewalks etc with specimens should be asked to cut out the notion on january 1 the new sales tajj a tax of alx per cent levied on roanu facturera of flntshed products and on un porta came into effect the farmers are brlnstlnst in tho turnip tbey pitted laat fall to the shippers now the price are in nd- of the earlier deliveries ksquesln- townahlp council haa paid boy k smith for engineering aervjcea re drain to fairy lake acton and the credit at nerval hill fi500 nobody over has any trouble think- in- up good new years resolutions for other people but its queer how few we can think up for ourselves over 4000 kiddles attended the community chrlatmas tree at guelph on chrbjtroa eve each child was riven anuif and a bits of candy tub fsjcs pa teluphonos am no hi and 11 w call ua parly in the week don of rlnga cumn in on wedneaday often t late to b of service the mosiatratea of ontario ahould be given power to confiscate the motor cars of persons convicted twice or offerer of drlvlnjf u car while intoxt- ca ted globe the new sales tax went into effect on tuesday it finds wholesalers job bers and manufacturers generally hon estly puuled us to their rights mid duties under the act fred wild haa added uu addition to his fox ranch recently by pur- chasing a pure black regatrad fox prince edward island strain from mr ii gjduttouvfef mitchell if you wlu invite the labul on thla ppr to explain ua position on th question of finance it will bopleaaod t do so it la a rapid jwioulator i glance being ull ttmt la neceaaary mayor a h forster of oukvliu was boat to membem of the tov council otller official of 0kvlll a a number of toronto friend at dinner at the ontario club toronto luat frl day evening the township council titla tiusaid the following accounts for improve ments made pn the fourth lltiw j m warren 1 10 w a young 6 co ale young- 91000 a t mann loto- wm uadaiiald 11600 total 944 bo the regular mooting of the wo mens institute will be held on friday january 4 at oaloak sharp ut the home of mrm ii wilson eveiyonu la reoiueated to attend and taku their recipe a good programme la pre pared taxes have been remit td on th fotlowlrur bams blown down in lis- quealna during tho oyalontt on june is fault po leslie ft7l henry may mtl bhnar my tlt18 joa hunter noryaj bad rafund an a barn burnt in july pt 91 mb the inui ciulte a vnriety of wwiar on new rtx pay it iuiuw- d and it bmnr it waa cloudy arvi ft y ijuuto utrtpratura- waa ojurotiti wfcryi mid tlibnnm fuvoagmsjuajjtmm jmamk tlt- ultli be signed and the order given for the installation of a ayntem by tho north ern electric co thla hyatom should bo completed early in march and no doubt be found a great help giving alarms more promptly there will be ten street boxes and an alarm can be sent in from any phono htur 1103 for bheep killed by dope the following claims fur sheep killed by dogs were passed by esoueslng council ut tho mooting on the luth inat wm moore bona 1 sheoii 91300 3 ahoep 93300 1 sheep datnutf ed 960 total 5000 clare itoburtson 1 aheep 11 00 w ii allan 1 sheep injured 9800 norman chlsholm sheep killed 1800 geo irving vn lng above ahoep 10 00 howard htull 1 sheep klllod 11600 wm uhortlu valuator 92 00 ample supply of coal ao far our local coal dealers deserve thunka of ih community for their foresight in securing atnplo coal fur the needs of all so fur this season notwithstanding tho reported ahortaga comparatively little substitute been necessary ieoplo who have de sired anthracite have generally bo able id secure it of course there uru very fowwiwhavo more than a l or so in their coal bins tho deal have aimed to make un equitable dis tribution an after- chhatmaa hint when the klddio boa received i04 many toys from santaclaua jmoklad liearted friends ut christmas time 1 la wise to put part of them away for a time until the number reserved tut present use bos become red u cod through bmakagoa wbon the nurplua ones are brought ut uguln ono ut 1 time they will be greeted uu fully i the whole lot was when received of the chrlatmua true or from tho hunj up stocking in the meantlmn then is much lass clutter fur mothur t take care of the new motor vehicle act a concise synopsis of thn iiuw motor vehicles act which bocomo law i province on january 1 is 10 b pre pared under the direction of the io part moot of public illghwayaund dlu trlbutod among the motorist of th province with the 1824 plates the new uiw which supentedua ull previous statute relating to vehicles olid public highways embodies u number change the decision to compile this synopsis of the act tuu been made order that every motorist hpiy bo cognisant of ull these chungeu four genarsrtjone spend christmas to gat her among die many home kuthuringa 1 town on christmas thorn was onu u home of mrs llobert johtistot knox avenue of unuauul interest thla gathering included the hostess mra johnston her daughter mra james h heed mra heeda duughler airs ilur ley ilrignall of toronto and her thlr nonthsold won iouglaa lutwr itrlgnall four goiters uimu u the chrlstnmu faallvul table la ruthr unusual niodleas to any jreut- grahdmothor johnton wun the lutppl- it poraun of tlu iroup officers or aoton l o l no 407 at the luat rtilulur meeting of ij o u no 47 tho following officer wuri inatulltxt for ih coming yur by county muster trolunry luum wjm lint herbert i- ultchlu h mllro k k ken tnil y cluiplaln uio j p tkurrow iteconllng hecrutaiy goo dull h- burn finuiiclul uourutury uml treuauitti ltn tlniothurat mar ha 1 1 lint win jtouvvra ieeturer itrn led guiuble deputy lctunr ilnnj ituylliis i l ilni huejiuet kerr o u llni vernon whewltir commit to ill ori uorgi hull w iuuli ndbrt johltatoit noiinul wilds f the champloi a knowledge of btllu end profits the sxrls1 onioeia luvlig falud i convict phil forbea of oprutlng tin teilutlll eaooiishlnu plant cuptunx hear btyalde tlnrni taooms to im llttl proapect that there will bo u convlo- hon of unyoiie in tho tuso thn oullt wua lost to tin- tiiooiishntr but it limy be taken foil giutitud that he is gut ting unothur one if ho hua not dunu so already it la ttellevtml that ho hit oeen marketing hi output for u lung time and that hla prorlls have been huge champion phil forbos puli fines for conviction registered ogulnst him in 1113 of 91300 l ituld 300 for u 0011 vie i ion ugulnst hla brother und several urge umuunl for llnea imitosed 11 friends at he roient tflul u wll- aa alleged that plill said the excise ufflueni destroyed pntperty which had cost him i too whan urmsted hu said it un n bull i only bud i3gi- ft in buiiw tnl remnjked id hnvw bwui butlr on lohav kept 611 at lioiswiiiifmg fm i had more tooii- fmui that whii 1 auuted eellliia- itooau thuii i imvn now ulflmal pmtlta m evmontjy not nominations in hal ton a number of reeves and councillor elected by acclamation tim nomination fir llullon munli i ililuh on monday wi- uu follow m oeo roe town muor ieltoy ixile tin lunuitlon iiimv roniild mi lityi- lm imnu fho toiimllllr m nnt w aaheii- huial w herriiigloii it arnold w ollg kohimtl trustee mra w ii wlllson j ie mackenalo hi e1 minully milton mayor jo tin irving f lumutlon i lteeve j w itlajn tm luuiutloii tounclltnru j muxinl k yr f pinren j j ivacork g i- hmellle m k nixon t cox w morrison j jlruuh c davidson j i poper mohool trualo north ward i held j hardy houtli wunl k ford a i- chambers icunt wiml l craw- ford p w ctmk hydro commlaaloiima j m -iuc- knri w gumblv akvile mayor a h fonitr tml v hoii huhliimoii itoeve c h cns fc a mull ijeputy hunvn- thnrnuit illuklok philip ciiumberm coiinrlllora w winil prl itolwrt marsh itoam glbaon william anderaon w h canon a h mckuy w him frank pulluti hi ginald hare william irle thomua khleldh f hhjiw j m i turret i a hclioo truatoeu ituy iturllett w nlcol allen komp hev g h h grain j flakloclf c h mirkle eaquaaing jtuuve w j v iiuniphhlin ieputy lttreve g a apk-iim- council lore col g o hrown win cowdy t leuo all by acclama tion naaaaaaweya heevo m job k agllnw couikillors w dredge t near g gordon d campbell j curgill unci f wnlven nelson kouvo w irving deputy iteeve w ijrvckou counclllon h mc arthur f fialor i iteadhead all by ucclumutlon trmtslasr peeve w h- monlen puty heevo dr j a johnston council lors j wuldhrook a gul- brulth a huck g h king g mur- lutt v hull outside nominations the nominees in neighboring towna end townehlpe brampton mayor ii w wuwaoti und j h liocjc hoove l a ii mllrter muntuu tmadgold and w wegenunt ijeputy hoevo j e fullorton it ii ann icy a il mllncr thou ttiuuburn councillors jurats jjurmaworth w j ilnutty h- m itoblnaon john hpeoni w c part let t jumea martin join puttorsoii br john illeraon jr oliver moore slx to be uloctod wetardown itoevo lucbani hmlth f w crock er hugh a drummond duvld atkln frank speck and f j hhuldlo council ion f w qrocker harold grooti goo k nlchobton frank spock iavld atkins prod thomas oavid ouvlea ilichurd hmlth und whiium isdge el ore hoove w l gordon udiioy hich- ardaon j c varrelly counclllora ij cmonn w arthur ituaaell duncan ed moore w men doll norman stafford chua hurt gm e prow w j weadlick t c wurdly jaa anderson hydro electric commlaalonor t e llpsey occl hoard of education alex i luiider- uon jos wilson j w jeff erica hv it w frld a e hadly hurvey hell eramosa township iteevo w a ulckbton georgo footo councillors a afcnubb wm bwuii- aon e doughty j hutherfonl llobert hurwuhl wm harbor und a dulton chlnguacousy townahlp juove t ii elliott accl ijeputy roovd wilbur utilo uccl councillors albert fleming- jk n cameron j n mcfaruno uccl celadon townahip hoove j k mcuouuld deputy itoevo w j wilson erin councllloi john mrprldo caledon liat h j hpoen culedon w j trathen calodon all by uccl alton police village trustees l lemon w houston a c tennyson a lovell o flnncgun w w hhlt mayor controller hiiu defeated tommy church by over 10jj0o tho people of thla community u eapeclally interested and greatly pleas ed with the result of the mayoralty wloetloq in toronto controller hlllx who waa opposed by t- lv church m und col- currle m 1 p u u son of thla section of the province hla birthplace being- ubout rive mile- from acton near uallnufud muyor elect hiu oonimoncyd hla canr h the activities of life ua u school teach er und hut teaching exporlont e wui largely spent in the township of es- quealng ut luillinufuu und in tho hcotch pluck aa 11 business nmn in toronto ho hud u muccussful 1 und tin honorable carter hla vlew of llfu haa been ul- truatlf und hla concern for other bus over been un objeot of hla llfea uctl- vltlea during u vry buy life in tbt city mayor hllta hua given much llnwi to ultlxenshlp duties hla efforts uu auoceaalvely a mombr of th hounl of education ua un aldemtaii uui ua city controller huvo ixioli fruitful of good und have comiinunlud him to tho gihml opinion of the ixroplu of toconl iiu ully the tinw lluyor la uli tllicomp lug eimmy of the ihiuor tranlr 1u wum u tnombei of ontarios commit tee of one hundred which hud muii to do with the frumlnif und viutol- ineut of tho ontario timiporuuco act in tho eleotloii on monduy mr hilt wuu glvni 440btt vote ti plurality of hi lia over tommy chutch who was light yutta muyot of toronto und who huiutoforn boustud lie wu linvur txuit- 111 in un tdixtloii neurly 4uuuu ovo col j a cuxrhi w 1 p who do 1 1 0l hlniaelf u the wet culldl duto uml 67 4 d of u majority ovoi lioth theae oaiididutua combined mayor hilts- will bo nupported by u htrong hoard of control oinpoad of liuni of wide uxprlfuuu in tnnxttnii muilulpul uffulr william wesley hilt i uvory lotli iuhii- ho will muui u tnotlul mhv f onlurio lnnttoitolltui city col pavld mccrae 111 waa stricken while at church at quelph end la now nhoapltal while attending uervloe ut ht an ew presbyterian churoh on hunduy cot duvld mocruu vetekan guelph illtury iiitlcbi und father of the luu lieut colonel john mt cru uithor of in flandera fie ida wua aelxed with u weuu pell uiid wiu tualtutl to ihu general hospital the colonel had suffered alight atniko but at the hospital it u wtutd ilia llhieaa wua not uu auilotis uw ibughl und thut he la ietlng foitahly d mrciuo kebl the dutioi lion iii inu 1 t u in f rjiiif tttt 1 minutiling umiii f toy mil in i ho c e f having- nnltml th 4sm uallery ut nnjph high wy traffic act passed in 1923 is now in force numerous important chanett in the lawh aovernirtp motorins intoxicaved persons not to drive motor vehicles permits cancelled for this offence the highway tiwllh ar f 1023 li the short title or the art that slm- lillueii roordlnutim and consolidate tho pro vision or tbe motor vnblclou highway travel und doud of vehicles acta in ontario the new act came into force december 31 1933 there am many lmiirtunt change from the old ari governing the use und oerallon of motoi voblclus in onler to fully inform mnlorlst unj thereby save llim nnnh inconvenience mid imauihly ti fvw tlikn below u few of the more inittoriuiit revluloioi und uddltloiih lire outllind tbi ontario motm iagu points oyt thut in u goniirul hne the whole indu of l ww which regulate the opor- tilloii of motor vehicle pn uie highway will itc founi in ono mentenco or the uliiliwuy traftlr act ity kcllon s it in enacted thut uy liron who driven u motor vehicle on the hlgbwuv ut u mpved or in u uiuliner daiignuh to the public hilling ngunl to all th 1 in umntunceii uliall incur a penalty one principle lindei ilea thla whole aubject tho luw lmtmtaou uikjii every one who uuea die blgtiwuy tho duty of exorcising ut ull tlmeii that degreo or care for the aufnty and convenience of others which u reasonable person wou hi exerctstt under tho clrcum- htunce the rule of law which serve uu a guide to conduct under ull clr cuiuataneh of travel urn known aa the rulee f h nud ihcyctvaj whenever on the high way uher dusk und before duwn evorj- bleycln und tricycle ahull curry on thn lmik thereof u red lighted lump or red teltim tor to plucetl um to bn clnurly vlultilu to driver uf velilrle upproach lug fiom the rear pahking ughtb a motor veh hln while utundlng uiwn uuy hlgbwuy it uurh time ua llgtita urv retiulreil by the provlaloua of thlu aectlon for hulh vehicle inuy in uu of the light liuf equipment ape i nod in thla section ahow one light carrtniron the left side of the cur lit liuch u manner ua to be cliurly visible to tho rroitt und rear fur u distance uf ut lchl two hundred feet und to ahow white to the rront it ml red to the four of the vehicle provided however that such light shall nut be displayed while ihu motor veli mo b in motion kpotlightb it la unlawful to curry on uny motor vehicle on u high- way uny lump which revolve uiton a pivot or other device so thut the ruya of hucii light may ite projvetod in dlf funlit directions by un occupant of tli vehicle hpot light or uuurchllghta shall be uinxod to tho left ulo of thn vehicle only ind the ruy of light therefrom hiiuii bo dlrecttxi to the extreme right of the truvellnd portion it tho high way in such u tnannoi thut the beam of light vhull utrlko the oxtrome right of the truvelled portion of the highway mllhlli heventyllve kl of the a vehlcl hhahteh every motor vehicle ahiill hu eiulltud with ut liamt two brakes in cixhi working ordur und uny police coiihtuble or uny ontcor uppolntttl fur curry i nu out tlu provision of thla act may ut uny time luapoct or cuuuo inrpctlon to iki made of the brake of uuy motor vuhlclu on tho hlghwuv 1 muy if such bruku ure not in good working onler require tho driver of audi motor vehicle to proceed forth with to put or huvo much brukou put in ijond working order within city town oh vil lage no motor vehicle ahull bo driv en upon uny highway within u city town or village ut u grvutor ruto of biiood tbun 30 mile pr hour iiorot u utruet inturhoctlon or curve wh the driver of tho vehicle hua not u chut vlw of uny uppiouchlng t rattle ut u gnutur ruto of aikicd than 1c mi lua ior hour in u city town or vlllityo or 12 mllun pr hour outulde u city own or vlllago 1 upon highways outhidu city town oh village no motor vehicle ahull bo driven upon uny highway outalde of u city to wit village at u greater ruto of upod thuii 2l mile per hour penulty any iter uon who violate uny of the provision of this section uhult incur for the rirst orfenoo u penulty of hot e than 6 und not mure thutt jco for the uucond orfuiice u penulty of not inks thuii 910 und not more tluin ii 00 und in uddl tlou hla ucenaa or termlt muy ht mum ponded for uuy period not exceed lug thrnu tnontha uml tur uuy ub- uimtuent uffttnoo ubull incur u teuajty of not less than 90 und hot more tbun 9200 und in addition hla license or permit may be auapeiidod for uny perlml not excluding alx month heckxehh dhivino penalty notwltbtundlng uio provision of the ubove section uny itersou who drive u tnotor vohlolo on u highway ut a grvutur rate of a peed thun 4u nilu pr hour or who drive u motor vehlclo on u hlghwuy rckltaaly or nugllguittly or ut u speed 01 in u niuiuiur duiiger- uuu to thu public having rvgurd to ull thd clrcumaluikua ahull incur u pen ulty of not l thun lioutid tint mun thun j2ii0 uml ihull ulan ihj lluble to imprluoiinient for uny term not cuedlng id day und luuddltlon hi license or permit ulm ii be suspended for uny perloi not uxcihdjlig 4 inoiilh pabbing veii1cll ooing in hauk direction no person li charge of vehlclt uhull tiasa or ut tutnpt to pas uikttlier vehlclu going in thu autne dlimctlon on u hlghwuy unless und until the travelled por hon 4 r thu highway in front of und to the left uf i ho vehicle to be passed la safely froti from vupprou thing trultlu intoxicated peuhonh not to drive no intoxhattld proh ahull lrlvo u inolur vehicle luiiulty tho llcunimi or permit on in thn cuae wlmn hfeiiihte 1 ulao the owiior of thp motor vehicle thejl lotl till hi ense i p 1 toll of u iieruon who i oonvluled of dilvluu u motor vehicle while in toxhuted ahull ihi auypitiuleil by thi mlnlatei uihiii lport of the pojico muglatruto or juutlcti of the 1uaoe who make thu conviction for u perloil u not uxcedlng tbnni lnontlim for the nil nrfuiice b not ins thun tbtea month und not exceeding alx month fur the uucond offkiko und for the thlnl or utly auliaoquuiit orfmice hi llceuwo or permit or both ua thu case tiiuy tw ahull lw cancelled und he ahull m doclurud by auch police muglslrute or juatlc of ihe puco to 1 dla- ouallllej from holding u llroinoi 01 permit for- a ptrlod of not than one year and not excluding two your lihjdiiction ok lioenhw a puraoii oonvlcted of uu iirfmicn under tbl act if ho bold it chuuiteur llcunao slut ii forthwith prtnluoo the use for the puthnr uf u 11 dorsum on t und if ho does hot hold u ohaurfaura llcen- the owiir of the veliki with lit which ibe often was commit i uhull rorthtvlth produce hi tmlt for tho purpoaii of viulorui incilt inreitpiikraiionwii lt ia provided in hn- a- fm u tlrat uucond thlnl hul ijik i nifi 11 ii i wiiilri hrt f nut nr nlih- lliit slill lil h to nfftintu nimlltd in th- illi auleiuui year ii ibla uhull not plili of nf iif rmmta diklng a motor i whll in 1 intiksioalwd onmtltumi neighborhood news- town and country churchill minn annie 1 hnyiler left on tunn- y for imr n hool ut ciiltbi norfolk uty uflor upending tho chrln injun vacfttlmi at her ikiiiki heie mlaa violet hmlth um hom from fjuhawu on haturdny for u jjew years ihlt itnv uml mvh wlllluni m donald or wn houipl were gunuth ut the borne if mr john hmlth hint wk mlnp carrie ityder or arkell viltol ut mr arthur hwuckliumufii lurlnk the week mr arthur hwuckhamor in ulim urrylng hla injutml urm in u ling osprinoe mr athiur whlteheud of hamilton u one lf the new farmer to httlle in hibj4cnmm unity h ommt to tbe urm on the third line nupoalte minn iitlletta place in the iprtng mm wiu hpence of toronto who wnt the wek between tjlirlatmiui und new yeuin with iior purniits mr and mm hugh koburt mi cutchoon bus eturrod home the uliilghlug wuu greatly n 11 jo ye 1 up niw ycura by th young folks th merry jingle of the sleigh bell have 1111 iiitrurtimi which the motor full uever offer terra cotta duvid lulhrutoue one of hulton ountyu oldewt litlxouu died auddenly t hi reldnni e avmiuii plate horil- iy un hot urdu y deceuand was in hi hint ir wuu un untlve member of ilethel mttthodlae church ut drum- ijulii ami in polltloi u ilherul he ia uui vlved by hi wlf four uon und one duughler wlllluni and gcor ut homo chester jlfjrijoumr toiviihlilp elmer or toronto inr mr it g edwnrd of llnimptou the chrialmus und new your holi day ijroughl rnuny bninncomfru und vlaltora ft this coinmunlty und then wore numerouu huppy fuinity gutlior ng t v mollugh who hua leu living in the vicinity of acton tbe punt yur or two wu home foi the holduyu th hunduy h hool toncertj in tho mothodlat church wu u decided suc cess the church wu rowdotf to the loom the pnigrummn waa an ex cellent unr in iiddlllnn ti a vailoo aclntlon of number by tho acbolurs douglas ilrolhers of norvul rendered u numlier of inn musical number kanta cluiiu dliitrlhutnd proaonts to all mr llilllughby hua 1 urpnntnr ut work rebuilding hla houiie which was roceutly dainuged by fire the new church choli i adding mi of interest to the service 111 the mrthodlut church mr j edit hr hu been cohoiumi to the house through mhu the pust waelf ballinafad there wuii u grout jubilation hero when it wu ascertained thut wllllarn wesley hilt wuu elected mayor uf toronto on niw yeura day mayor hilt 1 u uulttliufud lky un bus ulwuys into 11 proud to own thla cc munlty ua hi birthplace hallinufuil is proud of tho mnrko1 distinction toronto ha plucod upoh her son by electing him to tho aeut of chlof mag intuitu by n majority of over 10000 ubove tommy church tha moat popu lur mayor ever elected in toronto it i on the pngrummo ua a big event for next uummor aomntlmo thut itoiunufad will oxtond ui oldtlmo welcome und celbbratlon to her honored son mayor hilt mr und mra a p mclean of acton splint new year hi tho old homo horn mr and mr walter kant nor of acton wore here on new your day limehou8e tho townuhlp council hau rut id tin following uuiu for luiprovmnntw imidi to tho fifth lino und llmohouae cross roud juat full wm mncullough 9412g ror 41u yard gntvel put on llmobouso cromsroud hobl doughty for 10c load gruvel put on llmuhousa croniroad 2d 26 a w itentou 92 win gowdy 1d0 douglus gowdy 91 co jau grant 93 b0 arthur ihu 91k0 k ilnrrlngton 9160 bid klrk- pa trick itbo jonuthuii iinu 9160 jullu milliorc 9160 john meredith 9160 churllc meredith um wm ml ii i ere 9200 wm l mill lore 9160 u mursbull 92 00 dun mcdonald 91 co j b noble 93 00 itobt lum 9156 jus oneill 9 1601 htunloy oak- 9160 d bwuckbnmer 9160 joa hcott 920p j h kennody 9i6o tor onto lime co 916 co mr w gowdy hua hud u ruillo out fit installed ut hi nldoiictt a it wu ut chrlmtmuu numerouu for mot routdontu utnl vihiioi wmo here for new yourti air w gowdy und dougluu aponl chrlatmu with frlnda in guulph oakville following u prolonged lllnua dr t hurria one of oukvllloa old cltlxena died on kitturduy ho v in hla 811 yum dr hurria wua well known throughout tho vicinity having carried un un extomtlvu doiitul prao tlco for tho pnat hulf century in hla younger duyu ho wuu un onthualuattu horaumun nnl tt huccuful exhibitor ut many of tho loading horuu ahow 1 thu county utv j i drown xitollromuii of now york will urrivo in oukvlllo on hut unlay junuury c to usulut in apeo- lul aervlco in tho mthodlt church on tuesduy junuury 8 the ht judos a y p a will go by the 730 rudlul to puy u visit to thu hurling ton brunch the oukvlllo pigeon fuhcler aa- oclullon held a ahow on new yeura day in the old tulephouo oolot another uunrud bund concert will he hold in tin gregory tlnutro nfaxt kuit duy evening these cnncerth uro prov ing ijulto popular willi the cltlxeti of the tirtvn service wau hld in moiuluy deoambar a hurred recital of uulc wua gl veil from 1l i hi to 1146 p 111 und thla waa followwl by ti brief duvotuinal aervli clolng ut mhliilght itucord l watch night ox church on ut 11 p 111 vocal und orguu i georgetown mr uml mi pulll colbert valley- fluid quebtic vlaltud filond horo dur ing thu wxik kev und mill j ii mooro upint tin hpitituy ut iindon messrs d ituunlo uud w mclcuy o iroquois full worn with georgetown frieiida biat woik mr und mra j- c cook of cinatnii l c visited ut w ii wiiinna ml ahjideoii who iiuh been vlutl lug hi wlalm mi h mccimnuh loft luat week for hf itoniti in floriilu xll alblt ioltihieolu of montreal und mr und mi uuhlle und family or toioiito hptnit the holiday ut mr p a- hurhya master claitinci htuplutoil the sovuti ymir old sou of mr und mr hurry htupluton who wua updated on ut gutdpli hopllul luat wvek for ullw- dtcltl 1 piogrwnlng uulte fuvovably 1lia annual hunduy bchool vtilar- tulunikiit of ihe muthudlat church wua hold in the uohool room of the church on new yeut a night a good pro gramme of iivcltulluu dlulugu dilll uto wus curried out tho armenian concert in tha town hull last buturduy evening waa well attuudutpwhuii tho programme wua al- hioul entirely glvmi by the lioya from thu armenian furm they um juuater- lug thu english lujguugo rapidly und thulr alnglug illaloguea lecltutliin und tuoufh organ tnualc wua much enjoyed there wm u pleuuitt surprise ut tho hon of our esteemed townamun mr i r allium ii cbhtmua vu hre gentleinen yepi emitting tho utiona of lb ilijik u moiitiiil of libit mr minim w h lot id iimn- a tinlll hi rf u iu winkn v lltd ut hi homo und in j trftl bn wllh u well tilled pome iii fhog- itilloit the atimin in which he i held jnt bis courteoiih innitment dui lug ida lung ruxtu aw mauugar bank hara ttarsjd rockwood mr lame gray who bus biii iii r om tlmi putihrd uwuy 011 hun- ny owning tliu fun oral wu held hterduy uftiruoon hi wu one of ur oldcht imldeiis und wnjoytxl dm atnem or lh omniunliy crewson8 corners mr und aim jam 11 11 monro ami iluughteril pent thrlmtmu ut u very huppy funlny parly ul the horn of mr ml mrs henry denny actmi mlaaou murjory hlmpnon uid huxel o nil in of gunlidi 41iierul lloupltul visited tbe lutlerii home on new years duy horndv nassawageya ml palt frank of guelph v 11 ted ul hor homo during thn holiday mr e1 ward hyermun visited hla parenta at wulton during the week mrund mra w liullurd hurling- ton uro spending tho holiday with relative horn kov und mr htruchuii und ifumlly returned homo nftrr apendllii chrlst- mustlde with tholr p in ml id may mr matthew job bus ihiwi under the doctors earn the puat week mlaacm huxel uml mulnl dredge of toniuto spent the hollduy ut their ho the nomination of henvo uiv councillor for tho ownnhlp of naa waguwoya took pjat om mondav li tho township ijall ltrwikvlllt when tho following nominations worn mad for peeve edwuid agnow matthow job for councillor w w dredge george gordon w t near a j curgill donald campbell frank mc nlvell thorn wore otbera nominated but they withdrew their natnea u w chlholm the roevn of id23 reaignil th rooveahlp thcro wum one of th largest meeting nt thla yeura nom inatlon that thpro bus iteon for som time there will bo u warm cam paign in thla township thla wwk with willing next monday the public school in section no nasaagitwoyu will not open until next monduy 7th inst wo are having wlntov in real ourn now wo wish tn kwoi pukk ulid ull u huppy und pronpemua now year improved train service be tween toronto and winnipeg the canadian national hallway uu liouuce thut effective buturduy janu ary 6 1024 improved irnln service via new lnngluu routo will 1m put in ope rut ion the nutlonal the toronto win nipeg and western cunudu train will hereafter run by this route und via allundule hurrle orlltlu uud wash ago inatoud of vlu lleaveptou loavlng toronto 104 c p m dully arriving budbury ut 86c u vn and winnipeg 410 p m following duy tho nutlonal will carry tourlat bleeping cur toronto and winnipeg standard bloeplng car toronto und edmonton compartment oliservutlon library car toronto und winnipeg b 1 durd hleeplng cur toronto und hi ut bury dining cur horvlngull meal for tlrkets reervntlon and full lu- foimutlou apply to uny can ud lun na tional agent a concrete csse of church union aftur being reducorutud uud thoi ouglily iepujied the cumnock union church in wellington county wua opened on hunduy december 1 with very uuccoarul apeclul imr vice for lowed by u splendid aupmr on the following evening thu church ha been beautifully painted und decorat ed a hew furnace hua been liihtulled itpd everything ubout the sacred tdl- hiui beon put in splendid ndl prombyterlan coiigreguthm of cum nock wua effected uomu month ugo und tho uccoinpllahmnut of tho united congregutlott uu evidenced on mining hunduy uugum well tar tho 110w onler of things on hunduy the worvloc were conductor by ho v mr wurd f ijiimuacua on thufoltowhuf ovenlng tho a ul per wall well uttended uud the programme which followed wua a thoi oughly eujoyuhlo ou the prootoil fnmi tho i hunduy unrvlce und thi auper umountnd to u trlria over 9116 mcqulltli hlatui tiled i ro aoon ut wondorluiul cat tails vield food and cloth yrom th cutlull found in ulnnuit utery uwumi uulontlulm huvo nurcud- ad in hiakfiiif lmtlf food uml cloth hoot of thu wd piodtuo uluicl und uugnr the ullnh iiuh liwen uhil ua riour to maku biuud hu ijiowii aplkv inuk uu excellent uubutltulu for allk uml the fluffy dowu la vwhwblu fpr atutllnu pillow thu plant vma hrt llrtcoveiod by thu lrihuiila jinlun und during tho cicat wui u w1t atat- ulvely untl throughout oentrul iump notice a chaiure of time will hu made sunday january uth i2t lnr full purtlculura upply to uu ticket agent canadian national railways notice to creditors in th catat of mary hitclil fc dacashad th credit of muty ttllclilii lulu of the vulhif ut anon in hu county of llulti nun led womun wlut died on 01- ulwiut thn eighth duy of tjjlultr a ij 1ujj und ull roii hiivhiu clulma ituujnut hir omlutu mo lunuhod on or before hi fourth duy okfabrg- ury a d 1sh4 to aeml by lot pre- paid or uthrivlae tlallviir to the undr- mlgtied solicitor tnf the administrator nf th eututo of the suit mary hltohle their full nume uddise uud dea- crlpllonu rult puitlculur of their chtltua uud the nature of the uourl tit if any jield by lluni on uud ufiei the uuld touith duy of fehruuiy th auld uduiliiltiutoi will piocucd to dirttributo th ithietu of th wild laulit 11 uu um pmhla ihivl mild h hf 1 liv iiu in v ill if i l 1111 ilh ihmtifti foi hu lull i t lahox f hll h in r- iv lb t mn- 1 ihlh mill- 11 jjnhm uiham kllllllc aaiulnlstrator i ii n luimei acton ontarlcn hla bulla tor t 8 specials to start the new year with no i sihciai hluc scrko orcu goods all wool 40 inches wide good value til si2s special for 75c no 2 special ilnid drcis goods double fold regular 1 00 yard special 70c no 3 spuc1al so yurds of crash pure linen stripy towelling regular 30c yard special for 20c no 1 special 2 dozen men sweater coats in izes 36 18 40 42 ah wool hcuthur mixtures regular 35 special nt 25 no s special mens dres shins in tripcs broken lots uitcr christmas tohink- regular price 175 special at sh25 no u special is spindles of our scotch finrcrinr yarn in black brown gray und white regular 140 per tb special li5 no 7 special is pieces jfi inch chi me for com- farters regular 40c yard special for 30c yard no 8 special mill ends tabic damusk p 2 ahd 2 yards in each special prices 140 160 m90 or he end mclean co mill street acton ont do somethingoicyourself now thut thn rush of nankins pretty thiu4f to give away at cbrlxtmu tlmn la ovr wouldnt it bo u tryod plan to rnaka up some of thosa nlcn funt y ihln you huvo boon wiln time so ions for yourlft comn in und lot us show you how many dainty thing ran be made up in your juim momenta our stock of fancy good und millinery 1 rlcht uptothomlnuto special reduced prices in millinery miss j galbraith mill street acton ont saturday treat just arrived a fresh supply ot nciisonv packages of chocolates a large assortment to choose from all strictly fresh and packed in neat attractive boxes ask at our counters for the oub- box the better box christmas mixed 25c b having a limited supply of this wonderful mixture on hand wc arc going to give you the opportunity of purchasing your supply at the very low price of 25c tb while it lasts weekend chocolates 32c lb a fresh supply each week assures you that they arc strictly fresh and a taste of them will convince you of their quality and with an assortment of hard and soft ontrcs and assorted flavors these chocolates compare with the 50c and 00c lines but we offer them to you for our special of only 32c lb- ught lunches naturally after the skating party or sleigh ride you fee that m hot cup of cfipcolate or a sandwich would make you feci better wc arc sure wc have just what you want v rumley ih0ne no 3 acton ontario pattersons meat market the guessing contest is over und the holiday rush for fowl and now we settle down to routine business again our stock of meats is always the best and while the display was exception ally large ut tho holiday time you will always find our stock comprises full lines the guessing cpntks tc results of the guessing cotitcm uro published in an other col uui ft of tfjit p u per mitl full particular ivcti uboui the contest we wpru pleased u prei te rujjst o te lucjty guoser gordon tliub puesh fish j at the end ot the week we will liuve u stock of frebh fiui of vurioui kinds on huiid niij will supply your need in thi line throughout the coldweuther 0cpn wppnedav aftmnponi w x patterson corner mux anp main 8tobkt3 acton w titnmiji jh biripi ose merchants o trade gflaw fwlips ii3ii2j fa i jwisforiawwjsw caiyliium