Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 7, 1924, p. 5

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i h 1 it ill v it i is iii ill ml i jlll hm i i lul u iltli l not niiiili lii h d boy it don i i hi him v to utitrll lli i iiuni iuit hiituiim walthy lit inki in hull thoimuiiu or l thllk of 11 frulldri und d nl- full i ii h iii u hui i y to khi t into 1 rrly pcom the leaue of the fr press of thursday february 11 1904 hiiturouy iiuil m raln rodiircd the vuliimo of miow slightly lit re- iiuihiidi1 hm clntnii at tho mm ting if tli- womens in- htltuln hint prliluy liftomiuon ur fleorgti ilavlll wu ulri ted iraid in ili f mm i t z m honrl rtimivwl u aiwlnli the llrsl mooting of the young peoph uf khojt cltunli im n presby terian uiillil was hm on monday even ing lust mill wuii till urnoat und hopuful guthiirlnif an ultendutioo eelng tint xii t tutloiuf of thone in ohuricn guttiord in thn iikturit room which wuu tiihtifillly decorated with hunting unl imlnix making it look cony mil inviting tim urrnngomoiit of thu u tino nil limn iii couples wai the first vnnt on thn prugrnmme after which woh coujiln allowed their skill in a guessing ronlnst a duott by mittens mcclure unil oruhum a root- tatlon hy mis m iz hmlth instru mental selections hy itom and ral- lantyno a wullrondored aolo by miss howard and a short speoch by rv mr wilson pastor of the church soon whfled away thn enjoyable evenlnx mr john r- kennedy president of the oulld occupied tho rhalr at tho and of the programme the ladle con ducted thn gentlemen to the bucment after tho fashion of leap year whore refreshments worn aerved by members or tho guild the fifty ninth anniversary of the organisation of tho congregation knox church wm hold on bun day lost rev e a henry of knot church hamilton was tho preacher for tho day tho weatfaor condition were bad and a targe number of the congregation wore unable to be present owing to the impassible condition of the road in the abacnoe of ilov w b mo- alpine u a who wu unable to roach aoion from georgetown on sunday afternoon owing to bad rood rev ii if ringhum of momaator itnlvenlty who wai visiting in town voluntarily took uie service- married modonaldfbrodbonat uallln- afad on thuraday january 31 1904 by itev ii fowllo john a mc donald of toronto to mary daugh ter of petnr ferguson of balllnafad carnaharjmcrride at knox church manse aoton on whines- day february 10 1904 by itev j c wilson b a w w camahan to mary a mcbrlde both of nana- gnweya lambrrtclllpps at the residence of the brldoa parents crewoona corn- em on wednesday february 3 1904 by rev d dick mr nelaon lambert to may daughter of mr alex crlppa crewaons conwri leap years meanino the fellows ho named the year with 39 dnye in february leap year may havo thought they had a reaaon but it loom to u that they were urilaa in their rockonlnf th three years in which tho re ore only ssc daya might with more truth be o denominated alnco they leap right over the 39th ot february and land um aplaoli in march poealbly they wore leas concerned for literal truth than to get a name quito frequent ly name do not accurately describe thoae thing to which they are ap plied hot tnlnoe pie on the res taurant menu may be cold when aerv- ed tho name is not the only mlacon- ceptjon lr resar to ieap year bonio folks have an idea that women have greater prerogatives in leap year than in ordinary years but this la a tnlatako no capable woman needs any favor we do not moan to imply that she will ix bold enough at any time to apeak right out she doesnt tieed to do that she can make the null do it whenovnr she so desires and at the same time keep him in ignorance of her dominating personality when the man does etamtnerlrigly explain what he is after she will be ao sur prised and emburrusaed by the sudden ness of it that it will never be sus pected that she hod often rehearsed tho scene urid la letter perfect in the act no luup year is a redundancy us fur as being f any practical uau to u woman mhw doeant neod h i men who boast uf their bachelor hood ure lo be pitied they think they ure immune to woman wiloa that jsnt true lliey are discards no women want them hunue their unmarried slate huh jxr in no mora danger in leup ytuii than at any other time of ouurse a dlacouruuud woman may now and then pick one of them in the absence of anything better but us u rulo they remain eftovere not suapeclliiif the rvuaoti a bachelor is his own boss bocuuse no woman wants the job and uny fear lie may ful botuae of imjhp yuur is wholly un- warruntedlclnbstou whig- unkinp tlwy woio vry inucli in lyvw uut at lust cainn thu riy when thuy had u bitter itiurrtil and tny purtud each iesulvett iitiver to uet tho other again as ions a they lived yearn pussod otul thny hud almost furgotioti that ultlo lovn urfulr wlih one night thy cum faro to rato with each other ut a danru the tnaii felt ruthur mubarrassod but he wont niiurly up l htr liuwr tliotess and said softly why murlell mho twikixf ut mm indlrfruiilly let hie sao shi fculd i ulmly was it you ur your brother wh used to bn an old admlnr of mhiot ha wum niiulibdil but he roso to the ot cuelnu i reillly dont i inmniilxir im ii- plled affably imbsbly my father indy vuruii in rtm glory of jnhovnh poarod tlii lliry of yah u the fire that uymtoliad tlie illvhu prcmviilv jejuni 0 18 jxd m17 pan dg k as tit mnrlbith the iioopltv murmuied at itkphldlm kxod it 7j l they hud no water hence the place was culled morlhah moaning toiitmitlun or provocation it was hern thul mosov brought forth water by ninltlng tin versa 10 forty yonrw they did nothing but murmdr dlabolleve and robe from tho tlmo they tmuali their journey at the lied ueu till they passed over jordan a period of forty yours during all this tlmo god was grieved by thai gutieratlon yat he seldom showod forth that judgment which they most rurhteoualy deserved adam clarke lesson thomas kadoah the location of this leason la at kadesh on the southern frontier of canaan num 34 4 kadeah i not mentioned in our printed tnxt bu is found in tho preceding chapter uum is 24 it was a place of note and the israelites nxpected to find a feupply of water and finding none thai were omblttored notwithstanding th instant care of jehovah expressed io safo leadership of mosos they deliberately planned a revolt and pro posed to rind a new loador who would take them back to egypt moses and aaron caleb and joshua jolnod in earnest expostulation against this course but the pooplu were obdurate und these loyal mini were in dantfrr being stonod when the glory of jehovah appeared in thu tent of tnoot- the disloyal proposal was not carriod out but why was it madet the failure of drutttudo the is raelites failed at kadesh because they falod in gratitude for post mercies and deuverances it is true that it i hard for thirsty or hungry people to be reasonable the memory of pat plenty is dimmed by present want but 1th all the rich mercies of jehovah they had received they should have had thankful hearts what a hat the blessings received to that hour the series of marvellous mercies in their journey from egypt to the border of the land of promise ore all for gotten failure of faith the natural result of failure in gratitude is failure faith if the mercies of the past are forgotten there is no ground for oonfldenoe of tho future faith la a higher form of reason and like reason it posses from evidence to conclusion its process is logical and if the bloss- ngs of the post aro ignored it means the death of hope for future days it is to bo notlcod in both the old and new testaments that the great appeals for faith in cod rest upon the facts of history this method was used by moses and tho prophets it was ubod by jesus and tho dfaclplca stephen and paul used it in memor- ablo appeals there is a vital relation between foots and faith the israel ites failed in faith becauso limy lgnor ed the inspiring facts of their jehovah- dcted past breaking with tho past characteristic of all revolutions this method always brings disaster it did so in tho history- of franco it is doing so now in troubled russia true progress ut evolutionary hoi re volutionary the revolt at kadesh was not carried out the counsels and prayers of mosos and his few loyal holpcrs averted the disaster upon faith in god and faith in man rests the hope of tho luturu the loss of loyally it follows mat naturally that tho loss uf grati tude and faith affocis the persona loyalty und love of ouch individual after all is said und done all progress is personal men must aot together and with u common mind but that cannot be done except each man 1 disposed to do so the reforms of the world are aocdtu pushed by eoclal ac tion but back of that action is per sonal convletlon the israelites one by pno doubted qod und distrusted moses and thus nearly wrecked tho good cuuse of freedom u whluh t were engaged the redemption of the social order depends umim the pifsonul loyally and unfailing love of the in dividual for study and qleeueelon whmo la kudoahr what ocuuirud thurot why were the people dlssatla- nodr what did they uttempt lo do hree reasons why isrwul failed at kadesh what is the chief weuk- as of all revolutionary methods in soolul progresst what other muthodu are themt live modarn examples f itoth methods dlly redings for nemt week monday february ll josh 1 1u tuesday fibruaty udeut 31 l wedliuaduy kebtiuiry 13 deut all hj3 lliumduy februury 14 josh e lj- 31 filduy februury 16 jouh 14 lg buturday february it jusli j4 h- 1h uutuluy februury 17 pmilni 47 something to fall back on llllfur says ho is huvlisr hurd time keeping a roof over his head 1 dun1 sympathise with him if hes in such straits why doiuint hit glvo up his automobile he suys he tun i think of dolus tluit and uesldus if l bo worst comes to the worst lus comforting to know that his automobile has a tup new lamp burns w peh cent aik beats electric or qsa a haw oil lamp that glvos uti otnua ingly brilliant aoft white light even better than gus or electricity has boei tcatod by the u h uovunuueut und 30 leading universities und found to he supnloi tu 10 ordinary oil lamps it burns without odor aitloko or lioisa no pumping lip n simple clean kufo rums i ulr mid 6 common kerosene uoal ull the inventor v n johnson craig ut w montreal is offering to send u lamp in 10 days nujlu trial or even to glvo one kh1ci3 lo the- flmt uaer in eaoh looullty who will help him introduce it wrltu him today for full partiulani also ask htm explain how you cap get the agenc and wllhiu3t experlenc or money moke im to 140 mr uuiath tho very 1mmi inn and latterti throughout the uuudliiu htibar tin to lruonton le as ltirt mcmurnil und poarn river i rt lo viry point whence u husky hultllhln htulldurd might le secured was only titivr u tlireo weeks search f miiny uuthorltti n on huskies that ouiltlo wum tivnlltuillly hncurod ut le us manltobu the price pa i j greatly uliwftdlng thut usually given for one it wnn ti real titrokp of luck which ii on rod this nplmdld animal for he lit u vilerun of the northern trails and tiiom than that ns his tin mo implies ilea ilouo pructlcully all hla aurvlce with thn royal cunudluti mounted ioll hallinir originally foin lan- lilhrocliet in the far north im wuu hoiiifhi by hergutiiit clruiinun of ihnt fuuiiim for re in ltll whun very young lllii trulnlng wuu curried out by tho hiikfuilt and so well did ho uuiu t hlimpulf lator that the mounud polk- wrntiiof him he has tinvoi- missed p piitiol or boon u day off duty slnro wu have had him ho he is a real pulloemalt uild ho num movie hero coworker for years with the comrades of such men as iomptir fltsoerald and otlini- heroic trull- makers of canudus glorious corpm u comrado grown old in tuttlng thiough snow ii ml huslnoaif for thu right mnuntlv us one kles over k or police is u mngulriointlooklng fol low a durk gry glntit with shlnli llt oyov polntud auis und muss thick fur und ulthimlnir fungs the in ubout him muiti hum u ii the keen romuiksludeii ar tic wind und otu is not surprlied to leurn frou the mounted police thut he lias al wuye he n u imlnid wherever he hui been loth from apprarunco and capa bilities the wurk kt tho chateau prontenua will be puppy h luy to mountle urter the dohpornte toll ho bus known in iho furm nor tli rut tm deanrvom woll of tho people of canada and bus nobly earned his met it ml thu comfort ha will henceforth enjoy just a few laughs you urn cortuln the mlddloagod uutomer tmlil thut this cen tury plunt will bloom in u hundred yours positive uf it maam tho florlal iured hor if it doesnt brlrm it right bock jiudo and poor hurry was killed f u revolving rruuu knallshwomuii my wordl what florcu birds you liavo in america roy whc la imckwlck hounds us if it might re in thn hinterland trail hill 7 llrakomnn be somewh why roy hmn poople am always trying to boost their homo towii a man back thorn just usuod me if 1 pickwick papers judge hlgn in mario ohio don t kick ubout our coffee old and weak yourself you may aouio day hcou do grow first trees 7 second bcout sure iirst hcout tlion on what tree docs tho doughnut growt second scout the pantry preacher- i brought buck tho se condhand lar i bought from you last ok it is too obstreperous deulw whats wrong- t cant you run rt pruaahut- not and stay in the mlti- iatry tho mastnr of the house had just comn home from bualnnes and found paperhungor busily ut work in o bedroom he look a glunco ut the now iwpnr und thou asked sharply who told ytni to put that piipr in this rooint your wife sir oh said the man of the bouse in a ihanged tune pretty isn t ttr and what do you propose to do now william 7 uskodtbo father of the son who had just cohvi home after graduation at coll eg o oh yawned tho optimistic young an 1 hluk ill go over to new york and look for u position at five thou sand per you understand 7 at five thousand per said tho old man i un derstand you mean ut five thousand porhups liners worm powders will urge the stomach und lntoatiiios of worms so ffootlvuly und so ouully and painlessly thut the rniui delicate stomach will foul uny incoiivunlonco from tbelr action they rocommulid itmmselvas to mothers us a reparation that will rostero strength and viaor to their ohudren und protoct them front the ilebllltatlug effects which result from the doproduilone uf worms all wrong but the trombonibt popular muslo today is often uo uunieulud with irrelevant und 1m- ikertluant bound from home of thetnorn no ley instruments thut no one is us- isliuil if the rusultu uro not ulwuys iiiohiouu thu bund of a sinull mlmiusoto town uuyu tho highway builder hud juat iltiluhud u vigorous but not particularly melodious sloo- llon as thuv sunk perspiring to thr aiuts ufur bowing solfooslollsly for uppluusu thu tioiuboulst uskud houraely whats thu next omit thi muldoiis pruyov utiswured th- luuder ooiiaultlilb his ptogrumme flood llnuvtiusl njuuulutud thu noulat i just uit through pluy- ing thut uuer not part of hib dutv a bilkht vuuth tmdoruolng uxum- liiatiou for uilnilasluit to omt uf tlm oovutiiuiuiit dopuitmii found hi m yulf coilftontnl with tho uuatlon wiiut lu thu dlstunco from thu earth to tho sunt not knowing thn tututt nuuibor of tiillus im wrot in rply i tint uiiublo 1 mtut uccurutnly but i dont belle vt thut tho sun is nuul uimugh to mutxrfuih with thu propui purfoiitiulicu of my duties if i get thiu clurkshlii lie puuuud 0 oxuinluutlon 5p liaf svrup ways of gaining weight plan to gain weight gradually gain 111 itsolf does not lnoul much unless you hovo built up musclos und bono as wot as fat oat weighed regularly every week or ovary two weeks and nolo your gain bleep long hours and take short rest perlodii at regular times during the day sleep if possible but at least relax thoroughly avoid working to the point ot ex haustion avoid excltumotit take moderate exercises uf a kind that will develop good posture and deep breathing discontinue exousulve usu of tea and iff do lat mare coreal bacon cream but- lr salad oil and whole tnllk izat vegetables and fruits liberally lju urunges und tomatoes plenti fully tbiy help lo lncreaso tho appe tite icat sweets moderately und only at ieals they tend to dull tto appe tite for other foods observe all other reasonable health nlos if greatly underweight or if thoro is difficulty in digesting hearty meals four somewhat tlghtor moots may bo taken ut regulur hours in place of threo meals a duy miss k d wash ington nutrition bpeclallst colorado agricultural college sweet and palatable mother qravev worm kxtermlmitor is uccuplulile to children and it does its work surely und promptly where it comes from violinists often wondor no doubt whence copies thu hulr on tho bows without which the most eloquent struillvarlus violin is practically voice less i he sclentlflo american informs us ihat horses are bred 111 russia fur this purpose the finest bows ure oou- truotod with hair from white horses und special ranches are maintained tor thu breeding of horses whose hair id of that color the primary sorting uf hair takes place at tho ranch from which it goes to the bloacher who bleaches the hair h sulphur it is bound up in hanks of 100 to 150 halm and tho batiks are n ready for wxiiort one honk us ually goes to u bow on arrival ut tho bow factory or tho repair room of a large dealer the hair is combed ltd fixed un tho end with shellac the hulr is strulghtuned out by meaiis uf u special comb it testifies for itaslfdr thomas loleotrlo oil heuda no testimonial of powers other than itucjf whoever tries it for coughs or colds for cuts or contusions for sprains or burns for pains in the limbs or body well know that the medicine proves itself und needs no guarantee this shows why this oh is in general use the dqnt care attitude ah u rulu the young ppl who say uey dont cure reully innuii thut thuy do not think dont euro dos not itss liutlrfureuiu to lesulls 0 touch itu it uxpi ass u rvfusal tu conaldur thuiii the girl whosi mother wurns hui uf thu injurious eftuut of itonm- think she is doing on hur health lu very likely to simp out i dont cure of course sho dues nut reully moan that she u indifferent to lllues oi un uurly tluuth whut shu timuus is that she will not liiusldir the pos- ulblllty llio dont tare uttltudo is silly unough ut best 1oshut ojiuu oyus tu iho conuuuutincuu of mw u uoiu luul go blindly uhead is almost to fprfult tlm vlalni to bo called u ruhonlng buhls hut mtilluh us thut uttltudu lu if the dont cuiu wtiiu to bo tukun llterully in nine cuus out of tun it would provuiui uvuii guiultn dugiue of folly oem of thought u is because gold is rare that glid ing has bjin invented which without having its solidity has all its bril liancy thus to roploce the klndnons wo luck we have devised politeness which has all its appearance d levis it is a special trick pf low cun ning to boueoxe out knowledge from a mod oat mun who is eminent in any science und then to use it uu legally acquired and pass the source in total sllonco horace walpato man wants but little nor ihut little long how soon must ho resign his very dust which frugal hat ure lent him for on hour young the study of proverbs may bo mure instructive und comirhohklva than tho most elaborate scheme of philoso phy motherwell he who observes the speaker mom than thu sound of his words will sel dom meet with dikappolntment lavuter ho who has no opinion of his own but depends upon the opinion und taste of others is a slave klopstock method is llko pucklng things jn a box a good packer will get in half uu much again us u bud oim ceoll the frlsnd of all buffereradr thomas 12cleatrla oil is u valuable remedy to nil those who surfer pain h holds out hope to everyone and reallxos it by stilling suffering every where it is a liniment that has the blessing of half a continent it is on sale n very where and can be found wherever enquired for his aim is always sure during a thunderstorm in thy south a large oak tree within thirty feet uf u negro cublu on a plantation was com pletely shattered the crush was tor- rlfylng the ground for quite a dis tance around the tree was broken up us if it had been plowed and pieces of the tmi were hurled many yards and showerod on the cabin roof the next morning whan the did tingro woman went to tho house to work her rnistrxms huld sympathetic ally you must have i me it very much frightened whun the troe was struck last night jonliln oh nom jennie reassured hor i wasnt hkoerod i nuver- did see no ueo in feel in skoerod after sumplns ovuh i jus said dat i k ii owed if du lawd hud ubeen ulmln at us he wouldnt umlssud us dat fur an went back to sleep i there in ay be other corn rnmovnm but you will not bo completely satis- nod until you huvo ueed hollowuyi corn remuver exhausted from asthma muny who ruud thuso woidu know thu tei rlblo drain upon htiulth und wtiuiigtli whloh cutnus lu thw of uuthtnutlu troubles many do not leullne how- uvr thut theru lu miu ti uu i uuiedy whluh will usually top this drain dr d kulloggs asthuut remedy u ful uheuk to t llmunt it hus u cuuilu kunieii u wonderful uheuk to this eimrvatlnu m riirt tf credit ii la uoll ulniost fulief to it uvurywhuro three hundred exhibitors at british empire ex hibition the cuuadum manufactures asso ciation has weil lnformud that up wards of throe huudrud cunudlun in dustries will be rupriuuntud umoug thu exhibits of cunudlun produutu which will be shown in tho cauuilluu pavilion ut tho rritlsh lmplre jxhlblllou al ready fully 0 per tent of th exhibit are on their way to london and th hutunco will bo sunt rorwurd lu the tmur futute thu uiitlre spuce ullottud to mutiufuuturud goods in tlm iavltlon hus now been tukn up und there la uvtiiy rcesnti to eximut thut tho dla ptuy of cunudlun produnlu will do full ciulit to the induetilnii of thlu country 1 im timuu to e uhowil touhiuce u very wldn ruugu of protluuls impediments and peculiari ties you tnuut mid thut liupdluiuut in your uuiih h rut hui liuionvuulunt ut tlnifiu mr rlggu oli utio ovurybody hnu hlu putiut- lurlty sluliiiniilnu lu in uimliu whut lu yiourut wull roully i um not uwuiti that j huvi uny id you stlt yyour twt wltllyoui igbt humlt why yus utt mumt wwell thut lu yum ppumillurlty illlat 1pii4iplu ullit ii ituspooll a complete line of s m p prtkluctjj handled by jas symon hardware acton deelighted was tho expression one housewife used when asked her opinion of excelsior pastry flour und wo know you would express the bamc opinion over every piece of baking in which you had used lxcclsior brand flour ask rem and be suke you get excelsior brand pastry flour d h lindsay mill street acton ontario story of a salesmans success a salesman 3 years of nc came to our office nine yean ago to take up a new lino of business a line against which ho had been prejudiced but which he knew carried great rewards for tho success ful his uvorago commissions after the second year have been about 7000 a year and he has built up a future income of over 3000 a year on business already sold a we are enlarging our organization to prepare for an enormous expansion of business during the next few years wo havo positions for two good salesmen with successful records under our method of instruction failure is wellnigh impossible if thoy will pay the price in hard ork fl this offer will bo open during the next two weeks only applicants of unquestioned integrity and with highgrade references will bo considered apply to t f c walls district msnsaer north american life assurance co b04b bank of hsmiltoh bldd hamilton ontario an omission she wum four yuuru little brothel thu son rivud and great wux hui chruteidmr party usp l little old when hui and in h ut delight in tlu uny lu th t rudl snowy cuke with un oil the top then two or three wuuks lutui ulm whs taken to u wuddlug und ut thu rcptlou afteiwunu wuu do to th bride whun she begun to tut the wud- dlng cake hor faue foil and she rushud to hoi nioihor milling ut the top uf hor voice 1 ujunuiv tjiuy vo fofgultuu lku urudju neveh at the right time xuhlo for the third huvt uuothui uhooo liobby lu delist i dont father gals the idit that ulwuys chungiug your mind ie wheri you uti m sear bri keeps byes bright and beautiful i wijtm murum co chkaso ftw era cars iwma i castoria ixvkaxnxvvxvcccws mother i fletchers castoria ia a harmless substimte for castor oil purcgoric teething drops and soothing synips prepared to relieve lufanta in amis and glildrejl all ages of constipation wind oolic flatulency to sweeten stomach diarrhea refjulate bowels aids mtlie usslnillatinn of food promoting cheerfulness rett und natural sleep witllout opiates ltrlht dsllvarwl by pociai axprt rrelsht relsht ptokwl up t ui ma in toronto sldu thbtryord iitnt xaloa s ee avage and ee better writ or phone for appolnlmsn for whan you wlah to coma a d savage optometrlat a mfo optlclrn sswaga optical building right at the post office ouelph t e gibbons expert shoe repairing promptattention to orders left t e gibbons main btrekt acton jenpkavingcp h3rkmkodstva3t ttorgnro canada acton elevator near o t r station following brands on hand flour manitoba flour pa8try rolled oats oat chop oats oilcake hay and drain grain uougfat and retailed alex l noble henry awttey manager nates to ttvol1 ituitutlona always look for the ilgiuturc of csiysxii 1rovfii m tiiil liifkngr l overywhem rcconuiletiil il free press job printing is always neatly done this stores policy to represent goodtj ex actly as lo their quality to soil to hoe who know and to those who dont know at a uniform fair pilce to fulull all guaanteeg and cheer- fully correct all mis takes to deserve your confidence by always giving you aatlafaction savage co jeweller gueslph ontario

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