Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 17, 1924, p. 6

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m tffijrfffp tcbmiiyjxit ffibp artrni 3frw wbb thwiihijav januahy 17 1824 brief local items hikii ititi rsl kniiir curiiy 11 im hunk llu often yui ufltlrpkii intuit lnr tin- onto it slmulilt thn rob inn om to linvn tilt ind lit n wnrinor ell row hkiitlnc waa uxdcllnut on vartu of i nlry lnk on bnturduy bueliili im lost tmut 113 too on its tiounlnk sctu mo so far ouolph llortlculturnl hfllcty i worlclna for 3 000 mombor oil ynar itolnir nvftrliuidtikly on hut jli boat carrying tt rublilt foot for luck thcro im immi many u painful tumble oh the sllpjxjry tyujk tho pust week i tim moon inn t tho only in that s on thn lant quarter ulwut thl ttnv of your i morullty church the i ool shown in knox ttvonlnb v homn of tho girl noom to prefer tolok pretty to onjoylntf tho comfortably both the editor of the mealorcj paper were rl ted to the town coun ell last week saw log have boon coming in quite freely to ii ml arsons mill lux- injr the week tho ahlppenx are still buying tur nip they havjien coming in free ly the paar week aoton in nupplylng a number ot o h a player to both mentor and intnrmedlato team mr oeorgn board more toronto ha bern elected president of the na tional x4fe assuruneo co tho now bank look just a big a they ued to when tho old fashion ed winter were with u mr ford gould late principal o acton high school 1 now teaching in waterdown high school ml nellie hall entertulnml i number of her girl friend at u birth say party on monday evening newmarket defeated the bylaw to provide fund for the erection of t soldlars memorial by m6 o s3fl another now mtorm cam on sun day it wf le boisterous than that of the flrat sunday of the month tho name mentioned for warden of halton county aro those of meaar hillmer and darber oakvllle star the new time table on tho can adian national railway doe not affect any of the train which stop at actoi the chairmanships of the muni cipal council were very equitably dls tributed at monday inauguration meeting one hundred and twentynl ilir were shipped from powoaean this eanon according to the station agent mr quintan many a man who complain that the world isnt getting any better brat doing a thing himself to mako it better the heed catalogue have com menced to find their way into tho mall boxe of flower lover and amateur gardener next monday evening will be pant master night nt walker a f 4 a m an interesting session i anticipated speaking of advertising a ma who advertised for a wife ald after ward i cant say aavertialng pays but it certainly bring result the will of the late sir wllluun mackenzie bj nearly ready for pro bate it i believed that his estate will reejue about 19 000 000 a ground hog appeared o farm of pred denny second hi sunday it bad dug a fresh hole and re appeared on tuesday morning acton methodist choir and the sunday school orchestra- will be en tertained at a banquet thl evening in the school room of the church the annual meeting of ksquealng agricultural society will be held on saturday january 10 at 1 oclock in the council chamber at georgetown a banquet for the u b o and u f w o of the aahgrove oom- niunlty will be held this thursday evening at the home of mr jams barnes travelling on the ley pavement the day 1 njmost a dltncult an operation a trying to preserve an even balance at the bunk ilrockvllli recorder the ladles aid of knox church announce an oldfoahloned teameet injf with a uo4 literary and musical programme next monday evening li the church at the inaugural meeting of oak vllle town council on monday th proceeding were opantod willi prayer by rev dr mutiro presbyterla later of the town mr nicholas kovlms tuaiulnetl painful bruise by u fall on the ley pavement on krederlck street on sat urday evening she was oonnned to bed for several days slreetavllle ha a population of ftsl and pent in 1931 for waterworks s3qb1 for electric light 14 ls4 tin schools sb 40i and for ruad and bridge 91 310 total 1b 7 the member of the uunbln blhle claa of the methodist sunday school were very glad to welcome back their teacher ml lottie 13 speight afler eleven week absimo through illness at the annual meeting tjf tho ouejph horticultural society lost week the financial report showed a balance of llll pt r r graham on r i tiring from the presidency wm pre seiited wul ellver service the invariable january thuwuil promptly thl time mild weather oif wednesday rnln on thursduy uf u r- noon and night and continue mild into vrlday reduced the pllea of snow and annihilated the alelghlng the funeral took place on friday i afternoon of thorn hand kdlior i tat the watford ouldo advocate for many years and one of the meet wide ly known public men in lamb ton county lie was in hi 74th year six inmates of the ontario formatory at aulph made a daah tor liberty on tuesday evening four ware recaptured in a few minute but uyton bwltser or windsor and william mc donald of london are still at large mayor doje of georgetown ut tempted a trip to acton by motor on friday morning but the bank ot aoft now on hnderaona hill debarred further progress the mayor returned to georgetown knd duna up by train tna impreaslv covenant aarvloa tt th mthodl cburott waft aniaa4 tn by s uurtw nuitbbr bc nwabr on butuur vwjin bay ur hufefh orafobd uia awioc haltons croph and uvo stock farm product of 1023 and the stock neel by farmer hullt mm uj it nt t aurl i titlni infii ulloi olllllllo ij lllif irlvot vi ry lnlti spot ling tin cropi vltn fr 1uj ihim mu ntih by furnurx i 4wii by ti minn vi r i wtinhlp ier hirlni win hurley on in 11 linn orn mixed oraln jlarrol jotiitooa turhlpir sugar iltutm mtih iium k u 201k- 1 ut 2j 01h 7 3f0 47 h07 3- 7h 1 346 131 14 usd 1 ltt ro4 17 2r 3 104 33 7 41 1 17 3 2 067 j 0 11 hih jh 7 3 c46 if 0 3 ico do 0 3iik 2u7 30 1 l0 100 143741 110 r loo 300 p 1 in hi m corn alfalfa hay und clovnr 4 a gratifying foutu tho fuct lliut in nvu of grain anil roitu among the hlgltust 1 acrou 3 843 ij 004 40 007 r hi 40 th3 10 co airsc 146 74 680 1 8 report li ana tliu yliflilm our uwunty the provlncv tim rujiort iiliows that there hi uiunty 42 stallion 7 421 marcs mul goldlnga utid cb7 colte and fill i on a total of 8 050 home thoro aro 6 820 hoop and 221 lamb 70s bulls 14 601 milk cow 18071 calves 2 7c6 stoem id 718 other cuttle a total or ms 341 in nwlne wo have 2 470 brood sows and 1g 188 other pig in halton there wara j72 turkey 7 004 guunu 6 d13 duck and flop 07 hh and other fowlw new entrance into guelph the toronto suburban to enter thai city by c n r lines the uuolph mercury of monday hud the following intaremtlng information respecting a linw mute for chu elrrtrltr railway into uuolph the announcement or new iirnlral racllltle for the toronto uuburbun rallwuy in toronto u of oxcoptlonul interest to ouulph at the proaunt time li nsmuch us it lu uutrt that a similar announcement will shortly bo made ulth respect to il now terminal ii guelph at prone nt the curd of tho toronto suburban connect on dundu i toad with the guolpli uadlul railway whoso track they run over until they reach a tkilnt opposite the c n it depot in thl city under the proposed now scheme tho track of the toronto suburban in stead of crossing the o i r lino near tho ontario reformatory will bo continued straight across thu river un til they reach tho main linn of tin cnr and the car will tun on th latter m right of way dlnctly into tin main depot it is understood thut work how al ready been started in propamtlon for this change and it 1 cxpootod tliut by spring the change will be inado thta will necessitate tho construction of un extra track alongside tho main line und tho doubletracking of tho bridge over the speed river but there is plenty of room for this thl line will havo to be alectrl- nod it 1 also understood that the c n r are preparing to electrify their line between rjuelpb and quit and that they intend to run the toronto subur ban cor over thl line giving a mure frequent service than at present with out interfering with the regular steam service tt was learned a day or two ago that the work of eleotrl neat ion will ho proceeded with in a very ehort time interesting letter from new orleans the following letter from mr f r maclaughlln of new orleans la will be read with iflterost by number of reader tn altom fa inssu aoton ontario dear sirs am taking it upon myself to mall you u copy of one at the local paper as x fully believe when you read omo f the articles regarding the cold wave that passed over this city you will find same of great interest mast everyone here suffered in some manner by the sudden change that wa experienced today find condition just the op posite tbe good old summer weather ha returned qrass 1 still alive and being out vegetables are still grow ing rose are still blooming r i indeed remarkable to realise what little effect the cold wave had on th vegetation and rollage tn general am receiving tub fan pass regular ly mo one can appreciate the paper more than i do kvory new item tory and advertisement 1 carefully road for fear something might be aver locked the column particularly of interest to me 1 the twenty year ago when one read the new of twenty year ago und slip back in memory und remember the good old lime thut were spvnl they cunnot help but say to themaelvort there 1 no place u good u the old h town the old swlmmln bole in tho summer lime which t frequented quite fton thl puat summer while ut home and now in thane same tlhice it h is ull changed into winter und tvurybodv 1 enjoying the sport of sltutlng i well remember the gumu we used to huvo out ut reaver muailow some toiuih game were expurlenuod in those days with juck chtrko arthur first brook boyd glut k hurry ho i mo jlminle jjourrt und the rt of the gang lu our ulrolu und than cum clark heber wlltum and their gnng would spoil it nil by oomlng uruund und detailing um to clour on ttui ii a they wanted to prucut guess i ttm nut thu only one of lb old home town thut now and then fulls into inamorlum of boyhood day undoubtedly uii itxperluiice in everyone life u they grow older trusting thut the naper t huve mulled to you uudur sepurutu covet thl date ur of liurut to you und i remain news of local import georgetown defeats acton 0 0 tin acton hoi ui y imm luycd in 1 iitiintowtt in tlirnduy veiling nml wiiu ih foaled by- tin 1 rgelown uk tirigntloti jltli a it pom of 0 n bt albsns woman auxiliary meets tin hi ohm iii ting f lh woiiiuril auxiliary of ht albnti m liurfb wtiii hdd thurt lay iiftnrtxxni uf hint wcnk at i bo bcinir lf mrs mo ri nr cliurch hlrt i inmost ovorj iim ml r being pr m nl i i for work for the yinr wru dimii nod after thu i losing the hi nlsu hctmi a dainty liiiichooti and u monl paiiutnt mooiiii hour ww injoyil by nil pr h it an eid iters 40th weeding annlvsrssry mr und mrti ii thumton ilnshoiton vory blghty i nteemo d cltl xniix of that plue colobrotod tho 40h unnlvorsury- of their weddhii day t monday with other innmbiiw of their fwniliy their won a h thiirntnn dl- tor or tin mrfufon mirror made u visit nt the paronliil lionis mr thnrston who hiih now bin youngest mod uniuiclutod with him has on icted thi pleshertan advorate or 36 joarm lag fraetursd while toboaganino fdwurd thompson of orgetown won taken to juolpb u tin pi tnl on hat unlay m irnlng nuff ring from u badly fruntured li ff which ho rocelvad un the rniult of w tguojsan acrl lent lvldijy night thompson who is a young nan wuh u pasneiiger tin u tohopgan on u tep hill nt ooorgotown tho totoggan got beyond the control jf tho steorer and collided with u rock thompson was thrown off his leg be ing broken when lie landed ugnlnht the ksrl homuth m p p unseated karl homuth who ran on the u i o lubor ticket wwt unnniited un the member frfr south wan rloo in thu provincial ltglslnturo by a judgment given out ut osgoodo hull on tu silay by justices kelly und maston wlm nnd his eluciliin void owing to certain lrrn tho petition ug ilnirt tho validity of tho olertlnn wu mado by arthur w merger the conserva tive tnndlduto and a by election for that constituency homuth l require of th trial ivlll il to pay tlm follow the to a game in the week wuk played between tiger the canadians x a score of 4 3 lesgu iwn leugun i rlday ev and cunudloti nro the victor on tuesday hln tyw orleuns lu january a ly your r muolauohlin mi indianfinoch aflden odwna4v tmffi thorn is intettmtlng rntuilng foi very sportsman in thu kobrjun issue uf rod und uun in cutiudu tin ludlng u it doe storle und urtlutet duulinic with deer und moose hunting itsblng und canoeing photographytng w lid life animal stories guns und ummu hltlon talk on outdoor life urtlolea on flap ping and un interesting kannoi da- patmsnt an indlun knoch arden by martin hunter is an inlerealnk yuril while touring the wlldorn by iwy uruyloy an article dealing with tho outfit nectssury for u tnjt into the wilds whtth will ite uf inter est to ull those who ure planning trij j w wlnaon ha hi first urtlcl j lilrd and man whloh opun u uerlu i on canadlun birds a nubjoot on whloh thl writer un authority y v wuluun ha contributed an umu lna a of a tlo twlo told w o motly and v h walkar ac nbmt rraaatod with good dspojunenu taoks trlala forming ao epadnuy tauraaun feature ot kannr auna and ammunition i namtftnlalw hiw ith ilng the senator und tiger ntugrit a iiumo that was a wulkovor tor the tigeoi with a score of h 0 the wlnnd ing of the league i now us follows u in lost st puts canadlen i tiger 1 sonutor 0 3 the next gumo 1 scheduled for to night whon the two lejtdlng tium the ht pot und cnnadlonri will miet to decide which will jemulti on top of the league still seized in caledan a modern wllll with n cupurlty for tho munufacture of 0c or 7o gallon of liquor dally wu ofei in u farm house on tho fourth line culntlun township tuosduy morning- 1 wo gallons of whiskey won ulug takt n tho plant wu in full operation when e floody toronto customh kxelwe en for cement officer license inspnt tor robinson iinl provincial con stable mannle of orungevllle uppenr ud the distilling operations were li charge of mr annie hurt hoi i a widow mr rurtclioll ha been um monod to appear before police mnu- trate moore for trial at jjramptou next wednesday 23rd lnt a wucrnnt ha been issued for the arrest of john drew u neighboring farmer wluv ih charged with assisting to sot up the still getting bsok to norms during the war period there wan u lot ergb aallaghor style adopted und with many it continue to thl day irrespective of class or position there 1 a pleasure mad programme on the go that coat a heap of money and often intorfere with the practical activities that must be maintained if uccounts are to be squared up by the ond of the yoar the only way to get back to normal condition 1 for evory one to commence with themselves and a personal success 1 attalnod broad en the work to take in the family and tho community with living expense so high and the maintenance of public affair on the rlo the spendthrift manner of living can huvo only one exit that 1 down und out thl in no pesstmutlo photograph but a real picture of condition with many brussels pout ml ken methodist choir tho choir of the mothodlst church wore entertained ut the parsonugo lut friday night by rev und mr 7 11 hole for the regular practice hd for re organisation the follow ing offlcur woreatectod for the yeui president v pearen secretary ml field treasurer mis v merratt social mr- r m clements ml 1 harrison mis h turk oowns mr turner und mr h dixon lookout und sick the choir tho president thanked thd tholr for tho honor t f erred upon him und stated i would lo ull tn hi power to muko iho tholr n success after pructlue 1 ymn and unthumi ull went in f a good time mr taylor und mm m clements wore captain und puu side for ohurudo und the until the performer c rent oil lotm of tun for ull several other game wer pluyed then the ho toss mr lloo survd delightful refreshment a hearty vote of thunk wu given t rev alid mr hole ror the very hjoy tbln eoclul uvenlng ut thrf iursonugo tho tholr u naw ut full mtrungth ot sh voice reformer chealey drover killed whert train w shunted h wi loading cattle chesley jan 13 william h uiow si nlor inotiber of in firm of ilrow uro cattlu shlpimrs wu uccldenaly killed hoie ut noon yesterday being rushed between iwo cur whtl oil gugml it loud lug cattle the train wu shunted without liotluu to the hlptors lteuued was highly rospeulqd it the t immunity und contested the seut in the conservative inuirost ut tho lust election being dufauted by only u small inujurlty ho lcavo six brother und two lstr und wo not married ajnd l amattrltjon u pioturlr lari limofltb wim aratouaa urtjciaa by jaiucu aabiyabin r j kerrs 6ale list saturday junuary 10 frank 1 cardy london 26 iloutolu cows lastly s uurn aoton tuesday junuary 30 kred moc itxni erin clearing uuotlon le of vurm mtook and implement wednesday junuury 30 nion mc- lerftljrhllti namsasjawoyu kuril styck tand niplemqht 16 cow 56 head of voung ialtle and hogs the 0kkl took the urst step tord perpeauajl cf of falrvlow cmwttry try appoldtliitf vlinlllor john ntcof a chalrnuut of the oan- try loomrautm it up to mr ntcol to ktv resvaon tqr tho faith the aj i mmw mf aiact- i in vor ittaekfe neighborhood news town and country crevvsonq corners mr luitrl t rewsop jlold his 10u rr farm in w nl i uth r the ol hob r liloul fiiim to ilruio mi conn ii f wil iiirufruxa tin pal i bilng 10 00u while hpllttlnt wool in john hen netta iiuhii lust vvednendiiy tiny hi ynuk of a lion had the mlnfortiipn by the glunrlng of i1n uxi to an ugy gush in the inntp of his right foot rhe honedlil i f the pew highway win ugaln well proven lust week when the thaw spoil d the sl ighlng and made wheeling nlmoiil imponslblo tin ti regular roatls the highway pro vliud u uuod road to acton vuiy duy limehoube nb of tho illtei td in w sports mi t at tho horn of mr mulliio on irlduy veiilng tn tonnld i r un athl tin ausoolutlou for the ommunlty after tin eutliuslaatla illn cuhsion of tho sporting situation it was decided to nilor uti fully an posnlbli into the sport und tho following dbetm wore uleeted vesldt nt wm oowly vli 1 nutrient il s muinhall hoorolary treasui er ln ii jolley llockty manugor w mllliore hbfl rail manager it v joittiiioii llusebull munuger p wheeler during tho ueuson these and othej if u men will bo carried tm in the man nor for which llmhuue hns always boon noted the hockey toum is having pruotlco on the 1 und will he glud to hear from other toum tu urrungo for mutuiou on i rlday evening u com munlty dunce will bo held in the hull to which nil who enjoy that sport wll bo welcomed i burlington mr 1 rank smith mining engine bus returned to klrklund luku after u htlof hollduy with hlu parent mr unl mr j c smith the ukatlng rink wu opened ti skater on huturduy evening und con si bring tho fuct that a hockey mutch hud been udvortlsod und culled at lh lust minute thortr wu u very good turnout mr h j rlulr secrotury of the i unllc behihil hoard 1 conllno to his homo through lllnu thtf high solmol literary society ijt putting on utf oratorical rontust in the assembly hull on ivltlay ov log junuury 18 ut h o clock umong the boy of form i the oniccrs or tho litojary society will k it charge our uttintlon liu bmn drawn to tin fuct unit citizens huve leon thought lettsly hitting the light polos on ilraitt street with their shovel when nhov- dllng know the result i tliut ome of the nllro lump are being broken the tomlitlon of mr george harrl of cabnlonla father of tho editor of lllo quxette show vuiy little prove mo nt to duy and no hope are held ouf for hi rerovory mayor und mrs hurrl are both at his father bedside mr hurrbi returning to ilur llngtint only whun bulnim tlvmundi it ouxetto nas8aoaweva 1 lie following lui been t looted tin cumpbellvlllo 1 ollce vllluge coun cil for 124 dr i ii carbort muhon und k c menxle the hhort cioirse at rrookvlllo is u splendid uucreuh a cluss of upprox inmtely 25 gil lu tu tuklng domestlo bole nee unit ib boy ure taking tho rogulur course lu ugrlculturo subject for tho wek urn u follows monday forenoon insocls monduy urternoon milk testing tuesduy fore noon purtlculur malmgomnnt tues- duy ufternoon itrultw v prosent speakur wednt uduy ufternoon 14ji gu dlneuseu wodiieduy afternoon mr aitkin thurudfiy forenoon 1 urm crop thursday ufternoon judging hoed frlduy forenoon cul tivated oruuseu friday i judging weed baud course i open and free uinl furmorw should take tho udvuntugu of it in the uflornoon don t fotget the spuclal course on wliie und uhoop week of junuary 21 the following poem 1 from tho pen of rev j t utruchuii ii a th minister of the presbyturlun churul nujumigaweyn it uppvured lu lost is sue of the itesbyterlun witness ui rid mo hn strong when tho needs men to bet koti und sully und conip lot me be bravo in tho slruggle when thu multitude wululer unit fuller on the long broud plutn where tlu coiifflct reltniu and tho multitude wuntlei und full r let itn sound u blast thut shull bituk llie hpell of ilio demon uf evil abruud and tho rank of meu shall turn unn to tho hill upd the sun mid soli and u uhout goes up un they tlnd thu trail to thh hill und the muu und ood rockwood th hlfchwuy ontruutoru uro utlll nt work ot tit llrock itoud ooutllig with broket stoie urvl gruvol those ecth of th road which ure lit poorest c rtltloti thl will unsure better roi theie when the frost goes out in spring mu hlbyl llosklng r n roekwothl wum ut 1 rlluy evening tleslgnuteil lis u tiil0umy by th dominion congivgutlonul woiunn allsslonury uoaluty the ceremony tak ing place ill mhe coimroffutloiml church outlph mr c r crow dominion lvesldent of the urgacjau tlon occupied tlut t hair and miss jumleson loronto beoreuiry ucoom kunled hy a doxeii young aillwd of loioiuu attended the ueromuity mis llosklng who irt eminently it ted foi the lo which she is tu nil will be sluttoiiud ut angola portugile west africa utul uxpuctu to take u hei new duties soon bhe completed her oducutlou ut the ouolph collml- ute institute whn took her nurse u irulnllig ut humlltoti ueneral hospltul ml hon king wuu born ut oruml mora quebeu mr und mr frenah huvu leturned to iheli home in cleveland urcoin- punlod by mrs frouuh brother mt aly dray wliu jilug into bulnw ih jhut city mis ethel olbbpi iu returned to new york to rvsuiuy ir if ut lo u burse ufier seitdlng the holiday wlftj her lutrents mr and mr john ulb boo our loch uplurlsts mr fred umlth nl mi btunloy t plutniner huve been lcceful in securing a spate in til cur loud of honey loaded ut ouuph fur qreul rrltalll by the ontario honey producer co operative association the association i shipping thirteen r to qreul rrltuln u the result uf ontario swearing lit t prise tin their honey thl yeai mr j j aldou wuu tuken to uie uuulph uenorul hospltul lust week suffering from u severe uorvou nt- tuuk the member if hoc k wood lloetlaul- turnl moclety are looking forward to greuter uatlvltles even than last year tho annual mooting was held on monday oveiilug constable pearen nutlqed provincial constable melville last waek that trpe rugs were stolon from vehicle in uui abd at thu preabytexlan phureb vhlla the qwnora war t- mr oqprinqe loliti mi utchon at huns tt ibe townllik bav i un hnfloil the ro ml farm uitnii the road which hue inn n til il iii it k th unit ft w year i y thni jilr davit mills of th towtillne has nolo hie luty acr furtn l mr ltobilhiu un i txvit hu neluhbor tho 1 rlr ull b it k h th h inliy f four lliounaful real efltau chancm since may a spore of property chsngos effected in ht time the followlttt proj ttlx huiirotl iwiitirhhlp elnt in i may ihrougli medium of r k rr r l estuto mr i a mowut it ubu limine on main htr t to walt i unnb duvl i u i lixhayii hgu on hirrh to nt rlu 1 a moffat stt re luxl dwelling on muln htre t to ketiiuil m iisly iiorge coon houiio on willow htr et to a walnon the following iiron rtl m bihiiiglnii to the statu tf lh lut lohu c wuluon ilrlrk htiinituiil otirm r church utul john hire te tt mim c c hpelght und mihm hpolght double ti netueitt iirimr church and willow htrcnlm to wllllum hprowl dtnihl rtmmnit churoli mtrei t tt i h denny ijoiihl iiouh j hll mir et to 1 hon w hit cordon hull tuiuii htreet tn tony brynuk bumuel i erry e tit ublc house 1 iglu hi reel to it ii waniibroucb w comer h houiie young htr at to prank ilnwlinki mr robert nltktln property 1 ulrvlnw avmiu and muln htret io mrs robert the hrit k houite and lata of the late henry buyers main hlr t t to chtim h ilolmi frtieat v llarr n imu t muln htre t to william htynuk mr thoniti ollrlntth propirt on muln hireet to mm noble it i gregory s stun mill hlret to a u mclean u l orogory lot mill htreet to david h lindsay h w i llklu h hrii k cottage young btrei t tn mr diincuu mooregor mr novllle furtn 1 rln lo richard tlrown ortnn rotati1 allan farm 1 rln to john allan john thomptton farm 1 qu lng to r paritell wton an opinion ro liquor control a preabytorlsn in montreal sums up conditions in quebec our vplteul correspondent writ rt with regard to the temperance ltuu tttm lu the provlnto of quel in recent ltcur rt published a und broud cim ted for connumptlnn in tlm other privlnreti liithlng wu uuhl of tho ruct thut out of home 1 100 liiunl ipalltlos about 000 arts continuously under local option und lu perhup all of them this coiulltlun prevallu bo- cauhe the clergy and the p ople ure mtilldly oppohod to thu dxlrttenco of uny llyuor huluj in niiy coinpailmm that may be mittle thin fact must b taken into account bncullin thu whole con sumption of liquor applln to u very small urea of thl lurge pi ovinia thai thu number of nrmst i hmaller than tu other larue cities i due to two thing it i no ground for urrost thut men uvtt drunk und untune they ure in uny way ubjectloiuiblo thoru ih no reason tor arrant undor prouunt luw und in tho second place im common knowledge that the proliotlou ulvuh by pollru ik entirely inudoquat ami haw ulnatly ld to tho publuhed state innnt of montreal hit r hull til that they would h cumpulled to tnk the niuttef into their own bunds und provide their men with arm in lt4 montreal polio eforce huin- hond loll during thu war period thl wu rotlucit very materially dun undoubtedly to the uool work of pro hlbitlon the fono now number g35 man und tht yrtnt in ed of incn used protection im forth r ml imulxed by un editorial in the montreal ouxette no v mbor 23 tho riwl of police prouc- tlou tonstuiitly grow wo have u largi criminal ciuhh und larger op portunity for holdutw und uhnllat crime anil it in certain that the fav- oruble field montreal urtonl for theft house breaking unl robbery with vlo lonco 1 known to tho professional criminal what u impnatively de- tnundeti i un addition iol of ldfi men lo the police force hut of ut leant 00 men the council can wh afford to safguurd the llvt s utul property of the citizens 1 his i only ouo phase of the baneful liquor bumltum by whomevei control led another i nuully uiinoylug feuture lu the detoimluutlnn of a uovornninl wihliig u ttliiperulit government tn foist on quiet rimuuntlul mulou of the city not only itx wtnm but to license tuvi run where m u eiin continue ltttug ut theli tublu drink ing their beer it i heromlhtf u mpldly uilbeuruble thut 0v riunt tontrol 1 moomed to u short life nml it would be wise to look tnoro elously into the whole mutt r before public tnoli ure ullowd to fotcu u goveru- mtit to endanger their province by tny iut h xu rlmunt pretibyterluii wlhiort ml call huiikil ounir hlieel one of thu foremen ut iho acton luu lilng conipuny woikihopt hil ih tiilsfortunt on kiturrtai moining l tu hi huml uuight hetwet n two heavy luttri of jron the lliljtlut y one tlngof wu jju hy i rut i mil thut ho uy ids it thts danger rof electric current mrs rowm williams london else trocutsd in hsr oath tub mre llnwuui wllllumii uret 30 wlf or david wuilum 2f irafuin htteel east iiitfon wan elertrorutel ut her lit me last haturtluy e v n i lift wlien all it ant 1 tut of a bathtub in whit bbo was standintr to chang hie tsltlii of a portable it trie utet th luoultuuoii hiil broken luwn hi lb heat r leuvinu tu frumn ilium 1 thougbthe fart tould not b ilnov r i in ortllnury unit whllo ntandliuc in tho hnjhtuh mr wllliiimn was lu lire t t oiiih lion wllh tho lurth through the wut i pipttaninl thu current nun l through h r lintly her mcreams uttrucltd htr liunbund who found hir stilt htiiu llnp hnlf ton itrliius with un ht ater in in f hurnul band in attniptlng to wrosl tin hrutr nm in r gruwp he ulnt touch i the pip und wu lightly uhocked physlelaiiu were tailed but her dutli iiiiiuki within a fnw minutes rod1ns trlen and robins now dtur iik 1hkhh 1 imvr h an r ndlng th i of route to rev ithharl d hanihton of hur hngttm noticing tin robin in bin yard at thu parsoiiiige at nnw ynirt u nil whlth have be u laiinml un the ol ibe early robins in titw fitau phkmn to huml this morning 1 rclill in our a hoolboy tlaya on the old llrock itoud our tianhnr mlft powers in arlng u bird singing out sltli him unuwl whut it wan ulil dirk in ninptly renllud a roblni this is not of much uc fount but show the subtle uhuouluttnn of mem ory i won lor if hln n vereneo recall ht we were then n round twelve year if t which wuu of tourso sevorul ytu ago yours knnively j h coleman wi ns iolnt wi junuary 12 1024 dont mibh th1c oldfashioned tea meeting in knox church oh monday january 2lst a good programme and supper admission 26 cents 13vluyuody wl lcomk renew your subscription now a mm of our subscriptions a plre with the eslsndsr year or week or so thereafter this i the season for renewals if you mrw not on of th hundred who have r nevvsd their subscriptions look at the dste on th address isbel of your free press if it i do comber or january please renew at onoi if a w hope you wlah to continue the papr we will p preolst it you will be pjsassd yourself the acton free press credit auction sale morses 15 cows 35 head of vounq cattle amd hogs rhe uiulorslgned hu received hi ittructltm from nelson mclaughlin to sell by public auction at lot 7 coiiieiihloii c nassugiiweyu uiw lulle tt nth of htop dl toronto buburbin wednesday january 30 ut i tie o clo it si urp tue following houhi h i clyde horse 0 year old 1 puroheron mnro b yeir old thin i a heavy lum mid work well together 1 port heron mure in foal io clyde horse blr milton 1 tllly uolt rlhlng 1 year by hlr milton cowbi roun ow culf ut foot 1 led cow culf ut foot 1 red in ifer cult ut yoilt 1 roan tow due in february 1 holstoln cow dun in 1 obrunry 1 il oow due lu february 1 red and white oow duo in march 1 rod cow due in murch 1 rod cow duo in march i rouu cow tltiit in april 1 spotted l duo in april 1 rod cow duo in april 1 led heifer duo in may 1 rouu cow due lu muy 1 red cow duo in may lliwuit ar u lot f goo young durham grutlu cow und dute will be given ut time of sulo youno cattlk 7 steer rising 3 year old a heifer rising s yeani old ti steel s rifling 3 nrn old heifer rising 2 yeum old utoer rllng t ymr old 3 twlft r rising 1 yuur old 3 young culv x thorough br i durhum bull good rtuiu rising j y lift old 1 thorouchbre1 iurhulil bull rlhlng 1 ymr old 1iocihc bugx tnonlhs old h l0gif 4 month old b hngu 3 month old ii pigs 3 month old 1 chester white ijw 1 york sow jmmldmlnth 1 lumber wugon 1 tot buggy 1 tt of hurrowm u seo llonu lung tint short doubletrees houhi hold rr i factlf 1 ln lloltl rttu lllvldlll lvy 1 petfel tlon coal oil utovu 3 buniet mllli ovt n 1uain 1tc 2c bugh crmsii po tiitih ar biluheln md pea ih hens llllmh all um of liyoo und uniui cumii ovei thut amount ij nioutlih rretlll ti upptovull joint note 6 on or null poultry grain und potutt iu t nth v no hsserv it j kerr auctioneer m bono sb aotnu c o plank curk do something for yourself thi mow that lh i lit nt hwulilif wpy limine u lv uwuy ut wuuuinl ii lui a iriw 1 1 i tfl w w loo lanry llilniw yon hwdil wk lk ovnmlfl uutl lot u- lw ym liow tntiny ilnlnty thlmii iu l mimi wp lufo huii nm out took n uic y uiioiln iiml muiiiry l r um lmlnuto 8pecial reduced phiceb in millinebv miss j galbraith mill street acton out ejttra special in graniteware now is your opportunity i tettire u real bargain tq potulo pots in gromtoworo horo rc iwo petj ihtl ii will jo hnrd to duplicate at uny other pluco or llinci mcclaryb catuulawani bluo mid while potato pola ktgulw i25 for m49 mcclaiys impirlolware ury potato pots kckular 100 for 99c w d talbot main stmt phone 70 aetata ontario stocktaking sale of remnants lvcry ycur ai this time wc rnkc stock und on roink through our stock measure up and inurk nt u low price every end you will hnd these ends on tubes hi ttic centre bf tlic store with the length und price mnrktd in plain flgurca on each end in this lot you will find komnunts of prints ginghams shirtings dentins cottonadts tickings pillow cottons sheet mgs dfcss coods crotonnos tccng towelling and odd towels drop in and look these ends over i lie very remnant you wunt migu be in this lot a big shipment of scotch fhigering yarn r io bet scotcl arrived this week am shades in stock fingering yarn made t do not waste time knitting pqoryahns do as we do buy the best mclean co muxsteeet acton 0nt saturday treat a real good box for only qod the club box ask for it at our candy counters let us show you our 1 00 box of ncilsons chocolates tho better chocolates satinettes 29c lb this is a favorite confection with everyone a nice chewy centre consisting of chopped assorted nuts and covered with a clear shiny coating a combination that just suits the taste regular 40c lb saturday treat 29c lb weekend chocolates 32c lb- chocolates chocolates thero are all kinds of choco lates but when you aro buying chocolates that have been the best for years you know you have something real good a real good assortment of hard and soft centres and assorted flavors rogularly soc and 00c id saturday special 32c lb light lunch comb in and look over our menu we are sure c havo something just to suit your taste try a cup of hot chocolate its good v rumley phone no 3 acton ontablo poll tax notice all persons who have not paid their poll tax for 1023 and who aro required to do so within fifteen days after notice has been given are then liable for costs in connection with tho collecting thereafter w j reid collector specials for friday and saturday weep cuts hump koiist betf per lb rib kotibt pcimb thick rib per tti shoulder roust ptr tb blade houit per tb jilb iiuil pir jh huiijinnj stedk pir lb loin pork chop pet b shoulder per tb side pork by piece per tb hoiitemade suuune per tb i imta and shortening 20 lb pulls lard s tb pails lard 3 tb pails lurd 1 tb pulls shortening 1 tb pulls shortening 17c ind 18c 17c and lkc 15c and 16c 15c 13c luul mc 10c nnd vic 15c iflc w ika lie sui ro mc 55c 52c 8hc kemember pattersons when you want first- quality fish w j patterson corner hull and main streets acton owt- get yoar job printing at the fr press

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