Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 24, 1924, p. 5

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bue artonjfrgg h0fl thuithday januahy 34 1s3j ifl old ontario no onowiv td t wunt fin- r in old on iirlo orp urn hutn r wuyu u in old on urio o i u urn i iul lllv the sunday school lesson for sunday january t tiik hhiniicanck or oimh ni it is isir 1olks u u iki for lb nor would for in id i trull ilwll old fnut i tiy it llltl 1 d- old ituuiltl in old our olll thiiultku xlunk lo it old uuim we linvu in din kjimtduy 111 iii ubtf otdfcmhldcind wny i hit vud rutlmr nlwitys alny in ohli ontario iris um immi and mwpoi iind fulr hi old ontiirh homo youiiii things do boh lhir hu in olil unturui ilutthny ult do wnr uomo dlothuu home put powder im thlruls- hut tin hloom just liku ruh in old uiuurlo a a wjmh and ilt in lili the test cxplnlned xihi 14 l- thy in ntiitiu lui d cniieldr llndr alt 114 hrmglit oil llf iilk iinliy whrr- ii to in iliiy hitl hir njht hi n now tin till it ki hful hi inii rtim hnj iii mid twenty years ago from tha issue of tha free praaa of thursday january 28 1904 late ruins uml hllsxurdly miuw norma continue to prnvull fresh eggs ura an iixionsivn luxury at present 3u pf dozen la tha ruling price mr n tattrhoii has disposed of his 1 1 vary bus i nous to mr w j k who has taken pxamesslon a doublphmidc r frlght stood fro ion to tha trucka bora for vor twenty- four houra hmnjuy unil monday rev j c wilson it a und knox church quurtottu um billed ip take port in a scotch concert in knox church milton nuxt tuesday ing a now yurtl anglim with day and night crews haa boon nut on to run bat wean acton and georjclow will assist heavy trains up the grade and do nooeaaury shunting in tb station yarda every monday morning in january dawned with tha mercury at tan to twenty below aero thla remarkably cold weather haa been unique and the oldest inhabitant la unable to remem ber a january to match that at 1904 for eevere cold owing to tha successive stonns and sero weather it haa been impossible the past week for the railways lo move freight am i reault buolneaa generally la almost at a etandatlll a serious outcome la tha lack of coal acton im on the verge of a famine which may mean uctual suffering in some quartern not even perishable freight la being moved a cor of applea loaded ham i oat thursday was still standing on the aiding on tues day the sixtieth anniversary services of the mothodlst church were held on sunday and monday kbv w ii 8 pence of victoria college woa the preacher for the day while an old- fashioned teameeting was bald on monday evening on tuesday night ut ten aclock the tin alarm sounded it was found that the whistle valve at storeys tannery had blown out and watohman evans was flftean or twenty minutes in get ting it repaired so he could stop the whuue blowing some vigilant cltl- aen deeming the blowing of the whistle evidence of fire at the tannery rung in an alarm at the town hall marrieo oowdyjohnston at the home of mr james talbot icramoaa on thursday january 21 1904 by hev j o brown b- a acton thos qowdy jr waterloo son of thos- 1 qovdy ouelph t mhw mlna john ston of elramoajl u died boomer at unwood on wednes day january 37 1904 alfred uoomer aged 73 years ttls ho i lidiliul lioni right iiid lifl huiilriititnih of ih kgyptlutts ut iriviiil thil usiupti if thiy now uiiyid th unn of hi iird tiiuxt t on lid tin vunlty inn nullity of th kuiiillun lilolu b dn moiimtrutixl hy hrliiiflntf thoin lot hiinli ii nil out inn johovuh ltk fron thutn ull liopn of hutnun holp and ifuvn thilr ivdvoreiirlna itvury ndvuntuft agalnat thani adum olnrko v mo 14 jehovuh will hght for you y uli nil llavn u part in the ihmwii of tlm day lod iilomi uhall bring you off und ilnfnut yijur fima vra 1c thai tlioy go forwarl thla command la it drumutlc exprna alnn of faith thre was tialhltig ti warrant tholr ilvamobul faith in the prtmimto und lowor of the living ood verso 30 thun johovuh auvnd isiurt uod la apt beforo ua in thla puaaoge hot only ua a lnruon but ua a ionon who carm with all a kuthera love with ull a kitthra watchfutnesa for his own people our hopes in day if doubt und difficulties ure directed to the mimn pnraonul futhnrly care of the grout ood who lovon jfa creaturoa tut viirun 51 aixiiarael auw tlm breut work tint wltoota of the grnut dollv- iiriuiffl thua wrought for larunl uti increuaed tent of ood und belief in 0m1 and also lit moses divine oum- isalon driver canadian olympic hocke y team 1924 new camp burns w peb cent air ti i trie or gi f a iitiw oil lump i hut gtvea an unui- iniily hrlllluiit uoft white light vn ixttnr thun lua r nlfctrlrlty haa bodn tiiitiil hy thn ii ft otivernmont onl v imuni liukirmltlna anil found to i to hiijhmioi in h ordinary oil lawpu it ixniir without odir utnokn or nola no inmiilolr mi in alitlpln oloon iiri iin il mi in i i ioiiinioii ill i i i nr i canadian olymplo hockey team 1824 whioh sailed for franca on canadian pacific 8 8 montoalm january llth top row from isftjtorlnhti harold momunn riohti wlnfli albert j mccaffary left wlnpl red hpoy smith oantrai beattla rsmaav defenoai ernie j coltett qoali cyril bio slater left wlrla jaek cameron ooal bottom row pater q c am p bell harry e watsun lft wing w a hewitt aporllna adlter toronto 8ur canadian olymplo hookey representative dung munroe captain frank j rankin cosoh- some monster diamonds awful asthma attacks la there a member of your family who is in the power of this distressing hroublet no aervtce you can render him will equal the bringing of his attention to dr j d kelloggs asthma remedy this remarkable remedy rests its re putation upon what it has dons for others it has a truly wonderful record covering years and years of success in almost every parcof this continent and even beyond the aeaa thinking yourself indispensable a good many young people like to tbmk they are indispensable it la often amusing to hear a comparatively new employee talk ua if the principal responsibility for tho business rested upon his shoulders it ta quite possible that the huslneaa in queatlon ran along as successfully before he was born as it does now and vnry probably after ho ta dead it will still thrive there ta no more foolish an illusion than that of bnaginlng ones self india peneable as a matter of fact no one i indla- panaable tuoro are loaders whose going leaves the world poorer and aaddar but somuhuw or other their plaoes are ulwuys rilled and when young people begin tu think that they are so important that the orgaulsa- tturf wlthwlh will go to pieces without them that they are so important that their em ployer would never think of nllowmg tham to leave they urn likely to under go the dhagreeubla shock of learn ing that they luh be spared a well aa nol the idea that you are indls- psuisabla s bound to interfere with your success what you should try to do la tu make uthar paoplu thlnu that way about you laaaon themea national unity our lson daaui with the decisive dn ivory which mark uu epoch in the malory of the hobrow people the defeat of ihuroah ut th passage of the had uu brokn fontve hla pownr ovruie inraolltca thy were tu fuco the dangers of tho wjld urnoes and tho dimultls of occupy ing cnpttuli but ihuxouh was ti troobpl them no mora forever this deilveranca from the egyptian oppres- aor had deep significance fur it en abled the israelites to live their own life and express their aspirations us u nation and their devotion as wor shippers of the true god they carried with them certain values received in their egyptian life but drofped forever its slavery and sense of servitude they were now ready for the next great step in their development- thla was the realization of their natlpnal ilulw their tribal excluslveneas was thrown off and merged into ohe com mon aspiration and they became a united people this jolltlcul solidar ity rested upon their racial unity the exodus had thus a profound signifi cance not only to tho hebrew people but through them to all the nations of tha world with whom they have boon brought in contact since that day a code of laws very naturally this iw nation required it system of laws for its government this judicial sys tem was furnished later by the legis lation of moses it was no doubt piecemeal in its formation but reached its highest expression in the announce ment of the ten commandments at mount slnol the completeness and modern quality of this legislation is the wonder and admiration of modern scholars this code of laws deals with such modern subjects as the equality of aliens prompt pay and kindness to servants health laws the rights of the poor the limitation of prleatly wealth land tenure the establishment of a rest day und tho hallowing of labor same of these la we a re almost journalistic in tholr application to modern economic problems true religion established most im portant of all the exodus provided the opportunity for the ealahllehment of the religion of jehovah recent egyp tian explorations have shown that one of the egyptian icings ut tamp ted to establish a monarch is tic religion but failed in his attempt it was not strange therefore that a race of slaves should and egypt a dimcult country in which to establish their faith the solitude of the wilderness and the quiet of the tand of promise which they were to enter furnished suitable conditions for the worship of jehovah there were idolaters in canaan but there was no massive and official sys tem of idolatrous worship such as existed in the land of the pharaohs under these hew conditions anl through tho tutelage of uosea four great truths concerning ood ware es- tabliahed in their hearts 1 ood 1 tho only opd and he is a ood of mercy zood is ood of law also a ood of love 3 ood is holy and 4 israel must be a holy nation for study and discussion what incident is the basis of this lesson t where were the israelites entangled in the land how did thole deliverance make possible a dis tinct national life fur the jewish people t estimate the vatue of tho code of laws they enacted what did israelites loam about qod under the tutelage of moaae and their deeert wanderings t a few wise tips that make for success handle the hirdaat job nrst each day easy onus ure pluuaursa do not im ufruid uf crlllrleiit crl- tlulset yourself uttoiiiiat up- glud uiil rnjoka in the other fellows auaoeaa etudy ills methods do not bo mlaud by dlallkes acid ruin tho finest fabrics us enthusiastic it la tontugloua do not have the notion that euuoese means simply money inuk in- he falr and do at loust ono decent act every duy itithu year complete in itself mother o raves worm exterminator doe not require the uaalstance of any other medicine to make it effective jt does not fall to do its work rsaui- pav8 to advertise an alabama farmer ran th follow ing ud in u newspaper strayed one jeitaey heifer to the on who relurtia her ill give u drink or old rose whiskey tun yauni old nine men with heifers lined up in front of the farmers homo the text moantng up to duti twnntyrtvo illuniiindh huvn won found in holitn africa thut ighed over loo ruruta wwlght tho first of them known us tho hlr of houth africa weighed zhh rurata und wus out to 13c i u ruts it wus found 1 8 or hy u truder nunikil ollallly in grlquuuuid west he wus ataylng overnight with u lloor numod van nowklrk whoso lltllo girl wua pluy- rlth u i ii re ti unit vory bright pnhhlu tho idtcr knvo it tu ohoilly otd it to hlr philip wodehouao govnrnur of tlui colony for 11000 it wua ufterwurda bought jfnr icg 000 by the earl of dudley tho imperial found ut tho cupo diggings in 18h4 wilglnul 4t7 raruts und wua for awhltn thtt lurgnat dia mond ever known in l tho world it wua priced ut 1000000 und cut to u brilliant became iho pmprrty of out lirlttuh crown it wua ultognthur dwarfod however by tho jugerafontulii diamond other wise known ua th eeeulor wmch in june 1803 wua plrkod up by negro workman ut jugorafonleln in ihn orutijto itivar colony the stono vnlghed 870 carats or more than seven ounces it was two and u hulf inchon tng bluish white and lrrenular in shape mko tho brokenun and of an icicle in tho centre of it wus a black spot to get rid of which it had fo be cut in halfs lnim one hulf was cut the jubilee z3 carats at that time the biggest cut diamond in existence and unoquallod in faultless porfoction of color lustro and water it wus glyen to juoon ulcturlu on the fiftloih anniversary of her coronation the other half was oat into tan pieces the throe largest of which weighed respectively lh 147 and 130 carats taken hy themsolvo they were among tho most superbdlamond crystals uver soon tlmy were cut tu pear u drop and a marquise all absolutely perfect the hugu excelalor wua in its turn dwarfod by the cull nun found four year a later ut tho premier mine trans vuul- it weighed 3164 curuts or a little over ono und u third pounds avoirdupois lron it were cut ibor of mugnlncent dlumonda principal of which was a drop bril liant of blst caralu two und three- tenths inches lung und oho und eight- tenths inches broad vuluod at ti- 000000 it was presented to king edward vii daily rssdino lot imsxt week monday january 3fl iout 4 it- jutipury 29 exod iv january 30 eaoil wednesday 111 thuraduy january il exod so lj- rrto exodrss iitr saturday kabruary 2 exod 33 ao- bunduyrehruary 3- lm 06 7 a powarful madloln ti hoaltng proportlea in six nauntlul oils uro oonoeittrutol in every bottle tif dr thoniua eclaotrtu oil forming una ui the moat baiiollolul llnlmeuta evur of- furad to tha uaii of inun muny oull testify ua to ita powur in ulluying pulu und tuuny more cuii curtlfy that thy owe their heulth tu it- its won- durful kwet u nut exprowwud by tlm all prlci ut which it sells a littlc inve8tioat6r clutihlug h penjty tlkhtly in hur niolat littlit huiul u voiy vnry amuh uttlu ghl stood on tlptui in front of cundy counter uf u neighborhood grocery inapetitlng the goods noth ing she auw thorn aeeiitod to please bar und rtnully the dark in exuapem tlon auld see here young lady doyoij wam to buy the whole world dipped in uhooolute and sprinkled with cncoaiiut ull for a penny the diminutive hhnpbnr inuditatod u hiomont and lisped lleutho thlr lemma thoo it practiced whuta the chutices of gnttlug u job around herut asked tho man with a service button who hud suctosafuliy gold bricked hi wuy through two yours in the unity 1 hate to turn down tin exsoldlsr buddy replied the forejnao but w hsvpnt got much to do thse days oh imts all right youll find it doesnt take wry much to koop nu husyl the family physjolsn the good doctor is alwuya worth his foe but is not always pueslbla to get n doctor juat when you want him in audi cases oonunon sunsa suggests tho use of reliable homo remodhw such as dr thomas ecluctrla oil which is wonderfully cffectivht in muiintr in flammatory pulns und heuliug cuts scratches brulselt und anruins the presence of this remedy in tho family medlclnu chest juivv many u foe oont run with them it is sad to sea sensible people herd with fools ulrda of a feather do not always flock together or we should not find so many donkeys und mules allied to respectable cattle of the hu man kind home uf tho friendships or rather comiunlonahlps must make ungels weep one thing is sure tho n who runs with fools will never raise them lo his level tills is ono of the sad hut cortuln laws of life the companion of fools shall be de stroyed hot by the judgment of von but by th natural course of things tho person who intimately as tute with tho physically diseased cannot hopo to escape tha conse quences how much less can tho mull whose being is in closo contact with ntul or moral infirmity expect to maintain vigor of mind or churuolor personal innuoncw is u fuctor moro telling in its potentiality thun evuii the most thoughtful can ounoelvn young man you may bouat of your superiority ovr tho sat with which you ure running today but ihu day iii coma who n you will udmit that you uru us big u fool us tlm worst of thorn there- is no surer road to de struction than tho highway of fools solomon in shoo und louthor journal a country bov earns money a boy in new york huto is earning nony whllo ha goiis to school ho lives u mllo uiidu half from tho vllluge ibk among 11 o mils no rurul mull lute covers the road to hbj homo and neighborhood oolng lo tho vllluge every iluv tu ihool hu hotload thut noltfhborri from me to time uskotl win lo bring their tnull or to post tholr outgoing lulturw he thsrotoru augkustod to vuch of 1 1mm tliut for twuiityflvo ueilts u month lio would curry tiur mull ilva times a week nllin of thaiil rvuitlly ugraod to the urruiiguuiint tho only fotmkllty that wua tmmomuurv wuu thut uuch neighbor hud li wlul thu posutuiatar written nrderauthoruiug thu hoy receivu hla tpull unit to alyn for rogiuterud inuttr for puixola thut urge or imuvy tlm boy uhurgus livo ueuts each a danqeh signal krom th united suus emunutes e sugguattun thut ull guaollnu uttd otor fun bo oolorvd rud to distin guish it put liny rroin kuioaenw jt has hoeti iiuetomury and in must pluces mude oomtmlaojy by wtututu to keep tfusollne in red cans yut it aouina uo- ildenta will occur us when ilie tuuk wagon tnau inukus u ulatuko and puts gasollnu in the kerosene ncaptuce much things huve huppeiifw it would upparently cost vory little dyu gasoline red with some unlllno dye nor would thu interfere with its burilng or expluslvo qualities the suggnstlon looks ilka a good one says the lhmier cities star accuracy desperado halt if you are dead htudent my morw careful i should movu i sign that i wa mait you should lo r your english if would imi u posltlv ailva considering yourself it wua niunn umliriiiuid und cun- temptlblel howiird uunta fuco wus flushed und hn tltinc out tho deprecia tory udjprtives with soltiful emphasis jiorlkirt knew porfoit i y woll that t wuntnd tho puiri wo hud tulkud about it i told him what wuges i uukod and he jsuld mr knowlton couldnt uxpuct to gat a boy for htsn then h uiieukail off and underbid me by two dollars hell iintleraluud whut i think of him the time i hlml the old schoolmaster nodded sym- put hot irally i think howurd that oil impartial jury would decide in your favor but the merits of u difference iirent utwuys thu tnuln thing to lo ioiihldorod a mun niut tlilnk of hlniuulf whut ihih going to gul loon how fulrmbidnd ionli will look ut his part hi tlm niuttr umf how it will uffuct his futurw it rcrtulnly iooum un if herbert wurd hud ubuuod your coutldoiiiu und uwnstt shuhby trick youro bitterly dlaappcilntud und you fool um if you want otl everyone to know juat how youvo boon treated und to tul hurbert to his fuc what you twilk of him the schoolmaster smiled without a doubt youd have lbs sympathy uf any rightthinking person who krfow the facts but has it ever occurred to you that u man sometimes turns the scale ogralnat himself by pitying himself out loud as u uhrawd old friend of mine uaod tu put itt talking too much ubaut how badly wove been treated often gives the lmprasslun thut we lack the manhood tu stund up under hard knocku herburts knows what hes dono und 4t his own wuy ha foils ushamed nothing would salv hla conaclonce lialf so much us un ungry tonguo-laah- ing from you it is mighty uncomfort able to feel thut weve trumplod on u worm that wont turn hut ua soon ua the worm bites hack it sooms more like u fair fight m o roo vor youd get ungry probably would euy mora thun you intended porhups you youd say omo thing thut would count sgulnat you yours hence howurd id let her bert form hut own opinion of whut you think of him dont toll him howard squared his shoulders i guess youre right mr conkllng he replied anyway herbert must know already about how i feel willmaking pirlt vry o tho ruling h up strongly in document u mmis ill not one cun nuni up ti weakness of his ilmnir moans of l i nny othr doc u mo nt to uttnmpl to truin i ho muklng would l a thunkl ills known thut tho 1mpli uwu i mo i often shows ily hurr as ofton htrongth cbiaror by j it thun it isnt tho luiikiuigo or tin linugory of plounlntf wnrdii that nun i tlm only good udd u thu one thut starts the hand toward the old rimlly wallet to dig out thu girns with a smile hon mulford jr und without iijk tt0 to i loo par n l to lo luy khie trim it liuce to tho first uliiy who will holp write him today ii aluo auk him to uu ot tho ugancy imn p or hioney makv iinnlh railway time tables at acton nadian n qolng west roberts j for coughs colds h bronchitis 5 no s sunday 813 sm r losusim z 20 dm e ob p m ii 39 p m i io am fuvtm 1118am ucpm 017 pjn 813 pm- 708 pjn toronto suburban railway westbound und in kg l chrlht will- ai- wlllium different estimates of pie a business man forood to take many of his incuts downtown und us a re sult inclined to ho favorably impress ed with his wifes cooking invited two of his youngsters to take lunch with him at the chuihber of commerce this wus a treat to tho youngsters who ware in the habit of outing at home all the time whop the pie was served die proud father suld to tha children this pe isnt anything ilka the kind that mother makes is ut and to the fathers horror and amusement of the others at the table one of the children replied jtioy father its much better i all infantile complaints that uro result uf tho depredations bf worms in tbaalprauch und intestines millers jffi era- will be found effective remedy they attack tho ise of these troubles uud by ex pelling tho worms from the organs insure an orderly working uf the sys tem without which tho child cannot maintain it strength or thrlvu thesu powers mean health und im prove tnent tapping the lake of the incas a thin wull of k holds the lormous weight- of tha luka of tho liicuu in th chilean andes und pre- nts it from ht-vuklu- looso uml coping from tts height of 10000 foot into tho vulluy uf tlm aconcagua be low a dangerous posalhllllylurkod in the fact that uti fcarttxjuaka or a snqw- slldo was liable lo pruclpltuta thu flood ut uny tlnia but atituricuii ongltioers have tunnelled up to thu bod of tha lake und ure using the wutor for power to sarva thu vulluy und to ratnuva tha greatest duhgur of cut us trophe the oltlas of the provlnco ha- iuw ure now served hy thu turbine hiatulled ut the mouth of the tunml tupping tha lake a groat uurthquuko would still ba upt tu uiiid ujuuki roaring down un tha thousands of in habitants of tho province but inghlrj ball evii that the diingvr is lint im minent thla la nrotkably tha most remark ubla natural dum in tho woihl uud sliows the wonders of nutuivrt imndi- jik rlgiu of will ims tmhk hut t jacob loft julvulent to himrlminu huvn boon whlgh wer ip twi ciotiiuiiid yotiru beforc amoni tile oldoit ensllsli thnsa of alfrd the great and the coiiuhtiil who heijueath wlyuciiiirod roahn of 1ntf lund lo hla hoii willlumlturus tho iulm of llevenuefiil wplrlt must ho givon to tha mun who left hli wife tha iuiko sum of l0u pounds ster ling whlrh howovor tho could not tmiku una of but wuu to ba expeiidod uftor her death so thut she might hiivu tha sutlsfuatlnn of knowing thut she would he burled in u style most befitting ny widow auuxumpla of humor conscious pr unconscious is nfforded hy the will of nn old hcot whose son was n docjor 1 bequeath ho wrotti my worst watches to my son far 1 know that ha will dissect them pull of trim humor wua the will of a ronrh lawyer who loft tan thousand franca to n lunatic asylum us a murk f restitution to those cliants who had 4mwi mudo enough to engage his sor ters a thouaumt pounds each was lio legucy loft by u tuututor to his hospital nurse und cook for their re spective klndnass in driving u pink ky from the foot o hla bed and taking scarlet snukos out uf his slup iw in tho arciilvati uf ttomvrset ho tliat ull willa itlvd for probata kept und thora uro to be found muny famous und ourloux toatument- ary dcwumenla ono la the portrait pretty gli i on which u soldier huil written i louvi nil to her nupoloons last illaiiohltloii wuk luructaristlo of his hutrinl fur eng land 1 dlu ptemuturoly u-uaaalnat- d by the enguaholltincliy he lo- lueuthod ten thousand francs to cuu- tuion who attempted to kill thd dukn wellington tho gmat husslan vetlat tolstoi wrotu his will on the ump of u treo itury me where 1 o ho wrote 1 tube la is tha krenoh tlricitl writer left a lust momenta of hla cynicism in the following i huvo uvu liable proimrty i owe a great lthe rest i give to the poor hn will of royalty ura kept sealed hut ull others uru opiu for inspection puytmmt of a fee paring a corn is luith risky and ln- ffoctivc it is much bettor to uso hollowuys corn itemovur und eradl- to them entirely not needed for a few days tha minister of u certain parish in scotland was walking one misty night through a street in the village whoi ha fall into a deep hole thorn wus no ladder by whioh he could make his escape und he began to shout for help a laborer passing hoardhls crtos and looking down askod him who he was the minister told him whereupon the laborer rmarkud weal wee vo noeduu kick up slo nouo youll no ho headed beforo uuwbuth an tills is only wednesday icht an invaluable ally i the little ills of life a uoueo of humor is our greatest it hy thara ura troiihlvm too big to bo laughed uwuy hut the majority of thlnga thut trot und huruaa ua und tnuke us irritable id low uilrltad huvo u funny aide if wo would look for it the uuiiso of humor which ucta only hoii tho sky la blue und dlimr on ma la not worlh u grvut douj wo could tin wry well without it hut ammo of humor which chungos u scowl into u luugh uml whou things uro moat irritating and annoy ing show us thu runny uido is un luvuluublw ally in tliu liuttla of life the dignity of the beadle all tha oljfuuhionorf baudlea li ohurclies huvo not hooii mrund into u rncmlvm ohuroh itiilcor it wus ily luiuiii two yrnini ngo writes mr lwvhkctithnarnum in ltov6iutlonsoru library ufa thut i vultod una of the city thurchos in hoot i a ml uud when 1 us it o i th beadlu ut tho alttruuco whether i could ha shown to u seat li replied just guug your wuy huld uh un tuk u look i on uu whtni you wki it utiut whuur you think you infortuhla just utup hnldol what we read lor aula a iluuo good iiudltlon tiroparty pj ludy luuvhn v voik in elegant walnut cuua a good way to luuva now york a ludy living prlvutalyr will ink u giittleiuuu for hraukruht uild dinner home uppatltu thu ludy huu liimllles uppti tho quart or gallon cartululy by thu wliulul ha lust h guiltluniull willi 1u uyo a walker wonder whut tha puma of thu other slngla gentlemen furtilnhud rooms one or w gkiitltinoii with wives wo iu uotho vili uf tha h 11- onvanleiit bourdlng housal a real olft doctor im ufruld thtiies uomd- thing terrible tlm mutter with my h unhand whut uro his symptonisr well i talk to him foi half un hour ut u time and when i get through ha huunt tha aughtest hhu whut ivt buail saying my dour nudum dont worry utjy bout your huabuml 1 wish iufnuir who wlahli to aiiow lily miprohiillou told that oihylul tlult ida oilloo imil i illunlty of ita own ua woll uu thut uf thu elders thats wii ihutut mulled whail 1 uo the olttrat tin thu huhbuth tiiorjilti fm by tli wovorul o them but whit or hoard tall o liuilr thun um boudhr a ad whutu mulr i hud riilthlo ha u duor- koouor in thu 1oidn ihhimh thun dwell in lants n win thems utivltw woimw and they itya toina buck toinu whim i cntnpuro myself wl tha elders discover new fishing bank it is repurihivhy if pi ihqiurluiuiit of uukiun and kshui lou tlmtu hew illt in- bunk upiinixiniutidy lou miles in hmuth and uatitllus in width huu bami duiovoioii nff tha cou4t of luibrador this fishing giouiid whhh it is mated utuiuuds hi ood und hullbut will likely prova u vuluuhlu uiuiltlon to tin already un6wu itshiug banks th doiilh of tho water is lofuiboms and the suiua houiidlllgd varying but little pravkllud qvar a largo part of the bank th hvi iii mi foalfoml- eves m wkolsmueiumnsu dreco the wonder kidney livpr ij stomach tonic m nationally advertised 6old by t bhoww acton end by s a ood druaglst everywhere kinum 1140 am 2h p m t40 p m k oo p m 1140 d esatboi 64 748 tam 6 1042 um cs 143 pm 3 443 pm 6 743 pm 70 1042 pm sunday timetable westbound no 66 i 1140 ajn no g 340 pm no u 840 p m no 67 z 94pm east bound o 56 104sain o 60 v 243 pm o 4 b4s pm o 68 r b43pm pvahxht delivered by special express freight freight picked up at an ad- s in toronto e t thetboiu agant acton deelighted woa the expression- one housewife used when asked her opinion of excelsior pastry flour and wc know you would express the same opinion over every piece of baking in which you had used excelsior brand flour ask for and be sure you get excelsior brand pastry flour d h lindsay miix0trebt acton ontario acton creamery pays highest market price for churning cream fresh milk daily 8 cents per quart at tho creamery sundays from 8 to 0 a m no cream received after 12 oclock noon on saturdays acton creamery co quality our mollo t j oneil prop phone 53 castoria motfieri fletchers castoria is a harmless substitute for castor oil paregoric teething drops and soothing syrups prepared to relieve infanta ui arms and children all ages of constipation wind colic flatulency to sweeten stonracs diarrhea regulate bowels aids in tlie assimilation of food promoting cheerfulness rest and natural sleep without opiates f i to avoid imitations always look for the signature of cj im r tlir- ti o r irlj nacltam physicians everywhere recommend it fee lavage and ee better whta or rhonefor appointment for when you wish to com a d savage optometrist e mfo- optician 8avs bptloal building right at the post offioe quetph t e gibbons expert shoe repairiia prompt attention to orders left t e gibbons ua1n 8tbket acton soivfers n3rjcjuokd3rvvcjt tfeonro canada acton elevator near o t r station following brands on hand flour manitoba flour pastry rolled oats oat chop oats oilcake hay and orain grain bought and retailed alex l noble henry awrky manager frtie press job printing is always neatly done this stores policy to represent goods ux- mctly as to their quality to sell to those who know and to tbosn who dont knorit a uniform ult price to fulfill all guarantee and cheer fully correct all mis takes to deserve your confidence by always giving you satisfaction savageco jewellera guelph v ontario

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