Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 6, 1924, p. 3

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flip artott mtet ttb thtlthiay mahcii fl 1024 thn mun nnf hulll m not hlonied iii nietlv the man who wins who wins l un iivoriih 11- wl knmv nl km ell tosll ii bill khm down through iii lb- lint till in ir yon mnl do pots ii thiir ihlngii hes rlniln favor lii lilt id ni it pays in k thing well thul l iltmsnl pity icurned employer n liw mora all ho lino i hut thn eyos than one fh to toll ho th at im winks uml wall till oim flue duy res u boiler job with bigger mty 1 the mon who shirked w ho never limy coulil hotuicd by the man whi wm k tiiudn good or wl thu mon who wins is tlm works j o neither labor nor troiib man who o shirks linen his hands his head bin vir mun who win i the mnn wli clmrlcii h harm 1 1 blunper6 and carqltne carolina said cojsn junlce rlto tablo ivo been hearing thing ulmut you caroline looked up smiling shyly hho still was shy with thoop strango cousins and nil their wonderful city world it was tta much mora wonder ful thun shohad imagined it that ut limes she could hardly hallovo lha h wan really to be with them for a whole month moat of ull aha admired cousin janice who wi very old over thirty uut thu mml beautiful wo mun she hud nvof noon i heard cousin janice said with her lovoly laughing eyes on caroline eager face that you looked us pretty k as u touch uml took immensely ulna tlmt you committed u vary gruve social orrorl caroline who had flushed rosy pink nuddonly lout her color oh what lld i do 7 slm cried you ulludod to the foldedup lady witting udoo tho top of tho lobe as ilurnojonoss hope o cousin junlce did it and i know of course that it vras watts carolines volco was ho full of tra gedy that u ripple of laughter ran round the tabic you hhant tease her jan mad no declared dont you tot her caroline janice ha a wholly incomprehensible and indefensible prejudice again t the lady in question and nothing could possibly please her mor than to have her called out of her name i be lieve you did it on purposel oh no i didnt caroline protest ed earnestly shvfflod to laugh too und in ii moment the subject was changed nnd they woro all talking about something alee it never oc curred to any of the merry family that caroline r cully cpuld care rut when a week later she was invited to a musicale at the klngsleys where the tea had been she bogged bo to be left at home that madge hor have her way she did not know that cousin janice also was at homo until a knock came at her door i called to ask if you were 111 janice said it oh nol caroline stammered then suddenly under the kind ques tioning gjute she gave- way i i couldnt she cried with u quick breath- not when i had made that awful blunder i i felt es if 1 couldnt look them in the faco again to disgrace all of you so disgrace us i cousin janice cried why you child i ive done quantities of worse things than that no one re members five minutes or cares if be doea remember would yout why of course not caroline re plied only it seemed eo different- no terribly stupid theres only one really stupid thing und that la to let the blunders we all make spoil our good times leave thom behind lth yesterday child 3 hey cant hurt you unless you give mm power to carollno draw u long breath hho bvgun to see the way i vim h my ancestral home i hi ill- ml i oiled wnlw m roaming rori tlm lit lutu clout llneagtf their voimb null in tho m rum ii ln with and tho family npecti that kildm thro th they ihinalyif tholr u and the bluobtmxl it and thn sculptured churchyard thai covers tholr lint hut their lioaatnd lurmtlod ulu with tholr oakeilpanelhid walls and the long dim rows of pointing whero thn long dead blood liii tulu am but thlngm of yosini days making hcnfdo my ancustrtu hull whero thn plllnmd wultx urn living things and a llfo i oof covins nil my unocnlrul hum wiih built by lod whan llm world uml met worn young and thn mpnctroii of toy fornbnuts olhlo thro lis dim ulujns fnrtlung no nculpiumd vault tlmlr 1iiim onr- llut thn nownrnil nwurd iovith ull and entwined phinms of tlm plno trni is u living fun cm i pall and tbu of plctl simtch i s ivorlastlnr galtorlos oh unsollnd ui nmnil nth uml south mid n unit i rnllowtownnmnn mujoi intnl in writing ht i nulln ii dlniovrrlis innpoitlng thn m jtory of leortiotowri rv him i when it wan set hod j curly settlers 1 nupposi information hut ho turn knowllgn nvii jlvii artoi uml onorgntowii i minted in riyiny wnm l huvn i nmn into my ken thn mwlrtr xu ompliili renpnnnlng on hid prism a fiw of tlhuf i uml oooign kniinixlv hi un won thn firs soitlern th thuy look m iliell ill i looulilj in 1k2i juiii tin fori- the ailumii fnniil it in un lutiim neighborhood news- town and country flu f i klm thn lul i family mki thnl n thn mm hut of lo day l ulilium ot vn major rockwood iliarl r htruit an oil und hlchly iintel renlitmit f uorkwonl died flti a htujiritig iiiiusm nil ynrtuns- ratirtinry 27 dnenusod vu tlm un ih upd old nil i surviving son of ih in llnnry htruilrn c it nod wa it m hnlor hnr ivlnk him am ihmn tinrn mm p cummer of calgary rn 1 j julmlon of toronto an my ut home ulmi one hrothor vu inl of wankndii man tim htrangn mill kiislmnii annorliilnil with ho d fir nnurly moventy rars oakvjlle ih37 oiorgoto known hi tl un nfi nilll iioii ihi ih thn built their paper will un- itiirln in avm insiruitiimtdl in ililnif tlm hninl ivjik iiiiuin dm town now bcurx out f nport to uh foiin1i i leorun lcnnnnik iiriy malilnhtii hiwum mrerrod t lltn placn an inwii thn tliht churili cntumlhtiml tlmtn wnn iiaturall thn mntbolliil in 1h40 thn kniilimly belonging to thai deimmlnhlloii tum followml thn 11 uliytorliin ihf pon grn ihn iliipllhl thn aiikiwiii ml limtlng tlm ltm hi o calhnllt was itnpt by u- i thn inn was kn lind in th ih4 14111 1 1 ft uwh 4 ijiiflir tuv ern tlm flrnt mnthodlst mliilxlnr ut onorgotown wiih uov luting- o itli i thn llmi imsbyterlaii tnlnbuer wan i think he hubert iwlng for many jnurii thn mlnlsini who rnslgiinl in 1s70 1i- wua iiihh hupnrlntnndniil of hchoolu for llm towmihlii for num yeurw thn hptut churili wuh built hnv c irrln wuh the v mi king wiim llm tli m hn congrngutlvnul chuili minniiroil bin ministry in 1h4c thn momlmrs of tlm congrekii- tlonul church united with thn imnby- tnrlan and other churohnn in town n numbm of ymirs ueo uml gniu roul kuvo thnlr fin church building fm t iuhllr ilbrnry ikgu pastor i are by urtlats still unnuumil for paintings urn novnr finished there is always sumothlag nnw to add to thn uchumn of grandnui to make thu great picture trim 100 acton had a good giving you tho lachtan gi yeatts old eat of pleuuuro in purilcutarrt yhich has come at the right moment what thackeray called belaled wit is worthleaa wit no matter how deli cate its quality while the right thing suld t the right moment for its say ing may have the greatest practical value an illustration of this activity of mind and ha happy results is given by charlea k tuckermon in him per sonal recoil oca ions of notable people i was once wbon a small boy packed in u dense crowd ut u political meet ing in fnneull hull whim webster held forth and i came near being crushed to death a ptjzny among giants as the standing multitude wthln the hull pressed by those who were- endeavor- log to enter from without began to sway to and fro a solid mass of human bodies as helpless to counteract the movement a if faneull hall tho cradle of liberty- was being rooked by un earthquake the orator was in the midst of a stirring uppeul urgtntf tho necessity for individual uxortlon and unflinching patriotism to avert tlm daggers thai threutoimd the political party whost principles he espoused when h per ceived the terrible swuy of ihe puckod assumbly und tlm imminent danger that might nu webster stopped short in thu mlddl of u nentance udvanced to tlm edge of the platform and in u atentnrluu voice of command crlod out lot eauh man stand nrml the afreet wu instantaneous each man stood firm the great heaving mass of humanity regained its miu11i brlum und srtv tlwr- toug jirnttul oj jl ill- eicttng tlm nntabtlshlng of u ucbool and- ongaglng u tnacbor in llm vicinity of georgetown uway back in the for ties tlmt was nil right und many readers enjoyod that pimigruph of local hutlbry but i am oven mora plnasnd about an item which has come to mo during the woelf concuruliig much nurllnr days in our own town tho editor received tho following note and wry interesting information from dr adams of toronto n grand son of one or acton founder and of course he handed tlmm to nm the ftrst time ho saw mo toronto february 21 1024 dear mr mooro in looking over some of tho old letters and papers of my grandfather the ilov eiru adams rtxeiitiy i cumn across the following receipt in th handwriting of cdward clark as i think it may bo intomstiug to th old man ft the lilff ctock towor uml other old residents of acton und vicin ity i urn sending a copy of it to you yours vory sincerely ezra iiebbkht adams hocolved ut trafalgar this 5p thir tieth day of ysptomlmr one thousand olght huiiilrna and twenty thre of era adams the iiini tf klfty iounds for tho tlrst payment for thn oust half of lot numbor twonty olght in the second concession of tho township of esuuunjntf which i have sold him this day and for which mr ailuum holdri my bond kiwaiu clahk relief that filled the ur perfect new iinsued that exolulmod the grout orator is what we cu sclfgovornmund so apt un illustration of tho prlnclpb im wus expounding that tho vust us oembjy revponded wljh duufenlng 1 oheers i 8avb the wooduot it la u shame thu way som farmers neglect their wood lots tnes tlmt blow down during storms m allowed to remain us they full to rot und do cay largo heos of brush urn allow od to ucoumuhvte and lltterthe woods preventing the growth of new treua and hui boring rodents rnitt do serious damage to un hurds und crops tluit nm ilfjorby those brush piles urn first class places for fornt fires lo start kallen tries in u wood lot should immediately be out up und disposed of tho stumps of these trees should h blasted uut uhd hatled uway dead troos thul are slundlng should be cut as they are of no- good to thn forest but slow the growth of the ittlo trees by nhutthuc out the sunlbxht the rood ouiiitio traes in germany whenever trow is cut or destroyed two small trows must be plantedto prerv the forests thlg is part of me oemuui wu wish a irntutr taw waa in fora in canada if rt- vdodiotwould be kept in the condition i havajuat statad tbr would be plant ox ujaber for u coroltuj centtruol bqf- lheyw beljig kept no in ajujtbaf ovuury thers will be np forerf tb wowfjt at- the east half of lot numbnr u is tliat part of tlm proent town lto oust of main htrent from queen street to tho southerly twiuiidury of mr wurdlaws fann it cominso fill the mill property tulry luke l park nd tlm homes stores factorli and the presbyterian cliutcb it is fair to iimuniv tlmt acton wu founded by tho adums family on hundred years ago lam kept ember was tho mill privilege which tilt rue tu m tq this locality it lul thu flrht buildings erected worn tlm log house- which atuotlln rear of tlm presotit rosldencu of mr adum cook where nlcklln family 41vud no long and tho mill which was orectod on tin site where mr thivld h lindsays flour mill now wtrmuj mid is running ighl and day jvcton themforo uisnud tlm cmitnn- ury of its founding iuhi fctopt ember without knowing it llm jubilee cole bration of our incorporation might vu bin extuhdud and made a ntonury celobrutlou uu wull it is qultu a coltieldnnc tlmt tlm in- corimirutlon of tlm town- wus iffectnl exactly ut tlm tnlddlnof tlm mniury now complftud wlucu the hist wittl estubllabertrriftlr iiiimrs imi i havfj mqunstml thu edlto to tlimiu mr adams for tlm important informa tion ho hits hupiillcd and to say u him that uuy furtlui items lelullvc to incident or tlm ninly iluyu will- b grutofully iiotvnd by tlm old mun thu duuth of mr w c young of lirumntoii in thn ouliriul llonpi toronto lust nk leniovus unoihei link lu the chain of artons mirl hu- oryi ills fittbor llm lute juiuud young weill into buslims u tlnorgn- lown uu u goiiuntl storokuvi or lit 1h43 und lit wus thn fhut jtnovo when tlooi getown wus ipcurpoiuttd un u village in 1huj whan the uisinl trunk hallway was built thmiiflli acton in lugtl mr young cunm to acton a lid was iniprimnutl with its location and prospects for hoalthy grwtli und hushum imjiortnnn lie purchased nil thn luiul runt of thn rullwuy yurdu between miij mi ijueell htrenlm uitu bslu uh fur us thu pnuhrty now owouil by ixcounilluu henry imynii juun hirci uml northerly to mill mtmot this pro- perfy wmm uhdlvlilnd into n building lots whli hitnrsoctinu stmnls young und wellington htieots unmln north and south und aithur und lenl kuhl und west there is ulsh fleorgn htreot u uhurt thoroughfnii of one block between mill and ai thlir titioets this subilvlslon bus over slimu hoop known as youngs silivey und the lots are no deeorlbud nearly ull of these are now occupied b lomfortuble homos und with very fow- cptliiiis ure occupied by the owners uml thotr families for sixty eight or- the name young has boon piomluuntly associated with aluuim hlntory und will continue to bo for ull thun tho fmmjal of hm lute w c youn wammueld leleofgetowii tile itoyhoods homo lust thuradiiy uftuinoon und uterinum was ntadli in the fumly plot oreonwood cunietery mr young was for many yours u bank munuuer in brampton- i buvo been looklruj from time to tun wha my old frtind and fbrndr acclamation of varieties of j3rain it is quite commonly be i lev ft i that any varinty of grain when grown in a glvnn district for u tiuaibi r of yearn gradually becomes more and mom sultnd to tho conditions of tluitdln- trlot while this my im trim n thn cno of plants which nutuntlly ronh- fnrtllut nuch as mui of thn grnnseh mid clovmff it is not true to the same oxtont in the rune of such plants un wlmut outs und wurlej cxcopl pos sibly uhnio mlxnd vnrlnlos ontiilnlng differ it strains qre grown in nature acclimntlxatldn taken plarn un u rentilt of natural nnlectlou thu vuuitrlmi of noil und ell mu to gradually wood nut r weaken those strultm whlrh urn ivmh suited to eurvivn whereas tlm htrougnr strains inciensn in proitortlou hlnca varieties diffei gmatly in tlmlr ability to thrive uiidol dlrfeieiit i-oii- dltlons of molfltum tompniutui e phy sical condition of tlm soil it is highly important front u practical ntuiiilimhit that tlm furraer grow tlm variety which is bent uttnl to his lomlltlons this vniely run im j located only through comparative luntm of dlffemnt varltrtlon uiwii in adjoining plolu in his district after two or threi years careful testing it should w kunltilu to chtntm the variety which ueoiiiw to give ihe moat prom in if this variety what is known us a pure line by which is meant a variety enruponrd a single strain it is not likely t so called acclimatisation will tuke place to any appreciable oxtmit if or the other hand a vurloty nhould hap pen to be ii componlte one tbut 1m computed of two or morn mtrulns ol rylug udnptabllitliii it is quite pns- n that uccllmatlxatlon may tnlt placn by he gradual liicreiikti in the proportion of ptutitn bclongim in lln bent ndaptei strain wan one thought that uccuinitt- lsutlou takes place h u fairly tin fin lit nimr in tlm iaw of practically ull putnt hfo und that any variety might in the course fif time tteromo hpeciul- ly suited to tlm conditions undo which it was being mown that thl point of view was incorrect bus lmi clearly demonstrated bi lug ret en years it nd furmeru would be well vised to dtqiond mote upon compara tive touts of different varieties rtttbu thun upon tlm tliimworn theory thn worts grown in u dlhtrtot for tnunj years mtiiit inwvltably be sup rlor to uliy now introduction farmers donlrous of orjtpurlng few or the ust viirlellti of uruln of any kind ure invitud to commtfnlcute with thn cereal division experimental farm ottawa for udvliv an to huw to proeih tlm uliovn institution ij unxlous to coopcrute with fajjubr 4jv iilfterent dlntrtcts in thla work us it reullaow that tlm soil nutl ferllliy win- dltlons on a given farm muy dlrfer to a very connldoruble extent from tlm conditions under which vurlutles nm teeted ut thn farm ut ottuwu in other winds urlntus which do not do purtlculaily well ut olhiwit might bo iiioul dcnlrablt to giow umlar tettuln comlltloiim met with on it given farm moiuudlsluiiru uway where u furnmr blew not wnh to take thotlum to conduct a rumpiiiu- tlvo test of different noi tn on his own farm but would like o imvo tl vurl oty im is growing compared ut the lcupei luinntul fnini ut oltuwjt will thevnrieu s grown ut that luntitutlop the curuitl dlvlnlon will tui glad to re- celve fiom hm u oim pound sumplo of his sd tin hack coiitiiiitlng hu mumpl should i tij l h- grower i iiuinn the mulct j num uml tlio nuiu- bci nf ytiurs tho ufud bus been guiwn on his own furm a nqioit oi tlm relative perforniunce of the varieties sent in for this tent joilll bn mntrf th fiilumr in due time ij ii newmuit doinlulou ceruallst cenlrul kxpnrl- ptiiutull ottuwu amp of oukvlll i 1 t tlm onkvllln c wutk p the n hnidntlll roi n ol konu till kn ii hi i ii will ing bld openel an night inch ne kw htrool 073 fe on prlluyulght of lnt week tlm show ut theoregoiy tlientin wuh giv en lis ll ixilinlll lo ipe oilkvllln 1- 1 ricuiy left mich ti club mr w loduy foi almn mich to ut tend th- fuileinl of his couhiii ml george 111 hoii lie is mhndluk a few clays tli b fore home mr uml mm muhooy leave touy foi un extniided vlnlt to knglui will sail trom nnw york tlm ml patrick lm lo bn belt by he ladles aid of ihe mntliod church hill im field on mnrch 14 in lusk hull the great storm of last week did more that hloek tlm highways m liiiide iake ontul lo u hi one of rare beauty anyone who has not visited llm lake mid viewed i hnse wonderful lie formations have mlsned u rei trenl tlm ice liunkm are formed froi tlm nbom out into tho lake about or hundred arlu und about twonty fui huh ich ubund be lake j burlirjoton mr thomiis j mahony of nluga iiiiih ititu iiurchuuod tile i toy mo ml hotel includtng thn furnlnbiiign the inuiigurnl meotlng of tlm high hool hoard wan held tit urn high hijool uml night when mr w ik loid wih el cbnlimiin for tlm ymr 1021 alm mltclile bus let time i to hr homo in montreal uftur upending two weeks with her pit renin mr nnrimrs c a j a met doluwlirn avenun in future the official dog uttchni will bo directly under tlm utipcrvinlnii of chief constable lo hmlth mid the latter will be mnpounlhle for he re quired reports being turned in to the council hnoulwiiiku may 1h bl but they did not prevent frlendh from gathering nt huwdoii cottage during llm uf- teruoon of february 26 when mus kendall entertained in honor of imr mothers k3rd blrttubiy itwv otvorge a king of ilruntford who was invited by tho oindnl hoard of the methodlnt church last thurs- iltil night to iwoomo pun tor of the methodist church hem to hjiccmm the itev mr iliimlltou who has reslgnud has notified lm hncrelury w h w flnlmr of hln ucceptauce of the lu- ilutlon c wiuou lounty road super- t is uttundlng tlm oood hoade convention at toronto asplnall has lef for ottf sh im sturr curses iu bun ptel i f the vi i ultioi older down a peg tlm uxptessloti taken iuvmi u peg exptuhied by u tankurd which up- it led itt urecurtt bulu it wan very el mid ot uln of etui mlilu were ut of wood uiidou its li igllt ptojnctlllg pegs ol- pllls there ore various explanations u thut kt ug tlm hurd drinking huxons to nip ouruyo d eryt hn hut the likeliest und simplest expluiiution is that ut u time drinking vosstfl nerved for the whole company it was iiueessury to have u murked vessul lest it greedy nmn nhould take morn than his fair oou l hi peieom h medy niarlted nmn und it would bo evdiy body duty to sou that y wurn taken down a peg thul 0 uty that us many us iiosslblu got 1 r drink before it cunm to thn greedy one so that he mjghl huvu tho lust imig which coutulned ull tho dregs it is possible too that the expres sion i dont cure a pin caae from tho pin or pegtankujrd us ram one pin to tho naxt wu but a gill tho fourth part of a plut and wo thus most drinkers a uogllblo quan tity erin mr w a humes hot torn who bui hnnn convalescing following an opera tlm has timdn u rapid recovery uni is now able to lu aliout liguln mr george koeler of ogemii kak uttemtnd the funprul of his tnothoi here last week mr ihtvld mccleun hcetsguurd husk has purchased mr wm jlat bouis farm north of thu vitiligo mr uud mrw mccleun will ttiuvc litli april mr ham aslmnhurst iif thn kbti dike who has been proaptictlntf hi tin great north for the past ten years is v ul ting with his brother mr jumes ashenhurst 1th line mr ashonhl hus u wonderful knowledge of thn vmt northern country mr o purge hunders who drives thn hinge to ouulph wus obliged to itiiy in ouelph from tuesday until hutur- duy when if bwik llm vcut part of it a to make 4 he twenty mllch on the imuvy roatls mr t a lleusoii of ihe hcluiit- meitt of agrhulture oilnua will ud- drofw u meeting in the lowu liull erin on thurduy murcli 13 foi the pin um of olgulllxlpg uu egg illcliv under tlm uusplcos of the krlu potilliy illneilecm assoclulloii huruh j wulker tluuuhtei of mr ttnd mrs j w wulker of toronto und formerly of erin puhsod pcueo- fuliy uway at the hospltul ut o raven hurst on butunlny lvhiuary 23 uftnr ii lingering llhass following llm flu in her 27th yeur advocate georgetown hogs ure ipiltn nuumroun in totvi and noine oi not currying dm muni clpal lag mrs i i herbert in v in i ting nt tho hoiim of her iimlhei nt iintmxvllli jtietipc all joiepli ijylty toioiito vlshed nt mi j n otvellln injt week mesiiih ii totke it i arnold h t mer uml 1 ii walliire uttixided th irani cltiptol of itoyal anh manoim ut toronto laiit week hrot k cook mm nr lourgutowpij idd nrbool boyn now ciimidlun nnf ton al locjlinollve eliglminr uk wlunlprg left lust week mi u three monitor bunl- uens trip through dm houuinru hlnteo a crd icclvcd fiom ennlny atu- bainu bint wi p nliilmi thut mr uml mm will it it in hi lid mr mid mrs john june urn nil well and wlah to be teiimmbeiel lo old fiemgetowii friends mr uud mm pi a nit j llnrlt tor onto iiniioume be ifgagiutient of tloil only dlitlklllei iviitlllen lrillleh lo mr hiirohl icdwmd coffeii foi mtlj with thn ibinu of comuieke heortfi- lowu tlm uimrliufd in to take pine niljln mumb llenjiimlii h hrwlii nf ilunt hoc hen lir btnv week f eelvel from prehldent conlldgn bin iipjkiliitiiiiut lis pont miihtir of luit hochestnr it is i second limn ollb p carrying a nulnry of joon a yeui imstmnnier krwln in an old lemgetowu boy herald tasty oi8he8 from the pugen of hmnunl iopys diary wlmie a gieut dnnl in unid almut outing und ilriukilig wn run get u excellent ideu of what people lltn niii drank in imdou in tlm seventeenth century in ihn days or gnimlp ppyi trlplui wain onnlilored to be i lusty dish on october 24 1cb3 in ordn din with ivlfo excellent umii of itlpeii of my c din cling tovered hiiii mutnril i havu beietoforn nniii them ilono ut my lotd crewen of whull i mad wry good men 1 de lcdl cut ii tuuve toller of brawn from wluchmmh which pro very good and also opened u glass glrklmt which cup tain cock gave my wife tlm other day whlrh nm rni things an ilia cucumber win introduced in to england only n fnw yours earlier plckted gheikliin wnrn no doubt rum things in muster 1epys tlnrn jun 1002 to dinner to hlr wil liam penii it being- u solemn feast day with him hln wedding iluy und wi huil besides u gootl cbjne of beef uml othcl good imer elghtoou mince plus in u disli tlm number of years thut im hud been mun led 12 jun icr3 i hud for tlm com pany after oyrtlitti ut first course a iiukii of rnbblth mid lamb und a rare thine of beef next u great dish of i tin h ted fowl t out inn about- 30n und a tail anil irlnn fruit nnd choeno my dinner wan noble and enough at supper hud a good xuok iminnot und cold nmnt and sent my guuntd nwny ubout ten oclock both tlmm uud my self highly pleimud with our mapasto- mont of thin duy i hellevo this days fount will ro nm near jc6 milton frctl morley is recovering- froui u nuvore atluck of pimqntonla lur some tlm n his cusn wus veiy erlllu1 mis hencoby hr bus been very 111 all this wook ut thn home of her unn krunk at tlm lust meeting of tlm town council colonel ptolemy uud timmun cqxo were ttp lilted high h hool trustuuji dr ltobt wllluiotl of mtnithroy mid son uobert of toronto univer sity spent thu week hum with the doctots hroihormr alox wlllmott mm tllthys little daughter mrllusu 1 1 in tlm general hospital hamilton where slm underwent thn crllbat mun- toltr ojc ration uooige ollbtirt baker got mil lut monday after being lultl up for some time by um uttuck of siiuiilu happi ly he is pructluully tld of it mr p hhomy iriiulpul of tlm milton public helmut lilts purchased riom mr john 4 lardy the tlim brick house the latter built last summer on woodward avenue none of the rural route mull carriers left town lust week after the big snow slurtu tuesday night as ull tlm louds ire blocked uhd liupussublu for u fuw days uftorwutdn thny resumed tholr uts monday morning- llobt j armstrong is dangerously with pneumonia llm more i ui his heutt in wuuk tlmm hits bwu lilt in hiiim for his ret very fm nearly u week but he is ut lepnt holding iiin the milton iulnl mid vumlnh co ltd formerly lloojis i of toioiitu is moving its plunt fiom toronto it will im in opeiittlon within it week tlm lulely purchased p l hobert- moii building opiiouliu tlm c 1 u tloti with eight hands uml u inun- nger chum plon cant bit on the thistle at ilelfust u fotitbnll limit h wus to- g plkyetl b i ween lilsh uud hcottlsh tvumr one of the imuiu nupikirters who wus getllllh- tixultud kept hhouting tt hit on otu ireland an old scotsman stand liqr by uo- ubt to stand it any longer cried uit ye might bo able to sit on tho leak mon and mobba on the roo but i toll ye mifl ye uaapa fit on the thlsh vasjsons mvvakly flower qemq in ola68 murvollous urtlmlul blooms that m- mnhlo natures rlimnt npochnnns in every rcupwct except scent ure now being made by expert glusabloueis every part of u flower or plant is faithfully t produced frorn thn long delicate htums utul ooloi et petals to the almost invislbla pollon tho first thing which the mrtker of thnhn woudorful blooimi tloen is to blow tlm petubi fiom gluss us thin uml f rug ii n un thiiilln paper the glass petuln ur- tlmn mlilipul und rolorcw nxiutly like the luitunil ouen home of the rarer plants unnot be easily rupioduied ami orieu snverul expoi lumnts have to be carried out wiih dlftoroni i olors worn a really good imitation in obtained tliosu gliinn riowern ure used uxten- nlvely in museums both to show d iuiim of plunt or lnwri- formation and as hackgi ouiuim for displaying npi mens of bliiln and iumcu ho far has thin brunch of lulentillo gluushlowing liven tlnvnlopod thut it lu practically imihuntlbl to dlhllngulhti the urtltlcul blohsoms front dm ruil bno0pin0 i call it snooping nothing oll ktithle sputtered as alio bolted into hor mothers room and closed tlm lour behind imr i havent sold it to tiny one but you mother but i tuiil help it it nhe in my fathers aunt- she n oopn hho went and poked nil broiigh thn drawers of my machine nnd then site said i just wmited t see whether she knpl them in order his wus there uud elm told tnn were dm dtuwern nut of order mr parlili nuked snnnltlvn lo tin thought thul aunt murcln hud found something to nrltlclxe in kuthlev train ing no ibey were in applnplo con dition for a wonder i had a spasm of order inesn yontcrday und put everything slrulglitilut i hut dons ifot alt nr the fui i dim slm was snooplng- hlm hti1 no right und i would like to tell hor no oh in dilldle mm parrlnh laughed vlth evident lellcf hhs u klndhea ted old indy hhn doomrt mm im hbe may he kind hearted but she nunopu knthln persisted iei tucn mill fltinlmd with indignation jtn bud eiimigb to have to unn that rild- fanhloned machine wlmu maud iwln bus u beautiful now one with n trop- imad und till kinds of fuuuy attach- menta but to hnvo her looking all through it i think its u little too much to bear with thn help of her mother krttio did bear it however und two weeks tutor wlmn u longcoveted iinw much- ino addressed to tmrsotf und hearing aunt marclas card was deposited ut tho door sovorol kin tin of expressions crowded ouch other on knthlos faco at thn first opportunity she shut heme if in with her mother once more i tmvont said u word ngulnat her to any one but you mother slm bo- gun hurriedly and im mi glad i havent i loll ytqi ive learned one of course you hove you know what i nmmit why i suppose its thut even snooping may be prom p tod by gen erous motives no twnsnt thut kuthlo indulg ed in u guilty giggle- my lesson wasnt u bit hundayschooj booky im most ashamed to tell it now i ive jusl been putting my bureau drawers in perfect order tho lesson i meant ivo tearnod was that it pays in this life to keep every thing ready for snoopers a bedouins idea of a locomotive it is ntcrcmtliig to know that th railroad imtwoon juftu und joruiuum wuu made ptimhlble by locomotb fiom ihlliidejiihlu they were origin- ally made writes pi of h w dunning- lu todiiy in puustltm for it rou in central ainmliii which unfortuu- utely could npt puy for thetn when they wum rcmly foi doll vory they happened to be junt right for th jurfnjeiusuleiu line am wcto ut om imiichuswl uml slilpptd 1 huiiimmtl to be in jutusulolu h wrltis the duy tlm urst lioinotlve nrilved tlmtc aliutinl 2d 18q2 nbt only tho poop fiom thu ity but many from dm villuteh enmn to see tlm now wonder among tlmm was a ilodoulii r ii tit eiid jnnliiti he cur- rlntl buck thn repot t to tho tribe it is like a big- lion woman it gives one mi t cu t ittitl then runs uwuy this lugoulnuti dumcrljtim uprcad ruphlty through tlm undent land of mouh the he8pectful tommy a very lull thin umitoiiunt reported lit plunder to u cmiudluu battalion commanded by u bald elderly colonul aftei u few days im approached his iimuiiilnr utid usked permlhslou to u grievance i winh vou would use luui in- iiicc dlr to i tali uln my plutooit from mfert lug to nm ns legs he said htlie m imi iillio replied the toloiml solemnly if youll uo yourd lo stop btv whole battalion tailing ine old haliy unwieldy pathoym1c t tlm proprietor tlm mime of tlm jirt auiuiiit f th what is tli ut this mstaui hunt hmlth uut hes u crook und ham hmlth isnt u oronk iiunm no it wus mloptod fur bimlness teuuons ilvem innl room ut tlm bot tom of n cjieck to sign the name bn ught with hhn lo this otiutiy a bridegrooms plight to tho ordinary disadvantages remaining mingle too long miouier difficulty lu added if tho bachelor hap pens to imi a lonely elderly french man i tune lu toucho wait nt lust after more than forty lours of single bl turned no about to bn mnrrled hut ut tho eleventh hour un unexpected complication sent him tlylnr in hnntn und gruut distress to his frlonil untl confidant the obliging proprietor of thn village grocery monsieur he pleaded nlmont breathless for once too exercised lu his mind to remember to regale him self with prunes vill you do me dose much honor to become man fnddort your father i gasped thn astound oul monsieur mon rudder mon onclo mon granfuddor mon hrildalm any roluslone you lak you poock you choose hut why ilener mon lour i am tole you eot nee hk dls won anglulso poop get marry she eus huvo som body for goove diso bride itwny hey uos eel not hut mouulour won frenchman she gnu go for got marry wit uombody cot done poor bridegroom wnl uve to bo uvo awayiilso ilohol do predicumniit of mo mon- inttr mn i huvo vult too long d um liof dose reluslonn ens hall done of fa title r of modder slm eos boon dead tan yeur mon grunpere she eon hi die mo mon onclo mon holdos hi cider ma bong seenter hull hall hi i din or hoi huge wlle i vail o long turn for got marry hon musoir monsieur dern ees none lofl to r- plenmit dose fine famujp dn hone xa touchc hegurdoxvoust i eof you uve do unklndncns to tlffusn i woel be forever disgrace blffore dose poop huf julio lturdau 1 tole you som p i rig you bn inn faildor hex torsday night you goeve me away to julio ilurduau un for eternity monsieur i wool buy hull ma gfocerla ban top hon you store hoyf how you luke datr merely a man when baking fibh little in inn bed li i llm nyn p ii roi i he n d li llflllfh f do i ii mother mo foi being lull- fm mipp i 1 iuih ive imd such o duuipolntm nt home fell dova nod tin i ph ii unn ueie to imiid for ll imi do u i wnltd utul wall hi un i what t oil ihlukt it wasnt a hoi tlmini it all it won mil a uum how joyful lo think of tl piiui- ihne the season thul soon will he lieic jtuw joyful to think of the springtime with all it gladness mid rimer the jli1n will retuu with their iiluging tlm lloweru rituin with their bloom i thu of wiixid i iliu imifori baking ilsh in i ii pun und vid nfior bnk- be the idn iliq of th i to und tin fi rib lvlll prliiglli lm hiiushtiie dliijielllug lln ml n mlw liniment stops bleeding at once prevents blood poisoning removes all inflammation clearing auction sale farm stock implements etc the ul tlermlgmd tins re kliucllom from orrie lamb lo toll 1 y public ad ho oilcesslo i 7 eiiimosn half of crews him corneri t mlr fiom hit i u0 on toronto hulluny on hutu rhui friday march 7 1924 ut one oclock sharp the rollowingl hoitheh dark bnwu gelding rln- ing 7 yearn brown mum rlsliig h enrs this is a holm farm team dark grey illly rising 2 yours cattle itoun tow title april ii r years roan n due april a 4 yuiiis rouiicow dun april 10 yours roan tow due april 14 h years roan i ow duo march 0 k yenm houtobi cow title march a 4 ears holntolu ov due tlmn or sale 0 yum hol- steln cow due april 25 6 years hol- stuin cow iluo april 20 8 year hern rord cow due april 12 years ayr nil i re cow tine april 12 4 years re cow due april 30 7 yearsrod cow dim tlmn of isile hereford cow dun may 13 jersey cow fresh jecsoy cow dun muy 10 choice young bull mouths h nprlnc culves 7 heifers rising 2 yeocs fnt rnw 2 culves 3 month hnickp 4 hampshire owes 2 ld- cenler nwnii is oxfortl ewo 1 ox- fortl rum this is it 4lick of good nwcu ull ntippohed to bn in lamb pioh york sow with litter york now dun apiil 8 york sow bred d cenlher 23 york sow bred junuai 1 yorkiow imuljtinuury 4 york now bred weeks york boar shouts pigs k weeks 1oultrv- ik pure bred har itock pullets o a o htruln tturrod hock cockeml oha1n h bun in is buckwheat tl for need co bushels barley fit foi seed some mixed grain u quantity of buy implhmionth i musseyhurrl binder 7 foot cut with sheaf currier in good ropnfr masseyharris mower r foot tint peter humilton cultlvntot with seed box for liroudrasilngl wns- soy harris buy hiuder almost imw mussnyharrls sulky ruku ten spout ood drill j huln wugou harrow curt verity hind roller good us now no 31 wllkhmon plow no 21 floury plow f section hurt own culler rub ber tired open buggy mcluughlli mtvnlthcd top buggy cutting box good- m new sloop si nig i in bench sbilgh dimocrut funning mill large hayfork tnettlum hay fork now hay roper mot pulpcr mdottn cnam so pant tor stonebout stock ruck pig crutn sen ftler sugar kettle forks hoes chnlus und other articles haunchkhet or hruss trimmed uhle bun of heavy double hiinmss net of ttlngtn hi plow hitrnenn some good collars positively no reserve as the propriet or going into the butcher business tkhmh all sums of nu do and under iush over thut u mount 10 months credit on upproved joint note- e off for cash drain buy fat cow und fowl cttsli rov hindley r j kerr auctioneers a mcsaiih clerk surplus auction sale in kuin townhjui hus imi hn- tlm uiiderslgimi id in tlnni from moroen kaiser y o mill by public auction ul lot h cli hue lrln township on wednesday march 12 1024 ut one nt in k shurp tlm following hohhph- itrown mam 10 yonrs old gool id ull harness buy mum 0 year old good driver siilluil for women or rhlblmii lo drwu cattlp while cow 3 jnars bred january jo milking well mil cow 9 yearn breil juniiury 10 milking well re cow fl years hnd august h red jow 3 yems bmi pebrpury 10 with twlf ul font red cow 4 years bred january 15 milking well red cow ft yium hmd jmiumy 30 milking well rnd oiw i years dim murch 20 5 be if em 2 yours good beef 4 imlferm 1 yeur good beef 4 steers rising 3 years good for boof ring 0 steers rising 1 year 3 november calves pkih i yorkshire sow with 6 pi lit in weun 10 yorkshire hogs ready for market if not previously sold nilajn quiiiilliy if ttentt pen g bllshnls iii li lit inspected t44 i lover end i positively ne reserve tkhmh 10 months credit nn fur- uliililiig approved joint nolea f off for nub k il poiis clover seed nnd fit bogh cash r j kerr auctioneer phone 34 acton auction sale the undersigned bus received in- utrtictloiis from william a hardy to noli by public auction uu his prem ises lot 7 sixth line ksqueslng ort tuesday march 11 1924 ut una oclock sharp tho following moithes clyde mum 10 yoart registered clyde mare tt yours crfljff- nolr clyde gohtlntf 4 years driver gelding k years alleston catttjijtfolateln cow due in april orude durham holfor s years milking grado durham heifer 3 years 18 steers rising 2 and s year i holetoln calf 3 weeks old ilqii 2 brood sows bred in do- tcmber 12 chunks poultry oo bred- to- ay plymouth hock hens 3 hock roosters implemkntfl doorlng binder foot cut doering mower s foot out international rufco louder 8 feet hny raka vprlng tooth cultivator inter national steel roller ft feet ma wolf disc 12foot diamond harrows ft- foot onnhorso harrow 12hoae drill mas- knyhnrrh cockshutt sulky plow foot lift cockshutt junior pointer ion plow floury one horse scuffjar cockshutt 2furropr plow hay and stock rack top buggy lumber wagon with box and spring seat road cart cuwnr sloop sleighs 3lneh runners chatham fun nine mill and bagger grindstone pig crate post bole scoop uml bur logging chain forks shov els barrel 3 steel drums cjfclone giush noeder hand corn planter cross nut how 2dosen grain bugs scales r 240 inn 00 twelve quart baskets haitnehb hot heavy crotch bar- ntu ntrel chains sot hack hand lonri tugs set chain harness net nlnglo driving harness kukniturbt1 bedroom suite 1 iron bed 1 wooden bod 2 carpets dressers 1 elghtdny clock boiler s imtl springs sowing machine 3 mat- licuses kitchen cabinet s dining mom chairs 1 rocking chair butter dish und ladle gulvanued tub dished fruit jurs barrel yjhurn oha1n 360 bushels mixed grslo hurley outs wheat and peas iso bunhels oats apt wheat 76 bushots liarley 20 bug cartoon potatoes 5 huge irish cobbler potatoes a quart tlty of mangels 16 cords hurdwood cut ih inches y ttmh all sums of 1000 and uutter cash over thut amount 8 months ctim op upproved joint notes u par annum tiff for cash grain polntoett wottd and mangels cash evsrythloa will be sold without re- erve as the farm l sold bepl petch auctioneer wm a wilson clerk mtollfffmmlaliymmliilml 1 1 ml ml hh lawmm 1 ml 11 m l ml ml m h ii 1 ii 11 r1u4aqlk aqttnts wanted vrywliere lo lumdle iilou renuukablo medical product ever oflercd to the public nothing like lion market oc o uln e product ol nature entirely tree trom drugs or alcohol possessing medi 3 ualiucs actually marvellous pre uccs auch daflnlta hesltog action for various ailments rheumatism stomaclvuvcx klducy and bud- ider troublej piles female internal isordcrtl blood or fikla dtsaascs ol all kluda hacb cus tomer brings you a doxeo other thoroughly established for jrwaa in other parts sent by mall anywhere on receipt of 9130 free literature hirniabed and splendid opportunity tor eoorfsllc woman to secure idtr monthly i hub ootroftueptona pakl write to- daf for pertkulsre iama miwsrstal suxgqtgs lto not like a clam clams live to themselves you cant you link lives with yopr neighbors across the street across the province the continent you are influenced by what he wants buys uses enjoys when enough of your neighbors want buy use enjoy the same thing you begin to see advertisements about it ad- vertisements to arouse you to similar use and enjoyment they paint glowing truthful pictures try to get you m- terested in what will really interest you t convenient courteous information is yours at a minutes glance style vari ety price where obtained that minutes glance may mean the difference between buying unworthy wares and the best you dont want to he like a clam even in your judgments head the ad- vertisements to be guided by others choice when they choose something again and ugaiiivit must be good each advertisement is written to you to help you chooseto save youmoney 1 l i l msymtstswwriwsiw y

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