Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 17, 1924, p. 5

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lr acton wttt jlrfl tiiljjthday januahy 17 1024 stop criticizing and pull t isnt tha proachoru i or tlm wuy llio choir r thn ttjzti of tho coin klvi hit holp your r your vuikmh linr brlliku or xvhotlim or whftl it isnt ili or peon or whh tun if im it i oi hiiliii ml link t it hrouk iinrijt muyn upont u nil hrnl b in mm iiiuim sent ki j my lovo lliy lo rim suits your vli ita you ig us tho w the sunday school lesson for 8undav january co i uk at 712 alluil lhit pull tun uycl tin ro i with u luftivy ul huts full of tin ilnlf hht road yjiu with tho musters lnart uticj your labors though it will lovo your ohurch- hiut its fault ii r it lunt tho ohurch it twentv vear6 ago prom tha laaua of tha fraa prssa of thursday january 21 1004 thin la tho moat wlntwry wlntor oi- pcrlonrotl in a ain oration mrs 12 h it i co bus oiwnad u utoro in tho premise latnly ocoujilod by r koptnun a vory xcltlnir luxkey match wus lunyod on haturduy ntjflii batwan tho itovors und ilumhlnr of acton which resulted in a suaro of 4 to 3 in favor of tho former mr t morton of oeorrfolown hul purchased tho bartmrlng business of mr w j k und will movo his family to aeton in u toy days mr morton lu ii former rnuldout and ha and bin family imvu nlwuyn hail dasire to roturtj to acton sines thnlr romovul mr john mooill of tho traders bank hault hto mario ha a boon pro rooted to tho position of accountan of tho ouolph branch at tha cloaonf tho rogular mooting of acton iodgo t o o v lost thurs day overling- tho mttmtxir adjourned to so per s oyator 1arlors whoro an oyatar auppor wan partaken of and a de lightful aocial hour enjoyed tho following alllcani of acton klro brigade wero elected at their annual mooting chief thou gamble cap tain ilook and ladder malcolm mc donald captain hone re w h hmltb lieutenant no 1 james hall lieutenant no 2 tho tllbbons pore- man hook and ladder thoa wren secretary treasurer r d qrahajn assistant k mclntoah blck commit tee captain hook and ladder cap tain hooo ileal and w j hurophrlea and john arthur torch boy vred graham and herbert gamble the young people of knox church have discontinued thnlr christian en deavor society and will reorsanize oh o preebyterlan guild with woek- night meetings onco a month tho officers of the new organization ara u follows honorary prealdont llav j c wllaon b a- president j b kennedy vice- president misses minnie holmes and mary lambert corroapondlng secre tary jao lackey recording secre tary miaa clara cobban treoaurer mlae laura ryder born bell in acton on christmas day 1801 to mr and mm henry bell a eon died barbarbej in noasagaweira on saturday january 1 104 margaret atkinson wife pf daniel barbara aged e4 years the arithmetic can i get aornethlng tor you the girl rested her handa on tho counter and looked across at the ouatomer ho woa a middle aged man hla hair wu beginning to turn gray hla handa were work hardened and tha nail were scarred and broken his clothe were ahabby and ho wore a short un kempt beard i want a rltbmotlc plea what klndt tho girl turned to ward the aholveo tho man did not answer what kind pleoaet i dont know the girl turned back we have two klnda you know she explained one for the town and one for the country ocboola la the child going to achool in town or in the country and what grade will ho be int he ho aint going to school tho man flushed then looked up into the glrta eye what lie aaw there cauaed him to lean acroaa the counter toward her ill tell you the truth im going to atudy it myself i aint got any education apd im going to gat one when i was u boy i didnt think learn ing amounted to nothing and i would not go to school what little chance i had but whstxl grew up i seen what s foal 1 had been and how i couldnt be nothing thout i known something but i thought it was too late then and so i fooled along for twenty years more now i know it aint never too late and though i am going on forty- five im going to have a education it it can be got i dont have much time to leurn for i huvo to keep hust ling to make a hvjng for nlx children but work or no work im going to learn aomoihlng ho if youu tell mo what rlthmwtlo tu get and what other books ill need to tart on ill ba very thankful the girl with a uttla lump in hor throat and her vyoa smarting turned back to the shelves a farm programme llan is u programme hut u being adopted by farmer organisation in different parts of ihe uultud htutes it alms to nut the furm oil u sulf- sup porting haal instead of too grout a reliance on ono or two oroi 1 liaise enough corn and bay to carry mu through 1034 2 liaise enough niuut to wuty my family this your i have u lmonthsliitltayear gmrden 4 1rovlda tiillk und butter for th- family tot l ho whole ymr s roup mi uvurugo of 30 hens on the farm s improve tho orqhnnl by snltlug outtrees und berries triunt leg unit- und other soil- enriching plants 1 ttorol at least opo iikm hi club work 0 add some convenience 10 beautify the homestead a lake the parish tirlest tiad dropped in to see ono if lit flofk and to prove his kindly interest in the family anil all tu mom burs ho begun to ask one of the colleens how she wo progress ingvat sahoul the usual questions us tu the spoiling f die inureatlng word cat and y forth were answered then tho iirlost turned to googrophy now 111 no dear what is a laker he asked tha little juald puckered her brows thonaho suli piuko ylr rlvjrlitce its till- tuainintl ok a iaiiil kxnd 2 1116 s tloldeii twxlily faith mi ho was grown up rnfiisiid ti tlm won of imiuruohn iiiukhtnr thoos- itig ratlinr tu iihuro 111 tnuitimwit with tint tropin of god than lo otijoy tho plouaured of hiii for a ntuaon hob 11 24 2 the test explained hiod 3 i3hmiln ibo kgyptlan tho uct of moses in taking lh part hlm oppruntkmt follow ounrym ugulnst the kgyiitlun taukmnstr niounnt lemtlmony to his drop hoi uyruuithy with hla own oppressed poophi it was u crlmi howiwer and iihownd the lurk of the wolfcontrol which moaos lutnr iillulhnl und uut to such fine effect vorsi l4ml fourei it is vl not tbut uflhut tun i tli symputhd of thu nutlon wfiro not with him they bud not yet caught tho vision of 11b- nrty forty yearn later the futllo ut- iumiit had pnitariwl und then prumpt- nd thorn to follow his itiudorahlp vrso 1 uanm lloil those lncl- builii prove that noltber wore th israelites ready to go out of kgypc nor mono prepureil to ho their louder jumh i 20 it wuh by tho ataff ami not the sword by thp meekness l tho wrath of mooes that god accomplish that groat work of ilollvorunco both ho and isrual worn forty yours longer oust into tho furnace f affliction yot it was l heroin tha lo had chosen them isa 48 to jumloaonkuuesatbrown mldlun a land so callod afvr its inhabitants the descendants of abru ham goii 26 14 tho mldlanltos reality nomuds who moved from place lo place with their flocks the exaot region tu which moses fled is therefore uncertain probably somewhere souti or southwest ol tho dead hoo in the hill country of zolr exod 3 12 certainly i will bo with thoo the pmmlao that ood will go with him and glvu suocess to bis mis sion is to be sealed by ills delivering tho israelites bringing thorn to hlnu and thore engaging with them in divine service that is u tho expres sion in its fulness probably means entering formally ifto tho rotation u worshipper of jehovah langs leeson themee discipline necessary it is a trulsn that discipline is nocossary to leader ship in general it may bo sold that while all specina knowledge and skill in execution must coma from training training cannot give any natural abll ly and power if they are wuntlng it can only organise and direct to ad vantage such native ability as the individual possesses krum this fsct tho importance of youth und of en vironment is evident discipline must ever oo mo before leadership youth habit- forming period- this give to he training of a child great portance in his early life moses received training wide in it field and deep in its personal results upon bis life no man of the old testament history was better prepared for his lire work tha hebrew homo moses had the choice training of a hebrew homo whose high priestess of love and knowledge was hlsdevoted mother the story of his rescue when a child from the waters of the nlln and the employment of his mother as hla nurse and care taker 1 one of tho most boautlful ts of the bible the period in which this hebrew mother had tho privilege of caring for her own child and receiving pay for it from tha royal treasury was probably u short one but in those few years without doubt impressions ware made upon his mind which remained forever tho deep religious quality of hi nature may be traced to this homo training in which love and religion joined in guiding his childhood step with such a mother what wonder that he loved hla own people and gave adoration and obedi ence to the god of hla fathers the icgyptlon court prom this training of his heart in the school of love and religion he posses to tho great egyptian ooun with its wealth magnificence and luxury the high quality or egyptian civilization is just be in great 1 zed as modorn explorers dis cover the extent and value of elgytlan ilture we are told thai in all this wisdom moses wo trained and this varied and valuablo knowledge was one of the element of hla consecra tion when ho put aside the life of tho court to take up the leadership of his oppressed brethren it thought by some that this training included mili tary matter his residence at court gave him firsthand knowledge of world affairs und he was no doubt familiar with ancient diplomacy and prepared intellectually for the world wide sphere in which his activities were to move the mountain of mldlonthere a another training likewise impor tant for moaes leadership it was tho forty year of enforced quiet in the mountain of mid tan whither he had fled to escape tho wroth of ihiuuoh till episode in his ufa lias a toucji of human interest and beauty almost equal to that of hla rosoqo in child hood from the waters of tho nile here in mid tan watering her father hooks he mot zlpporah whoso love wo a weet solace to him in his solitude jn ho great silent mountains here moses had time for love and reflection two things too often crowded out of our modern life here he had time to consider tho ways of qod in his eullng with mou und in the silence f the mountains ba opened his heart fully to tho great jehovah und beard the voice of tho almighty calling him to dollvur israel ho entered mldlun lobrew patriot he tett tha moun tains a world prophet for study and dlaouaalon what incident showed moses doop sympathy for his kinsmen t why did move floe to mldiatit what com mission did god givu him in that placet was ho uow prepared tu ac complish this ilutyt what hires unas of training lilted him for his great warky is discipline ulwuyw nocassary foy leadership hhuuld ull poop oelva tho sulno kind of training hhuuld ul expuct to bo load era t dally rssdlnqa for nsslwssu mnnduy january jl xbd 14 21- 81 tuusduy january 22 ttxod 14 19 vodnesduy juiiuury 23 kzud 14 1030 thursday january u lqxod o 1- ii krlduy jaiiuury j6 uuod h lt31 huturduy january 2d hub oems of thought tv oak mind in like i microscope i niinriilfl trifling things but it relv groat ones chester- who forgets his own friends to follow after ihono of u high mi in u injoh thuckoruy on hum it like an ulrouahioii the value of manure per ton manure l worth oxiiclly what ii will give in net return from tilt in creased iropn proditioil this amount varies widely depending mxin tha qual ity of iht noil tho nnuuoti tho crop fnttum but it in inlerestli to le vnluo pin in a go i a i tnov torn nothing hound ii uthers can lovo to prone thofie in whom wi in otle thing olhor cecil it what it iuioii vhlch poor mhphrd pmy in vain men ilk bullnlu g farthitiil thyure smooihei humanity hi never so bnautlf when praying for forgiveness oi forgiving another hichter nobody iivur oiugrnws ticrlptur book widens ut1 tlsepotis wltli yeurs hpurgeon llirebaso not frloi thou ceuheht to glv to love kullor true frlomlsiiip is llko uound hnalt tho valuo of it l seldom known untl it is lost the way of tlm world in to prals dead taints und persecute uvlng nnoi n itowo violent excitement oxhuusts th ilnd und loaves it withered and slor o konnlon ih what a tuliglo web wo weave otution ii nothy win nrs at tb 2u bunday january 27 1salin ida l- a vchy good reason i cant tmugiiio why lteoplu will pur wist in pronging tho gloomy o ueau inges nunu suys u wrltwr in joursons weekly at the close of u recent hunduy hchool talk tho tuarhor usutut thu tupllsjf they hud any question to ask and immediately a small bund shot skyward please sir thu little ono wanted to know why wus adam uuvr a baby f tuacber uougbeil in doubt as to what unswor to luuko to this momen tous question bui u tittle girl tho eldeat of several brothers und ilstms came ta hla aid sir she onnwerod there iwu nobody to nntf htm nxcollotlt i 1 but toub it tike a glunt u m body may vie ice that looking of two evils tho iiihs is always to n chosen thomas a kompls a black eye speaks for itself it doesnt ulwuys toll the truth the tolen butternuts a friend ormlno in the country has three largo butternut trees on bis farm which bear overy other year in a good aenaqji ho usually gets about twi bushel from uoh troe two yoirs ago rfler be had gather ed them und picked out all oio bud ones no had about six bushels as was his custom bo put thorn on tho attic flour to dry for as you know butternuts are not good to oat until tho outer skin has dried up ho did not go near the alllo from the time ho put tha nuts there until lalo in tho winter when ho wnntol some to oat imagine his surprise when he found that nourlyhalf of them wero gotiul ho questioned his wife about it but she hud nut used any o them hi fact sho had not been to the uttlo since fall- about it wook later however my friend was uut back of the house and happening to glancn up ho saw u large rod squirrel on tho roof ho worcled ibo squirrel and haw him ontor a small hole in the finish under tho ottvea in a few moments tho squirrel canto out with u butternut in his mouth my friend now believed that bo know who was taking bis butternuts so h decided to follow tho squirrel and loam whore they wore blddon thin was not very dlincult tu do because tho squirrel catno to the ground about two hundred yards from tho house und entered a hollow log he rap poarod in a short time and scampered off doubtlos for another nut whllo ho was gone my riend ex amined the log and by cutting a fow holes in it discovered that it was nearly full of butternuts doubtless this aqulrrel and perhaps the rest of his family had been storing them up nearly all winter they must have had other storehouses also because all tho butternuts that had been lost wen- not in that ono log my friend left tho butternuts wher- ho had found them because he had enough even than for all his wants and the squirrels had worked very hard for them however ho did stop up the bain so thuj they could not steal tho rest of them leslie j wood- coqtral kxinirltnoi oltuwu where u fmiryuiir i muiigelh outs rlovur uml iii manured oiue every four yu rule of fifteen ions per mm the man ure wis worth uronn figuring tho farm products at prewur prices 3 ho per ton this lit tho uvorugn gross vulue of each ion of manure hy crediting the upplbatlon of flfleen tons of mnn- uro with the entire value of the iri- ireaseil crop prtkliiorilnver unmlhiur- od land during the thirteen years of the experiment tills figure th not of roursn the real net value of tho man- urn the nl vuluu inn le secured only when account is tukeii of thu cost of handling tho lticreduod crop tho ust of applying the muniiiu to th liuid the interest chiirgeh und the htiure of iho inuchliiory when thumo factor a vo rug ii value of he i mi n uro lu s12k pur toil it mho ii li he re m em be rod however tbut thu lurger cost of hand ling tho incrvused trup and tt cost of applying tho manure are largely latxir cqat which in niuuy cases may bo done by the furm help by working ddluiiiul hums but without uddltlon- 1 cash outlay thu largur yields pm nre produce results equivalent wnlng u lurger faun and if the larg t crops can bo handled without extra lelp practically all of th grossvul f the manure will bo nourod us in creased not income thosu labor charges the machinery churgo and th intoreot uro usod only in exact no counting lo leurn what to credit thi live stuck for each ton of mnnuro o to know how mutib to pay for manure in tho event it is purchased off tin furm other methods of uvuluutlngmanun than that of reckoning the vulue o thn increased crops produced uro some tlmus suggested home suggest multi plying tho standurd unalysls ofanaiiuro by the market prlro of tho fertilizer constituents us found in commorclul fortlllzors othnrs suggest basing thil value of the munure on the fertlllzor vuliin of the feed usod assuming that nnohulf of tho nitrogen threequar ters of tho phosphorus und ull tbs potash contained in tho feed will up- pear in the excrement thesa molbodi howtivor overlook tho variations in soils which hiuy give increased crops from manure in soma instances so vera 1 times us much us in others tiuoh being tho case thu- ottawa flguruu should be accepted uidyas a genorul guide until uctuul trluls show tho real vuluo on different soils in any case tho vuluo of the manure ler ton will be increased by uniform uprjjudlng by using a light to medium application of ton to fifteen tons per rather than aqtieuvy application by applying tho manure to root potatoes and hay rather than to gruin crops where bad weeds it present unrotted manure will prove more economical than rotted hopklna dominion kleld hus- bundman the 6av8 i would like to live over there in no titim in my llfo i would rather live uvur ihuu my school duys it may inlorent imyii nod girls lo uniiw how i fifty yanrn uml over having nil sorts of cue port lie would feet qlxult going lo wihool tf i wdrn young again i surely would go m iiohool because it is thu best place on oirth in which to puss ones youth no mutt great u chuncn to inuku money u ihiy may hiive he will in th long nm if ho lug no niiilter ho tunliy u girl miy huve to got marrlsil nhn will lilwuyi mother ml unit ion there is hud in soli lug the an d be happier if sho bus ol tlm hrin no substitutes durjng the war we board n grout deal of talk about substitutes wo found that certain vegetable fats could bo used in place of butter and lard and that bread could be made with other moala substituted for wheat flour when at the store you asked for a cleaning compound or for aome special kind of soup chips the clerk is very likely to answer were out of thut today but here is something else just a good bo common is thut sort of thing that manufacturers are con stantly imploring tho public not to uccept any substitute hiuce civilization begun a grout muny brains have been concerned with tho problem how to nnd u substitute for work but the problem ho not boon solved we talk of labovsavlng machinery but the man who runs u reaper or the woman wbo runs u sewing machine wprk just as truly a tho man who swings a scythe or tho woman who stltobos by hand tho nrstuwo accomplish much mure in a hay ihuu tho other twot1 the reaper nor tho sewing machine nor any olhe- machine mod hu in- vented has relieved humanity from tho necessity of work all tho time atudonts are promised achievement without work t yoil were foolish enough to belluve ull tha pluualtile advertisements that appear you wfluld think yuu could learn to play the piano n three months or speak a foreign lunguajjtjn week ur be ready for some responsible po sition hy receiving u uttlo training from a correspondence school need less to say thin is altogether wrong therols u real road to learning but not un ousy ono whatever you gain lu the way of skill and knuwlodgu you must work for kuco thu fact us you start in life that there is tiu substitute tor work that uftur you huvo taken advantage of every possible help your own per uana effect js essential to clinch tho matter tho people who go through llfo looking for a substitute for work will have no wurthwhlleacblovemont tu their credit louise s llamsy bandv was in no hurrv maggies sweetheart a proverbial tight flstod hoot bad tukon bar out for tha afternoon und thut was about ull they rode some distunes on tho trolley turned urouinl anil rode homo again never wss mention made of tood or entertainment hack within hor own gateway mug- glu who hud keenly felt the neglect aureus ileal ly proffvred suudy dime lor tho car fr you spont on me sho said meaningly hoots touts woman returned huhdy pocketing tho oin there was iui hurry saturday wad liae bait time enough z any girl rnu get schooling if sho is dotermlnoil of till tho fools that roam tho earthy thn ono thut wears tha bui ribbon us tho biggest fool of all is the boy who iwlll not go to school because wants to go into business lis only competitor for first prize j tho girl who leaves school lo get married by dr k crane in the industrial journal measuring between tides everyone who hah given any uttep- tiun tn the mutter of goodotla sur veying knows tho necessity for an urately measured base line on wld eh ull subsequent measurements ore basud tho ideal ajte is a fairly level stretch of open ground throe to miles in length along which the o una may bo measured fulunc thin tho nurvoyor must clear away ob truding trees brldgo over mvlnoti ilul rusort toitliiu expedients its- ently tho good olio survey of canada lidoptod a novel method in running a base line along tho seashore in such a position that half the line is under tar at high tide tho location is oyster hay british columbia und the rough nature of tho laud formation left uo option as lo the place for tho i in spite of tha fact that part of line wo undor water for several irs every day tho marking posts driven into the sand hold well anil the measurements made while tho tfde i out proved untlroly satisfactory fireproofing wood wood is such a convenient ma tort i i account of the ease with which it worked it relative strength us low cost and attractive appaarance that if it could bo rendered tiro- proof it uld be almost iduvl for many pur poses the forest products labora tories of tho forestry branch de partment of the interior uro investi gating various processus for render ing wood resistant to are tho labor atories point out that it is possible by impregnation with certain salts tu render wood flroreturdant that is to decrease itn natural inflammability ery considerably it can thu bo made extremely difficult tu ignite und the persistence of glowing ambers can be prevented this ts un important top in tha deal rod direction and lu vlowof tho progress already mdet it hoped that thu processes may be made even more eftlclonl pleasant medicine for children la mother graves worm exterminator ulid it is excel en l fordrlvlngwt from the system humor from a prison the following story is from tho wookly olurlon edited by the- in mates qf thomlssourl state prison kt jofforsqii city a ntgru mut un acquaintance of his also colored on tio street one day und wus surprised to sue tlult bis friend h on u new suit now hut now shoos and other evidences of pioaporlty hey bd bo said bow come you dressed up this way is you got u job- iso got sttmethlu bellern any job replied tho other lso got a profes sion what is itt u orator whats u orator t dont you kuowr replied the io- sptumlept one in uurprlsu well ill toll you whut u urafor is if you wus to wulk up to u ordinary nlggur uml auk hltti how hindi wus two and tw hed say four but if you wus to uu one of us orators how much wus two und two well nay when in do oousi of bupiut ovuiits it beoomorf necussur to tuko tin numioul of do second dd jiomluatloii uml follow thu practice of null plying itself i ways it without four of successful uonhiullotloii dut dt result will invariably bt four dut a orator euoelunt for crappy chlldrei when u child is suffering with uroup it is u good plait tu use dr thomas iccleotrlo oil it rducs the inflam mation und loosens iho phlegm giving speedy relief to tho uttlo sufferer it is equally reliable for sure throat and cbst earuahe rheuumtlc pains cuts bruises und sprain lie thomas ea lootrlo oil is regard wt by many thous ands a uji indispensable of tho family medicine chest hollar fun to bo ywhero olnu dur- iweeii six and twenty- u are jiiurh more likely to e best kind of people with ii form a lifelong friendship i thut elsewhere s are hot perfect but tliry ur iho best institution thut exists for lkyn and girls tlny are tho finest produntu of lvllliiitliil out best tenull if vvollilliin time spent in school lu lot wuhtoif you lose nothing ly tuk- ng plains to shnrpen your uxn in school you get ih touch with the past tlm hum on rucn bus existed u long while at udiool you get tho it of its ucqtliuulutud experiments il stund on your forefathers iders and ho not huvo to try fumnls thity have tried over und over at school you acquire inheri tance from jl in wisdom of the pust inllllon dnlhlrs from your father at net on yoti lonrn to lovti and use books und from tiookw have come the best etneiency and oujoynxnit of llfu at school you leurn whnt is best ull to form good tumo tho mo murkeil difference between u cqlturi iejrson unit a vulgur one lu the kind i things they like at school you leurn to use your rlchon so uu to gut reul uutsfucti you uru rich unit if yuu uro oor to have it full und happy llfo in spile of it i at school you rub off the sharp nor mra of your personality you l how to bo mrioouhlu howto got along with folks mid bow to pluy the u of life with th iiiimt enjoyment- of ull tlm hieii und women i known wit nnu of fheni wus- over sorry for going to school und ono who for any reason hud ml un education regretted it if you have parmits that will send you to school you uro fortui thrice if you have to work your she landed him according l tradition murn an thony whllo on a imiiiiic party wild clnopntro hod expert dlvoiw put inrge fluh on bin hook tlm original vump wus wise him hud one of her dlvorn plitca a salt llnh ol lu hook and the uplaode mitiuod u big iilujjii at thn 1 egyptian loyntry i luhn ijt summer u youth irlnd it in the luko on a damiml wbo thinks pretty well of her angling ability but hi gottungled in her hue hi iiroiiglil him toilho iiurruii hunted u lull no lo speak they wore mnrrliul iooii iiflrt here is the sail purl now she is lulling u fw ho friends she lu sorry nil didnt throw him buck tit for tat hhe wuu a very guild ii y ilrinsed luily and he tendered the hilti ion- duclor half u crown for ur pminy fare with the llr of u grnml dllcheilm im sorry sin drawled but i illtvn no paiiuleh dont you worry lady replied the couduutor affably yolire going lo huvo twentynine in a minute ducklets fronchitis l mixture sated mm life read this true tstsmaot i mr clayton have suffered rom uronchilis or years end found relief only in uucjclsya bronchitis mixture i consider this to wonderful remedy and wouldnt be wit bout it in the bouse and i am firmly con vinced thl it saved my i if mrs w clayton 90 uzbrldge ave toronto buckleys guaranteed to rluvwitb tbs sry firot doss coughs colda and bronchitis get a bottle at yqpr draggista today w k buckley l1m1tfd 143 mutual st todonto io railway time tables at acton wftdlaw nationafhailways sold in acton by a t brown ugh school by your own exertions to suy thut you would like to go to hoo if you were ublo is uoiiaensn any boy can get an education if ho sin it for both house nd stablsthero is a good doit of similarity physically speaking botweeii human bolngs and t lower animals both are subjoat many ailments arising from inlum- matlon und to ull niuuner of outs und bruises dr thomas eoloclrlo oil is entirely reliable remedy for such ailments and mlshuph in tmlli human beings und tho lower on tors of unlmals not far tp go a distinguished lawyer und politician as travelling on tho train when uu irishwoman canm info the cur with t big basket bundle etc und sat down r him whon lu- conductor cumu around to collect thu fares thu woman puld hor money and tho conductor passed tho lawyer without collecting anything tho good womuu thereupon said to the lawyer an fulfil an why itt it thut thr doctor takes tho money of a poor irishwoman un duut ask ye who io to bo a rich man for unythlng ho lawyer who hud a pbss ro piled my dour madam im travelling i my brtuuty thu woman booked at him for a uinctit and then quickly answered kn is thatsnt thin yo must be very iur yr journoys end jont submit to asthma if you eurfer without hope of breaking tho chains which bind you do not put off another day thu purchase of dr j d ko hoggs asthma homsdyy a triul will io away all doubt us to its oluclen- oy thasuro rellaf that nomeauwlll vine you more than unythlng that can bo written when help is so euro why uuffurt this matchless remedy i sold by dealers everywhere partial prohibition unsatis factory what is tho matter with can- uttluu provinces t throe of ihotii have now joined quebec in adopting a policy of government eontrol of tho liquor truffle viz british columbia manitoba and albert word now comes thut u petition will be circulated in buskatchowan calling for an elec tion lu that province uu tho proposi tion of adopting u government coil trwl policy there bo tiro of victory uro tho wets thut it is uunounud they uro bringing pressure to bear upon hu provlnolul 1arllameiit to enact leg- islalion putting tdo province on the government control basis without go ing through tho formality of u plebis cite their argument is that u rut oiidum on the qussttoii would cost the tuxpuyers 0uuo0 iii uuswr tu thi question whut ii tho mutter it iipptmrs thut tho cble dlmoulty is that llifsu provlncorf wero not under uu abttoluto prohibition law munufuoturo und uxportutlon worn permitted this gave uu opportunity for easy violutlnn of tho law um people became dugusled with thu ttfl ution halfway pruhlbltloii is not the solution to the problem there is ojily ono rouiody uml thut is com ph to suppression of manufacture lint sale thut lu what cunudu needs id day aniei leun ibmuh deelightedl was the expression one housewife used when asked her opinion of excelsior pastry flour and we know you would express the same opinion over every piccu of bnkinjj in which you had used excelsior brand flour ask for and be sure you get excelsior brand pastry flour d hlindsay mtll street acton ontario going wast no 20 b13o-m- n 31 1056 ap no 33 210 pjn no 3c g0s pjn- no 30 b39 pm no jc holiday going east io20arn no 20 708 am no 30 1111am no 34 336 pjn no 38 n u7pm no an s13 pjn no 4 hunduy 708 pm cortui cuuso iiilicb uurfurlug but iiollowuyn cm u lloiiiuvor uffor- u spomly sure unit iutisfuctory relief the worlds biggest hoo now zealand bus projuesd tho big gest hog on tecord hilly tho worlds wonder rig as tho uulmul is adver tised in a twoyeiirold tain worth- berkshlrooruss welgltl iuk iniuudsi height s tr v inches length u foot b inches girth 0 feat ulid he is still growing untouched irish wealth itucout reports un the mlnuru rn- snurcsuf county leltihn und udjuusiit uitrta of irlund tndloatu the pos sibility of ilevolopliig u gnjut mining industry in thut cimntiy hixlmrlh suy tbut the comiuught coal fluids uro cupublu of ylublhig from s0u0u- 000 to 30000000- tuns und of sup- jmirtillg thuusuiulh of luboiers ul- thuugh ut present tlioy do not muin- tulli one hundred ho tho iruiisealu- ooil district between dromuhulr ulid arlgna which might be exiwictod to give employment tu totib of thousands and develop d miniature 1ittw burgh ut preswiit does tint support a solitary individual millers worm lowders not only ex- tennluutn intestinal and other worms but they uro a rouiedy for muny other ailment of children they strengthen the young stomach against bilious ness und uro tmilcul lo ttisir utfoot where tho child burfors from loss of appetite in fewrlsh oondltlons they will 1 found useful and hoy will eorvw tu ulluy pain and griping in the stomaoh from which children so often euiteiv j removal notice having removed our business from the old property at mill street to young street we arc now open for bustrrcss at our new stand wo solicit the continued patronage of our customers at our new quarters and shall ondcnvor to tho best of our ability to furnish our usual good service wo take this opportunity of wishing our many customers the compliments of tho season parker roszel young street acton ont acton creamery pays highest market price for- churning cream fresh milk daily s cents per quart at thb creamery sundays from 8 io 0 a m no cream received after 12 oclock noon on saturdays acton creameiy co quality oar motto t j oneiu prop phonab3 castoria mother fletchers custom is a luniloas substitute for castor oil purejoric teething drop- and soothin t syrups prepared to relieve infants in arms urn children ull agci of constipation wind colic flatulency to sweeten stomach diarrhea regulate bowels aids in the nsuniilatiim of food nromoliiitf cheerfulness licit and natural sleep without opiatesi tu avoid imiiiitloiis nlui luti ur the umiiuc if uacu fciltii ilirn tiiiiw on r imijn toronto subunoan clectric railwav watbound no k3 jl40am no eh ilt0urn no n 24 pm no fll m0im no m h00 pm no flfl 11 40 pm esstbound no 6t 742 a m no hc 1042 uni no rh lspm ni u2 y 443 pm no 60 742 pm no 70 1043 pm sunday timetable watbound no 1140um no 59 340 p m no 13 0 40 pm no 7 0 40 pm esstbound no 68 lo42 um no 60 243 pm n 04 ri43 pm no 8 843 pm itrajght dallvarad by spaolal azpraata frtslght erroight plckod up at an-ad- drass in toronto k t thettpord aaront xoton see avage and ee better writs or piiona for appl for whan vou wish to coma a d savage optomstriat a mfg 6ptlcltn savaga optical building right at tha post offica quelph t e gibbons expert shoe repaininq prompt attention to orders lierr t e gibbons maw btheet 1- acton roribusowjstweit si ada tfqronftp can a acton elevator near q t r station following brands on hand flour manitoba flour pastry rolled oats oat chop oats oilcake hav and orain grain bought and retailed alex l noble henry awhey manager vtrywlinrtf recommend it free press job printing is always neatly done this stores policy to roprcscut uoods ex actly as to their quality to boll to thoo who know and to th6so who dont know at a uniform fair piico to fulfil all guaianteo5 and cheer fully correct all mis- takoatto desorvo your conhdcnco by always giving you satisfaction savage go jwdlers guelph ontario

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