Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 24, 1924, p. 1

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r wfot f fortyninth year no 3q thursday morning january 24 1024 acton ontario canada thursday morning january 24 1024 single copies five cents the methodist chuhch acton rev cha8 hackett pastor parorot willow st 1100 u m tim minister hubjoct weuley lh mini iiihi 111m work 230 p in iliimuy hihool 7 00 p in tli- minister hubjoot the vision f hi cinss ivikiiov wulcomi presbyterian nox church acton mlnialor a c stewart m a munon wlllnw street j loo a m tim minister huhjoct wini we kuie hid our kl lb la not mlmilwuil 3 00 v in hunday school 3 00 p in lllliln chios htudy in matthew chapter iv 700 p in tho minister hubjoot idohi try ancient nnd mmlrrn ktmugnni leaving address with tho ushers will bo culld upon by tho pastor all auk cordially invited special- notices word minimum fhargc yxz pr intcrtui wanted girls wanted apply lo j w hbwkthon co hhuo factory for bale a cutter um good as nitw apply to david williamhon gujph street act for bale ewing machine in good apply to i htaukuam mill btret acton mussel lu j gil a nt aiimm htroet wanted nt u fiirm of fq 100 acres 3 acto apply lit phono 07 rc auction sale farm stock impumanu ett- frrnl mccutchoon will hold an auc tion aalo of farm stock implement ate at lot 17 townllne erin and kraroosa 3 mile north of pvorton on tttoeyiay january 39 at on oclock j i j kbrit auctioneer heirs wanted lost heirs a book filled with names for lout heirs and missing kin from different parts of th world chan cery court at england ireland and bank of kim land unclalmod dividend list included send one dollar itlll at oncianl got hook by return mall international claim aokncy 304 dtit 117 i1tttburirjv- d h a for sale 100 acres townllne erin and eru- mom near hlghwuy 80 acres cleared balajice pasture 0 ucrp wheat nnd rye 30 acre weeded noma ploughing done good buildings plenty of water edwin clupts zts box 43 acton phone 33r4 balmo natures ointment for the skin for all klndn of norea cute burn bolls scalds chapped hands tc wonderful healing proper for ale- at your local druggoat or by mall postpaid upon receipt of price 2k veritas supply co 394 dunloe rood toronto ont farms for bale s forma in the counties of halton and wellington fmrylnr from 40 to 200aorea lot ua aond you our llat a number of home and bustneaa place in acton for bale fire and life insurance money to a smith real katato aent aoton ont phone 10i farm- for8ae farm 122 ocres lot i concession 1 erin atone barn coxj with uood com fortable stabling underneath and otheroutbuild ins- large atone house comfortable two rood flowing spring creeks and iwro wells fall plowing done farm la in good state of cul tivation arrangements mayb made for purchase of 76 acres with all buildings for prlco and terms apply to notice the annual muktino of acton fidl fair will be holdln the council chamber at acton on thursday january 24 isai at two p m 11uh1nk4 ltecelvlug thu iimiuul mpor of the auditors election uf o moors and dir ectors for 1034 transaction ot such other business us hmy bo necessary wallace lasbv geo hvndb president flerstary aoton january loth itisj wonderland fbioav- january a westbound limited all aboard r huspenss junc tion ccinody valley thrultown hpoctaouliim plullim htitlnfactlon point nil mi the wexthmtnd limited line cimidy hliirv your pot baturdav januahv 2o hokcnlot tlio ioiiimy tli iniu tiiiwiitlim of tint ncuum htiitihiu- dhufluu mol-nti- win colllniw uiuiit sleepluchsbliik htuiimvr kirt i stagq ursh imw n pulilc in plrtiims hiludy wft but happy tuesday januarv 29 when odds m lui htarrlnu tin uu the thtito druiiiu thst cruths ytiur frowns and brings out tlmt ions hidden laugh hoinuthliiir bettor thuii toin nvr liiuilo itefure com edy hllpiwry finit wednesday january 30 sof t jlolled starring- win huasell a liml 11 yo wiistenii uutlon thrill sua- penae couimly culrhlna the cat pearl while in plunden your saving time ifi january clearance time at macdonalds fiuelphrt ieadirur and larjrct store there arc opportunities for golden economics abounding in all departments well worth especial efforts to get to guclph at an early date here for instance arc some of tho thing going on now ip tho mens stores all overcoats divided in n burprtsing way into three groups 1875 for overcoat regular 27- 2475 for overcoat regular to 4000 3475 for overcojun regular to 6000 every mans and young mans overcoat in our splendid stocks included in those thrco groups thats letting go without counting tho cost you will agree pay you well to get outfitted a year ahead 1 all the hats reduced thus at both stores regular 700 hats for 5jh regular 050 hats for 495 regular 600 hats for 450 regular 500 hotb for 395 regular 450 hats for 35 regular 400 hats for 35 regular 350 hats for 275 all the caps for men and boys regular 300 caps for 20 regular 275 caps for 200 regular 250 caps for 185 rcgilfar 200 caps for 139 regular 150 caps for 115 shirts at 5195regoivut 2j0 275 and 300 all sizes from 14 to igjj in tio clearance some with separate stiff collars some with soft collars to match splendid choices and substantial savings all the work shirts included in the january reductions youll find it well worth whilo to send in a mail order fdy needs ahead regular 175 shirts for 139 regular 185 shirts for 149 regular 200 shirts for 165 regular 250 shirts for 105 stanfieliys underwear reduced the man who appreciates a qualitybargain will want to lay by all ho is likely to need before another january rolls around if you cant got to town this week send in your mail order stanqelds gold label regular 200 garment for 150 sunfielda red label regular 250 garments for 175 stanfields blue label regular 300 garment for 200 weekend specials assorted chocolates with cream and hard centres with a nice thick coating of chocolate best buy on tho market regular 40c lb weekend special 29c lb peanut crisp peanut crisp the best liked of all ladles just fresh in regularly 30c tb weekend special 28c tb smiles n chuckles the most delicious chocolates on the market comc in and try a box packed in i land 2 lb boxes light lunches come in and try one of our light lunches they uro satis fying and all homemade lea cream delivered m both brick and bulk mill street acton h wiles the proof of tbe boot is in the wearing codboted winter i j here special prices in felt boots slippciu heavy lumber rub bers rubber boots for men women antl children tub prices on these floodti aee vbry attttactlve harry harrison the shoe man where quality count we win deal here it will pay you news of local import sixty years aqo a resident major oridit of uoorgotawn in re newing his ilia ilikas subscription the other day euid it will be sixty years in march whan i first mutlo friends in aoton and hotjamo a resilient many of that day urn tona but not forgotten a tow of us mro iwr not foracttln- thrt old man of th ills clock tower this weeks bio otorm holdout indootl have o experience wontorly nulns at 30 to 40 mile per hour 1oiitlnuliiir thulr force accom panied by nitow hurried tor i stretch of 4h hours nil watt tho ijibb hunday monday mid tuodtluy of this week tim nioruury kept in tlin vicinity uf sorn nil this time it wum a real old fituhlonedvrlnter storm a prsnuptlal shower a xa towel shower tor xiss uly allnrnoti was hnld by u twvy of her kill friends ut the wuutlful home of mr tiiwl mrs d c itossc 1 mill htreet luut thursituy evening- an ideal var iety of towels was presented each utrl humming her donation during the evening uiki working- her initials nn tho corner mrs kusnel assisted by hor duutfhtnrs mrs harrison and ulas jobitl served it dainty luncheon dur ing tho evsnlnar baseball organisation meeting kvcryono in acton who is in any way ut v intorestod in baseball in acton should plan to attend thearsrsn- tlon rnoetlna in tho council cham ut tii town ball this thuraday itilnif at 7 30 oclock if acton is liuvi u tmiseball teum worth while thin your now is the time for proper tfunlicutukn nndthls rnootln should ul ivry enthusiast presnnt mr r mctlotuild will bfl chairman of the oetliiif tcvtiryonn im invited to at- tniid w oil ugulii uri to le present sunday school qrsdustlo at the methimilst munday bchoc last huniluy afternoon the annual rtadua tion exercises were held when the xrnduatos from tho primary to the intnrniedlutti dotiartpienla were pre sun tod with diplomas and bibles four illrls and four boys form the gradua tion dims this year tho airls were examined and t roved that they could recite perfectly tho names of the books of the illblo tho ten commandments tho beatitudes nnd the 23rd walm tho uruduutes uro kathleen cook ilolnn otftrumler velmu itlalr and audrny mccwmlw tliey uro mem bers of mrs ii 1 moores class the- dlplomuw and hlbun were preoanted by hev mr huckott and mr itrown uuperrntondniit the presen tation to the boys who are pupils of mrs wunsbrnutchii class will plitlo tixt hunday 3f ot albans viry meetlnq tin j annual vostry meeting at ht albunu church wus held an monday uleht the report of tho wardens showed that 1023 wuh tho best tlruuicial year in the history of the church be- lntf hurttly 11500 intreaso over 19x1 the hectors report as to church at to mill n c was very uood the increase in thu number of communicants was vury kratlfylnv and the spirit of fel lowship and ifoodwlll was more evi dent a discussion was hold plana were tnuilu uhd a oomrnltteo formed to work towards the building of a new hectory in the immediate future messrs w fryer and w hunter woru reelected wards ns for 1024 tho mortease url the fmruh hull which has just been paid off by tho womans auxiliary will be burned ut the imtortulnment to bo held next monday ut u00 p hi in the 1ablsh hall that old- fashioned tsameetinp oldfashioned tuurnoattiuf th knox church on monday ovenlna had real oldrashlonod wltitor weather w benulno oldfashioned sumptuous sup per unil an oldfashioned prornunma by old fashion ml married folk forming tho choir the oldfashioned bootttsh pipes were there skirling juet as they ubihi to da in tho highlands at home owing tu the cold blustery weather the attendance was hardly up to the customary knox church crowd but it wus good for the evening and under thu direction of llev mr btewart the happy chairman u moat enjoyable time wus spent the programme in cluded several selections each by the womens choir the mule quant ts jfas vbnitth alex mahn l a wor ds n und v humley the mixed quartette mrs stewart mlas alkens k a wordei and ale munn duetts wore sung by mrs m c moore and mrs w knur und solos by mrs c llshtnuii mrs john nlcol mrs m it mooru mr xewls ami mr thos- mcclure aooomianlsts fur the even- his wiro misses luuru cray viola humley jwih orr mr v hault and mrs jr ii kennedy a very enjoyable banquet tile hhppy oonoeptlon of the ladles aid of the methodist church to tender huimuut to the members of the choir till hunday hchool orchestra had u ury enjoyublo culmination tin thurs- uy iivmiiiig the judicial room or the church wus prettily decora tod for the occasion und the tables presented a most attractive appearance the uiembers of the choir and orchestra to the number of sixty or seventy in cluding their wives or husbands or liursonu friends gathered about the banquet tsblos about seven oclock the hi c flu was of the ustlul akoullaiit clturactur ptxivhled otl sucli occasion by the indies of the church uev chas llackett kpade sn idnul i oust master after honoring din toast tothn klug a oast tit the choir was itruposed by ii i mmrti tijusurur or thu trustee hoard und ably replied tu by jjr amos muuon uudor of the ulmir tho tnaut to tlie orchestru was proposed by a t drown superintendent of the hunduy tlrhna uudreiillod to by mr j c matthews one of thu tddest ttiomhurs mr a is nlcklln proposwl the tout tu thi old home church to which mr w 1 molam replied at this junction- the pniimmmn was ihuuuoh and u compllmuntury address omiss vern ilrown the etnulunt u- unnlst was read by the treasurer und mrs john c nelson president ojt the ladles aid handed her a well filled purse nn behalf of the congregation in rkiognltlou tit her valued services mihh ilrown in a fw words of ttianka mild she loved the work uhd was glad to do what elm uould tu render the service uf praise helpful thn last toast uf the evening was to the ladles unit was proposed by m vrak cn limty mrm juntos mount he oldest tuei ot the unjhto alt vht down the house with her wellchoaan woiils reiy t her nnaartna ot h imem av the lwdu ai lair ing he evening the orchestra rxtnd- i 11d hwvniltl sfltictluntl spleodll sqlos wore moored by mssua urtie gmlth und ily alderspq gud a mal ohdrus waa klvtm by members u lh hqir labor parly defeat historic british parties premier baldwin and the conaer- vative government defeated by over 70 majority the advent of ramosw mac- donald as the first labor prime minister an unique event london january 32 yesterday for the third time in u hundred yours a british government wus overthrown on the floor or the house of commons by a vote in imply to thu kings ud- tlreas that the prvuont ministers il 1 not have the ooiindmico nt 1arllnmont the ellmax uftur u wekn debat cam ii in u crowd ml exciteil house when a llvlwlon was tukoiv on itaipaay macdonaldii mi nuiodnnco amend v ment howls and shouts of joy from labor benches wlmu iihor tellxru were seen standing on tho rltfht ho fore the hpeakera sign ijilwir hud won pre vented announcement of thu figures for several mlnutns tho vote wus 32h for liltor 3 do for the government u mnjorlty of 72 tliv labor vote wum polled nolldly while only nine liberals vutetl to koop jramler italdwln lu power ajid so von there wore pa i rod with conservatives mr baldwin will u to ti king today and retlmi then hu will pre- eumabtytniounce his leslgnallon lu the commona it depends on mac- tonald when the houho is oonvonol again but it will mif llkoly be later than tuesday iubruury t itor amelidmnnt to the uddress in reply to tho upuh frdm tho throne introduced in thn house by john ilobt clynos depaty toitlr of- thu parlia mentary labor parly on junuary 17 adopted by u votn of 32k to 2lg j hamsay mucdonuld the lulmr loud er himself moving cbihurn whkli agreed to the amendment reads but it i our duty respectfully to submit to your majesty that your majestys present advisers hav tho confidence of thu house tho labor party had the support of herbert 11 asiiullh former immirr and leader of the united liberals after the labor umendment had been carried a motion that tho ad dress in reply to thu spooch fmmth throne with urn uttutnd agreed to was carried 38 to 21 the vote on the labor amendment was ubuut what wan expcted it ahowml that the campaign to luduoo the liberals to joint with the conser vatives in keeping labor out uf oftlce hud fallen flat uoforn ihu vote wus taken mr mucdonuld moved tlosurn which passed without division thu swept aside the thrcuteuod complica tion that tlio dlscuhslon might go on ih deference to the wlshus of some members who had hot had u chunc tt expound their pouitlons beldom has a tiotlthu event of fore- most importance boun enacted with uo utile nxcltcmont thu only tunne mo ments being thoaa when thu tellers were counting the vote thm was a crowded house with tho gullorlorf flllod with peers diplomats und ladles but they had not come expecting any surprise or con flic i but tnuruly tu rod the obsequies turfonned according to previous arrangements both the frlmu minister and the prospective itimu minister werv choervd by their supporters mr bald- win in his speoch look the solo blame for the protectionist policy which hu believed would ttolvo the unomploy tnent problem ho paid his respects to former ttemtor asqulth loader of the united lllieruls who hud turnod the kupiiort of that party to the lubor- ites by comparing mr asiiuith to uti obsetrtclun about to bring a child into the world with tho intention toemotlt- er it should it fall to meet his oxpecta- and declare i think infanti cide is worse than suicide ills government ho said had been ccused uf oommittlng suicide but hu xclalmod tlnr ure worsu crima than sul- there is no doubt that mutiyof the members o the liberal party us well as of the industrial group and other tlons of the unionist larty are tlous lo raise thn issue of socialism directly mr mucdonuld moots parlia ment as jrlmu minister these mem bers uf the liberal puity hold that 3hllo it was thulr clear mandate to eel uatd wins ministry at thu earliest possible moment it was ulso their cloar duty to intimate ut once thut they have not the slightest sympathy with ny scheme of socialism or with capital levy mr macdonuld made the following statement monday night uttor the social and personal miss myrtlu dills wus toronto over fjunduy mrs orr mmint u few do with relatives in toronto mr w h miller ii imn into friend mr jordan iawsoi toronto over thn w mr angus kvn toronto over tho hvii mrs anfllo i from torontp miss clara toronto for t mr george wwj home for i mlssoiudym sjmlil tho wuek- w coirs houiirvlllfl was home vir thn weekend itiliago was hftro from brief visit last wook rson f ouhawj w duyu lust week of lltalr out at the home of mr home short the tos jfiin und anna i this woek fmm t visit ami mm itohort to vuiimi frleildu h nek end over irs jennie h muttlmwu of tortinto has been at iostmaster mutthews for he past week there is no derided change in the condition of mrs davis or miss vlolol luring tho week mrs l mltchtill of toronto vlsltn it thn home of her slstur mrs j ileesor lust wiwk irs iislle u alklu alex of georgnf und mu lu to i mo day division it is not tlio moment for elation it is a terrible responsibility wo ahull hava tu do our best to face it fall or succeed i cull say this thut no oov- t responsible for thn u talis of this country will more honnstly try i am proud of thu ijilxir party and it will bo u gruut iusplru- to every workman und work woman in the country to work und to sacrifice to do their party honor und blo it to sueueod hie town hockey league only on game plsyed past wu but two soheduled thle evening owing- to the unsuitable weuthei ily one game wus pi ay ml in tho town lvuguu uml mi thursday tivmi- lug ht 1uts defmtid ciinudlbuu with 63 this now pntu ht iuts us tlio leuduru uf ihu iugu und thu utaudlng of tho tiatuu is as follow won lost ht pais cullulllllllh hei 4 lu tfua poulpotuul uuniu of vuesdu tivsulng will be pluyvd on thktrsdav til tig along with th sched uled game the guuios uro ht its vs tigers and cuttudlons vs uaimtors three tilghls uf hotuoy and two band nights art now bchii riin ut the rink hers s injlce court nrwa iitll korbes laid balance of ltusselt 11 i- ousts tor wiilch itayt wit ald tho i ajm und itsdica muglstruto day ut llrainptmt charges uf having canes of ylnltlpn of the tin tar hi teuj peninoe act oio at ihaliuloii m he othr ut htfatmvlh vtt hoarit hud i day twt tov and two i tint uthiihrk of irgus ilveryiuuii was fiusd itu ami wsls last woak or un utwruur aulllng llijuur by magistrate itouyar il the ipson mr t y mcllugh returne1 k after himindlng holidays li old home ut hornby mrs margarot htwurt utlendn runrat of tho lain llrt thon ot htowarttown on hunday mr ltoy mcintosh of oshawa mad his parents mr utul mrs james mr in tosh a brief visit this week miss knrr of montreal was u gues luring the wek of uv and mr llackett at tho methodist vurmonage xtev lir uwrr torwnto has een taken rrom thw hostdtu lo his home and ts making fair progress toward recovery mr charlie holmes of toronto himint thursday with his rulhor mr ii h holmes agent cunudlun national luillwuy turned homo oi tttor upundlrig n mm ut 1 ingham mrs lungevln h hat unlay evening tnotitli at the old h ion n y mr and mrs gordon t iteardmoro entertained u party of friends over the weekend ttwy onjoyod hatunluy evening ut the skating rink mrs c h hanks and dorothy of haskutoon flank arrived on widay and uro visiting ut the home of mi john harvey iuku avmiuu mrs nlcliolis orbes who had thu misfortune to sustain painful injuries when she full on the icy pavement two weeks agu is now recovering nicely mrs j i corrigarr and daughtnr have arrived hem from nowyork city tu spend the remaining duys of the winter with her pumnts mr und mrs m h rinn mr und mrs tt l jones of tor onto have removed to windsor where mr jo new engineering work with the a il is now centrud their imw addreau is 34 cumptmll aveliuo mr u j moore of toronto siknt hatunluy ufternooil und evening ut moorecroft tto was mi routo to kit chener aiil galt tu till engagements muds by his uncle ltnv dr t albort mourn before his accident col i mccrwe oulpli is up and uliout aguln uftur his recent serious illness col mccrue who represents tho city council un the library lloard was in attendance at thu meeting of that body halurduy night und took un lye part in transacting its business malph mercury ilss ida h kerr thu travelers uepreontatlvo ut ht uonaventur htutwu montreal was visiting ut the methodist isrsonugt on thursday und kriday of last wk miss kerr was deaconess- ror otroo years at theooorgo ht church ht johns newfoundland when mr llackett was pastor there returned to montreal on hriduy urnoon first session naasagaweya council a j mophedran and chsrus a darby appointed auditors for the year mussuguweya council held the 1 ti ll ug uml meeting us pr statutory re- iuiremunt when tho following mem bers subscribed lu the decluratloii of otnee k aguuw itcevu v mcmlvun d campliell w dredge und t nour couiiclllora houd and uridgi commltlees vuiv ilptmiluled us follows tlio kow uill mr mcniven or the south ijuurtur the heeve and mr dredge tiir the oast quarter the ltteve uhd mr near for the north and tho luevu and mr campbell for the west a bylaw was passed uplhilntltlg thu following officers ror the year asses- muiuoibi holmes uould of health wusloy imcket hchtuil attuuduticc of- llcer vliw o moore haiiltary lu- siector john hlmpsoii auditors a j mumiudruii uiul chus a darby hhthip inilpeutors l david irving uml colin kltchlug i- w chlsholtu uudjumus lister- brook wriv uppailnled dhuclors on bo- hulf of the towushil hi ihe farm iiun ashoclatlon i a grunt uf 26otj ptr month wus nmdu tu ussldt albeit curgllls fumtly und ski 00 ur iiumth for xlr clayton thu iteeve und curu wore instructed to pruiiare und sign a huteinut of the expenditure on roads and hi idges duilug lt33 und foiwurd the sumo to the dvpat intent uf hfgliwayu re- illustltig the htutulory grant on the same thu collector wan instructed tu com plete thu collection if 1ft j 3 tuxea accounts were pawed us follows acton kiuat iaxma printing c11e 10 john hlnios04i h t ii 3 u0 titomas rvancls gruvul 4 ho jainva moitat work dlvialou 5 0 ib u l muiiaim iteturulug ortlc- 7 ou 4 00 3 00 4 00 i on 4 00 4 0u a kennedy uetuiuing unvei l mcmillan iull ciotih u 1- vilsuu upturn is w qfllrii l t rultuit kdl clerk 1 huley orange hull w darby knalnhhull hull christie henderson co t nut- mutation orval icisjev carutuker anj1 itoads asaouiution fw council i ury 11 at lti ou 40 00 c 0u djourued to inee 10 uclock juun mauhhalu clark actons reeve has been elected warden for 1924 george harber elected five times reeve of tuton la honored by county council will preside during the year at halton8 legislature at tho inaugural meeting of halton county council acton was honored with tho election of george harbor un wunlen for the year 1024 two numa worn prominent hefnm the moating irr addition jo that of mr barber mr georgo illllmor m j i hanvu of oak vl lie- and llwivo jlampaltlre of isijunslng with reference to mr illllmor il was felt thut mr hlllmnr being elect ed to tho legislature lust year by the voters of tho county that tho uddod honor of election of warden for tho county council and the fact also that ur korstur of oukvlljo had been wurden three years ago was a oon- idwrutlon ar hlllmnr himself took ihla view mr hampshires oaao it was also thought thut inasmuch us mr klliot i of ltdueslng two years ago warden thu honor could not bly tie glvmi to kaqfreslng sc soon uguiu mr hampshire is an able and coming man und there is no doubt that in due tlmo hu will bo uncorded thx honor of warming thu wardens chair mr barbers claim to the position wus u just one both in respect to himself and hlu town ho has given faithful service to thu council tor a number of yours and acton j has not hud the position since mr qoorgu hyndm tilled it seven or night years news of local import trh crew not blamed ijoui uent into tho tint 13-year- of tra t the il p il by th toron- uhi o i ihduy while crooning milt ii iublla t in i vnrdlct cmw being 111 fatal iccident mr burlieru municipal experience will duulify him toward tho cuvalod liosltlon ho served a term as alder- mun the city council of vutcouvor wum fur a your councillor in acton and the presunt year he is serving his fifth year m htflv acton cdngrutulates her chief mag is trato upon tho honor conferred by the county council acton jubilee celebration finances the accounts audited and the com mittee shows surplus of 951626 in savin banu twurfulrs of acton jubilee colo- hrutlou committoii having been finally wottlod the liooks and vouchers ware ptuuihl in the hands of competent audi tors for un inspection the following is their detailed nn- unclul stuiemuiit of the funds up to januury 15 1124 receipts collection for childrens hhel- ter milton ilea 48 uuds sold 10ij f4 at ih mouth of murj old daughter of w t i fnlgarrwho wus killed i crossing oast of milton togodorlch passenger t morning january 11 tho tracks on her way u heboid tho jury brough of accidental death tho wuy to blame for th remembering their founder walker lodge a v a m nu mom be rod the vonerabln founder of o loilge it w ilro hugh wulkor of jolph tho otfier day with a txtautlful floral offarlng pommemoratitig tho fif tieth anniversary of the ontubllnhlng lodge whltji hours hlu name ii in very gratlfylnk lo it w ilro wulkor tlial wulkor iodge in n a flourishing condition and never had brightor prospects than it hus today churches to be supplied with plants the acton horticultural society has made a very generous offer to the various churches in acton plants will bo glvou freo to the- churches for suitable bods on thu churches grounds provldod the churches rnakn tho beds and tend to tho planting of tho flowers this should holp much to bouutlfy the church grounds of the congregations and the ganoraslty of the horticultural hoclety is undoubtedly much uppre- clatod dan 173 2c gate uetelptm ro 3 so ihmith otelpts 83z 04 corporation of acton loan 4e 00 1 2147 83 dieburaements htatiouery 3 5 ku parade icxpetises 85 irixes au anted 107 38 jiirlloiw 38 7 adv i using uml printing 101 31 iludgts jt 3b 80 mualo for da no ins 34 t9 ilifreslitncnts for ihxjiii mosu immr hi ro lighting purk etc it ou series of sermons on wesley itov charles htukutl jreu bed tho first uf a serins of sermons on john wesley through whom the methodist church wus found od last huitday tnoming in this first discourse un interesting resume of tho tlmeu in kngtand when wesley u student at oxfpnl uolvorslty orgattuod tho holy club whosn members because of their methodical rules of life wore callnjl methodists in derision wesleys pluco in history was established und con ditions prevailing wlihu his ministry was commenced wore vividly port ray tho series promises tobe- inteusu- 1y interesting v without excuse of explanation a couple of woelul ugo u mu who alleged his nume wuu krunk mccurdy and who said hu came rrom cruinlln near london cultio to acton visited auctioneer kerr nnd urrangod for n sale of 30 highclass dairy cows hol- stalns milkers uud springers many of them eligible for registration tho eajb was to bo held ut lauhys hotol on saturday january id ut ons ociock a largo crowd of farmers us- aembleil but neither mccurdy nor his cattle putt in un appouriltico und mr kerr was not apprised uf any reason for the default ho incurred consid erable expense lu udvortlslng tho sale und feels much inclined to put the provisions of tho criminal odu cover ing such fraudulent irutikactluns into effect und liuve the delinquent urrest- u so ment tux childrens hholter milton ladies husoball club hon lor hiisoball club junior baseball club otball club ton cltiaens bund refund lo corporutlpn acton trutisfurred to havings account 13147 83 huve axamined tho vouchors and bunk account of the acton jubilee lubrution committee and have re ceived all explanations required in tr opinion the above statement ts t out so us to show a truo account of thu unuucesut this date j wood u btuckhk auditors h p riies for the sporting events on haturduy of the celebration ware utud or purcliased with cash rrora utlons given the h ports committee und do not show in this statement of the niiuncus the item donations the uurplus remaining rrom the purabuse of thu prizes the result is surely grsripylog in all respects thu jubilee colubratlon wus iuhe unjoyablu throedays uffalr both homocomurs and cltueha enjoy ed vury fully thu various attractions provided upd especially thn commun- gutheiltigs during tho tjaturday hunday und monday of tho celebration proftrutnmo it is highly creditable to tho com- litue which managed this historic ent that thulr ladmlnlstrutjou shows that nftur iiieetlng all thu oxpusus incurred u surplus of 1 lu on deposit in thu savings bunk many or places which held simitar demon strations last year hud u different llnunclul result to report tho com- ittue will nu doubt lu the wisdom their good judgment administer thhi surplus in the bust interests of the community halton fire inaurajice-co- 116300 of iniurnos in fore cov ered by l61 pollelee the ininuul lueetlng of hallon onlou lutihuim mutual klrutniuruiieu coin- iy will be held in the town hull acton nvt monday afternoon ut 130 uclock thu rejioit for ihu y will lie pre- ntcd it uhowit u large volume of im neuu prompt iiaymeul of losses utul good prospect ftir thu pmumil yur he conitniny huu ltub3o0 of ln- aituo ut risk of which 4330u5 was placed during the year thu loss for 1033 uggreguteil m- u4h co thus losses wiira lmmrred in 4u itms wlium the loss was j6 uruyer uud 383 hi for ilrus where the losses e iubs thuii thlw amount twenty- of the losses ute reported tu have it cuuuetl by lightning he huu v hist loss uf the year was incurred when the hum utul contents uf tj d rlhciwood nelson were lie- stroyud through dre from u gunollno engine ijhe loss wus 87t00 ihes4iiiutors tor the past yar wri john wilson presldmit krln win huiiti vlcpieildunt milton jatnrs kilkwood acton w a iuby actuii n lliidsuy aotou c h turner mlltou duncan umphll moffat llciij ielih cheltenham c k wood freeman tluui mihire of campbell vllle is the very ealoent hucrvtary- lreaaurar w a dickisean wardsn of wellinoton hoove w- a dlckluuon of krununa township wus elected warden ot wel lington county for tho year 1934 when tho county councillors m til for their inaugural session at uie court llouse guolph tuesday afternoon as was an tie puled the contest for the wur- denshlp was very close irtid in winning tle highest honor in the gift of thu council breve dickinson only had a majority of three votes over his only opponent koevo t b farm 1 1 of pool township iteevo dlckluuon uecured 11 voteii und itoeve farmll lu threo- were nominated for thn oillcc heeve john coutts of west luther bolng the other councillor whose name was submitted he howovit withdrew leuvimf only kwu in tho contest after the void had been taken itnuvo farrull brought in a motion to make tho wurdetiti election unanimous thu new warden of wellington county has rvod throo years ua betivu for thu township of krumosu und mm year tho rumou council ho lives three und a luilf nillu uortli of liock- wood on tho farm wiieru hu wus ixirn and where ho has maided all his life sans follow no in fathers fools taps n renuwlug hur fuui poaiiti subocrlp- i mnj john a cursun of bujom oregon soys my husbandn old halton friends will ho glad to know thut his three sons uro ull lu their fathers otllcu und doing well lu their legal practice the llrm is curson carson und cursoii my hlulmu ure it married hut the youngest whj will be twentythree tomorrow all are living lu thu homo town but my youngest daughter who lives in oakland cul how few uf our old friends are left lu acton hut it iw the same hem there uve few of iho friends wo met when we tlmt cum0 tu halem you and mrs llmim didnt make the trip to thu count lostywa what uro the prospects for thlu your you will tiuvr regret luuklng thu lung trip the scenery lu so beautiful out horn you must have i motor ride over tho puclnc lllgliway und tho uevurtnbeforgoltuh coluinhlu high way globe trot torn admit thuro lu nothing to equal it in the world kind est regards mullla carson botlt tho lulu hon mr cumou und mrs carson were esteemed residents uf acton for years mrs curou lu u foster sister lo mrs c u hmlth of lalrvlew place whose health huu been considerably improved tho puut few munthu th hiohway brldqs at oskvfll tim hauling of tho till for thu up- prouches lo the new bridge is nearly completed work liuu boen diiluyud komawhut owing to thu tuck of fiout on account of the heuvttuckn lneuk- ing through the uoft ourth however it is thought the work will ho tliilshod withlll a week the r ill mu i 0uiillllg at tho new bridge will llkoly tulto pluco ubuut tho end of thu nionth thlu lu a ceremony thut tke- tetle f nalvilln will wulconie generouuty tim stoop i grade on thu dolour hus cauutid luuch in convenience esulully of luti uud it willbo like u sigh of icllef to drive over the tiuw bridge und look down upon the detour where uiuuy u tht ill- lug tixpurluuco has huppeiiud hut luckily has not cuuuud tiny lotoi of life or any gniut umouut of daiiiuge the oimnliuf in the tiuw briilh will greatly beuurlt the residents of thu west side it will hut only bo u treat convenience to them but it will tend l to increase the ulue of ploptty lu that section of thu town thu hlxtu mile creek haw long been kuowri umj a dividing tine lu thu pilcuii of i eatutu in the town the bunlhiuu uuc- j lion hotug htcuted us it in tuiut of j thn reek has uouiliulled tho lutputa tion or the went side id walk up uin down tho hills during tho puut or uls go around by the radial ht idgn 1 will soon ho rfimui und hlu west f end nltlgans will nuturully bu the rtrst to ajhuoiaps the- cjiimv- lleatard

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