Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 21, 1924, p. 2

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h artnn 3rvre utbb thijhhlay rliihualo jl t04 a modern olftl m l make plan uko mother in i iitt uiiikv bunkwliout fnutii a rn h til tint mill i uk iii it n it lino hlic t wl h hho till 1 w lull will own til they shin ml u 11 1 hint 1 imill hi iw h nii ioi knle hi 1 lul 1 lilt rv 1 tut mil illll t ik ii ill lu- hh lot fn 1 111 il hho hill w uhh 11- lom for l tout a i uutl and if u nkiiljiif mho w nut hl d know what to ohomo 1 1 tt ill 1 i t 1 1 tiy uu nl iik a will hllfl li ii ni 1 y mtl wink at 1 till h i u iiou ami thou uu mil ii if n t iio a tlilnii 1 m i i nil hot hi iii 1 1 or mjio h iy tiny dllugh urllng an u m jimt li cur lyn wii ggrnimrannmgx 8lv 3frrr jlrrflfl 81fnrt tnry vmlvr thr flood gates rwnh ii htovau ewiii ur m jut it ik i t uloul ii mux ilx liuic jili i ymi iwn of ikmiil ho hoih onlt f y rr mhi krjaj new immigration policies olluiol which liuvi juit bn ulopt ol for thu mil im tl ii truiisportutlni uliil lolonlsullon of rtbl sotth r huvo boon outlined y ho juino a until llhlluttil of iluullgtutilml unit cohnuulloii limy include un ugroi nionl fur onnpurullon with tlio uiltluli uoyor mini ut in i ontrlliutlng to tlu trmmpoi lallon nxpouso of suloolud settlers by inoune of a loatr ciuia of intuitu unil of an outright grant in tho case of children ami muni is also tnudo that a land tjoula- munt ururtch has in on orgaulxud u thu colonisation urm of ho iopari muut of linrmlgrutlon und colonisation to ensure thut new settlor will bo dirootod to in n i u whore they can huvo thi inst opportunities if buccom und to miifoguurd thum from exploitation in the purchase prico of farms which hoy buy 1rovlslou is niudo tor enlarging th copo of iho nomlnulod paxwaua ur- rnhgnment tor tliu banallt of roeldonlu hi canada imi personally ucquulntou with parsons whom they wish to nom inate thu ugtoomoni which ho juiit boon com pi o tod with tho imperial govern ment provide for rlnunclul luuiutunoo to throo typou of ilrltlah nottlor nunioly children nuoilnutfd pcrvorua und houvdhold worker tho amount of muuh ajtalntanco 1 llniltftd in thr cuio of chlldrn who havo not r due hod their mtrvonioanlh birthday to u fifnnt not oxcuodlnif tliolr transportutlon u dnatinatlon in canada ajjiutonco mav b nlvan to nominated panwn in tho form of a loan repayable without lnturtt lint oxcoodlnv the total coat of trunn porta uon at loweat third lolawi the port of embarkation in unltud kingdom to tho rafl umtln- tlon li canada similar aaautanco in the form of a loan la provided foi housohola workers with the additional prvolslon that at the end of twetvu month from date a arrival in canada a refund of ii6 hall be made to each ornate household worker who hua re mained for that porlod on a farm in canada und who ha moanllmu atla- faotorlly paid the inatajment on hoi loan hnaiu may be nominated for a- nlfltanco under the nominated pasaafe chemo by british aubjoota already re- oldent in canada by the dominion government or tiny of it ajrenlx or by any provincial sovornment in canada ur ita asanla of particular importance la the fact that under the new arrangement per son in canada wlahtnf to nominate rutdonts of 3reat britain to recelvu aaalatanco n provided undor the oottiejooni with the drltuh govern ment neod not now be personally aa- qiuunted with the nominee nomina tion paper may be obtained from any dominion or provincial government agent and may be submitted to the manager of any chartered bank who will forward them to official of tht- department of jmmlbtatlon and col onization at ottawa who will arrange with representative tn qreat urilaln to seleot a suitable immigrant and nil in his name u the nominee lans made to single men and women are repayable in quarterly in stalment and must be repaid within one year from landing in canada loans made to married men w be f- paablo in semiannual lntalmenl and miut be completely repaid withli three yearn of arrival in canada only person who havo bon approved 11 offlcialu of the dominion government and imperial government will be eligi ble for assistance either by loan or rant the- cost of altance will bo borne equally by the dominion gov ernment and the imperial government but each ooveriimunt will bear it own expenses lit administering it share of the undertaking in addition to thi agreement with the imperial government for selection und assistance of immigrants said mr itobb we are providing for their reception and settlement in canada along line most likely to ensure their becoming sucoesaful canadians this will be accomplished by mean of a land settlement dranoh of the de partment of immigration and colonl utfon whose duty it will be ti see that daw settlers ore directed to lands whore they can havo the best oppor tunities of success and to safeguard them from exploitation in the purchase price of farm which they may buy the land settlement bmnor will be oaalated in each of it districts by advisory battlement board composed of outstanding mortgage and loan mon and agriculturists who will pas bn tlio suitability of land and the fairness of the purchase prioe of all prlvatelv owned land listed with he branch they will advise tho departmental ottlcial un he distribution of settle mant that is having regard to lixytl problems on jie number and type of settlur which can be most readily us- slmlloted in uny particular locality through their influonoa and initiation it is hopod to start community welfare uasoclutloiis in those district where new settlement i coming in hi slderuble numbers the now uruliuh is already engaged in a survey of farm employment op- portuiiltlos and will assist tit provid ing farm employment and also house- hold workers for service on tin farm the xllnlstar look occasion to point out that uppurently u nilsunderatuiid- ing had urtsmi out of reoeiit pr re lorts concerning u pre fore nun of twen ty pur omit ill immigrant passago rules from great britain to cwnitda tlc impression uppeurs lo have got ubrouov aid wl itobb ftliat the uovernmaiit is paying this wmity pui cent that in un entirely mlstuken in press i on after numerous confer ences with the steamship compunle my lepjirtiinnt was uble tu provall upon i hunt to rant u proforimturinue a above stated but without oxpenua to the aoveruuiatlt willino to help young air tlupluy was tmiklng i protruuivd tail uimii tho iibleot of his i affootlons miss kvsns who wu i pianist of ronsulerable ability j htw hud just coinpletod iwentyfivo minute of uach in he hope that he would got ured id go heme o mis ejvan be exolaimod 1 oouid just die lutenln to your puy- ingl would you like co tuwe me xdgjf somathln mare mr 0talavt wkktj4 slum vnou lnatmvntly s t look vt hltlloiiu dull iliborn init inihi jlow il furomuiim hliuggy- mx tilly knnw uhl ji 1 limnil v ry won ynt jttb wim no mum unxlimiii cot puhou thun was xinx lilmmlf h hud lritit hiuii onnugh to win thu good will of mint morgun but it hoi hdpdlduu tank 1 rom tlm rj hurt hud blinuiy rum nt oil iii omliijr of alux tin doop gulch mhi din two hoib worn us niuoh unlluo uit i wuu p for thniii to bo thu form or wmi ruwbmiod uututnrntl find un ut honied in iivniy thing tut tho hunt ilsloil iodt of i hi hills mux wuu noi nxautly city bvod hut h iinuumnu a number of uttrlhtituu thut burt luck od und not the loust of thuuu wu ui oducatlqn mora than this ho had u doflnlto purpoun and ulm us wtil us l cortulu skill that ul unou ustablluhcd him with u post of importance in tli mne ivo nboutloat putlvni with ltnrt mux confosbod lb scorns us it ho and i cant hitch at all you must hitch if you both on tho doup gulch dlgginsl oh atinounoad than the grlxxlod fuaturaw took on an oxprasslon of iluopor seri ousness and loworlitg his tonus bu looked closer into max tuilym oyns with ull your leamtu an your udu- catlon hy thorn must ho somathln nn if you got on in this world trio lioss puusod u momont und glanc- ml around as if ho wanted only mux 1 heat- what ho hud on his ml fid to speak this other big thing belongs not so much in thu head us in tho hoart xod puts it thoru i guess anyhow its thu power tu win und to ufu such nfortunate hardstrugglln onos as liult alorgun you think ho hates you but you dont know it may jealousy or onvy that makes him moan toward you but your port is to prove yoursolf so big and ubuvo all put tin ess that ha will admire and li just remember tho conditions under whlh ha lived und you will under ocand better what im talking about before max had u chancu tu speak u wprd olthar of promise or of thanks the foreman turned heol and strode off max contlnuod on hi way to the flood gate up near the head of tho gulch because ho was a student of glneorlnv this particular task ol ope rati rut the gates one of the most important hud boon assigned to him in faot ho himself had worked out the idea by which tho water power of tho doep gulch for placer mining pur poses could bo considerably increased in the few days that the flood gato had boon operating it proved to be an eo better thing than mux expected 81 he had reason to fool proud and ho ould havo been happy except for the continued bitterness of bart rounded a sharp turn in tho winding trail on hi way down to tho diggings he met hi antagonist hello bookyl burt greeted cuatlcally gain to see that pretty plaything eht my guess is that it wont bo so pretty after its been at work a spell the salutation and tho remark we both so unkind und unfair that max wu stung to quick anger his black eye flashed and his cheek flushod a ho stood fof un uncertain moment and mot the sinister gaxo directed un him by a supremo effort ho kept control of himself go- nhoail boohy hit too if you want hie other bantered rein or call mo nujnes either if you have anything to soy why say it well bart i do have something to aay hirst i want you to understand that im not afraid of you but y constant antagonism is annoying would much rather be your friend than youreneray i would rather help than hinder you u you havo u real grlev oncfl out with it wo ought to be friends lots have un end of this quibbling and hugging and be mon toll me right now whats wrong took a top forward and steady uye guxed dlreotly into the biff youths face all tho reply ha got howovor was friends indeed i see my self t and with a toss of his head the mountaineer went on his way the next morning brought info illation that something wo going wrong at the flood gato just what the matter he diggers did not know but they were certain the over flow did not rush down through tho gulch a regularly a it had bean doing anxious to loarn the causa of tho trouble max struck out over tho main dlggln trail in tho gray light of dawn beaching a footpath thut led up und around the bluffs ho followed it for nearly a mllu this brought him head of tli gulch where a duni hud been built he automatic flood gate of which released ho pent up water as often us the resorvolr ailed dark nes 111 lliuferud in tho depth of the canyon when the boy reached the rim of tho gulch unl peenyl below first hi eya sought the reservoir it was twothird full he could see nothing wrung the gute and automatic trigger the former closed and the latter nililig indicated thut ha usual outrush uflmpoundod wataf would occur jn due time ux decided at niioo that the inlnsnl waro mistaken hitting down on i boulder ho wultodfor dm resorvolr t fill and the gate to open no souuur had ho seated himself than them was a shrill cry from below that seemed to have risen from the base of dam directly benealh tho flood gate walking out to tlm cliffs edge hot u quick suu rolling glance into the gulch bottom though it wu still dark down there thlolc with mist hw plainly deluded the figure of some una lying ur ciawl log in tlio oravic of rook ho shaded his cyw bant furthat ovui and pooi more intently then ho saw thu tlguru mow raise up und tlm re cams thv oall help help quickc max ilrow buck with a jrk uttering a low exciuiuuuon it was burt morgan who culled bart crying out in a volci of husky error ho looked into thu resorvolr ugulli it wits steadily rilling tn u faw short minute hut huavy trig gerweight would drop olid the hood gato open to release un uvula nc he- of water hurling the mighty torrent down the guloh the iuuio herculean force thut could help the sjuld diggers in their work which could bit und guaw at lie stubborn ground or tos huge boulders like- pebbles along ho ruvlnc floors oould likewise bring death and destruction o whutuver living thing was in tu way max he it tod only lung enough to deoldn which was the quickest routo to the canyon bo i torn leaped lulu ac tion am tho regular footbath wound and twitted up- a devious and tortuoua way u follow thja would reaulru more time tbo would remain before the 900u gum cqpeood therefore bo atraok oat tfum ujiopej nut tr4hl down ri kmi cry tltl up fro ilm young fiikiiii im it ttitil hi oiling ml i mm t tlm win in pin k ul ul olu iii hll p hulling tin hi piltkl wmi nlulid i and go vou arc a farmer dov it wuu mi mttprnhly of yoiiiiu mii fiolll cli int furiiim in i htuly lllll 4 fuioa 11 mtrui u hundii ii g iv ninhiluj 11 wh xll in itlvn not f ii i hud l in inhitkdlng ull i1i1 lik juuiplnit uuilliig bin footing und tinn tin own houdlnng hut in tlm- 111 hint htip whlh hiiiilod him in 11 tlm- gulch lino light hi l run 11 wihl 01i0 luuiplliu ho 1 1 picking i in houhlol ilf up hn hum holh lnot off tho 1 ulllml mux 111 1 wh 1 iint ity hat fii iii- ikl itly h thor cuiight un i hulil in thn trovhti dlmtly u i bliu growled tho luipouiiillng wutorn llku honitt nngud inonntirr ull hut ronily breuk its bonds a look of iiljnit f 111 of mingled pnln und iiititu plumlliu was on his fmn a tool hug with ion touts urutiiirod undrr thn flood gut guvi nvidoniu of uvll work uttumptnd or of worito work tlmiv mix w11h not tho urt tu licit n to fultor climbing down into ho cn-vk- ho bilnt uulckly ovr tliu iirostrulf llguro ill i your uitiiii urn unit my tipck burt j lint so und clasp you i hindi tight ho dlrnctod botwuon gasps thulu it now hold hid don t lot go when i lift thn toal wus houvy but tin young engineer hail u strong buck und niin- cular limbs iuto up u hit till 1 got thut foot loosnl thortl iluiil on i up und over tho rock sllppory uu ii man max lift oil und currlod his bin- len then atrugglud ucroas tho gulch jil took the flrnt slgxuggod nourno hat ope nod a mtoap but sufo usomt of tho canyon wall tottering undor thn burden his strength all but spent hi contrived by summoning ull his pow this flnal effort lo gulu u narrow sholf somo thirty feet uhovo tho jv1 if tho ray 1 no floor hora ha sunk ut terfy done with bart morgan still illnging with doapnrato grip lo his nock deep- toned growl followed by u deafenlrtg rosr burst upon their oars thon through the orfonoi flood gato with tho force power und torror of u riountnjn tornado rushed the wut t tho rosorvolr leaping boiling sooth i tiff down the canyon with a souse of ml ng i ml gmijtudr and satisfaction max his eyes blind ml by the flying spray watched thu wild waters spend their fury in u uiw inutes h was ull over tho ronorvolr as emptied tho flood gut a drop pod tut again and tho doop gulch was jlot save for tiio rttstaut tnuttcrliil and thunder of tho retreating uvul- ancha iio turned and found himself looking into itnrt morgans fuco a face that curried loo many linos foi u youth of hs years hut the othor bo raallsed now m ho never hud boforo that ndt ull of thun linos wen uvll many indeed had come through misfortune and thn rough ways of on who was homeless you vet mr mux you sad mn aftar all i did you saved tno frnn bain drowned it was big of you yl nothln maro than id havu expactod after what you old me yoiitordr mornln i saw then right off thut you had somo tli in that i lank somo ihln bettor nod mtiongcr than hard fists an a moon temper the younj- engineer olt u julckuit lug of his pulse a stiddon wurmlng of his booo us those words woiu spoken you can have it 111 fuel you hiivo right now in tolling m an i havo more yl lint t linued as if dotormliv cluh breast of all that weighed oil ills burdened heart i wus mean to you an i schemed to wruck the llood gutw whatl exclaimed max sitting stif fly oroct but on seeing tho look i tho speakers aye hold his silence yes i might huvo dukiu it too bui or what you told ma yesterday nu the trail so i went to tbe dam lust night now x know what cuusod tjjo trouble mux interjected knowingly but i changed my mind bart hliu- toued to explain 1 was do in my best o get the louk repaired when i fall off tho boulder in the dark and gtk caught in the crovloo i wanted to make good but somehow it seems us if luck was against tno if you hadnt come along whon you did his volcn wa choked and not another wont could ho speak max with full umlcrnlntidjc in lit lower and took the trembling hand in his own its all right bart ur said sincerely t well imi friends front ntt y un make a voltaoc of a lightning flash when u gnutt storm is ruglng with lashes of lightning illuminating tht sky and thunder isasho deafening our ears wa realise something of tht stupendous power of electricity if a cut back is rubbed in the durk during hot dry wmithor sparks will often ry from it they are perfect harmless though thuy are identical with lightning rlashos and thn uruuk- llnff that uouompuliles tlm 111 is thuu- dur on u suiaji eculo in a thunderstorm the earth repre sents your hutnl and tho clouds urn tho 1 nts back the lifusauru that causes a flush of lightning muy bo 11 much us 1000 000000 volts that is 5 000000 timos greutar than thut which is used for housahuld lighting could wo collect und harness tin- powur svt fm by u single flash of lightning wa should have ut our dis posal u force grostilr than anything that dull ho produced by lilun in u famous scientists laboratory tho ifxpt- rime nt was tried of producing u iiillllouvolt spark it leapt a ian foot gap with a noise ilka uu sxplo luu of a bomb und tdimt noar ti vroqklng tho entire building this it thu hlghrst prsasllio that hits mi fu boon produced urtlrlclully uyhtilnil im 1 in hud i ho hml lift no hoin ih k lo ou iii- ojlf hll rtithfully thut i liifntlihl ii i x vhm i- i in ktitiw hut out on mm ii of mm ul i- dioiilni und th mowor ilutloilng 1 wish to i hut ovln you ny you and tho whnlt ms whl h w ittifl prosporou- thc dook8 ofthe bible i you know how ill the llibbir you once k forgot tunt 1 lot ino lull you und omumlwf sirsl write u4iy books uw know imi huv lai ood way t down sit word old tos 1 now how many lolturs are in tho orld oldr three how many in 10 word testament t nino tut throe und ifino together unit you huv ber of books in he old toatalnaiit next write down tho wprd new testament thore are also in new tstuinont three und hluo letter now multiply three by nine and you have 37 tho number of book in the now testa- tnenl of course by adding 38 and 17 you have flo the number of book in the uible any boy or glrl who will read this over twloe will not forget haw many kjpiftdjiftua- twkre in the biblpnbtairlaa 1 y v frln lonfodorhlinii of pio uilr nimbi oiugren 1 ulm try in vny i arte tin imum owoi iw kroittmiih mid lis phjmperliy t ymi und n ull on 1 like you tho vn biwl thut wo huvo oniiii from the uoll to i u fniniir hoy ih u imrk of dlxlliir- ionuud it l a dutlm thin hat 1 ti uhi yotl fully ippri 1 int tor iho aiiidniii fuiiiiiir imy enjoys udvuii- lutiim hint no other hoy in all tho world knows of you nro not a liny uood or a pumpkin roller or uny othor of dm suppiihodiy fnfitlou things somr iinlhliikliif folks muy cull you tho ii to yotl llvn gives thn tt iiosslhlo chuixo for ilutp thinking nud study for koon otihorvatlon for hiomh com- union wloi lhdh boot gift kind kvory day yo nit tul1 he votl br with viands a king might onvy nth- of clfl anly iiu und purity 1 inri thut dovolops hoth bruin iiwn health and vigor ma und sturdy hublts around you are spread tho choh ms of gods ideation of tre tbtwor flnll ainl hlllslopo lor your nm the music of tho birds und staady hum of pntlont indi school you havo nttoiidod lias nut hnnii nmroly thut of tho classroom ull the countryside your have hot uloim byn printed hooks and human instructors but ull tho handiwork of nature its mar vol and wondor yet thnro is mora in your ufa than poolry and song hard work yos plenty of it huh tho day aro distinctly your own and each days accomplishment caii bo a tiling tj prhl a nothing brings quite h ihirsonal satisfaction as to pi to plant to till the stubborn ground lid lo produce a harvosl against try ing odds tho whims of tho season soom very harsh and unfair but you by your knowledge your judgment and dotormlnntlim overcome your difficul ties by tho soma method of will and purpose of intelligence and good sense that employed by tho business meeting unit solving hi probl to imi u successful farmer boy in is ago und gone rut ion youth of onoigy and good judgmont a youth who can use his bruin us wvll us his muscled kunming is lie luhgnr tn hri followed in a slip shod haphuxurd fuuhlon it is as truly u inonh ns thut of selling goods r a counter you too huvo goods mull und it is right and just that yuu should havo full romunaratli our product more- and more tho vnrld ut lurga is coming to undue- tunil this mora and more all ou jiiu pin urn coming to realize tho im portance you hold in out narjonul limine of things more and more you will he ailed upon to do bigg nil yet bigger things us tho growing itlos und tho bpreadlng sotti ncrouch upon the land thore will yo fewer acres tu 111 hut more must bo produiod this wilt demand keener intelllgwiico und thn employment ul mure lulvmicod methods you 1 the world grow and i t my young frlands you will not full aguln x congratulate you lining p umbo red among that honor ed class known n tho cunadluu arm hoy those lemon pies if anyone hud atknd utile mrs hur in vt ii uftoi hh hud on morris 1 1 pionth it hi rouininbarod thn i lltno lljitl hci html mnl tuslod one hut iiiolli r s liiinon pha a julck ioi woyld huvo upswored for iof for nny word itoui mhi r would vr forgnl indlni mollior i uhktl if mho wu wi ii hupiihiras 1 lo ha ro lutlon of fiiiith wo nil it frequently tn hh lil fronj lutln lllllo iiirunlhnx of hltily mm murrllh j liupplnoio jrn ilolhato uoldon 1 ininoii 1m pls w fiiiouu id uppoi unity in tli miallly wexfir i in supper hun- lliirrllxx yur lo know ho rrijuinlly ntnyed lo suppai ly night itnd always mrn jawott iiiudn om of her lemon piuh for him when jh tho and of tho year hr duughtor bognil hor own pretty hhuso- kooplng oho inrrlod no more chorlshrd iircomillshniint with hor thun th 01 tot of her mothers lomou pies yot 1 iirlfiunly tiotigh for lv whole uinuthn mho i vi r mudo mm thei wem no muuy now and wondorf thlniil io think lihout unci taaliles wus iiiimiiior and both she und will wore fond of ft tilts und hen lemoll plow could ounlly walt hut unally one ontcibei day tho py hlo hour struck will wus worried over somo business mutter and onturully itttto mr will orrlod too then suddenly shr tord tho lotnon plow hn hud o fond of und flow to tho kit- him thu surprhio would miroly 1 limn too complicated moloru household linpi vi iimuiih ur uppii in to i by tho lultlnlol hut to tl tim itlighlntk 1 uioy numotlmih iov dlmournglng mte flotilon wuu hiiiw lug imi thu tow niiild who hut ugr 1 to murk for foiu dollum w u th onvoillfll 1 r of imr up to daj iilib it now hir ry jiihk 1 l hi h i 1v hi 11 miv nuing iho wll i 1 u now toil ul i lillr i tl how v 11 how tu put it i 1 tn and iiiim lo u ii nlld im ul uiul 1 it h h4llri of in 1 will ho hop plncuiilf ii 1 bin ilim ui ph jti thut tikru ii nut loo mi i unvj humlwoild 111 iii iu ii wii fill potlltll li 1 r i jlu imiuniiol l minn s ptnilk i hivo u putont illh unulii u poituiutlnr- loffupot unit 1111 nut iuitlo iilflur u an 11 inu iliinly hov to ipumj ull ioji hi- how to rnuko ilowo funny t h muni hnvo troo ilollur u inn hho voi tiki ininh vnrk hli till an overdose of interest enough is us good a u feast and m much is a wearisome surfeit be on object of interest is ploung the vanity but carried to excess becomes boredom to the flesh mple or such a condition i gwvti by a b w marsh in holiday wan do rings in madeira boon after our arrival ut the inn o uoavonturu not u child within th rudlus of miles but hourd of our ad vent and run walked crawled or roll ed or howled until it wuu carried inivo a look at us they came ui literally oaf down 111 front of tl hostelry and absolutely refused loave us was very embarrassing for x round it impossible to move a st without being followed at a respecirul distance by uh urmy of juvenile we went to church so did the chlldi we went lb the stable so did the hlldron we went up the road und down tho road so did the children whoii we walked they walked when we mil they run when wa stopped they stopped it wu my rtmt experience of being shadowed and i did not like it it wus impossible to got angry for tho wore vary qulot maintaining almost absolute s han is us they dogged oil stops at lost uftor u protruded rambli a gut back to the lull but wa did not lose the children they calmly re utnod their sejitsl round tha door- wnys with an xprloo which seem d to aay utrangor do not vtit 111 ften and therwforv we intend to liuvi our nil now you lire here we suod this for three or four hours hut ut lost tho continued pro son co and the thought that porhapl they would remain uutslda all night wore on u so that wo decided to tako up a collection to buy up the loss tho children were holding of the giotliul wo subscribed all our ttpur small ohuugrf und gavjkmathlng to each tihlld on he condition that they would go home immediately it worked ud- lnlrablyfor a time wir un hour wo woie loft to uur- selvss then thu iisw sproud of oui goiiuroslty und from ull slds children trooped to ho inn the plare was alive with them und they brought their parents besides to have bought up tho lot would have rulttod every mini of us wu had to grin und boar it afm tha hoiiso wus shut up w could still hour thu visitors koeplnu vigil outlde u8ino 3t pens at a time hlgnlng hi documents at tho sumo lime using iwiuityona puns for tho purpose soein inilkksslbla but ill u mull uinua lu now york tho consul- lorwt uf argentina lupldly slguud twentyone ut u time the new short term notes his govurmnont is offering in that market this wo done by u newly invented est uf bollborne trio- t ion loss machinery with twenty foun tain pens attached ay uoluo nixed with the masts r pen used by the writer thus a person with a- noniu ui euvvn or eight lottera ihay sign 13000 ur 1 if 000 pjnesj att boutw pie turiw out perfect llttlo 11 willwho wuu only a girl could rooly wult for muggu to bring it nt illntior thn i night hho cast ii implmnt gluir across thu table uit glincn hung puralysod by tlio look upon hor hushundw face is thut a loin on plot he asked why yos will just like mother ills wife answered if there is anything upon the face of the earth that i abomlnato h replied it is lemon pies i always hnvo i ute them all last yoar for ova of you hetty but ill be hangod if 1 ii touch one in my own houso var a moment thoro was silence all uwful sllouco then suddenly thay hot begun to laugh you poor boyl botty cried through tho laughter oh ybu poor boyl than she rang for maggie maggie she askod do you people like lemon plet indade an ave do that maggja responded 1 think mrs will said till strug gling for com pos um you may take this on neither mr harclhee nor i euro for uny after all you may tiring u soma olives and wafers misplaced vigilance fcvtiry spring devastating forest fires monuoed what was known a tho band klvor region therefore this otherwise doslrable proporty was imitopular wltlr tho more prosperous clans of farmer tempted however by tha low valua tion of this precariously situated land a numlier of adventurous and optimis tic souls settled hopefully in thi n ro sea r rod district among them wus x11 v i or ta horde kor thrao year iiabordos dwelling oscapod tha unnuul flumo but the fourth yoar found him r oporto i among the sttfforers did you lose muchr usked a pros pective customer dubiously examining itm krone lima ns load of badly charred stove wood wall i to you how eat eas chuck led xavlor with a twinkle in hi black oye dose rtro veil sum bad joke lion ma hall right you ink for hour about dal hoy mo i am see hor approach dose beetf ftih dare oes smoke hon top smoke huh bottom dare 00a smoke bo- hln dor 00s smoke blfforo smoke uyerwhora you ua look clndalra eos all up spark oes tly dawn flame 00s rush ulong oasl west port south an souteust 00 maybe by gar me ill ham 11 oval re boo hotting luk dutl monsieur wat shall i dot hhutl iloso mon bee clothes of mo dose boon i loso ma bed ma chair ma deesh dosa so expo naive- flour t but io mon- sloiir dose home of mo mue go but hall wat 00 hlnside dose i weal pre serve hull day ma fren me i ham move dose chalr dose bod doso tronk firs one pi firs hon itoddalro plus hull day i ham right dose nro i ham jomp hon doo spark ddso flame dose clndalra fer houty unohalf hour of tio night i um sloop mo an wat oos go for hup monsieur r mela bon dose small half hour dose bed doso chair dose tronk doso beau she oos cutish himself hon nro bhe oes burn herself duwiw mo j bajii hoxclulm hall hall ees woutl ma house ota chair ma bed dose flour doso bean dose mo be clothes of me haliol monsieur to reach torn town i mus proceed for pas dose plass wr i ham louvo ma house monsieur wut you tlnkt wat you bopposot here no one beeff joke on xavier luborde do huuso oes novalra touch doss rirol ho monsieur dat ees how i ruak to lose dose furniture ah save dose home df hiasolf was willing to denv himself lie was a good little boy and very thoughtful it wo during a long spell of dry weuthor und he had heard of the great scarcity of water through out tho country ho auiio to his mother uid sllppod his hand into hor matntna he said is it true lliat lu soma place tho little boys and girl have scarcely enough water o drink v that is whu t tho papers say m dear mum nm he pruntly said id llko to give ull somothlll for those poor little boys and girls 111 mother guve him u fond 00k yes dear and whut would you ilk to give up msinmu ho uuld 111 ills earnest way m long us tho wutur 1 so vary very scarce i thing i ought lo glvo up being washed intentions good anywav all imlnburgh iiujiouor was o vlsltod by un oldtrly r sp 1 tuble- looklilf mun who stated ihut l hud rom to huvo his will diawn up h o lug ho prospect uf a uood clloiit tho j solicitor devoted inut i mi to driiw lug ui lm instrumi un in whit h pro- j party iihara und funds h u 1 on 1 r- j uble amount wore lisalguud to rottulllj relatives when tho lion i hud pull j many visits and wuu at length pu used with the wording of tho will the uolic iter uskad wharo iho property nti i wus invested j tho client ropl rd oh i hsvoii any i onlywntit my iiitiuou in to after im ttoad whit i would haw done for thorn had i bu n iitjii- white goods whiter k colored goods brighter surprise loosens and dis- polves all impurities from fine ox coarse fabrics by its gentle trcattnent and thorough cleansing the pattern color or fibre is not injured and takes on a new freshness encourage better living it u ulwuyu bottvr to help other i criticise themselves than it u to j criticise theni they will ballet thmiisslvfls thuy are not likely to believe yot iho wuy tu bring about i this healthy ami holpful condition of helfrrltlolsm with its uocumputtylng ro fur improvement is to show by lives silently tho hotter wy while resolutely refraining from urg ing it upon othsr it wa a high i tribute paid to u chrutinu man who is not now living when on who had known him intimately sal j he tieve tobl me tliat 1 ought to do bettor i always caina uway fnmi uny oonvorl satlon with him wuutlug to do bolter if we would do this for others ut us soul our lips tu trlileuirl und luaurnul ha better wuy lu our live a kind conductor when you found you hadnt your fare did the conductor make you got off and walkr asked the inquisitive man only get off was tho sad reply ho didnt seem tu utro whutoer i waiidai or w down tovord service every vliere at lov rates there ore j5l nutjioruwl ford sef vice stsdons la cenadt esch of umsa ford service sacks is d direct link ltmoii the ford ise sad the ford bdory eseh u m by specially trained ford m h mkilk in iivaj aper- suoa pertaining lo anvidog your ford ech cams a complots stock ol genuine ford fares which sts in every dead i with die onxinal pans in your car sod thcrdura corordixuca perboly wub every other pan every focd pan seal every ford aarvice opaiauon is charged lor o stsodsrd low rata you need txx bsigaln be cause you will not be overcharged and so no aaaus where you buy your ford or where you us u there is al ways a ford service sucion nearby ready to give you opcrt sod t aarvioa see any authorized ford dealer mmiimm local newspaper advertising combats mail order propaganda the advertising manager of one of the big mail order houses in a recent ad dress said we have a bureau whose duty it is to read each week the weekly newspapers from all over the country there is not ii paper of any consequence in our trade territory that our bureau does not get the bureau looks over these papers and when we find a town where the mer chants are not advertising in their local paper we immediately flood that territory with our literature it always brhigb results to us far in excess of the same effort put fortji in ter ritory where the local merchants make liberal and constant use of their local papers think it over mr local merchant i mi rtfww

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