wwfflskwwi j r neighborhood news- town and country aali wanted llnmh u uucscitlon worth consider lus one profession or trade ttiut in not overcrowded said ted mcently graduated from college turntuif a smile to hi sutnr what ia it 1 thought nverytnlnrr ovonlonn the days responded ilhoda wonted uxpert finishers some ody a advertising for ttiem finishers finishers of what i v hoard i no trrm before but i havent tho remotest idea whether it re for to furniture or something in the tailor- told tod in lln i m not certain myself hut its ftllbkmtlvu jut tl ilnnty of export start or there are but very few finishers expert oh th prolonged monosyllabic expressed dawning of bar brother n meaning and slaa annoyance tit wuw apt t moralise und to make her fo vaguely in tho wrorig anything larsonal intended she an it ml after u moment with a rather forced km 11a i didnt say so did it tod re- ponded with an unlihil lifting of hi brow hut rhoda vat droamliy thinking it unr after tod had loft the room did it apply to root am i apt to bog in thing courageously avan ex bortiy and then fall to carry on expert nnlahorsf th pbnuw is odd ly suggestive only a few momenta later ilhodaa mother joined her in tho window i bc you have finished lotties llttla raraera aa she looked out at the llttla pinkclad form going blithely down the snivel walk no mother i dldn t quite flnujb them ilhoda answered but i prom- load to have them dona for har to wear aver to lily a thla afternoon lily tut same juat ilka them you know and theyre both so wild over thoae little croasautcb rabbi to i couldnt boar to disappoint lottie i began them ao long ago you know- but they really werent ready for bar to put on i didnt hava all the but tonhole worked ao tha poor child had to ua aafety pin aeerd to mind the pli careful to put them la bo they would not ahow out ahe might better have worn her old rompers aafety ping are untidy i well ahe didnt mind rhoda re peated but a thoughtful look had coma into her face rhoda what are we ho in to d about that sewing olaaa at the settle ment houoet aleta itayroorid ran u to the porch that afternoon- to oak abruptly mrs brundage colled me up yesterday and well ahe waa perfectly courteous about- it of course but ahe made ma ao uncomfortable i could tell by her tono that ahe doesnt like the way were do in or rather tho way were not dolus it seem some of the children are losing interest and dropping out because they can never be euro who will be there to teach them v know mrs urundaga aald that twice they have had to put in any body they could get at a pinch be- cauae our girls didnt so v rut the ideal rhoda flushed at the critic um- what can she expect all thla heat and aame of our girts out of town tool res of course but at the same time met hesitated at the same time luioda we did undertake it we werent forced into it we began so enthusiastically i can sea how mrs itrundago feel suddenly rhoda flushed dear me metu last tuesday waa my day wasnt it mine and olarya i completely for got it- uut did itary forget toot she must have ueta said briefly anyway ahe wasnt there and the week before that waa my day with patty i had a chance to go motoring that day with aunt lou so i sent word to mrs qrundags 1 took it for granted aha would be able to pick up somebody in my place but im afraid whoever went didnt know much about the work from some thing mrs rrun- dage aald too bad aald rhoda briefly i ve come to the conclusion lately ueta aald soberly that its a whole lot easier to begin thing than to finish them ololher has been point ing out that to m and mrs urundage sort urf hinted at it too its ao easy to start in with a flourish and then get discouraged and leave thing un- nnuhed expert finishers suddenly that ad- teriloctnent in the mo ruins paper and twda comments upon it rushed into ilhoda mind bhe aald the word aloud laughing at the pusxled look on tier friend face i ddinrknow why it wouldnt be a good name for our claas to take to try to live up to shasaid dlmplng we call ourselves the willing- work era now if wam just add to that kimrt finish ere i it a btrulige ueta but all this just fit in thing ted was saying this morning while ha was reading uli advortl ment lisrtha lemeaux woods mint turn at lust tho ruil thut load but k hutrx uufe through tho alormu thut hr lash uf the awlrlliir foam kr tha gray world mother hulls to wo loom ii each in turn rack through tho ancient gutuu tho road must turn at toot whore fruindly inuphoi bond over tho dreamless hi nop out ui tho journeys ami over tha riroumloam sloop deep whero thu shallow full and from tho starlit ulaul only the tout winds call he all in ixl still is tlm mun yot l bit itrcal heart i i wlmro the worn bund ur nissed undur th nllent hill whom the fur crowd uro iwiwud and tho rulnintst 1 uray hem is tho mun ull lotfod what is there rnoro to sayt creator than mnti might know when in rho bitter tight ho lookfd through fume mflar- on to tho greater light the hgtit of peace on kartb uut dimly undttstood where thn suirret world might know faith in its brother howl calhntf her son back homo whoro thn lant dreams nbldo now the world mother wait with her groat arms held wldo arms that were built to hotit children of plain and town each onu to find in turn rest when the sun goes down when the dark night i on each one cun hear hnf say s the green couch 1m fined where the winds kneel to pray here 1 tho rnsl you re earned under thfv rose crowned km huffi in my grmrdlnk urm here 1m tho peace of god okttino rack home a beaten bv an elephant tho lint of iiiuo win buvn fiiicount- erel lion nt dspirtly close ijunr- tern who huvtt bun lit luully mauled by tli nm mill liuvn t wurvlvml ih lontf i nr fewor in tho niuiala of afrlrun xplorutloii and hunting uro those who toine with into dlr per ul hi think there must m in the br 8ho dldn every normalminded man or won an jnliortut dslro sooner of later get buck home tho road must turn at last the road that leads buck borne i was struck mi its forcibly with tbti thu other day when the editor callod to sea how i was getting ulontf with my latest attack of rheumatism had among other rcnunir matter be brought me u new year card from his friend mltcholl cobban of win nipeg an acton boy of lon ago by the way mitchells father james cob ban was a warm friend of mine and our friendship continued until the day we laid him uwuy in fairvlew ceme tery a score of year or bo ago what impreaed me hihjuc mitchs new years card was this couplet which it bo to borne day ill wundnr buck again to where the old honio stolid thero you in the same enilurlnsj sentiment wmch i spoke about above and when mitchell wand r back home again sumo bright day lie will find that the old man will have just as cordial u wolcomu for 4ilm u uny of his younger cronies and it will bo very lamely for bin father ruike as 1 hlntd before i think thira i in all of us whether we talk about it or display it to other or pot a htrunfc mdorcurrenl of uentlment if it were otherwise wo would not h very normal in our makeup for the literal meaning sentiment is brio fly feelings lions of thu higher sort sucli are awakened by idea and ideulw worth or as the peot oruy beautifully puts it iirlghtunedoytd sentiment hov ring ucatter from hi ilntured uut thought that breathe km word bum tho little vrsa on mitchell cobbu now year card bring back u picture pluture ull different in detail yet vt one loike the blalur of botue well rentembe red spot with utl old- fashioned house where we know every corner and hidden ook with its fam iliar furniture and surrounding utxl enriching und hallowing thu whole tho memory r the old folk there u picture thut ha u apot in our heart no other urn own bcuuse it is the picture of our old hyme the heart- string thut vibrate to the thought of homo rind u roppoiitilvo note in jbo little louplol of mitch nuw year messugo ngry elaplmnt native wllilh and have lived to tell the tub onn of them i capl w t hhorthone who tins recently r luted hi torrlhln loporlence in hi bonk hport and adventure in afrlcu ho bad shot and wound oil a bull elephant ufter followltiif it tor nix hour anl tho creature had thundered away into the bush uenawllim the pursuit b soon caught an undefined gllmpno of a ifray bulk some oltfnty yard dl lant and flroil aguln tho onrngnd boast bo wrltoi dashed off a few yunl and catchlng our wind utterel iv whrlll scream of unger and mmn tearing down hi track straltfllt ut tne my two track- i r sieedtly got out of the way i pulled for the frontal shot when thn elephant was otwiut fifty yards away but the safely catch was off hastily puttlnb it on t tired an noon a 1 possibly could lln whs on nw in u second and dashing- into thn thick grass on my right i tired at his head neither hot uoemod to affect him and he nimbly sworved and caught mo u blow with hi trunk nevcc hud i seen nnythlng move an thut olfc phant tha apeed was torrlflc my fat was irrevocably soaled 2 thought had little iioy di no hiiui lr ll is gniie it in a good putl r hi nun if nuviii i little i mr foil nil whe my mun y wu iiolbg too fust it help i mu to buy ii pi i i of propnrt loinethliuf of pxrtntum nt vntm iuylu tin it iu tfo luo tnoro run il itatire thu h iittoring my funds blly nm then bud tiomothhur to ullow for it a iiiuii on u mulnry who buy u ii or u liouno or u few uirim of lulul neu lnwii momothlntf of known uud utoady value tlmls thut tho monthly montii hu linn to luy uslde will not tm greatly mlnnod und first thing known ho will 1m the owner of u good plitn of iroperty and it in u good thing for a young fallow in aiiothqr wuy he continued it give him a feeling thut ho own momotlilnu und hit womutlilntf to look after and lm interested ill a por- niunont pb ce of proiierty i a gi hteiiilter for uny of itii two htntroim further tho mun got directly the young flremun nllpped bulk to the seut beldn me lln did not know thut i hud overheard you know ho said after a bri t onversutlon wlmt i um going ilot i have a nice llttlo piece of lur right at the edge of town which tr futher ifuvo mu und i um going to build u limine on it and wy for it by lb month i can suve fifty dolli ovnry month out of my wugo t then i can rent the houno and at that rate it wont take mo very long to buy for it in two or three year iii have u nice little home ull paid for and 4t i caught a glimpse of wut thut change of puntoso would mean to thla young man and others throughout years to rome i wu thankful for thut stranger who hud bpokdn in kindly thoughtfulnesstbe thing bo kite b best rather than in fllpiwnt careless agreement with the boy careless mood tho christian kndeav or world villaqu itandh in danour thiuu of tblm just overtook him irlvuta uunkjt tiad been tho n banhful ajtd retiring little mun ju army when women vuiled tho m be hud always tied for shelter kho stayed there until ufter they had loft ha it tjurm a a surprise when un uf bis former iompunlon cams ucrnu him u uivlllau gab and wa intro- ducui to u urge husky girl a mr lunk wboo be was uhia to get ranks usble he uskod blm liowbe had limi bis wife well returned the ilttl man meekly it was this way i haver did exactly meet her htm just kinder overtook me m a wonderful piece op 8urqiry illllstlelpluo jan il after he bad uwdorguna an operation without tho use of an unaeathotlo announcement was mads at the university hospital that cletu moore hjht- months old baby who wag ntaued trom bt louis to philadelphia for rmoy4 ol tck in his lurig by rdna ot broaotaq aoope woqld roover sjj wpujd bw able to ralurn to hla hojrno w1hirt tbo oourse of a few asw hay what do i tho radio golna to become u menace to our cltutns ltumlt h so then i say ktsp nut if i um uu oldfashioned fogy 1 found ihl uud i die heailli ubovx given in our olobo tbu otln rooming tkiihu vlllugea which skate by radio tnuslo from woiuo furuwuy illy uri putting themselvu uu thu buok fo their brogrus but they should no forget the i rush i ntf of u vlllugo in dustry namely the loi ul luiud it ii all well enough la boaut iii wusteril ontario of the benefit of utl otchustru in litubur or chlvugo but what i to uiumn of tho home tmiet who buvo k the link ullve tbesx nnmv veurwt if it wa u uuilitifm turluk coikuin the uiliil c m a wnoiil ii tonveiled long ago uud sunt u bit taligrulti to ottawa a it i the town banilhiiiaii i m lug unorganlkil ami not oniiecird with llie mllnlclutiii proteti- tlve aisihhaiiil ute left to tujoi their niedlaln the vlutlnih of progren llko tiiuuy uniltll group wimw die uia of luaoblnury began luoklly the luiudumuii tiro not de tmimluiit on the kubbiy rrom the rink tu keep t hem til i vi they eurn ihelr living in the storerf und fuctol leh ulul once tin praolleenfgni uie junt like otbsr people on thuruduy night they go down to their hmim- uml then hum tbeb orfnrt nil the air tor blotk u round win pie e it in not yiuy porf ilsteiiars with trained eat nnd it intent to luovu to unnther part of the town but his i soon uvnaonib and ut laubl the younger rjlument took ftjcwaxd to the tiiott concert or appear- sfico ut the rink with soiuo onlli uslattm tbl town counll imaoua a small grant fat their funtu the local mem bur uttsoribe one or two wnaluiy liter unythl um i wus nmudged from plum place squashed und imuton expecting evury moment that my houd w imcomo u ipumnke or thut i should have u tusk thrunt through my heart reing- phynbully atrong t kept my muscle us taut u poksihln uud waited i was suddenly hurled into the air and luckily landing on my feel was ublo lo ntnrt creeping uway scarcely had i moved whim the in furiated bcmht ieaiod upon with a snort and the smudging proms began again until 1 nw million of stars and seemed to be thrust into tha bowels of the earth suddenly i became uware that the olaphuht was no longer muuhng mo and started crawling into the lontf grass nt tha beast left i seemed to remember blm tearing at something on the ground it wu tha hunter rifle which th elephant broke in two piece ut th stock while it battered ami hulf-faint- ing owner mummed to xtabgor uwuy untuning fearfully for un other ohurge ha reached a troe and on u second trial maiuiget o tllmb to tho first fork and from hint refuge to shout for help hi native companions better lati than novoi came ruablnjf lie slid fromhlspmcariims prroh and fell ii helpless imup uu they reached birr he was uuffuring ugony und supposed thut half the bourn in hi body wer broken thu native improvised hammock from bin waterproof toul and carried him buck to currip tlmr they sent out word of hi condition and two day lulor white friend reach ed him on motor t y u and not long- afterwurd a doctor bu day later although ho wu still w i uud frightfully bruised hd hud the rvusmurlmf know ledge that ull hi organ weru intuot and that no thing- wu broken wgcept bl collar ikjoo the oluphant tboiigli it wound wu probably mortal eucaped an ingenious mind thert urn just us many young people of ingenious mind in our world today an them ver were thoro really ought to be more than in tho year past for opportunities for discovery uro greater loday than ever before why then should not our boys and girl apply thmnelvs to the solving of th many problems which nvnty- wirero fate ihemt homebody must find r medle for dlsousa and social wrong why shouldnt wo do ut it is cany to be u relator and to keep doing wlio i others have done before u kmerxon reminds u of tbl easy to tnutrh what other do perform the fnat as well a they hunt to outdo the brave the true and dnd a loftier way attractive it of culedou us other mr win l it theoluitd who has father far ikflihi time lumllton whero she and 1 reshle i huva been holding unful moating tui sday even i tiiemboruhip buvo ihiuu splendid ami nlng 17th anniversary of tho chrli church miluhburg- will bo held february 17 with services at 11 00 m nnd 7 do p m on monday iiiiin a supjmir will 1m given in lement of tlm church fmm 8 i lock followed by a pmgrurnm church advocate milton the hoard o irosbyterlan ch muino tirojierty at tha organ tsulloi 1ubllo helioo hoard cready was elooted chair year h w and mr lre ia urn vieltlng friends li um nby manager of ki n h offer for sale the lion mooting of thi mr w m mc lalrman for th of carlisle milton i thin ho wo nhouldn the worldi 1 seed ideas tlly ntatt a en and rig- ideas do not arrive reudymudu many people are under the impression thut utl inventor when ho nturt out see hi machine with ull it part perfoufed inntoud bo gvirviully start with tha una of wtlut he winhu to iicconipllab uilds to it build up uroiinu und ge hi machine together bit by bit the writer too gunurully it te innplrutlon for bin book in whut ight be culled u swnt uml mowed in ho soil of hi ub consclounness wac rd by reflection it becomes in time u thills of strength und beuuty do not despise your idea betuuse it ulttelihht heed ii ro ulvn 1 chalice to grow a squirrel tun t into its mouth ee vera imituntiul tree the ldu thut hu vitality in it i veil if it lu tiny uhd undeveloped til be begin nltiy may accompli r ut thing in the uud why t attempt to boiv soma i bltf prohiam it i a mintake to underestimate our ability there i no reason whatever why the youth of today should not pro- dupe mop of the type of nwtou kdlson und alexander graham rail genlu is just tho name thills bow u enturle agp und wo havent by uny mean reached the limit of uroompluhmnnt on any line the oall of today is n call for initiative men needed who can suggest remedies for llfoh evils any on can find fault uli existing condition but only a few an suggest the cure kvory lad ii he grown up should busy himself in trying- to work out the prohlnm of how he is going- to bless the world by tho contribution ho 1m utile to make junius russell lowell sounds tha true slogllu new occasion touch now duties time tnuke umjont truth uncouth they must upward still und onward who would keep abreast of truth lo before u ileum her camphresi w ourselves must pilgrim be launch our mayflower and n leer boldly through the desperate wlntar wu nor attempt tho rutuiv port tbe pasts blood rusted key l of hhelbumo ha bought the business of james turner hutcher and will take possession to- ulltous unnuul bonsplel will ct off on monday lebruary 11 invita tion buvn been sent out to other club ind a number of crack rinks will l here the omcers of h clair chapter no 76 o it c worn installed at the regular convocation last thursday uvonlng by idx cqmp m b bproat assisted by vy ex camp h il news and ki comps j m mack emtio und o w mckonxle matilda rlxon widow of the late john iz roll dlml at her home ouelpli on january 19 in her 88 lb year after u long- illness mrs bell wu u duughtor of tha late james risen hr and was born at the home stead trafalgar about a mile out u mil on the skating purty held at tha arena tuesday night under thn auspices the i q 1 h as a most gratifying vary way and was thi uiuon no ft tier ex hlhltloii of fancy nkatlpg and dancing i ever been witnessed uavld hutcheon county treasurer um not ut tuesdays meeting of the county council he is confined to hi bd by illness jt is hoped that he will bo nut ugahi within a wok or the inounllmo mr irving bxt warden will be in charge of hi orrice a grund concert will be given tbe irlncos theatre on thursday kebruury 14 ujioor the auspices of the halton agricultural hoclety capl larry0 rrloii vjith the bhamrook and thistle revue co will provide thn progrurnmo champion georgetown health habits ldt only plain wholesome food e fruit fcouio rougbugw vuoh day icst ut igulur tliueu avoid lulling between bluwl lot frlod food ulono or i ilk plenty of wutel ut till r- umi youi lo tb brusl ut bu twloo dully avoli ulultf pourlj vlllulnttu 7- luwlw on fr ill uir or w6rk sue unit play ti- clot ut of ill oimovory duy u take regular tkelllee hj ite lean in iiilml uml body j yol wont be a lluptlm t bin in and uttor cxarrt u irvn u pbytkrun couldnt influence the kitten he foury urold ibmceuduitt ot u una of lluptlmt mhilstei wu found tiptoe stl llggllllf to immeie her kitten in the rain wuur ban el ttw kitten uu atiuully fnuitlo in hr uf rorts to uvold lumieraloii uud ut lut by dint of kicking clawing und wrlg- glins- tnonugod to fiuo horsou from her snutu inlalraas as the lip of thu little tall dlaapimoirwl ovur tho wall ills dlaappqlnlod nilssloiiary ujaovlut- thu uo helping educate a nation tho natilinul university of moxlao i uhklug- the tooperutlon of all th educated people of thu country in i upalgii to reduce thu nunjbor of ii- litarutes within uu bordtr it make the jbuggestlon thut all cltlioii ubl to do uu glva a part uf their lolsun tim euili duy to serving us volunlury school touclmre without pay the unl verslly offers lo supply blackboard readlnu churt and ull the other mu- torlul iiecssary ive mi improvised school and uuu agree lo give wary volunteer teacher u spoclal diploma u bo hu preont oil for examina tion one hundred pup it whom be bus taught to read and write thi di ploma is not merely u murk of honor the liulder will lie given preference if he i seeking u itoaultm with the government und if he is employed in uny capacity by the nulla it ul lullroud tlm poaloii of u diploma will be u help towurdu pro motion priends who believe in vou hutk to the people who inspire you with lfonndeuoo that doe not mean tho hutterer of course for rlutiry wblu it may b rs pons 1 11- for vanity and commit doe not give birth tu unytlilng uttnug uud whole homo hut there uri people who wbll they do not flutter you bollevo hi you uiht llulko yoil believe iii youliall tlure i hnntnthhig- iif their uttltud which 1 u iliiillungn tu you to develop ihiwer bltbnrtu neglected to uttumpt feit thltl up tills hole huv seemed heyojid you to bo worthy of a c tldeuoe whos uibpirutlon you f even if it 1 not put into word if you huvi friend who buy thi ffsot upon you uok lo hem plctuhbb on memorys wall l wa u thrilling nlory that kuuie- iior hud lo lull i hud ubalidoiid all hope he kuld as i sank for tho third tluiu my past life seemsd o hu imforo ma in u surlu of grim rsttllslio picture munpur of eimpathy rolled from tho up of llslulilns friend but juat a mcorugxif wus preparing tb reamu motavub luterrupuid blm sharply sjid hops fully and did you luippad to notice ho aaptl a pttura of inu louiuvjtf yju s fivsr lolsa auruma t itjuj- the cltiaon rund will play at the urnlvul in thi ur na tomorrow night mrs lawsin und major lrant were ut ogijlph nttrtdlng tho funeral of mrs hugh walker the arena co have glvan final notice that an 1m pluylruc tag- on thu ice will be xiollnd rrotil thn anuu fur tho nnuson atxiut thirty mcmlwrw of the metho dist leugue hud u sleigh ride uvtt 1 rlduy nvoiilna on their return thov joye1 game and u luncheon in lh oiunli mr ti p whit passed away at ironjo luut wtek mhe wu the widow of fc c white who munufuctured the first uuvnlom made in canada georgetown over utxty years ago r matilda mllburn who iiassed y in her hoth yrur at toronto last lr i duy wus a nltr of the lute mr frank taylor und aunt uf mr j w rosso y ooorgetown ttie hunduy bahool clgas of dr utul mr v jc wats ou were entertain ed to u sleigh tide on tuesday evening a luncheon at mr und mrs john mil- lur 7th line was u faaturu mr t j cumeron agent of the cun ail la u national railway at george town for tbu boat 13 year has been appointed oallerul weight agent at quelh uml will shortly remove to tbr royul city biiico coming to town j uck hu uiwuy taken un active lntort in town uflsir generally he hu been uu obliging uud uourtoou ottlalul uf tha railway and mado many friend during- hi stay henr hoth ho and mr cumuroti uud daughter will be missed by u large circle uf frund bore aoorgotowps hpundid uobllers memorial will lie u work of art u lust ing- monument to our hero dead and a to the cltueii of qui town a repreeiitutlvo of mapplu a webb montreal who huvo the contract tor leiibirful met tho mayor reeve tin r member of ttu council uti tiiusilay morning- uml mala ull ur- lent for the completion of the tho lurge tironxa group for tha top of tbe timinumeiit 1 being- made ii icnglund ut thn lcssgnt tlmw w it i poo tod that ull ww he completed id ready for uuvolllng- on the icings blrthduy jfuuo 3 herald our loyal friend work whan you tukw up your work again uflur flu lllne yovidbkovor that it 1 liol nwi drudgery ut u lieces- uuty prnvlnary to gett tig- omtlilng to tut or a toast to huwlug a ireasoii- ulile timouiit of npomllng money one who i i o n vu iosco nt know fow keeuar joy thuii gettlua back lo work the lining of funilllur tank bitoe dispatch ed weuhly or imputbutt y come to u kalisfuctloii boyond xurd illiie rregueiilly brnb together ullonutod friend the tauis uf trullgeinont soent unsikkakably trivial uti uguliimt a imokgrou hd of wurforlng uud danger and uu u ttsxsk uf i ii no- dot uu a soivice whan it bring about ii reconciliation hotwod ti ourselva and thut underrated but loyal friend our work pine business oppoqtonitv oarage repair mrt 0 navlty vulcan ising plant ilea dy for huslnet- ijttls opnosltlon live town bear toronto 4 boo population 4o oo will buy thla complete huslnemi vulcanising- plant t 700 00 iw pr for quok sale fatally tikems sjosya axioms for 1b24 ronlmnn neglected la often lost alhivn ull that i bo not a coward the hull dug wins becaune be hang a mi riv heart dneth goxl llkn modi inn hlkh litertt grtierully means loi security it yooruolf uud ud tnui word eponk fur ym ther ih nothing in iho world wml dolm wrong fur a minis true wealth is iho 1001i ii dots in the world l when uwil sarrlnreu sufetl iwm bettor lo k low to ih f uno hi the world in ih only way lo bo happy imikinnlhllttlen are 1 hearted efforts of julttoes happiness in nollhor a nor u solf sustaining ntste a culitiimor offended in harder lo imt won than a strong city the biggest room in the world is iho room f ir improvement helm everlastingly on the job bouta curry 1 111 u rabbits foot for luck if you urn good in everytody nearly every tdy will see good in you no on- in useless in iho world wlm lightens the burden or it for anyone else the man who says he never makes a mistake probably doesnt knoa whcri lie wees it ttiny that forsake the tuw the wlckoil hut such as keep ih contend with them rely the half s m1 right eclipse for the moon a young ooupla were ocrupytnsxh porch swing later than uiunl on moonlight night- krom a near by window tier mother inquired mary what urn you doing up so laujt looking- at the beautiful moon mother well its twelve oclock you had letter nand tbo moon home kvery bodys magajstne for every use about the house for washing floors and lino- lum washing woodwork and windows for the many uses about the house surprise wears well- washes well in any water and is soft on the hands ll 1 rsrj osssu k if- 4 ts jsjh eejnrfm whybamtpra the empire builders from riineimntenioriaubritooa have gone forth anu plonwrrted the remote oomers of the earth in the ace of seemingly insuperable difuculties they have buile up a worldwide tende trade that grew and flourished in spite of the limitations of those primitive burdenbearers he native curriers the mule train and the camel caravan ford carries the burdens of empire trade on the hilltnuu of india on the african veldt on tho shecpetationa of australia and new zealand on the plantations of ceylon and burma on the rubber estates of malaya and on the iunglepaths of borneo universal usage- under all these conditions has stamped the ford as dependable transportation made in cumttilti for the umpire the ford car is completely made in canada with the exception of parts to the value of s152 see any authorized porl dealer cars trucks tractors itilltsllmlaimsmimtsmimismilstilffa telling the story when the merchant teus the story of his goods in his newspaper advs he auto matically reduces the amount of time re quired to wait on a customer the more j completely the story of the goods and what they will do for the customer is told the shorter will he the time required to bell them in most cases this saving alone will pay for the ad while the additional business it brings in will be so much velvet- newspaper advertising is being every where advocated hy the largest advertis ers 011 the continent as the best method of developing business it takes some of them a long time hut gradually they all find out that the paper thats read by the whole family round the lahlc is the medium through which to reach the people by those who have something to sell and the little town paper ih the one that is most closely scanned in the home i bgggggggggggmgegsggmmmtomfmmgl j mu ol