Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 14, 1924, p. 4

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ttt sijp artmt vte jrraa j mmur su town tcekll ot oaiarlo tlie home of the acton fkee rbess u publubed cr tliurwiay mutnin the pra we uululns uill mrct art ontario the auiaerlptlm txke u le ix f i i 4fuct pomaff i charged additional to office in tl t united slatca the dat l which aabacrlptlooa aro p4td i indicated tm the sddrca ubl auvkbtilinf bates tranaunt edvertue- uvnii ia cdlt pr una kte ncuun for first inscrtloa and j noli per una or each qubee qucnt inter loo contract dlaplay advertlse- ntdli lor go india or uure per asanas 16 casta per inch each tomction adrttamaat with out apeclnc direction will be inaoled till forbid and charged accord 1st if teleph0ne5- edilorui and doalnaaa otto llealdance of xreatdcat l thursday morning february 14 1024 editorial temporary work rather than doles tho value of having a man practical in method in whom sound common sense is a ruling character istic is seen in the administration of mayor hiltx in toronto thus early in his official career tho matter of increasing unemployment is a civic problem this winter the mayor urges that during tho period that must elapse before the opening up of outdoor work in the spring citizens provide odd jobs about i their homes in the doing of repairs that would under ordinary conditions bo done later in the season it is better says tho mayor to give work than doles in this suggestion he wisely aims to influence the citi zens to give the unfortunate people who aro out of work an opportunity to preserve their selfrespect by earning what they receive and he discourages the all- toogeneral plan of giving doles and creating indigents when possible work will avoid this un desirable practice ontarios road system wo have now four kinds of roads provincial roads provincialcounty roads county roads and township roads on provmciut roada the govern meni now pays eighty per cent of the costof ton- itruction and maintenance on provincialcounty roods sixty per cent on county roads forty per cent and on township roads twenty per cent the difference between a provincial roaq and a provincial county road wo are informed 15 that the former is thirty feet wide from shoulder to shoulder with a twentyfcer width of metalling while tho latter is 2fl feet wide from shoulder to shoulder with a metal led surface ib feet in width keeping the flag in evidence the union jack will be hoisted on public school buildings in ottawa on 28 days of each year accord ing to a decision recently of the public school board the recommendation which was approved provides that school principals shall weather permitting have tho school hags raised in tho presence of tho pupils and staff to commemorate historic ovents the signi ficance of the occasion to bo explained each time by tho teachers to tho scholars this course might bo emulated with profit by all bchools throughout canada tho inculcation of tho spirit of loyalty to country and honor to those who have stood for civil right and religious liberty in tho formation and upbuilding of our nation can bo fittingly accomplish- ed by this sano and intelligent method upon the rising generation starving germany a gormandizing contest was recently reported in germany a which tho champion glutton ate enough i sausages to feed on ordinary family for a week a later despatch records that while americans and can- adians are contributing funds for the purchase of foodstuffs for charitable distribution in germany there is enough german money in london to serious ly disturb the fur market prices advancing forty per cent on the strength of german buying other buyers were constantly outbid by tho germans lan amusement resort in berlin recently took in 150000 in ono night american money not germany marks these enormous receipts wero for food wine and amusement speculators receiving as- much as 100 for a front seat all of which is respectfully submit ted to ease the aching hearts of philanthropic citizens who are trying to raise funds for the starving ger- jf mans toronto telegram exploiting crime in a recent issue of toronto saturday night there appeared a welltimed editorial on nevspapcr stim ulus to crime in which it was pointed out that the deads of criminals are exploited in the daily press in a manner which makes them appear as heroes of romance more newspaper space was accorded to the journey of red ryan from minneapolis than to the coming of lloyd georgo to toronto and im- measurably moro than to the recent visit to western canada of the prince of wales a few days later a jury in toronto made a formal protest against the undue glorification of the criminal by publica- t tion through the press of the records of wellknown offender the effect of such readings on morbid minds will bo that in 6rder to become a hero one must become a criminal and if tho literature can be suppressed or publication forbidden we consider that proper steps be taken to do so to just what extent the daily press is guilty is hard to say but it ia very gratifying to know that tho weekly papers of tho province are not giving space to any such sensational glorification of crime forest free press a united force to preserve the ontario i temperance act i tn view of tho pronable submission of a refer endum on tho ontario temperance act by tho on tario government in the codvse of a year or so a complete reunion of all tho groups interested in prohibition in this province has been effected a recent conference of temperance workers was held 10 toronto and after reviewing with great ca the situation unanimously decided upon a reorganiza- tion of tho ontario branch of tho dominion alliance i so as to preservo all that is valuable in its tradition and history and ut the same time permit tho hearty cooperation of such prohibition workers as have not agreed with its former policy or felt free to unite with it in its work there was a nolo of restrained optimism with regard to the present situ ation in ontario in spite of lawbreaking of various kinds reports from all parts of tho province show ttaat tho present conditions though by no means ideal are vastly better than before the passage of the ontario tcmporance act one most encouraging feature of the conference was tho general recognition of the sincerity or the ontariogovcrnment in stand- ing by tho ontario temperance act and their mani fest intention to have regard to the sentiments of the people as already expressed at the polls with any notion which could reasonably bo considered a sur render to the extremists who are constantly seeking to discredit tho prohibition measure one great ad vantage of the united work will be that prohibition forces will now be enabled to speak with a single voice alberta farmers saving their surplus there surely must bo great rccuperativo power in the farmers of alberta following a good crop a dispatch from edmop4on says twenty thousand dollars a day nas beep coming in all through janu ary for provincial savings certificates and treasury offices aro doing a record business tho figures for tho month will run to more than half a million deputy treasurer nowsons theory about this mid winter inflow of money is that the good effects of tho crop are just making themselves felt and that tho people are investing their profits in this form of security to a much greater extent than fbrmerly tho proplo of tho dominion generally wu rejoice at this splendid evidence of sane and careful saving of the years surplus by tho farmers who have hadj discouraging years and often trying conditions reduce expenditures am lessen taxation- it is time tho race formoro revenue came to an end and the various governments and municipal bodies sought to lessen taxation by reducing expen ditures the provincial government has placed its hands on amusements transfers of real estate and various other things tho federal government is working the income tax for all there is in it and municipal councils have got tho reto beyond the point of reasonableness tho king government has started in on the civil service and from all accounts there is plenty of room removed from politics by tho appointment of a board of audit of course those civil servants whose services are of the least use will shout the loudest but the hard working man or woman who is earning every cent of their salary will havo nothing to fear referring to this matter tho renfrew mercury of last week says no doubt economics could be effected elsewhere by the government but probably there might be at least a few brought about on parliament jhill and vicinity for example if it bo true that daughters of ottawa plutocrats ride to office in their own cars and after spending very little time in tbo buildings go else where for pastime this ought to cease at once but it may bo that such cases do not exist at all aro mere inventions it may bo accepted as a moral certainly that if any change is made in the direction of economy a great cry will go up led by those who desire the defeat of tho government and those who havo lost something by the change newmarket era editorial notes yes tho col curfjiedcmanding a liquor referen dum is tho samo col currio who got only 4000 votes out of 85000 in toronto mayoralty contest toronto daily star promote in every way tho interest of your com munity for in that way you can best promote your own interest and do not overlook tho fact that the kind of a town you five in is tho kind of a town you help make tho town you live in a most important forecast in the speech from tho throne was tho announcement of the introduc tion of legislation to make provision to enable tho government to secure an expression of opinion from the people with reference to the ontario temperance act there has been talk for years respecting the de creasing number of horses owing to tho increasing number of automobiles a recent census in phila delphia does not verify this however it showed that there are 3200 more horses in that city now than there were five years ago premier ferguson denies that there is any inten tion of transferring the enforcement of tho ontario temperance act from tho attorneygeneral to the provincial secretary tho suggestion probably hud its origin with those who are disappointed to find that mr nickle considers it his duty to enforce the law and is determined that it shall bo respected orillla packet- hon john s martin minister of agriculture for ontario during an address on horticulture at the mooting or tho ontario horticultural association last week assured tho members that as long as ho holds office horticultural societies will receive not only sympathetic attention but something more tan gible than that this assurance will bo greatly ap preciated by thoe who aro endeavoring to beautify the homo surroundings streets and public places throughout tho provjncer it will always be regarded as an interesting item in the annals ofthc legislative session of 1024 that the first point of order raised on tho floor of tho house was upon tho question of it being proper for the new premier to speak upon a notice of motion and that the new speaker was obliged to give hs first ruling against the premier tho notice if motion was given byh0rf mr dohcrty leader of tho progressives and the- call for the speakers de cision was made by hon w raney 1 temperance- gives warning icdltnr of tin faaa intnui ulr it is reajrottubln thai whln tnuny of our nnwapuixirs publish quotations from other periodicals ory few indeed find space for any- lhli touching the situation of the tomporanro a4uso in those placet whom oovnrnmoiu control t la tho luw llrltlali columbia won tho first t im dorelved by it as a vaunted tom- lnrujita measure attar 1uotlrux tho litvinnnso nats of drink in that pro- vlnnn tha westminster presbytery de clares ihal the effort of two yoars of lovernmont alo of liquor ban boon a nrrloil oauid of denrenslun jn all llnt of icifdllmnta builnou not only hnn drunicotirinu lncrold but boollagelnb whlrh wa no- much daulomd t by tlio inuderatlonlat 1 everywhere prnvulont than over txifor white kiimhllns and immorality baa becomt u mcundu and dlkruo thoy further dnclaro that tho nlalrnw muilo by 1 1- friend in 1030 km to di- oronao in taxation roapoot for law and unlaf nlc bav bean proven to bo utterly faeand njartjied by the nprond of lawlananttafl nnd immortality tint irnsbytary urgently rwuet thu juvurmnent of ilrltuh columbia tinwilut a nonjmrtlan union invfmtiitnts tho working- of the ho unt in urltlmh columbia and im oftocl not only on mora la but also on tlm legitimate constructive bunmtmm enler- pihom or that province and tbli lt abytury raaumta tho govern men nnd ioglbuituro of th lrovlno in th hitnrrnlm of morality and tfood govern monr to lukq admjuata atapa forthwith to rectify the prcnani deplorublo and danfforoum alluntlon troylnx of quobo u conduct 1 in u vlfforoum emmpahjn lo teach tho people what to drlnv and when to drink it a few daya aco a atom wa opened in quebec where customers oould ample tho wine ajid also got all needed information and directions oji to th rlcht kind of wine to uava at nil kinds of functions and howlhey should be served a leading- montreal papar eavs it la important that the pooulo outside of the province should be warned of the campaign of rnlsre- pmsentatlon by which those interested in the perpetuation of the liquor traf fic soek to hold up the cjuobeo scheme u a bright and ahlnlng example of temperance achieved by moderation tho moderatlonist declared again and again during the recent campaign in alberta that quebec showed the most marked decrease in drunkenness i of all the provinres of canada and dangled before the electors the im- me use profits which would coma hem ly adopting the quebec plan of nlslng revenue you wrote wisely mr editor who you advlsod ontario to watch out links ers being forged to hoi canada in the thrall of the liquor traffic tho moderation lsts ar urging tho haskatoheljran government to an nul their present temperance law wtth- ut nubmullng it to the vote of the people and tho ontario llquorites heartened by the defeat of prohibition in alberta are very busy and oi spoken to secure if josslble a rep f our good ontario law iet every lover of bis home and province rise up in hu might to defeat any such effort ono who has studied the temperance question and worked for us promotion does not rteod to be advised as to the evil effects- of the free wile of uquor whether by thi government or the individual com mnn sense will teach anyone that if you increase the facilities for gettln drink morn of it will bo used and the more used the mora disastrous the con sequences and while a qovarnment may pretend to control its- sale they cannot control the consequences the writer passed a public school ut recess time a few days ago about 200 children were playing in the yard ranging from o to ix years most of whom had never aeon a barroom or the sale of intoxicating beverage are we to vote for tho cause so selfishly advocated by the moderstlonlsts and have turned up on us and our children tho tide of dissipation drunkenness und crime which inevitably follow the legalised traffic is another genera tion to be trained to drink undar public patronage and incitement and strug gle against tho temptations of thr demon aloohol or be worsted by it and be enslaved and condemned lo igno miny and degradation we have learn- d but little from the recent war if wo ever it uiw a licensed traffic to uppoal to us under any pretense or disguise as has poen woll observed selfishness la at the bottom- of th irama in drink and its use what tter to the brewer if thousands of young men and of maidens a ysar are udded to tho rank of the besotted or to the distiller if going from bad to worse they aro erased with strong drlnkt what matter to the wastrel or to the drunkard how he burdens so ciety or curses those who should be dear to hlrot the rule or selfish noa whether llohenoollorn or lco- hollo must be stopped at whatever cost und no honorable man or woman may bo noulrul in the great war wlth- ut losing elftopect on one hand nd on the other working for the neighborhood news- town and country milton david hulcheon county treiisurrr who has been 111 at his liomn in nait- sagaweya for several weeks is slowly recovering the methodist choir under tho lead ership of mr taylor nra practising gauls cantntn huth ami inland putting it on in tho near future along with other sphjtpdld musical numbers ily a unanlmotih vote of the prnshy- tery of toronto ut iln monthly meeting on tuesday thn rail from knox church milton in ilev w moln- losh of urueoneld was sustained tho call was fully signed and provides for a stipend of t 000 a year with manse and four weeks vacation there will be an oldtime tea moot ing at iloston church on friday feb ruary is the haltonpool house of hofuge at hramplon hod go in mains last week the largest number in its hfntory george uarnatt sis in town again after an illness of six wetks in tor onto he hopes to im nil right m the band win give a leap your dance tn tho town hall on krldi february 29 a alxploco orchestra will furnish music champion rukinb style the art of language is certainly one of tho flue arta writ on wofnasnr elto in a hurvoy of english litera ture and what kind of artist in lan guage is ituakln ho hud another art that of tho pencil of whlrh i m not competent to apeak but it im impossible to think of his hooka apart rum the hundreds of examples of his nlia ami often re quisite handiwork lie also in early flays wrote much r verso whlrh is full of felling und loainlcally right but which ion von vry lit tla impression in prose ho is- m rurately speaking tho central dguru of bis llmo contral imvcuusu tho prima of carlylu ihoi greater in itself ami of slronger fibre is well away from the antra from tho english prose of the past the present and tho future whllo ltusklns in its puro und clamiliul quality und in tho distinctive character or its beauty is the full ntrum uf that tradition burlington yours truly teupb1unck under hib breath two irishmen gut into trouble at tiiu factory in whloh they worked tt foramun sent for thorn pat wax cull- d into his office und mike wultod inside after the futstul interview the oral- r csm out mike inquired how ha luid got on uplendid71mild wt i simply told him to go to hades fortified with fresh courage mike went in to take hu medicine x few tulniftes later he came out looking very despondent what happened to yout maid lut t got the sack replied mike what for well 1 followed your example uml sent him to a warm climate did he hear yout said pat in as tonishment of course he heard me yuu silly idiot replied wt 1 spoka under ray breath needless expense a ttuvelllng ruali front all atlantic house tells of kit incident he observed in one uf the towns of georgia lie was seated in the walling room whoit typliu negro of the backwoods type appeared at the ticket window and uuknd tht agent for a ticket to maoon utrulght or return t asked the ugunt 8traiglitor returiiy repeated the tiogro jt yes continued tho agent u straight ticket will take you to maoon only ahd v return ticket will bring you buck here thu libgro understood at onoe huy he shouted what du yo think i wants a return tkket when im ulreudy heaht no duties attached yyhun ihllllp urooks sailed from america on his last trip to icurope u friend joylpgly remarked that whll abroad he might dlooover some new religion to bring home with him ullut be carerul of it lllahop urooks remarked a listening rrlend it may bedimult to get vour now religion through the custom house i guess not replied the bishop laughingly for we may take it for granted thai any new catlgluu jiopuur enough to import will have n duttus attached to l of llurllngtons winter population o 2 610 only 160 yelong to the hortlcul tural i joe lot y in five years these 160 members havo cjounod up the lako bank and planted tho radial park aro you a member ur vornon hray of ht catharines who has been aorlously 11 came home to spend a few days with his mother i and was taken sorlouely hi again he phad to he removed to ut joseph hospital where ho underwent another operation a very sad drowning uccllnnt oc- urred last friday shnrlly before noon whrn william campbell walutro aged four aid a half years thn second son of john nnd christina wallace i drowned in tho ukn while play ing at the rear of the canning factory the town council bold- special eeting on monday morning when a resolution was psssed astendlng con dolences to mayor is a harris family in their bereavement through death of his father at calodon council also decided to send floral offering as a mark of respect was also decided to put off thn regu lar meeting of tho council until feb ruary 18 gazette demand for bibles wldsiroad internal in the jllblu has boon urnimud among jupunasu school children by lie v t nobechl editor of the nljl ltitlnlxwj u chil drens tnugaxlni who inn do nnn recant lasuo a illblo number through tho c operation of the hlbla house in toklo lie obtalrtod nlnrioe und articles sultablo for young readers all telling about the christian lubln and tho illblo house mudo itself raspoiiulblo fur sending a copy of tbo maguxltio to 3 000 public schools throughout tlm northern purt of the country the rusult haw ttomi many ordoru from tuachorw und parents who have been wanting to see tho book but did not know jusl whom to apply for it tho now ilullntln japan says that thtp is only one of tho many ways by whlns it in txilng discovered that tho hihlo is nought by runny different classes of japanese i a fortunate warning charles said a aharpvolced wo man to her husband in a railway compartment in tho old country do you know that you and i once had a romance in a railway tralnt never heard of it replied charles in a sutxluod lone i thought you hadnt but don t you remember it was that pair of slippers i presented to you before wo wnro married that lod to our unlont you re mom her how nicely they fitted don t yout wall charlok ono lay when wo wore going lo u ptonlo you hud your foot up on u snut und when you werent look i took your meusuro hut for that pair of slippers i dont bnllovo wed over boon marrlod a yoqng unmarried man sitting neurby immediately took down feel from u aout business directory i dr j a mcniven physician and burgeon office and residence nriinr avenue and klein ht roe l phonic r dr farm acreage tredled dlulwu jan 32 the acroagn undo fluid crops in canada has ajmoat treb led mlna 1000 noarly 37 coo 000 acres ut now land having been brought under oliltlvutlon- an area larger than that of england and wales rom hi nod more than 37000000 acres or about threo- qunrtero uf thn fotal addition to thu cultivated area was ilacad under wheat nnd oats ao records of thu ijouilnlon htrmau of h falls tics dlscluan j1mmie knew a teni her wan instructing u claim in llngllsh und culled on a smull boy nam ml jimmy drown jameu alio suld wrlto on the board jllchurd can rldo thu mule if ho wants to now continued tho toucher when jimmy had finished writing can you find u belter form for that sentence y maam 1 think i can was thn prompt answer itlchard can rldo thn inula if tho mule wants him t georgetown ur george nelsh of walkervlllo has disposed of his house on john street to mr ilanry call met milton mr kerr left on thursday for denver col whore she will visit her brother mr itabt dixon edward j scott of hamilton spent the weekend with his parents mr and mrs j as beott professor a 1l mocrimmun who preached in tho uaptlt church on sunday was a guost at tho horn nf mr 12 1l ml mm during his stay in town the lashgrove methodist league will give a play entitled thn dust of the garth in tho town hall george town on monday evening february ii township clerk j a tracy is im proving in health and expects to re turn homo shortly from london wture he und mrs tracy nra spending a tow weeks with friends the firemen were culled out to a small blaxo at the public library on monday artornoon the furnace had become overheated and the flooring caught fire but the flumes wore ex tinguished before much damage was last babtiath marked another an niversary in tho history of georgetown baptist church when largo gatherings both morning and evening enjoy j the able and inspiring sermons de livered by hov xir mccrlmmon ox- chancollor of momostor university the members of tho argonaut club of the methodist church gave a sur prise party to one 6r their members k ruck at his home on tuesday ovonlng the occasion being hi birth day they presented him with a sat f radio phones after which the party wero entertained to a delicious lun cheon and a most enjoyable social hour was spent herald erin lr wullajn burden of the sixth is making preparations to build extensive barn in tho summer of 1s34 roqve jos justice and treasurer w hurchll wore in toronto lust week finishing the business in connection with the school debentures loasrs j jl smith aud iteg huurt ur leaving this week for u trip to california whero thoy intend visiting with friends he cataract gloctrla co huvo boon working ort tho ntreot lighting system in the village lately and expect to havo hew street lights which by the way will be much mor numerous thun in the post in working order in tho nour future x the quarterly orrlolul itourd itlng of the terln methodist circuit the tb inat a unanimous invita tion was extended to tho pastor itov a qui la tcvana to remulti us pastor for a fourth year tho hortlcul rural boa my of hills- burg- was organised recently with tho following officers president uuv a w uure a vice- president mr ale parry jnd vlcolresldonl mrs norman nixon he farmers uf hlllsburg community are busy teaming potatoes to hlllsburg station the urlce is around sec u bag ut wednesday evening the mem bers of the i o u a assembled at their lodge rooms tlje meeting taking o form of a social gathering for the purpose of saying all ravolr to mrs bmall a member of us lodge on the ave of her departure from the com munity miom mcdowell w m read tho address whllo mrs j u gibson u tires n tod mrs hmull with u beautiful scarlet degree pltl itev jf pedlt of oil bprlllgm hau received a unanimous call from llllls- v idrln and ltolfountulu luiutlst church and hug uucuptvd thu rail become iustor yf thusu holds of labor a very urge audlemtt ussuqiblihl ut the town hull on rmduy uveiltng whail the students of tho erin conttnuatlorwj buhool put on u debate lecture ulul oonoart the dvbutw hesolvihl tha tho study of pupers und muguitlnem is of greater benefit than books gave the students ul inturostlug sub ject the afllrmutlvu hvlng uphold by mr wm mcconnoll and miss b hlchurdson of tha oraugevlllo hlsii uchool while mr t hulmon und mltm t armstrong of the icrlu cuntliiuu- ion bchool upheld thu itagullve icunh debater ably und forcefully uupportud his side of the argument and when the time mlotutd ruch hud oxptrttj it seemed that tho opposition was ovur- w helmed but uuuh uinie buck with what seemed oven a hurdrr hut lo truck end whrn finished wft ilia uud enoe in a quandary mitwlthstujidlng that long after tho balance of oi- pm- gramnie bud flhlshed the judgos ueovr jas mtuongld of cuudon mr hoy ulndley of kverton unddr abbott of kin wre still uudecldod but at last gv the doolslan in favor of the oaatlvsvadocsaa k bridge that walks across the sea wn am all familiar with bridges hat open und closo like a jackknlfi era whoso control spans aro rulsad the tups of toworw lo permit thn putinago of vassals und still another typo in which thasa spuiih swing und on u centrul pi or but who ever heard of a bridge that literally walks across tho soat in krunre however thorn is actually such a bridge con- imctlng tho two harbor borts of balut malo und balnt hervan to be exact tho bridge operates on stilts rails at tho ik t torn of tho sea forming thn tmsa on which the structure slides ucroas the water being drawn buck und forth by underwater cables whllo this method of crossing tbo watar might appear to ba rather haxardous tho brldgu is pronounced us safe us una that is stationary the matches struck all right a small boy went to tho vlllogo shop und asked for a box of matches pres ently ho returned und uuid please mother said thasn matches wont strike wont strike t cried tho shopman irritably why look hero and ho struck ono on his trousers to prove their quality tha boy took thn matches back but soon reluned plaasa sir ho said mother sold sh hasnt tlmo to conio und strike u mutch un your trousers ovory tlmo she wants u light nose out some of uu ur uko tho old ludy who cavciud hor head with tho quilts when she wmit to imd for foar of germs wo upon tho window those nice crisp nights to get tho fresh air then wo druw our nosiu down under tho covor what doth it profit n man if ha guln ull tho frosh air there is und doesnt leave bis nose out lo breath ut ho who knows must will koep his nose out unable to walk for three months toronto lady bedridden by ter- rible rheumatic pains three uolues or dreco give wonder ful relief is now up and doing again droco goatf straight to tha root of th troubln and gives relief in a meas ure uiirprlslng even to the sufferer buch is tho cusoivlth miss a boland of flpadlna avenue toronto only jtooplo who suftoy as i did can fully appreciate what it means to bo up and around and ablo to attend hualnoaa says miss boland i suf fered from rheumatism in my ifrabs joints und muscles tho pains were terrible in fact so bad that i could not walk- und was in bed far threo months lumbago caused pains in my buck und upots doatod before my eyes i trlud ovor so many medicines with out result until droco cunt along now thanks to this splendid medicine i nm up nnd about again for which you muy believe i urn very happy 1 only hnva a little pain now and uguln which l am sura will entirely dlsuppaur us i progress with tha droco treatment no on nnotl suffer tha agonlalng ptiliim of rhoumutlsm whan draco offers such prompt rallnf this splendid herbal remedy strengthens tho kidneys tho lhujio of most rheumatic suffering aids digestion keeps the bowels open uruusis u sluggish liver und purifies tho blood it is ho bast system cleans er und health builder known and mukoii friends wherever it goes droco coutuinm no mercury potash or habit forming drugs but is made solely front horhw roots hark and loaves ot ns- tubluhed inudlclnul valuo dreco is being specially introduced in acton by a t brown and is sold by a good druggist everywhere e j nelson irmcnrcuick mtihict aoton ontario legal phone no 23 p o box iii harold nash farmer m a3 barrister solicitor notary public conveyancer etc ferryman block acton ont monloy ihnt on moiihjaoics floors d 3d sm to t p m balurdays 13 00 nmimk h g meir ristar sollaltor notary publlo oaorgatown ont dental dr j m bell d d s l d a dantle honor graduate of toronto univer sity the latest anesthetic tnr 1 u desired orlco at resldonoe comer milt and frederick street plenty of cold weather yet and thcroll also bo plenty of snow lo shovel and you might as well give up tho idea of making the old snow shavel do and purchase a new one our prices are 50c 85c 100 and 125 stoves quebec heaters good cheer heaters ovens happy thought ranges mcclary ranges etc ith w d talbot main street phone 76 acton ontario there are all kinds qt rjlour going through the country these days uut there isnt one of them that can equal excelsior brand pastry flour dont tuko our word for it hut ask nny housewife in acton they nearly all use it if better flour could be made we would make it d h lindsay mill street acton ontajuo s of a salesmans s qsttlcyman 2d yearn of age came to our otiice nine yearn ago to tuko up a now lino of business a into against which he hud been prejudiced but which ho knew carried groat rewards for tho success ful his uvcugo commissions after the becond year huva been ubout 7000 a year und ho has built up a future income of over 3000 a year on business already sold fl wo uro enlarging our organization to prepare for un enormous expansion of business during the next few years wo have positions for two good salesmen with successful records under our method of instruction failure is wellnigh impossible if they will pay the price in haid work h this offer will ho open during the next two weeks only applicants of unquestioned integrity and with highgrade references will be considered apply to p c walls oltrlot manas north american life aaurnee co 5045 bank of hamilton bldg hamilton ontario -t- dr f g gollop dd s lds dental surgeon office ovor bank of nova hcotla hours b jo to 60 bjvenlnis by appointment miscellaneous francis nunan bookbinder account books of all kinds made to rder lerlodtftls of every description carefully bound itulln neatly atn3 promptly dona wyndham street over williams ouolph ont store lodge directory sons of england lodqg vvoodqren no 302 mentina rtrst and third lrlday in each month at 8 p w in i o o jr hall members und vlaltlnc tnomberw cortllaliy invited to at to ml 8 8cutchingq j little president seoreury acton ii o l no 467 phono- cifllie 4s1 hi- 374w dr a l price chiropractic electrotheitapv 130 upper wyndham street guclph ovirr 11 yours llxv rlouio cokhutatlon 1 111- 13 r j k err auctioneer and real estate agent it years txitertonc actorj ontario bales entrusted to 1l j korrre- celvo attention from dato of llatln to data of sale list your saloa with ma hosldeilcd llower avenue acton phono 3b anton call at my exponas guelph business college offers uptodutii cuirlcul lttislnbhs htuimnraithy und hy- omlurul courod by export x- tkirldtiood loitohoi n lltudoiittt muy entur uiy dny whitu soil inkoumation v fi aiott lrlntliil j e cheevers book binder qubo 8l east ouelptt oni uooks nnd hiseslnes bound la handsome and hubs tan tlsl oovera tamos letter in nold un lublaa uynm 1 tucks und other books all work promptly cxeeuud hie old hul reliable granite and marble worku we on tnaliufauturbrs atd direct tmpurtors of all kinds of uoiiumuntal and headstone work wo sell direct to ouatomers at whuldsulu ltrloea thus aavlnir uuf customers 40 bar cent we have tho best alullunoes and tha only mechanics tn the dominion who nan operate pneuraatla tools droitorly wo can rivo references rrom hundreds f our oustumorai in toronto and other nlsoes whpre otliore uaya to have law bull in odea to oouebtv wo huvo tha urswet ufid bat stock of oranlto la dominion or mure thun uny three lers in the wosl we are tem- mat dealers and employ uu ssenta and do hot annoy or pest oustomorsj by aandlnc out istorant aents so holt lajf ordaro we employ only niechonloa it ad defy onmrotlton hamilton sons jt

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