vjv ww ulhp artnn 3frrc ftrt ba thdkhday anii ft pvt v kw- f wm hvl n p htl srv il rcv et 1 sflt- w i f 1 wj rl ll fj ri b j r i bi- t r w qod8 dreams shnll in ill uhill yb li ihllil ii i 1 hiy nil tjjni ilw glory f ul that tho love of hi inrh shall v ibspll d renins thvinnx u7ti cheating the circus tl i ry hero comoi ilrfj nt thin 1 irctinl dtftoronl minds to the hlldreu it tneun clowns and peanut unit rum tun to fertaln adults however it apparently mouiix only a clmncn tnunarpmnnl mr prank a cook logul udjostrr or a large circus toll in tho american msgnxlno a fow of the many tricks that folk honest enough general thing play on tho rlrru wlmn jfcomo ti town one time nay kir cook u tfrnnuti declared that wo huil do moged u lliu cherry tree on bar iiomli i toglil not w tho least sign of injury mrn tlmt u few leave una twigs had bo brushed off but mho imitated that wu seriously hurt ami furthermore thut h loved it mo much thut mh wui inconsolable however she estlmatol thut thirty dollar would enable to bear up under tho tragic iiffllcth i couldnt itat her to reduce the figure so i finally agreed to pay her thirty dollar for the tree wli called our men and told them to put a chain round tho little sapling and got ready to pull it up when tho preparations she demanded to kiw what i wm going to do why madam 1 mild im goln p take the reo but youcanl do that certainly i can 1 replied psjd thirty dollar for it thut your price do you ox poet mo to pay thlnjf und not havn 17 jtem ulljr 3frrr jlrrhfi sljnrt gtnrg i josli millers disarmament conference i rh hai iaialkil tllacy mmvim a ohm llfu y mil hi iiikiko hint nil nliuk hut ion 1 1 uuuy ilrirt- niluntfttd ml imlncwli thn hiiku minor nimji huhlfuilt ii nhimu pnst i of tolephon ulve t h h hit mill cxl f hind m th ih iih 1 intrude wllku rlli ttut i want thij of cuuna aha watd u th wasnt dtynaed nt a p so ah repted a few dpi lam and kout th chfiry tr she aimply had thoujtht aa ao many poopln think thut ahe could put aomathlnf over on tho circua wo never showed in the town of c without having to pay the city government a biff bill for tnanholo cover that our heavy waona broke in our haul from the railway urde to the lot they chargod ua more than fifteen do tare far each cover and wo always had to pay for at leaat half a dozen it aeemetf curloua for it waa the only town where we had that kind of trouble nut we bad brokon the cover o for yearn wo paid the bill then aomethlno happened a form er employee of the city who had a krudre asalnat the government told mo the aecrot of thoae broken cover lcvry time the elrou waa to show in c certain of the town official ro- movod the manhole covera ulontf tho route and auhatituted other from u heap of old ones that had been dis carded year heforol they oharkud ua fpr thoee rotten old cover when we broke them then when the clrcun had cone they put back the one they had temporarily removed we howed again in c a few year ago before the day arrival i told oo of tho town official that i iuibv the trick they had layod on ua i can take you to the junk pile from which you get the old cover you want ua to break i aaid and i know juit where you atore the cover that are removed before we urrivo now 1 aaid if you want thla thing- aired in public all right hut i think there will be no bill for broken man hole cover thla yearl needles to bay we got no bill hrtuku rolling- watciniilonx itit iugg uid hi j hiidlhu 11 vlrtti thhif olid imfut jlltl llf id thru oems op thought in a moral point of via thd life of the agriculturist 1 the moat pure and holy of all claaaea of men pure because it la the taoat healthful and vice can hardjy find tlmo to contamin ate it and holy because it bring the deity perpetually before hi view giv ing him thereby the moat exalted no tion of supreme power and the most endearing view of the fllvine benignity lord john kuaaell bigotry ha no head and cannot think m heart nd cannot r fee- when she moves it is in wrath wlmn she pause it i amidst ruin her prayer are cures- her ood la u du- mon her icimmuojon i dwath 0connell xbil martyr to vla far extutwl the martyr to virtue both in endurance and in numlwr bo blinded um wo by our passion hat we wurrr morn to bo damned than to bo saved hannah unre in the history or mtn it hua taii very gennrally the case that whuii ovila have grown insufferable they have touched the point of urrw 11 chap in those who refuse the long drudgery of thought and think with the heart rather than the head are ever moot fiercely ddgmatic in choosing a wife u purse or ji schoolteacher look to the breod tinni is as much in blootl in nun uu horaaa c hlmmotia a loving tniet in th author nt 1 uiblu is thn bst preparation for wise and profitable study of tho 111 ltslfm c trumbull iii pralelng or loving u htld love and prilse hot that which but thut whtuh we hope fur ouht j know thvetlf if i rind it rtmun in tumult i blutnu nyolf not the scholars said ur ar nold it lu i who have ftillod oiot they were i what 1 should be even- one of my pupil would reflect my work i hold the key to the situation i set tbe paoe and if my soul u tn dis order the school will be in confusion how many teacher remember thh op those gloomy day when everything goes wrong and they have continual oc casion to acold orreprlmand if in- tend of punishing the ohlldraii they would leave shool promptly nd tak some eierclses- in the fresh mr go- to a concert devote longer to steoplag or otherwise seek ithe refreahtnent of which they am boost lq naed the duttirbgiioe would mora rtaduy dls- appaar oftsntlmsa we do not rasulr know ourselves well enough montalty and phyalokrly to be able to apply th proper remedlesr when we omki r- fros of body or nqlnd you sboyltt hsv oonsldarattoo enough for yottf ifgly tl f u tfliii-ni- frud iiti ifp klllhu and u forceil lllght mathod th 1 itr munlty tlon on thi lotdx of thin two men ifoivpvor nothing dunnl wuh kimwii tiliout thiiri itjmt ik rtiniwrkahlo oln mtn iv whh h t huflh impluttiuht loimnlih hud ltri11 1 to ciiooso thi- uamo r fugu jo did inl ultogmhir nt lh btnl omlncnck to wlimi thi mountul of the ulsklynllit inttl hmulgned it in true thill he lnokl thn prt thiy userlbtxl to him uu tult ifiiunl form hnd tho wiry attuliy uuunlly od wlsti hud lnii his lonjf v itnd mat toil heard kimiehow uugiftistud tho rofugitf hi wmi himlngiy wutrh- ful in the prtumi1 tif strungnnt hut ho fulled id l- roiivlnrliif he wui u trltln too rihirtait to uy hts rlfli from his knerf when ho wu in tom imny that win hyood mimtili ion um lv was too furofu tlmt nothing should prevent n vlsinic from iwtticli four dni iiotclu u lit thn stock hut the ohlof retuton nuiiidlng his hudi um spurious wum nut that th mai in which ho hlntml ut hl former wlck- odneas ounded u hit fanciful hut that not u slnglo rumor about htm floated through tlm rugird peuku 01 which to han ovn a mild vjcplolt j little later wlgoii uovurul uot of gen eroslty and klndnouu rnro trucod to his door people iilmnthflinl him tine old fellow jind aaid thut it was a bit off tho uttlo bowj of ttottom land nnug- gletl among the abrupt hluttl whew josh had built hi cabin was about halfway botwotm tho ulmllurly situated patches of bottom land thai belonged lugg and jedkjtw when josh bujlt the cabin ho did not know that settling in tint line of flro bo- iwoon two watchful wurrloru hut he wu not kept in ignorance of it long admiring hulfbrod told him that iugtf and jedkln wcr only wultiiik for an excuse to go on the wnrjuith 4 little later josh accidentally dis covered something thut ha bellovod was unknown umuinf thn auttlpru hi ted and ilertm duughtcr 1hoebe wen a wee i on ouch othci josh was flllod with plnnsnnt thrills by the posslbllltiott of tho situation wu sum that tho instant thal r bert or si dutovorvd what was going an the war would start ho watched with hearty apiirovul teds frequonl trlpv up thi trull ha llkotl the black haired ulort young houtli ortjor and he llknd ihoelm iter blu eyes and huppy manner vuguety tu minded him of all idoal he onco had cherlshetl itut when ha considered tho grlmhntiud urt una uie xullei til he saw lurking the possibilities o tragedy that troublod hfin the spring with it swot odor utul brilliant flower hud gone joshs gnrden was pruaontlug him with variety of vegetable ho wa sitting in the doorway of hi cuhlu sunning hlmaolf und coiimidurlng his iua 1 deep frown wuh on hlu forohaud ji was out of curtrldgus and hbs pocket book wu empty he hud almoot do elded that his second orop of pus were rliwj pnuugh ro suit to tho halfbresd who ra r little trull houso just below the jodkln place a day or mo more and the pnaii would hi hottor but hu felt that he must have cartridge qlunclng down the trull he saw fed coming josh frowned still mom suvorely he hud u sudduti premon ition th3t trouble wu ut hulid iuteh ted had aeemetl to ixt losing hu dis cretion ho was not only making dally trip up the trull hut for some time pant bad been leaving his rlrln behind josh wiatiml that tl had onme urmed this particular day and he wished thut hi htanuulf hud plokml peus und bought rartrldguu the da berom uo hurriedly got u buckat from the cabin und humtunotb into the uth of ptu vhum kroin force of habit he took his 1 1 flu with him josh had been working for hourly half all hour whivtho bound of u rltlu shot startled him hit stared up the canyon to where tho trull luavus tin bottom land and winds nlong the fttcm of tho blun nvl r the rlwr in u liuimvnt ted cum it into view round u ikilut he wau riuniliig ut top spwd about u minute lutor u horsomun gul- luiied r klesxly loutld 111 uunto imthtt josh hud no dlltlultv tnrtogidlitg tiert iugga bright hny mount that hurt lugg hud discovered whut wu going on utul hud tod in a tight place wa instantly ovldunt halt way 90 ulokn that tid did not huv n uhunce to rlh ih tlu wtoup hlurfs und hide in the tlm bur m was still u good mile from whurf ha tould uiilny into a tlmluriwl diuw and throw on his pursuer salong tho hluff whxru the iruii was iirokim ami narrow the butiiy young iirutituinutr tould mtslly hold hi own ugulnst th horse but uorua the bottom whuru jimhs plucn lay there wuu a long onon strotch jowh feared thut krt would gain tmotigh 011 the htnilghluwuy to tli u good shot and tid wuu unarmed while josh wuu ittihlously spuoqlatt lug on tods rhumbs ted tlourud tho idiig ridge of houldwrs thut tooiwillid u grvat lenulh of lin all from lh tubln and that snrvt uu u gutuwuy to tho bottom lund lnsluud of u lug 4x straight course ho uwervod und 1 1 j ul strulght for thn putth of pens toils ulhiklulltitil uoilon tjnow josh into luinlc he did not wunl td to be killed und he ispoolully did not want him to bo klllml in mul rwib bottom ho had umfully striven to build up the imiiruiotlun that this was just the kind of situation with which ha was acouslotned to deul und ho felt that its would h uxiiectod to straighten ou the trouble liv his fright he did not know whch way to turnuue found lhat all he wantej was io sil fowed to pick his la in nsoe he reaohed for hi rifle than h rsroambersl that he tutd pot cart ridge olramv yore hdnt dart uuum trvin to shoot met gasped tad dash ing tip with extended hands by that time josh was in th grasp of 90 muoh tndoclsion tuid ootifuslou of mltuithft hs was tnospstila of xhldklnjr oonnectsdiy ir ut weapon hsbafriogled he would probably rltli wus empty 11 not allow him 10 i in l hi hrolta out tin miu ihoughl lib- ihhlod him un i i nviir i 1 t thnnuht hu liitxndtl to wrupon fioin hu uiiisii in- n rtu1lsd thut to iiuviiih n from him by an untrmcd lid lie fur wnre thai luf 1 thut it wus unloildixl h 1 oiii nldn wltli niinrlslng is at th sumo tlm- half wmi doing h fuvorlto 1i load on tcili fallow hull 1 ly iuro whiiln not hln wuu luttln 00 ril tun hit my tml siiaklii t 1 m furiously irmltt ahll gin ilu ift ah don i upl ilf took ubhrdoor iut tlmt gun iillyuiut sho nlod full hoi auiotilnhment anil wluir ih thi 1 iho jtllu of il util uuroiihojou of win tirought hln rluo u tlon with tli muss h to inn 1 h tin- yo uu if he bud to j- they utoinl- utur for vurhuis throe u uu unxlous look i rocks behind him k to josh wtll tulnly tlild t ll nth and ted tllirv pile o 11 hjun bucl hired lineer josh feltlun unprecedented thrill of powrr kov tho hint tlmo in his life bun h grutlryi importiu towurd lii- stuy til nny 1 ll llfe nimin fi rhjhm its hlgl tulkl hi halted in wuvlhg hi llllllutilr fll hlh i his ah dnclnrpd her in villi uuh like mi wlt tutor n peace tntillshly ah ulnl any jnd- utly ny triniu hi im holding being und tho risull w ho flt himself grow li ho ikiinted a lean tlngt cuhlnl go in thorn ai tell ye to come out ho ordeid in it volco tilled with authority n one werliarmed n guest o itiiiifrl as td unhesitatingly turned und dashed toward tho cabin jd onto more felt athriu of power at the mume instant the big bay bono leitpod from behlji the tonceoling ridge of lkulder kept to tho trail for a fw yard itnd then swung lowurd lha rlvr hrt had sighted ted in iim headlong flight for thn tabln juii us ted sprung through li r llertn rifle flashed ond 11 hullul when whin ing overhead although it came nowhere neir josh tho old man mild not huv rthtappear- nd into the shelier of the lira xlne- niore quddenly if u hud hit him out more he suffered u paralysis he bo- gau to pay tpoariy for his momint 4if rush laiastfuliiasa orunulntf his nmpty rlfln ami peerlnt through the pea villus at tho grim lugtf as heilahed toward tho cabin ho felt like unythlng but u hero on one point josjis feluw moun- jalneers hold him in high esteem ho was admittedly the best marksman in tho mglon among men who depend ed largely on their hue for their meat josh alone waa iwirrod from the imal turkey shoo is or if hg wus ullowod lo shoot it was with u heavy handicap ho had often hoard men remark after some of his fonts of marksmanship that they would hut- to have old josh take ushot ut them iylutf there in the pea vln bthed in a sweat of apprehension josh sud denly remembered thut it wus u whole some respect for the deadly iilouracy of his ride that hud brought ted to u stop once morn the old mnh fell u momentary exhilarating sense of powur about halfway from the trull o the cabin uort stopped his homo und din- mounted then with hb rifle ready ha udvuncud cautiously ho dld not klaucn ward tho jea vlns and josh knew that itert hnd not noticed him when hn stood half scmonett jus befor the lost shot 0 josh slowly mu do up his mind tt fulllll his twast that no guest of hb ever camo to harm that hurt would not take kindly to being interfered with when he liad hi victim at his mercy josh did not doubt vae fleeting moment he speculated on the revenge that itert would tuko onco ho got he opportunity to act freely tho prospect so shook his nerves that lie ul m out abandoned his resolution hut steadily dwelling on the easo with which he had handled ted ho forced himself lo his feet his lees felt stiff und hie hwad felt llghtg what yo uimlil to do he lli- uulred mildly in a voice tliut sounded strange to him- ifort wheeled like u cat but lika ted he turned into the immobility of a statue when b saw joahs famous rlllb trained un him ahm rcckonln on hpuvln sonpr kad into that joung pup l thnr hurt repllad in a voice thut wiui tilled with fury he jerked his head towurd the cabin ah aint almln to huvo uuy trouble with yol no i dont reckon ye ulr agreed josh with u sarcasm thut it mused himself i lillu ulpt to do all tho klllln around my own illg- dlns josh felt unolher thrill its ha tmw thut his utierlmental throat wuu ef- fuctlvii io puusvd u luotne ut und then oontinued tlrtnly jos to pro- vent accidents ye lay thet gun o yourn on them cornhusks piled yon- derl ibtrt did not move und josh felt u- cold chill hs ho thought of hi empty rltlu hut ha could not turn buck htop lively bo ordertd ltrt bus i luted he stood staiinc ut joshs rifle uuit ho wmi culniilutlu tlm uhuiiues of u mi mi by 11 wwuioi thut wuh nuvur known to err ulowly ho turned und roluctuiilly did us h wuu hid now go un set oil thet stun pidumd j1s4i1 iiolntliig to u rock about fifty fict from the pile of husks again uort oheyud a ho souln hliiisulf he turned u baleful guxe o josh no furrluer kin keep me froi loin what huu goi to he dotial any tuiivy thut gits in my way is golt h sorry hit upokn with u 1i1 venom list josh felt cold chills 1 up und down his buck whats td ever done to ye thut tpuke ye want to kill hlmt he do- lauded though he know vry well here tho trouble luy the jedkiliui s ulr u trlfllu 110- 1 oil ill lot uu the iaiggse buvc no uck with themt duduied llort ut while mutt ah hioii thai houn dawf thai speukln to my gull r n lltlllh man to speak to u jugg gill lius bni couuldiited uil limult slm o we wus v home iii teiilleiuiee ah cuint low it lo pussr josh was lu 11 uuunduiy it mudi no illrfiirenia wluithei hu drove ihn heme und ut ted go tifturwuids ot whether bo held hart u misour unit twd wus ul u mufu dlntulioe lu ttll 1 use josh knew uiul ha- wu going to bring down tho wrath of the old moun tains on his heud while he wuu debuting how to deu with tlnv- ttoulil- wo thut no blume t mild lm luid ul bis door a man with a long rifle turned the cornel of tho lliillll uioi stopped with u sinking fueling josh ruog- nlsed hi jedklns hi hud lild joah some duys itefore thut be wuu going lo bring his bout up the river uftur u sack of potatoes josh felt thut hi could not have picked out a wot so time lo make the trip i for u few eoonds joeh fttoo1 tmvi- tied with ludoobiloii suddenly ho turned the mussle of his rifle un the hot duwtl orden i his hero pence talk might in huryln or two if you folks dont mind yer p- and ijs the two tnmi glumd ut jih for u mometil but the iudy rltlu with lt repulullon of nuvur inlnslng wue too much for them itert sunk buck on bis mui und hi reluituutly edged ovr und perilled on the lock hut josh hud indicated josh diopped his rlqn to his able now who sturted this klllln hul- st ho hoi t iltggs i tided sh if its my answered hi tjltlsvwlbjl he hi jodklnss grun gngipapl they t hurled ut up knafod um traii in j- ut dyl ilood r vl wl of the ph li willi 1 ride fv pluyntl hi dd thrill hm 11 tl thut w us tl 1 thi trull lo tli ulilfttn they turnnd 00k off bin luittertil purt tlmt he hud purl nushvllle ihe crept up knifed him in the buck they was td down iikln tool lltir shouted their flow ned burning of the flame 1 his uzxlo of till yo callln hi bounding lo bin het down interrupted josh und iiih iln cume to his hip fm sunk ihii k on his rock und glared from itert to jonh in upeochlnss rake them nonccount jedklns s klllxl my puti my two brothers un two o my brothers boyu an one lugg li cirtli nil the jotlklmn1 in christen do nil declared iiert thorn trlfllu tugghes kllletl mi grutjpaii my pap my two unrles un jtty brpther ntoriel hi an 1 nvcryi l11 kg thur ever was could b hunged fer it they wouldnt near pay for tho hemp to stretch nml iloth itert and si had unconsciously rlsey to their foot and worn glaring murderously at each other joah saw thut they were working thomnelvo in to such a rage that his peace talk would soon bo of no ueo het down hauled breaking lf accusations two angry men t 1 him though son died out a they nbser lined attitude and thu inwuvorlng title in nit down and uort followed novv listen here aaid josh men- iclngly t aint the least idea bu what both the lutfgses and tho jod- tilihimi ulr tho halt o the earthl liut vhat i want to know lu what dlffur- iiicn doeii it mako to a feller whether ie is the salt o thu earth or not if im been ktllotl a chipmunks life s jost us valuable to himself ua u oof rltlera is to himself which is wuth he most uu folks look at itt there aint a llyln critter thut got allfe to mmiri he may lo plumb unrusoii- uble hut every critter lu sum wrapped up in hi llfo no mutter how wuthloh othorw think it is whut do you hurn frm thut the two old moil tit ui in- era still glur- id ut curb other but josh notlcol hopefully that they were thinking the bleu we evidently new lo jhm rinully llert grunted disgustedly youvs got u line idou but yo calnt mute mo swallow it ho- enlil und sneered a jedklns is so wuth- lens he llint nvo vuluublo to lllsaelfl hi hounded to his foot hot down commanded josh hi hesitated lu thoveiy act of hulling himself on his enemy once inore he sank buck on bis rock tho jidkipuo air wuth enough uou uvory jedklnsu ufa haw gut a laiggss ufi to show fer it ho declared well if you fullers stand even in tbe klllln w hut chiiwhi yot iu- iiuhed josh aint i jest pointed thet ll luggau life is prlueles t iugg an thet a jedklusi life is price- ifss to a jedklnst it ih lillo u difference whut the iuggses think o the jrdkl111es or what tin jcdkliise think o hie luggeos alt another things this ulnt tnnness this is tho forest reserve- und full ifovurmnent rangers und stub win ilu you feller calculate yell laud if ye go klckln up u muasy kust thing ye know there wont x neither n- iuggses nor vet tu jedklnsesl there wus a long silence buimeiily itert spoke hu was probably un- cotuiclons of the uct he wus merely odnklng aloud it suttlnly is 14 fool performance from start to rlnlsbl roused by the sou u 1 of hu own voice he gin red ut hi trlvlng to conceal tho accidental con ciliatory step by assuming uu ulr of ovurbeurlug rage 11 ut hi did not notice his uttltiid cmtly ha hud long wmi woury of thn feud nothing uxcopt his pride hud held him to ll ho eoixod on lierts words ativo ulways reckoned thutv ho promptly tlgieod josh was dellghtod well nlluke cull it off ho uug- canada grows good seed cnuudluti ed growi in have uguln emophtratiil their ublllty to produce aeut of outstundlm m rlt by th in it y winnings mmle 11 1 the recent luy und oraln hhow at hie twimty- uut iiiteriiutlouul mvkiumi recently itch at lilrngn hs of hard lud hprlng wheat f north america caliudi rrottl u field of dl xhlllilf ut of 2t prises inlud i humnluiimhlp which ht range of konn-al- iriuls vurlety majoi ht range prominent unit siinensfiil member of the cuuailluu hued orow- ere a sent intlou uluo won flfst prlxe in whlto field peus hoi ond prlxe for hard wbeul went to a montuuu grower who had obtulned his need from in dlnn houd hask third to twelfth prlxos inclusive were uwurdnd to cuu- udlun weed growers with the vxcopllon only of 1 lie elxih und eight which moutuun clulmud all hut two of the prlso wluviing samples 1m ludlng the ii ml and uecond wero of thn munjuls vurlety tho ekceptloliu were itllby unj ichihener at least he flrst threi prlxv winning samples ut the interna tional uuy and uraln hhow since and including its in option lu 1010 have been of thn munpils variety uopeatliig his victory of 1022 mr illglands of lnnimbo alberta wuu the championship for while out against ull north amcrlcu in th regioflat oontest 28 out of the 3b prlxe offered for that seutlon comprising canadi und the oal growing stutes west of chhugo wero won by cunudlan seotl growers locuted chlotly in allmrtu among the vuhou winnings for barley nxhlbfts wus thut of geo avery of kebio husk who ruptured first in the iworowiul i1um hi the telxrowed ikss mr a very took a second prlxe in the trebl which included the large kernelled hurleys grown under irrlgi tlon canadian growers took third fifth and tenth prlxes only three exhibits from canada competed in the white field ma divi sion and they sfood first third and fourth among other winnings wore first 1 eighth place for rvd clovor seed second sixth and tenth for alslke seed second fourth and flfthfor swoet clover seed fourth and slxlh for al slke ulghth and twotfth for timothy socond place for rya first eighth and olovmith and thlrtocntb prises for iii nt corn all grown in southwestern ontario much attention was attracted by the exhibit put on by tlp irovlnclat de partment of agriculture of alberta which consisted of a collection of very creditable oars of perfoctly matured corn it wuu a decided revolution the niany americans who have long bono undor thu imprvsslon that west ern canada wus welt beyond the north em limit of tho corn belt howo this onc7 night y morning f keep your eyes clear and healthy pretending ytouifa gvarvgfvvd uent ll hut the feud with its long tlt of victims wu not so nuslly settled uh ull thut iloth were willing to forego fur ther killings but neither felt called upon lo be frleiiilly wltlc tin other iluvlng 1vi und 1hoebe lu mind jos foil thut it was ueocssury for tbe twu men to become friends again ugalu he ik i n ted oiit that the two ihulllvs were slumling- uu eoua terms ilually he won his point and the two men shook hands they hal luirrty finished when thuio was u clut lur uf hoofs ihonbo iugg mount ml on her pony cunio dashing down thi trull mho saw the group und buudeil sttulght for it across the front or her uuddle lay u thlrtythhty rift 1ati hiu culhd htluglmg her bursa to 1 hull huvo yo huu tedt no ted ulnt heoil loliuhed josh uiisweied for him pointing to wurj tbe cubln hes in thnt sound uh u hlik imii iu turned buck to llert and hi ymi felhrs hotter gll yer kmis an go tod un 1hoebi donl hued ury a one o yo yer suck o spuds is down by the dock hi rtri und hi looked ut uu h other sheepishly und walked ovur lo theu guns side by ebb- 1hoebe started after thein with uihax muni until they ire out of sight then she guxmt ih even more umuxoiuunl ut josh twlklii lull ye ull uboiu it ht wlod hastily lies hoell listen- ul the door thu hull lime hu raised his vuuii come oil oul here then pandemonium wloned it is one of thu early days of tho full term through open windows bluxu the yellow und crimson glories of the maples of thu campus tho ulr is iparkllng with vitality my futber lu sitting at tho side of his desk with u class book in hu left bund and a lead ptnculu his right thus mr cur roll leiry lu a ivofossor of life iraw thu picture ut the famous economist arthur ilathum 1orry itofoxi hliu hut bis class oontlemuu this lu the root of tho tnutter here iw thu whole tiling in u mi uh el i buy log nml sol ling is ex change of values tim professor rose front hid chair and v a iked to the front of the plutform warming to 14s work and what constitutes the i wis is of valuet nothing is the basis of value nothing over can ho the liusls of viilu e humutl uffort thut is labor it is labor that gives llfo to buying- and lllng it la laluir that creates pro tit 1i0 axcbangtiy ket mo tell you ill ult oxchuugo wluttsoover we ubservo two iloalrtm two urforts two uutisfaa- timis that is the meaning of buying und soiling uiyl u market for products means produubi in market thut is thu ouu and only road to prosperity- i ask is thorn uny other way of obtain ing wealth t yes sir shouted a pupil from the middle the hall hlso add state your cuao mr hlunk itlsiik rortii und declurod i might trmrry a ry rlcn wlfel lather sat down throw back bis head slapped his right knob and w pltkleii with laughter thu tibxs howl ed with delight kunh mun nbdged his lielghlkir und said llully fos jluink lies got olio oil 1oiuv tho professor rose from his chair uguln and will u twinkle lu bis bluu eyes he declared iqven 111 that caai my dour hlunk the principle remains uiinhuitgod for you would lo liugbt mid slio would bo soldi thou pumlomnuluiti relguod mmlailmimmiiiiiiiiiiiimhijiiliillillllll bulldog sole leather beakdmokcu vxiomto h0ntrul mars twice ass jon as ordinary i leather acton cooperative store news announcing tbe arrival of another shipment of our famous shoes with bulldog sole we have a fall line of mens heavy and dress shoes also boys and little gents at very attractive prices every pair absolutely guaranteed get them here acton cooperative store nk 46 mill street acton jmrmiiiimiiiwisiiiimbw the courteous thing a minister told tbe story of u strap ping follow who hi ought his dettlurc young brldo to tho muuso for tnulrl- tuonlul purposes according to my custom said tho minister i turned lo ibu bridegroom ut a let lulu purt of thu croiuuny und this is you lawfully wod- suld job ded vmfo iii tho xcllenieiit of tbs uccasloti john turned in jho dltoctlon of his liowlyucitulrod purtnoi und stummor- ed im ploauud to meat you tetl i jot ulmlratlo chlldrea if not cor yourselvs to know bveruwujietj tt- ov- to td ahd prayl with berts on that pile o 7w owrwrttjti 1 t 4thitc twsn osm rf it swt ox m jsrkltfg ms hsad tbwkx shed o on phi fui llre shore one brlok joshl be exclaimed grasping the old innii by astonished hi put yr gun along the haid and snaking it vigorously husks he ttrwkrd ttw tfpbi ok coumbe tho yiuithfdl bugler wore u proud ninlli hm hn turned out on paiadu for thn tlrt tlmo ho wuu ucoosted by un onhoi uud uskod if he knw the htiglo calls not ull put hups sir hu admitted inodestlyv but i know timet of linn vvoll now continued the oftloer whut would you do- hi cuke of tire hlow the tall foi lights out ulr new i4amp burns m veu cent air bests electric- ur gas a pew ull lump thut give uu uimtg- lugly briniulit soft wbltu light even heller than guu or electricity has been tuatud by thu u h aovwroitent und sl leading universities und found to be htipetlor to 1u oidbmry oil lamps u burns without odor smoke or noise uo puiiiplug up is slmpbj clean auto llurus i ulr and ti oommou lie unal oil invaiilor v n johnson u6 craig ut wu monlreul is orfertiig to end u lump on la duys lllklfl trial r even lo give one vukbi to the flrat iso 1 in each locality who will help him introduce it write him today for full particulars also ask him to explain how you can get tho agency j hhuokst it worn nothln said i and without oxperlenceur money make ih wnilterrtuw and happy you ii id to iboo per month best paying methods did you ever pause in a post office long enough to take a squint at tbe floor shortly after a number of people have re ceived their mail if youhave you wens probably struck by the number of cireular and form letters and hand bills that litter ed thejfloor in fact you doubtless were struck with tbe fact that many oi them bad been thrown in the basket as soon as they were removed from the envelope the recipient never even taking the trouble to give them a second glance but did you also notice that you dont see anyone throwing the newspapers and especially the jiomc town newspapers in the waste basket or on tbe floor did you notice that newspapers arts al ways carried away instead ofbeiiig tossed away 5 well right there is a mighty good ar gument in favor of advertising in tbe newspapers the circular letter a cost ly form of advertising goes into the waste basket the boine town paper goes into the home remember this and spend yohr advertising money accordingly advertise in the columns of your home paper the acton free press 1 psiiwiwiwiiwiiiiejwwisnbrs jv-