Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 17, 1924, p. 2

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ffiljp artmi jfrrr fyreaa ttluhjiliay january 17 1134 the mortgage on the farm tin gone ul laul und i mil glad it ituyod it fourful wlil- am whim hut win id wim light uml guy i could nif viti nmllo it iit before uu i ui u giant ou- iilnli ik il ui iron urtii no mult- r wllnrt i look id i nuw 111 tiiuifgiigo on tin farm ill ml y liuv it hupponad fnf i wum i in world to know how glu1 i inn tli in wintry luy whiut nuflh in whltu wlili miow im jim i uu huppy lm tt ink no cuuau for rudn ulurm s coiifroiim um now foi1iried u tlm mortgage n tli furm tim chlliltmt tliny with growing 111 mill tlny wim wmurt und trim to uotuo big college in ton lust wed bunt our youugmil jim ami nvity tlmo ho wrote us ut ton bottom of lilu mined hnluckjod uoiim latin fvildorol which no no of um could rnml the klru thoy run to mimic und to rhymes they rtl il hmiim wmm out of stylo umltur behind hi tlmoa thoy suddunly dlsklvnrud uml it dlfl not kiinn vm warm anothur atop of run run luwanlk u mort gage mi the fuini wii took u ciuuky notion ilummli juno and mi but duy whllo w vcr coining homo from town u- tul kin nil tho way tho old ho uo wasnt hi enough ul- though fur many yours llonnutli ltd humble roof wovo shared nuch other a joys un j tours w built it oer and when iwiw dnnu i wish you could huvs ivon it it woi u most tremendous thing i roully didnt mmui it why it wan big ouuugh to hold tho poopln of the town ami not ono half mi cony u the old una wo pulled down i bourht u tine planner urul it short ened mtlll tho pljo hut thon it plooand tho child roil and thoy bunged it ull tho while no rmutur what tho pluyodfor mo iholr music hud no rhurm kor ovary tuna said plainly theres u mortgage on tho fnrmt i worked rrom morn till evo anil to hod us often tolls the sluvo to moot thut grisly interest i tried hard to to bravo and oft whun i cumo homo ut night with tired bruin und arm tho chicken bung their heads thny foil tho mortgage on tho furm hut wo auvud u penny uow and thou wd laid thorn in a row tho gjrls thny played the same old tunes ami lot tho now one go and when from college canto our jim with laurels an his brow i led him to tho numpy field and put him to tho plow ho something oald in latin which j didnt understand dut it did mo good to mo hi plow turn up th dewy land and when tho year hod onded and empty were the crib we found wed hit tho mortgage sir a blow between the rib today i huraaased up the loam and thundered out to town and in tho lawyers eight i planked tho laat bright dollar down and when i trot tod up the lane a- foelln good and warm the old red rooster crowed hi bout no mortgage on tlo form ill sleep almighty good tonight tho beast for many a day the lrelaton that haunted us ha passed foroer away the girl can play the brand now tune with no fears to alarm and jim can go to parliament no mortgag on the farm i the 8mart younq man match ed a young man was wanderfhg up and down the platform of an english rail way station intent on flndlng an empty carriage in the train hut in vajn finally assuming an official air he stalked up to the lost carriage and cried in a stentorian voice all changt horel this car isnt going 1 there ware exclamation from the occupants of the crowded car but they hurried out and packed them selves away in othor part of tho train the smile on the face of the young man wa chlldllko a h settled him self comrortabiy ah he murmured lfs a grand tiling for me that i wa born clever i wish they would hurry up and start by uml by the station agent ap peared at tho door and sold 4 aupposo youre tho smart young man who said this car wasnt going r yes said tho clever on und he smiled wall said the station master with grin it isnt- the porter heard what you said and o he unoouplod l he tjuught you were the superin tendent mujwuwwsmvkbmutwmmuxmft slp 3ffrrr llrraa gnrt ftiorg riie mogul of the rhode islands imma ma1ihit iiihon h thoho ountry i r uulil jrry riuik ui iixo dojit rrilti no ollplu till who imihiii l tul- hf ro u jflvn i without u iloiiui of thm irylnu lj ntn tmi und talk uhoiit the irii ur the wuuther awful wumip tt time to vlult ulong tin roud like duill hilly u tooi i in th doorwuy of thuli nliutk wiping hi lht of tin- liiviikruvi iiibiikh hiiy jerry ymir nil off tlnr- h prtitostvil croprf und wimtlmr urn hiilitou out hern uiul k remittor um ilk us wmtlihit hitve not fur with ntir rhliikon uml tmkiy ruin ing if it hudnt been for mtmn of tho informutlotrj woni ut utrf vlultlnj along thi roud oh ihtnk ul uulil jrry b nuturimlly ntlinhlitg into ic1kuh rrutu- cd neut whlrh wua ruppod with a ruklsh tup bvhlnd tho to wim u spkclnl arrtinsomnnt the imyn had built to hold tho tuu crutiu thut tlmy worn taking rcgulurly to tho ulty und that had startii their tiny bunk mi- rount cllmbink towuid th u in thut would moan unothor yir of wrhool for both of them thflr fntlter who had diud u yiur before hud wuiiteil hilly to bo u doetnr und jurry to t an ilootrlcul englntnir you stand uji for thrtsn chuttirrlng nolghlxirs rontliumit jerry just ho- uuuuo you liko it youmolf when they ntii you to tulk nlxmt mitntoos or tho prosimkitw uf n little ruin next week pinfcr to htlck to html tnli you elii4t i thi un to w tlmo when by the wlitiokh by thn htug no tnu partlaw hopaino the road the road hog doe nut cure u hoot for the rights of uthr men ulong the pike wu woo him scoot und thuti coma back again ho doos hot htied tho wholesome rule that other mull obey tt think thy were complleil by fools and go his rucklna way ha never potlnd a warning note when going round u bend he tour the fend ers from my boat so theyll no longer fend ill runty bubfup lock with mine when he uttoinpt to pu and im upat and with my spine 1 punch holes in tho graaa ho spoils the pleasure ut tho roud each day far counties wight th blelng on hi head bestowed shuulil hpoll hfi sleep o night hut every tlmo i mv him wills ui sixty mllo or mo u sweot uotiuollng thought thoro 1 td lighten all my woe home day hell mwit an- other hog a down the road he skims the coroner will tuutloguo his brukun rib and limbs borne day hell moot another swltio as ho pelts to and fro and smiling we will ronn lit hue und sy wo told you so when hog meet hog rvbulta sro rich ami the mortlcluii grin wa drag the doud one from tho dlti h utid suy hut jus tice wins wult uason lonq pi8u8ed but not dead itlvery pomou iw u walking muauuui a living volume uf the history vt tllo world btund before u hilrrur uml rulsa the jod lid uf one yu- at it cor it or you will sou u little fold uf skin which cannot tuibly serve any useful pur pose it did once though for it i ull thut in loft of u m4imltrunuarent third eyelid suuh a birds uml reptlla r which ouuld ho lowered a a protector when our remote anceator were pulng through deltas under growth and whilst you are ut the mirror look ut your ears just over tho en trance of cmcii is u little imilntad lisp which can be made to alowe the eur if it is promod backward with the finger this was uuce a regular eurshlald useful us u protector in sand or dust slorms or whsn it owner took to the water a few people can still move their ours each uf us possesses the mus cles whoso duty it was two thousand years ago to turn them in tb d trac tion of sounds or to wag them whan fllm war troubloaoaia- though ahrunjt to tiny rapanant tbroujrh ion duuas thass moela remain sumo way wo g putrhos of wood fnmtl ulong the roud for u with thut iurllng shot jnrry wut off rutttlng down tho rough country roud ho was a cnupld of mllo away iteforn ha thought bay 1 forgot to tell hill thut i let tho little lurks out in tho north clearing to got somn of thoao juicy bugs round tho wild rasp berry bushes well i guen itll be all right tho sky clour u u itoll and ill bo back early funny how lltllo turko urn such fonder thlngu thyxthoy cant stand any wotting frhs turkeys won jerrys mpoclui clfareo and ho hud rigged up a lltllo contrivance for lotting down just tho proper amount of food for them ut the right time uiii soldom bothered with them jerry suddenly forgot alt about young turkeys tor just ahead of him on the ndgn of the roud etood han millers stout wife and four sturdy llttlu mlllern with fnens wreathed in amlles they ware protiably going to town to sea tho circus parade if good luck brought thorn the chanoo to ride the ton miles to tho first car line hans was working for tho county on tho road with his only team of horses ho wa filling a washout that a rain storm hud caused and could not got uway to take his family sorry kltxa cant bo their chnrlott thought jerry a he whlcsed by hut i havent room for more than a third of that family even piling em up ii layers so he sped on if ells had not so soon got him out of earshot he might have heard frodu millers remark ho goes by so quick i not even doe ho say hello where are you going dressed up so finer pvon ifho ha a automo bile he should ba polite ha means good said her mother when i saw him at the farmers cluh he talked pjeasant hut he thinks he is too busy to speak on the roud ah he will got over that he is the mogul of the iuiodo lalaoda explained nlnoy earold charley solemnly i dont know what it is but rather say ho is named thut by ull tho neighbor men now hut not that boy- hilly just this one jerry hush said their mother it i only in fun and ho 1 young hotter you work hard to go to echoot too prod a and charley tluin tulk about your neighbors that jerry is trying to make him a million dollars in summer to gi to culloga dont tulk about such neighbors that coma itoro gruon frum the city und have to have chance to learn something he hero is john iotorsun with his cab bage truck he will surwly taka ua in we are lucky son it hours hilar whan jerry hud sold his eggs und had arranged with hotel to take his khode islund triors ut a much better prlaa than the com mission merchants would hay paid him ho turnd ellxu out of the crowd oil business utreat towurd the woaturr suburbs only to roulx suddenly thut the weather was no longer clour b bell indotml while kllm chugged a few blocks furthur tho hoavons b can m a mas uf durk ucuddtng clouds thut blotted out the blue sky ami piled up in u groat heup a fow grftut oum of thunder n few knife cuttings of lightning and not much moro thuu nvo minute utter tho sky hud tmeh blue und sunny tint ruin mine down in u deluge kllfcus cm ok ml old hoiinot of u top askew now with hut beating of the ruin ortorud little protocllort but jerry did not mind ho oould stund uity soaking and in would kep right on driving out to the little uhuuk in tho clou ring hut he know thut whoii ha reuuhed it ho should tlnd hulf a hun dred promising young turkeys thut in thn autumn would huvn wen worth ulmot their weight in goli limp and dying llu could only hope thut tho young hhode lulund hods which wru in unothor purt of tho churlug und which were under lllllys euro just now would survive thny ii liuvu to suv us hu hiuttarvil with tho ruin streaming down hi face u the wind drove it uluhlhig und mplushlng under iclixun old tup itll kop rill in school ull this ymr unyhow und i cuit got work with honm ulootriciuii und thou niaybi ui on to school nuxt yeur jurry cllnibiid out of iciisu ut th- shuck ut lust the ruin hud ulniost cusod in u few tiiomotitu thn sky might uguln he u rliyir- uu u imiii uml the wet glistening uuithlwi drying urf rapidly hilly wns stundlng nt the iloor itultu uimwuru ihit hulf of their school money wnsloait in tlm duad turkeys out in the north o inuring ahil when jerry broke the now to htm und ad mitted his own curelumbnomi in not warning his brother tliat the turkoyu ware out hilly seeniod eo tinconuafiidd that he even stopped lu pour jerry a aup of steaming oorfe hno drink this ho said and then get into ouu dry clothes dont you know yotii a soaked to the akin out i let tho lurk out to wit bugs and pevsr told you sluromerttd jerry ana of course theyre all uwiflnow i couldnt telephone at the lmglu- nlng of ths season jsrry had dtwlded that if they had a telephone usuunl th frianiuy neighbor would thther them oaillut upj so ha bad deaid4l to do without ona ohuia turks are ajl rtsbi said blur j nw wmtfa ht thought of thorn myself inn uumi youre strong on system in this buslnnbh uml on our lelng rotiioiiilblo eu h for blu own purt und honent i hnvoiil hunlly dimxl to iixk ut th turku oiik i took them over uml hud all you volition rigged up to uki urn tliom wtioii you wuru uwuy hut hans miller wum working on thn roud little piece down hero oiling in wughotit from liitfttwh storm hu can rmellono of then hurd s tdi rulnn ulmost an hour heforo thmo is u cloud tnlho iiky und ha tot t jii trouble to hurry up hero und wr mo to cnjl in tho itttlii chickens an hut them up tight and ho eald h thought h itd it en our young turkeys out in thn north rlourlng when h drove puet and if thut wum so i hotter muoil 1 1 mm up tint l of ul weve got lo thuiik hit pii for suvlntr our young bird for us this 11 cumn more nudiloitly i hull tho iim iuhi wtok i wu weed i n if thn garde i liu even then i never drumnd ruin win coming i jurry wus silent and hilly run tin uotlt after a puumr hans suld hii wlfo mid children wont to town t son tho circus purada und theyre ru ing lo visit their uunt on koventl htroot until ufter mupimr when in un drive in for thein with thn big furm wugou a nun duy for th kids id like to hour ihn little ultuv tulk ubout it olvphants and tlgars and ull they muat have ixwn awfully nl citod before thoy got started yes they worn huppy i saw then ready to start udmlttod jerry what did thoy suyt askod hilly eugorly than he udde1 quickly hut of course you didnt huye tlmo spouk to them no j didnt rrpllod jerry qulto eo uura of himself as unuul of oourso tharu wore too muliy of thorn for mtfldpack into feillxu und look hero business i business uu ive suggested beforal a follow cant bi vudtlng ulong the roud hut when hilly ventured 1 told hans to slop here und help out m uf our baked boun when lm in lnhed hi roud work jorry kaiot cordially aiad orjtl our shacks nlwuy go ing tp bo a place where folk uro wel come and especially at monl tlnms weve got to etop work to out uuyhow buy hilly ivo got a pouch of un offer from tho hotel tor our llbodo islund itod friers im going to take in the urst bunch of thorn tttat twentytour in ubout ton days x figure thoyll bo just right then the chef wants thiyn ullvo to hold for fuuey orders and ive gut a great little idea for a cruto to take them to town in it hua i patent opening so that wo hant huv to be nailing up alut and hucklntf them loose uguln to let tho birds out kor the next ten days ehisu ulthougli she needed tjnkarlngtnoro than uvm now for hor engine bail liogun ti cough and rus sufforml real neglect jerry was working on his invention the chick on irate wua lo huvo tbj most ingenious door fustonlnk over lin- uglnnd one thut neither fowl or liurnni could open without knowing uxuaily how hilly came out from his job of peel- lug apples tor auuce on tho duy thai tho crate of twentyfour young frttira wu fl natty mountod on tho rear isliaa ha could not help udmlrlug both the crate and its contents peering round from his seat l aulaas wheel under the craxy old top ilorry uald laughingly im sorry 1 cant sea tho chicken from roy seat id like to feast my eyes on thorn ull tho way in but i can only squint ul the blind side of the crate from little peephole hare bay hill do you think the patent otnea will give me a patent on the new cruto door before thursday of next weekt bure they will hilly ugrood what time are you going to bo buck to day 7 im planning to go fishing with young johnny peterson if you think yoil am get back by three oclock sure 1 cun jorry unaworod ill bo here an hour or two uheud of that providing of course eliza behave her self bo plan your fishing trip im ready for a nice black ho upr tylf then ha wu urf rattling uonf tup rough country roud down tin- imrllou lurly humpy elope over wlilijt it lrd to the main road and past wtntihoi uf virgin woods poo pled only by tho wild bird und squirrel und rabbits tho coming of settler hud frlghleitud ho deer back into the untouched wilder ness tho clearing with their euro fully tendered potato fields und tho pasture of cutover land with cattle and leghorn chickens fuodlnjh tho stump and uio little tarpaper shacks with their curling plume of chimney smoke seemed but toy clour ings und toy houso btwuetltha longer stretche of freah thick woods mont thuu enough neighbor to wult jno jerry thought a h drovo ulltu swiftly toward tho city at the second pluca uuwn the hiulli road ho wus ulraoat puat tho house hen urandinu hillipgs wuvod a quuv- urtng osclted hund ut him a if ho wunted to tell him something hut u tsuaa wu going smurtly und hor engine wus not uny joo easy to start incu it stopped jerry kept on his wuy i guuss soinabody elsull le ulonu dlractly who hu mora tlmo to son whut the old lady want tnuybu its no skybluepink yurn thut u fellow uld huvo to go ull over town to titutoh ive got to kewp going while is liras in tho humor leooltfui kliaal was it out of tvengu for reositt ituglnat that oil th tlrt bumping slope a quarter ofu tnlle buyond the homo slluck alio hud struck a stone and romo down to tho rough road uguln with sutnuluitt force lo jur open iho patent door of tho cruto t it beentad so ami then of course crowding scuiod two doaeit hhode islund hud had dune tho natural thing a jorry hud sped past grandma hill ings theflrst uf tile chickens had flown n tho upouod cruto to the safety of the- loud and theit to tho grautur ifety of ttto wllderinui orundmu hillings fulling lo slop the mogul of the hhodo inlands in his uttletru cur tuadii u bruvo brwah- luuj duah und tried to outuh tho oh ink n luforult got doep into the uuder- biuah on thu nthui- si do uf tho road hut m wus of no uso uitd she out ilown resignedly to got hor breath be fore uha went lit to toll hor daughter hally tliat jorry wa like to loao all hi trier befure he got to town and levor know it and whan thoao skit tish young chickens get into the woods therell be no catchln them she add- t its too ikudl those boys uro orklng an hunt for their collage edu ction i 1 just hop tho door of thut iiiu swung to on thu others hut jcuxu was o ing to it thut tho dooi uwuiig fully oion with every ut- wunl turn of the roud und the roud turned ouat or suutheust a ml ole of llnte un the wuy to town as jerry qmiu to john 1ntoruoiis piano young johnny wu working over iii nahlug lackl in tho side yard llo was hulfsmlllug owr it but ho grin ned just as jerry caught hi aya uiero whore the had tutted east again jobuuys hands waro lu the tangled troulngt lln but ha uaskt nia mouth ho yidlod for hilly nuke ihit jorry wuu ilrlving iiiku m fnt niip mid did not lmther lo elml to got lobiuiy mossugp lliui ierr i lid l fui johnny i nijiihl luive him hlii tooth rs hut tangled ilumilll in hlw ilnh linen ho imide u hiidliii und linrfo mini dim irosh th imd lo iiiovr what hud dtoppod no ruhlly llf of tho unite lint viii if johnny hud ihmmi treo o hot oiitiiiiglnd tin kin il in likely thu um two fuglllvi- ithme ihiiuiii ltil would huvo napeil to th wild froo dllll of the wohih beyond tho ildiiraot ilnirluk thoy wen 1 ireat uu nlninciint blrdu of tbi idiix h johnny unwound tho trolling una from ubout lilu uiiith und then w in to telephone thoio two blrdu will kimi iii uny lilokeli coop uguln id i hi liiir tin till in hie hoa got by miller ulreudj hut maybe lrinu uu uto him xfi hlb willi pd on bliartilly uliliwuro of lllnuiitri und traitor took the uwiiiuh wpleiidld m thill mhiuiltig mura of tlio frlerti thul wl e to bring big oool dolluim tor tixt yeuru uoliool huns miller who wiii working in the flidd mn pollnioll towurd joiry wuvinjf his urmu wildly jerry jhvo hiihlneallko nod tuiohdld not turn on iciixum gas kuniiy ho thought how thout rduntry folkn think if you have ihem utop ut your limine roi iiuiipoi om night thivie your imimhh ti lends for ovr dfterl kiixum birthing hud b liiooi jerry divided thut juat lnforr lm tuimd into tho houlevurd beyond the reuch of nil thoim tooloving noigli lxnl he would ntoii the citr uml loo over iho lltllo putihedup engliin the hint turn botwonn htm und tho luiul vanl wuu u turn wont ttiut is wh moved thu one rnmulnliig llttlo trl ttiut wuu nibidulil for freedom ui dirht ut the next vuidwurd mwing heforo looking ut hiikum ungli jerry stopped urmiiid to gtout ov tlm twentyfour tine uhlikiitis though it hud spuco enough now und to upurn the ono linily rktinihontutlvo of th royul llock cowered in u i or nor jurry nnid uhaolutnly nothing fculu ho got lu with no concern for her uathmu uml turn tho car which wus iicling bully now round on tlm roud he hud juit followid ho scun- nod uch mi do for uny glow of ruddy foathnrs but there wuii rrohh thick woods momiud empty of ull life ho would have driven mtrulght pust john rotorhonii pluro us heforo but young johnny with his urmu shroud wide uiul trying hurd not hi grin ntood ijt tit i very centre of the huy he culllid tho whole string of folks ulong th roud tried to sto you lioglnnlug with orundmu lulling when thny snw lyiir chlckutis gutting uut of the cruto wo even telephoned uheud to tlm croons to got ii mm ti run out uml mnku you stop hut thoyvo telephoned buck that thn whole family yelled unit you went by like u deuf man i thought they jusl wuntnl to visit jrry uald soberly then ho grinned buy tho jukns cortalnly on mo but its ho joke either instead of big coal dollars to put into our hank lie count ive got one llttlo frier to tukn buck to hilly ufter 1vo tolnphonnd tho hotel thut i mnt 111 their ord this week maybo ill got om sem if i mtuu out lioro long enough lo you think thorns u ghoat of to got ttto twontythiuo wther fowls hu k t johnny wim llrt but his voir hud no mocking unto in it no i irruld not its good by o to them tho woods u le too big hind tullglod well thell if i cull uan your tele phono to cun thu ohwf ut the hotel first ill go uluntf home und uu und hilly can get uu uarllnr start fishing nothing doing suld johnny this is whore thn neighbors turu conies in omndmn hillings started it und i guoa awry last ona along the roui wu ouger to join hor thoy ull ilk tho wuy you utid hilly uio working no hurd for schoolings so theyre coin lng down here nuch bringing some of thn bout friar for you to take ti tho liotel und salhuu you would huve sold your own youvy got to tuke tliem for hlllys sukn you wont for your own though the folks ntuuu it juat a much for you tun of hi tho diatuuen jorry could hear charley miller helping his mother to cutch throe of her boat frlors to in carried down to p to mints to bo stow ed in jerrys moudod cruto uml ilrlvuii in u seemingly rapnntunt kllcu to tl jiotol how cult he bo tho mogul uf tho hhodo islunds if wo givo him ilurrod uoek chlckeum usked churhy hush replied hs stout mother ho is no inoro tho xtogul ho is just ulcu common folks uow brother hilly the longest way round it does not ulwuy puy to tunnel tho mouiitulir moiilotltno it is tin imrt of wisdom to go uround thun uro young peophrftyho nr too much incllnail to think lt to curry out their purpose 111 their own wuy turning aside a ulngla stop this inuy ho tho proper attitude in curtain casem und then uguln it is clearly mistaken uftott tho uxpert unglituer hid it heupor to tunnel tho inounuiln und stralghtmi iho truck though thn nx- pensu involved is so oiiurtnous it puy and that uguln they it ml it would iw an unprofitable undertaking und thut evun though it taku jougur it is bolter to go uround and so it is with tlfv kontetiniu wo uavo by turning out for other peoples pro judlc bouiot lines it i bettor t mat our own wuy iihiiik in favor o thu prcfutuiicom of othai thu lon wuy uround ntuy bo tho uhortust wuy to our goal h i only in tnuttors of principle- thutthuro must be no com promise money or vour life a robber stitbrvd u hamilton homo ho was aiinod und tnaskod ho wuu young und attoiig- uml vry bruvo ho tiptoed up tliu stair into u bod- roam using hi fluahtlght ho found i ugod woman of uu us loop huhtg u liruv man hu levelled thu gun at the flics of tho sloaplug woiuun and hud his linger on thu tflgsor raudy to shoot in cusu shu got up uml attuoked him having tho stugo ull wot ho runout od a phruuo culculutod lo liupros a uiiibii uf ulghty with tho superiority ut u young aiun with u gun utid a thus ha words wore vour luoutiy or your llfo thu ugud woman of uo louklnii lt io barrel if u gun hold in tlui hailil of a bruva young mun got up uml found a llo bill with whlul slut ilir- husod a c hull co t live inateaitov hn- liiil hut the bruva young inuii with thu ri- jlvr tiuik the 10 hill from lilu old lady of ho and dapai td without shoot ing hor may this biuvo young skdiik full into the buids of tho poluo u m lm riing mwlsh of the pi hum lmli fill on his bare hide london advrllsur t refreshes tired eyes wttnmuiuw cocbkofobacnn 1ne eves value of canadao scenic rcaounces during hie pniil jiihiiioil it win agiilli rivel thut nullonnl parks inovldi iworful ma cio in for toiiilni huvo um olliei i outililou it is heiomlnit iioushigly i bur unit while the prlm- y purpohn uf uutlonal pftrkm in not mm inl i ho a to proving mirli yui uio ii ml um n- iirotllnhle lnvi he imllnmil purkh wiic not iinldo to nnervo iiotn io of our moat benullfnl of tho globo i ut lm idoutully bring- during tho piod ubhi foi purku nttowfd uu joupvr turk in offnl ultublo odiilt iuhi time uforl limn it mild ably ureoimnodiite und u turu hon to tu tmngiilow imti will tin mudu fin mxt your hupojluof its boil mloiiery worv t hi iinim of bring in t many hundreds of peoplu fjcni fiom thn untied htittni it mptlo of it wet aouuou uml othor druwhimgii over 30uo arw nnlorod llo off and kon parks from the llulud htntm in i tori day i in oualdol uhly nu in any of th uml bpol lurgu ntlon lung holldiiy nitf th the kin ouiitulu tvth in travel how tlnnul parks ulmliur luiiuiihi in vlidtors vnu c ported fiom iiiuny parts of thn domlm ion purtlnulurly from thoiio provlneei which have uitrtonnkoi iiprcli public ityand good roads iiiinpalgnh ac ordlng to re port onily publialnxl lu the dully jniiu the anniuil tourisi roveiiu of hrlllnh colunihiu hiih now tuihid tho ihtonl total of 3 ooolioo or a ho m iqtutl to tlm tola anniiul mineral pioduntlon of that pro- vim n tlu levoiiun of ontario rrom thlm noun n ban not been otuputod hut it miiht roach a largo aum whllo 1 quoihc dun largely to improvnd high ways travel laat your in cordinir lei the minister of hoadu waa worth f jouikiouo and lm ludnd lr000 emu in uplto of a cool mm lion thurn wim also u largo travel lo th murltlum provhmu now llriiuswluk reporting a total of about 14 010000 or throe iiiih that of two yea it nitlht ho roiu ii m he red too that thn rnvontln rrom toilrlntll in widely dlh- irihutid a i no n ur ull rluiiuos of pooph uml helps to build up tho proupnrlty of lioth town uml country 11 mire carofully worked out by publicity x pnrts indlcatn that out of every dollar spout by tho tourist onottilro goes for food and ultimately finds iti way into tho pockets of tin people in the rural dlutrlits this peucn ful pouotrutlnti of cnuudu by piwiput from tlio uoiith of thu llnr fdr holiday put pones is also benmiolu in other ways hciuio it is building up goodwill and a hotter undorstundlng travel in a country dlxpnlm many er roneous improhalons uml reveals un- mupeted national polldlltlen it in undoubtedly trun thut canada byond her own bordnrs is still often regarded as a trackless foreat roamed over by lcars moose uml indians where thn inhabitants live under arctic condi- lions tlio greater part of tho year a hummnnhollday in canada is timm- foro educational in the heat suiiso o the word and norveh often us u pre liminary to investment or twmaneii iiottlfcrront tho best example of how immigration follows tourist travel is perhaps found in southern cullfornla twenty yur ago uonthern cullfor hud it small population tind u v llutltod proapurlty today simply a result uf capitalixiiik her sceilury und olintalo and dovaloplng her roads uiu utt ructions uho has built up u lurg permanent population and u tourist travel worth it is suld 1300000000 n crossing the bar udwln wyle writing to a rest thoughts tells how iord tennysons bouutlful pom crolng thu hur wos mllggosted to tho poet in tlm early part of 1hhd lon tn- nyaou hud heun prostrated by u ovore llhiuss and during hlu cnnvulvacent mtutn look u mhort cruiso ulong the south count of haghiud lu tho far fumed yurht tho hunbeiim belong lng to jrd hrasany who had kindly plftcod jt ut the dlapohal of tonttyaon during tho voyugn hu put in to uio port of halcomho lu houth iovii to vlalt his friend juntos anthony kroudn tho historian then residing ut tin- moult huliouiho aftor ittuylng wook on hunduy evoning tlm htiu- buam weighed uiichur ntnl proceodud down tho harbor one of thn tlvollost lu tho world while tho bnlbi or holy trinity church worn ilnglnir- it wus tho month of may thn west orlng huii throw urouu tho even hut sky ghldim and ruddy ruyu uml when tho stately yacht reached tho sandy bar thui he just liihidn thn iiobh promountory of holt head tho sua glow ungry and tho wavnu guvo forth u surfy slow deep voice and with hollow inou i crossod thn bar no their way up tho ptcturuhquo bur hor you will notice that ull tho hutnossloiim of thut thrilling iiceuo uml ull ttto volcos of tho sea am included hi that potim my ft hur who was minister at kul co mb wrote to loi d tonnyuoni um tin hon arthur halhitn tepiiyoii slating tho clrcuiustjincfiu of thn lift pur lum from buhomha and auwod if tho pomn wus hiigunutuil by thoho ch ouiithtaulcs and leainid fiom th poots son that hlu idea wan ubuolutely correct th poem wan written hi thu mouth or october 1k9 ut latriugford islo of wight whim tho pout wns olghtyouo years of aye i have many times heard llui ballu at holy trinity iluglng and tlm bar inoitnhlg at suiisot whnu i have binu hsu ted on the rucksjluit utiut to holt head ut tho en 1 1 unco to bulcomhu harbor tho run von which duploth tlm scoiio of tho vacht puhtdui out mojcomho huitior u now in iho pini- uhhsiuii of tho fi lends of the pout iuumuto ready to concede u urmy oltlcur tolls of u friendly urgunmnt that mowe hotwoaii two young chaplains of dlrfuietit itoimiuln- iitlons in which thfc uiiulnr cluiplaln ulovirly got tlinboltor of hill opponent lot us huty the hatchnt my broth er ho said aftor nil we um both ilolug thr- loids work ate wo uott wo curtalnly uro lopllod tho jun ior cluiplaln qulto unmmed lot uu thou suld tlio minion do it to thu bout of our ability you in your wuy and 1 in his harpers new lamp mjuns w lett cent am bests electric or qas a h6w oil lump thut gives un uitum- ingly brilliant soft whltu light evsil hotter thuu git or oleotrloity haw hoon tostod hy the xj h tlovorniiiout und ac loading uulvorsltlos und found to bo supeilor to 10 ordinary oil lumph it hums without odor smoku or noua no pumping up is simple cluuit sufo hunts vixi wit und 1 inmmuii kerosonu oiutt oil tin inventor v n johnson 1hs jrulg ht w montroiil is oftorlng to tl a lump on to days fh131q trial nvmi toglvo ono kltljlo to the first user in such locality who will help him introduce it write him today for full particulars alqo ask him to explain how you ran gat the agency and without axpariano or tnunef make ho to titm tm pufnth divided the houses lrl dowtr an fiiuiuiilahtli liaino huutei ihillghth to tell llm of a mnnihistor hiixlnjni nun paid u visit to a pltiotor fiom ugnildu who win a kmii mpoiimi no vllbi iihldol the vhdtir allowod bluoelf t- be p milled upon to k lion huiitliu first night in the jonah- wan a uh loas one next morning 1 fiixuda hturted out ail and liud k but u short dlsliitiin wbm ilny ia upon fronh trucks wlili h hi- mithi nstlii aportaiiian idoiitlllnil mi b thoao of ii fnllicrown lion tell you what we hml holt i said tho murhetii imiil in igh you go ahead and uo ivhni lm w utd ill go buck and wl mine from f a myth7 thn ton he i was about to livo hn class u lenuott on miiile of tho iniul fumoum myths und huuijdu of the pant heforo hnglniihiu howvu uh thought she woqld ask he lolani u question or two to son what idiiu thy hud if uny ubout 0h unhjwl nov i in iinyoii toll me what a myth u 7 2111 nskod a military hand was iileed mid u little vuho oxolalmod iteilb lilul its u female moth riddles 4 why in pmiltry funiihia ulwuyn piolltuhlof lloaiim fr every gialu tin poultry take thoy en h give a pu l if to idlliubol w lovllod out whut um would it v w x y ju xiiit after ten after tl why la a b ehlve ilk- ii api lutort mxiioai it b a hoohidd r why did the wl howl llouiiimo tin- woodpekii would pck if you hud u pukol f i luiinlleh in t i allwuy i urrlugo uml no hint w low could you gel a light ity taking a i igurello from iho puck- tlho iuckei would thou hs u i l tto lighter whut la thut whii h will glv a old mm u i old and uy tlm do or bill a draught mrufl he was collection proof ai allhii lmin mn piirrhused u l of duiil dug t i f n u roller- hon jigrn y uml pdmpily pnn oedel to try thun oo a nlt hurl our tho uml icltr lrtiuglit ui rouiiac in two w okn it wuu flwd by u uim let ti without roaimmiho thn third ltttr or hu- arls wus dopal hetl uml in i ftw duym ii loil ii arm hli the atom huy be hi id tin itini thut ell- out ttinm loiters la ft lniinllhr thy follow thorn up with pihntj ingh iii iho tourt muggewloil the hit well the chronic lohtoi i pli if thoy raw git money out o iuf im going in an nil them aome r my in kiulith to collect prune the woodlot tho nouhuti for inking out niub tron fiom hie woodlot h at hand tiin trmin an be worked up luo wmvd or hor tlmbm iiroduclu of vuhiu foi liomo uho in- for marketing and at iho mumw time their romoval will uvo tho woodlot whom prod tn tlou will ucttl ally tie incriimod in the years to romo in other taords imr i a pltuutlon whom ono i an nut his cako und have it too papa named them i bn ivinrt ut your i to utile junk hiild muhorly ko y iiuld mra nuboi yesmuin h tlmm j what ur thny going to cull them my deurt well i dont know for sure but j think their nuniu iu thunder und llghtnln atiuo hiiiim tlm numo pupu called them whoii th doctor rinnx in und told him ubout thom notice to creditors iho intttors of mary hitch is ut of tho village of acton in the county pf ifalton married woman who died on or ubout ih algbth day of october a i lid uml all ponwiw jjavlng clulmn uguhiht her relate are rexjulrfcd on or heforo the fourth day of febru ary a i 1021 to send by post pre paid nr nnirwlae deliver to th unijer- mlguod nollcltir for the administrator of tho oatutn of tho said mary hitchle their fiillnumna bildroaaea und das rrlptioiin full partbilurs of thlr claims hint t- file the ifiirl tins if i i i lo fter tlmbuld fourth by of ivbriury the suhl udmlnutrutor will procmd to distribute tho asaeta of th huld eututo among ihn tiartln untitled iherato ami be hereby glvea notice that ho will not im lumixinalhl thereafter for any clulm or claim of which ha his not recolv d notice at the time rlxoil for auch dlstrlbullonj dulo1 this third jaymjanuary a d 1034 tlkohok lllltam h1tchik admlnlatrotor h n parmer ilcion ontario hi solicitor bulldog sole leather tjdwmto mctbtat mars twice as i long as ordinary leather acton cooperative store news announcing the arrival of another shipment of our famous shoes with bulldog sole we have a full line of menvheavy and dress shoes also boys and little gents at very attractive prices every pair absolutely guaranteed get them here acton cooperative store phone 46 hill street acton tommomwitinmimmkignai i inson crusoe one of the inost persistent advertis ers in the history of success was robinson crusoe he knew what he wanted a ship so he put up an ad for one he flung up u shirt on u pole at the top of his island that in the language of the seu was plain to every seafaring mun tlic circulation was small there was no other medium hut crusotkept at it despite the fact that he gotno enquiries for a long time he changed his copy as 1 one garment after another was frayed out d and in the end got what he wanted 11 get the business you are after if you persistently advertise hhhww mpmqm

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