Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 21, 1924, p. 6

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wmima ss mi w wsrf 4y vtkj fj v w i 1gfyalaw f 1 1 r- visi trnpipr i 1 born i i ii u hi alton i ihrtmry 13 1v24 d iyi ji oilier of ton oi i a out u it otii lili mi humlay idjt n mr unit mr fjeortf low a dieo fci hrun ry 17 mrfjili- in a i rnary if 1tt of urn i ii1k domjjii 1 tl i i ebrunr ii 1 ilaujilik r i f dohhl mkoii ii fii ti itunlny kol luliit mhiiii rormerlj nkd 4 yearo h ottli i thy ittfnci ip yt in memoriam in v in a mi niory there in u link tic tim lovn nnl mi mutlmtr imikiiiti it aofli- she artmt 3foe rimj t1iuhhuay i i hicijaily 21 1024 brief local items ilrtil concert march noxt wub well riiich i ha m month of mprlnif exam inn your fist roofs for i unusual wt iff he of now tim tlilnit loo many poplo an fur a rainy day is u njourh r tint first llmo in 28 year fe ruary will have ave fridays thouffin of new ma pin syrup naturally begin to tup up now the lent oat incomn tax forms cjnt yours at tho eka are becomlnat more plentiful and tho prlne id gradually hocnmlns lower doom the yullow uddress label an your homo pajmji remind you ot any thing every yar pedestrians wh year for tho keeping- up with thefr neighbors koeps many people behind with tholr bank account rev tr dougnl wu elected y chairman of oakyllln kreo library board lost wvelc tho town council of coboura granted the town band 1 000 far 1924 this a yearly arrant oshawn fire brigade has arranged for a series of addresses on various aspects of flra protection tho rural mall carriers ara ha vine another weak of stormy woathcr and heavy roada to contend with dont fail lo se scara of jeal ouay at wonderland to nihl under the auspice of the women a initltuto 1 saturday wu auoh a bright pleaa- ant day that there went more farmer in town than on any other day for a month mr uoyd kenney who wu from toronto aver the waekaod aanc a aolo in knew church on sunday evening very a ecep tably tend ore are aakad by the impart ment of iubllc highway of ontario for cradlnjr the new highway from acton easterly for three mllea the auaa ray ore becoming more and more direct and rarely a day paaaoa now when enow and ice are not thawed moro or lea frwuy emanuel couuon of lowvlllo father of mr read head wife of chan readhead wdrdpn of hal ton died on the 7th inet in hla 7sfd yaar the spring aaalxea at quelpb this week had only alx olvll cuie of minor importance there were no jury caoo the aemiion wo the shortest for yars the fine now twostorwy brick re sldencw of mr william landaborough at tho foot of lake avenue overlook ing fairy lake and the ureases noartng completion dr cuxe ihe representatlvo of tho ford motor business for tho northerly part of the county is opening a garage in georgetown to give service to ford owners in that district tho peelhalton house of refuge a b has iho largest number oi inmates since its inauguration there being 60 men and women now making their home there that tji kxs pass give the local hews is literary true find local newt on every page four cents a week pays the price when you subscribe by the your tho residence of mr uoorgo war a farm foreman and mr albert white side plant selector at the o a c auelph was considerably damaged by tire on munduy afternoon miss uertle smith of toronto miss lulu bomervhle of london slated the methodist holr on sunday evening linn contributed u splendid duett tit the musics service chimney nres are liable in occur at this time f the year and a handful of sulphur thrown into the stove rurnwoo ut the outset is sure to ch the are und prevent damage purchusk your oftlc stutlonery where your money will return tu you tub musi iiot 1h preiarttt tt supply yqur wants u uie lowest posslbl prle cotislatapt with quality at u meeting of st albane church congregation on mundny nvenlng tho iiuestlon of the erection of u nw nn- tory was ooitsldered it was ilecldod lo defer uutlun tor the pmseiit news of loril import a very prolific plfrkor a pur 1 ril v rk ijilro sow iiwnt flnorge ifi fili i u frtrnisr llvlur pig ill iiviiik mi i hrlvlni lulllik thin ih i mr i mid inlti t hliil flebinu rsoitsl quelph l imih ii1i i ktllyw muuu relit 31 mllto o jul n unhurt liillute i tho ilrt of ti in o ii niul nliituru h the he wu ami the gutiin v iujiii t m ho plu lh first imrloil toron porforilun srnring inpl of oril wlnir of droll xolllit onilltld taut ut it ml mi i in utuil i tin hindlcd hi ntiuura i al ll tlflr kiln 1 co dill how to reduce lo r dilri tin il ill w f h fcmhl ot live rnue vr one side otil mw put loi mi tlm utln i wuy th hriit from tho live onl tends to mukii coun of ihn trcsh fuel by consuming tho gnu nnd nmoke ioha draft is neld i r the fun this tlmro is less an or furnace ro m way of register tnd dirt in the and in the houi oke so ollar by if fure lumps d way to ncattei sliuk ovi r them the slack tondi to bold tlm tint longer and lh luml com will prevent the sluck from form log clinkers the winters blgosst atorm th continuous full of enow all day tuosday and mol of yestnrduy willi th prevailing euslnriy winds routoit in a great dptli of snow in manv places there were drifts four to six foot deep topping the fences horn and thro hoth the steam and electric tralnh wore detained- for hour jtomo unn the rural mall carrier round it impossible to get out on tholr routes tho present winter has kivaiv rwaler owcullles from snow irlftx ihan have lteon exporlnnceil any pre vious wlnor since rural delivery was adopted it will be goneral relief when these winter storms cense spring comes uguln to visit british empire exhibition hundred students from csni jisn unlvorsltlss to do overseas in june three hundred students represent ing unlversltltsi throughout canada will it is reported take advantage of an opportunity to visit great llrltnln next summer under tho condurtorshlp of tho overseas education league tho party will sail from montreal on juno as the british empire exhibition will w in prosres at wamble park lon don kngland from april to october this year tho canadian government has or acted an imposing building at the m hlbltlon is feet long and 300 feet wide tho canadian pavilion us the building is called is in neo oreo nr chttocture adjoining it tho canadian national railways and the canadian pacific hallway have erected special buildings tho canadian government exhibits which are now being installed will be when completed one of tho moat attractive features of tho exhibition neighborhood news town and countrv a tfilcphone message bn firihi n rtiih yuy na88agawcya llll mlllll will iii thin lirjl ivllltl tlmy u i llttlii nrldi lit vlnw oicuritfil u tliinil mil nut afroli hlch on lliort hoik hlinl in ii i null rltr 1 vllh tholi plihil ronil fi rtinl lo naunaiaiiwt yi i ii iimimiiilty mil j t bl ioiii i i tltlim of th ind tin mill pott i i li pll h holt i num iih a fi in the subinl of hi ll v in u iih b wlllili hap no hi on ptivi d i ill ihp npilng ll liiromis vrry mu ml tho ulinelii uf ptinahig kunii i nrly i tin hub ul i illy tin h in iluy and iklihohnic hci hi ihmci in crew8on0 corners i f ih ulin hprlngs iiwltih mr orrln lniub hi furmlnif und will iih nti friday murxli 7 b hit d inttrli t into to into f mr hi i tlir t jiltib fro i ply rr tlm timiiurim lun it mporahly udjiiritnil t hud a fumllv ll upon i by u lonilod i woman in use wan fo lull tin lie iiiirmi inlo ut oiid out roporled the int r f hi r i luphoi uni plunge l one o tho rccd lo wlt- ilfivu bent nit niptlnif cti iiuy i illtlxil ptl hill of fun hiri f llu merely prevention willie win uinli r onlim ncvi r to k ivvlininliik all 1 iiimhir inrunt to hi i thai in uihiii ho i on luy alio i ami tujlu liiuti a mill your oiiuiin ur wet nh said you hn peon 111 tile wall i ikhi vim niotlur i willi in to inivi hlirlte join i my nolil liirllnil llt imi jiini hi nftei lilmt no motlur i jump d in flml n us lo be thorti wlun hi fnll lit dllnmmu roiinti ling new bridre inwosbajfaweya bridge nders are asked for st lot 30 conooaeit la 2 and 3 v iisiui i ih ro 3 it 2fi no und at tlm mi elliu coiilirll ihhi wwk m i otinl id jin follows municipal world uuppllt i ciirrl npinliik road jus htokis grading 1dj3 j marshull rrkliterlni births 6 niurrlnvttm u ilnaihs for 1023 trunk kmnll tuming oul p 1 ail irnivel grant to rick children ultul a bylaw was panuxd iippo found knkporu f in e vuwnrs ovnrsuers of highways the township auditors repurt for 1023 which the council and ord then he do each a bylaw was paused eiiabmiig tho trohsuror to uecure crodlt if needed ut tlm hank nf nova rcothi the cerk was instructed to cor respond with the county roard of mothers allowance re assistance to some needy families the clerk was utso nquoaled lo pre- paro and advert lsi fiir londers for bridge lot 30 cone sslon 2 and 3 the ileove uipj mr mcnven wn ppoltlted ilelegutem to the goimi roudi onvi ntlon in toronto on i elrunrj 2s und made tholr uccnntnd by inuile to pay council adjourned to meet at one o clock j marshall march mayor j christ h of owi n hound wus rinihl b without iolm in tho police court the other duy for btivlnjt u receipt for rent to a tenant without utnxlng an ejcolse stamp the hydro kleclfio was about the only thing thai kept going regularly yesterday the train service the elea rlo cars the uutoa and the sleighs ware all bowled out by the big snow storm sunday hchool teachers und schol ars will nnd axcellant notes on the lessens from week lo week by one of the foremost writers an surlptui 6 truths 4n the continent on pugs rive of tns fiat tineas some of tho weather prophets may have to guess about tholr woulhur pre dictions but jhu certainty that spring is not very far 1 emoved is proven beyond ii ajiadow of a doubt by the gasoline test the irloa is going up tho corporation bad savaral extra abovsllera at work on tho stroot oroaa- logs and ofher publlg plaoesr ywter- dfty thero wu a drtft at tio ouior taloqumant on vju prnwt obttut six fast dap 1 canadian produce g u h 13276802 worth exported in october november and december during thw lost uireo months of 1913 canada exported farm produce to tho unlteil slates valued at 133 276 802 according to the most recent reports this was u considerable in crease over tho f 3c 676 loti tho value of farm produce exported to the united b tales in tho lost throo months of tho previous year t the corresponding three months 1bj0 before the higher united tariff rates come- into force this class canadian exports was valuod at s6 ssi 467 there haa however been at the same tlmo a decline in prices the quantity of canadian wheat ox- ported to the united htutoshurlng the tbrert months end oil fiecomber was nearly double what it was in the cor responding period of 1033 in tho three months period of last year exports of wheat to tho united htates were 17264 473 bushels valuod at thebsl- 494 in ths corresponding period of the previous year there were exported v17z1ke bush valued ut 110 260 239 the eroctlon of a modern sunday hchool room in connection with knox church is sustioeted by some of the workers the school is increasing mpch that present quarters ure imlnir found inadequate an epldiimlo of why some men drink chairman hales of the license com- misalon analyses medical prescriptions london onl i ob lit junius hales chairman of the llcmise commission for ontario in un uddrnnn bnforn the london ministerial alllanue to duy dealing with tho ontario temperatiip act told the mnmwni that ovur 1400 000 was used to purchase liquor last yoap for poopln who folt that they would havo died if thay did it ho also spoki toothache which had i province since- dentists had boon faring their patients tho privilege treating their tenth either via the 1 or the liquor route tho patients chose tho latter and toothache hud appar ently become a contagious disease hlnoe the ota went into effec race horaos must alao have their little toddy leforn going into a jui according to tho spoakor who said that vetorlnarletf wnre among tho author ised issuers of scrips who hud bo como offenders spoaklng about th use of liquor for sacramental purposes mr hules stat ed that it was nothing short of ri murkuhla to no en its increased uso xof this purpose among the ranks espne- tally of tho jnws who dacluro that not only doa luibbl neei it but thesoagrgutloi uihai must huvu certain ixirlods during tlio your ti form with their rnlljrloits duty in r htulliintrr wjilch nnd her fntiplhitm if in tesnury vor hoivt vi mil ilimvn frqiu 11 hi at pnttod bis lioriio on iho nose loljchliiiid in r huruihn fid imr miknr mii iiih pixkit laid his hi ail miulmd r link mid tulkid to h r tho took hold of liir hrldtn ilnd navo hei tt tilth vortor i ommtind l pull with 11 uljl ivfdmitly trying to d i him mil i for hi 1- kind frlrnd auulii iititid pitted itiul fid ur 1 aln nhi pulud this iluiii with hi- oiildir uitiiliist the win 1 i it took virul ultnmpts im forn the when ut but it wus arcompllnhed ourh of the whip orn loud th ally um without u lone te w lduil1 i puny win would be duilt took th onln belln that upon ploy vln istod am com name was on the wugon uheil t hear of thn inol har leloiihiinn tullod ut ompllmnlitnd nm nun tod 1 it 1 in tholr i xltnimlng sunte driver thanked her for br kindness ft was especially providential mudum he said ux the company nut ditnrinlneil to shorten help and had told mo that i wmil 1 ho throiisl luut night i huve u fumll and work lu hurd to ant just noiv so l did not know what f was uoliiir i ijiwt night the old nmii mmn nti i laid iis liaml on my hlmuldnr when i wnnt into thp otrici tu turn in my col- lictoiis tom ho said l hear you not riturk out on w avunue ioduy 1 said that i hud had a little trouble nut lure mild wo heard wo want id way lhat n ike rare of our horses one whom wo cun t afford i guiss that you can go mm next wook just the well i of that u man uho like that i to 1 t uo rikht on t hav wy job vill iiiivid it for 1 thank i your 11 madam thoughifiilr mu8entelle it at whv she could not tell askod ho the that j 1 ouolph mayor cartel 111 has been ulcted irldoit the ontario lorth ulturul toclty carter is tu givt an address hem im month in tho interests of acton ho tloulttiral roclety to meet the ileuuuid for mom lo huxfs in the post oflli 10 huv bo lnstullexl ihls wuek nuiklng the kiui total of beio milton tiiumploti milt pout offlie iiow has the milliii nuiulmir of ihixos nti are instutlod in the ant oftloe at ihu 1- uhruury meeting of iimi ottlcial hoard of central methodjat church a uuulilmous invitation wus xtindeil uln a third vv copied i fhi col dun t hullo v in ud they ul nobody rill let thum get you vllt nnd them is newspaper offices plruse don t mou- iu invilutlun imrne jtlsi who says at tin is pot u loam inlltui town out pupulitloii to iluy- tomprlses the following imllonuuths 4hnudluus jcugllsh irish scotch frviiuh united mtutna lollshj hweile russian austrian mnltesf german him ukiauiun hi unit people rtlsbig ihwhuhx reails the papers into a scrape unit flying round to tl with thn request lion that llttto arfalr snows hoes want urtlalns of reul utility yesterday usually in this suu tloii the nrv moil for the pastime of anowshoelng for pleasure yesterduy they war employed to facilitate reach ing oftlces tho school room and busi ness places in getting over the snow banks mr vy j aklna th new sacre- ury uf acton fall fau la alraady getunc th work in hand uul intends to ua hla beat ends vara to naur a uooaaruj fturthls fa3l tha b6m- bandjilpuelhu will bo tsauad in a few tlaya and layye list or mnjbtr l odolldstdttir a3jq3swml what wus tho text julie trlbbles as his wife oil from church irs trlbbles had to confus she had forgotten tl or ruthuf hh added i lout it in fact i dldn t u it whiin i fal to npiemlkh 4h text you ulwuys wmit to know why wlmt was tho reason that you dldn t get ft homothlng hajpmvd that drove it m my mind what wax it that happened well if you tnutknow said his vlfe rubbing imr nose just us tin prealher was ultout toklva out the text u moth rluw ulong hht in front of ma ou know welt nougli what u won mil dots win n sues u lnoh of mufnn i ioudul chip my hands llmre in church unit tiuifh jt hetwnon thum hut i si ro d ijt my huudker- ilif 11111 to 11 qulik motion and mldiil it touuthui tlmnj pressed il tightly i got ihn moth hut i lost thn text rod and qun for march the stovy or three yunk iluntn iln 1 ttiin up from sow york tu have irhuiltilig in new llruliswlok la- well duiibd by charles k william of niw ork on of the party in the maruh issue t- rom und gun in cui udu und a 11 sports mi- n will enjoy thla nurratlve flir thoao who huvo llovui isltnl jasper national park u fn an annful of dlcthmurles of various lunguasaq luy discarded und wiping th porn pi rut ion from ills palms und brow kono hun doclud to himself in troubled undertone that the word vuh iut to bn found huve you 11 iltthi timer hnvohtur- d to usk alwai for one who is so const i- oriit wim the rntiy what is thn illliltultyt i bg of puidotih hiivnrul thousund he nxplalned with u modified bow which he had inarned was morn to my mind lady han where my stay uuld uho hirungft moat hnautlfu word out miislciil i iniv- i cannot let nie licju you repuut it musentelu musentnlle i think in- llnlng his pulo brown oar at an ar untie atmli as if to catch again the bewitching v oca in musontelle n lngllsh no gorman no trench soup i like some little french hpunleh pos slhly musutitalle my bruin all broke i my bruin dm what tin u used i men doing when sh ludy han she ah i friend sitting moipo little si wing inaki hurl and ito itoodla und thread now tsry busy fcioftly aim murmui hasayuku muanntolln ah i explained itho ludy wu telling hur frliuid u uecrut rhe wu un llig you uiuut not lull koiid hun modltutid long mary m liowun ew liniment stops bleeding at once prevents blood poisoning removes all inflammation unreserved auctfon sale in towhiup l lhgulhing farm stock and implements i h 1 uiidiu lunol him im ivid in idriktlonu frhin wm mullin to toll by pill hi auotion at tlm w ul hair of lot -it- uolouii him ijqil lnir 1 mlln soulh of alton oa tuesday march 4 1b24 at one o dock iiharp tin followinir iioithlh1 hay marc rising d yuars old e punoso if not previously sold 1 laiy horse aged 3 tmyjnnn cattlu i rcbintirl durham nw uily tny 2nd no 174603 rod born april ti ti ii hrnl by wm mulliu ilum ijidy grey no c3htr itoyullat diamond no ii77as br i july z ij3 t ijitirl dirhmn row iady tiny 1r no lkfim il lwrn may 17 idl br d by win mulliu dam itdy gry no 1d3b16 uln royalist diamond no 11773h bred july 11 1013 1 rtglstored durham hdfr lady gray 4th no loflrol roun horn gcjohtr 20 13j3 hrt d by william mullltt tlani lady gray no ic3h10 hir hoyalim diamiind u773h 1 grad 1 durham 1 ow rd ami white bred aukiihi 3 iu33 1 1 rade durham iw rid i nd i anther 14 1d33 mllklnf will 1 trado durham tow roun bred junilury 2h 1u24 tnllklng well 1 yrudo durham helfnr roan 2 yar old 1 ril sto 1 3 years old 1 grud durham lndrr rl rising 3 yours 3 itrado stnors rlalng 2 yours 3 calves 4 monilm old 110041 york sow 4 pigs lo weokt old hiu ip l nulhtired lolcistir nwfin broil to relsti red leicester rum 1mpllmi- nthi mccormtck bind er 7 foot out hhesf rarrlnr nnd trunks 1 pi ti r hamilton mower g fool rut 1 mausoy hnrlrfmrtwlr c foot ut 1 pea harvistr 1 co dinn and drill 1 horse rnkn 1 ruhlvntor 1 oliver riding plow 3 vrlty no 7 walking plows 1 tut of harrow 1 uttlir 1 iitoik nuk 1 hay rack waitons 1 wuj011 box 1 cuttir 2 buggies 1 road rurt 1 set sleighs 1 htonntmhit 1 ant 3 100 rs scab m 1 am nepuralnr 1 fanning mill 1 hay fork rope und pulleys 1 fifty gallon bttjillno harro 1 twenty- flvn knllon coal oil barrel 1 gi number of forks bors her artlclns hlns- about co wollhred young tlarreil htxk bns hens to bu tish harnkbh i t double harness 1 set plow htimu 3 sets slnulo hur- hji hoiiik odd collurs iiouh1 hold 1 urnituiib 1 nk to union tnblo 1 sldulmnnl 1 hi ulead i barrel churn h humlwir of chairs lumim me positively no reserve as the perm has been sold tiilmh j10 00 and under cash jvir that amount h months credit will n glvni on furnishing upproved joint cu cii off fur cash r j kerr auctioneer i bono 3d acton ci plank ci rk auction sale uhohthohng and shorthorn grades horses york shireo oxporqs etc th 1 by illll d him 1 1 inuiri c d 8wackhamer lot j ll i im 1qi im lo si ii i ul lh all hon on thursday february 28 at nm u 1 1 k iiharp ihn following hollhll i lay tnar rliiing 7 yiar hay ii yi hiioilthoitwh u1111 iar jilt lilcair ii on nih 1 lum utitr huau ttiroi mi un lithx hull pansy of map alh y ut404 7 vinm calf at f i tinih un mulid 2nd lotun dim apr 1 21 iuimy lid 1hjhj j ynra br it t month 1 lilllm 11 1 11 14th ibm 14u 1 1 tu milim m mm in jan lohif 1 t month 4th 1jhiih it month tiium owk id hiu i if at fool roan iw 1 a if ut mill 1 1 kirnr lalf at r 1 rtrtn ow dun man h 34 red n w jim xturoli rid 10w bred 4 month 1 illkhig w ii vlf a i i m it ill i1lf1 hri1 month w lilt i if r i11i 3 im nihs iilnd im it 1 lrl 1 am f 11 4 hi r riliii 1 irx 4 helfnr 1 ymr 1 it ir 1 j f a r ihn 1 vi ir ml 10 month 4 v at li if now- 11 l hiir i 1 rknlilri wiw ith 11 plk a j v 111 1 1 puie 1 red 1 w willi 1 pits olfs old lad a u w ith l nil wo ks id 7 i in hud u v 1 ilu march la orl now dim mm 1 h u 1 yi rk shin hour 1 inn rov iodgo hi 773 10 plki til hit 0 ips 0 pun br d howii 3 inonihn old oyjroud hiipli 1 pair tjxvori owi h reifiiiti rail i pair oxford flwiu grain 100 htinlu in manner oats tio biiah ii o a c o ji hurley fo f ii podii tl ilmh ml hiiiiii of jui00 1111 mid- 1- li 01 r tint amount 1 hionlloi in lit hi furnishing upprovi joint imim oa off fqr mah pat utli vial calf grain and pots cash positively no reserve r j kerr auctioneer 1 phono 3fl acton c o plank clerk chain scars of jealousy on thiirs feb 21 under the auspices of women 8 in8tixute an all utur iuat nil immense ly hit renting m lodramo of mouth romanci- lov thrilling and nducatlng a slnulo roil of mirth an 1 lauthtrr children matinee at j to kvcnino at 7i0 und 9 pm admission matinee 10c and 20c evening 15c and 25c ton wus brnki unistutkes wus on what was uttered the un the worl the ludy mrtir hh with utly sallys iron und u ilt si rlblng some of hi r ummului of tho sluitu iit terry ikiim of h drossui ha rah holland rhu hod xtraordhiarliy open mind writes ml terry and wus rudy to grusp on now play us it cutuu ulotlg lis u si pa atu and uutlrely dlffniiil tuhd of op utions rlio was uxtrmly inothodhnl only kui flurried outu in a blue moon when we went to america und mud the ucijuulntutico of thut dreadful thing u ottulilght stulld who was us prvclss und particular about huvinl ythlng nice und h order for m uu if wo wore ifoliig to stop in tho n u month down wmit my neat mquaru of white druugot ull the lights in my drusslng room wi ru arruiiginl us i wished fry thing was unpiiikod und ironed one duy when i luiuo into suiio altmrii uil thoutrn to tlras i found rally nearly lit tears whutw the muttor with you hullyr i aske1 i uyent ud u nmrsnl to tmut ull day dour and i tun t vat my iron uu yotii iron hullyl what do oii it ow utu i to iron ull tlls duurr wulhd my faithful hull picking up nj nuixe oldtlsld apron und u fw otha tiiilvs it won t k all until then i really thought thul unity i uh hilng suidoiiln about un i us u muluttltute tur vluuali ho wh lull to innew their remem s of iiiih beauty spot c is bridges wull lllustrul ii article o r iuik wll he of particular lu tlii bfanh lastu of hcmi and lu outiuda oontuliia something tu st all tovirs of hunting fish- nhooilng und kunlinl intumats ihn ure articlus dealing with phases of iiililtior life r j kerrs list of sales thursday ibruary jb c ll nwucjfluimiir siuu using lowtishlu hhorthonlh hhorthoin orudo llagls grade oruslln iiokm hoi tid r urlng sslo mulliu farm tl juim kale farm dyoi tuesday kwiudalna ock implements thursday mitroli itookwooil clourini and implements friday uuroli 7 orrle lamb crew sons corners lurni stock tuesday march 11 ccopoi un 6th lln nassagswvym clour i pg salt of fgrm took and implements tilmday march ih ll hubbs ls- quoaiic cumrlna say of farm stock imtomttnitit vi his depression was ju0tified ii- wuii u avnthnoiitui joutli wlm hud buiii aiiffurlug for sonio tlilu witl severe lovn sickuuss oia tikornlng hi turnud up ut the otrht looking the pu title of ubjett ullaery whato the muttrt uskiil his tin- iiloynr hardly toll you tho lmy re plied uiistmdlly 1 i i ha baptist anniversary the lluptlst church will hold tholr vntilvi rxury fai rvicus nuxt sunday february 24th ti1u uiljlklil ioh till hay will 1 rev professor kerr or mcmastek university iuorimjoh kiuii la onl 01- inn mc mamiiil bta 1- and a man viity 11kii1ia riiguuai or v touonto special music will in ulvun by thn choir mrs v ul and thy gulh male quartutto mclean co new spring goods cnun tinglihli printh thi ii the firm jot uf cruin prints wc have ever shown in acion in tht lot un i if it and dark stripes and floral paiicrnn gunrwntccd tu i tulnn special price 30 yard- aiujrsni cinhmii for 40c yard gingham j2 inciicn wjdc in block nnd white checks pink blue mauve krcofib special price 10c peiyqrrl standard sliirlinf in black andwhiic and hltio and white stripes at ihe old price 40e yard a special tlii vrk in kactorycotton at 25c yard 300 yard of our regular joc cotton tnr thi iccv only special 25c yard crash towelling 2z yard ends of our all linen crash towci n the end for jviclean co- miixstheet acton ont iwii tttul nlmerfully in lli ml unil huv ililll i will lu l turuid light often inlis y ti 1uiliap l louu v il reply but this wi ii nh juat luughud men wanted 25 to 60 weekly un i rei lmployninii dujit lopurtu many posithiuu mmn for itieii who will lliallfy for work u gauo meihanlos i uklnesrs rtiaitftiiurs ktnoirluul llut- uiy wire or welder uxpnrte also iho lluur trade v train you for theee fllnaaant big pay jobs and uuar uhtee sails faction wi id nulnk for full purtlfiulars mention job dusimd hemphill trade schools ltd 103 king st w toronto ont uranqhes and hjmploymont uervtoo jut tb coswft canada and atotnaf de band minstrel show am guln lo be held in de town hall actxjn on wensday an thusday march 5 and 6 09 sunn v southern no singers ll jokks and minny ivyinh an overling of tho vtry best of good clian humor whos who on aix in a koc a one act farce full of humor from start to ijnlsli will bo nn vxtra udded at- truotion admltipicationi holdon kcabi 35c rabem scab 25c plan open at oruddsr orowna apothecary shop on saturday af- tsrnoon ihone no 3 v rumley acton ontario wool and fancy pieces utility and cinderella wools always in stock in all the wanted shades for humu knitting an nxiullnt assortment of funcy pieces to work ut during tho winter months we um always pleased to help witji suggstloiis and mudst uu with any of your difficulties un making up thunu pieces on h ilk tiiim wi lk an asaoutmknt oi hatri at ouelatlv itlpuccd jmlicfcil mill street acton ont miss js galbraith economical buying its very often quite ii task to know just what kind of meat to hove for dinner or uuy otjior nicnl in fact and if is very often quite a problem uftcr you have decided upon what you want to make it fit your pdckitbook but both these pioblems con bo cusily solved t our meat counters out experience mi cutting meats is proven to your ad vantage every time you buy mtut ovei our counter we can kivc you the most prolltnblo cuta ut the lowest prices quality considered of course wo urcnot juothi prices thia week but you can be assured of most economical buying if you liow us to cater to your meat needs an cxckllcnt stock 0 prksii iish to iiblp itf iiu cuoicn qtjuatcnu watch our windows friduy and saturday for specials w j pttebson corner mux and main htkkktri acton ont- v saturday treat coming another fresh supply of ncilsonv chocolates in l 1 and 2 jh packages a very large range to choose from including the tdub box a 1 lb box which sells for 60c the better box daisy caramels 29c lb this is a rich smooth caramel chocolate and vanilla flavor a candy that father mother and al the family enjoy be sure and take a pouod or two home with you regular 40c tb saturday treat 29c lb weekend chocolates 32c lb chocolates chocolates therefore three reasons why we sell so many every saturday first they are always strictly fresh second they are cry high quality tbird the price is exceptionally low and also a good assortment of flavors in hard and soft centres regular soc and 60c tb saturday special 32c lb j light lunch we arc proud of our light lunch trade drop in with the rest and enjoy a sandwich or a hot cup of chocolate ice cream in brick or bulk shop with those merchants who invite you to trade i at their stores i k 5fi-

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