Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 10, 1924, p. 3

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hu artnn 3trrr irf bjd tuuiuiday janltahy 1 1934 quetionb an you put tin 1 r ii v itn plate that mil n hui away nil you put 11k iipph m ttough whhh f ii it lny- cun you lil tin hi v i up i wtntn mi 1 uuao ii ti rowt 1 un yon i ul ih bloom m rnps bark on llikin mparkln cat you pi na hwvf y tht no again tit tie o ihe ripe nod wtloul can ym put tlm kernel back in the nut or dm broken ngg in it sheit can j u put oio honey hack in tho mli unci rover- wlth wax each cnltt fuit you put tho qerfurna back in tho viiso whononw it turn aped away j nn ytm put thn com silk haok on tho rnrn or thn down on thn cat kins eay7 you think that my questions nrn trif ling dear let mo link another can rvor h- unsaid nr kate luwronc good f16hino what im tollln you wendell cooper remarked plausibly to a group in tho dllmouth general store aln t anything wonderful as tar as ftshln roes it s jear to ihow you how plenty the trout wu it dldn t need no skill to ketch em q child could have kotcbed a hundred and nlnotytwo li ixtytwo minute and i wan nahlr wltn three tiles on my lonrtof a par- tnuchenee and a lirown palmor and coachman and lota or times id have throe trout on at onco counw they wan small trout he hedge hastily iio4it three to tho pound i ah d say or mebbe a tittle belters that huh anorted idr hynn that was nothln hut yankln em dldn t havo to uo no ingenuity you had everything to do with ir you d been acanted fr taclo nahio a i was one time up to jo mary luke you d had something to bra about trout ud there waahonibly plenty but all i had to ketch em with wan a twin airing and a mackerel jlat and couldn t find ao much a a buff oi beetle or an angle worm uut 1 dug down and rot a willow root bpu tin right viae and whittled it so it looked like an angleworm and bolted my mackerel jig with that and i caught all i wanted id caught more only i wore out ray willow root and j d lost my jackknlf in the meantime ao t couldn t whittle out another one you would have starved to death right there wendeu with barret of trout within reach of you mr caleb peaslee paaaed hta hand over his motth as if auppreaatns r ylltwn and eyed the two speakers pity irutv to hear you two critters talk h ramarkadj complacently a atrnger dj think you was real fishermen when realjyyour hast holt if you want fish hi to go down to bangor to eome fish market and skitter there with a dollar bin for bait late beodle and i was up braaaua lke jest oftn mooaflhead winter flahln through the ice one night wr made up our minds to ah lft ashing the next day to a mail pond near there ao- we took our unas up and carried tin to camp the next momlit we started out with all the dunnage on the sled aa w posed but come to ret to the lake we found we dldn t have bait unas nor sinkers wed got one hot cut in the lee yore we noticed that wq dldntihave any tackle a good bbr bole bout a foot and a half across well we felt kind of womblecropt over it and the more ao because we could look down in the hole and see the bur trout awlnunln round dowh there they wa nt scared a mite theyd even start up to the top of the water when we waved a hand over the hole and aaein em do that oive us idea lafe went ashore and cu a ton switch and while he was mae 1 rip ped one of the boards offn the bottom of uuk aled and whittled a handbolt on one end of it then when iofu goi back with the awttch we took and lashed a piece of bacon tight ontcq the and of the switch and when b held it out over th hole them trout beorun to jump for it and wheo theyd jump rd bat era well sirs i never saw anythlnjr like it i apoae wed been flahlna rlijht thre like that when the ice went out in the sprlna if it hadnt been for three tbliuri that stopped us what three uluursr queried wen dell unguardedly j jj allowed hu interest to carry him away wat the fust thln responded caleb slowly and hta eyes twinkled as he looked at wendell wae on ac count of an axtordlnary bla- trout the blalteet one wn see in the hole he d tried three times to jump for the bacon but ha was ao big he croujdn t get through the hole good and he jumped short every time hut at last he made it arid when he did i fetched him u wallop that broku my board then the aecond thing that halted im was the trout crowd in iniq the hole so thick that they couldn t gee a chance to jump and the thlntl thlnar was that id batted uut ao many that we had a aort of windrow of am all round the hole and they wan be glnntn to elide back n ao we quit und called it enough 1 don l b lave you fellers know what ii la to aee trout plenty concluded mr reaalee thoughtfully at teaat 1 v never heart you mention you have the old fanners elegy on u grimmi grumny kijolt by thn banka f tlix brook that no louu und ho oft tin hud wuturod his hock tho old furnior iohlh in hu liuiir un 1 lust slnop while thn wul i it low utlnu lul liihy ki i he him plourhod 11m hint furrow hun rnuixd hla lust tcriun no morn uhall uwnki him to 1u atulu the bluebird njniiw nwen t tin tho urniy mupli imiukii its wurlillnim titt ilirnl m wl holilhitc th pltuirh and tho tohlnx uikv1 lilm hi i unlit on the mould for h- fd th nt wild i uiiih i wli the n tro with tru ir l1 lllllntf th hlohtoinrt mi tlirlrty it plithtoil uiul ptnnti hud lun- with if purchased hi8 silence the cheeky young suitor wu com pelled to play hi last card then since you drive m to it lie aald i demand the hand mf your daughter as the price of my alienee the old gentleman furloui ut thli apparent blackmail leaped to his feet and started to ring up the pulk one moment alrt said the young follow calmly i know nothing of your affair and i do not for u mo ment imagine you guilty of ii mlsduud the sllenoe 1 rrr to u of uitoltu aort i am the aaxaphoue pluyeraiuall door ohf exclaimed thv old geiillnni greatly relieved that s d lft en take her my boy take hi r huston transcript ho rlth with und fnfr iiy hla vn hum wun did hn nuy it would uv win n mouldurt il awny thnrua tin will thul wftlcr mo cold with km wfit drilrik buckt ho mouity and ol no more from lw diptlim hy thn pntri- arcli dmwii for its pitcher im tirokmi the oi tnun la gonv two a gloom glvlne day wlicn ttn old former tiled the stout hearted inournfd tho nrfeo tlonate frlifd and tho prnyom of thn jiimt fur his rttat did aacend focthey all lot a brotjiii- u man und a friend for upright and honeat ho old farmer was ilq ood hn rnwrvd lir risnectod his laws though famnlesa he llvol ho has kon where his worth will outshine like the gold all tho drnas of the earth h has ploughed his lust furrow hus reaped his last grain no morn shall uwakn him to labor again joslah d canning friend akteh mtlbnd obpallts this nrstweek of the now year has brought a large measure of sadness to both mary and mo because of the cfeath of three former residents and warm friend these were mrs thos ebbage in toronto mrs itnbert uing- ham in bault bte mario iuid mr john owens toronto ifor over sixty years we knew mrs ebbage intimately and counted her among our close friends we knew her mother and her father thomas overton the black smith mrs ebbage was a good friend she and her husband were real acton folks and we were all associated to gather lo so many ways very few of her day and generation are left among acton s early settlors i can only recall now still among ua of those days sixty years back mrs nancy somervllle mr and mrs jameu mat thews and my friend oliver lasby and soon we ii all be gone mrs ebbage was laid to rat hore last krlday and there was mrs robert bingham whose devoted sons inlaw and daugh ters brought her back to the old home here for burial from sault bio marie where she has lived for the post scant years we knew mr and mrs bingham before they cutne from erin to acton nearly forty yours ago bho was a motherly soul and a flu neigh bor annl kennedy mrs john owens whose death occurred ut her home in toronto the day after uvw years very suddenly was u frlund of ours from her girlhood up ijow 1 recall her as u girl in the home of her father alexander kennedy in tho old home ut kennedy crossing where mr thomas 1 walk ins nnw lives i remember her grandfather there mary and i attended acton scltool with annie what a tine girl nho was she was a born toucher when site grow womanhood her frlundnhlp wm enduring it wun u benediction to go into her hdmp hh and her husband were much to ouch othtrr und their splendid boy hnvc imoil u comf rt to both of horn annlo a life wan happy and ueftj mm hhe 11 tvmln- ed by many frlund families with thn necessary qualm rations but thn rocord is lit id by th im kurgiicn of coiillo nnur mollvli n which huu hvnd uti itn print nt tatat iiliuti llje yenr 772 it 11 in some rospticls it aortowful fnct tlml few of tho funiin orlglnil1y ni tt ld1 on in tlox socllon ronllnuo lie mm ilium a of tho 1 c nrtuut t tho pioneers in furl only in run cuas nrn tho noun of fnlluiim wlii farmoil uround hor fifty yi urn ugo now to lie found on til i iioiiiomii ad take tho nccotul lino fm luuturitn und com mi nclng at lot lvr i rln und oon tlnulng down to tho t hrrkllim u fjunslng wiiilii covvrn noinn nrty farms only avon urnni nits of tlm ownoro of a contury ugo now on upy the od hotnoateud in 1 rln tlmru uro joseph allun a family and ilunll john ston 1 iiuenliiir wi hod almn worden charlie uuvldnon thomui elliott diintun mollouirall onil iirm mullln and hl wife tut tlte h prow i form on tho ural linn in thn autm urea i flpd only looigo und jtml ioalli f the mcarihur ixiys und in rhapo andy murray in krin tiut i doubt if pvnn andy bus bton nfiy yours on bin pluco in icntjunnlnu tlioro urn nlj sandy svaldlti und jolm thitnl inn that j can r hipihih who nrr left now wo go to tho third him hern we rind joo henry thompson and j henry near in 1rln clinton hwaok humor frotl mcarihur and his wife itichard hrown john htulkor jtunm scott john mi donald and jsmrs mr laatti on tlm fourth lino it is evou ninro marked in irquesing nnlyarchy mann john manns nonn andrew hcott sons und john newton romuln only about min hi soven of the do oendantw of tho anlllcrs hf nfty ynnrs uro ur now to im found on thn farms which saw tlm joy and sorrows tho uaplratlons und ltfrwt thn uolf aarrl flclng onurtu and tho huppltu of home life of thn old typo of those who wore our stalwart rurul cltlxoni of those earlier duys ian t it u pity thoro wus not u trin mpe of tirldo of our i vouch fotlowcltlxonii with their roul prldo in tamlly lutid ownnrahlp am wum huj iibovo monoy cun hardly indutn him to urt vlt the paternal iicmh after wrltina the ubovo i went nut for u llttln fdnstuutumal ad i uauully do after worrying my old hralnn h flirting with tho rooollectlnnm of form f r days when 1 returned mury gav m rather a qui r look i thought hln hud boon reading my story of oh tlmon i never kep anything no ret from her nvnti ho inttunt i got from old cronies say alio auld n you u llttlo hit of u hypocrite till- time in speaking alxut the potipln w know who left thn oll furm of tholi fatherar you aoy ian t it a pjty there la not mora pride in fumlly tund ownership dldn t you aoll tho farm your father helped to clour und come to town when i was ngulnat ut yos mary i did und i did it for thn boat you were played out with hard work and i couldn t bear to nee you niavlng on the farm any longer i s and you know i wasn t vury mysoir all the aaran i rn aorry we had to leave the old farm my love for the old homcateud la just as strong as that of any french homnaloader 1 offer advice to those who are younger and who have not had my experience and it la wherever poaslblo stay on the old homestead of your fathers liihln mtlp yojir the bright side of life hut thlu passing uway of dear fruds of the earllor duys brligs n measure uf sad ns and w urn reminded thut wi too are golng do wit llfv s declino und our lime muy comu ut uny tlinf ufet w through pli ts hard v ho nmunt i to purt i inuif iok unit olouilv wlletl frl il weuther hilda ure dear ierhaps twil oii than steal uwuy i u wlgh u glvn little utur wurnlitg hay not good ttlglit hrlghtnr clime uld me good mornl protect the children kvery day in every newspaper them are atorlea of children run over and hurt by automobile in many pases the fault la with the motorists but in many others th accidents are found to have been inevitable a man driv ing a car along a street can do not blue to avert an accident if a child sud denly rushes off the sidewalk and tries to oroaa the street in front uf hlm- thut is the cause of many accident unfortunately for many children the s treats are the only poaslbls ground and it difficult but not impossible to keep them on the side- ssg parejita omo do niieh to pre- 1 00t0bt by uurigtlnaj on their leaa children keeptna on tha pavwment keepinq the olp hombhtea when our fornfutheru left the old land to ain k und found home in cuii- thy did it with th intention of bettering their condition and fuw uf them fulled tin ir children und grand children urn reaping the hviioflt of their toll labor und hutilshlps hut nfortunutely during the puat few darudos thoy huvd lost that pride in tlm ownership of luhd that nut forefathers had most of tho pioneers hud tho strung family inutlnct thut furm liuirt should he bun dud down from father to htm but under iiiodurp i mdttluiim til uglo baxon has lost al auntimetit hi cunnoctlon wll land ownerahlp uiul ho aella i rumoatead that has longed to the family fnr two or three generations with as llttln compunction as he would a huose or a bora not so with tm wench csiiadun farmer lie values und takes a real pride in fumlly land ownership money cun hardly induce him to part with the paternal aores parms in the proylnrn of quebec huve boon in the fumlly name for many generations this is also a peculiar feature of land owner ahlp in old hrutioe the french gov ernment leas just made an announce ment that it will decorate with the agricultural order ot merit ue heads of all camillas which can produce docu mentary evidence of haying canned the sojpe land contlnuuusly tor mi thrsst cenbirleai this bay i havent had a wont nor had a glimpse of the young fellow oi tho hank stops since berom christ roiu he httjin t been loafing ho must bo spending his leixure time in road- ing aome of thtaa books he uskod mo to recommend to him and counting up the balance to his credit in his nov bank book ho ii bo hnvlng added oi april 3d and october 31 each year 72 master of his craft among the immigrant a awaiting am inatlon ab ellis island recently was a tall young fellow with a little black bag under his arm lfn was a pole about twenty years old and his admit sian waa a pleasing and dramatic in cident witnessed by mr arthur henry and described in bcrlbners muguxluo the lesson it teaches is as good for native americans or canadians as for immigrants when the young man a turn came to answer the inevitable question how much money have yout lie amlled and answered frankly none outsldnt you know you con t in here if you have no money and no friends to speak fori you 7 wli you going t to fall lliver nrat t have nfrlend there then i ahull o the who country i ahull make money you will hear from me the inspector proceeded rather sharply how will you 8t to hull itlver where will you eat und sloop tnnlghtr 1 shall be all right replied th young- follow confidently with this tapping the black bug f can go anywhere what i if the pule laughed und opening th bag took out a oorael it was a fino inairurnent and gavo evidence of lov in care can you play it w1t uskud th t otneer more kindly answer the yuiinif ioln tppl into an open apace an i lifting the horn to his lips begun the beau tiful intonnosxo from cuvauarla hum at tho nrat nnbn evi ry one in thn great building stood still and hn to ned tho long liuod of immi grants became motlolo tin for help yourself and leave the change on tbti odgo of ii grcon lawu 1 ordt r injf u mut h truvollikl blghwuy n flower und hold vu en of gorgeous gtudloll tho apllioh of bloom worn rorul roan li vomit r i rani und u tloan olhoi i ivoly tlnta tho flowers were for i no itoraon wiui behind tint ni rvn tualoniors anil rncolv oy a sign helf help nowor twanty five mi in u dozen n i jeavn tho change r od in htrgi it tl ra und u tin unit in id n hupply of liiunge the iwncirn of the flower a in ml which wui inly a rotnll project of u thriving bull utni worn off ubout thotv buslnoa- is whom tlmyrknow by their own npi rloliio und tho experience of ollinm thut thny w uld find tho flower vnanu onipty uml thn upproxlmuto value in coins in tho dish at the cloan of thn tiny thu bulb farms around thu hinutlful heanhoru rmy lutvn flowini for bulaln this novo way at thu odgo jf the huny highway motorlnt paaa ing thn iioruoouii ilnl is tif booms with thnlr strliifth of nil th tints and tones of the rulnbow uro sine lo wuij flow oru and iilmt to pay thn prlco naked it is an intoroatliig und reassuring tost if honesty tu find that the gmioral public uh rnprusentnd by tho paoplo o a muln highway would rather pay for what thoy got thuu oh out or take with out paying one might auy hut pernons who buy tip worn would i rdinnrlly ho of llnnf tusten nnd dlanrltnlnntlon than thonn who jim only for has nathotln things hut tho nppollto for no moth ing good to nut is not confined to uny oho rlua of troraotis und the hnlf help fruit stands uro utgcod on tho edge of tho ranches ulontr the hnmo highway r- tweoti tho nowur stun la a big city a co i logo crowd of young peoplo und homemade candy might well bo u combination thn moat san guine hullovor in tho innate hurtnnty of human nature would not dare risk hut tho vxporlonce of the owner of a eoir help randy counter in a cnllfornu university city la intoroatliig to ono who him boon noticing theae vnrlourf ainull huulnnasoa cnrrlod on aurcoa fully though trusting both goods und cash to the nhapltitt bonoaiy tf tho public urroaa from thr busy c unlvnrslty ainpua und close to tlm football fluid u bomekf npi i bus boon curryinc on n thriving candy business by this unloui- aolf help method him mukos up the days attpply of various kiniln of homemade candy nnd puts it in husm icuch kind is plulnly lutiollod und tho print marked upon thn suck hh arrutigns tho stock on u table at tho nldowulk in front of hor houito flillnclent money to maku chungelror the duy a buslnoaa la nlao left in n dial hho tlmn gona about hor duties in the homo anil louvoa tho candy stnnd 0 tho courteay and honoaty of the college young people who arc the majority if her luilomitn onco or twice u lay she gooa out to reptonlsh the stock und gather up the monoy the proceeds of thn day a sales ran from loo to 18 00 u day within u short time uftor the hunlness venture was alar ted the owner of this novel candy stand wus questioned about her loaaes through dlahonoaty of paanersby hho aald in answer to questions that hoi ibaaoa had never boon mora than one per cent of nor total proceeds thoy uro so smull thoy are not worth men tioning of course there are somj dishonest folks it would bo foolish to deny this fu t hut she never stops a dishonest person nor calls him back if she booh some one taking candy and not leaving the monoy ir i see a tflrl or mun take a bag of candy and walk to all appearances arrogantly down tho street i let it go with u wmllo no punishment that i can tnotei out in the form of em barrassment in lotting them know they urn detected can equal that which thetr own consciences are inflicting invariably the next day or so i nnd extra money on the table to make up for candy taken ha loaaes ono day are usually made up the next it la an illuminating as wall as novel plan to thus offer flowom fruit candy and even dally newspapers tor aulo on th helfheh plan leaving the pay ment of tho right amount tho making of correct change and tho aafoty of tlm coins themselves tp tho public that the plan has workod successfully in oven these few instances is a tes timony thut for thousands honoaty i the rule uf dally life whatsoever things are honeat whatsoever things are just what soever things urn of good report if thore be any virtue and if thoro lie any praise think on these things this message written tu the poopl of it uig city long ago encourages the tuklng account of virtue wherever w rnd it and telling the story to other for tholr encouragement llertha k hugo man latjohter thn dlctlonury definite laugl tor to bo guy ik rrful or lively homo are uutbriilly i lim iful nnd joyous and tbnrn not ho andowod by untnrn havo rultlvntod it nml is it qot worth while it tuken idxty four musclon of the fnen to make u frown and onlvthlrtoen to tiiuk ii anilui thoro is health in luiightt r physical health mental hnulth moral boulth provided you tuugh ut tho right thing but it is not healthy klgrln about mod mill aat red t hi bit w and hurklt ijvnr profanity unl impure ntorlrn physicians nuy thai if wn luughtid mom wn should ull tra hupplnr and heulttdor truii we uro a und practical poopln and thorn pt uiro in ufo to bring tho frown thun tho ninth n yet it la u pity ronro for it la surely hottnr physical condl tloiia as a dlgcutlvti it is unexcelled tin of oxpandlng thn lungs toning up the nplrltn nod konplng tho huart and furo young thoro la nothing 1ntur tho undents uuod ti ivry tlmn a man luughud bnartlly lilt llvnr turned over this may not bo anatomlrully correct but sumly thn llvi r t irculntlon is qulokenrnd the reaplratlons urn deeper and thn man fools warmer und bo l tor mirth fjro motts digestion laughter atrni good like u mndlclnn whljn gloom and dis content will produce dyspepsia home phllonophtr has suld that h would tilwuya triiat nny man who sang whll ho worked i aupposo wn might notn ono nirxoptlon to that remark in tho i wan of tho mnaqullo who sings u ho works a good luugh mukis ua bettor frlendu with ournnlvoa und evcrylwdy rfround ua 11 um mint our friends with a nmlln thn good humored man la al- waya welcome whltn thn dyapeptlc or hymchroiidrlaa in not wanted and in launco na wall learn to in ugh bmrii to toll u good helpful itory a well old im a bunhnum lif u tory is us welcome kiou room ijiku drops of humor littlo rays of light knock our dully troubli higher than u klto then koaolve lo lie merry all orry to forry arronvtho fumed waturs jhut bid us j forgot ami no longer fourful liut bappy and cboorful wn fool llfn liua mucli that a worth living for- yet it is to hn mgrettod then that audi u mitt ut ugoncy for our personal good hi not morn generally appreciated and and it costs nothing whllo other rnmedlns nrn mora or less oxpenalve it von nhyilciana huve declared that if iteoplo fully reullxtd what it meant to themselves to laugh and laughed as they ahould a largo percentage of doctors would and their labors ma terially lobsenod i then was our movith oiled with laughter and our tongue with sing ing said a good man and who has uch roqson for laughter hearty and ain cert ui tho good mant tho heurty laugh is a reflection of a health ful nature while the silly empty giffble nvldence of a small mind and is ltkn the crackling of thorns under wit there in no outward mark which demonstrates the person of shal ilnd so unmlstakahly us that of giggling what wo want is more good laughers who can break the spoil of gloom and bring ua into a healthy touch with life i laugh is just tike sunshine it brightens ull tho day if tips the peaks of life with lbxht and drives tho gloom away tho sou i grows glad that hears it and feels its courage strong l laugh is just like sunshine tor cheering folks along a laugh is just like muelo it lingers in ths heart lnd when its melody is heard tho ills of ufa depart and happy thoughts come crowding its joyful note lo greet a laugh is just like music par making living awoec d it viouinvalue a picker bv trade a witty convict im ulluauul tin indon morning- post tells of one huci follom however a man whom cnpl spencer senior mtsaionury of tho church army once visited in his cell wall my mun said thu captain id what do you do when you am out ut workt welt replied tho convict in tt hllosophlp manner in spring i ploku peas in aummer 1 pick rrult in uutumn i picks ops und in the wlut r picks pockets and what happviis thonr then continued the convict thny lakes me up and sends ine in r an i picks oakum loin waiters in the pit looked up bay im naturally lnchned to look tllb bec lmnar i meanest knona them kwiiioil if fee thn chanrt or tho pleadlntf liotns whon the mualo caused there was u burst of uiplau hhouts of llravol ciotmi lxiyl tllva us mime morel ramu from tvery sldo ihn phyalcluili who hud u few m o mun is befoio hiade tholr hurried and not worantlo ex uhlinutlon join i in the applause tin oftlcoi- who hmi tiuoatlonod him mi shurply slapped ttlm on tho buck th commissioner hbnself had come uj from his office at tho sound of tin horn ami asked for the particulars when he had hoard them he tumad to the ajrent of the fall hlvr boats uhd aald olve this fellow a passage including men i a and ulmrgo it to me i will charge it to myself aald the agent and he took ths yuuug pule hy tho arm and led him iwuy thn incident was u sermon on com- lletoiico u lesson on whut it nieuus to i u mastar tim trudn may be muslo r farming r brlcklsylng- it does not nutter tiie man who haw coiujuemd it who knows it root und brunch emi ll an donhdaiitly as tlm young pjla lkilnlcd to his cornet und auy us he did with this i can go uhywhere tin youths companion the best we know brauskt toih tesa no ik um f0 a child at sixyvnine thorn is u section in north carolina aald to bo remarkable by reason of the longevity of its inhabitants which hus been ths inspiration of many good stories perhaps tho best of the lot is one told by a itoprvaonlutlvs in congrea from that titute it la to tho eft eel thut a native the region wontionoil im1u had attained tho age of ulnstytwo was return i ns with his wife agud unoty from the cunerul of their old eat child deceuaei at the ugo uf sixty- nine as thay mournfully discussed the aubjeot of tholr grief the wife said with a sigh j ksokjsl i ajisga loj yqu vqdl pevbr ma that ehota to do the bast we know j ull thai aii bj uskod provided wo havo made everpobslble effort to know ths ruth home yuutuf pooplti will tell you hat thoy huvo done thu boat they know low when thoy lliivo liot ll influenced itltogi thir by pinjiidlte and huuraay uml huo not nmibj an honest affott to nnd out tin truth we must not only d the host wo know but muku utmost effort to knwa the thuth low do you value your musical in strument by its market value or by the effect you get out of ut at a concert throe young ladles were waiting in breathloas expectation the appearance of a weltknown violinist nnd hi i ing in the time with excited conversation us to their own exper iences they wore evidently violinists themselves and had learnt to play the principal place in tho programme oi sides playing in professional or am ateur ore boat no uut some of tholr ideas were not uulla u they should be do you know aald una of thorn i played on a i4 000 htrulthe other day borne friends of ml no had this and un amatlus woll tho amatl only cost 700 but wusn t it comical the peo pie thnmsolvos preferred to play on th 700 one bho had not realised that market value is axed by many things bealls intrinsic value and artistic off out the joy op manly contest george bin i iwon working hard all ttioj evening nvnr ie twentieth chupti r or thn nrst book of otusur at length hn closed the book with a alnm i think 1 won t go to college uftor ull ha said to bin family why uotr aekod ida father in sur prue for tho ambition of oeorgn s life had alway been to go to tollngi hocauao tho matriculation oxumtn aliens are so hard said uujorgn i d have to work and worry ull i lit your to pas my junlor mutrlo and ihon u at it harder than over for the inula its no joke that s true nuhl hlu futhi gravely ll un t a jok what will you do instead t oh go to work aouiowhoro flmrgt answered eaally us via hum if mon y in his pockot on tlaturduy nights and care free evenings without iboiii rosn up imiforo lilm txt s soo replied his father tbnl means getting up an hour earlier every day than you d now it mnunh start ing in aa an errand tmy on a itar with tho boy who waa blacking ttools last week ll moans no mare afternoons to play in exoopt pprhaps on hatur duy in the summer it means doing xactly as you are told all day long or i so hunting for a now job it means slaying an errand boy of u porter or perhaps a clerk at ten dollars a week unless you work harder than you over hud to work at school no ono makes iy ndvanco in buslnea without hard work v george alghod dlamiilly j4 n work work nvorywhoro und i hate work ho aald ills father turned upon him ahurply if you forgot everything else i havo ever told you he said at least rn member what i tell you now the man who hates work goes though life with a ball anil chain dragging after him has a curse upon him that blasts life tho hoboes and tlm tramps haters of work- bneaktblirves thugs and worse uro hutnra of work bo are most of tho mon nt tho bottom of the industrial sruln thoy hated work and dodgml if nllghied whutt thoy hail to do and lid just nough to hold tholr jobs and thoy stay at the toltum hating work still suddenly his fathers tono changed when wo aaw tho football gume at cambridge last your he sal 1 do you ember thn inscription on thn hlud- dedicated to the joy of manly contest t learn that joy of manly contest with hard work my boy don t run away from work ueoigo don t be afraid of iii moot it hravoly with ths joy of manly contest in your heart and day by day you will begin to nnd the btruggle good nnd out of it will come one of tho supremely great and enjoyable things of life george oat quiet for a while then is jaw cloaed with a snap i m going to begin right now he and i m going to know what chapters about i too good to hire h you think you i nj li i u h window ho hint nv i i w u v oiimullll lg will hlo uml i it 1 ii yout iiiki i hit tnnniuti if u ii imikliik tub llhbnx nt of in i pll f r wa rk i i nh i lo s ii tin ii whnl i iii fb t ill you wniurt di 1 d ni biu mltr in th lnd t ti 1 up in hn x pnrtmnnti jt hi itiilllthm ni rnidu whhh bom 4 rftilni th i a mi mj ung mun wi ion t ii ui uio mploy wo ii tuld ii i lltuolulu hi r this diamond thoughts a great idea is like u dlamohd ll fluahas tireless of prismatic light thul to me rvom my mental pilnt of vlalou ar cilniaon to you purple tu un fit hor golden to u fourth tlm whil cuiutklake ruya or truth itself nlllll erops trains of thought ull lauding tt points of internal or vuluo do strnam from a great iduui after that muater- inlnds lnuln a liobln odlfpe thutl loaaur itltuliecttf begin to build it what we need whut this country needs ian t more llbnrty hut less people who take liber ties with our liberty what this country ncds is not a job for evory mull but a real ma tor ovory job whut this country noods isnt to get inurn tuxs from thu pooplo but tho people to got morn frtim the tuxes what tills couiltl y lieodu is more true cora und lea dlt motor whut this country nrtdrf is not more miles of territory hut more miles to thu gallon what this count y nels isnt more young tnoii making stotd hut morn young mon planting spuds i whut this country uocdw is more nuint oiftho uld pluco iud has paint on io young fuus i whut this touutiy unuri lint u tow- or rnn of interest on money but higher lntnrest in work whut this country heeds is to follow tho footstnp of thn fat hers fnstead of thu dunclng muster croat ant mag her first hlbe old ooloretl m nun from her first ann l kuthavl th vuut hud returund i uutomohlle ride well aunt lluchitul how did you joy your rider kin boa thuni turs thy mo h jtidiirful tilings want to go uguln aoinotimu nuw atih ono times enough foi a i dldn t dure to lot my whole light out ull the onto i was iii tu tiling prom evurylmdy s magus i im found out rho mliilstor uf u ortuln thurcli culled uthlu u woman u i number of his longregatlon utnl finding no ono ut liomu bllppnd li curd thmugh the letter btix alter acrlbbling upoh it lie words horry tu rind you out when the woman returned home mary the moid mot her at the duor ana pf a the card with a whis pered here muhi took ekargo of this it would oefec da for the master jaiisijiggag amtsbh iu 0lt f the busy ten dollar olll mr lirown keops u toarding houaoj around thu table out his wlfo mrs drown the town milliner mrs and rews mr ulack the huknr ur jnrd on u cuipelltnl und mr lludley flotii eod mid lumber merchant mr lirown took tell dollar out of his pookot und handed t to mrs lirown with thu remark that there was tint toward th twunty he had promlsit hoi mrs hrown hulided tho bill to mr andrews tho uilllhier suyhi thut puyu for my tmw hut mrs andrtiws in turn paaaed it to mr jordon remarking thut it would pay for the carpi n bar work he had done for her mr jordon handed it to mr kunely requesting u receipted hill for lumbar mr had ivy gavn the hill back to mr lirown saying that pays my board bill mr hiown ugalu puased it to his wife remarking that ho luwl jnow luild llur tho twenty dollars he had promised tiho in turn paid mr lilack to wot tie ht i broad und pastry account ml iltatk huudvd it to idr hadely uaklug uiedit for tha amount on hie flour hill tiro w li put thu hill back in his pocket observing that ha had not sup posed that the green bank woulq go ao for but aupposo ur brown had sept to mall order bouae toe box ngw hat order bouse toe box npw bi i uien tne ten dollars mould kl out of town ana never tfdmv thi8 at least is certain in the darkest hour through which a human aoul can pass whutevor is doubtful this at leaat la cortuln if there bo no ood and no future state yet even then it la better to bo generous than sel fish hotter tobe chaste than licentious better to be true than false hotter to be brave than a coward iii eased beyond all earthly blessed ness is the man who in tha tempest uous darkness of his soul ha dured to hold fast to theae venerable land- rk y w uobertaon the exact truth a detective naked ah office boy if it was mr jones or his partner who reached the office first as u rula well said tho boy turning very red mr jono at first wa always lain but later ho began to got earlier till at last he was first though bo- f t he had always been behind he soon got later again though of lute hn ho been sooner and ut tost he got behind as before uut i expect he 11 bo getting earllor aooner or later in the future was in the year 1035 a new york matron coming down to break fast met her only mon ascending tho stairs he wa headed for luo roof where his fast aeroplane uvulted him where to tommyt asked thn matron denver tor lunch mother well you huvn a terfot day for rtylnar that is what i thought ho i might hop off to han frunclsco for u little golf very well ttiy aon hut bo homo early for dinner luilb tin twelfth niqht revels 1 ik ntlviil of the i iilphmiy held on juutmy 0 in n j iwtlflh night or i ittlo i hrl iliniia un it o urn twnlvn dtyn uftr f hi intimih it murks tho ioh f th un mm nt holiday j mun uhd wum frmrly irntcl through out lliiluuil with mi iry niukliigu of vuripu4 klndh a king und qiim n wi ro t hohoii to in n ii over tin invols whhh luatcd until ml inlght tin hrlstmum holly nnd nibittoton worn tilirowdund liunnln runka u ro print ti h ott ualoil w i in lulund make money aft honmne earn apwarda of 25 weekly stowto faoaliroodia for ua kstan now otieg portlooa of ilimtpraet jlwl material lor heda taaorbhiable even in aevsre wealber pleasruti icromabla work writs en aajbbbbjbbar doslag stamp for luaatrated beokwt sad oartknlua aoonswdspt the jen demandments a 171 ngttmuii who hmi u lu iiiuihi r of i iiil yrba itniln d tho foil wing tlioito innk t it v iy plain kill i 1 nl lilio twiihtea m lime im r y miih i in or ttrh yi u lu lb i 1 in i thu m thn wrong end kill yiitili your jyrk no thn rh h v 1 ing duyu wokk inukis a i nk i iy ii i und u hoitluyit work innk n my fuci it ng huh 1 olv in mon w ik tbun i i sp i t und iii puy you mi r than you txii t huh i mi n wo so much to your hi if that you i nit iilyoi i to owo any holy i itu- ici i out if ilnl t or keep out if in v hiidji hult 0 ijluhiniuuty in novi r un ua ddtnt uml men llkn good women im si o temptation when they moot it kul r mini your own busli ess and lu inn you 11 liitv n bualntss of you nfn i hii n 1 do uny thing- llflr th whli h hurts your i mpl y ho ih wlllljiir to at nl riirmit is till ibl of stiallng from mi huln h 1 m iioiu of my buslnous whut you do at night but if dissipation ii n 1 1 is what you do thn next day and you do hnlf us much ui i d mand ymijl bud bulf us long us you hoped hub d dtnl ttdl inn whut id ilka to imur but whut i it hi to horn 1 dun t wi v t my vunlty hut i nif ii di my doluin uul hi int kickif you re worth while un itlng you are worth hoop ing i don t w lite time cutting specks out of rotten ua beelighted was the expression ono housewife used when asked her opinion of excelsior pastry flour and we know you would express the same opinion over every piece of baking in which you had used excelsior brand flour ask for and be sure you get excelsior brand pastry flour d h lindsay mill street acton ontario seasonable hardware items carpenters tools by doing all your repairs in the winter months you are saving time and monoy when tho spring rsh begins wc have just tho right tools you t need to repair your buildings and machinery flashlights a pockot flashlight makes it easy for you to and your way in the dark they arc useful outside and in tho attic and in the cellar w d talbot main street phone 76 acton ontario syri wn u 1 111 m1mmmmi mmmmm robi mson crusoe one of the most persistent advertis ers in the history of success was robinson crusoe he knew what lie wanted a ship so he put up an ad for one he flung up a shirt on a pole at the top of his island that in the langutigc of the sea was plain to every seafaring man the circulation was small there was no other medium but crusoe kept at it despite the fact thut lie got no enquiries for a long time he changed his copy as one garment after another was frayed out and in the end got what he wanted youll get the business you are after if you persistently advertise mlbpa wjty v fi

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