Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 24, 1924, p. 3

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gin acton 3fm jlrpbfl thuuhday fanuahy 24 10jj mori ith vlo i nil tl 1 r inn i iihull n ithln hli hoiirt mron batik u purl i i fur oi t hiuiu when slumber falls iiii nlumhor uoft he croww n how fur thut music culls that ii kii music lows i 41h11 1 hes in luiighlrlown hi iniitnm lei say good by iiicoim thut tiuil guarded him pi o i turiin from the iiky t klft he is and happy gloomh hearts wn tliid o n nilil our dreams heart ii ml mind hill l hihv tfae old collage clock tho ulmes i ml tho phinto needs wb looked after by stryurfo lays then whm no uunulloii mi wo huvc now mi foil din dealro for ohlhllton houhl i would not those nf the llllil kol ti in tho mills the moment phyllle aaw hor father hlulfl tllo loth know what l mother vh for i lltl ivr 4iy yi the i there sou void bin nurulf n i rullkluini ii nrnlug nf methodist hrothn n tu fiiliuftilly by tlin road tl through ilow rrusn ut fulhor its i higher need aunt tilly hh lias broken hor ln of lh younii cullu has loil her to wmolh hrr but it make- aunl tilly u of 1 1 vlni in ih city ev uhii loulilni nil ll charge of ih mr hlmp urn later duroluh lb in ull il south of cum ml of tli huanlltflu pmvdot j mr ilwunl orlott mr unil u mr jurdlnni wore to ilo wllli thin industry kurh ih u nlljlit resnmo itu tlmy w re then nm know why lhv hnvn n i nr irr lie tiiiuk um h ii it hi 11 i f i 111 i tlm iho i thlul in hal huvlnr r oihlltlon i i it hurd pmutore travel wit i thi uul oullph ol 111 ir imuk of i ii ii bi ml imih i ni lo philosophy of business success llu tiuil u theory word und u oftllul hundnluap fur everybody our cuh- lomors aru glad when ho coraw around ijn ih ulwuyu lukuiuf 11 happy tvlmn he sells goods and ho ui happy who n hn f in uut ho does not oftn fall iiim orders um nearly always bin unlnni that lu what 1 lioatd a wholesale merchant say of inm of his travelling tim rrnimrk lourhoil tho philosophy of butilnomm huitcnd there 1 ubho- hiloly no room for tho poulmutlo man of triido whun ha rapalii cwtomor tut ih rniiullluir buhlnnwi und ilollam on tn otlmr hul jiood ohenr u wtn- homt ami wlnhumeocnm maknii blc bunineiui unit bltf profltm all tlm world irkuh u man with nun on hlfl faco und munlo in bin voilct and konlul warmth in hi hnndolaup tho hi liulnnn man u tho man who wli tho iintna in true ovurywlioro cordiality onn of tho mont rhttrm- inif iuojiuoh in human life wtlh homo peraonm it ifl mpoitanoou a anrt of bubbllntfup and runnlnsover pro- coan with othar it u more niochan- ical uut in either cno it add vastly to tho tirobablllty of auccoas in hfo you remember that paul exhorted his roman raadera to bo flven to hospital i ty did ho not havo in mind a broader application than is given to tho word hoapitallty todayr i think ha urged tho ilo man christian to be alvon to cordiality corduallty how much tho word nuffaoatal thama aro day of tho trnuouh life bualnoa prouro la hoavy thoro urn many economic and indus trial agltatlonh labor and capital look thrvatonlnsly at each other they oh the old clock of iho r brluhledt thiiutfli old and itu hln ht thine utul thi iillll tin it twmm a nonltorhk uuuli ttatuinln worn fnw yt thoy lived thounh iiallonit il- tnrnd and ita vulu mill utronif wnrnod uld und ountf wlutn tho vole of frlonduhlp faltor- od tick tick bd for nlm lw up and youll nuvr rlan hocii in the muni- liiif a frundiy votro wum tbut old old cloak xu u ntood in tlm onmr unillluir nd hlouud th timu with a murry hlm tho wintry hour hvcullluj hut a crown old volco wuw limt tli-o- luld uluk iulck i ivnii wnrnlns clock id ii j oi whli b to 1h in u kikimr oi loiu xttiit thin nvolullon hi golnif un l ovtfr the provlnut kovrncd fy on law thii liirvlvi1 of tho nttnat vounl with tht wuheii ian hw toronkt jamiiiry t 1034 flliitl to ihut lb vomit mui o llm unk tltoiw 1m uludylnk th meaning of ikuii of tho flvt or hu oyllallu word wliluli mul u jnroi from llmo to tlnio lheo dyi couldnt ho ut a bttt hih vocabulary will havo u hallafui tion in undoratandthc thine juwhraukorw whun hn hearu thorn uauil a khmi dictionary ahoulil have a placo in nvory you n if manii ollhction of hookn kiop it up younp follow and lt on hour from you oftonor mnlomoiit otdko i utlnir uimwvnxl wbut motlivr did not any you know anybody you want ih wolcouin im only afraid of llio ntru mm for you youra euro it wont bo too miirht i know you nay thai johni iii wilto in hxr tonliiht him will k no hupy llmuil not iwtlf no happy um i uui to in able to do nomothlns for hr i linver can raituy mf for whut iih did for mo whn i wu u chlfd i uhould think youd uld ii hark u n tlnuh ovtr iliyllhi anll hhundy happy llulil mother h fui ly n id funuhmj froni um thliibu hut nhn auld rrnvit- luybrnak boldly uray on make rhargea of aelflahneaa and srood tj ah it culled ut when tho duwn muty way and the arly ulr blow coldly tick tick it aiild iuh k out of bod vor rivo ivo ulvon wurnlnjf youll novor have huilth youll never bt wealth unlniu youre up noon in tho mnrn- ing huh hourly tho no und uooh round and round with a tono that coujm h novur while tear aro almd for tho bright duyn flinl and tho old frlendn lont forovr ita heart buuts on though hourtu tiro that warmor bout and youubor ita handn atlll movo tbounh hundri wo lovn aro clan pod on oarth no louifr tick tick it said to tho church yard bod uruvo hath sivon wirtilmr rin ve ixion having u whale of a time this mat fuwwoukri in tho town leajtue key kumon and it rorfalnly aboms tu ho developing umu hockey player among the boyn hut ive boon won dottntf if hockey ovor wnm a leadlni apirt in anton iv hourl how fur hack our banehall toam dated and iow they have time and orb in wm i hamplonahlpa but the old mah baa never ifivon ua much hookoy hla lory terhaps it 1m too modern a game to coma in for any rocolloctlona but some time whim ho ran i would like to hoar of what ho remomtiora about this sport in acton and how lona buck it dates x know it will bo in- lorrutlnr to lota of tho other yuunst fclluwrt about town too thj5 youno mfllow or the ank ktkih do vou know the morebr writ th la hto mo hoa and of oppreaalon hero und thoro wo read of outbreaju which show how deep aro the suspicion and distrust of both claaaes thar never fttoatcr need of mutual confld and vonulno cordiality capital should heartily aay to labor hallo and labor should reply as noulfully hollo t hollo i a kood deal has been written from time to tlmo about the lack or cordial ity ut church hut the fact is that many people are mora cordial at church than anywhere else some aro friendly ut church and nowhere else that is becauao they think of cor d utllty aa a sort of religious duty which cannot be avoided juat like singing and praying hut a friendli ness which manifests itself only on sunday la onesided it does not spring from tho heart heal christian cordiality shows itself on kxonday and tuesday and the rest of the week it overflows on the atreot in the fac tory and store in the social circle everywhere it greets people in every day cloth ea aa readily as when they ure dressed in broadclotha and i people in tho country are more dial a u rulo thun people in the city in itaaalng along a country road or vlllago street one la never eurprlsed ut u smile or a nod or a how-do- ypudo that is quite the fashion in the city the luws of social otlauette are more rigidly obeorved people stare coldly at you aa they pass and apeak never a word i like the country stylo how kraut u joy it is to bask in the sunshine of auch unconventional cordiality is it not the duty of everyone to promote the spirit of unaffected and unrestrained genlalltyv selftahnaas or personal roatralnt or social propriety liave filled us wltn cold reserve und we aro too stiff und frigid we need to come out of our sheila of placid formality and put a lot of hello into our spirit and conduct and up i id lo nly ekloh thb old kiuentm ohowino vlzwkh i wuh iontit rained to rnpurk a fow weoks ago friend aftor prlond de parts and with mn that fucu oem to grow hioro und more posltlvu month uftor month the rrlnnda of our curly day tiro growing fewer und fewer lust week i noticed in the toronto papera the now of the douth of my friend mrs warren tobey mrs tobey who was clara jan vanvlack came to acton a hrldo over sixty yours ago she was u ilnlor of the late mrs thomua cumoron and a hnlfeleter of mr wilds und mrs hamunl speight mr tohoy e husband couductnd tho tannery hero which wum sold to mr george l- heurdmoro tho gruliilfather metutrs torrance npd gordon beanlmore the mumbore of thu family who um actlvu in tho works here o- day mr und mrs tobey moved co iii ntf wood und mr tobey went into the tunning hualneau thorn the family alwuyn kept their connocll with acton und it t only a year or bo el no mrs tobey wus bore for u week with her uleo mrs wlliun mcnubh and mrs j a htnlth und hor glrlhoodm friend mrw c h smith ary and i know tho tobey well and it wuu u great plouuuro to u to hr uifrt have u ploaaant chut about the old tlmts durlngner lust islt when you meet u man in woe walk right up and any hallo f buy hello j und how dye dof and hows the world u using yout clup tho feller on the book itrlng your hand down with u whack walk right up and dont go slow smile und hhakeana say hello ohl hea tlothed in rugs well thats only show ilugs ure but the cotton roll just for wrapping up the soul and the soul la wortl a- true hall and hearty how dye dot orbet him gludly with a ahake wlmt u difference ll will make in iho man youll hover know walk right up and y hellol when big voaaels meet they say they uuluto uivd puss uway just the name us you und me lonesome ships upon tho ueu icuuh uii aul ling hla uwn log ti point beyond tho fog- meet und greet und never know ahy more hut may hollo i thun when you most in thut hrlgli lultd with thut groat und joyful burnt those youve heerjid whtle horn hi low will know you by your glud hullo the following from former resident of tho acton is glvon u place with much pleasure dear sir looking un latoitntit county und of hi this olumi imeah enough the unprepoeaenalng hilly of ulloer- tuln ugo wuu culling on u niiiull boys mother und thu child was doing hla boat to urihwer her numerous tiiiostloiu politely and how old uiu yout she usked him almost six was the teply io uld are you oh suld iho lady in un enibur- raased muniier t dont rcirtmnbe the your i wus born never ml ml tho your i tho amull iwiy tmlltely tell renttiry erod the stobk8 rival mother little archie aulw it wum not tjusluiu that brought lutby who was it theilt his mothe usked ourluus to hear whut idea her small sonhad in hla head the milkman archie rm- er tllm rtuett iuaua of lost week i wus hitorveted in readiiiu about the villages of kllhrldo and cummlnsvlllu ulxo of darotulv u may im interesting to some of your readers to huve n rusuiiui of loildltloutf as they were eomo ilftyodd years ugo it imppened thut my lot wam cuat 111 thu vlllur- of kllbilde and incidentally of tho neighboring vli inlty und i an it bio to iipiuouut1 murh chungou u muy have tukun plnoi since tlmn the vllluge ut thut tlmo wuh ucut teretl ovur about two hundred ucrem and was us pretty und restful u spot un one would dash standing ueur the preshyterlun chun h the vtow southwurd wuk towuil cummins vlllc and duooluh euslwunl milton wuy rolling farm lands lofty trei uulat pumturvs womtwurtt lowunl curllsle ih ifrotk ituud and south- w wutet down und kumllton in tho fumvluw looking west you uuw io wooden bridge ovr the crmik hlch ninio down from tho north posattiry from iumiiiuii wuy und the bulk of the village m just beyond there uevor wuu iiuih in tho wuj of tuuiutfucturlug und tlm woollen mill owned by w 1 montgomery rovnied thu tinist thoro wuh in ion- hixitloii with this hn with thu hel of his three hoys worked u ttftyure furm this wuu nil totaled nortl the village the next centre i ac tivity was thu wtote lu ehi4ige of mewora m nub uiwl lutket piuvloun to tlmin t u white a co did u grout liude fur lu link days the farmers wro glud o dlnpoe of their surplus ptodtiuhf theme itrms were idently in u poultlon lo ubworh a goodly uuuntlty of thu furin products hud we been uhhi to nversev a hutur iluy hhiipplug trowd wo vnuld ugin to think thut the luiton co would heed to look lo their luur is nor wr lhu left to monupoluo the wholf held foi down in cummlilhvlllo old uob thump- sou with his unlul umllu und heart hund shuke piuved turn to be rotkoued with us u oonipttllor for uny trude going i thut vllluge now has ubiiosl gone buck to the fui m i ondltlon from whetue it tumo uut liithoso duywit boustod u lurge grist mill thoaipnonu uture mid un hotel 1 lteru wus uleo john little und hmlhur who muuu- fuotuied chairs for use us nursuiy und orunduh ohulrn and they hiipllod milt doublefaced in a way much bett company at night than in the day time lorn comes lourn more ho la always on the lookout for soma thing o etow uwuy in that active brain f his something of u colloutor too his motto is chisel and chip chisel und chip he aays that even though he doesnt strike gold in every one and everything the oxoruso does him good then there is do more hes at ll ull the tlm a little tiresome if you see him coiihtuiitly h l hard to know well but after you uro onto u to him he really in uuy to got ulung with this iulet chup is think more if you shut yourself up with him for tlvo minutes or got him to wulk with you to your car he will cleverly show you how best to plun your day play more the ulster is iho moat fun of them all only beware she is a little wunton und upt to liutd you ustruy if you give her her own way- hut keep hor within bounds and she will loud you along the road to health when once you know these four well you will moot the flower of the family hor namo la earn more she knows the hldlngpluce of real contontme und will gladly show you the wuy agency hulletln union central ufc of cincinnati phyllis went up to hor room she knew thut she hud hurt her mother hut inidnt uho phyllis uomu right t all ber life they had irann like thut father und mother taking in all kinds of ieeile sometimes because of imag inary debtn mtmotlmen just because the mioplp were oor or forlorn if they bad not uluuys been doing things like thut they could have md u dif ferent kind nf house one like thu culllnaeh phyllis could but tl of the luncheon she hud given llo collins roualn frapi memphis with out feeling humiliated huddenly she picked up hor hat aho would go ovor ho collins at once plo welcomed her warmly she ordered iced tea and iblus on tho verandah iced tea in ly cut klaus with the right kind or anoona phyllis drew a breath of lufht that waa tho way people ought to live mo wua chattering as usual are men not funnyt dad hud a letter rrom an old uncle of hla juat a regular hay seed you know when he used to go when he waa a boy hos coming eaat for a vlalc and dad if you pleaee was our lo bring him hern of courau mother wouldnt let him but she had an awrul time making him understand dad said it was u mutter or honor did you ever i phyllla out very atlll bho hadnt realised how a tnmafk like tliat would sound suddenly as aho thought r the procesalon of gueata many of them poor or unhappy who hud had the beat tliat her homo hud to give aomolhfntf warm and proud and glad filled her heart oems of thought poirofuclfoi jod huth okod lo guilt hoi a luri nlutii in to nllp iiii u ut ihm- lo nllp with iho ilwnrv uuy b p li dlgnlli li worth r w ilaii r ohi in u rlt nt in belt r rid fortlrto tmhlllg on li fu ulty te gift what n mrv somethino new r ru 1 eotnethlng now in balbg o okoiil for nomethlng new h tolls in thut tho old athenian all um time hunting novelitu tho trio d the new books in the- libraries people am oflnif uftor th thai wilt imi fiirgotiiil in twil mid in tho meantime tho gitllmr dual on the ah won tills lilleriuit in l i onough but urier ull ll in li no mo of thu old things ure uguln und ugulu ill we lo if the sun should dt id it fyr u i hiinge und refuau lo morning it woutd go linnl world of ouric and if nomo ml fol h vet lunguuge will multiply 11 lu un u rulrs uklng increase kind meeting tongue wine muh will hold bin tongue sees opixiji unity but u tmbblor c u foil will nifunl no tlmo they think th umloriako great thlngn uro irrtiut fools hecuiiu in eiisy vuttvanurguom oy in murder by thu luw iiiuuimih tukon u spedou ivm immortal fame help m tooo7d no h thut i may fhjlp much i tip trom mini kipling if w urknowledgo ioi in all l wuyu ho hum promised aafoly lo din ur steps und in our experience nhull find th prom hied fulfilled pa is winter wus ihould dicldo lumer und the iilonird the oihln ronipletoly i ii if fw would as fur uii tjie of season it i tut nyirfoni oread without flour iioumhi atrungo to talk of in njc mil de without floui but n htat ror ntly li n lolrn lie ly which in ml niiidi d in aoak in thiid ui of p epiariamsfrom qavnor ilv bllloi old liy our rellaloits hon in o v lo suy ihoy do sto and worked take uwuy uod und religion und men 1 1 v to t n purmse without pro- posing uny v orthy and consldorablo und of lire to themaolvea tlllotaon who shull lo u watch before my the land of poetry satisfaction or money refunded i jumna whltcomb huvy alwuys en- joyed a joke eyen if it were on himself an amusing anecdote of the oot which mr mure us dickey tells in tho maturity of jumeu whltcomb illley occurred when hlley ouco lectured in the town of delphi indiana the night of hu uppearanou wn read hi toy wlopt ut tho olflce of hla friend dr smith in a little room muiaruted from the main omce by a thin partition thut run halfway to the colling the next morning a woman culled ut the offlcq while hlley waa atlll sleeping she hud a biting tongue nd wus prejudiced against all forms f entertainment und the doctor know it here wua his chance to get with the poet for some joke that lllloy hud played on him after proscribing for his patient ho said as she rose to go liy the wuy did you hear illley lout hlghtr yes uhu replied did you ever waste money tut reck lessly before t naked the doctor i never did wua the reply the hooaior poet comes up here to our town sponsored by hillings murk twulu mid longfellow hurdotte aaya he la pure gold 1 auy hes pure gubblot if i hud my money buck scurcoly hud she uttered thu words when rilp over the partition came u sllvei half dollar und lauded on the floor at her feet lu their joint as tonishment the doctor picked it ui und suavely handed it lo liar she left the olrtce wondering where tt hud eomo from in u few nifyilunts hlley uptieared well well said the doctor smlhiwr i dd not know you were uwnko wus not awukc drawlod luluy wuurlly but them ar llmea there urw times when hiilferiua from night- re that i that i ruuch my troiis- und my pooketlwiok lu my sloop visit the homo of a peaaant in tus cany on some win tors evening an you will be aurpruod and charmed writes mr richard hagot in the italians of today v out her muni tho kitchen tiro after the daya work la dona these peasants fresh from their rough ubor in the fields and vineyards vie with each oefcer in re citing poetry and 1011104 stories orully both are extemporaneous und they have a good deal of poeti grace and lmajtl nation the girt or reciting improvised pootry is not however confined to th pousatiu in tuscany 1 know of m instance that occurred in my owi delghtkirhuod not so very long ago that certainly could not have occur red anywhere but in tuscany a local doctor was driving to catch a train nt u station u fow miles from me and on his way ho was accosted by a col league who happened tu be looking over hla garden wall tho colleague shouted out a line of improvised verso to him upon which the other instantly pulled up his horse and cappal the line wllh another doctor number two responded anil for three hours the poetic contest was continued without cessation in tho meantime the whole of the villaga had turned out to listen and make wagers which would be the first to lack inspiration it wue only um dusk eucio on thut doctor number one re momberud that he waa on his wuy t catch u trulnl whether a putionl waa expecting him i know not but i felt convince thut auch a detail would not have boon allowed tu interfere with this wul of verses it lu interacting to an that even the ll literate peasant detect ut once tho slightest departure from the form in which the original lines arn mel and consider the offender to have lost the mutch mouth and a ueul of wisdom upon my hiu that i full not suddenly by them und thut my mouth dostray not as u christian hhould do no injurios to oheru uo i should forglvo thi injuries other do to him this is lo be like god who is a goodglying and lliforglvlug god venn tin they bid m ho lug word have peace und restored und in hut charm is port to tny s lord lyttlott what has become of the old- fashioned girl the yuory waa recently asked whut has become of the sweet mo- dent oldfuuhlonod girl und a corres pondent replies t know what bus become of hor and im surprised tliat there is uny iny tery about u youll find hor at home helping mother wash the dishes youll find jer occasionally at dancoa standing with her back acalnat tho wall at tract ing no attention whatever youll find her wearing hair that ts not necessarily bobbed or bleached youll rind her well dressed but not freakishly dreasod youll rind ahe has a beautiful na tural complexion that lu not entirely conooulod by rouge und powder you wont nix her smoking olgur- ettes youll find her real lug good books und talking common senao you wont nnd her very numerous but thank goodnta shes not entirely extinct letter writing how jnajiy lotteru begin i ha vo boon eo busy thut i havent had a chance to write and how many end t have not tlmo now to write more and nearly every tlmo each of thoao state ments u untrue it has been mental inertia und indolence rather pressure of business that has caused the letter writer to postpone bis tusk and it is mental and munuul laxlnosi that causes him to bring it to a pro mature close the good otter is not one that glvott a bare recital of events it is thut is nllod with comment as well us with news to be u mere reporter of happeulngm is to be dull whether in talk or in letter writing it is on opinions you oxpreaa your descriptions or interpretation of incident und char- actor tho conclusions that you draw from your ox por cures that give color und interest lo your letters yoll will write u good inrter if you uro tally churl ih und so irish indlsiwu- o put forth tho effort to tnuka youi ruuder see und hour tho things that you have lnn especially interested in seeing und hearing or ut least vy to him vividly the impressions that fhey produced upon you your letter is interesting according to tti degree 111 which it expresses yol thought und feeling it may tw objected thut to writo a mterof- th ijuuhty indicated for a capacity for expression thut few lieople possess uut if you do not tivuto tho power of expreaslon by lettor writing you uro unllkoly tn acquire it in other wuys ho lo try to writ good letter should bo not merely obligation that you owe to your fumlly or rriondu but ulso one that you owe to yourself for tho sake of tho disci pline it affords youths companion its little trjinos that count hays our friend 9110 of thn biggest und moat sua renafu unglneera in am erha the inun uchlng for u big thing lo do never interested me mm h hunt for u follow dolni u little th uncommonly well iiih tho mun hoi me do big thln th ores 11 nugget of twentieth tury business phlhsophy for you thut isnt purtfculurty new hut neither in uie golden hule i about ull of tho suctonsfu buslnosii mn nrst did tho httlo things well too muny merely want to hitch a wagon to u slar before thoy have oven provid ed themselves with a wagon fo hitch no job is too small to deserve th best you can put into it nnd no really big executive le too big to keep nil yo on the man who in making tho beat of his job no matter how small thn job why the cre8centt hoi is explanation of the turkish orescent t whan alexander the 0 mat so tho story runs wua be- aolging ancient llyxantlum u vital night attack was revoalod by the brlgh shining of the crescent moon and tho grot oral eltlxons addptod it as their symbol when tho ilomans camti they u do 1 tod tho crescent flag- for the tiow city of constantino and when moham med ii conquered the great captain in 14t3 he added ita emblem to his own dug hitherto plain red explaining to his followers that the 110w standard represented constantinople in c flold blood v uu new i fun to tml lu 11 viilmli i hull u v saving of iwen v per is utxf ud ui 1 till me co miny of hn v age uc ouwnodu ih 1 h lug c iuiukii k ir rim art n his line i i the in the f through 1 uyed him 1 hurge like til just in whlit- wind ory is relul d 1 ioum painter six try upd as he strolled iwerlnir held u laruk hull igrlly und pmpured to grout linpresulonst jiin i vaulted the foil 10 l und disheveled ho turned to see the furmproprlotor whoso sporting instinct ruurod by iho rum would not mrmlt him to inter fere whistler shook his fist at him furiously what do you mean sir by letting u suviig brute llkn that roam nt lurgit he cried lo ynu khow who i um ulrt lnl whlatler are your replloxl the furmor whats tho goo of telling me why you loll the bul7 dldn aunt jinnys experience vour job is your key 1 will nover get ahead here there is body here that cares a contlnet whether i got on or not it doesnt ake uny difference how luird 1 work how 1 do my work nobody puyw uny attention now i often hear remarks like thut kmployoes say whats the urot 1 dont propose to waar my life out for nothing i am just going to do enough to draw my salary x will look for something better my mend do you roallxo that me- tlilng bettor waiting for you depends 011 how well you can do your work where you are right nowt your present job is the key that will open tho door to the pluoe ubovi you and tho door is not likely to open until you open it success doors dont open themselves they dont open very easily aunt jinny a n egress wus un advo cate r thu rod us u help in child- ring an a reaull of an unmerciful beating which she guvo her youngest wum brought into court one day by outrugod neighbors ho magistrate nrtor giving her a ro lecture uskod if she had uny- ig to say jest one thing- oho replied i its to nx you u question was you r tho parent of u perfectly wuth- 1 cullud chllot lleving ull they plillomuhy thm is puiii f than ft public whop guyn it may in hide uloiis gruhshopp herd of utfle ir lul mayor nt inula much im putt for more ulmout iilwuys in ond thut we think willi re in in very few one ml in the ols thai the by w j ir 2 sittings of e66s your choice of breeds tblj aflpreaalc will bo itcd free to alfwbttzfiuol stodeaut of the cbldbtt poultry omar 11b 4llr a mm ft tit m- while vhlewor fs are still in a few mouths they wilt more than pay for the cost of thin persona tralalog in enmtnejtisj dtmutnkaeplag george w ulllor fsmous poultry expert will nrh you bow to make s auecess out of poattrr kerplng bow to becoate indcpeodenfln fba agrlculturni colleges ft is the only clause written expressly for northern coodltioaa lnvtlgrst tfito apsaar t once do your own beat ludy in your spare tune lurw to ma lis a comfortable iitiii rrnm poultry keeping full psrtundsra on retttest folder no h ak fsr shaw scmliautta dep mtor at wr tawta tt deelighted was tho expression one housewire used when asked her opinion of excelsior pastry flour and we know you would express tho some opinion over every piece or baking in which you hod used excelsior brand flour ask for and be sure wou ge1 excelsior brand pastry flour d h lindsay mill street acton ontario gmmmsaasaslm across the atlantic in a sail boat a young lyem hinuii lunded in new york the other day uftur crossing thu at lun tin ulouo lu u thirtyfoot sail bout tint voyuge of rtftyslx hundred miles took olio hundred and fortytwo days thu lone mariner mot with throe hurricanes in which ho ull but lost hiu life hw uorfered fiom ulck- uosm und lm of water und once wus unconscious for fortyeight hours but he finally brought ills little craft into hrt ughtyfuur days out liu happily fell in with u ivuk uteumer thut hove o und gave him tnedlcul aid and fresh supplln the last whitewash the wellknown styvaaant pish now york wua talknog ubout a cer tain wish wash report thut rort he oald reminds of a little boy who was taken by hla mother to visit a cemetery thd llitlo boy went from plot to plot from tomb to tomb rvudlng the inscriptions with aw and delight then when he hud read them all hi aald now take ms to the other cenld- try ma the other otiuetdryr hlm mothel auld what other oeiitelery do you all dearr j the on aald the little iwjy where the liad peupl are burled saskatchewan the turkey province there wus a tlmo when thu west looked to tho izuml for um supply or christina- turkeys thla has ull boe changed now und this your ut least eleven urlot uhlpmeula of dressed turkeys and chickens were shlppod from baskutchewun oast for tho can- udlait trade it im estimated by it 1c itukor professor of poultry husbandry university of saskatchewan thut there are over rive hundred thousand tur keys on haskutchewati furm and that thut province should soon beoom famous in canada for ita turkey flocks as texua is in tho united states cretut- 1 auction sale horses 16 cows 16 head op voonq cattle and hogs hul ed in- aprll had help cuti a mr ot ww must not kubrldo sleigh u ijrwvllle curllsle milton utc iator lookeif aflei th needs ring uhiiarel ity the w pa re i ovurlotik i bono others in tho making of wagonu care of mr piled with abaoluupmuftejlms- he wqrtblngtan and the iron work was prohibition enhances pro perty values hefon hulooita lug new yoik prohibition the m tho howury there ure ut present 4 saloons ur unbelt k found that of su saloon llowory hog fomuh iahtr aaya e worn 44 in this city near beer corraudlltl properties in id valuation hud ltreuaod on land value o760v and on toth land und buildings 913- uoo the closed saloon have been puvoed by banks restaurants and hops aeuirur clothina candy grooerea robert cigars jewellery futures shoes and a sign plnlodjlght in bhjwc0n under the officiant hands atllm bupphstf bwty burton u uatthswa attwnfled to rnioallanou rclp only tho nthbr uftoriuton little juutueso iniy called ut lit of i he wrltei und proffered mime pic ture imistcards for 10 cants upfece whut are you going to do with the btuneyr i uskod him i um lulsiiig olio million dollars vor thu earthquake relief hs unswerotl gravely and ha waa so tl sum named waa solarge that i sad to laugh a million ilollarar i cried old you expect to raise it all by youraelft no air ho rjiled gravely there is another little ly helping tne- tommys was tlnoi u or bird i that hthoul teacher now tiiiitrr know tluit the dml iiutno tay olhnr nldniaj la extinct r tommy yvs sir the oatiary toucher oh absurd the canary la hot akuaol tommy woll uum is sir th cat xtlnctatl htm the undurslg utructlons rriun nelson mclaughlin to bell by public auction ut lot 37 concoastoii t nuasaguwuyu oiu hilli wmth of htops 1 toronto huhurlian wednebdayrjanuary m at one oclocl shurp thu following hoiimks 1 clyde horse 0 yours old 1 pert heron luur this is u heuvy ivimi und work well logelhui 1 lurcheiou mare in fuul to clyle honui hlr mtllun 1 nlly colt rising 1 yur by hlr milton cowhl iviun cow culf ut foot iod cow calf ut foot 1 rod holfor calf ut foot 1 roan cow duo lil ybruary 1 holstelu ow due in abruury ed iiow duo lu pobruury l md am white iow duo in muich 1 rd cow due in uurch 1 rxl cow due in mulch 1 ruun cow duo lu april 1 spotted w du lu april 1 red now duo in 1 red heifer duo lu may 1 roan u1 in muy i red ow due in may lliuuti uri u lot nf good yiung durlium grade uiwf und dates will be ivetl ut thun of auts youno cattmtl 7 uleers illng 3yauia old fl imifors rising 3 y old t stotrs using 3 yurs old o helfera rising j yury old o rising 1 year old 3 helfera rising 1 year old 3 young tulv l thorough- brutl durham bun u roan rising 3 years old 1 thoroughbred durhum bull rising 1 year old hotjh hogs 6 months old u hogs 4 months old hogs a months old 11 pigs 3 month old 1 chester white how i york sow implkmknthl lumber wugon i top buggy 1 set of burrows s sec tions long and short doubletrees jfouhkhold hfi kctb 1 pan dora rauuo kplendld stove 1 perfec tion coul oil stove 3 burners with uvn ohain icrc jt luigs cuimun po- tatihia 36 bushels heed pus la hiis tkuuhau sums uf 1000 audi under cash over that amount 13 1 months crodil on approved joint notes 6 oft for caah 1oultry grain and potatoos cash no raaarva r j kerr auotlqnaar v i newspaper advertising is by far the cheapest and most effective form of publicity 1 bution because it secures the best distri- 2 because it is read 3 because it is regular it takes years of effort to work up a newspapers subscription list and the ad vertiser gets the advantage every week and whereas probably not more uum one bill out of three is read every paper is read by three or four persons for reaching the people of acton and acton district there is no medium to com pare with the free press 1 it covers the field 2 it is a paper that is read through 3 its readers belong to the purchas ing class the quality of a paper is reflected on its adver tising if business needs stimulating try advertising in the free press np

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