Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 21, 1924, p. 5

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lgrhm3tog ifrcaa thursday ranuuajiy ji jbih the few thn easy roads am rmwi and the 1 vl roads u and the plnnsont rlvnro with thn drifting folks a hut off yondur whcr its i where yiu irot n ixitlor you will hix hit rank ur and thn travhiorw ufo g where ihn lngs loolh for thu iii i iwhyi find llm ihr ny inw- lit iii biwim lo like ik drirt tlut thn steps that tall fuf couri and thn tusk thats hurd to in the p nil rciiiilth in uiory for ttio iuvifwuvnrlinf few twcntv veam6 aqo n the isiue of t thursday pbr be free pre imry 25 1004 ik i- brokni tin- tlmi u slowly sinking tlil uinl hi i ulory monday itti nnfiflry ruljed 10 drop time imwovir end tha the sunday school lesson for sunday fedruarv 24 recognition of heroism tim lonj hmjiatily- i j iciu loldati toki wf nuld for other gode jo htltliatluj with judg kur u it from u i fu in bin ben a party you it folk had n tnost thirty id the iimu irnoy loin tin fcri- enjoyable alcfahli of mr wllllum i day evening lust at thx last regular mealing of aoloi court independent order of korea lers thn following oltlciim were in- etuiied c ii t jarnblo v c il j w husband hc c speight il b j lackey s w m macdonald j wil ilbcott b b q illtchie j il j iluddtck s c it j plant physician dr ault born scott in acton on wednesday jebruary 17 1104 to mr and mra robert scott 0 daughter th- test cpulncd tnul 4 16leiif yt 1 orrup yutir- hi von th things urn hurihy sped- flixl of whlrh jod rihhtixl any im- ugo or rrhntlutltiu to te mailn fur ttia purpom uf wuriililp uiul from ihn variety of intuitu vhternd into an ltltu muy formed tr thn extensive lirnvulmw- of idolatry in hint nrn in whatevei way ltjlutry orlulnutud whether from 11 intention to worship the true uiul ihroiijh those things which seaniid to afford the ultonfoil i vltlo urn of hlii power or who i lion n ill vino pc in rlji in wnu nuiksod to r- 1 iildn in tlin thlngn thnlvfm tharv wm scarcely un dlniiikiit or object of nuture but w tnnd this we par- umilurly ihn will with thn cununnlto nnd kgypllans aiuinat whoax super stitious praiitkn th oautlun nc hully dltwitod jnmlf in varying accents whof u iho bnrot f mirfohn- anknd ihn hjhlnx iuh oull the hi irlit luu tukn ptilnu 11 il i th wiikiiiw alwy krp t-imil- uid tbt leu up lo ttiit iull ih cnlitntur kui tllruwn v how molly helped mothers birthday to morrow u mother blrthdjurl crlod jnny xvm nuka it boull- ful day whtl can wo dor aakad tom if i wen rich bald uurml buy her a allk draa thin minut nd not wait till to- morrow to give it to br hut w havent any money not area one cent auched borah dolefully all three of the children nodded their beads in concert and looked miserable until jenny suddenly untied what ailly eel we are abe layjhod talkin about belojr poor when are rlcnerthan moat people little uolly opened her round eye at thla she thomht they were the poorest people in the whole world they lived in the smallest houae on gaynes street wore plainer clothe than any of their llttie friends and rarely ever had a nickel or even a cent to spend yeei mean it paid jenny think or all the poor people who have no pod warm home like oura and plenty to eat and tee cream earn e times theyd think we were rich besides father 1 worth whole million 1 dol lars i think nd so is mother the children laughed t this and aaid they thought so too but what are we going to do for her birthday asked sarah puckering up her forehead to think such 1 valuable mother ought to have a valu able present then it was that little molly had her briulsnt idea as tom who liked to use big words called it lets give her ave nice children he said how they laiigned that would be tbe very best present of all said jenny and i an mother would be better pleased with it than with all the ellk dresses in the world 111 tell you what well do cried tom who loved to plb things we will get father to help us we can all hide in the hall till mother calls 1 us to breakfast then father can aay walt a minute mother theres present for you out there and itll be uet cried uolly not waiting for him to finish it will b five nice children- and you should have seen what happened in that happy little home negct morning when father threw open tbe door and called in fne birthday present its flvp nice children mother i cried uolly jumping up in her arm- and nearly smothering her with ktssex were going to try never to quarrel or fusa any more and its your birth day present to keep forever and ever and ever then mother held out her anna and tried to hug them al at once but there were bo many children and the boys wriggled that father had to put his big strong hands in hem ami make what uolly called a round bug big enough tottold vwy one and then they stood all glad and happy till uolly said why look at mother- x do believe shes crying i but theyre only happy tears cried mother shaking tbem all away for its the dearest sweetest birthday ever had ir 10 all thii hoi t to lmuxwirhli i tin liuht of lluuvtlll in form of idolatry x nlito mlubt i no at r iluilod to fi of ha ho vn i ratio 1 mniitlonad a to which thn dlly fall it ntly 111 tlin period of thti later king the jiihluotlve churacujr of i liu worn hi p tbe influence exerted uhn thn ancient mind by tho beauty of the heavonly bodies by their wondnrful but inexplicable movements and by their varied effects upon lbu world 1 plnturoaquely indlcated by the phrase employed by the writer lest thou lift up thine ayoa to heaven and aoe the sun and be drawn away and wurahlp them judg s 16 and jehovah raised up judge deliverer defenders com pbro othnlel ehud deborah and barak gideon jephtbah and samson the root meaning of tin word judge lo secure one his right through judges jehovah seournd to the peopli of israel their inheritance an rulers the judge secured to individuals their rlghti verse 18 then jehovah ws with judge nothing great was done ac cording to the writers of the old tes tament but by oods help deut i is paa 44 sf even the artutlo skill of beaeleel and ahollab who prepared the cunning work for the tabernacle was the result of uods spirit dwelling in them exod 38 3 31 1 85 n thla is as true now a it ever was in spite of mans freqfient misuse of oods gifts cambridge bible lesson themes the persistence of idolatry it seems strange that idolatry was ma hurd conquer and that the fight for a pure end worthy worship was so long and hard there were however n reasons for its strength 4itd pei tence the worship of many goal was very generally established intermar liage with idolaters promoted the worship of their delllles ttoyal ol llenco with pagan nations as in the case of ahab and solomon fostered this false worship the various ob jects worshipped was another difficul ty many cults were nature -wprahlp- pera and had thus almost unlimited lines of appeal vile custom were given sacred sanction and this- added to their force so it is not strange that the battle for a pure spiritual worship waa long continued the worship of jehovah howe ver the power and purity of the religion of jehovah made steady progress againstrtlw oticaraant mug of un worthy rttos and debasing oeremonlev this battle for the true religion mako a great story uose israels first leader finished his course and passed mysterious grave in tbe misty mountains joshua the great oltlaen soldier accomplished his work ilmvklss ov ausiau iy thu saswvijs j to ofmvfvvi iml- hivw ps ftco iff commander s koimncn hm au nftt onfolt am in vifj j 1 ivs v ili vrii rn yoiavlas yfllri jmif -s- imnijav i mavim oi riu- i rmr- ban never to d mako mcht tf lultlmy ilnd a k alii tint kiu aid tho hilii iiiit aid u jui1 t roberts yrup for coughs colds 5 nd bronchitis m railway time tables at acton nadmn nmjojrailways no 30 no 31 v sunday going east oiikl dreco the wonder kidney liver u stomach tonic as nationally advertised sold by no 34 t no 3d no 24 sunday 813 aan lo3fiara 3 av pm fi 00 p m b30 pm 1020 ani 70a am llham 136 pm 17 pjn b13 pm 708 pm and followed his master clalmlnftl oount iso u story of tlir quake disaster mailt udlanu for ninny roasons and thi govarnmonl of ihlu dominion tllil not hesltato to luml pniutiiul nltl to i hi sufferers in atrlckmi japan which staggorad under one of lh wutmi dis asters in history a rernmony the other day in now york which gnvw recognition to captuln hunuinl robin son who was in command uf the can adian pacific utuumtir emire of australia which tiopponod to he in the harbor yokohiutm at the time of the dlwajwjlm purtloularly inter esting bhnglnirvljlb thn font that this gallant tittle marina was lhstn of approxlmatuly sons honor to whom been worthily and 1 the presentation of the c ii k by the british conulgintrul at new the- presence of a tllallngutohed gathering which included mr k w- beatty ur orunt hall unci other high officials of the c i it canadian cannot help rllnif a thrill of prldn hen reading tin- odyaaev pf captali samuel itohinfioji the spirit whlrh inspired cnlumhun und vumc do gumu and u uiirhnglt pervudm the uincon and the men of tha llrltlah mnrrantlle marine anil th imllnntry of canadian sailor today la not altqgntbor differ ent from what imbuml thone oll seu- mon phoenirleiis vikings portu guese italian who rukcd tholr llvue in the curlier days tpr world wo sometimes lamnnt him no muru myu- terlos left und nuthlntf more for ex plorers to do krorn china tu porti from pole to polo all is known and mapped and oven photographed but we need not fear that british seamen plenty of cold weather yet and therell nlso be plenty of snow to shovel and you might as well give up tho idea of making the old snow shovel do nnd purchases new one our prices arc 50c 85c 100 and during if ja mure aat history because irlu to conquer w many canadian boys gruwing up duy will road with u thrill of pride the uthlovoments of the cm cor i mn of the good ship hmpruas utriillu in 11 time of great trial and ilitloulty ln the burning wuterrt will want to grow up occasion demands it in of the future go and do uke- id famous seu captalna colum bus jind drake and nil the mat who are gone to the haven under the hill dltl their work nobly manfully n1 well with their crew to help them ciptaln nobljisonh heroin endeavor will htaud nut an a bright particular pusu in canadlun pacific steamahlp hutory where tnkliur immense tiska the tnoinlc courage and proud sea his tory of the mtn of the mercantile murine weru reuii oxamplinnd in their lirfghteet idlers it is well far the captain itoblimon type in command of thosu urout shlpk flying mercantllo rlne flags on the seven boos- th government of japan will take a ultnblu opportunity o give due ap preciation of thu vuluabl hulp rendor- td in tolnn of our flonuhlp and our man huinairlty however oloiidwil outlook may bo in utliep qunrtoih have always beau ubln to boq n quitch of blue sky over japan whose r frlendsnlp u doubly preoloustu us in those days if wo reflect uon the possible consequence of a serious aurihquuko in our houaa und streets in montreal wo can form some idea of what happen ol in toklo und of the dreadful leyustutlon wrought in n few hour the stoutest heart must have quailed in thut inferno wtwro human being wore perishing by huudruds u thousamts so thut we offar lo cap tain samuel itublneou the heartiest of congrutulatlon tar his share in a noble work nobly performed tho foregoing tribute to captain itohinson uppearod ua air editorial in tbe montreal gazette und is but one of many recognition of his heroin actions the puaxciujuru of the em- prvss of auutratiu huvn ingientod to he purine liner k tublnt wtilnh ram- mom orate the htr she her raptaln i crew took in tint relief apil resouu k at the tlmo of the disaster and prior to the sailing from now york on january 3 uf the iimress uf canada which iiq now commands on world cruise the american metropolis hon ored the in imp id cummindur at varl- luncheon unil dlininrb and de- utrtit that hi hfrolm has won for him unlviirsul respect and admlra- 1 canuillun boyx may tndood read with u thrill of prldn uf the achieve ments of the omcurssiuil men uf the kplprosa of australia stoves quebec heaters good cheer heaters ovens happy thought ranges mcclary ranges etc wjth wd talbot mojn street phone 76 acton ontario subuhdan railway electric hioar 1140 a t l40 p r 40 p r 4 iii p r 11 4qpr 743 ati 104nn 143 pn 443 pn 743 yn 1043 pm qundav timetable westbound no- ie 1140 am no 0 w 340 pm no 3 7 fl 40 p m no 67 4o pm gems of thought there is no big money in politic but it should he tiikon up uu a voca tion just u a christian minister is stipposedrrio iafcoup bin woric then it may ke a grout profos ion gener al smuts protect the child from the ravages of worms by using mother grave worm exterminator it is a standard remedy and years of use have en hanoed its reputation the lesson 1 when wu lies father came to supper there waa a vacant chair at the table well wheres he boyr william 1 upstair in bed the gnawer came with painful pre cision from the sadfaced mother why why whats upt not sic u het asked the father in an anxious tone it brieves me to say uobert that our sonpyour son has been heard wwearlnr in he street i heard hlra swearing great hoottl ill teach him to swear halfway up he stumbled and came and he etartod upstairs in the dark down with his shin un the top stsp- when the atmosphere cleared a little wuhes mother we baying sweetly from the hallway that will do deer you have given him enough fur one lesson very comforting ur hy ley why are yea deoormtln um murphy t mrs murphy ue uy deuuy is 00 a- ln homo the day ur ityley i fought it wus fur folve years he wus snlt up t mr murphy he wus but ho got year off for good behayyure ur ityley an sure il must be srat comfort for ye to have a guod by iqlk that i v 1 persistent asthma- a most dis tressing characters lie of this debili tating disease la th persistence with which recaning attacks come to sap away strength and leave the eufferei in a state of almost continual exhaus tion- no wiser precaution oan be taken than that of keeping at hand supply ofth- j id kelloggs asthma itemedy famous a the most potent remedy for eradicating the disease from the tender mir paa a mountain grave in the hill ool of epbrlam the great cause of the true religion then fell to the elders that outlived joshua those having seen the great work of jehovah iftillowlng this came the judge whom jehovah raised up the work of the judgne the period tbe judges following the conquest of casutan waa important for it was largely constructive the great order of israels new national life was taking shape the relations of israel to their e both within and beyond her bor der were being adjusted the judges such a gideon deborah and barak strove to establish equity pre vloualy in his legislation uose labor ed to fho same end the period cover ed by the ministration of judges was about four hundred and hfty year reaching from the conquest of canaan as given in joshua to tbe beginning of the hebrew monarchy with which the book of samuel open through out this period heavy blows were dealt against all forms of idolatry and by their- decision and personal influence the judges sustained and strengthen ed the- worship uf jehovah they had a large part in suppressing these evi customs and built into the life of the people the practice of a pure and spiritual religion in the fullness of lime came the great teacher of mm who declared that the only true ood whomiraei worshipped a jehovah of th thunder i the heavenly fath er of all men per study and disousslon what u idolatry 7 against what form of idolatry did the israelite have to contend distinguish between image worship and idol worship w hat- was one of the most attractive form of nature worship what gross evils were associated with idol worship f show that the worship of jehovah the dne true god monotheism corrected all these evils what early leader of israel battled constantly against idol atry mention some forms uf modern idolatry- dally read i no far nest week monday february it 1 bam 1 fi- 13 tuesday february b 1 bern v- 1- 10 wednesday february 371 baio 7 i4 j- ylday february svlaot lo s30 saturday march 1 llev 3 w3f sunday march psalm 61 i10 the 8cenb had changed a newly qualified judge in u little own of tennessee we trying one of hi first criminal case the accused was un old darkey who was charged with robbing a hencoop he had been in court before on a similar charge anil was then acquitted well tom began tho judge 1 see youre in trouble again yes sail replied the darkey th last time jedge you was ma luwyer where 1 your lawyer thl tlmet asked the judge i aint got no iswyur this thn a- bjvered tom im going tu tell the truth the perfect answer ahdrew carnegie un une occasion wsa asked which he considered the most important factory in industry labor capital of brain t carnegie quickly replied with n merry twinkle in his eye which i th moat important leg of a three 1 logged stool 7 judge people who imvnr tlroaimd of miiow- ing an un train oil nmn to drive their car were oftmi reudy to consent to trained teachers luklng young ohlj- dren mr wlntrlngham u i- psychology might show us how worship works but it sucro or failure in that direction would hot prove that a roll k lou waa or was hut true capon itarne a frenchman la proud that ho be longs to such a ltnut country an englishman to proud that such a great country belong to hlmllulwer-lyi- ton we must gut out into the freo thinking world und show that religion is the most mlndatlrrlng thing to which men can turn dr c il law much of the nervous disorder of thu present day is due lo the disappear ance in the home of sane religious teaching- canon btreeter one of the must nrfeutlve vermifuge on the market is miller worm pow ders they will not only clear tho stomach and bowel of worm but will prove a very serviceable inedlclno for children in regulating the infantile system and maintaining it in a healthy condition there 1 nothing in theli composition that will injure the moat delicate stomach when dlrectlnn are followed and they can be given to children in the full assurance that they wlllhikterly destroy all worm qoodbvi a man about town moetlng a friend who had recently become a judge ex tended hi congrutulatlon und then said and i will now tell you good- by why said hi honor ure you go ing kweyt no neither um l bo why thl good- byt it la thl way explained the party of the nrt part i have known many men who uerahie judges governor ur what not after thlr lvutlon very few of them were uhle lo moo mo ugaln the last straw dicky wa quite tha hero of th vlllucu having returned from a short stay in io n do 11 and wu giving a dejillod defount ofwhirt he hud seen thuio tu hi followruailc in the vil lage inn t did re xeo the xut naked one is to he kurc ald dicky did a see madunie tlssuuds wa work usked another- is an i didnt nx tho wear polie- nmn whlihy way tu go like some vuulk tyearl tell ti they kept unking him question untlj one usktwt did go lo torfulilar square to 1 sum i did he answered apd did en see tha lions l buret ibs fulth mid he and didnt em rourl it bid pain beqopa whfn nourul- kuirack the norvo or lumbago crip ple tho buck la the j time lo test the virtue of dr thomas eclectric oil well ruhlml in it will still the pain und tiroduce u soiiaatlou of euae and rest- a trial of it will establish faith in 11 the froq the following oasuy un the frog was wrlttun by a young norwegian wliat u wonderful bird the frog are i when he stand he sit almost when 19 hop ho ny utmost he ulut got nu uenee hardly he ulnt got no tail hurdly oltlmr whuit he sit oil what he aint kt almost notice to creditors op the estate op william cooper deceased the creditor uf wlolam cooper lutu of the village of actoo gentle tnun who tiled on the thirty href day uf january a d 1034 and all per- qn having claim ugalnat hi eslat are required on or before the seven teenth duy uf march a d 1014 te send by post prepaid or otherwise deliver to the undersigned solicitor tholr full name uildresao und de rlptloii und full particular of tholr luln the uld bled with uysr corn if one be troul nnd in- hollo way application that will suffering oriiu hu will beliiovur ull tlruiy relieve end of the route iteenth duy of murch the oxocut6r will pro ceed to distribute the us el of thu suid wstule umuiut the parties eiitltlud thereto und they hereby grvo notice thut they will not be responsible thxrvartur for uny claim uf ululm of which they ahull not huve received notice lutod thl fourteeulh day uf wwu- ury a d 1034 isabella 1i1lton ellineiit hehwick exorulnr by ii m kurttier acton ontario tholr hollcltor 333 one cold wintry morning 11 mull of full ami angular build wau walking down u aiuvnlll ut u brisk puc- a piece of lue under the siiiw ruul hint tti slip und lose control of hi feet h began to slide und was unable to slop at a crossing half- way down hu ali- tuntered u urge heuvy woman thn meeting wue nudden and ueforu eltbur realised it a collision ensued and both were sliding dowuhlll thu thin mult under iiuuth the fut wumun mi top when the bottom of the hill wus reached und the womuil wu trying to reuover her bruath und her feet thaiet faint words ware lorue to liar earl pardon me madam but you will have lo get off hero thl is a for as i go c01ps chaptd hanos pup hi notice to creditors op the estate of george hvnd8 deceased rho ureditoiw of oeorgk hynd lutd of the village of jkctoil jtfweller whll died oi the seventh day of february al 1034 und ull person having ululm ugulnst til estate ur required on or bauro the mevanteanth duy uaroh a d 1534 to send by poet prepaid un otherwise deliver tu the ujnlrslkn- ed solicitor their full pumeu ud- drueeos uiul descriptions und full pur- titular of their claim on and after uio as id boventeenth day of march the executor will pro ceed 10 distribute the assets of the aid estate among the parties entitled thereto and they hereby sivo notice thut they will nut hf responsible thereafter fur any claim ur claim of whluh they sltall not have received notice dated thl ftilirteenth day uf kehru- uiy a d 1b34 ann1i1 1ivndh jamkh u nicru nulhon uallbun iixeuutoss by hr n kurmor acton ontario tholr tjollcitor j bt3 costly honey iii the african forests the natives find quuntltlo ofhouoy ip hollowed ircet tho hull uyjaguticnulyat thu uumnill of tho trooit und the inei knock down the tree nnd smoke thi bee out uf their lodging with burning lira tho honey s then quickly col lected und tukoii tu camp mr a ii buvuge la n dor in across wildest africa give a story which provei thut iho honey i not alwaye a blesslni to those who secure it hi curnvaii had halted in the tdmdo uf some tln trvas end the men hud secured n quantity of hpney wo were all sully enjoying it t willi u plutotul before mo and all my man squatting round tile biting un hugu chunkm from the honeycombs sud denly un alarm wa raised the men jumlnnl to tholr font und throw- the comb uwuy a significant buxx wa raat atfp roach ing uhd behold i an army bee hud descended quickly upon uhd surrounded my camp stinging uakeil men all over they held their hand and race and stampeded alt direction cu one with a large mtlngent of bee uflor hltn uy loor somali who being a strict uusulntun never would touch any thing that hud been nnifered by un- oelleyoru wa the only una in camu j had not partaken of the honey however ha hud a perfect horror of bees ho wus thu first one to dash uwuy when ho tlrst hoard thorn- tho result wu thut ho who had not touch ed the honey kt ull hud tho greatest number of bee uftur him at on lima the whole urtiiy seemed to have concentrated around him piercing his yells apd high the loup he made in the air curiously enuugh ft who had still the plate of hnuoy upon hiy knee und remained motionless like u statue did receive a bltlgle sling ul though myriad of be kept buxxlng round tne in a most alarming tnuuuar- th many purpose olluofh in the house und stable thero ure score of s rur dr thomas eclectrlo oil it for cut bruise burn scalds the pains or rheumatism and selutlca sore u 1 rout uiul chest horse ure liable very luridly tu slmllur ailment i mishap us ollct muuklud und ure equally umeuable to the hauling in fluence of thl fine old rinedy which hu tnuda thousand uf inn friend during the past ttfty yur pnlv effeots qn im of the wostuni rlvur uume yuur ugo tho uluuinhoji v x thomp 011 run mi u uuug uml wu sunk it ultletl in thu wuler in urh u way thut only the inltlhl of tbe muuo painted the side of tha lmjit tihow above tho uurfticu the wrutk watt ruatdwl with much lntorht by thu puuauitgar the licit bout thut went up the r one of thuni cote tuilou than tho others huntud up captain captain ha uskid do you know the nunm uf that utontuhout yos sir utmworud that onlcar tiiut what u left u thu k x thitinpaoii what happened to her hhe eeem to huvo buiik but whut du yu mupihta wag the tiuusj of her winking t tllu cause uuld th taptulll i dont know sir all wo tun see is thu x- natural historians two sailor ant luli u dlsellsslun over the exaut dulultioii of u heifer one o la lined that u hiilfnr belonged to the hog family tha o titer thai it wa a variety of sheep thoy decided lu refer the question to a disinterested urltld lllll they usked thu ihiutswaln whats u heifer wuib having uu ar il u men t bui bit offu tutge chew tehectlvely to tell you thu truth unites 1 dumio much about poitltry i there are all kinds of flour going through the country these days but there isnt one of them thaj can equal excelsior brand pastry flour ijont take our word for it hut ask any housewife in acton they nearly all use it if better flour could be made we would make it mill street h lindsay acton ontario no go no 00 no 84 j 1043 am 242 pm c 4 2 pm 842 pm bvebxht delivered by special a freight freight picked up at an ad dress in toronto m t thbtfobd agent aoton see avj ee avage and ee better writs or phone for appointment for when you wish to com a d savage optometrist ev mfa optician sevan optical building rlflht at the poet office 3 3 story of a salesmans s a salesman 2 years of age camo to our office nino years ago to take up a new lino of business a lino against which ho had been prejudiced but which he knew carried great rewards for the success ful his average commissions after- the second year have been about 7000 a year and he has built up a future income ofovor 3000 u year oh business already sold u we are enlarging our organization to prepare for an enormous expansion of business during tho next few years we havo positions or two- good salesmen with successful records under our method of instruction failure is wellnigh impossible if they will pay tho price in hard work fl this offer will bo open during tho next two weeks only applicants of unquestioned integrity and with highgrade references will bo considered apply to- p c walls district manager north american life assurance co 6046 bnk of hamlltoneldg hamilton ontario t e gibbons expert shoe repairing prompt attention to orders left t e gibbons mahstbtbejt actoj w1 castoria m otheri fletchers castorta is a harmless substitute or castor oil paregoric teething drops and soothing synips prepared to relieve infanta in arms urtu children all ages of constipation wind colic flatulency to sweeten stomach diarrhea regulate bowels aids in the assimilation of frod promoting cheerf ulness rest and natural sleep without opiates to avoltl itmtutlims olways loov for ihe ijgnaturc of ccmycxil e ll s hi iarkwf phyicuna avcrywhcrrecouimcilj it jsjpravlne socmmokd5r vn3t tforomto canatia acton elevator near q t r station following brands on hand flour manitoba ftour pa8trv rolled oats oat chop oats oilcake hv and qrain grain uoufht and retailed alex l noble henbv awrky manager free press job printing is always neatly done this storeys policy to represent good ex actly as to their quality to soli to thofto who know and to those who dont know mr uniform fair prlceto fulhlt all guarantees and cheer fully correct alt mii- taked to dcaorvo your confidence by always giving you satisfaction savage co jeweuein guelph ontario n ilrf iil rfinjl ix lufklfffift- ftfvi

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