Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 21, 1924, p. 4

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jj y srmquucb is mwpwiw wr the home op qjhr arton 3for- jnb0 uemtxr salaetrd town wnkltu l ontario thi the acton fuee pues1 huixur njcmtiloi at iha fi kbtulod evar uuluin mill strel a loo ontario tha aubaetlplloa price u u pr yar la aiwaec ral u rlugctl aidllofii lo ofllraa in h united state tha data to whifh eibehploea are repaid la indicted lb addraae ubal iovertlsino 6ates tramuot advartu tncttli lo casta per una agate cnaaaiire lor firal inrrrlioa and 3 cn1a par una lor each- aebee queat intvarllon coo tract dlapur edvertlas- tneott far jo inclna erf mar per tasutn ift el par inch ach inmrlioo ad art aretee t with out apecuc dlrecltoea will ba usettad oil lorud and cwd accordingly telxpiiortes- editorial d ddi yaldoc ol praa thursday morning february 21 1924 editorial canada tax rate lowest in the empire it is interesting and often encouraging to com pare our position as citizens ofcanada in the matter of national taxation in 1014 our per capita taxation was 2121 last year this had increased to 42 63 in australia in 1014 the people there paid 2730 they now pay 5732 new zealand in 1914 was paying 5532 per head they now pay 96 03 south africas per capita tax today is 11106 coupled with our favorable showing is the fact that canada is making a sincere effort to come out with a balance budget this year and as well to curtail expense in every possible direction this country is in favorable position its future is not mortgaged beyond the point of redemption the call to day is for a visiop and the determination to master all the hard work necessary to make that vision come true teamplay and cooperation necessary j b reynolds president of the ontario agn cultural college speaking at cainsvillo the other day deplored the lack of teamplay such aa that which carried the canadian olympio hockey team to victory on the part of the fanners of ontario the fanner he declared- would not play the game in the spirit of team play an irksome task was discipline and all especially the fannenj were in need of this discipline they were falling down in heir market ing where cooperation was needed more than any thing else crowded markets and quick individual selling resulted in poverty among the farmers he cjtcd the success of coopcrativo farm marketing methods among the dairymen of denmark and addod that hard necessity drovo the fruit growers of call forma to unite handling the transient traders guclph merchants sent a delagtion to wait upon tho provincial government last week to press for legislation dealing with transient traders it is felt in many towns that existing legislation is not sufficiently adequate to properly protect local mcr chants from those who come in to sell goods for a few weeks and then leave for new locations evading the payment of annual taxes and escaping often witb a smaqjee imposed by a faulty transient traders bylaw and frequently without the payment of any fee by proper cooperation the towns of the pro vince should bo able to sccuro legislation which would adequately cover those whose business methods are most unfair to tho permanent business man who has municipal and buaness taxes to pay and naturally has other cbmmunty responsibilities to meet revenue bvcreaslnff debt decreasing tho net debt of canada was reduced by 4140405 in january over december and by 8 501300 com pnrcd with a year ago according to tho january financial statement as sent out in a press despatch revenue increased by 810 410 in tho month and ex pcnditurc by 2130001 in the twelve months there was a total increase of 0 050 124 in revenue ovor tho samo preceding twelve months and a total de crease of 378 345 10 in the expenditure for tho samo preceding twelve months the total gross debt of canada on january 31 1024 was 2 037101043 04 and tho total net debt on that dato was 2411 388 004 54 not the future but the present tha not so much thought should bo devoted to canada s future which is safe but to the citizens own stewardship was urged by sir edmund walke at tho young mens club of the board of trade last wcck we arc apt to measure our happiness by con sidcration of whether we are prosperous at present or not he remarked but the real mensur of a country should be whether it is a desirable place in which to live sir edmund recalled improvements over conditions thirty yean ago ho declared that it was a pleasant surprise for luropcans to drivo through some residential parts of canada on a nice summer day newsof local import secretary of aylmer fair mr k a hemstreet hnw a coo pi ml the position as hoo rotary of tho aylmar anil izabi el in kan- association iuo- cnoilliiir nnlf hradloy who resigned mr ittadlcy succeeded his father the lata junius hradloy to the position and has given faithful and efficient sorvloe aylmer kxtireee mr horn street l an acton boy a ion of tha lata william hemstreet auctioneer prohibition in the foreground the foreshadowing of another ota referen dum in tho speech from the throne last week is bringing the discussion of prohibition to the fore ground that in spite of the inherent weaknesses of the o t a and the rum running and bootlegging that seems so hard to put down prohibition has wrought a wonderful improvement in conditions in this province the unbiased observer will readily admit many of the younger generation whoso memory does not antedate prohibition may be im pressed with the amount of liquor drinking that goes on but those who remember tho days of the open bar can see a vast improvement to day anti- prohibitionists say that they would not care to go batc to tho opon bar and point to government con trol os the ideal solution government control is being tried out in certain provinces now and js working out in a way that makes it questionable whether it is really an improvement over the old open ba when weaay that conditions have iro proved wonderfully under prohibition wo are not talking at random figures furnished by tho govern ment bureau or statistics at ottawa show that the per capita consumption of spirits in canada is less than one third what it was ten years ago tho con victions for liquor crimes are less than 40 per cent of the number ten years ago what the result of any substantial increase in liquor consumption would mean with our present motor traffic would bo hor rible to contemplate walkerton telescope editorial notes the order paper of the provincial legislature contained the following question by j g lcthbndgc ufo member last week did tho present gov eminent dismiss the sheriff of halton county and if so why tho ottawa correspondent of the mail and em pire ventures the prophecy that the dominion gov ernment will not survive tho present session and that dissolution may come as early as may tho wish is manifestly father to the thought time will tell an experienced british statesman says putting the macdonald government besido tho government that has just retired and contrasting them man for man and government with government it is quite possible to say that neither with respect to oxpen ence nor ability has great britain suffered by the change the modern dance has come in for no small amount of criticism and deservedly so somo prac tical headway may bo made now that the matter has been taken up by the higher officials in tho roman catbolio church there is no ban on dancing but tho modern dances as they are known have come in for scathing criticism corel ton place can adian speech from the throne impressions editor hunter of the kincardine reporter at tended tho opening of the legislature among other things he says the speech from the throno gave the temperance people a little jar it looks as if there might be some tcinperanee legislation submitted to the electors col curno says tftero will he prom ises to introduce some kind of a booze jejea vcjl colonel you belter go easy howard ferguson fan get along without you quite easily anjd you w find this session that you will not he- avowed to run all over the pasture as you did last session toronto served notice on you last january you will b to bo good or you will ho propped from puhlic fife while ui toronto wo hc meny eapretm the feeling that government control of liquor would be the move we doubt this but one can never tell what a government with such a big majority will do wo will hdve to wait and aee the prevention qf destructive firw aniong the important recommendations made at the closing session of the dominion hire prevention association convention at ottawa last week were that tho federal and provincial authorities establish flro inspection bureaus for the purpose of conducting aggressive mid systematic inspections in oo operation with local ire departments that the dominion government provide necessary funds to continue the work of the association in determining standards of fireresisting roofing material that special regu lations be made covering the storage handling and gale of goaoufie that allrnuniatpal bodies be urged to promulgate by laws for the proper control of buildings used as garages and apartment houses owiftgr to the extreme hazard to life and property l the people of canada will cooperate in these auggeatlons there is no doubt- the number of area and amount of losses will be very considerably re duced t it would bo at all surprising if the six per cent sales tax was abolished or lessened at tho com ing session of parliament since tho new tax was imposed starting on january 1st business through out canada has been particularly unsettled and the now tax is blamed for it manufacturers ore hard hit by the new tax and when the manufacturer is affected so likewise is the working man cobourg str hon w nipkle is to ho commended for hia announcement through tho license qogrd that stan dard hotel v o accountability for infractions of tfop law hotel keepers know the law and having tjeen warned should be given no second chance a conviction should bring immediate license cancellation altogether too much has been said about the impossibility of enforcing the o t a tho impossibility is only present when the will to enforce it is absent farmers sun dr o c creclman whoso experience aa presi dent of the ontario agricultural collego and after ward as agent general of ontario in britain gave him opportunity of ormlng an expert opinion on immigration problems says cartadas chief trouble la that wo have become a nation of bosses nobody wants to work with his hands wo need more pick- and shovel men and we riecdmore skilled workmen it takes four years to make a carpenter but one does not see anyone learning the trade any more now unit tho banvum tat mambar dip in tlin horticultural hocuty la in proftre chaar jo director in tholr effort bo co mo a mrnnbor and ooouro your tlokot hamamlxy who p in n u a imh of flow era in tho aprln- aiid caraa fur it during tho multry daya nf oummor that tha ya of tho p or by may bo clioorod by bit of oolor ham h right to count hlmmlf una whoa pat riot lam woopo ftwaagln tlmoa ponco erin tanohar found daadin vtoronlo tho toronto dally papor tfcivo par llaulam on monday of a young woman being found doad in bar room at tho carla ijlto hotel on saturday aft or nixin investigation ahowod that ho wua mlaa mar ga rut dohorty of erin st c wua 31 year of ngo a toackor an i wu i r i a oocaalon i otoft of the olty chooln- the caum pr doth lg bo llnvod to have boon nnrootlo polaon lug no inquoot wu oonaldared noa aary brampton faotory fall bofor starting tho heaver truok co that tarted to build a factory in hmmpton ha gone to the wall we have no idea how many people invested in their ttofk an 1 itondfl but there were tho pooplo who advanoed uppllea for the now factory will ami tain loeaea brampton board of trade and ita ln- voatlgutors ooomed to bavo plokod rather a rlpo poach whan they under took to guarantee the good noon an 1 olency of thl truok propoaltlon brampton banner qualph ctrl marrlae qrandwn of lapayatt mlaa mary b bmlth daughter of mr frederick smith plumber of uuolph wag maniod at week in tltvf york city to capt ano plorre dr lutkayette groat grandaon of the faro- oua general the mara u la da lray- ette of prance who wm aaaoclated with genera george washington in the revolutionary war in 177 thin happy new couple will realde in new york where cant la pay ette holda an important position aa civil engineer with the united statea qovarnmanl advrtielrb tha pall fair at the meeting of the ontario aa aoclatlan of fa ira and kxhlbltlotu at toronto laat week mr joaeph d llay publicity manager of the canadian national exhibition epoke on how should a fall fair be advertised 7 in oourae of whloh he treaaad tht imtkirtanoe of tho newapaperg a an udvertlalnt medium ha aald that with of the largo fair 76 per cent of the art vert la ing appropriation went to the newepapera tho remainder being utllued for hooklota poeteni and hovolty forma of publicity he aug- goatod n oo- opera ttvo advtrtujng pol toy for ontario falra with or wlthoqt government oaalstance putd s60 for evading law a young man in ouetph pleaded guilty to a charge of illegally obtaining und ualng medical preacrlntlong for liquor and waa hned b0 und ooats with the alternative of two month jall on day lnt week tha charge waa proferre4 by jiudm j jonea ehlef investigating officer of the provincial ucunwo depart me nl toronto who etated that tha defendant had obtained three acrlpta front three local phyal clamt on the hint day and had for wardod them all to a liquor vendor at the eume time the noouaed paid tho fine orown attorney j m koanui took ocoaalon to remark that the d itartment intended in future to proac- oute all coaea of the kind jundlshrcounty maater of haltob cousty loyal orange lodge for 1924 tito annual county mi ling of thu halton loyal orango aaao latlon waa held in milton on tueeluy i ol runry b when the following oini nra wore electod for tha onaulng year c m j htandlah btowarttowu d c m a iatteraon milton chap n cook qeorgolown hoc bc wf i rook or 1 alnrmo fin boo r mccartney i ooorgc town treaaurer v bradley hornby d c w k mccroady milton laaturer j roberta cumpbnllvlll let deputy lecturer w fvanx oakvltle 2nd lputy lecturer 10 bradley hornby an intereating ovont waa tlm i rt aan tatlon by i c m v naliy of u i uul maatofa jewol to iaat county muotir bro jaa mcdowell of hornby the wbtd op a gentleman one day the old southerner walked into u bankera omof the southern was a typical gentleman of the old olitwr auave oourteoua to the point of punotlllouaneaa and honorable to a degree of martyrdom what can i do for yout ookod the banker well replied the southerner eotnewhal mora than thirty nve year ago i lent a man down south torn money not a vary big ium i told him that whenever 1 should need it i wouid lot him know and he oould pay ma the money i heed aomo money now ao i ahall let him know and i should ilk to have you traiu act the bualneaa for me my good friend replied tha bank- you have no claim on that money you can t hold that man to that loan you aay it has been thirty five years since you lent it to hlmt the statute of limitation has run against that yours and years ugo blr ropliod the tjouthemar the man to whom i lent that money la a gentleman the statute of limitation htvof rqrut against a gentleroanl t ho the bunler sent for tho htoney und within a reaaoiiubu time lloit- uftvr thu money tainr tharowus u courtly gsntleman ut the other end qabepuu men uasjcliur qt oaxefulneaa lu buoluea k ntvander reoonuy said that souix blvn were earful in only un way the way that hod an tnnuenoe ou their own tookc he illustrated ihu point ac cording to a writer in the new york bun by the following story t a ooal dealer whom i used to know ho u tod one afternoon to an employee who was driving out of the yard hold on ihre jim i that cool cunt hsve boon weighed it looks to me large for a tou jim ahouted back thu aint a ton boss lis two tons oh all hght said the dealer in a mo tone beg pardon uo ahead in rvforrtrufto the nnanelal slabdlrig of another muii the baiikor rontlnuetl urn uo wonder he has munoy h is the most suspicious follow i eves heard uf he reminds me tif a farmer i usod to know this runner whonover he bought a flock of hoep examined each sheep closely to make sura that its fleeoo was au wool he met him events are proving that there is as largo a per cent ago of conacrvatives in favor ol prohibition as of any other party in the province it is stated the ontaro tempcranoo act proved a bone of conten tion at conservative caucus at toronto last week under the leadership of messrs mccausltnj and currlo the wet element of tho party fought hard for a referendum but they met with such a stern oppoilhon that it was finally decided to leave the matter over until a later date a london pugilist who had heard of the prowess of a boot farmer trav oiled north to find lbs provincial lier- oules and add one mora to his string of scalps u located the noted strong man on his native heath entered his grounds ami tied his horse to a tree oolng up to the former he said friend i ye hoard a great deal about you and have come till the way from london to sea which of us is the batter man the hoot who waa aa dour as he was husky seised the young man by tho middle and without deigning lo answer hips threw him- over a nearby hedge when the pugilist ram to he sal up and found the tinuara eye- bant grimly on him perhaps stuttered the puglust you ii be good enough to ihruw me my a visit from ma the way in which an oklahoma wll tor announced that hla motho www efcmlng to visit him may sotm a trifle breesy but it is safe to say that there t a mother living who would no i be glad to have her advent hailed with suoh genuine delight and pride thli is the way ho spread the glad t id i new abroad the editor t the now itopubllcuu is going to tog up a llttlo tills avenlnif oolng to ohange oollors and put on u pair of cuff a if wo can nod any oo ing to get shaved and going to get our shoes shlned and the pegs out out so we can walk right pertly mas a- com in down to see ua you know who ma lt ma is our only dm and she s a good one too one of the old ohio quaker sort you know ma lives in kingfisher bh was our ma when we wore born who wu our ma out in weatern kansas whan w hunted prairie ooal she was our ml when we drank parched corn coffoo in old oklahoma in 98 and shea our ma now bhes the best ma we wvar had you ii us to morrow walking down the street with a little woman with a am he on her faoo you 11 know that a ma if you never had a ma you ahould got one and one like our ma too riddles why 1 the letter l like deepalrt it is the end of hope what is the difference betwaon l policeman and the watch in hla tiktt the watch is on the pollcomuii uii i the policeman is on tho watch why is a tlghtropo walker twpulur 1i is always on oord encored everything has what a pudding has what la ut a name why is a man approaching a burn ing candle like one about to got off u horse t because he is going to a light slight whloh flower does a hoe re beott lady slipper tkor liki professional interest a one leggod btgkar fit ye irn hit his station against iv tortuln lump post near central pnrk uupportud bv crutches he offered to tha pausers by uph trinrs as shoe laces pencils and collar buttons xienuvolenl mr wlilli w among his regular putronn muny of whom frequently v without ik ing for hie ware in return one evening about eleven clock mr white was walking back from u dlnhur party und coming up behind the mui dicanl was considerably utnrtlod to e him unstrapping his supposed losing leg preparatory in going horn- well my friend said the goiitle man i should think you would ut t yry stiff indeed being bound up hko that all day the rosea looked at htm keenly for moment then he said whata youi line par tn err the virtue of poetrv poetry has bean to me its own ex ceeding great reward it has booth ml my afflictions multiplied and roflnod enjoyments endeared solitude uhj given me the habit of wishing to dls ovar the good and tho beautiful in all that surrounds mo tiamuel t coleridge sweet things not always realized hank or who wiyn ho will loan all th money- y at 4 ilur n your swonti ui glil who re turn ui strent enr to u tuxl an niuii n r wli i rolucon the vuluu tlon of yi ur iriirty 0 per out i aved road all th way und no ut tours husband in is ull imtlonu oowml oi and bis socks da mod wlfo prapurtis idoal moul and l highly compllmontn i ulrls who uro nvor hungry and ilc not cam for t ntortuimrioril ha stoppod to u tulcplioim ullc i n number und got it immodlutoly 1 the baby is luiloup now moron that hook i borrow d you gavu mo too much in nry heron you m change eriuluty wi in glvn you two ulat j cuts coiitro in th nc mil row that story you ol 1 wiu thu bout a h juuro con or lumliious uullui button luca powdor an i rougi tliut woul 1 tay put at loust thirty duya purmanont wave thai is roully pormanant special hotel for doqs a li hi i for logs only is being suc- luhfuliy opcrntid in new york the wnr of a vulu 1 dog going on vaca mi it ink n his r hor pot there checks mi 1 rnglatora it und a rlark gives it a i rlvuto konnej and a private place to i luy ii n 1 axcrclaa tho owni r goes uway fooling that bis dog frlund will b icrfoctly safo until ho returns in innuctlon with this hotel there is an t t ort veterinary siirgoon whit is at ways roady to look after stomach ui huh and all sorts of dog troubles h i ui food is provided for tho dogs utfordlng to their noeds they muv iv ti hi sunt to school while thole i frimra am away so that they will have li timed to behave itotter tha man who owns and runs this hotel says that ho bulldog iho best guest of hi hoalolry and that tha chow is tha quite impartial in thu fllffi roiilo thut would mu tlmns uilio t otwi on monition t his tnnantry the duku of argyl was oftun inviud to arblirulo upon tho nrnllu in dispute und ho used lo t ii u rhur- uotorliitlcauy hcotllah alory n una of tho oocaslons two tonunts having walled upon him and nakoil him to docldo tha fluuatlou hi iuo the duk put what ho utwnys ragurdod us i very nocesaury prollmlniry question will you ahldn by my uward woll your gruco was tho reply of ono of tha hurtl hi hiiim oil dluputuntn i d like to ken rimt what it is her daily eight opposed to tho dietetic advice of many phytilcluiis to day is thu roionl ohlahlliihod by un old fngllab country woman this old dame who uvod to comploto hor century was fond of anj ng lljut polks should tuko tholr nouls regular and that for hor part all her life she hud aaton a dowblt and breakfast u atuybit und u dinner niomet und u crummol und a bit ftor supper eight meals in all the departmental examinations tho announcement of tho dates of high middle and upper school en trant examinations just made pub lit coma us a surprise from one point inw urn they urt later in the year been the practice in tho pas it these examinations mpleted before tho end but according to present ar businc83dircctory dr j a mcniven physleisn and suroesn offloe and ileoldonco corner luiwei avenue atxs fflgln htreet phonic 8 dr e j nelson vllhlilzrlcic mtki 1 a o tor ontario leqal t ju i ore iinnjiua the exa this your into july thi ilalus urn as follows ml idle holiool june 33rd upjor bcliool juno 23 high he boo i kntruco jul 4 model he hoc i kn trance july 2 3 and ferry ap sgagoagoodaanieoer sjbeu3 tficio who wei faaawaasy awrmfu- dr j m bell d d s l d s dentist honor qroduata of toronto univer sity the latest anesthetic t id u desired offloe at resldenoa corner mill cad vraderiok btreet second of the series dealing vvitk the estauishmcnt of the bank or montreal at representative points m canada and elsewhere- in quebec f hen the bank of montreal opened its first office in quebec 106 years ago travel between montreal and quebec was mainly by stage coach occupying truce days tn the journey the difficulties and exigencies a a travel were such that funds were only conveyed between the two anes at the first safe opportunity ith the opening of this quebec office the bank of montreal m traduced into canada branch banking one of the elements that has contributed to the temarkable elaxnaty of the c bankmg system winning for dominion finance an enviable reputation in au parts of the world- of the baruvs 567 branches 83 are situated in the province of quebec bank of montreal established over ioo years tjrtal assets in excess of i650oooooo a complete line- of superb cars each motorist will find hia individual requirements met by some one o the mclaughlinbuick cars here is a group of models which in its variety and careful planning for particular uses- has no equal among moderatepriced automobiles the owner who likes the allyearround comfort of the enclosed car will find his needs exactly suited by one of the bcven coupes and bedans there are likewise seven open models to choose from in every 6ne of the 1924 mclaughlinbuick cars the motorist finds a wonderful grace of line and a very high quality of finish and workmanship he discovers as well a gratifying ease and surety of control and a performing ability which is typically mclaughlinbuick in its excellence hull rar are 14 mcloxxghlinbuicm model to choomm from fisher king representatives for this section f call on themt or write and thev will call on vou fj6p phone no 22 p o hog ssi harold nash farmer m a barrister solicitor notary public conveyancer etc perrvman block acton ont uonfy r knt on moiito aok0 hours j0 it to 0 pjn hsturdays lzffu o clock h g meir bsrrlaler 80 lie tor notary public georgetown ont dental dr f o gollop d d s ldi dental surgeon offloe over bank of nova bootla tioims ff jo to k 30 evmnlnxs by appointment miscellaneous francis nunan boo kblndar account books of all kinds mads to fdr periodical of every description carefully bound jlulin neatly and promptly done wyndhjun btreet ouelpb out over williams store lodge directory sons of england lodge vvoodgreen no 302 meetlnc nrst ami thlnl lvlday in ittch tnnnttr el 8 p m hi f o o t hall mnmlw m kill vihkiiic members cordially lnvltl to attend 8 scutching8 j little president secretary acton l o l no 467 hero will 1m u kimial ntlnk vrl lay 11 rujrj 1934 iikii in ol lmlows uv hall ut 7 so i in l vornl lliluds tiro to tlm ltlu iireo work will im krira nam from 1 uimluh all mo ml cordially invited h lutciiiru v m ut 1 ilu d o i ly dm a nutcirnuiiv i hoofs onic itll uj 3t4w dr a l price chiropractic eusctrotherapy 130 upper wyndhnm street guclph over h years v xu rlijut conhultationi kmc r j kerr auctioneer and real estate aent 17 years xporlonoe acton ontario bales entrusted to it j kerr re- oelve attention from date of lis tins to data of sale 1st your salo- with me jusldtiice luiwr avunuo acton phone s acton call ut my expvikse guelph business college offurs liprto daui cu ricul ltusliiess hlvioiiruthy und um erotarts coumus by x rt k tterlenoed teachers htu louts may eiitur any day r w1utw iroll lnwituation v d mlton inuttai j e cibeevers book binder guelprt onl quebeo bl east hooks ahd msusaliies uouitd la hahdsorae and uuhtantul covers names lettenwl il kol on kit blast hymn llooka and other books all work promptly euted tho old and reliable granite and mnrfala worku we are maiiufailters am dlrot imtwrters ofatiivtlll 1 uf aloiluuk litatl and headetone work w sell dlreot to our customers at whulotr nrloos thus savins our oiistomrs 40 lr tt we have the best amuahtk uid the unly meohanice tn the domlulon who nan operate pneumatu tools lroirly we oan blve reteranoe- tatm hundreds of our ousuunara tn toronto and uuier tiuoax where- clhars have to hava law sutta in order to oullect wa hava ua larvaat and bast atook of granite u the dominion or more than any thraa dealers tn the wl we are latu- mata daalsra and employ no aranta an4 10 not annoy or pest culoraera by awndlnc out unorajit aeta aouoltr uuy ordara wnploy only inaahnlo hamlton sons 1

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