Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 17, 1924, p. 3

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v fflhp artott 3xst rem tlitlhflpay jantjahy 17 1924 more smiles than tears lirlnhi kli xx there ur ihe kntl im ii tim inn kl wlltf mini ltd lii i ln ulr willi h rfuith- tin r um m m ami inn than tear i in thii w rlit tiiurs water tho oomin f iioug lttruhing tho heart till iu luient joyi hiriiir up in u multiplied ilminj thre neslhs nomn uny ark of lift lu um dullest ft ml harlot io 1 it klndlts lt hume and jitis its floni in j lyuuv praise to jod jn l hi mewl dlltcouraglng hour hi seeds i that vyllt blossom hrlghr und guy tlnre are more stnllus than tuir lr tho world let u fnllt thro iich our tears lo day a worthy ambition muny yaunv ieopu ut important thing 1 to ha a veal ambition u nti und thai is about ul hut a a matter of fact i1mhm tltat i lh uh ambition ng ambition that counts great many other things entr in a boy with ng especial ambition may wake up some day and surprise tho worli but a boy with tho wrong- ambition is likely to end hi day in disappointment and failure this of counw lo not apply to the fancies of children moat of whom have- quite loclded ideas u to what they want to do whn thuv stow up idea that usually um given up as u child grow older flrt of all the utnbltion should bo worthy it in perfectly proper to be ambitious to makn money providing that ambition u associated with tho ambition to do good to be oegof lo malt money for tu own sake la un worthy any human aoul to aim lo be rich in order to enjoy rlehss with no thought of helping others la u potty amnil contempllbln aim for an immortal being then loo tho ambition should be poaalble pome young people woato a good many year of their lives pursuing will o tho wisp oirls who cannot even spell or uae correct grammar who are entirely lacking in imaglna- lion and know little about life axe ambitious to bo writer and toll away writing maxiuacrlpta that are altogeth- er worthies just because they would like the money earned by a successful writer or the applause bestowed on a successful artist they make up their mind that they mast be an artist or an author ability as well as desire should be taken into aocount and it ts as well to get the judgment of somebody qualified to pass an opinion and less prejudiced than ourself gardlng our fitness for uny especial line of work let us be sura that our ambition u alone the line of our tastes us well as our endowments because unclr j george is s successful physician and will help us cat a start is not a auf flclent reason for deciding to study medicine that ambition is a worthy one it may be that we have the necessary ablflty but if it msjtes us miserable to- be near kudo one who is not feeling well if we shrink from taking responsibility than let us think twice before we make up our mind to study medicine any occupation which is riot in accord with our taste la bound to bacome dismal drudgory in course of time after we have fixed on our ambition let us stick to it live and die with it hold fast to 1l despite all discour agements and failures out first of all be sure that it is not only right in itself but u our best opportunity for aelf expression horace j graham auld tfsng syne it ni litre th low in every hturt w hour it vuclv- and all t those who unawnr tr wi may rail thn nlloiicd of the sons th y tin we till i tm kind the hi who walk with un if yn i he kb i in tin hunl lo luke when these mvn in lil ii low thoy brightened uil thn joys n they softened t very frown itut obi un gd i think or th when wo art trout led aire thanks to lud thnt nui h lnvi although they are no mom dlk it linn known hlncu they havi t tiler d to follow them wi re not o wherever they may fun they cannot be where cod on any seu or shore whato er betides thy in v our ood forevprnn re john while cout lkth takf a wauc noticed un item in the news canadas three hundred ports three hundred ports and harbors on both the eastern and western coasts of canada are uatsd in a new edition of the department of marine s port and harbor directory ten years ao there were 240 such ports and it is therefore evident that either the ship- pin business of the dominion srow ins or the tabulation of the ports is now betiur done more thoroughly the majority of the throe hundred harbors are or course small uffalra the bis ports not exceeding half doxen yet fhere is not one which does not render some local service while very many are essential to the successful prosecution of the oshlne industry this is notably so in the caws of norsk scotia and cape ureton whose harbors number 100 dotted alone a comparatively short coast hi and aoeoramodatlnst areat numbers of flahlns craft by means of which for venerations past the inhabitants have reaped a more or leas precarioi istenoe thirty- four harbors suffice for the amajler coast line of urunswlck but unions thorn is the treat winter port of bt john quebec is credited with thirty one ports slj of them in the aeuport class we are told that in imlnt of export trade montreal ranks sixth imunf world ports belnir surpassed only by new york liverpool london hum bur and antwerp a very remarkable fuel when it is considered that mon treal has open navuratlon for only seven months in the year on the basis of export business durlnr that period montreal actually ranks a the world s third u rarest seaport the other maritime province of canada is brit is b columbia with twenty four sea and two inland ports of these vancouver la much the lara est occupy inst the place in pacific which montreal doee in attuntlo com merce and hoi dins promise of expen- mioii to which no bounds canbt set a section in ts- dire missy is devoted to inland harbors situated almost en tlrely in the province of ontario on the qrout lakes and ht lawrence itlver and number an in all or seven teen fewer than has the province of nova bcotls ontarlti ports ura ull fresh water and none ur yet fre quented by u folntf vosselw with the exception of a ow which curry icruln from the head of lake huperlur the principal torts of the province are vort william and 1ort arthur ior mcnicholl and mldund vessels trad ins with which are employed tlilefiy in the carriage of aruln hard to do an irish priest was proudly xoast ins to his visitor an knaitah ctenty man of the arsat respect or his par ishloners for their pastor ht roll ids alons country road ut the time they met a little iwiy who was an deavorlns to keep jn chtick w lurse koat the clersynuiti passed but the boy did not raise his hal ls that one or your purlshlu iters t dasoanded the kngllstf priest im sorry la aayui is replhl the other and caulna- to the boy he demanded la that ths way you arb tausht to raspect your clervyy why did you not salutsr ths younalsv wttltboth twnds on the rope rpu4 tx yer tivarsnee ttoulds this win til salute ra cotumns of lust ttux itucxm thn erfect that thn snow storm had put th motor cars out of coram sis on for n time well i think it is a real good thlns to have the automobiles slop running for vn a short period do you know i have noticed the post year or so that we seldom hear that chummy kindly and always cheerful invitation common betweon frlondu few years back come and lot us tuko a walk th ever ready motor car has mado many of us forset that we have a pair of perfectly irood feet and that these pedal extremities of ours were made to carry us around of course with the rheumatism mine are not aa good as they were ntty or sixty years aeo hut the younjr folks ought to be in sood walk ins condition if they haven t already become enervated by dupend- ins upon the motor cars for locomotion the expression these times is jump inl lets so for n splnf no 1l isnt a ride itsu spin it would be a pity indeed if walking were to become a lost art and by walking i mean the resjular stroll or hike made for the keen xest of be ins in the open for the healthful exercise and for the pleasure derived in vlowlns the beauty and glory of wood and field what is more invigorating than a walk out into the country for u mile or two and bock again on one of these brlsht crisp winter days 7 what takes us so near to mature as when we go about through fields and woods by highway or bypaths4pn a wurm sunshiny sum mer afternoon it is my experience that in no other way do wo get quite to nature as whan strolling slowly by foot through lis attractions somehow it seems as if evry blade and flower ovary bush and tree nods or beckons to us as wo pass by the birds seem to outdo thomselvoa in cheerful song and alt tbn cmaturrs pf the wild ore at their best bay when t think or the happy walks mary und i had together in those good old courting days away back so long ago i want to teu tha young folks of to day they ura miss ing a lot when they try to do their courting by u pl faxutd motor car why i don t think life would have been so full of teal happiness to us if wo d spent tho happy early days the time of o courtship in a motor our whenever we got a chance to be together young people should not lot the good old expression of comradeship and friendliness he tuissod over and for gotten corns let s take a walk should be the same happy exchange o greeting with iho young in on and the young women of to day as it was with the young people of our curly duyi and alnoer until the automobllo came to hongs so many of our old tii customs tbeso little wulks tnv better health they mhli u closer touch with common ihiugs tit id i rually believe it means a happier relation ship the hiahwuys and gmvol roads lined with their nvcr ending strings of motor cars ur not the ideal greet lng places of lh world no imleod we can t even speak to our et friends if they pass us going ut thn istw of forty miles an hour hut it is on the trulls nit thu r tot- pat h un the struct sldis wlmre human beings puss on foot tltat tlngs ore spokny und hearty miu tatlons oxflnuibrd utul where the young couples naturally do thlr billing and ooolns and talk limit wwent things lo one another ys when t for a ftvulk even total strangers will halt good nuturedly for u pleas ant word one with thn other whan they meet on a woodland path or on jountry highway they hwvo litem common bond and them la the mutual sense of klndueas standing my long exparioiicb i huvo found that a lonely stroll even on a juiluary day through the slumbering woods or along some quiet almost dosertnd road will bring suun iran lull tear such rest mind us can be found in thor way certuinly not in driving u motor car through januarys snow banks the maples and beeches strip ped of every loaf their limbs exposed to ihe biting cold seem not to l really dmary lr w will rouahli r ulfm as they truly are eoundly sb ping tlmy are having their winters rest it is un unfortunate thing for muny who are tied lo wbeeis h these fast speeding days yet none of us should forget how to walk our healthy hearty young people ar tho ones lo make walklns popular when young people walk togethr they can imttor work together letter take the ol i mult udvlde everybody old and young uttfvhet in on the old thn- slogan comtt lets tuka u walk like myuelf might not know tho meari lng of thin word the dictionary nays of or perliilnlng to jiomenpathy ar rordlng lo tho prlurlples of tinmen jiuthy and then when i looked to nee what homeo uthy wus it gives ull i his explanation tho art of curing founded on rpsemhlanrt s the theory und its trurtlrn that dinurne is numl liy rrntmliri whl h firodiiro on healthy mmvn eftc- js lrnihir to tin synlitoms of th t mplulnti un li vfhuli um tut hut mirfcrn tho remtxllot being usually udinliilninri i in mlitult doses this nyilnml wito tt umlod i y dr bemuol iliihiirnunn and is o ihmiad to allopathy it h tt miiuthy now tltat you all pcrf tly unili r aland the done hint lit inn to slot for three or four wookt- i will inform you thnt next week i will huvo sonic more ouewtlons lo usk uml will i mi t n deck again tin vturnd m i ww on till- hank tkih miss melissa s thinos mrs itebe on hir way to market and mrs fllmms with n key uncllnit from her pngny met ut the dix of mlns melissa s imply house if you n not in n hurry a mlru come in and help m with the chair theres a emmi cnature said mrs iirmms f promised to get thinra ready for tho uurllon this artnrnooni everythings to 1h sold except lh silver untjltr imkixl mm llnebe onl ting ilowtt her markut luiskat sofa i did hour slm d managed- to nave tltat out tluur old soul knew there d le more titan enough to rover iter debts without it i suppose ii goon to some forty leventh cousin or other no it goes to the children s lliimr the little imirrluger uml stkion to be kett for die use of children in sick ness and the rent to keep or sell ui tho board pleases wusn t it just like melissa to think or tempting a sick tots appetite with a shiny porringer whutever became of the mtr mrs ilele dahbeil her eyes sud lonly wimi it thugh my my 1 m glad you tohl me that 1 m glad something is i nf lp a way she must have ukad to p must have hurt hex to think tli alt her other lovely old things woul i have to be sold to strangers ioor melissa itlch melissa she called when i was fool enough to call her that once said mrs lllmms glaring through dim glasses with a kind of fierce pride she said she wusn t go lng to let herself be made miserable in her last days by mere things no matter how fond she d been of thm htlll she did hate the idea of strang i should think sol poorj- dont you poor melissa mardeni hho was above it bho look at this note read it there s one to go with everything she cared most for and theyre sold to a dealer im to ask him to pass the notes on this one belongs to ttho blue wodgowood set tho helen of troy teappt with the crcatnef rnd the mended augur bowl to match old jooalonq and the hore show i wasn t fimre this time hut i was once and held nty ilea as hlirh as onv of them as i pianctd about with tho grand nr uml una in ket plug with my t1itgiutr to thn ut a bl on of one nf the flmt mi mlmtr of id four hiindri l ireat iuphalun itut it wan dn ntundlpg thitro tot ling xsynnlf all um time with iho 11 a hint it wuu tie horses thut i roughl nut all lite dla mi tuls and rlh rhilhtn of tlm mlllinit how wi wi re pi lie i by haughty maidens uml young fellows whose rh lltes ware nu jmmmwi to 1k tho very intent pmper thing in inilim dont you kn w lur the life of me 1 tun i nee how my peoj h wlt made wo murli of me und for whom i hav trotted my legs off caino ut lost to lot me go to the auction mart and im sold to ol i jingle uolls th junk tiiuti i suppose people ure different from horses they iteli ng in a higher order of unima in that get ulong rutty well just prndnllng to fiel things so long us their pride and tonveijomee an ml uck i my form rcmi it aim ira read it juther ahokliy mrs tleebe pulled the little note from its envelope and read it aloud i hope whoever buys this set will enjoy it as much as i have and enjoy treating their friends as much as my great sron smother did who owned it first bhe was sybil kaunce a flint housekeeper and a hospitable woman my grandmother and mother kept the set carefully but when i was a little girl i stale some sugar from thn bowl and my mother surprised me in the closet and i dropped the lid and broke if you really like the set i thought perhaps you might like tukjiuw a little about it and i can only tell you this way for it won t be sold till i am gone sincerely yours melissa unr den 1 a the teapot pours well after the first cup you have to be carerul not to spill while it is very full she aatd said mrs uimms snlf ring rrankly but in a voice of triumph that after shed written her tatters the people she wrote them to dldn t seem like strangers at all and she waan t troubled any more since ah hadn t any kin she was glad to have them have her things she felt us 1 her little treasurers were a bond be twoen her and ever so many im friends she hadnt had time to meet that was melissa will you call her poor melissa nowt no i won t busan said mrs i lee be unsteadily but if some of those city folks don t run it up too high 1 reckon 1 11 buy that wedge wood et myself and go without a new fejl suit never had a latter from melissa nnd i d like to have one even moru than i d like to have helen of troy know 1 1 g vn a horse wlq urow i id with tho passing yparn pv ry year the h rse how lunmi along unit every year i meet old uc- fiualntanres pulling ash carts and junk wugons who once did their intel to win u blue ribbon from those judges ut the show a rlbbi n meant you w ru worth morn money uml thai s what goes thnse iluys kverylxxly seems to bo hunting for a riblton of mme sort even old jingle itnlls hoi to run ntm down some duyf with me to 1 ull him along there is one thing i am gratafut for own if i um poor nnd rated with the old plugs jlitglo und i understand each other ho has been through hunl times himself uny ona can see that one of those old time writing chaps the one that used to hull horses in front of u theatre mice uald that a re how would give his kingdom for a horse id like to know how many horse show visitors have ever read that story ultout a horse railed ulnck lleuuty or about another one known us hkip per that once belonged to the police your rich folks especially th sort that are railed swell haven t time to bother about another fallow iron hie there too busy just having fun thomsolvos it s hard fa understand the horse show crowd huve you ever counted thn tails thnt have bom cut i suppose it would be mighty fine fu bo buck in that padded slad and feel sure of plenty of oats and a comfort able bed but it is better to have i master who feels that you are tho only horse in tho world for him and who considers you his chum for bright days and for dark lm sure that jingle and 1 will jog along together until one of us drops when we stop along thn way he comes up to me nnd says nice things as he rubs my noso and sometimes pulls out a big juicy apple and shares it with me rse show yes that it just shot it isu t ell- horse at that by a run our dumb animals neighborhood news- town and country oakvtlle tli onkvllle brai r iiu illlo t unudlun luin beginning of h duvln nr the personnel i on changed f the ibink over by th t t ommorn wlthythe ni w yeiir mr w in us manager nn i f th hluft hits not auto oblh i tuxl in nil kinds gntlalo ihe high level trutks hav luy but ii trouble in tryl silt i try hill ut 1 riilm detour tnuael roiislden is fortuiiiito that itf to bio vlng in has been injured parts of human uketons have boou dug up by tho ate im shovels oper utlntc it ihi excavation for thn nil ut the high level bridge this brugq to iho memory of somt of our old tinier the days long tone by win n the oakvlllo remi l ry wall 1xatid on dm west tildn of navy htreet north of co i borne rtro t tin municipal eleitlnu on monduy lust emphasised tin wall known act hint onkvllle ins left ihe smalt town con lit ions far in 11 ml and is now u lurellacc tho system that provoll ol u ftfw ynru ugo should be otmoloto now anil a new order of tiling must obtain olio innovation that is a nortiwity of rrii luy is collapalbln poll ing ttooths ilkord no sir old man youre all wrong on what ive been doing the past four woeka my big effort lias been to find out what kind of a doss homvopaihlo one was anfv i ve been busy borrowing dictionaries but at last ive found it and for the ben fit of tfeoa two olbr rsadara whd president coolidqe and his minister the host on congregational 1st rn cently contained an article on pre sident coolldge as his pastor knows hu the writer u dr jason noble pierce minister of the first congre gallons church washington xr pierce tells us that while itu sident and mrs harding set un ex umple of happy wedlock their mutual affection is equalled by the fellowship and love which exist between mr and mrs coolldge together they have made their way from the bottom rung or the ladder to the top hucceas has not spoiled them nor dimmed their love the president and his wife belong to t old church golngstock and are ver absent from puhlla worship they attended communion on aurux mr coolldge s first runduy tut pre sident if the presidents lutnd trembled as be partook of commui it was bicauae his iron nrve wi affected by deep religious emotion tlrred by the realisation that ood was ailing him to yat greater service mr coolldge is ulwuys in ginxl tlm church und joins actively in u purls of the service xco t the sing ing and listens attentively to preaching moreover he honors his ilster never fulls to introduce him as his pastor makes htm and his v guests on st tec la i occasions and makes genuineness of bis friendship mis taxable pacts are stubborn thinos there are some things in life that you can dodge successfully and other things that it is roollsh to try to avoid and included in the latter ust la facts there are an uaionlshjng nutn ber of people whose course through life hi a succession of slgxags because they ore always turning out to avoid a fact they remind one of an ostrich which hides its head in the sand and imaglncaitself unseen they seem to think that by refusing to recognlxe a disagreeable fact they have rendered unreal toe of tho most dangerous forms this tendency takes is when young folks refuse to recognlxe the fact about dangerous but it is extremely com mon selfish sons and daughters very seldom face the fact of their selfish ness and they would be indignant if an outsider called their attention to a fact painfully apparent to awry- one but themselves fcvon those young people whose bad tampers make thu life of the household a perpetual night mare generally consider themselves amiable beings misunderstood and ill- treated it is important to learn oariy in life to face facts if you are extravu- gant and do not aave your money face the fact that some day you will want do not disguise that certainty by fantastic dreams of coming into an inheritance or stumbling on a fortune if you are lusy face the fact that there la no success in store for you that an industry is essential to getting ahead if you are bad temp ret face that fact too and realise that i means tho loss of many friends and it the future the most desperate lone llness the spirit can know ructs are stubborn things you um shut your eyes fo them but thy urt still them milton thuri worn over sixty applicants for thu pusturalo of knox church raudn vucntit by tin resignation of hav w m mackay rev t h ipile received alarming nows last hundtry that his mother was dangorouoly 111 ut iter home n pembroke he li ft on monday for pembroke joseph tel ft r v h who u been very hi for the pust five weoks with acuta nephurttbi is recovering the rholr of tho methodist church was assisted last hunday evening by mr roberts tenor soloist of zlon prsbyt rlu it church ilrnntfcrd an miss iorls hews of watordown it is rather rmharkable that the wotsl weather during the psst thro j wku has been on sundays which has mltlgulod vory much against the t tnndaun ut the different churches al though tho sorvtres worn more than ordinurlly interesting i mayor irving entertained the town council of id 3 town officials and rx- mayors to a banquet at thn milton inn last krldny evening a sumptuous ro past wus lire pared by mine host mitchell in his usual good style i enjoyed by the guests the only toast proposed was by iteeve dlaln and it was to the ex mayors pf milton which was responded to hy dr anderson m p und e v karl who spoke brief ly on municipal mat i ore their con nection with the town council etc he former erin now uf alberta ji i here and u john q hurt major james justli iteeve mr ulchard austin visiting with relative tloltan the funeral of son of the lata john hurt hliuburg took place from hulsburg station monday morning to conlngsby ceme tery the services ut tho grave being conducted hy the ilev m watlor- worth messrs austin und catharwood have with thn ntd of the cold snap gotten tho rink in vary good snapo und the skaters enjoyed the sport for nlngs past tho ice surface will be at for curling very soon m thompson was the victim of a bad fall on the ice on the aide walk on wodnosday of last week and suffered severely from its effects she now able to be about mr stanley oreep is attending the iron to normal school commencing lhls study with the opening of the terra mr goo llddell left last week for detroit where he has taken a poal tlnn in the rord automobile plant on fcrlduy of lust ook tho local telephone systm was cut of and number of subscribers tried in vain to got central the cause wus however for the mutual benefit switchboard was enlarged consider ably and otherwise put in better work ing order married at the christian church paraonugo hulsburg on wednesday evening january 2 herbert j keeler to miss terejtsa mc arthur both of brit township ttp happy couple wore ac companled by tho brldo s sister an her husband mr und mrs k l llavid- run uf acton und proceeded to the home of the brldo m par nts where un 4lpproprlaln wedding party awaited tlmin their many friends wish them a most huppy anil successful life com- patlioiishlp alv icuti electricity proves itself mightier than steam fcleo trinity wun decisive victory over steam as a means o transportat ion in a demonstration held t tsrls la by the builders of the most power ful electric locomotive so fay opo- aucted the njigln was matched with a steam locomotive of the earns wslght in u tug of war lltwer was applied to both ut exactly the same tlm the flloctrlc end no slowly but surely pulled its straining groaning uppon ettt baakwsrd the lw trio l too motive wus bull for the mexican railway immune the jinks had bought a how rug of a bright brilliant a mr aiul mrs henry came to call and wore voluble in their prahte of it the next morning little john henry six years old tap red at ths jinks frpivt door and usked to see the new rug rather bewildered but novsrthgtga nattered that so small a boy should desire lo admire her new yos sees ion mrs jinks led him into the front room john thrust his hands lulo his pock ets gravely walked about the room and critically surveyed the green cov erlns uuh he finally gruntod u don t make ni alcic pesueons wsauy inspirational artist borne years ugo i walflhsd a sign painting genius while lis put ths final art is tries oil u nisterulo0i ladle s ind denis restaurant pardon my iniulajtlveuvas ul i but why do you put the aposlrppho before the ar the which before the what j ho questioned courteously the little curlytailed rnark uftrf a e and the t home call it un spostroph posserphe is it t wsl young fell or i keen and i make that dingus it hundred times und i nevnr knew that it had a name pusstrphef thais u good one 1 ii have to spring it on the gang homo painters always put it before ihe h hocuuse i think tltat it looks more urtlstla there otherwise it don t mukit tto difference where yot put it delaval monthly georgetown low visibility hlnipklns considered himself u ituto orlst ho sent a selection of his or glnal jokos to the editor of u hews paper and confidently awaited u re mlttanre his axciteinunt rail high when he received u letter obviously from ihe nawsimiper ufflce he oitened it with feverish huste tliere wus ho chock but just a small hotu as follows dear bid your jokes received boou iutv seen before soiun wv haw hot sej yf new laid milk two small boys wmv nviim n party taken uut for a day into th uouhtry tor the nmt time in thslf hvws artsr eating their aandwlohss thy wandered into a large field and tins st i oiling into lite corner discovered to his surprise three or four empty oun densod milk tins oh oh hilly be cried to his pal come here quick i ve found u cow s iisst pearsons weekly ooinq slow hi ttpei iho two- nun wuro udilft in iwtat und it looks 1 bad fur th ally piip of l item fright net in v i lrsj bv prayed f ye broken most of pby wfwuaiulmjonia j ve been a hard ulnkr hty tf llfv f spared iww 1 ii proinfap fftpp npyer asairi walt a minute jack said i4u1 friend dont b lou far f hlak i ss a sail afr utpl mis oco t cot were the recipients riconily of a case nf beau tlful prauges from tho orchard of mr orylle fjutiv up old oeorgofojwn boy ut wlnterhavon lluriua a bjeuaaiit sorprlsa wus sprung 01 mr rred mr nolly tho cstepmid tjup eflntpdnt it h qegrgov hunday behoof uint hupduy mofping when ha wus preswhtud wltb tt- gull tinman p um brella a kiuplu nf sniull breaks un wutuf nrvlim haye had o ju tjug out ths past fititu ppil guvs ths chief and his hmtl ottstdt rbu ifusgrrkiablf nrk in ths cull wsuthsr our vatwunisd towitsnuiii mr j ft juokson has rompuital his sflfl year in business in u trgvtowd kd hai the distinction uf being the oule urlglnul merchant in jeorgvtown mr morley pettlt ami miss 1uttlt left on munduy for llurldu whore they will site nd the winter thy are tnnturtng the entire distance and will make occasional stops on the way the meeting uf the reading circle was hold at the home of miss huston on 1rlduy uftsritoon and proved to be one uf ths inost interesting yet held lnoh inombtir brought with hei some urlo giving its history as it was exhibited during tit week of prayer the pro gramme was mm follows wodnosday jrusbytvrluii l hurt it speaker hev j h moore thursday llaptlat church spoitkur kov henry caldwell friday ltuptlst churoli upoakar mr w c oetl lor toronto rollowlng the comiillmeittury ill niter lendered to mayor hilts jti toronto by ills fallowstudnnts at ueorgetpwn ulgb school uwj other friends ili orgutown old lloys aasitolutlon of torpttto was urgunbted with mayor w w m us rosduut wllb whom wus associated a oomtultlie tomppsod of tijmpsatof yf jfl jlumr jj f war ren dr pvenk williams inspector fu outhrlo und j m teotlss fbe a soolallon start wub a inuibfshp of a3 herald running no risks 1 he hospital nurse smoothed the irfnrer t illlow he hud only been udmittt d that morning and now he looked up ui nor pleadingly an phwat did ye way the doclhor liumu wus nurse t h asked 1 r kllpatrloki was uie reply the sufferer win cod and pulled a i wry face that settles it ha said that doefhor wort st no ehanoe to oper ate on mp v why nptr aakad lie- nurse tn aur- prlea aa vjpry utfvor wan jm pw wrfi rvr obtting tired and oettinq j rested one never need be worried atx ut getting tired 1 every twenty four hours one balances the account it 1m a good thing to go to im 1 tired at night if it means thnt mm h m duu- aomothliig worth while with his day itut it is 111 t a good thing to go to bed no tired thai a night enlnep loes not rest one it in these urrrurs of weariness holding over and mount lng up hat are dnngt roue of course then urn tlmm win 1 is necessary to work so hurd lurli the day that the night m reel u 11 enough to i ring about the lnlann a mother with a nick itlld 1 ftru g u along with alinoat no n at tnrks li stores often fool really worn out urn the holiday aeuaon it is not uncoiu mon to hear such people nuy i fen an if i never could get rcr 1 tul i theyare vigorous and tdn u uensil 1 course ihey generally do for dell cutn tkmijilr on the other hand tin piling up of tiredness is 1 xtremely dungnmus i xrept in emergencies where wn obliged to submit to nereaaitieli should try to balanco our urcounts far as setting tired nnd getting reutnd iu cancirnid nyery twenty four hours or if on one night we fall t get nough rest to counteract tho wear ness duo 10 our various activities in iho day following wo should get more nothing is more foolish than to m on week after week getting ouch day a little too tired to recuperate ir nights rest if one does one is itoun l to break down or else becomn one o those listless people always strut gling against a burden which in point of fact is only the accumulated wcarl s of bygone days when the night 1 rest did not make up for the days work of course it should be understood that a certain number of hours in bed- is not all that is necessary four hotirs of sleep in an airy room are better than eight in a stuffy room though of course four hours nr not enough for anyone hut it a necessary ittut one takns n tteaceful mind lp his pillow whatever the vexations of the day and whatever ihe anxieties of the morrow they must bo put aside richard s royntud motor safety device jtmken front uxlrai on uutitmubllei hit v ratified many 11 rl 11 1 un iditit ofiin with loss of tin ti nv i 1 nurl duuiiitctu a ianlitli nun im i in miitu bus invented nnd tried xallxf tli rll vin thn ii hi un- u whn i h mns 1 rr r it ih is le br tulllni uiylng aks it ron shorn made wldlhn for sislh or m llffei 1 f ring t nt he was irish patrick o grady attended a uoclal session given by somo fellow cltlxens of the second story of the town hall and became exceedingly convivial an hour later he was found lying at the foot of a stairway leading u tho treet degorra lul an isthntyout aaked the astonished friend pausing to assist him to his feet an did yex fall downstairs hure an ol did rut it s all right ol was coming down anyway the laugh neatly turned who la theret cried the impas sioned orator who will lift his voice against the truth of my statement just then a donkey on the outskirts of the crowd gave vent lo ono of tho piercing hehaws of his tribe the laugh was on the orator for a moment then with read wit he remarked quietly i knew nobody but a jackass would try it boston kvenlng trans crlpt injured dignity does you still refuse aah to pay me dem two dollars h done loaned you n de lawd ouy knows whent nussah dignified ly replied ilrother rogus ah dbesn t refuse ah jess refrains 1 ihlx ire i lent hupih iih ih ur dior nnd in i nn t lit bin it wus found that i tven le sterrod rslrly well the r tlm device rungrs from 0 to wnd ii ran upi llrd in u few y wit one f tlm 1 ig busses which taken rrlpt ld ch ml a hi iron to and from m hool was waiting with its load of lltlln ones beside u atmot ml which was taking n misseitgi rs among itmhi getting on wus a womun win hud difficult in mounting thn spin llnf arms wer wnlghnd down with larc is thn while she looked about lxled how th f to n tlrromplbiheil one or the crip lied hoys in the rn tor bus alios to 11 man who hn i about made up his ii in 1 to help thn woman xh l that n right mister help her on it s hard for old ladles to rllmh detroit news do your best a mlnisler tolls how w hrii n boy- ite wan a great whlmjjr and some linen whistled in ui 1 iii unsnem ly pint cm otto day not louf nlnce says nn exchange lit came mil uf a if t i whiiillliig quilt low a llltli bo playing in tlm yard heard him hn i thn mil i the nlnuti ul i whlntlnt ni ihui if tli ih y wuld in lotilfl uml th 111i11 utcbaih well let s hear y u thu tlttln fellow i kan to whistle ml tin 11 innlsted that thn minister nhi 11 id iry again hn did so und thu boy ut kn iwlndged that it was tcnod whistling un 1 um he sturted uway the little f how said well if you ran whuitli tx tti r what were you whist ling that wuy fort the world has plenty of oor slip uhod thirl 1 lass work done by people who coull it better lr thoy would ranim hint all there an in lluuupolis woman recently gave birth to a child during her bus bund s absence and just before hut rnturn the nt ighhors itorruwed two other hahlcit and plured thom in bed with the little stranger when the fatlmr asked to see his child tho cover ltd was turned down and although he must have i toon immensely surprised h coolly turneaho his wife and asked did uny ytel awayt notice to hydro consumers beginning with february accounts for ltght and power that part of the town on the west side ot mill street will be read and accounts due on tho 15th of the month that part east of mill street will bo read and accounts due the 25th of the month the bills will have the discpunt date printed on them acton hydko commission seasonable hardware items carpenters tooxs by doing all your repairs in the winter months you are saving time and money when the spring rush begins we have just the right tools you need to repair youj buildings and machinery flashlights a pocket rash light makes it esy for you to and your way in the dark they are useful outside and in the attic and in tho cellar w d talbot main street ehone 76 acton ontario rl when you would rather have your own way and fail than take advice and win lwfptt winm ummmmihi mmmiq milan n n ft i when to stop advertising when every man has become so thor oughly a creature of habit that he will certainly buy this yearwhere he bought last year when younger fresher and spunkier concerns in your line cease starting up and using the printed page in telling the people how much better they can do for them than you can when nobody else thinks it pays to advertise when population ceases to multiply and the generations that crowd on after you stop coming on t when you have copvipcefj everybody whose life will toueji yours that you have hotter goods titan lhy can ever get else- where when you perceive it lo he the rule that men who never do and never did ad vertise arc outstripping their neighbors in the same line of business when men stop making fortunes right in your sight solely hy a discreet use of this mighty agent when you can forget the words of the shrewdest and inost successful business men eftpcefping tie main eausef their prosperity ivr

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