Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 6, 1924, p. 1

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xjss forty ninth year no 30 thursday morning march 0 1024 acton ontariorcanada thursday morning march fl 1024 single copies five cento the methodist ciiubch acton rev cha8 hackett pastor parwruai willow st tl uij u in tiik mlulutui hubjocl in tho nimu of tin lord jrmin 2 30 m uunduy hdumilt 7 oil ji m tin- miiiihiui rtuhjoct a miiiimiuiv jubilee iviilvioiv wklcomb pkesbyterian knox church acton minister rev a c suwart m a muium willow street 11 nil ii m tim mlniutnr hubjocl iltlu timihlou life 3 00 i m huiniuy hehool 2 46 in lllbln man htudy in matthew chapter vi 700 p hi th minister huhjeot our friend lie pimmy htraugnrn leaving uddrea with tho usher will bo callod upon by the pun tor aix aitl3 coudiawy invited special notices nl minimum chictr for sale youutf yik ov apply to lumtoi u it no 2 acto wanted experienced wux threader for work gloves klfiady work apply to hamilton carbarn cotton mill ltd queen nnd jllvor ft treat tormiio ont v lost a powder tdmpaa vnnlty en- told initial unkrnvw d in thn ladles dressing room nl thn dance on fohru- nry 20 finder kindly lnava ut fkkk puehh ok kick potatoeb wanted hlghaah market prlo ml for po tatoes apuly to so- f mcmiltjan mrcann at weigh hcnle for sale strawberry plants unit runpborry canci all leading vurlelle dunlon nnd gln mary atrawberrlra j7 p 1000 haapberrloh 8 per 1000 charles oldham 304 it ii no 3 norval 126x0 reward for tho information which will lend to tho arrcni and conviction of the party or parties who wilfully destroy ed and dismantled a dynamo belong ing to th toronto lime company at llmohoune 3b3 wm oowdy for sale ou noil onjjitio a i mix h p ollsoii onjjino mtyl mounted on 0 h p ateel truck with uw attachment nnd holt tightener complete will sell right v kilty acton ontario clearing auction sale jainea cooper wilt hold u clearing ma lo of farm stock nnd implement at lot 21 ennccualon 0 nouacowaya on friday march 14 ut on oclock harp it x kehr auolloneer c o plunk clerk farms for sale 48 form in tho countlo of halton and wellington varying- from 40 u 00 acres let u sand you our 111- a number of homa and bualnaaa place in acton for aale fir and ufe inauranc money to phono 105 acton ont farm for sale parm 123 acres lot 1 eoneeaalon 1 erin ton bam 00x54 with good com fortable ntuhllng underneath and other outbuilding larue atone houae comfortable two rood flowing- aprlnff creek and two welta pall plowln done farm 1 in good ajate of cul tivation arrunromonta may bo made for purchase of 76 ncrea with all building p price and term apply to alex cluips 304 it il np i acton acton greenhouse a h blbhop we now liuvu ery udy fur dnllv- dafpodirh hyac1nt1im fh el- i a leak ikttlllk loiuuahii order takan for all klnjla of paddinq plants q livery p plenty of tlmf a h bishop falrvlaw avanua phon m wonderland fhidav girl of the golden weal batundav hadows with lon chancy tuesday just off llmndwuy with iluck jqnd j a mccujre son wllll ifiiliihiiipii winter on the ground but spring in the air thats u muric word springtime awakening in you n real sheer joyni living it means a new world fujl of new things in this big rstorc it means the revealing of new styles and fresh merchandise kor womfsn to see new millinery suits- coats dressesblouses and accessories v and a host of new fabrics in wool in silk in cotton and in combination of any two of these three newdtm tub fabric from england arc so strongly guaranteed by tho makers that if any dress or other garment made therefrom should possibly be found to fauehc gar ment will bo replaced free of charge wonderful drchtralinett are included in novelty plaid patterns with plain colors that may bo matched with the plaids if desired- 150 yard a ouro ginghams 10c and 60c duro mercerized poplins in stripes for shirts and blouses at 100 duro shirtings at 60c write us for samples a man may save 750 to 1000 on a new suit if he can be on hand while we arc clearing out all the broken size ranges one hundred suits gathered together from incomplete lines and all marked down to one clearance figure 1775 all woo tweeds and worsted in plain and mixed patterns of medium and dark shades both mens and young mens models some with extra trousers good choice in all sizes from 34 to 42 when all tho broken lines are assembled to gether splendid chance to savo on your new spring suit need d e macdonald bros ltd guelphs leading arid largest store weekend specials assorted chocolates assorted chocolates in hprd nnd soft centres week end special price 32c lb fresh cocoan0t rocks fresh cocoanut nocks that old favorite regularly 40c lb weekend special 32c lb smiles ti chuckles just arrived a fresh shipment of smiles n chuckles the fjnest chocolates on the market ice cream wo carry a full line of lco cream bricks also bulk lec cream wo will deliver to any home in town mill street acton h wiles advance spring footwear foiccan not ess the correctly nnessyou aresyour tp feetpypfry just in mens oxford3 kid patent colt cujf in browu and bluck new boots in kid and cuu womens patent slippers black utid brown kid newest shapes utid stylcb also uuedo und authtu if its new wo have it y holeproof hose mens und yfomcn new inrm factory und school boob sale prices on balance of winter goods harry harrison the shoe man where quality count we win daa hre it will pay vo news of local import womens institute monthly meatina thn regular monthly mnellnjf of ho womoiia inatltuln will lm hrhl at the holm- of mr air hell knox avnnm on krhliiy wvenlnr march 7 ut oilo k a kjmjit miimlfll nrorrammti rrmtbiy unit initon co inn ami enjoy ii koih ovcriltiif kvorylxxly wolcomo a runaway mr llxil llnblm ill murkensliim iilnolrt monday mill on church htrcot on moiwlfiy afternoon hyki nln to lliti nh fnomry whore it olllihil with itohort wnllaoaa team und xlilnh i mil ilumim wii done but ihu hitrnohm wiu htrfppnd off thn hohlm hontn itiivliiic only ih un enjoyable social evening a plooaant evetinlk wm aiuuit in tho uiluli hull on tu outlay effjqlnjc jtbo ronther wan riithor uiipopltloua but ho uttnmlntico wim gooa an enjay- uln iironrnirnnn wan rtmdureo by local lnlont whoho mimhera wore all on- joypd at tho cloaa aandwlchoa and fun went norvcd and n pleaaant hociui hour w onjoyed by the com- imny i charles qervala la dead on htiniloy wlillo mr und mid iloyd muualoai of toronto wore vult- ina ut tint burtilit homo here u tele- iihoim cuu camo from toronto aayln unit mr churloa oervala father i munulee wan critically 111 onto they returned by flral car omvula ilutl on monday he w from cluolph to toronto on wedr und contracted nnetimonlu jniniaiit wu mudii in toronto actons assets now 22078356 owing 17687847 the auditors report given much f interesting information fairview revenues last year hid to only 37a paid for it8 care social and personal mr will hobiirtt linnf thn wockmiil mm t i preuonled nt laat ollo1 it in ii v ont the follow id roroinini br4ujcitlio work thn vory co auditor uro aftuira of th comt lnfort ropitit for ibm3 wnn rnuotlng of ihu coun- nry intoroathik doou- ury if iixilunuiry idutlon ahow tht xi tthbruced and mutilfo imcncllblo in tunel th- tukltitf in ihu inunclul orporutlon which huvn thom for ruvl aion february 2c 103 ivi und counclllorm k mtiiilcfitullty of aoton onntlumun wo utlurh liiotn un- fiillowjnk do cument duly crtlnil hy un i mlatcmcnt of auaotm cud lliiblll- tie tornn si vlhllkd fllcilt h iii hi n lay mr prorrn towunl roi ovtiry mihm allco cook ih vhilllnc hi irr mr- mllmuithllh liiolph mr w o knnimy wua homo from toronto ivr tho wimtknd mum unaxli woinhiill npnl the wioknd with rrlondi in milton mihm iorntt knniikdy hnt tht woekond with floorkown frlonil mua konu koiiich of ourtlph upont the wftkmd with frlendn in town mlaattf rlornncn uarr htld nnlllo hall vlaltnd frlfiiilm in clualjih iivaf hunday mr auicunt alnlrrmn 1 now urinlu- ally rrcovnrlikf from ill imrloum iii- yuiinff v lulled frlvnda lr wlnnhiim and itlploy lnai appreolatee the horn paper a former realdont wriu am otonlnjf clioqua for renewal of tlu luz laxau for unother year i hjsnjj uulliy to no gll sen c in not rumlttli laat month whan aubmcrlntton wu due und iid m it it wo not a aquore deal to tho publlahora und u poor way nhowlnc my appreciation of the woekly feuat of hihh thlnjc and now from thn old home town und aurroundlnc dlatrlct i uak your pardon am wuh you continued auccue women day of prayer tho ladle of the iluptlat met hod hit und ireabyterlnli mlaatonary bocletlou will unltti in u aarvlce for prayer in thn mlhillt church on friday ut- lonioon ut three oclock irayor will bu offurod for tho church in all land mlaalotim and mlealonarle homea and home life hoapltul nutum doctor mlnlatrio of healing preventive and roaoue work tho kin the empire the government the rlsht admlnlatratton ot law and j untie nml thu ieuxuu of natloim the turnip trade still buay tho nhlppor of turnip art tlll uhout un buy an they were in tho fall ut turnippulling time twenty to thirty loud of turnip ure atlll being dollvurud dally to the two ahlppera at aoton mtutlon uf thn canadian nu- tlonul itullway tho turnip now bo- inif dollvuiod wurv stored in pit in i tall tho current price now 1 1 5c per hiimhol of so pound turnip tiave iiduii hioukht in thl weok by farmer from thu four lowrmhls of teuuttnlng nunmikuwiiyu krln and kramoaa welch for bpurlou american bill uumu amorlcun bank nolo chtofly of the j2 denomination which havtt boon traiiaformod into 30 blllx huvo btmiu floodlna ontario during the put riw wdnltm canadian s3 uahk notou ircutod ulmllurly uro ulo included but thn iiuinbur 1 not u large a ihoar from ucroa tho linn thu bill in dicate that tho poraoti reaponalblo uro uxperleucwd und th vnluo of the lintp have wen raluod to fto ao auo- couurully thai largo vunm have been i out through tho acceptance of them ho addition cipher needed to make 2 bill into u xsohu boon inacrlbed 1th lire at earn utid uttaiitlon ha been paid to thu tnlnutoht detail the moat careful ucrutlny i required to defeat fiuud olan machine company gehlnfl settled ho work of convoying the heavy lulh uiitl other tunrhhiery from the old uhop on main htruet to the iew thoiuhon factory in muplnhurat wa complutud lut wetik uuperlntundant lllow und hi atftfc uro now bually ungukud lit plaolnff tho machinery putting up nuw liu fling und getting thu now pramlao luto hap for atl- fiitilory work the machine urv belnjf utiuiigwtl ho u to fnollltute handling of good in liroctm of manufacture tho raw mutorial will go in at on olid of tho factory and the nniahed ptoduct will be tranaferred from thr lut muchlnu to the hipping rack thu large factory 1 already ho crowd ml with maahlnory that the company mid thut un addition mut be added for atorlng wtcel and other raw mfter- lulu order are bain rucelvod in lat volume anfl ih company i iiulto onlldutit that w4lh tt inoraoaed facllltle arrrded by tha new build ing unit lliu ektru machinery their output thl your will double thut of 1033 mr hartley lurrlaon the head of hut un leu department leave hext week on u bunlnoa trip to vancouver i c youthful flight of oratory the umiiul monday ovoftln ohkioii of thn villi llg- 1eoplom laguii wu o4uiplnd by u highly interratlnw- oru- tnrlcul ronttht thum wor u cou- lihtiinth iviy ono of whom demon- iitiuttid ory crodliublu ability um u public mpeukur th apoaker weru ull young- pople of the churth though not ull wtno mtmibur of tho lagde hi tho oolitnat for holluemlerm ml unit a murray wuv uwardl nrt nlt with lirr uddrea oil tuvld lloyd jooigt icivlli utnblu took vuund ulucu hlu wubjuct butng- how nature 1ioteotu liar anlmul ulld tleorgtt mumoii hihu did well in hi eeoh on tiu waterway of cu inula the uuiuolutlon prim wo award od to mlrm murlo utwwurt fur her addrea on mellut murlumr in tho roup hy id un bur of the leagjut- ml ci urn hityugn won tlri pil wllh hr out- hon on aoton jubilee ctikbrtii mihm ada nellu wua mooun hpi ibpm heliiir wliy i hhpum ik o tyr whlto awaiting tho duoulon of tut judg- lmiroinvtu peecum yrii mude by ultoj- clarn ip our quu ii armatrong weu h mr willllh wuckplt iplw hrtmnw uuilo of jiuluiim wyri iindertakvit by aflaae hiule hrni1in tjraro hood and laultwl hturt to whom the thank of the ionua were voted dm lug lhv avonlua- u ladle quartette compotrd ot mluaoh iottle muaon icva johnaoii ollvo mcuiughlln und kdllh dennl lunduied u electlon which wa much enjoyed j aba tract of oenorul accotinui of the municipality for h year 1123 3 detailed htutcniont nf kxpondl turo of tho municipality 4 waturwork icparimont a bat met htatonmiit of receipt un i expundlturi b detailed htntrmrnl of expenditure a almilimt of the account of the public school jonrd l tvtajlel statomnt of uxpoudlturt uf lh j-ub- llo school uoald almtruct of tho accountii of the iroo lihrury hoard 7 abmroct of thu aocount of the hydrotitmlrl commlaulon wo ugaln take plcoaure in roportlnk that w found tho cuh txxjkn auxiliary book of the treuauror and other ii ih da in good form generally and carofuliy kptl we have- hindu ome furthcrxukgwtlona of u mlno nature to no mo of tliu departmnnt which we bellnvti will further tncreaan the finclency of thmytcm counting we noui with phwuuro thu incroawn in tho tecelpt froi lnll tax hui hnllfvlng that tlw hvunuu frtim l hi mourc u mtllt much bvlow what hhoutil bo w are taking the liberty ot recommending to the council that the collector of poll tax mr held be lntructf to vult a neighboring muulclpaliy wlntro u good ytm o collootlon of poll lax in in voeu with u vluw to gaining lnformalloi which may rault in tho matter being carrlod out under a uallafuotory uy tarn hore thu collector roll the municipal ity chief aource of revnnuc ha hud our careful attention nnd an ai tic lt of unpaid uxfi at doc cm be- 31 laat 1m now upendod to uie roll krom thl botflnnlng with aomo aug- goatcd change in accounting it should be u nlmple mutter to obtain a balance in thl department in future audita we havo examined thu lliaratitixi honda of the different oincorw of tho municipality ulao th inaurance in force on the municipal proportion and our mport thumon lu contulhht heruhi the dettenturo nnti in hi kmm form tho ciunralltko iloml of 11 m karmei- trouaurci 3000oo w j hold culleotoi- 1200000 h m mo- donald trumunr publld kcliool jiaurd ilooo no uu currtnt plru hihuruncu lu forco hhoo kbc- tury 112000 00 town hall und euii- ntx 1i21000u pubtto hchool u- 000 00 thorncm motor huppllud xu 1000000 c c hicndeilhon cieo havilyjaudllorw lroni tho voiy comprohonwivu report of the auditor i glruned iu few item of hint iiu lutuiumt which rutepuyur will uppnclulu puiullng tho prlntliuf and uliculutlou of the computo ruort on a vory conrvntlvt valuation after allowing u liberal amount fordo- preclutlon of ult munlcjml utllltle uudltorm huve whown thut acloiv uaael today aro 2207836s the llubllltlo ull cavtimd by dtdtenturea unt to tl7eu7h47 leaving a hut milan cu of uhrtoth over hubllltloa of t41boso0 tho general rtcelpl for thu yeur wri 103416011 und tho tuiluiic on hand on ducembui 31 wa 23is2 61 tho ruotdpt on wuturwork account wrn 1420017 and tho payment jj6b1 le tho rttcelpt of the hydro- kliotrlo commuklon totalled 37f21 12 thu puyniont uxcundod thin by sv70ob but the txpoidlturt included foszuk largely uxpended in con duction of eklvnaluny it i ititur- tiiig- lo iiotu thut outalde tho hinount received for lro ughlih the r- ilpta- for light um for pownr ur jiow ttlmim fiuii thu total ruuulved foiivaldentlu un cnmmcraul llghing wu iixcb tl alld for power hl344 iiit coat of alrpnl mglljib- ln year in 20h 4c it 1 exowvlmfv htmhtlluf ltu that thu ruaftlpt t1 vlryuw ceme tery lun yv nhhutut i4hi3t whuriuih tliu total m vluutd w hliown v tii ttutfitura rirt wh uny as73 hurely ho ttuiflixy im hut heintf litudu a ruvfipitepttttlutilng utility to add to the general reoulptu uf the municipal ity with only 183 73 expended lt it i no woudoi the walk utid drive were permitted to get into thu vury unprvaentublt condition which ulled lut aunilner trnlemji the chulrtnan of tho ctimmltter for a934 can handle mmoltiry matter tnoru autlafuctorily than thl be will huve aomu aorlolia iuihtlouu to mmwor when thu mckonliig tlnm conio ut thu ml of thu municipal yuur howevur h ha hud no opportunity uu yl to ahow what i un h ihnw in ihlu im portant niattiu that he will lm ju- t1fld lu -mudliik- ull thu revutiuu of tin femetuiy lu kuuplnw it pniilllblt utul uttructivu no thoughtful ratepay er will guluaay in fut tho htutute ivlulre thut all luvcnue fiom thu uifiiiutury be nxpcinluil hi the tuulntun- ullct ulld ilnprovillliult of tin lliiilnlery thu wchoul uio now idling ihu town 11144u thlw iinumilt aiin lurg iut thu lnipoiuuii of tho pro per itdultltloli nf thu lhg giiurojtloii dvuiuiirt utnt tho icdicatlii dupurt- in nt enfoiim thl uillturi fru john civ ouolph vihuoi i daughter rtilullvea la not rripb mi w rv muntur wmh illunitg miirtll hupllltv yum know my friimt jinvin imi you ihunt ia mi ijuitui tl l vfu urtr uwliilu yi of snurito i tin dear wan ho ivllv 1 w 1tu mutt hiim tla tnonl liuppy tdeu4 hihiiii nmrilag htmllyt ytmtl in believe thut man and wlfu ahouhl n way be in full harmony thut thry nhoultt mutuully yield nvmy point tojhl end und have no thought in the wot id hut truo domuatin hap- plnea hpluiidld und of utiintd mi joiiv kill ugmea will htm 7 rnut mo fa l my dear juiiklua lu dm euarriad t p hua b thn ugh lllneaa co maaltrate od to hi bed ml iiura hull und mu hull apent hiinilay with hoily vardeti mr a e niokllii j routined to thu hotii the paat wok mr hamuol dlco milton ban beon ri for mevnral day mr william ialrd of walkervlllc pent a few day laat woek will rrjend in town mr klmor liondciaon of toronti dental collego vu over the weekend mx allrljh f hum her friend mi jeaelo ftfw llnn lat wetf mr nlrhola porbu who ho bee 111 nnd conflned to hla ihki thu paat the schools honor roll for february standing- won by the studious pupila at the examinations last month the three in each class who won honor standing thn following rnportu- give thu iiumum of tho pupllu of anton hchoo who won u place on tho honor re in february 1 senior fourth prank hollowuy 366 john man 303 ada mill 301 news of local import st patrick day dane tho acton vmployoua of the howt- aou hhon furtory uro hohlinjr their laat oclal oven lug of thr uituum by glvlntf a public itam and nupper on thn nvenlug of hi iutili kx day march 17 muhoiim ui chentra junior fourth hlowart 302 frank cook 3381 waller ijnham 313 total coa m v uunnott teacher senior third phlllla howard 403 uaxel coxo 1 mlldiad holllnttei 360 total coo d pointer teacher junior third halt coo kathleen mel lon omlrondnr 473 total d ut hlu lon don vitdted jtuaaell mr clutrlu hyndu und mauler mar of toronto apent the weekend at thi parntul homo here mum dorl hnnuom of toronto vlhlted her friend mu dorothy mo ptleraun over thu weekend mr and mr thomu hodgln o ienny haak apout tho weekend with mr and mra oooigu hodglna- mr a xlctuvlah who a b with relative at oaforth for ov month ha returned home mr jordan lawon who 1 taking u courao ut thu technical bohool tor onto wa home nvor the weekend i mr jameu matthew ha been in a vury low condition the mat few day a iter recovery la not now looked for mr w 8 coleman jr entertained about two dorun uf hla friend laat wudnuaday evening ut a houae party mlh win wuu 11 gu of mr ifred wataon over thu we and mr a of toronto kund ut th t t ilrown ii in ouelph meeting of u of ouelph hev churle hurketl 1 on tue uttendlng- thu mualonary cummltt dutrlct ir churle iuabyf of toronto mpellt u fow dum with relative 111 the home mi luiuhy ulwuym ham kindly fueling for acton mr churl u joiinio- of kitchener pout u few duy4 during- the wouk wlti mr c c height utid mia speight id enjoyed the vllt to the old home mliht llorile hinlth wax honm from j ron to from katurlay till monday uhuui hu took tier old poattlmi in tho choir und tendered vory urfectlve mrii john 1 bucoid who lui lieun makliig her hom in hamilton haw ovvd to oulph her acton frlembi will ulwayu hav u wulcoiim for imr when aiie come to thn old home idc and mr a t hrown hud u vary enjoyable liouo party on frlduy uvculng it wax in celeb ration of mr tlrownm birthday and the houaeful of guuat apent it dulittlitful evenlng mr william maphall of handon ha bueti bent during the paat week renewing acquaintance in thu old homo mr mcphull huu mot tuuuy of thu friend of liiu uirllir yar but mle homo who huvo iwuu iuuwl t thulc lopg humu lli i mpendlpif thu winter hi otitafli xla hvrthu hiiwn va hon from tortiutt oyer tho wovkkiut ml llrow hwu iwu uuwoteil u uuv of the cunudlau uwcher tu wptmd u year lu teaching in ihiikiou lugluiid in vx- uiuligu for u tvitoiiif from ihero who 111 luaoh lu toronto mu urown ii prooue ul lngland wurly in july inveatigution tilled to reveal cause th deputy fir mar nail unable to dlaoover ctuw o4 fire at norval a twoduyu inveutlgullon into th cauuu uf thu lire which dcatroyud the aplundid burn of j ii clulk norval on deoember 12 wum held thl week ut llrumptoii mr clark wa uudur tutll nation for auverul houia giving thu deputy piro murahull u vry complotu hlntory of hi affair from ii lliiuiillal utaiidpultit monn uf tliu wvldutioo glvuii tllfew any fieah light on tlfo cauau of thu- rtre mr claik uuld thut it might havu 1moii auaeil by drawing green grain into tho bain duiliig- tlut harvuaf uma- llihlg inaitu iiuceaailiy 1uj umiet by wuiithur condition v dhwla lined any bollcf in hpunltnuoua comb unt ion or thut a ahoi cjicul lp the cur ut ed 111 thy burn thu lllght of thu might have won rvmpumilblu hqw this qnfct in tth h vhf foooully un old lilum ywam vhlllel llllo tho wltllwam hov uiid mun infirm uud juot u llttlu blind lie vont tu0 fallrl more than onu tun me luetoud of hliig up the xtalrw hut 1ml to th box hu mounted thoe ihiit itid to hunch kald the judgn gootvnnlmihwlty 1 h u judgo you wuhl to be my good tnait 7 ah uuiu yutu honor wuu tho rvply lui un uuld man now und iiiulib itu ull im nt for tho judge hud no ruady tutort what would happen weultll uil bo pultlut muulhlflu ul wor usually dlvldudf nuolulum mllte no it wudul all tho no ululialh would dhrlnk thliilnulveu t ilouth wld thulr ahuru an ibeind bo nuthtu but f laft i allan m ntxl ih0 800 m it otooro touch i senior second ioriiu mccomh 408 charles holmoa 40b frank winter t03 junior second abel ilruce 445 kathleen ilc- comb 408 katharino btowart 408 robert hall 346 cordon uanaen 340 total 6oo t andoraon teacher junior second v noni watorhouae 3s0 adabel ilrown 37 1 phylll luby 337 lol atkln- aon 337 tntul c00 junior flrat oeorgu tyler 238 jack watoiouae 201 fleorge holme 200 total 400 promoted from flrat claae to junior second j pthrr tuylor teddy elliott laubol switxcr tommy nlcol heaale ilaw- 11 nt amelia kvan joe kelly may ilruce cathorlnn mockie william near pout hlllman thomu elliott hanil motion margaret ohhea ljoy ken j on john nlcol audrey mccomh ollu ii armatrong- toacher junior flrat itw ifullouuy 338 leorge moloa- xl 23m jo mccamt 213 marsuorlt itoaxol iui tolul 300 senior primary hnrvey huattard 231 toddy han- hun 2lo wllfrwl mccutcheon 178 total iso prart ted from senior primary to junior flrat harvey huxaurd teddy ilanaen wilfre m cutchaon laabul ilruce loth hui rliiou vera itawllnga rlla marahull robert marahall tommy illgby naom hum ley hobert kecrl on trial kathleen patrick on trial n anderaon teacher junior primary a mckt holme id murvip iteld 10 lmiulntt wllaon 18 mlirjorte neui 17 llleti cnmphell 17 h uei tn iambart h ooorgu huitxe 17 murguuhie cuirie 17 km inn n i4 arrow 16 4iimf unit a tb hurry iluruk 17 jiuk mrfllll 10 total 20 it ourtlhiei teucher a subscriber writes from japan ale munro deacriba tokyo earthquaka scanaa thu following- letter from alex muurou our former follnwcltlxun mv lit ovuugotlc japan will bu ml with intereat hu kohura taklnugawu tukiliogwwumachl tokyo fu japan v february 0 1s84 dear mr moore thought 1 would write you a few i to lot you know that wa are again nettled in tokyo we arrived ii january 10 word fall mo to crilmi thu awful wight inoe the thiuuke of huptember i yoka- imm hit ihmui com phl el y dotroyd and u grvut purl uf tokyo one can ixety rculixo what an earthquake du until the turrlbtu ruin are mtn- muuntuln have buup removel atui tlmro urn cruoku and crevidbu in thi ground uovorul fuut wide uteel rail twin led into ull ahapu uhd ull ulong the utreetm urn thu iron frame i of automobile lying when they hud ti left by tho floe lug- occupant ut thu time nt tho earthquake iirthouuktui at 11 continue near ft very iluy on junuury it wu had u ury largo one wu woiu iiwulmned buroro oclock lu the morning- with hu huumu rocking wo could ucuvcely tund on our feothut hud to gut uut m qiilckh a poaalblu with qiitv uullb mouud uk ij luatud for twenty mlhtiti iianyof ihu houae coi ned ulld killlie teopln we iv kllleil wu have lo uluup with u- certain nount of lothlutf mi uw wo nover tow whuii un earthquake 1 coming- holdlur ur wt 111 guarding thu cltle utid workmen ure ruinovlng tho debrju una taking dead hodle from thu ruin w certainly enjoy thu acton paper ovury week it i uku u loiter from tiomu with kind regard to all i rumuln yniir alncuroly auhx itunroi the oloboti eightieth uirthdny a fortyfour page edition marke thl annlveraery tho toronto uul uttulued it ulghtlnth year yuafuiduy uud altuillaed il importutu upoth in it hiatory muhiu u fortyfour inkgw odltlon i hlcli wum given a vury interesting ivluw if tin evolutlnii of what 1 ituw mi o caiiuduu moht uuocoaaful uud ptvneiitutlvu inotiiipolltuii journal a fatuiu of tin llluatrutloum u ea- peclully interesting ti til fvlttl pnaarf liimminuch n ihu old wuhhltigluii hand plea uhowu wo thii proa upon which thu lrt edition of tun altun 1uuj isiia wa pi lilted in july 187 n- conllng til the uniialanf louul hlatory handed down in thin ultloa for ileal ly nrty your thu hlithday mcuaagu from thu pru- hldunt of the olohu und the malittu- l ion it riotit leadluv men throughout canada uio inout inti uullnu und will huouio lilatory very thoughtful child robuat little arlrl of five jqivt be- fore aturlliiif for her iliat day t action muinavw ilwir pleaau cul ny ttu gnriialt in it oj very impuruni now deart ym munihey yoll neo 1 ahull piohnhly hiu tu liuuuh homo of tin uthoi imgtrl and i dont wupt t tmrvsww uaaun rummaflo sale march 20 the ladloa uf tho mlhodlt charch 111 hold u itummago kale and nftnr- iion tea in tho nciiooi room on wml- noaduy aftijrnooti unit ev1ilnir jdtti i nut a rummiigo uale u u new ad- venturu in acton and will nit tin ally have featured up internal miaa qalbraith suddenly do reft tho aud tiowa uumu from tlm homo ut hhelburne lo mian ualhrulth mil liner on hunday that her father mr a v ualbraith had died very uudduu- ly mlaa uulbmllh look thn drat train for tho atiicken homo lint many frlenda hero aympathtxu deeply wltn her and hor family lu their greit bo- leavamont a mlaalonary from japan ilov samuel ii hopor ii a mla alonary from japan who lm itpectal aupervlaln of agricultural tralnlug- undertaken by the mlaaionurynoeloty in that coiirilry will preach in tho uethodlat church on hunday ovuiilug- march 10 on monday evening hev mr hopor will deliver an illustrated addmea at thu youiiu pooploa leaguo preldnt cartarwjll tell about flowara tub pjuob presa wan favored with a call from mr j k carter quel ph prealtlent of the ontario horticultural society on tueadoy mr cartor ha kindly consented to uddruua u public meeting- under thn uuaplcuu of anton horticultural hoclnty in tho town hull on friday evening 28th luat preuldont carter i an expert horticulturlitt u practical in hi uiathoilu uud exceed ingly interoatlnip in hlu deucriptlon of flower plant und tlorldtilture the doctor country drives thl wlntar th man wham lot lu not to bo on- vied thl winter i tho doctor with a country practice whou prnfuhhlonut dutle fall trim uut fur mivanil milau on a cold atormy wintry night hen thu rood arc in nn ulmont impauxabta condition it may bo that ho lm juat gotten homn and into u warm com fortable bed urtur bolnif out in tho cold for aevoral hour when a telo- phooe ring come lu und uumrnouao him on unother trip hllll ho obey the tummuna and to judgn from hlfl appearance he iioomn to enjoy tho ex perience u f o monthly maetina the regular monthly mooting of tho u f o anotu f w o wu hold at tbfl home or mr hart david mm aeond line on fqlduy oyoiilng arid wa well attended over ono hundred hnlmr pre sent following- tho routine bualnoaa a programme conatlng of ngnjca by allnun clurrldgu and donald modou- gall lecllntlonu by mta hetty iowrie and a aitigeong wore given which were ull en joy ml mr will mcdonald gave u very intereatlnc nddrcain cooporallvu turnip murkotlmf lunch wn nerved und thu remainder of the evening wu apent with mualo und dancing- t the 8d markat tjjubprlno a bullutln from the ituml branch of tho dopartmeni if arloultiiru ot- lawa aaya there huu been little change 111 the wholeualo ud market during- the puut two week durlnt thi perl ml importutlon of timothy from the vlttid hutww have boon targe to toronto iticwm luivu romain- almut tho aume with u wuukur fooling in aomo jim notutily rod clover autku ulid timothy there la no balnaaylngttiut bumlnon romnln dull due to thu gvntirav tlghtiio of tho prnauut uvoruiio whole- aula price uro u follow red clover no 1 per 100 lb s230u lud clover no 3 per 100 tba 300 alaluo no 1 ier 100 tba 13 00 alulko no 2 pur 100 th 13 do alfalfa ontario no tier 100 tba j 2300 alfalfa on tario no s per 100 lb 12100 hwuut clover no 1 pr loo rim i12g0 tjweot clover no 3 pur 100 lb 1100 tlntoth no 1 per 100 lt llzbtt timothy no a io- loo ibw 11175 from aoton to vancouver by panama u will be new to many reader that good uro being whipped regularly from anton to vuiiuoiivor uud other hrltuh columbia und alburtu imlnt by way uf the puiuuiiu uuuul numurou now item hove uppuurod reapoctluu tho ahtpinuut of wheat and uthur uruln from vuncouver to ovoruua tiort through tho patiuhia eunal but it may not be generally known thut maiiufuu- turr uhd deulur lu ontario und other uuatuiii provliiue uo muklnu regular ahlpiiifiiita to tho west by tliu panama toutu tho anion muchlno compuiiy urn uhlppltuf uylu uud nthor uupplln for motor cam by thl route und ilud it quiui aiitlufuutory flonda uro ahlpped to montreal und go by boat ft out theie down the atlautlo couut through tho uuuul and thuti ui tho putlflc coumt to tlpli deutlimtlou 06odm can be ahlpped thl way to point um rvinotu from thu oouut a culgory und lcdiuoiiton for u lowor iutu thuli thut charged by thu more dlrout ullrall routu paator and dairy instructor uev huiiry cotton ut pioiuut puiitur of thu culuuvlllu muthodlut chctilt hug buutt appointed to thu pnwt of ahalutant uupurlntcnilunt of th itoya purm uud tiululiiif huhool ut hluiw- utldgu oijfibuo where tluiiu ale nbuut 100 buy major cotton nerved ovor- auui in thu plylnu- coipn und upont aojiid mo n thu in n cloriiiiin priitoii tuuip- durliiu hlu puutoi ate ho hau utljlaed 111 tralulilif ucqilliod at tho o a c to form dulry tuuthiir olubii und had tho diminution of hutnu p- tbly the only paator to cm ry oji uurh inunufitty work hi tnteieut hau not only been uf giuat niutotlul biuuillt tu tho fanner nf hlu tommuulty hut hus given hiiu a tiroalluu uitunjf the people lesllullig lu a ki interest iii ut- tundhig chut ch uetvlcum and tiv tiptrlt- uul matter lieilnrally huv mi cot ton will huvti a vury wliiiltiimuin inter- i eat uvr thn boyu ut hhuwhiltlue 1 aim hchuol und will hut opni tunttloii for rallglou work uu giuut uji that of unv puatur huv mr tntlon apunf hi thut tliue urtur ieturtihig from ovuuiouii a tulnlatar uf the huiohen on noival utrcutt tim- two pur poena nf a wovly nuwhpupui uro to iiiiiku iiioiie jtiui to huivii thu coinmiiiiliy muklnu inuiiuy 1 put nrat foi thu papu that in not making moiiuy cunnoi utvt tlm tnm- inunlty it la tiduud to bo a pom dowiiultliaheelii uftulr you uuo it to youc oimniliilty to belli inur local a uuuyi

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