Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 10, 1924, p. 6

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ttnl died ilijavi at iforri liiwn kunilu iiinuitry l 1u4 wjillimi u uvc i ills t4th vhi iii hhi3v tmiunr ik 1 i m ij in at iii towii mi 104 llobirt jtli jui i r mo jniiuurv j itt 1 muh nwrir ofii iit j ttii tiimhn in 1kahmon in li in on juiiuiuy i 1uj1 i intuitu a ih lovivl wlfo rt wllllnm lift iqlli ytm ailny jo at tl av nlly ll vtnuo toronto on ul ii try 191 hniili annli wir r join ij yftrs in memoriam itii in lovhik tmmory of nioilitir mrs umili i iuli jmiuury ll lul uiir kiviirth km it lawnii in thti lonely houi rhuuifltim of joi ur dauoiitiiih urlfiur motli i nry h l2l throfl jns linv kii umt still miss in r nnvrr shall hor niomory fml lovlnff lumrts will ulxvnyn lliutir hound tlm irravr wlmro motl this hrtn frmn yi tlilv ami frlnn ih from tly tttit rmvor shall tho onr y tovi u rem memory puiiuwiiy tub family h jvrtnn 3fm jjah thuhsoay januahv 10 102 brief local items winter 1m coming on tim days urti growing loiitcor mru john 2nd im obituary mum mhin 0 i nh mimiii iinh lviiintlj w iw im id 1 in toronto o t nfl ii ml f milium piirviv h n ion ii iii- jn hlwol pi ofl irn hlirjkh i wia hill of tin w i 1 i a i i imiv vlm lit hll 111 nliiy iiflirii i rli f ir of yiiiuu in- ims llvn h uonnily furn on mali of will l hiihl u hllpl o to tin- town for tli tlx nonlli iht iigji i iilllf 1 foi mr in vi atmn of kin umiit ohii ntiituo tis of t flpuvt of 1 ciomvp of at t wntarilnwii i loto mrs join tho liail iloatl killfxl ity nn if field on wax u icrutt tho surviving john kiiiiilintf ulilirn l uk ik llvl iamt ml nlwln oliave ol i unit the plqur who wiih hint in i in 1017 llfm i uw ll art mr joi olt blunter jmui- sunday vu ary day a wnili of grotty cold wonthor has iwjoi iwdly hlojkiki by tim voudm bundny m ulliay tfalea not miich dunjrcr of ixtlnif run f by an uuto tlio lnya tho now council will tnunl for eanlxutlon nnxt monday many cradle no l foul that uprt to mckc i utopm on tlm bom a haxkajn that tnknii your money out of acton i a back are s tho boy and his handalafgh am putting in full time thnaa daya tho number of radio outllta i incraaalna every week in town keep january si open for knnx church old- faah toned tcamootlnjr somn of the mow bankn have been too much or the motor can lately good morning did you forget to renew your pbwj piuum subacrlptiont itredh atrawberrle riala during the week i have boon on only 75o a box no comment about springlike weather la hoard thcae january days wonder if that chap who predicted mild winter lm lea mod of hi mla- take yet thevo woa considerable healthy anowshovolling all day monday in some places the aeolian concert co will tnn der a highclass concoet- in thr trrwn qall to morrow evening acton is big enough to lc con venlent and small enough to ha a pleasant place to live in they have splendid snow shoveu at the hardware stores get onl ond the themes keep your sidewalks clean mr e a harris of the ilurllng- ton gaxette was reelected mayor of that town by acclamation the objection some people hav banks is that they tlm too inquisitive when you try to make a loan municipal officer macpherson has had a busy time cleaning the street i of snow the past week onto herbirl haul uwl funwrnl tool afturtiooti to win lurily i ixnlxrn of the futnliy i william of tor of 1hyiitilng unit iorcy tho week of prayer service large connraotlons t eaoh churxh and lmprbslve addresses qlven til wope of this showing that tlmy ur oet ready to secure your uuto marker by the first of kerbuary no grace will be allowed after that lati three garage owners and a ik1 room proprietor at thorn bury worn fined tor not having provincial licenses tho closing service of tlto union services during the week of pruyor will be held in no church this even- in tho boys and girls have hail u ttiiu week with their sleds and skates coasting was nno ami skating all that could bo desired the throo imw brick cottuues on itower avenue art hearing completion they each urn suppltud with baths and all conveniences tho skutlntf rink o pound for tho season on kylday evening the ijiuh- agemnut was evtiurou and utluwed all skaters free uccess to the leu the monthly tnueting of ouelph presbytery was held in uuclph on tuesday uftornoon at tit andrews church tho business was mostly of a routine nature the hands on thu uasterly furo nf the clock in ttu tuwr of thu clnv rn ment itullitlng struck on new yuuru tay und remultuhl that wuy for i ul days but nru now working promilv again the farm owuod by john 1 hiinip son lot j3 i oiici sslou 1 hsiiuusinu has ein sold to mr painull uf w- ton nt u price of 7 000 rhis suit wus inudtt by h j kerr r til agent turkeys nuiio from alhurl friends hi town for christmas us wh ms tram manitolwi mr wlllluni plunk mad family especially enjoyed ono mini try lila son lretl from west nf 1c1 spontoo as ll mark of appreciation iteeva il m paskbison was presented with u gold watch and- chain by the tuoraben of port credit council the ltotvu retired from tho oftus uftor niatiy years of lenrtcb mayor john ii doughty of mlm- loo u former wejlknown quulphlte has again been honored by the eleclprs of mlmloo who have made him their chief magistrate for the fourth con secutive tbn whenever you get a latter circular unify o tniurd ilul fur spiritual uplift nnil t rnnl and co munlty hottormant tbo nrst of hit krhn of union h vices during tin iiutloniil wi ok prayer was imld in mt albuns chut on mbnduy ev nhnr and tlu coiisitpi- don which assvinbldd taxxl tho suat- inb canapity uf tlm church hev a c stewart m a dollvered th uddress thu theme uaulgncd wan our ohurch and the young pople in forvoni words anl wise counsel h prrwntuil this imimirtunt topic and uliurtwl not only bright uttrnctiie church services but a vital typo of homo rullbion peclally throuch the family altar on tuesday ovcnlng tho m mbers uf the various onuregallons assembled in the liaptist lhurch this church wus also crowded with u iiiumm of wr shipping eople hev churles llnckott was the spcakor of the evening and had for his subjct our church and our neighborhood the imikirtunco of the church und its nctlxltle to tho locality whom it 1m hiiuiiimi was strongly imiirtaswl the duty of the people or the community to take un interest in the church w clearly et forth and it was shown that where tho membership take an interest u the church and its s rvlces and jcll- vlttes much good naturally follows tlev ii g l ilnufth m a upolo to a largo congregation in tho metho dist church last evening lib uiemn nu of a missionary chamctor all the world and its poople ho showed that wherever tho gospel had been faithfully preached und consistently lived glorious results have invariably brun rrullxed tho missionary com mission of our kavlour jesus christ uttered nearly two thousund yeurs ago challenge to all christians of this ago go y into all tho world and preach the gospt i to every mature thl evening thi swrvke will in held in knox church and itov xv h howard will dillvur tho uddress ills subject will bo the rulo of love and justice in all humnti rdutlonshlps wook wofu aug- g es ted by tho interchurch advisory council und arc very appropriate at all the services during the weok ho four ministers huvo been present nd have taken part in the respective services it is possible a union service will also be arrangml for friday ovonlng though this was not in thu plans ut first arranged swit justice given bed kan reached toronto on mendsyi 8sntenc- sf on tussdsy morning and left for kingston in afternoon the swift justlco mi td out to nor man kyun the notorious bandit un i bank robber will tunul thh upproval of peoplu kenerally who huvo followed neighborhood news- town and country u fiiin lull i f thu wldon i luomd line from dublin in lluuna i hi im farm in pl lid 1 bin will i i lira vol d itoppd tli tiiimiiii it iiinb allth motor huh mr mini y in himl iniuii f l miiiui hia piiidm i ih htundliui itwuuip ud tin liulili hnnli iiiljuln i uk ii will itiiiniiic iiiuih rinu iihantiiii third oi nperutloi mnt r in thu nas9agawya r ru of mill i h vi i in lull i ut milton w is hi n w w m w storing on fundity w nrst iitounu w nt 1 this mumi tlju rouds nd si hiw kill lloi knd hlpal oilli ell on monday i sulci in lite eh tion of lilwurd aliiow for llvn by a hood niajorlli 1 1n following ui councillors mioirx i rank mi nlv n lwma1ircumpbil william w umdkit and w t ni nr 1 ik n wux not a in run vote out on kioiiiit of thn hud slate of tlm ruadu tho short cmrsil7 llnxikvllh jth ro ui i of young pcoplo taking it ilto a liumbir ulviinlugo of att i my n ii 1 laid up with blood puis hand mnguwi yi mlng in rockwood oufi r inslwy thut it v ll t was invltnl for n xt und not to koikwood as stated mr 1 ni academy the liistmiiii guild muillc uocllihtr hpellt period at his homo h r mins margurot mi nuhb who wus very iii lust win k ih slowly r covering mr und mrs a l johns and family clinton spent riirutinuti with nlattvis hero mr und mrs huthorford ii wat toront spent chrulinnu with the formers mntlior mrs t h wat ir u it and mr churl ti h hurrls and mru thuu honhum ur tho school trustees for this yeur hnv a i campbell of ottuwu was to have pn uchml at paisley memorial church cluilph muixlay night but wus siurmhound ut llockwood and unable to get through in tlmu to take the service key mr campbell is one of tho fold workers of the department nf tevungolliim und hoclu b rvlce of thu methodist church kdward hunt of hockwood who has boon incarcerated ut tho count jail for some tlmu uwultlng trlulon u hargo of seduction pteudtl guilty when ho appuared bofon judtn kpot- ton and was sentenced tl a ti rm i t co lays in jul und wmi oi di l lo pay coo under thu uimuirriid put nls act tor thu mid lit un hhr f hlu child the town hockey icartic gchetlulo drawn un teams oeloctod saturday and csptsins t meeting an of ityl i a mo tlt of plnl uii0ii04i i iliiowlii j kll llh m tllhhd ntli mu ho id i u d m mil m iioiii i ii nt in wll i hi na i oltk ii ki a mo hil u u11i mm av hi ktt i l llnti pout hp llvogel a hum y i m 1 wiitiiriiou ii 1 hoi m 1 ul 1 ii mli n i ii hlulhutk w 1 1 jlgiln ainliuiiii i whltiuy iiubiock 1 l ijiplhi h hold 1 hi dor uiilil n liitii 11 i mtinp l i 1 r k ntin 1 cupliiln iipnon w mollowuy kent wlilt j hokii if hi iik 1- 1 a kli wuiorli mult a lton j ii hnylli ii lyl canadil vkr toll ol n 1 m in inih r- i i 1 i mul ii johnston i itll hi it agiiow o ih hiiiik hynnel wlhlhik 1 htu 1 ilyn hihikij i iimi1 cap- til j hoi it- il a klrk- w o henry m donald 1 c hii j w itauer jr the soiedul in mu folio ry h st i atu iillei a tor ry 10 una ii vi tigers juniiury 16 h nutors vm liners junuary 17 cuiiadleiui vii ht put january 2- si puts vh tigers liimmry 4 aiiadlemi vs honutori january b bcnutorit vu ht puts junuury 31 tigru vs cuiiudloiiu i hruary t tl is vs monatom 1 brtiary 7 ht pats vu canadians i nhiiiury 1- hlois v mt puts 1 idnuury u mi iiutois vu cunadlens a dlididnu wan also tnudo thut after lilaylng tlm iihovn sclwdulii to pluy off on 1 ehniary 10 and 1 between ttio una two tt hum gouts lo louut on the round tlsfollowlug rulm will gomiru ti gum h in tiio town ii uguo all gum rt will uturt ut 7 odoik on the dutu of tho iichdule ihe gntma will hi pluy d in thr pcrlodh of 15 lulntits each with a rst iniervul of c mlimitmi lhu rfr will be tukn from tho four cuptitlmi in uch cum those not inlurt htcd in tlm t uimi playing or from 01i11 players oil th uuimi jip- provod by the 1 ommlttoo in thu firm round tlu ti amu will ho allowed to usi four substitutes in tho second round llu y will pluy n- titoly undei o h a rules tho players will bo charged no ln- cruwo on tho ordinary skating ad- mlaslon tho tlrst gumi pluyml on tuesday uvuilng letwiut ul pats atlii hoinitoirt rohultod in 11 win for tin ut puts irlth of 31 look out for cheque artists ctimixed merchants at gslt a other ontario towns his iln lie d tu imprlsun- whippng by jc which begtmi tour given to i as one oj ejuaona of your rtmut lbjgre tktfrs ta 4 m tho bombo 1 tuhsn will he svi men toi life a strokes of th str them was not 11 fliker of uny umo lion on the fuco of norniun i hod hyuti rlmluul with u mixiwuii yuurs record us ho llstund to judge coats worth piououiue the ulmvo upjitonc on lilm ut 11 10 11 m on tudsy ho had listen d without anytlihij mora thuit u pasrilng uinllo when refer mica was inaile to umuii of his exploits while crown ationiuy armour rvlew- cd his long retnid of crime 11 hud stood stolidly ami without u shude uf cmotloii whllit hutoiinhit austin hoss inudi 11 plea for mi r i lhu 3 1 yiarn in liud enough tor hhu to fun thure was no uyinptoin nf 1 up nt- unu or contrition for his vll duoils when the judge uskid him if he hud ui wind to way tin hu own hi half ho till ntm k to ids uttltudo ut bruvadii no i haw nothing to uuy hi 1- hud in u low but ol ui ton tho life sontuiici ih tin maximum foi robbi ry with lot nee th nu provides thut iuniu h may hu addud and tins urv ut the tucitlmi of tin judg irgeil vim serv gait jan b for somo weeks post busy chock artists hav hnii operating in various wcstarn ontaiio towns and cities and on huturday chose qalt for the seat of their operations but u rn believed to tn ono of tho gun if fell ipto the hands of tho polii e who huvo asked tho toronto uulhorlths to loruti lrod williams said to bo the ua 00m plica of the man in custody while arthur ilobrts who clulms detroit us his home was urrestud on saturday the police mudu 110 uiinouncanient until monday when ho uppoared in court on churgo of vujru ncy und was ru manded until muturduy his finger 1 11ls were taken und also his photo- grupli in an effort to iu urc his record rour merchants woru victimised j walton dickson titreut j c win- doll main utroat ovorgo detweiler mouth- water mtreet and a m jruj mcnuughtou ktreet and in emit case heck for jtrffio was piusoutod sign- ed by a j wrlglitqon while the pur chase never exceeded 1 6 till itoberts entered a j wlndell urn jus clothing store on main btreul just after the proprietor hud imihi warned by tho thdlm to bo on t out for worthless checks but his uuttons wore ho familiar thai he took tho stdrukoeimir uuuwur s tendering a check signed by a j wrlghuon payment tho two men uro supposed to have operated in other places in western ontario und imiulrlos will be muda regarding llohi rts pust ut other points in western ontario j col o o lliowus tuim uu co niuiidlng oitlur for tho oth ilultorr ultlus implies tills month but in iwtog- iiltlon of past servlts ho lius been ask ml to cuntlnilo in 1 oinuiund fiu six mouths longer irkei froti lust w lot till oho 1 mill wednutrtluy uftornoon t itlxriti young bltrvet 1 up on bolsllghs und twi of tne y inltted nlur utuu into nitoct 1 national hillwuys tlm xr that smoking is tt be pasii 11 thn rtrs pr- sins that ord t will b popular with smokers hut what about tho ill smokers 7 the new excise mump ai e now being issued in u new form when some uomplolnts wme io- relved liiat the slamjis would stick to gether gad in order to obvtale this tjlftloiilty these stamps are now avail able in book form the stamp are mpinm by ajnall ahoeta of wojmxi tmpv almlmr to tv book form in wi x omxtd atuxu m tml special o t a oolcera- evidence msglstrate jslfs of hamilton who ighored tem called down by i attorney qsnsrel hamilton jail h lmhurrnssuil it is said hy magistrate jelfv di-ln- clhiatloit to hu convlnod by die vl detico of uixciul oitluurs ailed hy law breakers spotlurs provlnolul olth vrs usslgniid to mifori a tho o t a in tills ulty wi m respoiislble for his worship buiuif sununoiu d to toronto to discuss muturs with lion w k nltkle lv c attotiuyuuiuril on his return from loronto mulis- trutf jelfs wim iinprouchcd regarding tho mmrtvd lonwou fut his being uuked to moot mr nick but ho infussd to discuss the matt 01 lroin uttuchiis of the jocul provin cial ucuiiho depariineiit it wuu ludrn- 9d howuvur that illssutliiraotloii lias lki n fult fur uotiit tlmu h tlm olth ors itguidlng tho ullituito of mugutrutu lulfs toward upotluni who gave evi- 1 nee in muny as s it is claimed jvldehce uf thoo iinployd lo assist hu liisimhifors hud been virtually dls ountud or ignoted ovr tuho 0 vlsw the suns eclipse u of sclent lutu ftoui ull ii will gatlur in wusturi 1 wtthims jn- total e llise of the sun on junuaiy jt 1 ho sun will wgin to ht obscure ly thu moon about h in tiiu iiiornlug if tho day is ham uli westoni onturlo will huvn uu x- leliutit opportunity of witnessing this inteitstlng phuiiouii nun i an unusual circumstance two former residents brought aoton far inurment within three days on two duys lust week wednesday mul 1 riduy th bodies of two ugod former reslilunta wi n brought to acton for liidrminl in kulivluw coniotury in the old huiiti rim tlrst mrs hohurt itlnghnm from sault utu murio mu tho other mrs thomas ubbage fron tot onto iloth wnro aged ladks hud lived fo yours in acton und were duvotod members of the methodist church the old home church they both w brought und there words of est em woiii hpokn of tlu 111 for their godly lives und int test in tilings p rtultiiug tu tho kingdom of ood und tender measugi s of love und symputhy wot sicken to tho bereft members of tlm respective famllus und friends by itov charles huckott tho pastor miie iking of thu fai t that iho uhurnli was open 10 them coipfnrtubly huutud und members of thn tougngutlon rcseitt to welcome thunt und xteiid slncero symputhy ono of the mpurnors remurkud this is uiiothut uvlduiiuo of the vulue of thu church of qod of any denomination to any louimunity it stands for thu bli using of thu com munlty its doors ur open to ull wlm beud help its symputhlus uro with those who 1110 in so row its wolct is us silicon und its prlvllegus un frno to those who come us ompurutivu strung rs or us huig ago muinb us to those of tho pnsuit cougiegu- tiou it spares no uxpmiua whim 1 can mlnlstur to tiiosu whosu hait urv soro und its minis tors sat rllluo time and convt nliiiao if thoy tuuy but have the oppoitunlty td do good t prusunt tho riches of ood s grace 01 bring comfort ly u son owing heart i stand by the church uurusurvedly foi wlmt it is for whut it is alwuys reudi to do ind for the fuut thut it is tli huuoon light in every 1 ommunlty whr it is stabllshed survey of immigration lara cnd influg kpotsd commsnolno in to hssoti march a until rul sur cy of immlgiullon prospicth und of thu htitp thut urt uocssury to wtimuluto thu how uf m- mlgrutloti to cunudu in thu uiuium soon to open will he litudo by i c llluli secretuiy of tho ulllldlun uepultttiullt of immigration uud colonlxutlou win left ivceutly foi luromi mr xlall will inhput tlm iniitluxls of tho dlf- nt 1 gmiules liiuho into tiutihpor- loli fucltltli s uu dlcal liispi otloih il thu whulu otn latloii of the sys tem advising us to whut uiuuges uu nucussuty before thn lutlux ututtw in huvll in tlie past f w moutlis lin- migration has jiitiouuod well uvei u ilud pi nut mlintlng in muni it is ixpeutml that this will hit iuud- rupld lhu dicnumid fares coiicudid hy the htimtnship lines will ho a hulpful factor christuvlilo changed to glsn chrltis chrisllivlllo tlm vlllugo wlilt it ims own up ut he hum hydiutlng ptutit of chi 1st lu hutidursoii a co uuur uvelii bus hnnli tiiiiumil tllin chrlsllu thr bilng u ph 1 of tho in humu hi quihit un tho lin uf hu cunudlun nutumul hullwuy the immu is given uu tt trlbuto to mt d is chtistlu tho piuldunt nf o10 torn- puny mr chtihtlo built u i huroli tlinu lust sumpiut do something for yourself now that thu rush of muklng pletty filings to ciirlslmug tliio is uvr wouldii t it bu u good pluti n of those ul 1 1 fuiwy thluus you iimvd huen wanting so in come in urd lot us shuw you liow muiiy dainty things in your simi re inommils out stoi k of fuiu y goods und i uptiftho uilnut htt fol t be illlln 1 hindu up y is right special reduced prices in miluinery miss x galbraith mill acto 8theet n ont notice to hydro consumers bcgtnnink with rebrunry uctouots for lifjht ntid power that part of the town on thu west hide or mil street will be read and accounts due on the imh of the month rtint purt lum uf mill street will bo read aid account h due tho 25h of the month tha hills will have thu discount date printed on them acton hydro commission the sunderland house mablatcommodutlon for a limited number of jicoplo requiring regular meals wo k cfllclcnt scrvico good wholciomo food and good comfortable itirrouiidlnub prilcn on applica tion enjoy your food and you will enjoy the new year d v ritchie ikophietor wonderland theatre monday and tuesday january 14 and 15 mcquinn pronounced by the press and to be the big refined musical comedy company music that is music parsifal bells xylophones viola piano etc note this is areiukn engagement by popular request also photoplay me and my gal with betty balp0ur englands t0rem0st comedienne the romantic english comedy sensation of the season admission i adults 50c childrei35c including tax 1 look this list over every one a money saver strip kntflbth rjunnilrtu- buiinhk for men l 1yjuimi nifhtowiis etc i xlru wide fnit color odd vnltic it jt splciui j7jc hcg sl spcciol nvjc white english kjnnncktle heavy double wmp u tn whl ilannelotteif 27 inchch wide very muhlc for childrens wear soft with a nice napped lw h kejjuliir 1l special 19c ijidiett white ilnnnclcttc cowrm made up of a medium tuulity lliunicli tte with short sleeves v neck spccml nt 100 hwir mat nt reduced prletn riicncfnmta conic in lyo mc the coor arc pink blue und brown tnincd ihado liw atc inen hcgular sl 2a for 50 the hinnher mzen uczuur 4 10 for 375 now in th time t uuy floor oil clollw njid i n w you have fl- hale tax on what we hav c i fy three good patterns of t yard wid i molcuin i ur jood patterns of 2 yrd wide f itiolnmi i loor oil clothi in vi and 2 yord w ext hipment all prices will be higher mclean co mux street acton ont 99 saturday treat watch our windows just received a freh supply of quaker kukj thac od fashioned candy lhaf evcrybpdy loyes- taice a poend with yoa when going home and have n treat tor all tte family fhutt caramec lb awjuidcrful value at this low price a rich creasiy canmri vandla flavor ith just enough assorted fruits mind in to rjrtr it real tasty saturday treat reg wc extra special 27e bk- weekend chocolates 32c ft a real good aisortrneflt of higbgrac stnctlv fmh lotes a favorite with everyone- hard and lofr ceritnes assorted flavors including vamlta maple caajje icmott pne- applc and caramels etc keg 50c and ooc tb satnrfxy spersi 32c lb ice cream and ught lunch wo arc proud of our light inncb biumcu droe m wrtlt the resr and enjoy a sandwich or a cup of hot cijocotaat cr perhaps you would prefer a frutt sundae or a chocolate sodac our motto cleanliness and quality v rumley ihone no 3 acton ontario removal notice having removed our bubincs from tho old property at mill street to young street wc arc now open for business at our new stand wc solicit the continued patronage of our customers nt our new qunrtcn and shull endeuvor to the best of our itbjlity to furnish our usual good service wc tuke this opportunity of wishing our many customers the compliment of the season parker roszel yoonfi stkket acton ont 1 tv- winter time is meaf tim all through the cold wcuthcr you necd to cot plenty jf meats untl when you cun always ct thu choicest of cuts at piittcrsonu meat market it ih uu oxtm intjuccmcutttt ucrytj njcat often through thu cold wcathci wo nlwijyi have full stock i of licef poik lamb i isli vcul etc and with our cxpeiiciice m cutting meats you yet the hest value for your money 1 capned goods when the family has begun tu tiro of the usual diuhes thxso pure and wholciomo can tied vegetables fruits etc will offbr mspitutlon for a ntcul thut is both dolicioua uud unusual llicy arc exceptionally line when served with our meats place you i order along wijh your meat order and have it delivered v open bonesday apternoonb w j patterson cxiwr muandiainbrakbrs acton onx fmffw 2 ht iilm u

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