Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 14, 1924, p. 6

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wyy fww wri iyw km birth uinuati j urfw dl t ill inllm marruffr ytc ural died al tin lumr mill hi i thureda lvt lunry 7 llii l mi 7 years ilwawi i wplllml i llrt auli hmitii at jnimary 30 ii ill ulli jf john n saturday 04 sarah amelia wife if jolm kmllli aged 71 year hail al ilidlonda cal on mon la juiiuau h 104 william k hall r nnrrl t llornh aged 1 eer ctitnisii iwajrtho iipr m ital llimlltnn kalurda ivi rusri fl 1 iury anders n 10th iiih- tiufalgr liavis- al hip homo j din ttrrf acton nnuonlnv kehrusr 11 1 lw lnlge wife 1 r william j daw cnl i yeare wordh-n- at tin- fasnliy residence church v ai ion n tuedn uruar 13 loll lxtl llarlerree w4fo if william u wnnlen in her 46th er resilience of hi ixlhmn mill sun isj lvhrunrj mclknnan- ftiioli l street ai ti 10 lit ji hu kemp urunimn in hl aolh jnir harris al cl9l ru sunday fvhruao 5 l oeorge h harrls beloved huhand of ajmi hmllh un father of mayor elgin a harris of him ilurllngton oaaetto roiwfcith on bsturdaj january 3 14 nl iteglna haek jowph rod gere eldest miij of mr and mm leo ilodger of llillahurg in his 31st dadk at irfcmwn n sunday fvuruan lo li in hr 74th year am nl laughter of th late hey harlm dnilr l i- tf teorgetown and rund laugtviar of the late rev tliomux phillip d u lre princi pal uper canada college in 1b29 and first rector of u phillip church wealan in memoriam bcott in loving memory of our husband and faqser william w cott of jalmehouae who died lvbruary 14 133 on year has massed and none can tell the loss of on we loved ao wall hut while be ilea in peaceful sleep hli mwnory w wl keep the jeare may wipe out many thlnca hut thla they 11 wipe oui never the mnnwry of those happy days when we rc all together sadl mlaaed by v7ife and 1aultt mayers in lovlnjr memory of my dear huaband william sara who died on fvbruaxy 11 1ss day or mdnnn wtitt con otrui teara of aorrow- often flow unuory kna our bjovd one nar oa whdtn ood claimod two yeara axo wife news of local import baptist annlvrmary sawlo fab thn llai hit un uoraary a rvtinn tm hold nt in hty rthruury 34 1 iminknr tvlll l hn tosaor cmr fr mimmtloi- liikiml mimui mi will i h 1 111 uy ihn thhr death of e warden hynde a irtmiln il flour l lultot riiiiti nrtuliv imn 1 nunv n thuradu tn the ivor- 11 f intgn ii ilda of arloit mr llnla wn hm of acton fn- iu yam wurtlrn of llalloti in iou nn i t ti airmail of the county htmnco commit iw for sarm in an on ha wa a lljdnt cntnnilaalnncr and ho crrtnr troanuror- if tho act on bnlr ho m nlornn an ortlvo and rtuolpiit public mall lnkvlljr htar the february sacramental sarvioa tho uuartorl communion eorvlre 1 ihc mcthtnlli t hurch laal hunday man an ttfcumlt n of nitoctal intorost tli 1 1ovr 1vanl in tho mom luff vrn a orv holpful err loo th attomlanio of leant a al iht ovonlnc aorvim ursor than waa oitpcle ton tncmlmin tvero addnl to the mem borahl roll and tho riffht hand of followahli vxtondod anrnne ihti now mrmhfni rooloil aro mr w j alcli wti rua rrnonlinff atowanl f nn ufannia circuit for ior obituaily mlth j ttntii iluriln tho th 11 hwiurdny nf mr of llurlllirt na old wa 77 j earn of 1 rtiero ull hor life llmi i nil loavom f dutikhlkia maud a o unnln m i mr or iaj hmllh vunrouvi r j rnll hl in iind hud llv oui ifa hi r hu nr hoiix ii 1 ihrw t 1 tlirl nt home imltli lllirlli stun churchill mr hint kwutkliamnr will ho i a aale uf 4ritlun alhik vn tpuraday iitli inal a niuntxr of ii ul of tiln mllnri t nto k un i 1 im 1 l in null tttw iojtm hiik r w vi 1 nl mm mm l aiinw 11a thoro la now timliik dun imd pracllrully lit n tuiidatlll for mor iliun 11 fortnluhr nab8aqaweva r j kerrs list of sales thuradny kahruary 14 gordon lirna tdmiioaltur cowa ynunf cattlo it inl iok tuoalay i chru iry 10 arthur nurao hillbur i xionalvn aalo of farm amok linplomenta houaahold thu ttrn i m01 nl ml i miih tho ii mooith hi j in jur i hi john a f mm a if if mimirft 1111 i flltor 1 l mill vice wookly mr horhtrf aullfto tiaa louaml fuim 1 f mr holtort luntiy nlnl mo lliiroln nhortiy mr tutliy had u aurroanful nucthin naln lusl wok mr ltohert murray and mlaa annl lck nali wonj marrlod hy uov j t strnchun fin january 10 mm wihiiim i rank mil mlaa juno vlaltrl mra linui hor ul morrunin inai bnlirunry ju c ii hwiu khmncr fxiuonhik ownahlp hliorihorn- hliorthiru iradca itnla trmd and clrailn yorkahlm hnca and william ni wniaxra ai lnlliij 111 cha1uk m vlll n 11 of ilriini m lroi ntltt ho 1 caokino stov klah of trafnlsn uttp artnti 3prgg ffceah thursdat yebrujlrt 14 13 brief local items st vantlnea xay don t forowt to ed tba hlrda in winter baaabaji ooncari thia rvenlnk you art invited uaka your vajantln aay what you meaua to day prin townaliip la aoon to bava a new anow plow tlus mlddla of february wlotor will aoon b over joto annahlnr m pow and evtarybody oojoya it st vnlenuna paruea will bo much tn tocua tixim evfolak- the annual carnival will bo held at tb rink on saturday eve n in wknax choir wul bold an easier nntta on good friday oveaitur acton la auatainina ita record ma an active turnip ahtppuur cmnlm the lea bouaetf tn town are balnc fulod up now the quality ot iob cood- sunday a calea and flunioa anow drifted the road tn many place aealn tb mercury col down pratty cloae to 10 below aero again on tueaday nicbt t k wanabrouxb baa been ap pointed naanr of fcrsua at a aaiary or f22 tilaoobutk council mad a srmnt to the horticultural society of j75 laat week tbe old caablonad winters are atlll in voante deep anow pitch hole and all tbe new motor vehicle markers look a trifle bllloua with tbelr yellow background the ojrtire are black tbe village of bruaaebi aold fzlom of hydro debentures laat week at par they ran twenty years and bear 1b interest did you observe the large lists of classified ada in last issue of thi fan rxsaat a lot of people evidently believe that advertising pays at the annual meeting of knox church oeorgetown laat week lit j 11 mackenzie waa elected chairman of the hoard of management seven days after tbe death of her huapand mrs james thompson of caledon laet passed away on tuw day 8 he was 74 yeara of age fergus council does not herd t hy notloes posted against etnoklnat in the council chamber there are no smok ers among the members of the council on tueaday wben the late john k- aiclennan was being burled at letrolea tbe funeral of the wife of his brother waa being held at camp bellvllle owing lo the drifted roads i lev mr howard was unable to get lo churchill on sunday afternoon there was consequently no service h 111 church aaieav ihiff of toronto addressed meeting of the women of acton in knot church yesterday afternoon with a view to the formation of a women s chrlallajfc teinperano union for aolon he lloy u oelger u a of itnekwood has kindly consented lit deliver an address at tho meeting of the yd king people league in the uothoduit church next monday even lluitslu meat has been un the menu tn u number of homes during the week patterson tbe tneat tmyi obtained a aupply from waitiwright alberta where the aovernment has been thinning out the buffalo herd it la un unuaual no incidence that jeorge hynda thomas ulatham c c bpelght and j e uoqarvln all aa- aoclated wllh adjoining properties in iha nuns block in town luty died within the past year and they were all burled in falrview cemetery the iulmerston tipectator has cbanged liands the lata propria ur mr tleorge u uhlpley having sold to mr a u anderson of toronto air shipley la a former resident of oak- vlle his father some fifteen or six teen years ago having been foreman of the oakvlue star uefore tbe largeat crowd that has attended a hoaxey match ainoa the new arena waa bulll tour yaf ajto quelph intermediate laat friday nlht diapoaed of th brampton ssjaelalora to l in the second plarott faxne tor th ohtanpionahlp of ssmladlf vm rtnom eaploelo while mra am loaning out several hoxoa talning olii 1m i mra and taper loxoa he throw aocne of the rubbtah into tho atovo a ierrine exploalon rollow ed tho ida of the stove wore blown off and contonta of tho fire ecattered about tho room the flying materlnl truck mrs ftah in aeveral places with alher aerioua eltect one ee imlnc badly injureil aflor the exploalon tl waa learned aomo ahot cun nhclli had been dump with the uapors lnt th fire mrs klah was removed to he hamilton hospital the bands mlnetrel coneert acton cuiaens hand are making extensive preparations to give the community two evenings of real humor enjoyable and timely these will eventuate on tueaday and wednesday march 4 and the very versatile programme will include a one not comedy whos who or ail in a fog a minstrel chorus hy real down south darkies nearly all members of the band vocal selections and a new repertoire of musical selections by the band everybody likes the band everybody enjoys their mualc every body will mark the 4th and th as dalea to hold priority over any other engagements in the near future mtlton curlers win at bonapiel tbe muton curling club held their dfth annual bonapiel on monday twenty rtnka with some of the crack skips of ontario were present repre anting high park and lake view o toronto qalta and oalt granites ouetph union and royal city oi cuelph brampton ayr and richmond h11l the ice waa keen in the morning but became quite sticky towards even ing the winners are as follows the mcgregor challenge cup and first prise was won by the j j peacock rink of milton with three wins and pins of is second prise was won by the zl steel ring guelph unlona with three wins and plus of u third prtxe waa won by tbe j ma t rink or ullton with three wins and plus of 11 a pleasing feature of the bonapiel wai the fact that there was not a single default young p league sieiahwde tbe annual alalghride of tbe young peoples league waa held on monday evening kind hearted farmers of the congregation supplied n abundance of bobsleighs and sixty or seventy or the young folks took advantage of the opportunity for a jolly sleigh tide merry sielgb bells and all messrs- g el switxer hroer johnston orva johnston charles mckeown weal e j murray and nlnlan lindsay were ut tbe methodist church at eight o clock ready for the trip the route lay up tbe new highway with crewaons corn era aa the objective point here the turn was made and the return trip back to the church was as jolly as th outgoing journey hot coffee sand wiches salads end cake were ready for the company when they arrived back at the church and a pleasant time was spent before adjournment ic charlo hud lived in urn mi to ii for in i ulod tm hunlny ul ko of 13 j ns a prnmltiout roalilnnt i nlng chairman of tho high be hoi i hoard and honorary irnlilntu of tho hoar 1 of lovernors of iht ioid momorlnl holitlal ho i- nu well kuoun in fraternal h 1e i elm u punt llinal of ionia 1olfio a ij a m pral prlmiiial of ln i lujilor ham dr fronrh wus a lrrmliytrian mil a i lb oral he bouihhl to tho local luwn bowllnif and curling clutw h wuh btirii at cllffonl th mm of the lat charlea french unit la eurvlved b one aon vr gooru innch dontlnt or niagara fulla ontario and tw daughtorm mrs i 1 lllukoloy tor onto and irj h c llha v aton police conri news at brampton last thursday walter thomas of port credit pleaded guilty before police magistrate moore of un lawfully having liquor he said he met an i lallan named tony who told him be was going- to montreal and had a couple of bottles of liquor to get rid of said be waa welcome to them if hed like tbem thomas took tho liquor shortly after the ofnoers came along and nabbed him he did nol pay anything for the liquor a one of 1200 and coats was imposed thomas could not pay and went to jail for three months pbmfsrtt jajna 1 bv friendly conferences editor van passe acton ontario dear sir we notice in your issue of till kjuni pases of december 37 under the head ing of modest municipal programme that a friendly conference he ur ranged with messrs lfeurdmore company respecting the queatlon upon whom the liability reals for the main tenance of th maria street bridge w would like to take this opportun ity of informing your readers hat this has been suggealed by ourselves aeveral times to the council not only verbally but in writing there are aeveral ma its re which requiro straight on ing out as between the council and ourselves one of which is tlie garbage dump behind the drill ahed in which the garbage has been dumped so a to change he course at the creekrhd encroach on our water fight we igree most heartily with you that litigation la expensive and sonie times very unsatisfactory litigation however between the council and our selves la 4ult unthinkable a our relatlonablps have always been moat friendly and we hope always will be there is no perenn appreciate more than ourselves that it la necessary for all part lea concerned tu work in ut moat harmuiiy as we are ha largest a payers in the municipality paylntf approxlmutely one rtflh of he axe there la no person who is mure anxious for economy than uuraelves and any hlng we may ask from tho council from ime to time we realise that ll la a question which ir it is going ut increase the expenditures of the mutt i clpelity ii wul cost us at jeasl ona- flflh of the total prloe for ha raaaoti that w pay oneflclh of the taxes as stated above we think to sum the matter up in a vary few words that we cannot gt along without harmony with tho municipality and tho municipality cannot get along without harmony with us therefore it la to our mutual bene fit to settle any diiter4nos which may slat at th present urn or that may oomo up in tb future by friend ly xnfaranoa and w can masura you and your trsadan thai w ops only too wlutuf at ll inm lo work in bjurtnony with our natfhbara ana q further th ttattiwitg of th mntlov polity oa a vrbom 7 tbwr aetoa oat joiiv mi i lnna a tine old umitlomnii wli hua ik n a reeldeut of acton for tho puat alx tcoii joara i naikd wwuj on hunltvy in ihe poraon of john k molennun ills death occurred ut tho residence of his eon in law mr john lalahman mill street mr molcnnnn had been afflicted with heart trouble for a num ber of jears lie contracted a aevere cold which was followed with up at tack of pneumonia mr mclnnan was native of hnlton counlj having boon born on hi father homestead the second concession of nuaaagu- weya on may 14 1844 whnu yound n ho removed to n frm in tho vicinity ot potrolea hero no resided ntll he death of hlw wife sixteen ears ago ho then removed to acton and resided on vlctorlu avenue with his daughter annie who ton year ago married mr john lelahman mr mo- ennan waa held in high esteem ho a a member of the proabylorian church a service wan held nt mr louthrnon home on monday evening revoas c stewart omeittttne and the body was conveyed to petrolea by train on tueaday morning for inter ment in tho family plo thoro william h i iajll uedlands cal william s hall orange tftuwnr in redlanda cal for many years father or harvey k halt manager for the pox woodaum lumber company that city died on monday january is after un lllnene of aomo weeks mr hall has been making his home with his son harvey and family since tho death of mrs hall several years ago he waa a native of canada anil wt nt to uedlands from hornby about u quarter or n contury ago he was on orange grower and active in the etvl i life of the community and espoclslly so in tho activities of the first baptist church mr jhall wo the eldest aon of the late robert s hall- j p wf hornby he lived on tho farm adjoin ing the homestead at hornby fo many years this property 1 now owned by his nephew mr fred wrig gleawarth he was seventyfour years of age when he died mr hall went to california about lwentyflve year ago his eldest son and mrs hall pro deceased him mr hall al energetic temperance worker and ai active sunday school man he wm held in high ealoem in hi old home mrs john wriggla worth wife of warden wrlggleaworth ia a slater of deceased ballinafad ilnrnoa tuesday march k juoalng clearing m r farm look implemnnta etc thursday march 6 john dyer i lock wood clearing aalo farm stock nnd implements tunadny march is ll hnbbs rfuoalng clearing aalo or farm ad implements i etc th pooplolui npl rooluto ihb iioium vhiclijjrc beltui onfirroit upon mnyi hlltx f toronto mho la prolyl to acknouletlgo hla na hlx hlrthiilac iaat thyrmlhy ovonlng u i nmpllmon- inry bonuunt was tcmloroil the majui and mrs hilt at danforth avonti m thmllst church an exrollnnfprn gramme of instrumental unit vot al i aoleotlnna waa rendered b tho huniinl hchool orchealru and uthirn mid the muyor anil mva illltx thorouglily oi joyc i ihfm ew nhig i inoiur their n folk mia worship la chairman x tho 1 iruyno cuniniltteo of tlm church and hupci intendeiit f the suiula h hool und i kinly int rested with mrs hilts iii tho erection of the nev t hurc h structure during tin v nlng a congratulatory address o hla wor nhl wnr road by h g llllott and at company in if this a gold watch suitably inscribed wa presented hockey match at acton rink friday feb 15 georgetown vs acton admission 25c and 15c mhs william l wohdbw another homo in own was sadly berert this week when mrs wlllum l- worden passed nway on tuesday morning mrs worden hud been in poor henllh alnte november 102- slie rallied at tiroes and would enjoy a fair measure of health for eeveral weeks duration twelve weeks ago however ahe was eolxed with unusual weakness and through great suffering has gradually grown wkf hbe made a noblo light for life roallxing that with her tastng her dovoted huaband would lie left alone hhe was given the constant care of her eletor mra michie and other friends and the best of taedicsll skill was engaged but he tired frame at last guve way and she sank peacefully into rest lottie narberre wu the daughter if the late lambert harberree ond was born in nasaagaweya fortysix years for many years the family re sided in a rand valley twelve years ago last october she married her sdr- ing husband who feel hi great loss very keenly tho following brothers and sisters survivo her dan- lei in luther horatio in new west minster ii c mrs goorbpy hill und james 1- ord milton nnd mrs william michlf ll mrrt worden of line character she ond her huaband wore greatly devoted each other hhe was u member of i methodist church the- funeral will be held on friday uiurnooii ut 3 10 clock milh wiluamj dav1h the death occurred under exoep tluimlly and und put he tin urcum- mlunoes on mon do y morning of mrs davis wife of william j davl john htreet eight wueksjugo mrs davis nd her foster daughter violet wort taken seriously iii within u duy or ao r notwithstanding- tluu everything possible was dune tot her in the way of skilful attention and careful nursing volt puasod away little over two week ugo her death was u groat shock tu the affllctel her she became worse suffered partial iiaralysls und other comilllcu hhe gradually gruw worse until monday when her spirit took its flight mr duvls the bemft husband i prostrated lu hi greut sorrow lloth mrs davis und violet were very dear tu him nd were hi only rotative on aid of hie atlantic they wore rrled in tbe old home ut norwich norfolk county lilglund un christ ma duy twenty elx year ugu in spring of 1010 mr dovuuuma tu cuiuidii from lngluml he spent u- your on the farm with thu lain amos lah on the guelph ltoud ut ttbeu lie then came to acton to work for messrs baardmaro 4 co and sent for mra davis and violet for thlr teas years hey have been esteemed residents of t h is tuwn they were members f the methodist church and found massy friends in the oongregu tlon mr davis father was u veteran of the crimea aergeuut in he itoyul irish fusiliers aod th rooplent three medals for asrvloe in lmportait engagements in terrible struggle of that oatnisftlim the sympathy of this ity la sxtended to w duvls in hla or bereavamsnt thf fwiral nj4 antaurdjor afternoon in me i lwm town of rev mr hack- wtt thspagtor of jjia homo the funeral esurvlo wna 0mss by rsv ii o tatmrmant was mods scars of jealousy on thurs feb 21 under the auspices of womens institute all ull slur lust un immnno y intorontf ni mludrama u kouth llomuncf bivr- tbrlllln- nnd odutntlng a single rtel of mirth uiwl laughter children matinee at 4 p m evenlnj ai 7j0 and ml m admission matinee toc and 20c evening lc and 25c free free 3 days only february 14 15 16 100 steel dance needles with every purchase of brunswick records at station hbtel acton ont keep heat up and price down owing o big tcduutlon of price of pncohonta coal at mines we tire ablo to offer prepared egg air at 11 00 per m when delivered viff car this la your opportunity to try hi coal in quebec heaters anil furnaces as u houneholdr you ow it to yourself to try it imtu and learn how tu reducn the ixa of hunting your hom or pue of buslnea no soot less ashes for range use a good combination la mixed pea unil boulott which wo dellvur ut 13 so er ton a saving of 13 00 lief ton over nut alxe and will give equal satisfaction when you use only nut and furnace elxo atithnicltn you are using the premium alxes und ure paying a direct tax to htstu of iunnsylvanbi on these sixes out of u 100 ton which cornea nut or pit mouth there ure 14 ton of slutv 8 on grute 13 tons egg alxe 20 tons furnace 34 tons nut 13 tons u und 10 tons smaller steam nlxe these small alxe are sold ut u loss o operator ihese facta ur glvtiu to sliow you tliat tu itkiuhi houtlng cost it is necessary for you to learn to use cheaper ooal w j b mackenzie phone acton ontario have you seen the 1924 mclaughjinbuick mclaijghlinbuick is building today v most wpnderfvil cars in its history fast pewrul perfectly controlled they fulfill every wisti pf the experienced and critical motorist they re strikingly handsome in appearance their eqiiipr ment is complete fourwheel brakes make operation uafe at every speed and eliminate skidding ot slippery pavements exceeding value has been built into the 1924 mclaughlinbuick line we corv dially invite your close examination afta inspection lianl fisher king representatives for this section oall on tihm at gb0r6et0wn or write and rev will oall on you mclean co stocktaking sale mens sweater coats at sale prices mens sweat er coata same as cut all pure wool with v neck this nukes a good house coat as well aa a coat to wear in cold weather comes in oxford lov- ati brown and heather shades this coat ia sbxs 34 to 42 good value at the regular price sj50 we have 30 coats in stock lo dear at sale price 238 white wool blankets i reduced prices now ts the timo to get a p or these wool blankets as you will get a reduced price of 1 50 to s2to per pair and save the government salo tax of 0 per cent as well buy now another lot of ends on sale saturday mclean co mill street acton ont wool and fancy pieces ays in stock in all the wanted nt uasurtment of fancy pieces to wn are alwaya pleased tu help lib any of your dime ul ties on utility and cinderella wools al shades for home knitting an excell work at during the winter months with suggestions and use 1st you making up these pieces on hajlb this wellf an absohtmthjt ov hath at greatly reduced 1ltlcld mill street acton ont miss j galbraith saturday treat wo invito you to look over our assortment of bulk choco lates m hard and soft centres nougats creams caramels nut clusters etc also a full assortment of packages of chocolates to choose from fig caramels 29c lb this has been one of our jcaddh in the caramel line for years a rich tasty mixture of figs and cocosnuf und rolled in sugar regularly 40c tb v5pudcrful value fo our saturday at 29c lb weekend chocolates 32c n a real good assortment of high grade chocolates in assorted flavors hard and soft centres und peanut clusters vou can not afford to bo without a pound or two in the home for the weekend regular 50c and 60c lb saturday special 32c tb ice cream drop in while down town and try a lemon soda or a fresh fruit sundae jco cream i uncles and bulk always in stock v rumley phone no s acton ontario special notices ir nun i i ni i m found will u i i tnnda i id i im tin ni i u r lost tl i ul ill i 1 1 11 mm dm l i found a limn mil it in y i v iuni t v illlnu m i ill 1 ill tin 1 i i rummage ball n iv kin t r inj ni i win i ul 1 111 m th lul i 11 llutlluilli hi i i- hfll ilk- llht w k lii miinli store foil bale a ill hill hmim ir mill hrt d in it n i inill in small wares will sll otiik uii i i xrly seimrnte ll al i l i it j kphit wanted ijh j auiil r un 11 hiithllshod m iiisin m mi any either full or iirl tint rlin mi neoeaanry i si th nt un ii i to ii urty ni nolnte i t iiiim 111 m ir ly to 33 2 hox it kill iltkhh wanted th ll in i muhiiih w nil like ihrrnv lwlv liinuiiili tor tlmlr vllustivl hi w ft i il un und one or kniw if i uh hy r it nun tcate with it auiw r 1 a dills ut in riinik h f alc i nl h l 11 it i k my i i mouncl ii a h i htl i wllh maw utlm inn nt ill i ihh tlsl ttner toniiilt will rxll rhfhl kit rv at onhri nur8in0 th ul itnln i wh i- i 1 i rl ni in hi ilial i ii i t rlvut i ur lug la lr in itit il i ijmii d in ui v liim wh r i ir air i nliir- i 1- rut reulrnd a until n lo 11 x 4 alton w rwtlve nl nttrrth n atlas for bale hurrnsworth nw allan ii world 4hg olor 1 mat a 1 u u gruihlo vinws ind x to lsniifni i aro unlxtund i ut in civr jiao fjsrm exehunge for aeonl httnd i vi- writer ahy muke v iawhkm k 333 s3 duuloe lload ti ft i i notice to creditors thr rrimllioru or wlfluim mk lati of tin village of arton flenlle man who tllol on ih thirty ormt day of january a i lb4 and ull per son having rlulius ngulnat hla ealata urn rnulrrd ti ur lnfur the aavtn incnui day murrh a d 1324 to send by m i aid or otherwise ullvrr to in undr rale ned solicitor tholr full nam ttllrawa and dee rlptloiim und full articular t thlf on und after the aald swenteentb day of march thu exarutnrs will pro deed lo distribute the assets of the said estuto among the iiartle entitled thereto and they imroby give nptlce that tlmy will not hm reaiionilble thuroafter tur any rulm or claims of which thiy atiil ii not iiave received notice itrnl this fourteenth day of kebru ary a d 1d34 ihahfl ij 111 ton ellkvkyek iirhwick kx ecu tors ity ii n rarmm- acton ontario their solicitor jj notice to creditors tlie rnirw of turg hynda lata of the viiiueo of arton joweller who dlel on tl e howmith day of fobruary al 19 4 und ull imrons ivavlng clalnu against hi estate tire required oil oi itefore the bovtintoeuth day of ilnrrh a d 1bj1 to stnd by post prpalt or othoiwlae dllvcr to the urderslgu e1 aollrltor thlr full names ud- dreaae utid duarritlloii and full twr tlculurs of their rlulm on and afltr the said seventeenth day of wurhi ho executors will trn cihhi to dlstrll itf iii assets of the said estate utn nr tho imrlira entltle1 thereto and they hereby give notice that they will not be responsible ihcreartar fur utiy rhttm or claims of which hey shall dot havn received not lc ixatod hi fourtihnth day of fobru ary a d 194 anmik kym1m jaiirs xt hklu nhilon uhil- k i- xeculors ly 11 st farmer acton ontaho their solultor 3j3 auction sale- shorthorns and shorthorn grades horses york shires oxfords etc the ultdi ralimcd bus bon inatrurt- c b 3wackhamer lot ss 3rd hnu la to aell by 1uhllc auction on thursday february 28 ut oiui ociiku kluiri tho following hokmrk luy tuinv rising 1 ytr iwv liuivr 11 vtuir hhqhthoitnh lancaster jilt u53 11 iiiuiiuis luncustr hu4u utdtir la munlhs tutf luiiuy of iuithi vulloy iitii4 f lirs ijilf ut fiwit muulumt suul iii 11130111 2 yit duo alru zkv br economical buying its very often quite u tusk to know just what kind ot meat to have for dinner or uny other meal in fact and it is very often quite u problem after you have decided upon what you want to make it lit your pdeketbouk hut both thcso problems can be easily solved at our meat counters our experience in cutting nitutj l proven to your ad vantage every time you buy meat over our counters we can give you the most profitable cut at the lowest prices quality considered of course we ure not quoting pricei tin- week bur you can be usburcd of most tconomicul buying if you allow u tomtcr tbyutfr cltt needs an pxcpljayi sfock oil iipsn risn to help in thr choice or a mfnu watch our windowa friday and saturday for specials y 3id 189805 3 y hithw crlmnoii mnu i4th 11111 11u 14 minithy mi j it uu jam lohif- 14 liilihthm 1atisy ith 10hnh lt hionthu mtadu coui hod tow rlf jt foot nvuii cow ulf ut foot rrd in ifor u f ut fool ruin tow lit munh 34 i i low du munh so r i turf lie 1 4 iiioiithk iiilluluu whi yoim1 r ttl i lloali lirlf i i r 1 nuintlim wjilt- h if r lird 3 ttionths li i lull li if r ii i 4 utthis 3 iutu fut 4 ht rri ruinu 2 sr 4 hlfrn 1 ya ill 1 stxvl 1 jur 3 nttelri i isllllf 1 yur ijiir 1u months vul calf hotia htutt r i yoiushlro wiw with ii tut 3 w ka till pur brml now with k iu wwuk nl un uh t tils a wuks old w j patterson corner mill and main streets acton ont i ull ll lu mu 15 murth hli b un iliui nmvrt io ls 73 ll lilm uhuut uo iliw fl liurc hr i h un 3 inniitlih old tl oul hill i 1 inlr oxf i iwu iulxliid 1 puli oxfnd iwh rth u 1uu ion limhli ii mni i oi l0 hlittli u o v l no 1 bill tti f in pilhlli ll iimh ul mini i of liomi iihr inh lb it ii fimdlhhlnit- iiii nivil jilut notnu c u iff f ti hinii i til fitlr voll itllf giulll lid ltlt i ihll positively no hrv ii j kerr auotlaiieer him 3r ail l ilamv tlnk ferry i

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