Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 21, 1924, p. 3

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in 1 11 miiilmi iiif w ttt flifea she artnn jtrw ires thimihdav klilllujauy 31 1024 dettch ag vou go mulo lire world it llttlu tmor lo and lo thouglilful of ih- klti i try t mulco b1v ilttl bftl brlalit lahl r us you ink- lii world lo ixttr oa yau it- some follow union llifht your might utile letter as mln am i you iifl the full llttlo better as you i nit er aolin to nlnl friendly hand help hnni stand orlit n little bo t lor annl dack vard8 and govs if a ixrtuin urtknii rulse chick ens or other animal li kikik utxut in build tmrrth and make yurdu but whon one lias tho most important task in life t hut of roarlntf u child thoro moms to im no preparation made tho ordinary homo la oonstrtictod us lltouffh thn coming of u ilulil t tho last thins expected no playroom in provided mat ownorn nro u much afraid of children as they wbuld be of u fir discrt ml nation i mnilo aoalns thorn in hitchclass buildings if unc inknu hln child to a firstclass hotel hn finds thai hny urn more afrattl ol hln child than they am of hl jump- ln hi lhmnl bill the lark of preparation ror tlm child und attention nlvon the ablld in par ticularly noticeable tn the bank yards of towns and cities one may travel all day lonff und scarcely nee a piece of apparatus that i constructed am erected for the entertainment and ex orclso of the children all over the t town the back yards am deeply sodd ed und the on men t walks nm kept wall brushed the whole bins seems to have pit it a slti erected especially for thn iwiys keep off thn truss and go to the devil thn streets however are full of tho children thn sidewalk ure kutlntf rinks tho pavements are marble board tho vacant ts among tho tin cans and waste paper arc the ball park the alloys with their mud and filth are schools of crime and vice ad eoon am tho child roes into the street the parents have loat all con trol of him the child oplects hta own common lona ha find hla own pastime ha issarns his own way and often that way leada downward the vilest child in the neighborhood la always found in the street little stria of tender agn are allowed to run for block around their hopie thim situation 1 becomlnjf more and more the rule it la a wonder that acorea more or children are no slain every month by the automobile and the heavy truck and wtconi that pass through the streets a apodal t provi dence mml aurely watcb over the childhood of today it la perfectly reasonable and easily i possible to equip an ordinary bank yard ao that a child will find it the moat attractive plaoo in the neigh borhood tlopa swing- can be put ceatnes that arts inexpensive and eaally constructed the larva wooden swings are now made at u low coat teeter board sliding board lumlna bora and playground can be provided with email expense and this ought to be dona while the small parks are great blessing to those portions of the city where they are located they can not reach more than a small proportion of the children parents of the boys and sir is ought to mako the back yard the physical salvation or the chlldre melbourne p ooynton ondlnjf hltr f uiiyonu thofn for i aorvod it he i a ouaincas proposition w both or whh it thv or tnl in thin a wlt lul 1 littl inn l tho nliilloi a imykn hot ill kindly pii for thn trip thin iitikipnhuuldoi i clmmtn wim dnwi tiiiifnl1 by hln tw uwrcikii rurrlod 111 1atil hd lit over uimih hxitfim lhi hot lu to i lr or ih nl h lintot i hlly n nolle d vnr hitppo hunk ymil until lhy mood id father who im nli t it tlilnif lliu rd ihii in uhputd thank yout i tltcy hflpod him iihoit a fw inhinlw lul hi tho ion tmlo mtuiloi afli- jul in favor of niimn f ihoiniuil onlltloim thut riiiumond jinn tn a nyniiiithntl intorant lr no nrirfttl ulitiliiiil of hymnon viuld ijrittooil that llnry j viiumn i in- aliikliiu vmiffollni iimi produrod w iiilly uiiitit book yot it iihi u tml in hi work unl lu not bo liuml amu it i uni inlo boliik not r xoiun truvall of hnjrlt on tlii pint f it ioiillor 1 1 1 i not k now ii umontf rim ten at irvanunllntn but lu ealig liuforn ho utt th criulli- and on n a throu n rnutfh hut nut illnlpnlod youth ami ulll into i lm ll- iv life of thn tfiuiil thioucli thi n imi i door of uniitf ho m inn i rivl nil ift friendship when life druwn near unto 1 and iurw jrou dull and brlsht when troublos oft u liurdeit and darkness ubudus tho llsht whon many friends have puod awuy no mora to grout with lovliiff ohoiir and mrio liave failed in time of h and those most dear n lonaor tmri whon loneliness doth ofttui irnn and time hangs heavy lny by tho hours uro long um thought turnu liack to plossuns past in llfou highway how kindly then thn friendship ar that bavo wtthatood tho teat of tlmo like to the truth of that dear krlorid whoso loyo so porf- i illvlnti anil when dow friiuidn do touiji thn life with loving word und klmlly doed tho hours do take on richer glow and bring now joy in tlmo of md and when thought io seek to how bright i in fore wo entor into young with kindly r and truly blue and brings n forotaste of that joy that surely wait which wo shall sou tho home that luvu has now propurtiil when loved ones nil with him shall be ingloaldo the spiderweb fallacy among the many fallacies connected with first aids to the injured is one tha4 it la good to uas cobwebs to atop a cut from bleeding one may thus stop bleeding but the laat state the flten who was losing blood will probably be worse than the first declares professor ackertnann in his book on popular fallacies one could scarcely gel anything more likely to cause blood poisoning or other disease than the dirt with which cobwebs are infested he quotes several instances of the harm done by following this spiderweb fallacy aa a small child happened to cut its flngef with a sharp knife its father endeavored to stop the bleeding of the wound by binding it up with cob- webs a practloe which would be mors honored in the breach than the ob servance for nearly a month later the child developed typical symptom of tetanus or lockjaw it was proved beyond doubt that the spiders web was responsible for the tqischlef the dressing of wounds with salt or tobacco is equally wrong these fal lacies become so established as to havo the weight of truth with many persona but are not to be treated seriously although to unlearn is liarder than lo learn even with people who know that in emergencies of this kind clean liness is of the first importunce friendship is ulway precious whon real it becomes more and more so whon life drawn nnarunto its close and ears grow dull and eyes leas bright when friend have passed away i know it- thin has been my experience and is growing mom and more so as my years pllo up i hope i may always its favored with rlendshlp of frend who still stand by m my friends are passing awuy rapidly these days tho last one to so was george hynds ho was my friend for years and ao was his father before him i read with vory keen interest the editors tribute lo george in lost issue of tiik kjucs iltsss lie deservod every line of it and im vory glad so good a plcturs of him was publish oil j un sure many people will prise it as mary and i do hhn has cut it of the paper and has a nice little frame far it notwithstanding this splendid wrji up there are some things about george which i know about him which i think the editor never knew ho knew in general way about ooorgo as buperln tendent ofour sunday bchool ut kn church but he never knew of the hundreds of little personal touches by which he influenced tlm growing boys and girls under his care in the school nor did the editor knowof his sua talned interest in the ojiuroh as manl fested at the meetings of our seaslor and our congregation george was not brought up a presbyterian but whei he left tho church of his fathers und came over to us he came whole heartedly and gave of his time und talents and means unstlntlngly in its its he looked after the weekly offering envelope for many year and so very careful was he to huvo aver 1em correctly entered that rarely wtu there ever a complaint from any con tributor itev j w ilae who came to us as our minister away back in 1887 had u great influence over mr ilynits uuny a- good chut they hud together re specting personal work und roapou- slblllty in fact i think it was mr ilae who get him into humify school work isverybody knows of hla curuful work in the council or the school hoard or in the fall kulrwurk as the odltor remarked ha was un allround useful in th community as i said in the outset lu thn passing away f oeorge hynds i have ot a good friend and ill miss lilm very much another wav out of it f nobody had over had reason to ui cum abel lond of being dishonest but ho was us sharp a man in u liar gain us could ho found in the county whon tlm building committee upplled lo him for a site ror tho now library he was ready to sell them a doslrablo tot but not ut their price t couldnt feel lo let it go under six hundred dollars he said with ihw mild uhiitucy that characterised all his dealing with his rollow mon ii wouldnt be right you ought tu bt willing lo contri bute something for much an object said the chairman ir tho committee if its worth six hundred why not let us have it for five und null it youve given tho othor hundred um no i wouldnt do that said he lond stroking his chin but 1 tell you what i will do you give nu seven hundred for it and ill insko out a trtieck for a hundred hint hand it uvv tu you sos you nun houd tliw list of subscription with u good round utn and kind of wuke folks up to their duty htandmah valbntini3 the young fofkh huilu grout willi giolr vuliihtlimt hint vfmu hit l hny uhould liinips moro in aiuntluo huslnixs ihun thoy n now you imi think mnry utji lather uvrilliiinitiil for old rolks wu dont an u unit if you do w iwilh hnvu kint viiliutlniih which w rncolvxd in our iniiii tayn and lim thurmluy whon the yiutif folks wn talking vnlfcutlnou und vulnntlm- ur ttm nnt oiitr hut ttun id window iim maying their wimltlt of ntiwfuimlitd vuluntlno prodm t limit mury liroucht out ono altos kept iiariy und crodl for over fifty youiw mid wo faughixv and jokod ovor it n good ea hut 1 noticed u lour trickle dowti hoc diur old dlmnk us iihn i irihhod lu luoo und rohb und tlm doublit hearts ami dart which occuiud thn tnitr f tho old fndd vtlntliiu thin bit of u pontn iloscrlbe it prrftiy un iuimr ndgos d wlut t u ho sliw way lu and thnuihi to si his torn ii ml fadod nil mid blown inily whit it wmi a wnt to lawn duliity hiumkiii- n rlixtynlu it junt the very thing vulonthu yt t n of tl tlmre luigoi thn fragruii the gleam or i its inner foldm dluou tlm perfumi of a 1 of lovn tho tnllitnr htlll hovnrw oer tlm of clrundmas vnlii full preserved for half a t whlht nations strovo its crumbling leaves und flowers of ouloit homage tell fairer than nhoen of jownls or rois of tho mine hi us hen of tho riulod rosotl of orandma vulontluo she too mad rights the cook who demands a plsno goes boyond hor rights without doubt hut thn girl in the following story who was being interviewed by her prospective employer had some reason for turning ho tables as she did the mun u it his words und hurltxl tlmm at h n u way to frighten un ordlnury gh i ut of horwlts chew gumt ho usknd ami h cum hymn of hl fiom hln lllll of mm it w loucllki thui into lining clllllg i ot without neighborhood news 4 town and country lorne lrim hi iioil irimrt for juuimry in nn follows hr iv mury mubii burn ilotor dullirl iihi iran imcliult oruff vlvliin wiggins hr iii lorgo ituff tooiui wullnr isllo hwiickhuiikt wltfrd mi- inhrn jr ill itfitown wallor riirlssl hwiiikhnmr tod hurron viriiu mur- iny willi hitrro iturbaru luthrlo hr ii ituby murray tholinu druff i toy honriv id lilrod to bo tin of t for uoimj tlmo in tho unt 1 ii piuuluprintiiitf dhlttbllsli ml whon hn wu udmlttud t hvud of lio firm it wus will or umr intimation that tlm t uin or i ilttl for tii ci intuitu of hln hihtnnn whut did mr willhiiiin wunt i wuiil you lo print my hymn imok mu id um evangelist und i want you to lot mo uiy for it us i aii i will noil tliiin at my inootlnuw klld turn in tlm nioimy 1 i olivet till i got you imiid tip und tlmn if thorn in any profit i can havn thut for mysnlc it nokinod to him un nm inn ml y sat isfactory proportion und ynl bnforu ho had t hulfuttorod h know thn wor mr williams wlion you oine a hymn book it straight bualniss uld tlm pruiirlotir yoi to 11 be with oposltlon tnlpii u limn hits comnmi cliil rating its m ttmnuy no book oood duyl a llttln inquiry shownd thut ho hai illtlo to hope front othnr putillshfru und ho went buik to his work a dls- uimiolntid murt hn wus preuchlng in u llttl long ufiui wik no sir the seam and the mote little pick the village lad toy was wadliuf rough a shallow wwamjij cjitdtlrig frogs w h a sniul fa ml lug np it was slow work for tho frogs were nlmblo and exoeedlngly shy but whenever he succeed ml in cuuturins one he mads sure that it did not gut away by puttlutf it in a tin bucket that had a perforated lid he had just caught a fine specimen and trans ferred it lo his bucket when a young udy who was out for walk happened along little boy she sold dont you know it vary cruel to catch those poor little frogglest dick straightened up and looked at her hhe wore a gorgeous creation on her head and something in lf trimmings attracted his attention few more years shall roll a few more seasons cum and we shall b with lhoo thut i1 asleep within tho tomb few more struggles iictiv a few mom parting oer a taw more tolls u faw imtf tcuru il wo shall woui lib more vathkitm homk town be visit of u gruyhulred old mull tils old homo town unil uily wur- hidings right liuro in anton la i week remlndod ttm of u uhriping i came across u month or so ago ami put away among my lltorury ttvusures it heeniod so apprtiprlaio to thin old friends exportunou us ho told it to thut i decldodjo glv you ul the benefit of it undirre is the story written unlor ilio alkive bending i father had rocelvod o lotter and lyjil the family were interosled kroin old friend i grew up with pulnod in tils soft gentle voice his m is thorno pliny tiioriii 11 snt me some vlw of iity old nu town he lives thsru yet ho tiassed tho plot ure round the table there is the old building whom 1 used to attend uhuruh and butiday hchuol ono t niiititorixed live hun dred verses from the lloou of john ii a contest i won the pruo loo u llltli tsstumsnt miss ltoulai clurk was the teacher this i u pit uiro ot park where we usod to llolii summer upd snowbau on unotlui 1l winter and mali htroot im so giud ha sent it lilcture of thut thores old liias hhrtnns drugtor and bakery und hint wutkhiss ruithlug stvrnn und theres mtss mehlublo qrangors loo ureain parlor mid thn hotel and the courthouse 1 want fali of you to imik at that elm tree in the yard it was only u sapling when i was a loyund just ut it nowl father had forgottoit his roffon ills eyes glowed its ihwii furly yvurs since ive boen miok thereho said slowly forty years t just thou mother called attdntlon to the bacon and eggs that were get- tins oold and breakfasiountlnuad as lawrence and puul were starting off for ur raspoctlve oiriuss lwrenue aakl to his brother it seams a shaiuo that for forty years father hasnt bean able to get hack lo his old homo town i ive botm thinking lul father hasnt had hln vacation yot he ffot next weak weve both got good talk sbrngt no sir know how to spell dog tlyt yea sir use tho tolonhono ovory other min ute no sir usually toll tho office force how much tho firm owes nndull the rest uf the private business you learn no sir ifo was thinking of something to ask her when she took a hand lu the matter and pu u faw queries brooks cigars when yuum dlctut- ing why or nol ho gasped in us- onlshmont slam things around when business is uadr no whon tlmy morning t lay for your emiiliya gat caught in a block son no indeed think you know enough uboi grammar and punctuation to upnrc ate a good stenographer whon you g ono i think so wunt me to go to work or is your time worth so little that ho interrupted hur enthusiastically kindly hung up your things und lots get at these letters dressmaking in 2800 b c the oldest dresa makers bill lias been found lu a limestone tubm discovered hi the ruins of the city of nltipur in fakju thorn chuldoa says moculls mu- gaslne from the style of the writing utul from the curious numerals employed the tablet cannot be of lutor date than boo h c it contains a hat of ulhotytwo vast- ilunts which wuro pros4it bid to the temple by tho king reigning ut th time the inscription on the tublut is with theso word in all mtytwo vestnionts thn bill of the nple for tho irlost ut this your dutiy of tho words ure unknown i ure doubtless tuunicul urnm used tho mod bit os of that period among tho itoms ar twelve white ob of tho tililpl- eight ruttes of house of his lady on collut or the house of his lady ion pure gold collars two whltn lolms on item of stioclul intervst ore near tho end four scented robes this rem i ml u of a liussugi in ttio isulmn which kixuks of the rubes ro tlulent of myrrh and allies ami uussla it was no doubt tho cuatont in llaby lonlu to irfunit the robes us it ii to thin duy tu porslu ami lutilu thir dicumeiit is of vulu us show ing- the great dovolopmoht whlnh its tukoti iiluoo in llm tuxtile arts i chuldou ut thuo surly lwriod tli cuiillnii to l uusseil is tbe natural state t man ewli tho rural mall carrier u more ousaod for to slnglo trip ho inlssns titan hv i ttlossed for tho many i want sm to woar on my hat jobs tod its all owing to him ajuj uto trips ho jogd aloiuj right on time ho said way has wwksdv for u what do yau fejhalburn kcon0mls a douf old tudy who the motliigs hut who rutly loved munlc and dearly wlsliod hnt shn hjuui hour tho ulnglng evan gelist hn packed his buhyorgun anil uirtod uciron the fields und sung for mr it was iwn rnllos ovor plowed ground und tlio wnathor was cold but in wus not u mun who counted hard- hips whon ho hud a duty lo perform ind whon ho got to tho house the onno of duty wus lost in satisfaction tlm old lady bonding till bur head ulnmst rostnd on hi shoulder listen ed to his songs us to tho swontel und thut hud reachod hnr dnaf old r in many a silent day tho ovungollst hud moved to an other pluco ami vrus iioarlng the closa i a ng und strenuous serin of rnovt- ngf when ho received a lottor from the publishnr it wus short und sim ply said iloitnn call on us nnxt time yqp am in tho city ho uillod not ion tf afterword and n hiiown in without waiting atn you thn nisli who called horn t fow mouths ngo to get u hymn bool drlnteir tho publisher domundod he iiuhwciod that he wax and uro you the mun who lately louductod a merlos of mooting ut ulunkvlllo wisconsin agulu th answer wus yus well you itp out into die ollur room und irlvo your manuscript und order to the houd manager ami ar rant thti tiaymonts to null yourself thut old ludy you tramped in the cold to sing to carrying your organ all tin way 1 my mother ii cforlnno mm doiiuld harry iiy howard llriiff chnster mu- 1nniy tiouji wnlluuo hwiickbumit aunoa m- ui john 1ilimr will mitltulu anno muciomil ton hor erin llov j i lottli of oil city has uci optod tho chnrg of the krlti hiii- imrg und llolfountuln itattlst field und will rhlib ut lllllsburif a liio-tlnu- was hold in tho town hull nm nvonlng lust week when the i blllik of organising a hortlcul turul ho3toty in tlm villus- wan dls- hihwod und it wus dnoldod lo under take tho ur hi a list of now inom- hnrs is now being otirollod mvaars llohort ami frod moknorv bit ilupohod of tiiolr farm purchased rrorn mr a j hundley in lcrln town ship to mr norrls of klnoardlno taking in oxohungti tho kiinnardlnn t rmimory thoy will got possession or thn buslnon about march 1e on kr 1dm uftornoou hist tho matho- dlst hundiy hrhoo hold tholr annual wlolitli tldo uftur which all onjuyod a soulul hour am luimhln the basoment of tln churth mr a j hundley who recently pur- iiiumtd tho property und buslnoss from mousr lloburt uiul fred mcicnery is ijult 111 with un attack of blood pois oning ut his homo on the second hoe- on irlduy morning of lust woek the pupllrt of the high hchool hold nn in- torntlng dobutn itnuolvcd that u lurk of knowlodgn uf oronimnr is a greater hlndruure than that of arithmetic thn aillrinatlvti was supportixl by miss dorothy mliloy und miss margaret cultulchurl while the cause of the tinsatlvo whs chumplonod by miss ollvo momurchy ami ml jexslu young thn judges had some dlrficul- ty in giving their decision but award ed iti favor of tlwmrmatlve advo cate burlington repairing oakville hridjee expscted to bs opened in about two wastes kattsfitctory progress is being made with tto mpulr work oi tlm hlxtumi ullo creek brldgn ut oakville accord ing to u statement by deputy mini tor of highways tiqulro everything is going rapidly for ward toward completion ho said and in a few days now wrf shall ho able to announce the exact date for tho titrtclul opening mr hqulro wus not quite sure just when the bridge would hi roaily for trarfln but felt sure tt would be open inside of throe weeks at the very must the milton champion says it is ho pod thut frank harbor c 12 will report thut thn trouble is not raull serious but if tho bridge hus to lm rebuilt the county of j lul ton is likely to withheld its grant of i1m0o0 und do for the passing of tho dnbonturf bylaw for that umount indoilnltoly tho county is not responsible for do- rpoilvo construction if it bo fount i thut it is defective kaleidoscopic the uncertainty 11 tlm cotton market is llltimtiutait a nulnirllir says by the follow nk convorsatl twoell two lolcred town onig dlspluylnif u rtu of hlu hon liofo huisj aios inieli on lb hoard din mornlni hum ah mom hut jmi wont ha v il tniuorruttl you cant tiuvr tell ubouc dls ctittoji luurkel its llublo it k up nr llisuiibli in uii down or ll llublo to lluctuato nty life oood for bomthinq i unt do thti rig wltlujoi ive lud tilt him in sbjii tltu inunager thrort tleikurtnmiits urtd he day ion put him oit the liajunia uounter suggested the proprietor and fasten this rard on him our night tlolhos are uf such superior quality thut even ho who sc1m them uan not keep awuk when vour 8alarv 18 haibed a young fellow whoso salary hud just boon raised wus congratulated by a friend you of course im de lighted about it said the youth but il moans that tvo uit to wok tremen dously hard noxt winter oh your work is going to bo dif ferent thott i didnt unilerstand that nu aald tho iwiy my position the sumo but whon your julury is raised you uulurully uxpot to do more dont you i ulwus want my ombloyor to foul that i am oarnluif tuoro thun ho pays mo ami ovott if im doesnt rnalixti it i wunt tlm sutlsfuc- tuui of knowing tliut i urn thats why 1vo gut to work n hurd imxt year tlm uttltudu of thlu boy is in utrlk- lug contrast with thut of anothor youth lu tho sanio t it y jons salary hus lint been raised und ho complains blttoily uf hi omployern lurk of generosity tin liin nun filing id llko you to uttdurntuttd said joe und thut la that im tint going to slave for tint mlsoruhle plttunuo ho bays tu no sirl if i wus goltluic the mutiny im worth id work hard ud anybody hilt its not worth while to sweat for buroly uuough to pay your bourd bill i dont intend to nam muro than sol fho worker who goes on the prill cljilo of slwuy naming mors than ho is paid is not likely to uk employ litoitt it lu nut of such us ho thut th sucousaful mmi um muds hut tin uutlook is poor for thn youths win ute waiting kir tholr sulsrlus to h ruined before thoy loully uturt in tt work mr um mrs jus who thara attend ed tho futmral of their undo john lyons ax mount forest on saturday bml u ij wobnter port nolson has boon engaged as organist und choirmaster ut all hahtlm church hamilton tlm aldershot debating and dram atic hoclnty will v resoii t a mucatlan programme rr thursday fobru 2h ut muplehurst uchool auditor ihm tlmre will lie two humorous sketches tho loap year proposal und ills modol wife miss trflo cottar who was injured lu tho uutomobllo accident on wod- iduy ovonlng last is still at the iinu of mr and mrs joseph ander- li utul is progressing as woll un cab i oxpoctod uftor the serious accident make u duto of hundoy evening february 2 to imur lleutcol w a muckondrluk d h o ul the metho dic church tho destiny of uritaln tlm frloiidu of mr vernon tlroy will itu plouaod to huar ho in progressing fuvorulily ut tho hospital und hopes to bo out of the institution again in u fow day mr 1 lancaster returned homo un friday from u holiday trip in tho uoutli llu vlsltod all tho loading plucew in florida und also mudo a trip to cubu havana he reports tho oruiigo und grupo fruit crop ruined with frost in nw orleans on his way homo ho rumulncd ovor at wash ington und wltuosaod the fuuurul uf oxpreuidoiit wilson lust hubbutlt tho xlothotllat church of ilurllngton colnhrnted its ulxty- unvoiith until vorsury of activities in this community tho church has been mukliig history uf which sho may well bu proud durlnif ull thosu yours from a fuoblo jieglnnlug nho hus lieen making u contribution to the social llitolloctuul mural uttd national life of our community perhaps no lufiueuco hus boon gruutnr for good than the uhurah ilov dr c t hcott pastor of howurd purk mnthodut church toronto was tho preacher for th day and brought two helpful and inspiring ssuges to tho pooplo tiasottt leslies tho follhwlnu i tlm school report for jdhimry ror y h no lcrln township chins v im moarthur mnrjerln mccutchoou marshall moculg icrntu flshnr mu tl hln uuudo rr iv murjurlo hold uivn john- pi to n arthur mrkmiwn florem o john- alon thomiim allan clnti llnsdill hr iii muud micuiff kuthleou mi icimiwn viola altuit ilnctor mcarthur jr iirfalvhi altkon wllllo john- nton hr ii thyra htono lulu unfut- ihnon flordou ioallo annlo altkon hr printer hvolyu 1imrnii ilvolln iambort juinnn micalg lloyd mj- icduwii kliia maude m mcdonald tourhor oeorqetown miss io of alto vlslj- word od ut mr k worilonu lust wouk tho aahgrovo ii f o und ii f w o clubs will hold u mooting ut the homo of mr itufus hoed this thurs day evonltig major clrunt und mr ii p itwson worn ut toronto attending purllutnonl last wook mr und mrs j a tracy huvn re turned home from london mr trnry lu slowly improving in health thn imartnershlp of ilalloy a htuuri in thn garage business hus now boon illssorved und tho buiilmss in fulum will bo currioo on by mnssrs halloy halloy tho first fancy dross carnival of tli season wus hold in oourgolownw fin urena last friday evening- ovor sovn hundred were in ul tendance nml ovt one bundrotl appeared in costume mr and mrs mitchell cooper an nounce the engagement of tholr yoi est da ugh tor frances oeruldlqo mr hurry l aldrlch mr und mrs arthur aldrtrh i lopo herald aqootleqaing cunc a n uro for rijinrtimiliiic tuid boot- iriuj bimlnrxn livltl by hi tov ilnuiy wiumi omo d iihmlilo hoiitliilo wimmi luptlht i ii ruymitti utul toforntnr who yinr ugo bd i mmuriiblii law nbaorvamn iiuhiiiiii in putoimil n j hus boon priiol lo clmrlou 1 llubn ii tt hiiilmy of hlulu for hiibminslim to im mljiii ctmllduo lr wihi piopoiutlh mo i lit lb ilnltod hlton jovti- moui imbllnli tin nunto ans nutlooul- ity of tvirymii uinihllu the iuhihmj j iii iwlltical und fhtiroh arflllii- whlh r h 1 un ih itl- ulloi hln i tlm in if hn imn any idvuntuim t lulinod for ir woods plan is thut bootlegging and liluiruniilug i un im nioal title ossful- ly fouiht with pltllisa piibllll und thut llu tiffiil will be like iii ml 111- till stot light on u rut hoi kiplings recessional kiplings itoout tho lltoenilo mil now to m fouudln uoiirly ull t huroli- wymmtln in cuuuili lx nm ut omu poputur und is tiidny famoim le- jauuf tk is true iioclry ihxuuhk its themn in imiiortunt im luiitlntoiit lofty its coumtrtn tlon orlglnul strong ami lu purtu nvon sublime und t otro ml in it immdo rock wood town of duitduu hits for luu ut tin mills t quite discerning two utudeiith on ii train wom tolling about their abilities to sud and huur the ono said do you no thut liutti over thurti on tho buruonr ye cuh you son ttuil fly walking utound on tho roof of that barn no but 1 can hear the shingles crack whuu he steps on thoiu 1 agricultural uuuuuhio ustltuma after caroful investigation that farm implements havo un average life uf flftocp yours when housed but of nly seven and a half yours when loft ut lu the open an implement house nj reasonable care doubles tho ufa of agrioultursl lmplskiantp and ma chinery mr ill mowiuiums has returned homo after nujoyfug u three months visit with his brothit alox in mary1 luiid mr tloorgn hwuiiston and son who shippod sovort vary ono cuttlo to tor onto last week through tho u f o lire tu bo congrutuuttiwi uium being paid the hlghost price puld on the luurkiit thut duy mu pearl kill hus returned horn uftor u uuctoasful oporutlou for up rum ileitis in tho duo i lib ooiterul hospital tlnimt whoso rtibo wiiro rncotttly to it n from uhuruh uhuds um tioeply grutuful tn ptovltiolul constable mi- vllio for uocuilnw ull thut wro lost a month ugo mr a l ftipilros ugont ut the c n it hits boon promotod tu qoorgu town mr hqulro will bu very tnucu mlshod um ho hus boon un ttio lout ugont burn for twonlytwoyeurs and und by hu faltlifuhiohs unl k1ndly 1u- poslllou iium won tho oalnefu of tho i nu rul public thu rugulur monthly mooting- of the wctu wus hold ut tho homo of mis im mun llowul hist weok aft or tho gillut routine of bualitons wus ovof i liilurimtiug ills4hisslon followed the subject lining oovoruntuiit iteer as sutt of tlm dtwnussloit it was unan imously ugrvod thuluovummotit teer was uutholy too strong for tlm public a splendid mooting of thn hordcul- tuiul himlnty wus hold in the town hull tn host the rnports of the dologste tu the provincial horticultural conven tion litild in toronto tho reports worn uivon by ltv john llttlo and uov 1 1 m oolgnr utld woro both i roll tub u and lutnrostlitg- hploitdld hugwtliih op gardening woro glvun tim rogillur tminthly inootluu of the kiuinohu jdnlor cllrlu instltuta wsw huld ut the homo of mrs it ljurwood with ull uttondunco of twenty tho prngrunuiio ronlulol of an inutruuinit- tul by mu mursettu 0trulidir u uolo iuiuihumi by mls mury hcott uiul u impor ohlltlod would vuu tuuo u million dollars fot your future by mis dvu hliidloy aftor cutting nut the material for tlm infants layattu the mooting 4jlood with singing the national aitthe tftor which u social hulf imur wus pnt at tlm mooting of loramosa council lust wook tlm following resolution of lolouco wus punnvd this council of thn township of icrainosa in most- i lug asseiitblod desire tu place ultolt oiil ihulr hiihuis sorrtiwut tho ilh of mi harbor a memher of the cuunoll und heruby extend qisir ynt i pathy to tho mumlers of his family u tho irreprablb toss they liavo suk- to nod an oluallon was ordarod by the council to fill tho vacancy caused by ttio duath off mr harbor ngminatlon to take plaoo on atonday fnbrury aatl olsotlbn u any a wsak later milton fl ft no ii hundred pooplo uttnudid tlm hockey mutch at the urona on monduy night ilov dr dougall uf oakville and llov t il hole of thn methodist church exchanged pulpits lust hi duy cjeo h dawson hardwaro m chant has bought tho store occupied by him from m i- nixon david hutchnon county treasurer is still confined to his home by thi attack of sciatica which has incupuc tatnd him for duty for more than two weeks but ho hopes to im on irtity again before long milton is n hockey town alright es pecially when theyve gut a team that they ure not ashamod of llko the one they havo this winter the official hoard of thn methodist church ha extended a hearty invita tion to ilev t if hole to remait their pastor for another year ho i o t hi has presented sovera war memorial pictures to the publli school mrs hutchoon nee ahnln mcoib bon and babe of western canada urn visiting ber parents governor an mrs mcolbbon the latter not being i very good health at present milton youngsters persist hi making slides on the pavements thoy am dangerous to people walking on snow who step on them without noticing them on haturdoy mrs jean flem ing stepped on one of them and fell the small bone of her right arm wus cracked a llttlo above the wrist champion fooled aqain them was silence save for the scratching of pens and the soft foot fall of a watchful examiner fur un examination was lu progress suddenly the eye of the examlnar caught a student who was studying his watch with more than usual in terest mr smith said the watcher i will have a look at your timepiece if yoj h lease umlth seemed worried but he bund o i ver the wutch the other opened it unit saw pasted across thn dul u tiny slip of paper bearing the laconic legend fooled of co u rso smith was allowed to resumo his work but tho examiner kopt his eye on him and soon he thought fit tn havo another look at tho watch hut this time he did not go for the fuco he opened thn back instead and there sure enough ho found n small folded paper examining it eagerly he read fooled ugajnl tourhos u grout iruth- of thn hueious of hu tho stability of human imilllutiom upon illvlno law and tho pool ax horts thn hrltlah pooplo not to ioh sight of this great truth it rnully 1 u pmyor for docs not tho i met snvtru time reiwul tird lod of hosts im with ll yot iest wo forgot lost wo under tlm frikon umw thorn is tiloiity of food for birds above hut crust art thousands of hungry birds thoy tuunot brouk open tho leochost to ire i thut food plouso food tho bird toduy with hroud crumbs mmull grain hiiysoed und scrup of suet auction sale shorthorns and shorthorn grades ho r 1 york- shires oxfords etc c b i hn ilgnod bus boot in 8wackhamcr 2quiltig to i ull by lot 3j pill lie auction on thursday february 28 at on- ocloi k sharp thn following liollhkh liny mum rising 7 yours buy tin re m yurs hiioitthohnh ijincjmtnr jilt khirir 14 months inneantor iteiiu indoor 10 mouths hulls pansy of maple valloy hmo- 7 y en r i alf ut foot hunboun maud 2nd 101301 2 yours duo april 3g 1unuy 3rd ihonon 3 yrars urtu r months vlninou vino uth ig- mo ii months mallndu jane -1jhifj- 14 months punay 4th -lshum- lu month ohadi cowh llnd cow clf ut ftiot man i ow alf nt foot rod heifer cuir ut foot roun cow duo march 24 rod cow dun march 30 rod cow bred 4 months milking well yotjntj tattlk itonn heifer hret 2 immthn wlto imlfur bred 3 months briiiilln blfer broil 4 nleors 2 years fut 4 ntvisrn rtsfliig 2 yours 4 liolfnnv 1 year fsloer i yoar z stners rising i year naif h njonthsy veal rulf i hook- hoglnterotl yorknhlro sow with 1 1 pigs 2 wonka old pure bred now with u pigs 2 weeks old pure broj sow with o pig 3 wanks old 3 puljn hrod mown 111 march lb york now duo march 20 1 york- shim boar pine urove lodgo t81 773 10 pigs about bo tbs 0 pure bred sows 3 monthn old oxford hhrin- 1 iair oxford wort i- ul i pnlr oxfoid ovmij grltdos i flllaln lo hufihols haulier oats f0 bunhols a c no 31 hurley go foiicii pools tizrmh all mirnt of 10 00 and undiir rush ovor that amount 11 months credit on furnishing approved joint notes 5 off for cash fat catlo voa calf grain and posts cash positively no rsmrv r j kerr auctioneer phono 30 acton c o plank clerk there are all kinds of flour going through the- country these days but there isnt one of them that crin equal excelsiorbranu pastry flour dont toketpur word for it but ask any housewife in acton they nearly all use tt t if better flour could be made we would make it d h undsay mill steeet acton ontario story of a salesmans success h salesman 28 years of age came to our ofsce nine years ago to take up a new lino of business a line against which he had been prejudiced but which he knew carried great rewards for the success ful his average commissions after the second year havo been about 7000 a year and he has built up a future income of over 3000 a year ontmainess already sold v fl wo are enlarging our organization to prepare for an enormous expansion of business during tho next few years wo have positions for two good salesmen with successful records under a our method of instruction failure is- wellnigh impossible if thoy will pay the price in hard work i flthis offer will bo open during the next two weeks 1 only applicants of unquestioned integrity and with highgrade references will bo considered jflpply to f c walls district mana north american life assurance co 5045 bank of hamilton bldd- hamilton ontario bargain hunters in this community are hundreds of individuals and families onjthfc watch for an advertisement which will offer them what they want at an advantageous price call them bargainhunters if you will but there is nothing wrong in waiting for a bargain especially when the seller is arixiousho sell at a reduced price one family wants a new carpet the need is not urgent another family i6 looking forward to buying diningroom furniture it may not be for a twelve mouth one man is thinking of buying him- self a watch one woman a shopping bag another an umbrella all can be made to buy earlier by advertising a note to merchants stimulate butiinois by the offer of home uliwmovin ilnat at hpecial priced brighten up buainctu by udvertiainu uume deairable good at reduced priced make udverthiuu baiuwh dull businchb often you can tmpt ihe buyer who hi blduitf hla or her time to buy from you at a time of your numlnu shop where you are invited to shop 3 k j j sssrtlw1ivswm71

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