Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 7, 1924, p. 2

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j3spffw w t frmf v jxbj- r- guip arlmt 3tst sfl 1 ihhthday rillllllahv 7 ibm ljp 3trrr llrmii ijnrt 8tnnj kls- vrurt riti n hi joy for mo t own niuv riili to hnrnu und drummlni i iihmlt wllll ii ijulot ultlht tut win ii nurd ty woo nm tiling tli n mi joyous flying foot liny ioiiia nulrik n m muillv ami i mlch them with ii swing ktut i uuy it tumidly gladly 11ml i in happier hum a king inti nmy inik of ifty piuc you nmy houtl of wmp unci pow d ii nmy turn llwlr oiigar face to tlii glory of mi htiur ill glvi in the hijmhlo station willi l jnv that long survive m the dnddh of a tuition am the inpiiat man illvo kdjura olios fonmlnq the right bort of connections all of i1m who drive motor cum know how lniloi tunt it i to maintain good nnnectlomi botwonn thn storage but lory uml olhor unlts of thn ignltlm nyutt m a luose screw u worn wire hi- u poi ormoullun jit any point mouum immediate trouble no matter how good uii- buttery or how strongly it nmy ho charged if it 1m not properly cnnnoi ul with the generator th wpirk plugs toll switch and other important unit of thn ignltlun system it will full h deliver the required current una tho motor will not oper- u fur i of it lm top l h the head language lllllo montjomry mlelill norn looked u with ruled ii n harmony lei uln kol mi oli w you di nor i i hue mll j l nk uln nit t in there not a m hi ii ym i irnod on uu indigo illy you think k fnki- on old doa 1 lung 11kk jt l4 kuk tho now super numup iii w to lea h it t lust ifllklul iii luvo- scllo 1 rffati nor fell suddenly val him hnl lit to mnke i iy uoli tl rint ii1 in hoped hmt no m a wollld oimm nt 01 it iolt ulkl holnii ho wdvrr worn nil ilth oxdumenl noiu wan teen y ii r lit fully a yrnr i ur thiin thy and a conmniunio tin j liml ic- euitc4 he b their lu 1oii1ii iavt mchoo thoy orffcoed norvnoiltlod flrnily llul if you dhl uuve moiiooi wllii would you lo7 aultod iioloil prootlcal- iy wo can proporly ionrpnrn an odu tiitcd wnlltrulnod youth to a torab imttury jur ho too muat ho rightly ontmotixi ho tnunt have- oonnix- tlnna that jmvu no looao icrowi or lailly worn wlron which moan that thn poopt with whom ho aaaoclatmt cind on whom ho tnuat roly to hunt him with tho world or aorvlre nimwt in- of thn rlsht kind thla li no re imortant maltar than mam v fnhlpif to ntn tha importano a grout iiumbor or younir peopli illurht othorwu win n rompoc tuhln and a prominent plnro in their chooti hphnro commit tho an luulng on wronfc cormortiotui every rlfjht minded youth muat learn sooner or la tor that ooan do liactlon art of the utinoal imporutnct ioild a pmmlnonl educator in projocta except perhaps thoao of puit croat i vo urt acquaintance in tho ituctlnr medium of the two men of noua i ability he who la broadly nc qualntod and who ha made a wine choice of fflonda and asaoclalca advance tho mom rapidly in a aocioty aa rreat and urn complex aa aura you cannpt trust aololy to the excellence of your work and it might be added that we cannot hope to have our talent and our ability properly troduoed by people who are inferior to ourselves to a wcatern city come a young man a graduate n law from atomou eaitorn unlveralty this younar man had enerajy and ability he poaaaaaed every needed quality for winning iuc oaa but he mado tho mlatake a the befflnnln of tying up with the wrong crowd in other wordm hie oonnectlona ware had these moi eeveral of whom 4ere law violator of one xrm or another itw in thi young lawyer a tool that could be uaed to further their illicit achemea and the youth thinking thla a chance to win favov allowed hlmaelf to be uaed he aold his wonderful talent hie intellect and hla ability for a mess of pottage within leas than two yearn he was in the toils and barely eacaped disbarment- he was allowed to go to anothertown of an other atale having learned the bitter lesson of forming wrong association he this time mado a clean start und after a hard desperate struggle prov ed himself he la today a famous prosecuting attorney but frankly al mlta that had he not dficovered hla error in time and changed his course he would have reached the depths utter ruin and failure always we can and good people help u along lifes uneven road they ure aho stalwart souls who know tho croaks and tho turn the rocks and the thorn and nothing ploasoe them mare than to offer a helping hand then too there are influential men and women in every walk of life who can aid and assist u nor is it naoes- aary that we humiliate ourselves before these exalted ones in order to win their upproval tht la little ahort of contemptible und actually lowers u in the estimation of good people this being u specialised ago wn should look to the successful people of our respective sphere for guidance up the rugged alopea of suecea if we paint pictures then tt ts the muc- oehsjtui urtlstw who cun bout direct uh if we are of u literary turn we may gain inspiration und help from those who make writing an actual pro- reaslou the hanker knows tho jtlgh- way und byways of nhonce u the suuoomsful litnchar knows tho ruwged buslnes of farming ilealdas showing us haw thuse eucceasful people can help u form the right connections in tho world of aervlce uy seeking isolation we un study and wo can develop our orvatlvu fucultles hut thn fruit uf out labor whether it be a paintlrfg h look if u big pumpkin rftuit be jiut op the nmrket if we- muk them uf any tnutorlal bo no fit quoting another groat airtorlcan edu cafvr it ciui rightly 1r aald in this ra- gard kiperlence proves that thero 1m a 1oh all around when one hi work in un unsocial and isolated way refusing tho feluwshlu and liolji of those who are in the aatne general field in othtir word quality in ordor to count for the moat most hav pectlon donnl if htovall on the back end of a street car 1 a man carrying a pup boarded o iurlioti ar going oast oil college the other hunuy morning the molher of thu tiup followed in und oropt undur thu suat the our was oruwini tlm bliig ubout id 4ti uveryoni uulng lu thuroh of course ainirxiachlug hpudlnu ill ooudllotoi unnouiicud the wtreet in loud otnul tones wjlh utoeilt on tie dlim on reuniting mccaul the man oar ly ing the pup hlgnullod to get out mi oulle1 the mother of the pup conrt- on dinah come on dinah dlnuli lutt answering by hr preaunoc or in any other lntulllglbla fuhlon u pas- songir at pack end nuked him if dlnuh wo he name of the pups mother if so ha tontlnued he got off the car who the cuiiduntor tailed hia- dlnal worth trvinq in ulangow they tell of u reaourlio- ful ilergymuii who 1 never ut a iihm for a retort ho wa uucw ailed to the beside of a very wealthy but stingy man if he gusped to the lergyrmn if i leuvu moveral thuuaatlds to uio churuh will my salvation be assured t whereupon the divine responded l wouldnt like to be too positive hut its wh worth hnrttif chlcugo and be u leno irrnihor euld nora rurrlmly the tinkle of u bell ulinouih ert th end of rooess and nora turned to the ntudyof olvlci ii wum endml foi thn day bhe hod leuruud thut ull oaul wit llvldod itilo throc part ruudlng n much a thut hud nut lmoii dimoult 1 or some rcaiwui however aho hud been dlopteaed with the be ginning of citoaar the fact that she hud ttludjod too little the previous yeui to ft confident iof her dealei nioiiu and loujugutlonil made her ui certain of hrelf h fdt eure th urter thrco or four wiuh of rcuuli aim would find lmrlf unublo to i on huccobb fully without rolng buck to her first year book and malif hnrlou study of certain parts of li a tho oivlce leasun progreed worn pent imr time trying to flgun jut how nhn hud fallen ao fr behind in tlratyoar lutln in the beginning she had mlrwod atudylng two or thro- night and after that ehe had round that merely keeping up with tho day work kept her extremely buy wlill she meditated and utmost before she knew li tho civics period wo over nnd she heard the new superintend ent saying at the close f the period it i always well to consider what you have learned from the forty minute work icaoh period shouto touch some toi preto fact that- taken with many oth facts makee a wellrounded knos ledge of tbe subject it would be wii to write in your notebooks a brief etatement of the most salient point of the looi the others immediately opened their notebook und begun writing alone had nothing o write for the first time in her school life she t ued that her groatoat fault was attention bhe know that she had paid too little hood to the words or the instructor to know even one point about which she could svrlte intel- ilgently in her book her race flushed and alio wondered whether ho would peak to her the thought that could pretend to be writing somothlns passed acroa hor mind but she cast it aside a unworthy again tho hell tinkled and the class wont into the assembly room to study the noon dismissal lola and helen managed to ond place next line to nora you know if you like it there in chicago wero kuiiui to leave school and go up too we ull learned enougji typewriting and short hand lust year to do the work and wed get fifteen or eighteen dollars a week we wore writing note all study period about it and weve de cided that ws can have a wonderful tlme three of us up there well get a chuup room nnd cheap hoard and go out some pbva vviry night und to the art imtltuto on sunday and shopping in the big etorva on haturduy afternoon oil wont we have u lovely time norut noras lips parted und closed she hod supposed that by now they hu i forgotten her rash statement about leaving school ill ill have to ask my folks about leaving school she said- her llpa felt unaccountably dry they wont care aald lola eusll here uomes your father how ask him right uruy whon noras father uinm up oven witt them however she merely gave him her usual greeting hut lola who seemed to be bursting with the ux- 4ltument of th- new exclalmtrd norn is going to luuvu school und fo to tho uity to work mr carponterl nora hoped that her father would unvrlly forbid her doing any such thills instead he merely hnltl hi hudd u trflp and regarded her above hi uasas that ot he sald norn sighed slit reineinborvd tin lbm whdl she hud thriutened to rui uwuy from home whn silo was fuui or live years old bhe had no hi or than made tho threat when br futhoi instantly pulled all o bar lltttit clothti nut of tile bureau drawur and puuutul thuni iiestiv into urge vuiim of hur urand father lhy uvon packed a tiny luncheon into the lunch box when she wu dr-u- ei ready fo go ivor heart wuu lxutlng sufttwatliigly font her father took hi to the iartiur whoro the street cur ruir every hour to aurora and helped hr giving thu conductor u coin tht lttln girl i running nway from homi glvn her a rldn us fnf a she want to go he hud nultl nora luid jt po ted hur father to jump on the mr too but he hud not tin- oouduotoi wapted 111 uolil nodded 1 h eliinaly ami with u quick double pull on uiu hell hlgnullod the luotorinun to con tinue on hi wuy down through the town of oswego u ucroa the high trumtlo that passed above the rulluuy track und the river hint on througl- the river vdlley uml the anialler towns into aurora on otlmr oocaslonanora had ulwuyu enjoyed that ridel all loo short hud l buen hut toiluy it wss 1ln at th tariiiluul ututlon in aurora the conductor hud uqktd liar whether h wanted to gt off tliur and hud orfeied to lift orf her lavy vullsw i i ddddont wuut to got orf t wwwwunt to go buck tu oswego to my mumnm inul my duddy she hud told hint tearfully then stm watched him tuk out the i oln that her father hud given wluwulted until hu pureed up hi lip and ilgurod with his eys ut thoughtfully upward i gut i un nt you tide buiu tor this ho aid slowly nora hud liavoi uiilii wanted tl run uway 1 er rather and inothr w entirely too hftpful in lh uiatterl tho following kilduy ufturnooii ah fouiu horeulf inevllably on the tmlu hound for chluugo it was tho four oolook urn they culled it in uswxgo in reality it left at twenty minute to five hut uuy train that left wlthll tha hour was nulleil by the name of tha hour it was already dark with the uutunillul dullness of mept ember iitternoon u dullnea that foretells the comtruf nf tho long oold winter nora was suddenly depressed as she saw her mother and father standing on th platform waving none of the younger children bad rxnos down to tha train girl up qulv i hu i ruin tutw i vly nt i hi i wuu ruhhlug li id n the vnlley into i liiwil of moiilgoin ry whim it pauni i benldn tho dtmilulo loillmf little rod htiillon fin only it rw muim1w with a hoot and a thrlrk it movnl on to wn i it aurora tin ultiht wat i uln ing blacker now oil thut die ould we- wr- intirtulllnl bit of hit lit that fliiiedout from fiiliui hull iioidkh v sn vlliiiinr wuii hcltiu pttpirrd for th men who would uoon dime hiuno llnui nora felt u lump in her tluost ut the thought how silly nhu hud liomi to mukn thiit riihl hind m nt about leaving e hoom lluvlng ouc mad it how much mom r been in not upon it uml rmitly t the llghtu worn flirhig iuit iiuk- oftru now the train was ruidh ttiiough ui iruiiuo without utopphik uml in it nhorrtline noru pukud u hor hand bug und followed othr pioieii- gor down the nlnle to utnp into lh- now union htrlt- n hor coiielu oladys met hci rfuulvel- mid i 1 the way to tho watting loom whn- who at down arent w guliim in had o ul no who what ow uiiik miipp ih mantled it iiuiy to hut what lllll llhlllki alt mho hud been iii the illv oludy nodded wu huv tiiough for tho ruin frmi km i moihor him numn company coming and im to moot thpm whllo im dowi town it will to only hilf un hou und wo can talk while wo wult nora wu piisilod hudyu did ik wcem overjoy m nt un pionpect of con liuny ngr wu hiiu uj thu hiliy u cited state into whii ll 0wcko worktd themtolvoii wlmtt company vvi coming from u dltunco no ouclyn wuu not ut nil dutuihnl do you huvo nuinh uompuny nak ed nom ourlotimly wondiilmf why her bousin wus so mini oh my yoal you sn whutt w left llookford to go to jvononha we had mado lots of friend und of cnume we wrote bank lq all of thum then later wo moved u ituohip und there wuh another not of frkwliu artoi that we wont to nllu for u yior und tto now wo hovo four wet of frlundx who always copie to u when they are in the city shopping nora wa aghostthut muitt malo u lot of dlsho ho auld it dooa agreed oludy muio thought shit would go to work in fathers office and nho did try it for a while but there was so much to do ut home that she hud to stop you hqo there or the two boye und w two girls and mother uml father ull tho time and so when wo have any ram- panythe house 1 protty full a mold cost fifteen dollars a week besides hoi room and board wo dont keep ono wo love company you know just juvo it but it does make work mothur wuj so ilad when you wrote that you wi lomlng anothrr pair of lunidi you know th next week nor spent every day downtown looking for work thorn were column and columns of udver- tlsemonts in the morning papers but when she applied there wu alwuye some good reaaun why she wus ununit ed to the position some employer explained that aha was too ypung some said she lacked experience the main reason however was her lack of education buck in oswego eho had found no ono who smiled at her because mii was a froshmun at high school hera in the city however when ho sul t that she hud had ono yur of hluh school in which aha had cumulated tho commercial course the person to whom aha had applied for work would smllo und suy that that was leas than the requlrement in most places she found that employers wanted a girl with ut least aorno unlvernlty training if aho were not a university graduate university girl have u certain poise and calm that high school girl have not one man kindly explained to her high school girl ure youngur and more irresponsible lsvory tlum we change stenograph or itocet tho firm fifty dollars kitty dollar echoed nora ye just thut ww have to u- falnt the iiew ouu with otar parnulw 1lne uf business thu term wo use ulll ur methods of dealing with aalemii und oustomeni und sho bus to kii ur tyimi of letter writing which ra hit different from that of other firm all thut is time lot if we hire wronl nu und huvi- tu dismiss hor we have wasted fifty tlollut bnslde her wage itom what i know of you from thlu plication he tuppxl the long sheet thut nora hud filled in in hor large round handwriting just uu she hud nllud lu numerous other upptlcatl hluitka the best thins you can do to go huok to your home town finish high school und thon tuke home college work tot ut lnut a yuut or twu you wro my little girl that whut youd dol lie spoku firmly h tuiiiln took uwuy the shurpuus of tho wofiu uy girl 1 vlghteui und i la lisr frohhmun yur ut tho tmlvur- eity htut is uklutf up contnieriu mn udmlnistnuitom win k when who rtu- lahe i hop to hyo hei in here with hu 1 tou oti usk fjhuly to ui pulul pontt i huvii thero before inmono fltmly ijitln unl i dixi ony iiiori tlino than itudyirtg ijitln for i think well bi frhd poiuti npjuiy for illnno tiyarteo with f now has 400- acre farm evidence of thn posaibllitlos tin uwult ueltler in woatern cunada glvrn in thn following news item whit i in the maliltolia proo tre uln haund re of clu the f willlui muiliuli 0j fihtm homorsot rnglnnd with pluil of t ban made k nov lig hi hlointo farm free of debt nrut-olit- buildings and onu of liloet uptodate ntock liarnu lu ihi country mr hjiundnrs arrived in tiasswood manitoba lp 10o with l tuilf of which ho iave to his cousin who cam with him tor the nret year he hired out with u nrnir for 16 a month ufitrwitrdi working rr another furm- vr for two years at tho end of tht period ho rented u farm und becauno of hi industry die uwnur loaned mr huuiidur tlsjyjiioiay to buy some llvo moil form implements etc u copt- ing hi nolo lu rotum which ho duly iditomod with interest now ii though mr kaum1rm hud not much oupltul hu mm mired to bring hlu wlfu out from icnuuind and to huy ihrnj horsn und ne eaaury farm im- lilemaittm c hlu wlfu udvunt wus the turning point in id earner us tt wus through be splendid and coutugoou help mho tiave him that he ha become one of the moit nucresmful curmor of tho province hi crop during thus tbr o yearn were good and thi put him fairly well on hi foot h again routed the fnrm for another period of three year und wu ulo enabled to buy u farm of hi own close by nine ywir therefore from the time lui urrlvod in canada ho moved on to hi own farm renting ono for two years tnoie and farming in all 275 ucrr of crop showing how good a farmer hn wan all through thin period ho only had one bad year and hi crop were etruonilnurlly good run ning from 11 to so huihels per aero for wheut j0 to do for outs and 30 to 70 or bssley the war broke out to nnd him firmly atabltshed and looked back hi farm at clan william 1 in first clou order rre of all rumhrance he has a hplondld house with ull the latent improvements etna trio light ruir etc and b owns in addition hla own threshing machlnu all thl has been gained in 21 years bj bald work and the staunch co operation of hi wife- mr jaun ilora success shows that cuiuidu i the place for a young ma to succeed if he is prepared to wor hunt a word af atime nti nji 1 1 1 li i won dolui what all i mihiv utrk and wu u hlu it of iliii- ii u ii i d inn itllkh th oplrlt of iilladhlef wau i fliuor hi otrlkliig and num li putting tin y did nut lil llli oln id lli niurku li uhaw tlioiflv tlnijp tod pli i in of irboii voa nmklnc k und to uh time whl h k tar fully iiiutuki uihih the i ih old not rfirl graced oil ill lhl ho k to milk in the nit hlu llxillidiig that uln wa getting n r voun uml fidgety ih uaned hu k it iiei uhuir diow u lung br ath yi huvi mud mlatuki enough ehe salt kf him if it time to utop tnki bolil of yaurailf you uu write on word wltbatit malting u muluke in v go uhond ami do it willi hr ihoughta fixed mflio om word which alio wu- to write without a mutnkn uhn went to wbrk uguli uml uh hr i ho uu hl truvelled from word to word htr fluker followed awlftly but a ouraoly a line win vrllteii without any errors auothei one thru four until at lust the pug llulahed und nlfn hud not utopped nuke ore it wan partly becauau she hud taken troitiolf i n hand und controlled tho tlr cl n rv m tjmt tormented her und purtly hniuilui alio llxcd hor thmightu on the win in of the ihftrnrtt without httiikf them iliu far enoukh ahead to uonfuho btu mid no luinio tioublo that hll wa liu0eihrul it i mi my utiough to writ u iduglo word without mr und othn mlngl word i line urter una hal been clicked tiff under tho hurrying llngeu it lu i tha one day at a tlmi which brl opifiirt when elv fur fa villi nth busy or tioubhd ildyt whhh wi fuj wo cannot timet when wu put on htreilgth our effort and our will hit the piiriit hour w und onruolv arrlnt through what mude the rose grow wild itocauso it uw tho hawthorno marrl- gold marry gold why 1 an eclipse like a father pun- lug hi naughty boyt hocuusr it 1 a hldlnff of the aull when i h pony llkw a woft shuw when hev tv khotlahd which i the moat polished king we know itlutklpg threeaovenlhii of a cihtokon iwo- tblrd of u cat and one half of u goat what city due it make 7 chlcago wlult la that which live in the whi te dlfs in summer and grow with it roots upward ail mole i jin lw mm noru loft tho omes n wint iivr to hlatu htreot turning in at niu uf the undy i shops shu ordarod it cup of bouillon tihd was deeply thought ful aw bii nipped livery mm hud ihimi uulroiiniy viml ui her but the last employer bud summed k up the whow tihublo in a fw words ahr lioedad more oduaitlou in tt vague wuy sbo bud supfkisod llutt to he it nleitofapb- er nil a lrson hud lo know ws sluft-t- hund 4iul typewriting ah that wu not all employers were bt heed uf girl who luid the welllailanoed mind thut systematic training give bhe wu suddenly tired as gladys had said the email apartment wu in rmoil eveiy iiumioht of the day there wu company nil thn time the tulihniu was ringing ovury toil iiilu- ute fot on of the family tu fur una of the guosts thure wntu moun- tuln of dlhs in the kitchen and thoi who wro ifot taking the uout- puuy round thu uity wuuhed the dlhe and struluhtunod the looms thus ful lb to hud tieen something to do overt evening- one night them wu u ilnirch locliil unothur ulglit tharo wu u luo- uro und still unothet thutu wu u onoart ut which nora had hoard nurvullou slnguis it hud all hoeti osy und guy but now noru wu thud blui topged toe her quiet uttbi bourn in where tho loudest nolae in the the evening was the electrlu street rumbling by to tlt htuutyncut mice hour kho wus tired of the rour of ule itud trains of th uln tfhs knv that rrsr sjttorosywsji stdlng rflalmwi hsr ruahlug cut of the tliuudorlng humor lor truck thut delivered unpplln tho oilfaklit of the uity uml tiled of tho dunging mieet car thut rail every other minute little itlrl tame ip and aut ilowii ut the labtu oppoalto her hho loukn1 ue if sbs wore about twolw or thir teen years old the thick braid of holt hanging down her back and tho book ha carctod with her music roll pro what is it that nvar bunds til wuuh ii facet a clock what wakn doe the cmiiii moat clawely rvembli a tivlr canadas mineral produc tion tim minora production of canuda ml van cod about 13 per ount in 1bs3 to a total uf s141q3doo u oomimrod with 1181287343 in 1d32 according jo it sutoment lsued by the chiefof the mining 1 1 run oh of th dominion hureuu of blstlstlcs who recently completed u preliminary ucvy of the mineral lndutiy now output record were satallahod for 0014 lesd sllia uabeslos uml thn lolal value of cqlatlt copper proiluu- tlou wus more than double the lou- tillgrf produced in 1013 and nickel hi- crtmsod prwctlcally three and onehalf thiin cold uml silver wr slightly lower than in 10j3 a group of 11011- puitullla mhiarul inoludlng ubout twenty co 1 11 mod i tlu increased two million dollars toa tutul of 1b000oou lllructutul iiiatuilul uml clay pio- duotil including portland cement showed little chaligu in the aggregate viollc th total for the year being 0- llmuted at 3h p million dollar he couldnt qualify an ilacop4l 10 lu later who imi hut fecwiiuy luxvtvd jo u small town in the cehsylyaiu iil icglo- w two youugstafs uft iuj trft oood niornljg rathar su 4h at them misled by th corua gsrb dont you know uutt smm tl other eonlemptiioualy whan tlls ujltd- tor wu past out guy aint no futhai why hes married siueut iw kid where wind blows hardest tim north boa where tho llrltlah fleet with ith american uuxlllurw held the hun in tether through th wur i famouu for lu mtonu our own capo hatturih 1 u honm of thn htorm king though pirhap huriuiah- ed where onf uuloii of tho element i con en rim j by culm horn around which point of laud tho 1lylug dutch man mock torovw und hopoloaaly to sail hut 010 of tbe stormiest placna is said to bo cape prince of wulos which i tho wfihtcrtimoat point of alnnku it i murkod by a mountain 310 fot htgh und storm from the urctlu uaanll it ull the year round frank or tha government geo logical burvuy uuy thut on the thir tieth day of august he found hlmelf in the midst of deep snow on cup prince of wale with a wind blowing so hurd thut ho hud o get behind rock to uvold being blown into the sea the weuthor for the moment clear and he could doacry tho c of hi bo r la ucroa bering btralt forty mile4iwuy horo and there wore rocks that bore curious museea tof snow crystal which stood out h orbon tally having been thrown and comiactod by wind ft was bitter cold init down below wore vast tlohla of beautiful forgot- me not on the south side of tho mountain he came across klmo dwellings igloos dug uni ground and wullod and roofed with timbers no trees grew in that region but tho tiatlvo of fnrnorthoru ala ku have always a plentiful supply of driftwood greatest treasure box hon charles mccra mliustnr o mire for thu irovlnco of ontario 1 nolo nd in u rucoiit public uddrea he gave ut windsor thut north ontario was thu worlds greatest manure book ho estimated that lb production uf preclou metal li northern ontario thl your would total isttoooooo in valun iteforriug to the nickel industry mr mccreu auld thut kb per cent of the- worlds plakul sup ply was blug taken out in the vicinity of hudbury there wa un inexhaust ible supply of thl tnltiuru in 1b11 when mining first begun in northern ontario s4u000 worth of gold taken out 1unt yoar more tliun 133000000 lu gold wu produced tho district h cauqht the archdeacon mpeaklng on tho murrluga law ut ltmootlin preuldod ovor by un nrol deacon u curate remarked that it w not generally known thut u mun could not marry hi wldowh cousin wldjmeh alatei you moan cor rected the president no replied tho youthful cleric mean wldowu counln the archdeacon wu on hi foot li mi instant hi law inut not bo elm i ituiged by u curuto 1 tell you he tolid 11 man tuuy marry hi wldowu cousin but not ltd widows sister you must really allow mo to know but porslhtod tha uurute how cui u man do anything hi tho way of marrying when hlu wife 1 u widow oboolsjirl dsutttovn should tc bovoottcd poh it two vry pietty girl hist on un sheet und k1ad sail other raid in oualy two young men watched tin laollllg- t heros another of tlioo thing thut iv so unfair auld un whut i thutt sul1 hi friend ho pointed to th scenol women doing mens work stories wanted kam muaey end fama wrtuag short storl isra by mall from a master erllk- j w hoiorrtxs saas tckp fcavpd jac condi j bis eounat in the mallory u n- draedhy arthur mriagsr kalbro bartlar nslllo ucclunjr itmirtca ttadpath l u miuihnsaeryi iprot alluon and otbar wc maartil canadian sad aatsruaa writers eaitors sad olucs taoraugh pe balp and criticism raowa he to develep jpleta writs and alt curut mu uaue of caoadtan taagajlnas all car rled atortes written bv shaw students sale aervlce free to etlidaata thirty yeara tiiiecesamtesablag writ for rkudook sad creative huagtaatkni test 1 uw tuaioolft vva d r stjuito oanaela your share in 1924 wijl you tfoi a bittgcir iyii of h uilijphli in mpny mora ptoplu lemiir pd jiow to ret tlip mojj omt if their rqcju 4r tomjr piatancii jm thuii ovtir befon oil mtudy of their biihlnush tmablod ono uoncoint u tctcntiwtn ualtiu uy telo- phono fro m 200 u month to ovvi 8cpo will you not trlvo thin aubject of propuijy orijuiiiitjd und proporiy manned telnphono equlp- ment burloua conn id ora tion 7 ask un to help jtvafy ari rw u mj de observant a girl entered the ntudy of mxmul the elabrulod hlntorlaii uml uak d lilm for n on of flro but you imvdiit brouuht a hhvi ilt nd i ory i h 1 she filled hi and put ttlo tl v hi the lournod i otli ihi morning look a walk willi u nitliral lt do you notice unythliig ulliu n tho niovemniit of ttxiiin whbit ho ithkod un le pointed a puddle in th middle or tho road nothing iixoopt limy mm to orp und go replied onu uf tho boyn the other wa lea piompt in lib n ply but ho bud obaeryed li uiim pill pose i notion thut thoyiny way in pulru be aubl one iuih u lltllr pollit or mud tint other nothing am there drone among wasp au ihihuiii bees 7 ifoth urn alike busy und phcii went uwuy with a burden replied th naturallbt tho ono you thought ii donothing inul a moutlfful of water they reach tholr nest tokcthci lb ono deposit hi pellet of mtih nnd the other eject thn watrr upon it whbli make it of th conalatmicy of mortar liey then paddlo it uikiii tho mut und lly away for more materia w you eve one buy obarvil u little und tho other a good doat more while tho naturalist had something to toll thorn that a ur prised bom very much lloye tu obaervunt cultivate tho faculty hoar sharply iok komly jlanco at a shop window an you puu it und then try how muny thing you can rocall that you noticed in it a hint from the nightingale hhukeapeuio wu of tho opinion that the ulghtlngalos rnpiitatlon wu du to us choosing to sing ut nlirlit whmi the otlior birds worn quiet thu ntth tingale if she uhould ming by day whon every gwao i cackling would ha thought no bettor a mualclah than tho wruii whotlmr that can ho proved or not it u certainly true that wu glvn n- poclsl appreciation to th thing wo cannot fake for granted hone lu h0hruary mnati more than ro a lu june ivults out of seusou bring u- ormou prices and these fuel uu certainly suggeatlve in thn mutter of giving kindnesses if yod have sfoncert ticket to mpuni do not semi it to tho friend who ha an engagement for every night lu tho week and hoars good music continu ally give it to that little clerk who loves the beautiful thlngu of life but has so little chance to gratify bur taste u there is an extra plucn in tho antomoblle do not invito thn frlund who has a car of hor own to whom motoring is an old story usk some ono to whom tho experience will bo sheer delight und u charming memory vacuum dottleo mu iipl n vii iiiim ii i w lluil ii v nr mn h i a i than li y w i 1 i 1 i i t imvllini ih y almi li dhi no ii m1j1 lbr li u i hou in mhoim i ill i with ii wiiir win o i ll hi i inptli i ami i h n whmii i willi wuiti y will lie 1 on i 1 b 1 it i i ul i ih o h in on ill v pi wlihuiii ll 1 un iii it to i pin 1 fo u in in hlu wllh h i roll u il i fin rilling hi 1 1 lo i nil ii t th u ful i it i u m ill ll on no l lib uml i mil i t wli- i lt i tr uulng iiuli whn xmp or i ul milk in i n ih b v miu li 1 th mk iu1i h w with viy hot wit i v111 n vn tai1 of the tin if milk li iil i d oft i tl t him h ii iijiii1 out wliii pi oh ubiif mi liiv llhiif it ih well wnlh willi lo my a utth milk lu u in til oiy i rni ho m 1 from un of th wll idiiwii mm if tl milk and water have ie n u in hot in thu think tooa inn h lnali in tin mini- way quckueys fronchltis ft mixture wavedmmlire raol tbja trus alataaaant i m- clayton uv 10 l lorn uronchilia or yar and ound ralt1 only t uuikuy ntorchlia mixture i coniur tin tu bo t wonderful anily and wouldnt ha without ll in lli and i mm firmly on vincad that tt ival my ida mla w clayton 0 uabrldy- v avit lofnrtlo rocllaya u guaranlsed to retlva with tha vary cru doas couhi colda and liroachtla cat a itojtls at your druggiala today w ic oucklev umited 143 mutual st toronto y- sold in acton by a t brown f made to wear surprise is speciallyadapted p for use in hot water it lathera frcely but lastsji long time without crumbling or break ing up a pure hard soap i does advertising pay successful business firms say that v money expended iu careful and judicious advertising through the newspapers is j 1 their best and most profitable investment during the past few days over four thou sand large catalogues from a city depart mental store were distributed through the winchester post office at a cost to the firm of not less than 4000 itseems a large sum for one small post office distribution and yet the same firm lias been sending catalogues not once but four times a year through this same office counting their smaller spring and fall catalogues it seems a large amount of money for one firm to spend in one community but there can be no doubt that tbe investment is a paving one if it was not the firm would soon discontinue to do business a local merchant whose advertising account amounts to two or three hundred dollars in the year thinks himself a gen erous advertiser whereas if he spent double or three limes the amount it would prove a better and more profitable invest ment than the smaller amount much money is spent in advertising and the business man who docs not look after lis advertising regularly and place before the public something that will at- tract their attention whijc not exactly wasting his money is getting a very poor return for il in comparison with the mer chant who looks carefully und regularly fter his advertising yes it puys to ad vertise and it pays to look carefully after your advertisement and finally breth ren there is no belter known medium for advertising than through the columns of your local newspaper winchester press- the free press will be glad to discuss your advertising problems with you wwjbimimuimiiarrn tkisisb cv r 1 r j mrr

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