Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 24, 1924, p. 4

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tlihome of ralsr ssu lt to wttklu ol ontario the acton kue frkss i uill str i ii i chained additional i uoop i la published iyj7 i li ri ntii uulutnl ontario tha subscription rcav in ulvasca postals u lo office in ttw ualted stales th data l era un subscriptions an taid i indicated tha address labal anverttinf batestrast advertlsa nenli to cents pr lias iiit ncssure lor first insertion in cnls pmt warn or each subs quest insertion contract displcr adaartlaa- maals of jd inchna or mora par auun i cents par isoh sth inxrtloa advrtfsnnts wlh out specific directions will be is mr tad till loibld and charged accordingly be r s uabif and assistant xdlta- telephones- edltorlal and business ossce irw kaaidaoca ol frssidnt iij intoxicated driven of any vehicle now prohibited tho new act to regulate travel on tho highways passed at last sossion of tho legislature and which came into effect on the orst of january penalizes tho man who drives a vehicle other than a motor vehicle on a highway while intoxicated for drat offence the penalty is up to 50 for a second offencp up to 100 and for a third offence up to 200 and im prisonmcnt up to 10 days at the discretion of thc magisirqto hearing tho case in addition to this tho ontnrib temperance act may also step in and sccurt a conviction against such offenderrfor being intoxi cated in a public place the advice of a financier roger w babsott the grcritlnancicr said to t gathering of montreal buvness men the other even ing there never was a time when business men were co divided as to tho outlook this very fact should cause you successful business men to take your task seriously during the next few months cut out all frills collect yourbills keep down in ven tones reduce costs avoid getting into any moro deb and get out o de as fast as possible we must all work for greater confidence nrorc efficiency lower taxes and other fundamental rather than superficial remedies ho further said that the supreme need of our time is to cut out all fake optim ism and false standards getting back as quickly as possibles to old time honesty industry thrift and service thursday morning january 24 1924 editorial young folks studying municipal problems tho citizenship committee of tho young peoples league discussed with a marked degree of common sense in their forum on monday evening such live municipal topics as the need for a waterworks commission perpetual care of fairview ceme tery the hydro shop for service by beragopen all business hours for customers the members of the council and of the hydro commission would have gained some real food for thought and stimu lation to actiori had they been present- carefully studied arguments pro and con were advanced editorial notes the death rate of the united statcslast year was ii 8 per thousand in 1880 it was 25 per 1000 and in 1000 it wos 17 6 per 1000 sctenco is very manifestly effecting a marked increase in longevity hon mackcnzio king the prime minister of canada recently said in england that while in 1015 canada stood tenth among the nations in the value of her exports to day she stands fifth next to britain united states france and germany neighborhood news- town and country georgetown h n of liomi mlsa elvira t horn pan n now york la visit in a on maple ave nun mlu plorenca nuay ll n of cllf ion hprlnjcs sanitarium annul a few riaya at mr wm thompson maple avenue mr ami mr qeorna hrott wrs tendered a recaption at the hoi mr nnl mrs a ii caatett on their return frt m tttalr w odd in trip laat tuesday evening j n o noll i a hon a fine buelni blooc la now hen i oil throughout by nl cam tho installation bolus tomplotod llht wofllc lust thursday fir i out p lately da wtoyo i tho barn with content a in slock bo lona ink uocirgii russell it i a lufpins township nothing itnlntf anvid the loaa la fo goo at tho council jnoutllur lant weak it wun mo v oil by m l noun aocopded by wm it imng thnt h o cameron sollt itor for corporation of george town re cleave arbitration p uth or i sod to nmploy xpert wlthessea ho dooma necessary in obovo urbltratlon mo mid rockwood criticizing the councils actions the herald was told last week quite seriously that the members or the county council were in dignant at the way you abused them over the vote on money to tho muslcoka hospital that can be readily understood no man who ever made a fool of himself mkes to hear about it but what struck us as peculiar was the use of the word abuse can it be that the public servants elected by the votes of their constituents to do the will of those constitu ents should get so autocratic and imperious that they become intolerant of a littlo criticism all is ton herald some towns still struggling with soldiers monument problems the towns of onllia and newmarket turned down bylaws to provide for the erection of soldiers monu ments by way of explanation of the defeat of the proposal in newmarket the era says in the first fptace many voters thought the proposition was too indefinite the war veterans were opposed to a monument and wanted the money put into some thing useful as well as ornamental others thought tfiat the taxes were high enough without such ex penditure then the era adds evidently patriot ism and sacrifice were not considered when it affected tho pocket book- what would the taxes be today had germany woo the war the obligation is still to be paid oakviue council opening a social function otffcvillc is evidently aiming to give its council sessions attractive features the local press reports that at the opening session last week council chamber was nicely decorated with flags and flowers and there were also button bole bouquets for each of the councillors and press reporters there were the usual new year greetings from ex mayor c h cross to each membemf the council and a box of fine cigars from the bank of toronto the audience included quite a number of ladies among the interest ed electors a new feature was introduced into the inauguration ceremonies this year and through the generosity of mayor forster tho councillors town officials and press reporters were invited to a civic luncheon which proved to bo one of the delightful chicken dinners for which tho gibson grill has bo- come famous now if kcevo barber would intro duce something of this nature there would always be n for seats at tho council board sir henry thornton is now predicting that the canadian national hallways will show a net profit of 15000000 this year recently sir henry predic- cd the railway would get on a profitable basis in three years tho prospects arc- evidently growing better and better in every way every day it is said that tho labor parties dry tendencies are feared by the liquor trade of great britain this is a different story to that we often hear from the liquor people on this side if labor people begin to think seriously tho liquor interests may well stand in fear of their policy two names arc now prominently mentioned for the office of warden of hal ton namely george hillmer m p p reeve of oakviue and george barber reeve of acton so that no matter which is chosen george will be warden t milton reformer last week the ontario legislature will meet on february 6th already plans are well advanqed for the session and much important legislation will be considered road matters will doubtless loom large in the dis cussions another important matter is hydro devel opmcnr tho cabinet have led the way by tpking action in the st lawrence development scheme government statistics estimate the applo crop of canada for 1023 at 10704500 boxes which at an estimated average of 2 a box makes the valuo a little over 1 000000 by provinces tho estimated production was as follows nova scotia 5250000 boxes british columbia 3124000 ontario 2275 000 quebec 110000 and new brunswick 65500 the old country liquor barons have spent lavish ly to convince tho people of scotland through ad vertising and billboards and a one sided press that prohibition is a failure in tho united states and have temporarily succeeded in keeping them from voting dry but they feel the pressure of their spending they are now commencing to complain of having to fight local option every three years pioneer one of tho reasons urged for tho repeal of pro hibition legislation is the number of violations of law under this act men do not reason this way however with regard to other laws it is said that over one thousand arrests were made m cincinnati in one month for violation of tho traffic laws guard ing human life and property yet wo do not hear of any demand for tho repeal of these laws presby terian witness ontario had 61109 acddenta las yepr stands out ii the history o compensa tion in this province as tfie year in which there were more accideqta rpporcd o tho compcqaatloq board tftafl ever before in 02j there werp t 1q0- appimont reported by mduiry lo the board of which 370 were ml these llgures on tho basis of accident fre quency contrast unfavorably with the 1022 figures when 50411 accidents wore reported of which 4m worc the only consolation m the report is tho fact that the increase is in accidents of a more minor nature up to i2j the largest number of accidents reported wus in 1020 when there were 54851 in 1023 bcuchtab awarded amounted to 9017370174 in 1022 to 5002806 01 and in 1021 to 0180203 40 no 0110 11 quarrel with the prin- cjpl of the compensation but the whole community may reasonably stand aghast at tho thought that accidents in industry in one province of canada are costing six million dollars u year plus lost pro duction and lost wuges which may easily double that figure most accidents are preventable a little care a little forethought u little common sense will prevent thousands of accidents and reduce both human suffering and money losses an average of 204 accidents reported every day in 1023 to the workmens compensation board calls for direct ac tion by management and men to assist in roducnig tfcftao fiurcf pi uteri ally for the prcaont year thopeope of england have evidently imbibed a much more earnest spirit of safety first thn we of tjis north american continent there was only one railway accident on all tho lines of thateountry involving loss of life last year slqpo te facgiqivngj of tho century two years have passed without a single fatality would that tho same might ho said of canada but our multitudes of level crossings make a menace hero which u unknown m england tho unnual mootlna of tint lllblo hot lot y wui hold laat wook a aplundid uildroaa waa dollvorod by mr j h lurrlncton toronto the roaalnta of tlio i took wood and kvm jn bran oh waa bout 1200 tha annual moot in of tho hookwood horticultural hoc lot y hold laat wcntk n tha town hall waa attended by ano number of onthualaatla nor tloulturtata tha hnanclat rapoit uhowad total focal pta of 362 with a hiomborahl laat your of 00 tha bual- a of the year a work waa vary autlafacturlly dlapowed of officer for tha com in your wore aloe tod and ow bualnoaa dlactlaand with keen in dieat it waa dooldod to hold the annual show aa uaual itev ll m jojaor d a and rev john utile wm appointed to attend the provincial horticultural convention to be hsm in toronto on february 7 und 8 judtf- intf from the enthualaam exhibited and th interval taken in tho mootlna and tlu able executive in chaigo we rea- uonably conclude that a botter year ultd a bigger ahow la tho slugan for tblh your of thla aplandld aooloty tho illora for the ynar arw prealdent wm harrla lat vice pealdont hi i 1 lurry 2nd vice president fred hrolth hoc rotary herbert edmundaon treaaurer a l squlrea i good cheer the artlclo of a week or 10 no on laughter may bo appropriately fol lowed by one 011 lootj ohoer it la 1 good thing to lie engaged in what ha boon callod tha clioorlng up bualneaa homo ciillliiga and pro feaalona ore full but not thla ono alwaye room for peraona who can guthor the honoy nut of the flywora of life and laavo tha poison to the waape that there are burdena trials and dlaappolntmenta in life we are ready to admit but wo runnot igei an for or ovorcome thnae uxporloticee by forobuillnga and fretting away our little hour thorn la much for thank fulneaa and good nhoor even in mator lul ihlnge tho world la vary beautiful anil for nearly alx thiiuaunl yeura it hnu who no upon ulothod and fed tta million- of inhitbltunta und ll will llkoty ontlnuo to do no for aonio time to cumn in u roc nt number of iallua wookly it f uretiike alnjia thla uhoory 1 m tl unkful r r ih atimmnr with lta bloaai ma mi itw lain i am thankful fur the winter with lta bluator uii lta froojtn lmnuh a ttmuwriil fuller thni i otilil not if 1 d try bay whethur i m moro thankful tor uooemltnr or july of fourae thero a dlaiippolntmenta tin there a trouble muri or leaa itufr 1 m ao hrlmmln over with th aweota o happlnoab j driii t have time to worry oor llui bitter thlntfm you moo lor tho lord ji a koo a mo buay bln thankful a i can be oakville mr v tl tiny and family left on haturday to a pond the winter ut see- b roe no in florida tho oakvlllo in termed la to o h a hockey team cot back into the good gracea of the loon i hockey fana hero on monday night when they save the ungton aextette u tidy trlmmtnr tha score being 8 to 1 about twenty teacher of- oakvlllo and vicinity attended a conference at tho west bide school here on saturday mine laat the topla for dtaaua alon was beat work for all claaaea it proved to be very enjoyable aa 1 aa intereatlna and profitable at oonclualon lunch waa provided by the local teacher mr qrogory majiagr of the gregory thoatre ahould certainly be congratu latnd upon his offorta in accurtnff the peclal attmctlona for tha drat time in the history of our town u real live tnovlo personnel honora un with a visit and a rouainif reception uhould bo given mlaa wilson upon her arrival horo fur iomt time past tho mombens of ho uelvlra club uronto compoaed flaome alxtaen to twenty young men of tho methodist sunday bchoool hav been uctlvely engaged in preparing an open air rink on the property of mr e ilolyea op illckaon htreet in the lorth oat aoctlon of town am a re- ujt of their efforu they wore ublo on haturduv night laat to wltnaaa the opening for the skating aauaan of u ary convenient and well equipped ink itecord tho hev theotlore l cuylor th celubritad ilrooklyn divine waa vlalt ing the famous l4indon preacher tha itev chnrlen ii hpurgeon atter u hard day of work and aorl oua dlacuaalon these two mighty men or qod went out into the country to gothor for a holiday they roamed holds in high eplrlta like boya let loose from school chatting and laugh- inir and froo from rare lir cuylar hud just told a atory at which mr bpurgeou laughed uproar ily then suddenly ho turnod to ur cuylor und mi laimod thaodor let s knoel down unl thank qod for laugh tort and there on the green carpet of graaa undor tho trees two of tho world a greatest men knelt and thank ed tho dear lord for the bright and joyoun lft of laughter the luugh makor la u public bene factor for laughter la tho aolt or ufo and k pa tho wbolo dish sweet a laugh la just like music it llngura on the heiirt and whom lta rnolody la hoard the ilia of life dei urt iii health to he sure hoa a moat depressing eft pot but even thla can be ho i pod by a cheerful aplrlt and aomo attention to tho lawa of health borne people wonder why they are ao gloomy but the simple truth in aomo caaoa la that they ate too much r ute what was not suitable to them john q whlttlor onco aald wo tread upon ufa a broken lawa und murmur ut selfinflicted pain if you fool a lltle grouchy and you re somewhat off your feed ou ahould hoed my timely warning and ucoopt my atmpla creed there h u balm for every heartache ther a u koy for overy lock and tho cgre for your pet ailment la to walk walk walk life la not u jolcn neither la it u dlrgo tho pooplo who tuko nothing aorloualy and tho people who take everything uorlously ant both wrong llfo atumls for work high alma pur alstont ondeavor or ilmi it la a fallum hut it also standi for luughter friend ship and aong- tho llfo which loaves tlieao out la lnoomplolu d h whefle it counts i am twenty v 1 i am not no np tho butcher i am too in 11i i t len cream i urn n i inn 1 u box of 1 1111 ly i runn t x vihu of gasoline null i 1 u wltl vie i iking buy a iiuuil tif niuh l 1 urfhua ng i f r v gull 111 i uy a lb kt to n fir u tl hut mnh 1 11 hun lay i mouuy couldnt find a worse pheacher lb vliur if a urlnh lij the west linlinl ml ut haturday af rtnln fnmn is ranon bn staying in tho 01 luct tin lay fh hupi lithlx rli rviiin 11 i 11 inar 1 vln iibl i in tin kin i 1 f you wi rn tin in tum u timi h foil w nil i imvn 1 i touliln t find ono erin a masquerade carnival will be held in tho king george lllnk krln thla thursday evening ut 8 o cuwk tho annual meelln of tho erin poultry ureedera assoc wt loo waa held ut ur j a titaphena shop on friday enlng january 18 tho church servlcea in tlio methodist churches in erin and conlngsby will be changed until further notice aa follows conlngaby ut 10 it a tn krln sunday school ut 3 p m church aervloe at 7 p tan mr and mrs john leslie loft laat week for u week a visit with toronto f honda incidentally mr leslie wltl take in the dominion checker tourna ment ut the west end v m c a tho north tend krln u r o and u f w o held their regularly month ly mooting at the home of mr l i kodwell hulaburm uri friday evening tho delegates reports of the toronto convention were glvuit and proved vary interesting a debute hesolv- rd that it la harmful to tell fairy btorlea to children waa un interest ing feature of the programme on thursday urternoon of laat week the puplla of tha high bohool debated uu u vary 1 11 teres ting aubject 4te aolvud that half love la u ore tor bin tlian uelf q eg loot the ulllrma tlve wua ubly supported by mlaaea coreta a 1 been jialen moklimon and muriel hlnnlo while tho urgumoufa f thu negative were wel mpalq hy musea liulao btoen muriorla hn go i uid jaaala lialr after u caffuj tixumlnatlon of ho rtlacuaacp4 w judges m uifuurd w w htllv mlaa yhpojoy gay ttlv tlvfuloll iii favor of thp anrjnatly- advtt0t oiiturlo retail merchants aro organising to presj upon tho legislature at its coming session tho neces sity of amendment to tho transient traders act and the hawkers and peddlers act to compel ped dlers to take out u license it is proposed to exempt the peddler who sells his own goods but in cities of less than 100000 and in towns und villages tho fee for a motor vehicle shall bo 100 for u ono horso wagon 50 for u pushcart pack or basket the fee would be 6 v quebecs provincial treosuror sys the liabilities of that province are 00661632 and its assets only 21000820 or a differcnlc on tho wrong side of 47670803 either mr nlcols s more modest in counting assets than our ontario treasurer or quebecs financial condition is not so- much a matter for congratulation as 1 was ujupsed to be ontario according to the last public iccounts had direct liabilities o 240023005 hut a tealous compilation of assets brought the total up to 254843053 whence came fireworks fireworks and gunpowdor like many other things nrlgimatod in china n any yearn before bo ing introduced into great lirltuln london a first lire work display was glvou at tho cor onation of james ii und wus followed within u year or two by unolhor on the birth of his sou the unhappy old iratniidar und a third on tlm uc cession ut william iii blnoo then they huvo boon rogurdud us un alniout indispensable adjunct of ull pubu frullvltlos one london arm has been manufacturing fireworks steadily sinew tho time of charles h sensible donts don t tnull that sarcaatlo bitter let tor which you wrote in that angry mood und which gavo you u foiling of spiteful aatlsf action because you thought you ware gottlnjr square with someone who had insulted you bum it there la a bettor way try it dont auy tho mean thins you have boon planning to auy to someone you think baa been meau to you in stead give him tho lovo thought tin magnanimous thought may to your self hit is my brother no matter what he has done i can t bo tneuli to kltu 1 muat show my friend lilies my magnanimity to this brother feels clean garments or materials cleansed with surprise feel soft and well washed and carry the ftuly clean odor so pleasing to the house keeper s f1ust ot the series dealing witk trie estatl hment otlke bank of montreal at representative pomts in canada and elsewhere- before any steamship had crossed the oceon and be- other the locomotive or tltr telegraph lud been invented june merchants of montreal signed articles for the formation of the montreal bank now die bank of montreal that was on june 33 1817 more than 106 years ago since thai time montreal has grown from a town of less than 30000 toa city of more than 800000 population the bank in conunuous and successful operauon from those early dayi down to the present time has steadily pioneered its way across canada today through us head office and more dun 550 branches it offers complete banking service local national and imemauonal in every scoion of the dominion bank of montreal established over ioo years total assets m access of i6sooooooo firmer sua q milton uossrs u u llututiliisun uid j w might hro tm auditors or ui town tot j of u uttle has been appointed a member of thii high tichuul llouril for 1u14 46 and ii timpeclor lovuil ottor u fnt visit 0 tho hlh uohool raporbi it is the plain duty ot the uourd to tuko alops ut 01100 to relieve u lrowdltig ol his aohuol a win should bo add ad to oontuui two rooms about lt 000 would cover the oust until uoiiiu tiling is done the recomnieildhig of tha luy uiuiit of th- leglalatlvo grant to tho hohool will be ntold in uboyuuiid at u meeting held on monday even ing january 14 it wus itauulod to urrutigo for utl old honlu week lolebrutlou thu dutva to be jutta 3o to july 1 in thu ubstmutf of tha pastor through thu illness of his mother the pulpit of the it ol hod 1st churuh wus ocuupled lust bunday morning and evening by luapootur inye lr can uurtlu who wus recently opu rated upon for uppokidloltls is making good progress towards reuov ory w are glud tu state j n loea of trafalgar township reports having lamb born uu january 9 this is the earliest heard of in this district fur many yeura it liftty not be generally known mo uulelly and smoothly is tho bualneaa unduoted that there ar if the hqih borhdoq if a hundred bands muluy4 horp in fha spinning mill a itw ihm 0hin uustluaj is 000 was cecantly installed lit uraco churuh iho pine otatati jind oonirlbuted 1 joo fcod wslsacrliktassf qgesst x tvhy ford predominates tvoof that pord predominates is to be found in the fact that 50 per cent of ull curs in cunudu are f6rds ford predominates because it supplies the essen tials of adequate economical transportation ford has been the pioneer in the automotive in dustry has blazed the trlul in every fundamentally sound transportation principle ford service is un outstanding example of ford predominance authorized ford service is to be found wherever motor cars are used always capable businesslike und prompt more than 4000 service stations in canada are assurance of this t see any authorized ford dealer cajls trucks tractoils i tvr it l r- v u ri business directory dr j a mcniven physlolan and surgeon ohloe and itealdence ct n or avanua and iclgln btroet i hon 15 si dr f j nlilson nil nntick mi iilict aetdn ontario leqal ihono no 22 i a llui sis harold nash fahmfk m a bsrrlur bollolt notary public convey anoar etc ferryman block acton ont monicv i pnl on mollhjaoi h hours b 30 a m to c m huturduys u 00 i t lurk h g mviu barrister solloltor notary publlo usorgstown ont dental dr j m bell d d s l d a dentlsi honor oraduata of toronto unlvec- alty tha latest aneathetlo ud if dealrad offloe at residence corner 1111 and fradariok btrt dr f g gollop ddsi d s dental surgeon ooloe over dank of nova aootl hours x0 to c 10 bvanlnssj by appolnunant miscellaneous francis nunan bookblndai account books of all kinds mad to rder periodicals of very description corafully bound ruling- neatly aoj promptly dona wyndhara streat qualpb out over williams 6 tore lodge directory sons of england lodqe woodqreen no 302 meeting- nrst und bird 1rlday in each month at u p tu in i o o v hall members and visiting member cordially invited to uttehd 8 8cutching8 j little pnesldenl saeratsry acton l o l no 087 a hofiiil 1 v nhik und t uchrc will 1 hi hi in tho odlfillawx hull on 1 rl du januiiri ut p n all tin mb rs ut th or lor uluo tho ljitly rrin uluoj an cordially invltud it r1tchii- a dutciiiiuunt w m k h aul uii 3y4w dr a l price chiropractic electrotheralv 130 uppir wyndlium street guclph ovr 11 autu t xi rl uc conhui tatiov 1 hi u r j kerr auctioneer and real estate agent 11 years lixprlonce acton ontario bales etltruatod to h j kutt re ceive at to nt ion from duto of hm tins to date of alo list your sale with fcn heel lunct liowi r avunu aotou 1 honu 30 aatou call ut tny oxpenae guelph business college orforii up to duto clorlcul lluslnoas blbiiqtfruuhy und hi- oreturlul couraea by oxpt rk ax- lrliiiid tuuehuru mtudtinta muy entar any day wltttb von rntonafatton v bimiott prlualiud j e cheevers hook binder qusbaa sl east ouelpti onl hooka and tnaslnes bound in handsome und tiubatuntlul oovora names uttered hi ifold on ulblea llyuiu ilooka and olhsr tvooka all work promptly kxeouted the old and rehahlo granite and marble work ws in manufacturers und dlreot importers or mil kinds of mouumutital and hvadaton work xve ill dlreot to our oujitomara at wholeaule price ihua savtnat our ouatomora 0 per oont w bava the best appuanoo and the only mechanic in tha dominion who can oparate pnaiusuaia tools properly w can sjlva reforenoea from hundred of our oustomsr in toronto and ather pj whara o there have to have law ulta id order tu colleol we hay tha larmt and beat stock of granite la tha dominion rfr mora than uuy thraa daalar in tha weatjjwi are lelu- mata daalara and atnoy no ajant and do not annoy or past ouatomer by nodtnf out umormnt aavnta sqlloltr uf ordra w am ploy only maihanlob wl daf oom hamilxonv s0n j

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