Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 17, 1924, p. 4

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l iftcfsrpl the home of ir artrnt 3trw tytsa ucmbti siki1 town wau ol onfall the acton fuee pkeks t pubjuhed arjr thurnday morning at ilia fr lr ualkua uill suc anew ontario tha ubecriptio tric it too pre rear in dnlrt poataae t charged additional 10 oam in the united stale the data to which ubacrtstloaa am paid la indicated on thn addrtaa label tloa aotl j oral pr line to eacb eabaa- quant uaacrtion contract display ndvertlae- mepo for v inrlwa or son y hibum t cents pt loch each to union idne dimtla wl irgcd accordinily c a iuus i telepiiones- edltorial and buankcan oacs un fatow oj imkubt thursday morning january 17 1924 editorial the purpose of an education our young folks in the schools and colleges are now in the midst of their years work preparing for the midsummer examinations which mean so much in the technical side of their educational course a distinguished educator said the other day that one purpose of education is to enable students to hear the skylarks song as wel as the factory whistle if one works in a factory it is important that he hear the whistle and be on time but there ts no reason why as he goes to work he should not enjoy the morning song of the birds and take pleasure in the sunrise it is a very narrow view of education which is limited to preparing one to make a living an education should also prepare one to enjoy life western ideas being adopted in the east it is highly creditable to the people of japan that they now take very advanced views of modern conception of sanitary and economic principles in their building up of city areas the plans for re building tokyo are admirable more than 4000 houses were burned as the result of last years earthquake such wide areas were laid waste that it b possible to reconstruct the city on a systematic modern plan the proposal is that the city shall boy all the land in the devastated area and that after laying tt out so as to include wider and more conve streets better parks and open spaces enlarged and deepened canals and wider avenues to limit the spread of fire it shall sell back the re- maining land to the people a new feature of railway conrteay the canadian national railway management has adopted a new act of courtesy toward sleeping car passengers between toronto and montreal in the morning this class of travellers is presented with a cap of hot coffee by the car porter on a card accompanying the cup are the words good morn ing compliments canadian national railway now that is a very nice downtodate courtesy to the people able to purchase sleeping berths and ac companying comforts of travel but what about tho people in ordinary circumstances who are obliged to travel all night in the ordinary passenger coach should not the morning cup of hot coffee and rail way compliments be tendered to these traveltired passengers first they need stimulating refresh ments after a night of hard travel the palace car travellers do not or if they do their coach is contiguous to the dining car and they can be promptly supplied therefrom at a small outlay falsifying destination manifest of liquor shipments dispatches fromtjiagarif falls lasfwcelc gave this item liquor exporters are busy at ghippawa and cargoes arc continually leaving the upriver port for cuba the shipments hove been coming from port colbornc and arc loaded on boats which make tho long journey to cuba tho vessels are very fast for one was able to nrnko two trips to cuba on friday surely there is some way of stopping this barefaced evasion of tho low thodominion gov ernment has a- plain duty and the people of this province at least expect and have a moral right to expect tbat action will be taken to put a stop to such unrighteous subterfuges it would not be per mitted with other goods why with liquor a polyqlot porter tiw wardemhlp of 1924 when we wrote last weeks article on the warden- ship of 1024 we were led to believe that george hillmcr m p p of oakville would not again seek the office of reevo of that town it was so stated in tho oakville press on nomination day however the two gentlemen nominated for the position could not agree as to who should stand and compromised by asking mr hillmcr to again accept a nomination the latter was persuaded to do so and tbat is why ho will again represent oakville at the county council board but whether he will be a candidate for the warden ship again we are not in a position to state he may be magnanimous enough to want some other member of the council to be honored with the position seeing that he has been honored with the representation of tho county in tho ontario legislature we believe there will be in any event two or three candidates for tho wardenship besides mr barber of acton we understand ft is possible if not probable that w j l hampshire reeve of esquesing will be nominated for the position and theres no doubt that mr- hampshire would make good occupant of the chair having bad considerate experience as a municipal cbiwcluaf coupled with the fact that tho whale of last yeafa council were elected by acclamation with h unique experience that no other names were submitted for the different offices fto well pleased wcro the ratepayers of the township with the work of tho council for tho past year since the above was written and put in type we understand thai mr hillmer will bo a candidate for the wardenship and thus if elected reajixe his longcherished ambition to round off his municipal career by being honored with this coveted office which be thinks should be his by reason qf long and faithful service in tho county council that being tfie case there will possibly be no opposition qffered by the other aspirants to the office it would bo a fitting tribute to mr hillmer and we fancy quite popular with the people generally ilton reformer j a british opinion of class legkdatlon commenting on the state of the political parties in canada tho london times says government by farmers as such is no more to bo tolerated than government by doctors butchers or plumbers one of tho contributory causes to the conservative vic tories in the eastern provinces undoubtedly has been the nervousness of the great industrial centrcsj at tbo prospect of a possible surrender by the govern ment to the somewhat importunate demands of the men from tho west in this putting east against west of class again class lies a very real danger not only to premier king and his government but to canada itself it is a danger that can be sur mounted only by bridging the geographical map which divides two communities by a living bridge of population if premier king is successful in coming to a more definite understanding with representatives of the very men who turned rolling prairies into rich wheat fields and who ought to be first to welcome new settlers there is no reason why he should not continue in office for some time to come if his government directs its energies a trifle more vigor ously toward the question of population it certainly will help both to strengthen its own position and safeguard tho future of the dominion jm v5isswa ijajmji avbkiii falaaafl sn5 bgjefpi aannnnnnv hmaaa aclaf john co iriaawr of many languages the value of municipal utilities orangeville is just beginning to reap the full fruits of municipal ownership of public utilities the first step in the direction of public ownership and operation was taken nearly thirty years ago when the waterworks system was con strop ted and set in operation the project met with the bitterest kind of opposition on account of tho heavy expendi ture involved 45000 the cost price of the system seemed an immense sum of money to many of the ratepayers of that time although the system would probably cost at icasf 100000 were the same work being donenunder present day conditions from a health standpoint the system justified itself from the very beginning there was a noticeable improve ment in the general health of the town typhoid fever and other dtseases that frequently j originate impure water have bcen virtually unknown in orangeville for the last twentyfive years financial ly the system has also justified the hopes of the men who were instrumental in pushing through the scheme deficits were experienced in the early years but for several years back tho system has been self- sustaining and has sometimes shown quite a tidy surplus for the year in 1920 the last of the deben tures will be paid and thereafter the system wdf show a handsome surplus each year after meeting all maintenance and extension charges banner editorial notes the milton champion says tho wardenship of halton is expected to go to either mr hillmer of oakville of mr barber of acton it is surely an encouraging trend toward real peace to hear that tho french government is now to negotiate directly with tho german government concerning the situation in the ruhr and the rhine- land the hope is general that friendly negotiations will hereafter prevail between these two great countries the longexpected gregory report on the hydro- electric enterprise is unexpectedly much more of a vindication of the work undertaken than in any sense a condemnation tho action of the drury government in appointing the commission will result ultimately in assuring the people of ontario of the value of the immense undertaking there is not now in wellington a single village town or city that has more than one newspaper in some of them it requires loyal local support to have one if some people had their way judging from their advertising enterprise and the way they patron- ixo the city printer for their job printing there would not bo even one- mount forest confederate tho central canadian of carle ton place one of tho brightest weeklies in ontario entered upon its fortyninth year at the beginning of tho month it energetic editor and publisher mr f a j davis is- justly proud of the fact that while therplant was destroyed by fire a year ago its present equipment is superior and its business is on a most gratifying basis again women have been granted the franchise in almost all advanced countries but strange to say they hvc qot yet obtained it in france four years ago qr more the chambro o deputiexotpd tq give thi suffrage to a women who bad reached tho ago of twentyfive but the senate failed tq endorse the act they rnugt 1 op par with our canadian senate in somoreflpeqts t- john t smith who insists that ho is entitled to import liquor into ontario and appealed against the ontario temperance act on this feature has failed hi his action against tho attorneygeneral for ontario both before mr justice or do and tho first divisional court ho will now appeal to the supreme court of canada and many ihink with similar results when people tell one another how busy they are or have been they usually regard it as creditable and yet to be so busy u not necessarily to bd engaged jn anything which shows for real progress the persona who are busy moat of the time on productive helpful work of some kind and who do not allow the element of busyness to invade their houro of re creation have raouqd philosophy 0 life and are living in ayxirdanoe wl it the nmoothwoiklnic organism of a groat rnllwiiy whu it tirlden itnolf or being able to tin ft uny nituatlon in an equable munimr nci ived n rude jolt ono day when two bloturonquoly garb ed strangers strolled into tho windsor tepot of tho conndl in ilicinc hallway mnnlrcit luul lolllik- tho most vuttolttn umi vnurruim unauutla contortion- fnlli in u mt umptar- nbln mamior to mukn unona under- vtnnri what i hey wanted borneo no who hurt truvollwl in lht at ventured thu iili mi that thoy were arnha wil tho itulyglot bom bardment which tinl iwrni in protn cjmh1 in hoilmti don pair for the took of nvullablo lajajtaaa did not jo into klpunjjn country eaot of sues then a revd cup onfcf of tho oulorwl portom who makn themalve uaoful about tbo ntutiim bandllnr ba- bpjtn bo i woo n tbo tmln and tuxlcab tepped up ilo rnllwvnrt hlmaolf of what wound od ilka u combination of o harflyrunnlntf i unrt u sarcoo war chant and bad tho situation atralaht ned out in no tlmn at ult invoaklgatlon rovoulod that the rail way hart on ita atait of ituffbtiae huat- lont a verltahle mohofantl a atuden who for shoor lovn of ihn ttcqulsltloi pick up larutumiro tl wwiy nun dooa nultcajim he 1m known about tho station uu number eighteen though thla hiih no referenon to hla lingual accompllahinonlm iiu name i john cox and hut country of orlgli u itrltuh oulanu though to satisfy hi voraclnum thlmt ror tonguea that other people employ b ha mtrayed far from hi natlw hiiuar plantation bpanlah italian kngllah frencj greek hindustani ami arabic he can call into roiulltinn at a moment notice while he write moat of them with equal facility ho admit not being an yot equally at home with oertnan though h ha nututtantla graap of tho lannungu hindustani i hu native tongue paclle kngllnh ho acquired in england in the employ of a ilrltlah railway mipiatn in the aamn employ bo went to oraxll and panama acquiring spn- inh in an effort lea manner n route returning to- england with morel y hi appetite whetted ho took leaaona in italian and french and ajvoodily added them to hi llngulnllc hat the out break of the war ujwnod up posalblll- tle of yet more hit creating and oi- t ravel and ho jolno 1 the navy a being le likely to remain confined rea whore they npake the uma lngiie all of the time fate played into hi hands when he became tatoned at mudroa in the ian archipelago near tho entrance to tho dardanolle it wu not ion if before ho had qualified to keep a fruit tor and wa looking round for more language to conqijnr hu bethought himself of the hordra of turkish pris oners coming in to the rtupot and after hobnobbing with thorn for a few was roullnii i tho arabian nights in tho original was demobilized in uny 1921 hi one regret being that tho part ho had played in the war had never given him the opportunity of mbelngr the in terior of germany but this lost op portunity hehus nlnce made up for ty diligent study he came from england to canada and huu since boon tn tho empuy of the canadian 1ucino rail way at windsor htation montreal now when plcturt juoy garbed strunifora from unknown lands appear at the depot and gtnmral effort to interpret their mouthhigm of weird sounds oro ineffectual official bond an s o for number kluhtpen throughout hi sixty year of life tleptlmu mratiwump hud nnver glvrn away since at tho ugo of flvo he had given his youngm hrothnr the mtutsjth hut today h wu dlltorontl moptlmiih hud juml rucovorml from n mvohi 111 nes and hn nt rolled along in the coql evening air with a houutlfuj expression his lined feature the memory of hi sick day made something stir to life in tiie recotutea of hi furrotten heart in the darknefw ho nearly tumbled oyer u wnoplna child u girl k what i tho mullert he inquired halting tho weoplng child looked up with tearnilod eye my slxpencel now bright sixpence i have dropped it boptlmu dived a hand ine of hi pocket and handed something to tho child there lllllo i he said take thotl it will holp you to find itl and ho paused leaving the child tarliig at he match in her bund the peril of bad company jim is not a hheepklllngdog in tact so scrupulous ts he owing no doubt to his training nhd hi coming from a long una of shoephurdlng ancestors that he will not eat mutton o von if hi meveral days jim hud luioti lira ping on a bandaged foot shoot as a sheep- killer l was a stray halfbreed nound that started the trouble jim wan under a tree usleep when the dog appeared a few tnlnutu later the two were crossing the meadow to gether then they were in tho woods barking llefone long they had treed n op possum jim wu enjoying him self you could tell that from the wuy he barked later a neighbor wuw the two dog i tt stretch of woodland two miles from home three other dog had join ed thorn uetoia long twi more joined the band which wus led by tho irre sponsible hound five tnlle from home the leader led hi pack into an open held where sheep weru grating htralght for tho innocent cruuturhe rushed jim topped und the othnj- dogs swept by him it was wrong fur him to kill sheep it wuu wrong for any dog to kill sheep in u hush the strange dpg had u sheep down thajliii rati utrmlght at the cur and springing selxed him by the throat at the same instant a rifle cracked near by and the mon grel went limp in the sheep dogs jawsf the rest of the puok scattered and jim started for the wood tie had almost reached cuvor when the rifle cracked again und he lurched sideways var tunately the undergrowth was thick and be managed to mcape it was u dejeoted unrt humiliated dug that returned home lute the same day hut it u not the pulu in jim tout that caused hi liuud und tall t droop no it was tho wy in whlen he hart received the injury shot at as a wheep klllorl thuru is no doubt that the faithful tlog hurt learned hi lesson to shun wtl i ompanlons under suspicion one arternoon u stranger doburkert from u train at a huatllug town in the west and headed up tho at reel kin- ally he met u lituii who looked uku a the advantages op delu keeping lines can ho kept in town or country by young or old rich or poor for one enlorlng the hunlnoan on u large scale with more than one uplury tlm ountry of courau is m onaury whore larger source of nootnr ro evullqulc a few colonies inn howovor he kepi on a small town lot or ven n tho roof of a hoiieo for tln l e will flv to a d la in ih- o of two n thron rnllo for tctnr hole run bo ki p in ltu nlloii which un imclim for uny olhnr uuterprlso there in urly npol in cuiimlii whom 1 few im1 r l- i tn not ho kepi protltuhly an uliumliun o of nv tar nocretlilg low m wltli u high nv erago of favorull w ih i for ui nikretlori und giilliollng of nnliir make canuitu itn oxioiikoi t ountry for tmekooplng at muni unyouot un koi p hooa umi without inventing in lund or xpan nlvo iulpmont u limn or wonuin wh has tho iiplltuill mn uuru to rodui un artlclo or fix i ihf 1m iinnurpnniil fur quality tinl whlh will kuo in gohl murkflalih t onrtlllon oven from year to yur it in dlltlcull lo nlnto the amount or limiy thul will he olilaluod from un uplury iu this will vary in itlfforent tocullonh iitni sounona mont localltle howovoi will be oovored if it i put at from l to 150 imiund pi r colony in on iivitrmio ntunou with propor managotnuitt one or twy iloti- lu wilt ylolil enough liuny for tin kvoriiro fumliy heel toping llffoidii u pit una nt out door occupation iluriitir tho boat snuatm of tho vnor a it hnhhy for oihco nmn it provides a proninhlo unit lntorotlng recreutun for totu hornrunil hludonln it orfem un ikxuiiiiillini fur tho uutmnor vaallun whu h in udui alive and re munerative muny ntudentn have paid their way through olingo by koeplng itonn rturlnv tho nummor muny bit finding it a profitable uuxlllnry to other lltir of work an un oxrlonlvo hual- ness muny find it w worth while ilookoeplng not only gives one a crop or honoy und n little wax but fruit and od grower tire also bene- fitted by hnvlng lten in the vlclnlti of tho r iiiiiuhim und holds iargor crops of fruit and need are obtained by c own imlhnittion of the hlosaomw and honey beeu uro lrnprtunt agmti in this work c ll lootlorhum do minion a pin rial oenerou8 that saving nail th negro soxton of a little church in the south gat ujtou the nmf und rophituhl some broki u nhlngles ho didnt like to urknowledge that tlm steep slant of the roof alarmed him ho climbed up toward the broknn spot luissorby called out- hollow haml lookn ku it tlokluh work for you ell mb in toward houveu barn roloxort hi caution fur un lli- tunt unrt stnrtod to ulldn down th roof ioud ulitl fervently ha wuu hnarrt to cry oh lawd hnvu din nlggah lawdu lawd wave ills nig nubbor mine iitwdl my brltcho done kotch- ert on a pull without padding vthif teacher of tho rlumji in ibitgllnh demiiruioi that tho pupltu ull write for their dally exorcise u brlof uc- oount of a basetutll game inn loy wut thronuh thn period mlngly wrapped in thought whllo the other worked hard und turned in thilr narratives after school thu teacher approulhod tho desk of tho laggard 111 glvo you five mlnulotf to write mt description ho sternly said if it im not dona by thut time i shall punish you the boy promptly concentrated ull hi attention upon tho theme us the urhnr slowly counted the moments i butt with joyful eugernoh ho ratchort a lino on hi tablet ami huttdud it to his man tor it reud i lain no ganve hdw laflqe ib vour world kach individual makes the hound nrles of his particular world tjie tvtral is hi outlook his field of endeavor hid place to work unrt sorve his environment of hupplnens nnd pleasure of jonallillitles anil purpose jle may limit as ho ploanen ho cart imlnl it in rtrah rolnrn or he ran glorify it with all tints of the rainbow ho can make it an nvnrwldonlng ever- timudanlng world of opportunity or he an reduco it to the narrowest margin of so ids tinea and greed how jurgn i your world there 1 the question ovory uinhlttou youth nhould serlounly onnldor and rightly iiiinwiir tho gritduuto trimh fnoiu hlglinchool or ndlngo ban u wide and htqoful outlook upon hi world hln vision i limited only by the noli of hln dream youth und ambition al- wuvh conspire to widen eurlhs hor- ixon and it in u ljlmood thing for the human ruco thut thin true no young poreop nod le anliamotl or afraid of taking a broad outlook of miroudlng u wide world ulxurt him tho youth who iium no vlhlunn of hi world and of whut ho jill accomplish in it cannot hope to win an oquul ro- wurih or share in the glnrlc of hi furneoing follow and thin world should widen as tho yours go hy when your world ceuson to expand or brood- vn out you quit growing wa live in an ugn when l nhoutrt bo easy to catch u far nonlng vision of opmrtuulty und of service though tho world itself i getting constantly niiiullor no fur an dlalunco in concern ed the world of the individual incor- ronpondlngly widened our grandfather can recall tho time when it required utmout an entire year far a loiter to travel from china to america and nown from the orient was as slow in reaching here now we rend ib our morning pa pom what happened in po- king or hong kong yoeterday it took tho fortyniners from four to tlx months to cross the american plalim by ot loam now our intrepid fllom uro going by airplane from coast t count in twentyfour hour ttudl wlrolonn airplane and rtlrglbla all are contriving toward making tho world umallor liut these instrument nclmico unrt invention likewise prevail lb widening tho individual horlnon of incroanlng and broadening tho leld human sorvlce ip something gets in ou way when tlui nteam locomotive was only tho vision of rue dreamer one of tho people who uro always looking for oh ntaclon unked htephonson what would happen if a cow got on the truck which htephonaon replied that it would bo no mutp the worm for the row our titlltudn toward potential rtlf fh tilth n 1 prophetic of our altltudi tuwurd uctual dlmcuule if wn nei no way out when a aupposltlilous ah sta lu in hrought up we are nopilknly to show any mora rourage when w coino fate to face with thn rent n whut wo pood to do j to develop h ournclvrn tho nplrlt of htephonsail wh ihitllorinnd by u difficulty hln critic ik 11 n v id uunurmountuble a cow on tin truck lu the wuy of hln looomatlvu luul thin to suy ho much tho worn- ror tho cow hallevq comet lot tail atlng fni tho mint meeting or the nutlor acuiiomy of he union in that hulley s roinot ban lost its tall photograph tnudc of ho nunn torona the ftlamoirt of tnito it round tho nun nlmultaneoun ly ut tho lick observatory and li auitrulla during an ecllpno nhowoi thut the nun i constantly throwlm 6ff fin- particle of matter in all dlr ncjlonrf in short the v u dlaln- togruflng u bit himilar photograpli tnkiin when halley comet wan ornt vlnlblo nhownd that it had lont tinrt of itm lull during tho last vlalt to tho molur nyntorn tho nclontuls say th what happened lo the comet lnhap- ponlng lo tho nun in a lesser way urooklyn kugle just ptr fun hho wanted to talk to him but ho road hi paper what am you reading johnrnhe askod ut length an article on triple alliance ho rupllod thn triple alliance she repeated tho pupora havo a lot to nay olxiut ll havent they por my imrt i dont sei why they dont junt take and throw him out throw who out he do- mandod what ure you talking about anywuyr why that utah congress man with three wives she replied chicago pont yes she admlttod i am going to marry a hero of tho war are you nuro you am not letting your senti ments run away with your judg ment they asked there is no senti ment about it ho will bo so handy to have around fha house to toll me stories that will mako my hair curl woman in far more practical than in the day of chivalry yel nho still ha u trenchant fur personal udornment cincinnati enquirer at u mooting of u certain local vontry lutaly it was debated whether or no a i hundolier nhould bit purchased for thi town hall well gnnts put in one of the economy members its all very well ror you to talk o wasting money on u chandoller but what 1 want to know 1 when youve got it whoae going to play on t titlilt thn lllnknen muot buy everything on thn installment plan what make you think so i heard jim my utnks ask hi tuthor whothor the dew buby would tte taken away if they couldnt keep up tho payments chicago record ip youlike praise thn haying what in one munn meal 1 unother man polnon in doubl true when wo como to consider tin inner man lor tho thlngu which help noma of us to do our bent are ex tremely injurious to others tako praise for instunco homo of uil need it in order to do oumelveir justice it taken the upprovul of soma outnlder to stiffen our knoea und to strengthen our buckboiie and other peopta when thoyaro p rained for all uchloyement regard themselves as in dia pen sable unrt become fairly insuf fo ruble an a rule the better wo like praise thu lua we need ll the timid poopla s uro really nnlped by u daao of flat tery are always no afraid it 1 unde served that it make them thoioughly uncomfortable manitoba butter wins munlloha bun been awarded first m the dominion kducatlonal butler scoring tents held at ottawa in which all provinces compete it was announc ed yuntorday by l a olbson provinc ial dairy commlnslonor thn sample nubrnlttntl by the holland creameries of vlrden man received 9b point and with nova scotia second and quebec third with scores of 7s and b7 3 re spootivoiy n4 he declined the plnk ribbon tho face of the undersized hun- f the lady political boss- was the look of ono who arter undergoing a noulplumblng oxterlence has finally rout hud u great rteclnlon there urn norrrh thlngn no man can at a rut hn declared i dont mind the cooking and i havent refused to wash tho dluhns but i do draw the line at running pink ribbon in my night shirt to try to fool the children pains are now gone dreco speedily corrects digestive troubles that were making life miserable for mr mould mr alfnd mould or to bt clurenn awiiiuo toronto was a victim oft chronic oimllputlon and all the din- trokmlng itymptom that follow this uuhoitlthy condition of the bowels hro o huwewr brought immediate rllof unrt tonvd up hi whole system ioi iwmn tlmo nuyn mr mould i wiirfind from gas in my ntomurh which iiiiiiuhi bloating and heartburn my howcln wore terribly conutliutod anil i hwl to continually lake humh lajtuttvit headaches bothered me tfrutli und i would get up in the mornltifx tlreil and drowsy after u nllfht of totillonn loaning about in bed wuully a puln developed in my right hide jumi our the appendix and with it mum ji lump this was ao dl- ironhlni ut limes that i could hardly cuirif on with tny work my appetite hocamo v loor and i could hardly out it thing the result being thut my uyntom became greatly weakened through luck of proper nourinbment it wum than that i heard about dreto und decided to try it i have only tnkun four bottles but my palnu huvo dlhupiwurort uy bowabi act regularly i havo a good uppetltu and p soundly dreco has certainly mo mo a whole lot of good if you surfer from heartaches ntom- h pllliu nlugginhnea and am gen erally out of nortn dreco will holp you thin tine tonla and corrective tulloven lotintlpatlpn the prtroo cauno of mant of thene troubles uttd htrvngthous und regulates tho liver kldneyri und stomach as well orccu is prupunxl from herbs roots bark and leuvo mid contains no mercury potash or hutilt forming drugs dreco ts bejha npeelally introduced in acton by a t brown and is sold by s good druggist varywhim said the ntrunger ro t of thin town nun tlm reudy rejoinder i huvo been hero nome- i do atlv iurdoiv m you a reside ves sir of the other tiling lkn flfty yoarn whut for you i am looking for u criminal lawyer responded tho stranger havo you ono hero well said the native reflectively we think we have bmwjj cant prove it on him el1winatino the overhead mrs peeler nlo isnt tt wo cun all hare at home and linteti to a ser mon and noil bother ro ire for ohurohr her husband a nd also they cant imumi th collection plate by radio bulldog sole leather acton cooperative store news imouncing the arrival of another shipment of our famous shoes with bulldog sole we have a full line of mens heavy and dress shoes also boyitimd little gents at very attractive prices ery pair absolutely guaranteed get them hebe acton cooperative store miix street acton business directory dr j a mcnivhn physlelan snd surpin offloe and itesldenn corner ttower avenue and klgln htroot honi hm hu i j nixbon vlthflu itll k lvritlcit acton ontario di w s laird ov fhskmii hg woolwich htroet kye knr none nod throat leqal phone no 23 i o ju w harold nash farmer m k bnrr later belleltor notary public conveyancer et peflryman block acton onf uonry lknf o wtlttoaoed hours- 0 1 im in c pm haturdayn 12 f u rlnu h g meik barristsr bet lot tor notary publlo oeorottown out dental dr j m bell d d s l d s dentist honor qradnata of toronto u nl vas al ty tns latest anesthetle used tf desired offloe a residence corner ulll an jrsdrtk strsc dr f a gollop dd s l d3 dnntsl surgeon oom ovr bank ot mora seocka hodrfl tja to io evsnlnca by appobitmsnt n miscellaneous franos nunan boolcblrkur account books of all kinds mad to ider period cabf of every descxiptlob csreluliy bound rulinst neatly aj2 promptly done wyndham street oualpb oat orer wu1 lams store lodge directory sons op england lodge wood que en no 302 meetln- rlrnt and third friday in each month it i i ra in i p o it hall mpxibers and vluitins members rdlally invited to attend 8 bcutchinq3 j little pnaiednnl sacrslary acton l a no 487 meets on the second thursday of each month in the otldrhown hall at 8 p in unlllmr mnnibers of the order ulways wol- t thiitkollu k v kennedy w 11 1l s r j kerr auctioneer and real estate agent 17 yoam loxnerleiice acton ontario bales entruated to il j kerr re ceive attention from date of listing to data of sale jllnt your sal with me residence uower avenue acton jbona 36 acton call at toy ax pens guelph business college offers uptodate clerical uuslnean blonoffrayhy attd se cretarial courses by expert ox- perionoed teachers utudentl may enter any day wltltic ou invouotaiyon v d bluott smnalpmj eravfng tdrichuono st vfcr tfohonto cawadfc j echeevers book binder qunbao bl eeit qunlph ool hooks nvhd tilmkatlnns itound lu handsotae and bubstatlttal ouvera names lettered tu hold on ulbunt ityum hooka and uthar ikkoks all woru promptly ennutad the old and reliable granite and marble works we axe manufacturer and dlreo importers of all kinds of monumental and headstone work we sell direct to our customers at wholesale price thus mtvltux our customers 40 per osnt we have the best appliance and tha only mechanic in tbs tkimlnlon who can odarata pnoumatla tool property w omn atlv rfarnom from hundred of our customers in toronto aod othar puvoaa where others hav to hava law emits in order to collect w bavo um urtt suid knmit atook ot oraoit la uw domlniqa or mora than any thr dmiara in th wwl wa an uflu- mat 4slxj amploy no ifntl and do not annoy or pat oturtoniar by swdlns out uruorftnt uttiu noilelt- tst or vnploy only mrthmhlo nd daty oontpatiuon hamilton sons i

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