Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 10, 1924, p. 5

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ifp artntt jfrta ibfl tuujlhimy januahy 10 g24 going to church bo nut uii tn thumb just foi ho ihei nifn kli rrlm koriin koiiln homo for irivulo ii uluiui homo ui to sunk i tlml u l hini il 0111 tdtilp to illiyovi lllhlso ho in 1 aoil nwomt fuuhloi home to uhow u1i1 homo ihclr uolghhoim to 1 homo to ucnii u ioimi or t homo fti prim the irlnwiii hom io itulll till iuii llewm that friend nl mi ihy muy ui horn to icouli fului uml trim hal mi hihhid hi- hollering homo u i hum to iliui thi mjul home hi duughluiu lo tilmhu hoinn in- imititou k to fwn iwi it the sunday school lesson for sunday january 13 tin iiijcinninoh or iikiiiuv iiihttwty oun 47 id uxoil 1 n il iu my king of wl illllll til lliuil doles horn vuinit thud pious oui mourn id hikiw how mwini ihuyhlng uos ring hour iralnor poor 5iomihjiw loud huh- vi0 ring hoifi ui niiklr uu 10 hour 1 1 im style utiil voli to praise hoiiiu oikivmh mutiio lltnlimlnrt tuvuntlmh homo to till ami dnim uml tipdr lltk fow kiil tiil worship oiid twenty years ago from thsilaaua of the pre preea thursday january 14 1004 tholr tho icaniuii urn gottl jiarvoat til mail uro lit fulily ijooil inndl- tlon again hnowshotilng la u puimlur puatlotu how with some of thu uthlpllo cltlxuns tho sovorul curs of coal which cumci in lust wonk huvo mudo tin fuel mituu- lloti waslor a numlicr of tho nkutiru ut tho rlitu during tho cold wuulhor lull week hud thnlf loos fmxon georgetown hud another muhu lust wok u rout end collision thu van took 11 r und two or throe curs wor burned a hockey muk butwooii hoarders of the clark mid uomlniou ilotols on friday nvunlrig resulted in u victory for the formur by u acorn of mix goals to una mrn alfred hopor ontortulnod her sunday hchool class unci unumbui of friend to u hloltfh drive to hulliu- afad luat thursday hluhl tim com pany wui royully unturtalnod nt mr kontnora tho roitda wero no heavy that it won alx tlto tmxt mornlnk boforu tho party rvuuhod home usain a younff illhlo wtuilont wu uakod how many uro thurii in your claw ho re 11i tod if you njultlpllod tho iiumher of jacobs aona by tho iiumlxir of time which tho laraolltii conipaaaod jrloho and add to tho product tho number of meaaurn m horloy which boox enve nulh dlvldo thla by tho number of hamana ami aubtroct tho number of each kind of clean boaat that wont into tho urk multiply by the number of tun that wont to ejk kliwih after ha wo takon to heavon aubtract from thla joaopha ngi ut the time ho atood bcom rhitraon odd tho number of atonea in davirta bag whon ho killed oollah aubtract tho numbor of uc- lonjr that ilethany wua dlatunt from jeruaalom divide by tho numbor of anchor caat out whon iaul wu ahlpwrockod nubtract the numbor of porsona aaved in tho ark and tho re mainder will bo tho anawer born drvden in ounlph on monday january 11 104 to ir and un dryden a aon they not them tt build pyramldf worn thorn out and fjiriod hum to i urn nil mirta of mhunlo urta ami torn thniiirulvox to hurd labor jomoplluji laaton thantea wolromoil kearort whon urn ih- olltoa mitorod lcuypt thy jiwora wol- ronmil anil uottlud in thn hilr lutirt of tioohrn thny liuroaijod in nuinlwirt ithor ulloii populutloitm and ihuruoh in nil no ufrlil it hua txoii oatlmutoil that at tho tltno of tho icioduh nt irimt on third of tho popu lation of icaypt wua of ullon blooj tho jhurttolih fulled in liiypt ian tui tion uml by opprvitalvotitauhurria hua- ho ciihunlty thny nouicht to amurlcu mllmonx of atlonx rulao elm liar prohloma of induatrlal oppraaalon vnraua aniorlcnnlaatlon pa rat lb tin uf tho oppraaalon btranse a it may ouund the opprea- uirod- tho laraolltoa not only for thnlr inllvaraiicn but ulao for their ubaoauant hlalory tho opprnaalon save them training in the induatrlal art und nvon in tho flnor aria tim wlldernoaa journey iihowml them to havo oxjmrt urtlncura and rraftmon tralninsr waa of lilh value in the eottlemant of cwnaun the op- proaalon nave them for tho drat time racial conacluuanoaa und aenao of holldarlty which him lold throufih buying by mail how would you llkn to journny to the ncareat city for upound of auger or a yard of mualln or a apool of fchradt and how would you ilka to make the trip when you need a pro scription nllod in u hurry with deati runnlnte you a rucet you woult make aomo nolae if forc ed to auch an tixtremlty and thon man nolae you would may and juatly ao thai a town in which you cunot buy u pound of mgar or a yard of mualln or a apool or thread or wen set a proscription tilled is u mlifhty poor axcuso for a town and not worth liv ing in- yet our merchants can only afford to keep thco thluss tor your con venience as long- as you buy other thing from them it la not doing tho town any oood to buy the little thlnics hero and then chose off to a city or aend to a cata logue houso whon you want something on which the morchant ban u ahance to make a dollar neither is it doing you any ood for the proapotjty of nuch cltlwn 1 dependent to a large extent upon tho prosperity of tho community us u whole- wo are not telling you aomethlntf you do not know wo ara almply rofreahlng your mem ory in hopes tho time may come wheti our people will oonalude that a town that is worth living in la worth trad ing in thats nil canadas national wealth the national woalth of canada la estimated by tho lovommont ilureau of biatiatlcs ut t34h3u41 183 which work out at around 3600 per head of population 1 the estimate luta boon reached under tho inventory- method this con sists in totalling thn amounts known to faavo ben invostid in agriculture t manufacture dwellings oto kurm value uro tho lurguat ltutu in tlm total those which inrludu buildings machinery llvo stonk utc account for t8s023el1iu the next lariiost item 1 urban run i property totalling 144000000 the vstlmate la buaod un returns for ma the lutust your fur which th statistic uro avitllable it is pointed out that in that your money vuluua ot commodities reached their peak once called yellow boys tim naino vallow tloys wun on a fuvurito dim for thu llrituh tover- ulgn- yot it la ourloum to utink thut thla rumm for a aovutulgti wtnt ut terly out of fuahion uiii bufm e thu war and tho duuppiaranco of thosov- errlgli though it aooms to hitvo boon fairly unlvorsuj for thu itovwriltjii or the gulnou of ulontury uo uiul lulor wltnvas thu puthitlo poum of ifmnl- ay on th fate of it nun who uccpild u post in thu west imlloii hoping to retrlew his fortutn- hut only tulnu his dunglitort uotiiplrxlonu ur vnlkor wan t h-iblc- uy ihu gruutut of hlutnaniuii ur oatltf ho wont to bring tmrk yllj hoyy hut only brought ttnolt yellow girl i england yo establish bach elor of agriculture degree with thu propone iicunoiiilc yiutr knuluinl is inaugurating a tltl ne in sdhuhimtlo mlrclus thut of hatihnlor of ttgtutiltura tho now lino uf sludv tusdiiw to this dugrouwll uovor 11 ii vu year peilml th rtrsl two yoar4 will bo spent at lirlstul university whsre htudniits will follow tho mo 11 oral lines of botany rlionlatry and other nolautlflu huhjocta the nooond two years are lo be spent ut tho ltoyul agvloultuaal oolloiio ut clronnhaatir apd during tho fifth our studenta will bo employed iu actual farming the text emplalnad 47 j tho land p u pustor il dlstrh t in tli imt forty mllon nirtliil of culi illntrh t wiih long uftrwiiril llpltfhhfl of tln 1 i of itiinioikm fromthu a li by in iiim mill king lluuiliii olrlloi thy a npiif easy street duddy v hi n iu ijmy str ol you in ik to niu ll iboiil lv o kd lit all tho linn l ill ii wi vo pllllh d inxl 1 1111 t 11 1 thrt nlyn 111 ywl iu uiy hi ng til wui-r- front of huylrvi unii hi 11 toll n lr- rli k winkle d 1w11 fr un iu 1 irlor know odgo und mix f it wo to 1111 ludp- in you kill r rlhlic ic lo h a hi ml win in ihu hlk wlurv oh no 0 dork nt 1 grin nit whon our uhh tos vi m fl u 11 bby p 1 foully luitlll ol i- f tl iiioiii iil ihut in thut i mull lmy 111 vr nu hull d w ah thi iumw r to no llullllo 1 l for imltlni till ur at d ut 1i11 lily 1 ii 1 iiuiii ulfllill will you 1 ik- tiiu to wo k 0 1 icuay htr iihih tin n 7 ru r miuo whtm ur whil ioiiii in ill ttiun you i wuik on ijjiiv htrw uvnry day hu i ihllll thut by hiving thilr h i i1 hin in 1iilllng thny uiuy jonii ionlk 0li iviiol hur hitiull imf hi v thu driiliiililn fronlfr dlatrlct if iitiudiiig hforo 1 wlntiw his guji hihii iiioltfiiml to ihim hklinior rl vu l ml upon ho vitm 4 ahlo hum iiuiong ihoni you looking ut uwnnlhiiiirt uho ihunoh nrtitm tu nuikn any uporlully mnllml luipuhlo iikniihios if tho family uiipnr- im witihlng vhioru ovr hli initio nil ofln fro- in inothrr riiioiitly iihiiiiioimd hi tho inmiumotiti hiki uiivo nun t f hni- dur hrlmmliii iih on- of hlith dlltnlty outtlo brood ovol- lullifhm thut a lovnl tlmli u tiny ing wua iirruid to ynut porfortlon by tlultor of 11 mttth lvo wntchuf ao lung thn tcayiitlumi uohblo im bvulni ing to b ufrnld nhh jcsiiif 1- 10 and fliiht ujmlnat un nni oil tho rorku iliibcl uc ul nut iuo ruling dynasty flk llu ollp in tin trut in my uml uuurp thn pnwor for thomsolvos hlg plituro book an tho ihruolttou wuro rapidly in- hu nakoil mianrly tho plcturo whom orcaiilng in ntimbuni tho jouloua cruol tho lluhtninir juu ia out nt you from king found it run to iiltrlbuto to thum tho ukly bluck cloud and u almply sunh nmtlvoa troiuongooua wi voraii 11 mild their llv hlttor hind loua uml hu tu wutr all ovor tho tho ijcyptlaliu conirlvod u variety of dock wnyii to ufrilot tho uniolltos for thuy motbor uodilod nnjolikxl thorn to rut u jfrunt numhor thut poople wutc for imvor ioino in uf ohiuiiiulm fur ho rlvor und to build horuuun thny iiuit wont imr aomo storm wulla rjr clths und rumpurta thny moot ut una ilay kgypt but twolvt wore 1 tyrai hottt together tho conturioi tribes who entered dcipondiuit clannish f tho imiuraoha droi it may n addsd ttiat the well-arganlx- od truvolllng camp in their journey through the wilderness gave them u military training groatly noodod in their littor invnaion of canaan with its wullod cities and nillitary defenaox moat important of all their years in kgypt gavo tho truo inrnolltes u grain ing in religion which was their doopost und strongest lond kjoootf was for ever inslatout thut tho brunt inovomont tho exodus hud tho aauctlon in deed wusicommiindod by jehovah it was in jehovahs nume that all hla commands and military urdara wori issued joshua bis successor- pursued tho same method and issuad even b la- war din patches in jehovahs uamu u tnny bo said that tho icxodus was an anclont labor mvolt a literal walk out in which u ruo of slaves marched to frond om aa they hollovod at iik command and under tho spocluo direc tion pf their cod 1 for study and dlseusalon w lung worn tho laranjitoa in gyptt were them other alimta tn land why did 1homoh fall in his problem of isgyptlanixjitlon how did ho oppress tho israelites com pare uoso and john urowu how did tho oppressions in kypt prepare the isruolltes for their subsequent his tory t what light does this lesson throw upon modern economic prob lems t dally resdinoe for nsxt wssk monday january 14 kxod 3 113 tuesduy january ib bxod 21 110 wednesday january 16 kxod 3 11- 6 thursday january 17 kxod 18 krlday january ib lcxod 11 110 tiaturday january lt kxod 13 1 bundtty january 20 1aalm iso descending scale an umuslng example of tain 1 uuotto is typical uf tlo nlnboruta but artificial ruloa of wlltoiiesn that branch soololy observod in the urly nino- teoiini ooluury tulorand thu famous diplomatist wus one 11 f tho ntoat conspicuous tig- uros in social affairs us wall as uftalrs oxstato- lie attomptod conatanuy to rostoro to aocloty sdmo or the mtigul flcenco und olouimij that it hud knowt bnfom thu hovolullon tulldyrund is said to have invented un olaboruto rpihi of tublu otliuotu icvmi u simple offor to uorvo u gtlvs with u morsol uf bf hud to im euro fully phiusod uodorduitf o tho ruiil uf tho guest v in nddrossing u prince tho host said my prlnoo may x hav thu honor of serving you with umo booft to u muriiuts mumuls grunt mu tho honor of orforliig yoa mim bwf r in thu csjiu of u count thu question count hiwy i havo thn pleasure of passing you souiu uioft was aunl- ulmt to u liurott hu nisruly said luiron do you ouru for nmut htif7 hut if thi guortl hupponod to bo u hlniplo iltlion- ltwjih only noritusur to look thu yuit miuiiiuly in thu uyo uml tmiutrk sharply ijuutt the value of accuracy if a number uf people worn aakod to 111 in- ho 01111 iiiinllty that help niont to itinino ot at hui to inrnmoii mu 1 mu in uf- no doiilil 11 ynrloty u iinawih would bo glvon irtbably no nun would ixi in a poultlnii 10 1 thut llmro ja any u ipiallty that is tho oil of su promo imporlunno nil would uirroo that thoru itru v tul 11 mfilriinnuln thai uro trnnoui lo tho hltfliinl nut teas tlno of th uy tlmr mo loo ujiiliy of tho ohthatl odnoimh klfiir of pooplo in orld ikophi who think thut if thoy 1 11 tblni about rlitht or got 11 imputation iipnroxliiiutoly correct mt hi huntilout hiuli u habit u i ml iiluiuld ho roffurdixl uorlounly for peinhitod in il will ntmoililoy v nt tin- iltnlnnmit of ih- htahoit i h y vih mlon in ufo in inking 0111i ollir llnuimtul lmtltu- 1111 uhioliilo uiiuniiiy 1 diuiuiiiliiil uml hunk clinks will npuil hniiru und lo to- u dli- ily yun nl thor und mother talked playfully in oanioat to tholr iimiill bon until iiiiddunly llko u light blown out by tho wind and leaving ultor durk- ull playrulnvsri wont out of tholr iov iy itobort dorrlnk cuimi fioni tho onloo whitofiicd und hhiiktiii a ruined man ilrokonly ho llurod out his cotifbutiloii to joan llk many unothor in tho business worhl who hud moi n umhltlon than uhillty to muko inoiiiy hlu betting- ichuulok intputloncu hud d him lo ipoculuto ilrsl with hla own hiougr funds und ihoti with thu nrtns motbor what is it y usked dlatroas- l hobbio coming lulo thu room uftor his futlicr hud loft it und rinding his other sobbing hur hnurt opt jou11 uld not uuswur him could only uutlior him hi her urma und hold him llo0 hum thoro boen unothor bud storm t sou mothorr ho aobnriy quostlonud are you crying bocuuso tho ship yuuva boon wutuhlng for has gotio on t which nil a uobbod tho mom vr nutid motlior hu comfortud putting hortoarwt chook wlioii i vet tn to u big ntun ill build you not imr ship ilolwttnn thum thoy munaaod somu- 11w to make good tho shorluco der rick cashed in his llfu insurance juan uddod tho small proclous inhurltancu hud mcelvud from imr aunt junos to and thoy morluukod tho llttla 10 with windows thut lookod out upon thu hurhor wlmro ships cumo in tho firm was poruuudud not to pr- iut llut llobert porrlck hovor hold up hla houd ukiiiii iu a yoirs tlmo tho alianiu ovorhlu dlsfiracu und ono tulluru after iiiiothor in now bushusw killed him us surely iw uomo futul diaoasu uutllig ut u hiiini vitals ho inutusd of walking hund in hum ith hla fat hr 011 iusy htruot itobbli durilcku boyhood wau upnt with his iiluwod mnthnr in thut hardship how huru llvo puoplu who huvo suuli huttur days und who lintrulnud imilttod to ourti u living oku out u prvcui lous oxlmtuct taking in uowlng ind doing uthor unskllfud ihorly puld rhoros many u time thu boy in whoso up- tiouriiuco his puronta used tp tnko such prldu hud only putcliod und thread buro clothes to wottr shabby run dowiiuttliuhools shoes many u tlmo ho sufforod bitterly from tho cold many a tlmo wont hungry to bod ltut in th school of poverty in which ha grow up ijob fterrlflk lournoo lessons that ho would not huvo louruod hud ho urowu up in the lovohhultored protected spolltoulychlld life or the past inatuad of selflndulifnitco tlu leartiod on durance from luck of money he learned ita vulue and hubit of thrift at tho urgo of noceaslty ho early ac quired u sturdlness a muiillnoss u rosource fuln oss of character and thon hu hud his mother to uwuku that chivalry doephlddun hi tho hu of uvury boys nuturo to stimulate inspire ifor there was that intlnutto tvo botwueu them that- comos not from giving nimntul lurgoas but from shurlng the bitter with thu sweet of lirlitili oo rlul roport liiuillllig 11 diilhiis hliuwod un rr i itt llu imliuiio nhoot during i honour ovorul nf tlm ublot iu count inn und nctuurliil ixpittw ih cntclunil pent wnki in trying nt find out whor ln minluko wnh hut in vain anil lux mri ntiitoluollt ukilll cullu ultnllllo o tlim illicit iror cauhuolulo la th ni lllliv i lulred sawing wood thu bucknaw llko ho gmjn r u practlciilly ut inhlltillloii of urn tho onotnut hotter while i i 11 dllliiit nt so iuhlllty it urioul- httlj in twomull r fi in tho ovolut hau us plaio 1 uml nvmi thiv iuplvuiiiiii junt lh tin instrumenti niu ih 1 a lot old uiulii ulid thon for moiiju npotiisl purpono an u ro iihultit of working up thn wlnlt wood iiu- howovnr thonu inn only to ho udvoiutid for one who iiliioluioly has not und cuiniot k ihu iiinii xlilr u huxxiitiw oifini mod- 1 i if i- too hioiy und roll uflnloroi to iptil 1111111 lohruirlly in hacklontlng 111 linliil loullixi wlhli muchtnory il uh lo illniii with moot of 1111 culi tlml iuoiih iiiiiuuulhilxir jobs ululll cornm nililiot oxlut when hollo wu 01 11 hninovor is 11 11 pi 1ml to them t uliao it yoos to thu root und kills tho rowth crop ays for farm with low prtited form lands un 1 honvy yields of b in alberta this your uunio funiinrw in tho provincn huvo boon uhh to uccompllnh wonders in tho way of fluuiicliig tholr furma kur example william llrosj of con- unit piirchuhod u furm ln the full of 1021 which they prepared for orop hint your nlld seedud to wheat this your thoy report that tho crop thoy luiv lukiiit off this fall has puld thu fxpmimuii 11 lid the purchase price of th hunt in addition of thn k100o00o ucrom nt lmid suit able fur miltsvahou in albortu only ubout 0100000 ucres liavu ns yet boon irotiuht uiiilor the ilow good land an hu purchuund from 116 to 136 un tho tvovlrinn uf alborta has had of tho lartfoi ops in thin yoai its history pigs have joy ride kor tlm first tlmo in tho history of u united hlatos mul probably the or hi tho aeroplane was usoil in unsporting uvo stock from the ter ritory tributary to the omaha markot tlm uonaliiiimuiit consisted of five boats wfllghlng 160 pounds each con- slnod by 1etor iurknr jr from llodiin county nobruaku pilot at- klnaon madu tho trip with his hv pussengorm from hooper nebraska to kort crook in forty mlnutos th bulanco of thu trip was made by truck thu hoics worn sold on tho omaha urkot to fooder millers worm 1owdors attack worms in thu stoiiu uh and in estlnes at one und no w irrrt can come in contact with them und llvo thoy ulnit co ict thu un leulthy con d it ions in thu llltfstlvfl 0 nuns thut invito and on oilman worms hotting up ru- actions that uro mm t bnnuflolal to tho growth of tho chlh they have at toalod tholr power it hundreds 0 f cases and at all tlrao aru thoroughly trust- worthy thats finei it hua heuti bald of u prominent edi tor who dlud recently that the words iipokun ofteiiest to tho circle of work- ho hud gathered around him wera lutu pnol undoubtoilly hu had to do bin share- of criticism to explain met und point the way but with ill ho oftanost foil back upon the vtiootiruglng phrase thats flnet if your invorsatlon was taken down shorthand for a month without your being uwaro of tho fact what phrase do you think would appear oftenast would it he some sharp criticism onw lllnnturud rtliig7 or would it be somu such soulwarnjlng bit of encourago- mont an that quoted thats fine homo tuoplo prldo themselves nu praising rather rarely thoy think it shows superiority to bo very hard to ploitsu hut tho world ib helped along wonderfully by those who see the good iii sincere effort oven though it fall- short of thn highest success and are rmidy to ruiognlxo ft by an oncourug ing thata nnol time has tesisd it thomas euloctrla oil has boon on tho markot upwards of fifty your und in that lime- t hus proved a blessing to thousumlu it is in high favor through out camilla uhit its excellence haa carried us fumu beyond tho seas it were double the pries it would bo u cheap llnlmotit t ii co 4 bo us hu shot up in his tootia ua hi utoihl ut thu houd of his clauses u school sold pupr run errands ctotk od part time aftor school hours in ui ascottdliig scale of pay gob his vucu tlon jobs the young stripling wu kuoplug tlutt prom la- that the littln itoy hobby hud muds hu was building unothor ship for his niothur and ono duy when thu fogs hud rollettruwuy und tho bar imr wua tloodud with sparkling suuslilno the trlum phuut tluy in fact when 011 graduating from bushiuas colleifu young ltobort tin rr ink wus orforud ullim position of jlt0 u month unit thu promiuu of quick promotion thu uuw uhlp uuniu into itort now i uui tuku euro uf you moth- ui hu oxultud buumlug down from his tall huluht at thu llttlu wouiun huggud olosu youru not to do uuy moru suwlng for thu storo or muko unv nuiro cakes for thu womulis uxohungu only for youis truly and you uro tu ho fruo from ull wutrlus und imv uvnry comfort thut money can buy ho with lila lyothors treluujous hund resting upon his strong urn ltobblu iwiluk wulkod ut lust on luy htroot lcusy hiruut thut runs ulong tho wutorfrunt of duydruuniu wlmro dock our ships when thoy comu in niiusod by so mupy who try to tin u short cut luudliig duwn tu it whm th only siiru und sufn upprouciris tho rough liown wuy of putlupt bonus t uphill toll lln foi wu im i hi id nil ids thut buxs- to than buck- liuhitlonu un- iiuwlig hut hi lonlly liitl on oliltlmo tondl hon ai 11 wokaotit in i imi tlmru iiiiint of u hint lhn ruhollliu txut iilliow uioiiitu by 11 iiiibnliihilul um ruin thiru l this too thul buskauwiug la ii mor or 1 11 o ubh job whlnh miiui with u vim und winn quite propur- y prfr it in thu udlum of hund- huwiih 4 agulu it will i noucid thut the farmer who biixxeh his supply gets thu job over with und k on to some thing ulno while tho buckhhw uil- hmufit is hurdly uvr out of u job tho wood ill utiirih him in the faco until ho hulc to got punt it whtit ucomfort thoro is in looking ut 11 big htupof an wod iirowotd in the comforter mr thwaltlstti a spnrtnmun u ci hlfu u friend lo i iftclly anil un oiiimintani initlmi tlml much ilimkiiu both dlr jrlondil whom ho lufictul will his iiiithiinluim fullowitit bin ilpi mliklly with mo oftori- tlisli not dliyitlrou1 ouliilii hoo wlmi yuuvn doiin wuitud uh uf his frinndu lift nun and you told mu i could pin my uhln on thul and did yiiut yon win no hu it well ttioii toplld tin ipllmlhtii iiportmiiun sun ihu nony yoult niivi- on luuudry iiiiik free railroad fare to nearest branch a job foh you 20 to 3 per week ho trurtor tint indu of john vi write miilck meuhiin- lutit tjuul- thln is u duyw li auiox un ml w to railway time tables at acton radian n ib 813om 31 103hsm 33 lpm 3c tt0 pm no 30 h19pm 2t huulny 1020 am thn rl wh old up il thu hiiow plkn loop u round thu hulldlngii wd albilght huporln t ml ii it iotulnlou lxparlmeiitul hub- hlaliou houvorhmlge alia p rlou istic tho pain and und itches of tlcltulcu und lihsumatlsm uhould bo t rutted with or thonma eoltrh oil thu soothing and hoal- inir iinulitlnu of this fumoiis remody huvo boon dumotihtrutnd fur fifty yearu i it uluo for luflummatory pulns en lu scrutchis brulnns und sprains ithor huhutnmi hons of tho lower unlmuls impression and expression tho a mun mixed out ucross kliimid ocuuu until tho beauty of it itlled his uoul with light und warmth hu took up his viullii und gave his huns ot to tho world in musfa as wondrous us wuu the glory that hlx uys behold a wuinun looked out ucrou tlu hills ti id saw thn glorv of thu aun shining ihiiiihi thu mouutulnu its warm radi an cu flllud hur hourt und with tho rudlancu cumu thu urgu lo hi otho hiuirtm with tho huuty of tho sun hho caught up tmr pen and ir her poem thu sun glinted and gleumud und illlod with glory tho common task of ovory ilfty for dwollurs in thu low- iambi an uthit uuw thu nun its glowing colors roll no tod in wutor und wood mul uky hold him us ho guxoit thu ruvliig of his soul wus not sutisflod intll hla bruuh could ejutross to all tho world mm glories nils eyes beheld in thu uettlng uun a little child saw tho sunset bee this tluy little suqbflam thats stoal- ing iu betwuou thn troos sgld tho child au sho wmt utiout her pui sho miug her llttlu song josus wuiitw mo for a hunboum in and out who wont umoiig thu peoplu she met giv ing back tho glory of the aun in llttlu duods of kindness und of love mnlndy of tho ocuu pom of th mouutulns iilcturo of the woods duuil of th plulnii in wnm way wo musl oxtirnss our imprusslons mlssluuaiy luwiow no child uhould bo ullowod to suffpr un hour from worms whon prompt relief can he got in a simple but strong rmnudy motlior oravos worm ex terminator i trouble him in u prlvutu ward of u hospital thuri wus tucuntly u lusty old mlllloiiulro whouo cumu uuvn his physhrluna -ou- blduruhto dinioulty ut first wull uskod thu crusty putlont una morning how do you hud niu ibis morning youru gutting on tun rospnndo i thu doctor rubbing his huhds with un ulr of satisfaction your lugs urn still swollen hut thut ilousiit troilhlu mu of coursn it dofwu howled the old utuu andlut itu toll you thla if your logs worn swollen u wouldnt trouble niu jijthurt more courtesy needed the 11u question of hospitality uml courtesy should enter into thu present duy lto mots than thuy do wo think it used to be against go oil lusts to booo 11 10 a mans guest and then nrtlo- luo his hospitality uuiu raoolvud it is sliuh a tlty tljat this has gonw out uf uaulou notice to creditors in thu estate of mary rltohls daaa4 tho rrodltors of mary ltltchie la of thu village of acton in thu counl of hultnu murrlud woman who died on or ubout thu ulghth dayuf october a o 1033 and ull pursons having claims agulnut her estate are required on or before tho fourth day of kobru- ury a 11 1bh4 to sum by iwst pro- puld or olhurwlsa dallvor to the under signed uolloltor for thu udmlnlstrutor of tho ustuto of thu auld mary ititchle thulr full names uddressus mid des criptions full particulars of their claims uml the nature of the seourl- u if any held by them on und uftur tho uuhl fourth duy of brilnry tho said administrator will proceed to diaulbutu the assets of tho suld oslatu among tho parties entitled themtti and h hereby gives notice that hu will not bu responsible thereafter fur any olulm or claima of which hu hus not reculved notice ut tho tlmo ilxud for such dltrlhutlou dutud thla third- day of january a aiconam hiiia uitchiig administrator h n 1uruiur aolou onturio hu hollclivr proyect the lawn in winter during tho winter the area which in uutumur is u lush grumi carpet in front of tho house is of ton abused vrv quontly it is nut unly neglnctud but multriuted occupants of tho house during seaslouii of cold weather ui pronu to ruttiind themselves that a straight line is tho shortest dlstanoo botwuun two points uhd often thoy ecouonilxu in distance travelled at thu uxpuuso nf tho lawn a wultbeaten path made across tho lawn in winter will probably work per manent damage tho grass may b killed und tho soil so compaatod that grusu bum sown thomou the tmxt sea son will not thrive huch a tmth will guiierutly bu obvious fur a number of yours a cow path is distinctly uh unuttruotlvu feature on a iwn thu lawn ulgn of summer kp art tho lvthh that are making may woll twi houdod throughout tho yuur another sin ugulnst a luwn is to mood it for tho purtxmmt of making skutlng rink a iwidy of lew over tho lawn tu winter is almost certain to complotoly kill thu grass thu gruss will not lohirato for u long limu u covering which proiludos movement of ulr young luwus should huve u oovorlug if unow a wlnduwupt tuwn blown ruu of unow in wlutur is llkuly tu losu uuch of ita young clover urush proud uliout tunda to ilohsct tho wind und holds tho snow dreco the wonder kidney livnr u stomach tonic as nationally advertised sold by a t brown acton and by a good drugolflt everywhere carpenters tools by doing all your repairs in the winter months you are savirrg time and monoy when the spring rush begins we have just tho right tools you need to repair your buildings and machinery flashlights a pocket flashlight makes it cuby for you to find your way in the dark they are use tul outside and in the attic and in the cellar w d talbot main street phono 7g acton ontario quality counts thatp the only reason wo can account for the demand for excelsior brand flour and wo will always maintain that quality there are all kinds ot pastry lours on the market today but just ask any housewife with good baking what brand sho uses and you will usually find it is excelsior brand excelsiohi brand flour is the choice of all good cooks d h lindsay mill street acton onta1uo acton creamery pays highest market price for churning cream fltesh milk dailys cents per qualttt at the creamery sundays from 8 to 0 u m no cream received after 12 oclock noon on saturdays acton creamery co quality our motto t j 0neil pr01 phone 53 peoples qheed ruoplu uru rml gruudy just us wu yoitd ubout thu poultry saving thu country along oomus uomo follow who wluhim to muku thu hens tuy two ugga u day- thu noxt thing will bu to insist on gruusa uiiough to fry thum in sf notice to creditors ok mahi w cooic tho oiuditors sif mabul whiulfrod cook deiiuaud of thu city of icrlh in thu htutu of lonusytvunla nursu who ilhil on or about thu ulghtuuiilh duy october a ix 1d1i3 unt ull uorso huvlng claims ugulnst hur ustuto wu requited un or twforti tlm twtmtyrlr duy of january a o 1u24 tu autid by post prepuld or othorwisu deliver th undersigned solicitor for thu uil- mliilstnitor of the estate of thu a ilumusid tholr christian und a iiuinus uddressus and descriptions full purtiuulurs of their olulmu und thu tuiu of hu seourlty if uny held by thorn for the sumu and that ou und after tho sad twuntyflrat day of jauliury- the auld lulmlnislraior will proruotl to dlstrlbut thu ushut of thu said ustuto us pro vldod by law umuitgs the partlus legally tuititlod thurotu and ltu hereby gives iiottcs that he will not be resimniaihl thuroufier fur any claim of whiuh ii ahull not huvo received milieu at th time nxed for suih distribution iutnd this twentieth day of omom bur a i 1u53 thoaiah hautibtt mutltln f administrate liy it n variusr aolou out his solicitor taking liberties with factb do not allow your doulrs to boun- turtulnlng tn gut tho butler of your dosirj to im holiest a grout inany young people ullow thumselvus to luku lllmirtios with tuitu in oidur to muko ihoinsolvou tnlurtulnlng it may suom to uouiu of you u llttlu thing to till un uxporlonru of uiioour persoua us if it wore your own ur to color soma occurrence by gilding llttlu louche ihut uro purely imaginative tout thin tort of thing ungunduiu u contempt ol thu tiiilh keep it up long unough und you wjii und yourself iniablu tu dlutliiguliil betweun truth und rsusa- hooil tin person who slicks tu ihu fuctk vkiictly hh thuy huppun lnuy lu luuu utilui tiilnlug thuii unothor who li nil ihu ttinu touching up his uxiirl uncos with thu blight tints of fnu hut it in thu formur whouo wold c hus weight hi8tohv in riloqanq hutu for iixuniplu lu u quiirl ur of u coulury of hlutoiy in u few wo v oinsu of lold full llln lull cuba llhiv- itxtnuiub r thu m ull u my iolli is 1 thu illg rltlck wutohful w lilting ovwr ihu toji muku th woi hi h fu for duiuo- crucy lluclc to nunm uy nw york tlu low drives athms bafur it thu si ix kollougw ulhmu no th va itltlleily glvlnm to linger ii ukiullcn ixporlmiiu with thu vdy sliliwu how u u tiro huivor il glv of long tollufmlvitig ttlul uifl po lllv lllttel iii thi ukuru knuw it would do lis rosun slid was until lis urk well xvsv castoria ao no 34 no 30 no 34 hunday 70h um lllham 3 3 p m 017 pjn hi 3 pjn 701 pm toronto suburban electric railway westbound no r3 ii ida lit no 16 i ilium no o7 or lo l hi no 1 k 40 t tu no as k do in tin c3 11 to pm esatbound no 64 7 4j u m no 60 loijiim no h 14spm no 113 443 pm no cd 743 pm no 70 104s p m sunday timetable weatbeund no 66 1 140 urn no 60 7 340 pm no 83 fi40 p m 87 040 pm esatbound no 6 1043 um no so 243 pm no c4 643 pm o es k43 p m weight delivered by special exprs freight fiyelght picked up at an ad dress in toronto to t tixbtjtord aent acton see avage and ee better writs or phone for appointor for when you wish to com a 0 savage optometrist mfg optioltn 8vs0 optical building rloht at the poet office ouelph t e gibbons expert shoe repairing prompt attention to orders left t e gibbons ux1n btkeet actoj barn honey at home larn upwards of 36 wuckly grow ing mushrooms for us ull winter wnasimt work for wither mx iart of frostproof collar or outbuilding necessary lllustrutoil booklet and particular for stump addnwui ph inly canada mushroom co bept- 4 260 oarduu au toronto acton elevator near o t r station following brands on hand flour manitoba flour pastry rolled oats oat chop oats oilcake hav and orain grain llought und ueuiled alex l noble henky awiujy manucer snvwvjvsv mother fletchers castoria s b harmless substitute for castor oil paregoric teething drop and soothing syrups prepared to relieve infants in anus and children all ugc4 of constipation wind colic flatulency to sweeten stomach diarrhea regulate bowels aids in the assimilation of food promoting cheerfulness rest and natural sleep without opiates 7 to uvolil imilitlii9 ukayi uiu for the llriiature ol ciytct irmrx il n icli miiuihc lhyilclaiis everywhere rcconminld i r free press job printing is always neatly done this stores policy j to roprescntgooda ex- aotly as to their quality to bell to thiiso who know and to thostf who dont know at u uniform lair price to fulhll all guaantecs and cheer fully correct all tnis- tifkcs to deserve your confidence by always giving you satisfaction savage co jeweller guetph ontauio

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