Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 6, 1924, p. 4

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i- nir howe op 31 artmt 3ree ffteaa ifclua ol ontario l ll town wc1 tut acton pmei jhesi u nitbuhd w tluirnlor morning- at tha fra fa bolujla uill street acton ontario tit aubacrlptioe price it i per year id advene poaras ia charged additional to otncaa in the ualted slalea tho dale to which aubacriptiooa are paid la lodicatad o the addrcae ufacl advkktidng katestranaltat advertlae- mania m ccnta pr line agate aaeaaure foe ant inairtipo and i rent par lis or each ffibaa qurnt insertion contract diapuy advertlae- racnla or so lnrtir or more pmw annus teca per lath each inacriloti advartueniaata with out iptcic direct lona will ba inserted till torbu am charted mcconuutlj tflephones- ltlliorui and builneia oflca heaidaoce of jrcalileat a balanced budget tlio lec y no to of tho speech from the throne at thd ofltniflk of the dominion parliament last thurs day ws a balanced budget a balanced budget tlu first on co 1112 13 reduction in taxation produc lion and transportation costs economy in civil gov ernment and retrenchment in public expenditures a substantial cut in the duties on agricultural imple ments consolidation of revenuecollecting services stabilization and control of freight rates on grain from the head of the lukes to liverpool removal of discrimination in ocean rates on canadian products and rcintroduction at an early date of tho redistri bution bill all these features were set forth in tho speech from ho throne delivered at the opening of parliament thursday morning march 6 id24 0it06lal forest council refuses to construct waterworks pst the town of forest occupies a rather unenviable position the provincial board of health has order ed the town to construct a waterworks system and to commence the work this week at a meeting of the council last friday a resolution was passed gj against construction the mayor voting with the fc jpajonty the penalty for refusal is 100 per day fcr the forest free press has for several years advo- urcated strongly tho waterworks system as a utility of great valuo to tho town- the refusal of the coun- f h to take the advice will be costly to the town collecting nil the municipal taxe yearly last year wiarton council turned over its unpaid taxes to an outside agent for collection and the results were so satisfactory that this years council is following the same plan though two local men offered to undertake the work for considerably less than the shoo chaged by the outside agency any town that can keep its taxes well paid up for an annual expenditure of 400 is making an exceedingly good bargain walkcrton telescope acton surely must have made- good bargains in the selection of her tax collectors for the past quarter century year after year each successive collector ho been able to return his roll with practically all taxes paid in full in tho year 1021 for instance tho auditors reported the sum of 32 00 uncollected from 1 920 r and thus it has gone from year to year two features adopted by our municipal council have contributed to this result the payment of taxes in instalments and the penalty clause of 5 per cent added to the taxes for nonpayment of the instalments on the due dates to accomplish this of course requires vigilanco on the part of the collectors and the impartial imposing of the penalty where default in payment has occurred some towns report very saatis factory results where a bonus for prompt payment is allowed instead of a penalty for default the maple 8uqar industry tho aooson tor tho making of ma- plk sugar la drawing near mapla nyrup and mapla sdgur crop that run llttlo danger of being a failure from ii a l ural causes it la ono of thu old oat industries nil one of which ja truly canadian fn it origin jbafly tnuijut how to extract and conceh- tmtu tho asp of the mapla tree by tho imllanji and fur prhapa a ceqlury tlioy to i lowed doealy the primitive method of tho natlvea aava for the substitution of metal veaaela for thoae of clay or wood until fifty year ago era wu in fmnt wait lltue inprovement made in da of i that time tin hod but editorial notes attorneygeneral nickle is taking steps to tight en up on the class of drug store which is considered menace to the successful administration of the ontario temperance act make friends of your childrens teachers in his column the editor talks mr m a james of the bowmanvillc statesman says we arc atiu of the opmipn that too many parents neglect to show the regard respect courtesy and consideration for the teachers of their children that they should in jrtaeir interest mothers got into touch with your childrens school teachers occasionally and learn how they act in school both mentally and physically rc- ber the teachers can observe them closely and l perhaps have noticed some traits that would be well vjlor you to know about this is all quite true and colping from mr james who was himself a teacher for years has the force of both experience and observation the public school teachers have per- tbaps more opportunity for observation of the moral conduct of the growing boys and girls under their vcare than the parents themselves they are naturallv r for the upbuilding of clean chaste honor able character and will welcome any approaches for wjhe purpose of consultation and counsel rom the fr parents of their pupils severe punishment for settling indecent litters by mail t j a case in police court at georgetown last week revealed the fact that the law is exceedingly strict respecting the sending of lettqrs containing indecent immoral or obscene matter through tho mails there yss evidence to show that considerable of this had been done in that locality and there are no doubt persons- of inch as to minds who are guilty of this crime in other places who will be surprised to learn fjjbtt the consequences to them may be for having ny part in such unseemly and wicked offences the criminal code of canada says every one is guilty pt jan indictable offence and liable to two years in jr prison m en t who posts for transmission or delivery fcyor through the post office any obscene or im- moral letter book picture or ether publication jjnatter or thing of an indecent or immoral character l every police magistrate chief of police provincial pr dominion constable is instructed to act upon any reliable information when such oftvncea are believed to bavo been committed and to havo tho guilty jvi parties tried in court for any such criminal conduct v or xctlon a ttevepuermd uring utility gradually but surely the waterworks system of fc tbls town which it may be said is hardly yet fully installed is earning revenues which will eventually meet in large measure the debentures issued to cover the cost of their construction the auditors report shows that tho revenues last year aggregated 378304 while tho cost of operation and maintcn- v ance was 2172 m this leaves 1610 so to be ap- plied on debentures and interest for the year but the financial returns is tho least important feature r tbo possession of an adequate waterworks system gtmn the town first and most important is the stand- ijk poiqt of improved health and sanitary conditions jpiaecured with our splendid water proven by com- wv potent analysis to bo pure und wholesome and abso glutei y free from any bacilli contamination so com- 2 inon with well water we have much to be thankful for as a municipality in tho western town of forest j of about the same si to as acton where well water is 5 wholly depended upon tho provincial board of jfr health has stepped in and ordered that a system of waterworks be installed o as to secure improved sfiealthy and sanitary conditions from the standpoint f of economics the protection against catastrophe from area is also highly important when the installation uof i waterworks system was brst discussed there was some opposition offered owing to the very con r j dor bio cost of construction today however no lvhl3per of objection is- heard on this score and our x cjtfxens generally are proud that as a town we havo ra modern uptodate waterworks system giving vvabtin dance yf puro spring water the feeling of so scurity frorndcvastatjng fires and a growing surpuw rooi revenue derived to meet thajptoreat and d wltares crested for its installation toav in the city of hull province of quebec there is a doubledecked drinking saloon with a table and seating capacity for 700 people not much control there government or otherwise tho ferguson governments o t a referen dum bill provides for voting on different questions at different times is ontario to bo inflicted with series of campaigns farmers sun canada now has 300 ports and harbors on her eastern and western coasts this is an increase of sixty in the past ten years the shipping business of the dominion is manifestly growing an agreement has been entered into between tho canadian and british governments as to immigra tion and what class should receive financial aid the agreement provides for assistance to three classes namely children nomrnatcd persons and household workers in order to enable french farmers to obtain im plements and agricultural machinery at the lowest possible prices thereby assisting them to increase production tho government of france proposes to suspend or materially reduce the tariff on farm implements the difference between the british revolution and all other revolutions in europe is that it first learned bow and that it developed a leader skilled in all tho arts by which england has been governed for cen turies premier mscdonald is ono of the most in teresting figures in tho world today orillia times in trenton the license fee for transient traders has been raised to 250 if transient storekeepers remain in the town one year 200 will be refunded the balance of tho 50 to be kept for taxes no licenses will be issued for salo of claptrap articles on street corners this seems like a very equitable plan for all concerned those who point to violations of tho ontario tem perance act to prove its failure altogether overlook the fact that tho old license lows were openly violat ed violation of law is no new thing in the matter of liquor control it seems to bo a part of tho traffic then in the matter of drunkenness who would sug gest for a moment that conditions under the old license law were better than today picton gazette a simple little ballad gives quebecs definition of when a person is intoxicated v ho is not drunk who from tho floor can rise and take just ono drink more but he is drunk who prostrate lics and neither more can drink or rise and upon this basis the provincial statistics ere complied as to the number of drunks in the province under government control abraham lincoln tho martyred president of tho united states during the civil war exhorted tho people everywhere to act upon this principle let every american every lover of itborty every well- wibor to his posterity swear by the blood of tho revolution lfover to violate in the least particular the laws of tho country and nover to tolerate their violation by others this high resolve might well bo adopted by the people of canada too few outside the postal staffs of the country havo any realixatoin of the extent to which our parcel post system is now utllizetl during the holidays scores of bags of goods came from great britain to acton i sent from friends across tho sea by parcel post the people of the united states have patron ized this part of tbe postal system in a wholesale way tn due year 312000 pairs of shoes were cot by psroel post from- brockton i massachusetts yearly a thousand pairs a day and in ono month a manufacturing- concern of indian orchard mass chpactts acttt i00o6o pounds of its product to russia j2 tt g of 50000 by flnhta aruaar mat or advance itaa pmc with that in other branchea of narli ulturn until it haa become i inon- or lea highly orsanlaed com ninrrlal induatry i the linpurtancu of the maple augur industry u acarcoly rejuiaed in part or canada where it haa long line itanoil to be carredxn but it auii huklh u placo of prominence over largu uruum in quahou and to a laaaer ax iom in ontario new ilrunawlck and noyu hcotiu it la rtlmated that 60 ooo growcra ur engaged in the work kroui 1860 to liao the production of ma pin nuar together with ite equiva lent in eyrup incroaaed year by yar touching an average annual yield of 2 coo ooo pound during tbe un years ulwovn 1is1 and lltl purine the ii x deraric th juarly average fell i i nit l iikidoo pounds and in more teinnt yeura it hoe dropped to leua than 20000000 pound on many farm the augsu buah ii imply the wood lot thai haa been pre anrvod to hupply fuel i id to provide un unnunl crop of augur and eyrup to 1 uaod ae a delicacy or aold to regular cuatomera it la not however from theae email mixed grovea that tho great marketing aupply la aocur- ed but rather from the more rugged arena whore the plow and tho hor- voator uro not eo eaally operated the grouea ua found in the principal au gur rounllea are chiefly maple troea the other klnda having been removed for fuul or the mw thua the con dition in many of the aettled coun- tlea of afir ontario and of que bec where the wune grove and in muny cuaea the aame tree have been tapped by aeveral generation in the mom northerly porta of theae prov ince there are veait t retch of hlefly hard maple foreata in a prime val atnte waiting the aturarmaker with hla modern equipment method of gathering thl an nual harveat haa changed conaidar- ably alnce the daya when the indian traded the eap from the a ian ting goaei in the tree made with hla toma hawk boiling it in an earthen nil i u amall quantity of dark uuck eyrup had been produced the njrst atepa were the aubaututlon of tbe au ger for the axe coopered paua for the birch boric caao or hewn aap trough and the evaporating pan haa in recent yeara been developed into tho modern evaporator with corrugal- ed bottom and aeparate comparttnenu mot only for the conservation of the moat advanced aectlona in fact tbe life of the tree but also for clean 11 ne tn augar making- the wooden apout has aimoat diaappeared tn moat advanced aectlona in fact the tendency now 1 toward metal in every article of equipment with which the aap eyrup or augar come in contact pacilltlea are also provided for tak ing full advantage of the iawof gray tutfon in the handling of aap which in home well equipped plants flows it own accord from the collecting tunlta to the aturage tank then to the evaporator and finally when boiled to the proper con latency into tbe rocelvlng cans thus saving a great amount of labor where a grove la located on a hltlatde soma augar mak er have taken advantage of the law df gravitation by laying a system of metal pipes which convey the sap cram outlying paints to the sugar house tbe pipes are erected tempor arily on eupports during the sugsx- ing aeuaon and taken down and care fully restored for the remainder of the year the majestic maple na bean out away to a great extant for the fire place and the factory a proper reali sation of the value bf the maple grove or forest not only a a producer of lumber and fuel but for the annual crop of augar u ylalda will do much to revive and extend the maple augar industry even though a decrease in production la being experienced the industry atill bulks large and with the more general use of modern me thod and proper encouragement there is no reason why it should not return to nnd even surpass its previous re cord boost your oriqanizatlpn acton la fortunate 111 itoaaesalng u number of nplendld orgnplkutloh foi promoting the intercat of tho com munity and it in a notuhlo fact that many publlcaplrlted mon and women are devoting a great deal of time and effort to jnutklnc the activities f theao organisations surceaaful itut hnre as elaewhere there i a tundvm y un thu part of the general public to lonva tlm work to those few nuthualuutn and to take nu individual eharn in helping tho good work along tht aim thy will klu organ huulona in tact wo can give ten rules a to the beat wuy to do troy in oaaoclotlon itere they are dont corrie to the moot nun hut if you do bo lair if it la a dinner or luncheon meet ing come very luti you will thou disturb and delay everybody if the weather doeani jut null yitu dont come at all if you receive a not i do or tin- inmil lita forget the date nl oiiui jon i tr to remember it if the secretary aiuidu you u roturu card for your lunch or dinner tmorvii ion or a form to nil out throw it in the wumte papa bakeb ho just sent it for fun if you attend a meeting find fault with the oracnt and tho othfr mem ber bay it is not your mooting anyhow it belongs to the officers never accept an office it i easlnr to rrltlclsa than to do thine claim you uro loo huy to give u any time nevertheless get sore if you are nol ailolnted on u committee but if jou are aklnted do not attend comrnltuin meeting millions for elevators according to recent statement in the pre here the milling arm of bpllleru ltd of england haa set aaldo 116 000000 for a chain of elevat alborthj and a terminal elevator lu vunoonver an agjeemalr the press report oontlnues has been reached with the harbor commission here for a 3 200 000 bushel terminal elevator juet cost of tho present government ele vator und plan call for ita erection ut a oust of llsoo 000 conetroetlop is to start uaroh 1 as all plans are iruwn up and completed spluers ltd use 1000000 bushels of wheat per duy in kngllah flour mills and pre viously the bulk of the supplies have been received from the argentine auatralut und through uontreal it is stated to be their intention to uae the woatcrn route excluaively ship ping through their own elevator in alberta and vancouver 31000000 buahol annually the entry f splll- ora ltd into the grain business in western canada is regarded as of wtdoraaohlu importance and it m predicted that it will be followed by tlui erection of flour mills in th meat 111 u few yearc hplllers lid has bxrkngmydtirbe over tho alberts inour afuu limited culgury to complete the big mill in icuml culgury and tt provide elevator and other facilities there at a cost of ivemal million of dollars the work utmplatlng lb plant in calgary was atari in the aprina and is to be vuahud o that it might iflj polble to be lullllng the time the 194 crop began to move it has been ntated that the calgary mills and plunt will employ several huodred men unil that tile enterprise will be one of the largest of its nature in western canada it la also tatd that culgury will be the companys prin cipal aerating point in canada upjmor limited has it own line of ateiituehlp and when it has completed its plane involving western canada it will buy its grain direct from the pro ducer gtlnd some of it in its own canadian mill and ship its flout and us grain which will be handled through its own to van couver and tbenos in lta own ships to liverpool and other ket brave boy featn lloutunm ueatrlce broke beautiful briuubrac but ueatrlce brothei lien bought burrelful tilmains breeses blew boats bearing ilena brlcahrofl by ueneonhurat uul bllrsarda bolated bold brave lien lloylike uen blasphemously blumed bluatertns buata but blinked bliidly- uangl boomed oeuson hurst bell buoy blocking lisna bow dahl bold ly b rugged livu noys bravery boni er yityvado dans brimming boat barelv rreasled hla brutal breakers uen a breast burned because bill be comb big uehavlng badly txmnnta belsaguored boys bang i ureuker burled ilena boat ityguues better be bygones the lake of living fire according to mnmoini recolved at the department of th interior at washington from hupt nolo of ha waii national park kllaueaa lake of living fire has again drnlnd out n reeult of subtorrnnnn dlaturh- anom tho aurfacn of the lake of li quid lava having drop pod 0o feat below the rim the east end of th park urfu wu also broken up badly by earthquake the cracks erolttinu gas cloud of name and lava i may 19x2 as a result of almllsr dlaturbanoea the lake of living fire dlspared but in september of tliu same year the crater began to 01 again in may of thla year the nurfuoe of tho lake had risen to within lo foot of the nm the most remarkable recovery wnfl on may 13 when the aurface of the lake rose thirty feet in one day rqak ln a total volume of motion invu poured out by the score of fountuln of over 2000000 cubic yard in one day the area of the lake on tht day was over forty ave acres or near- ly eighteen city blocks what interested hcr the director of ilia urltuli uuaou sir lroderlck konyon las had many mnuulng oxpf- un wllli vlsltorw once aayu til lilt he ea ebowi u d la tlligul hod ludy some of tbo price leas treasure of which ho is tha c tod ian but fui u long time nothing ikinmod to inlnrrtnt her vtiry rruirli thoii adddonly in noticed a thunge hur face llghtpn up and q iru forward what la it madam r unknd fir i redarlck grutlhrxl at this tardy algn of awakening approclallon iray do not healtata to auk if thara 1 unythlni you would ilka to know ha good of youl unld the lady i wimii you would tall mo what brand of block lead you uo on these iron ven tilator that uro int into th 1 xjr wa bavo the umn sort of tbluch at my houao but my maid iov c kt tliain to ulilno luilf no brilliantly how adsentlulnded ir wnii alwuyu klcklni one duy hi wlfo took him to a raataurant and ha immotllalaly prorovded to nmttar- runn her by washing tbu mllver it was clean as she uneurnd him but im wualied knlfa and spoon in hi glusa of water no germ fur mo he announced loudly a jnlnuta later ho drank tha water care op paint and brushes wluui it in necessary to atnre an optfii pall of paint indefinitely and tha t over ha been cut away the iwtliit naturally liocomoi hard o nod and usoleaa from exposure to the ulr this may be prevented easily und ul trifling nxpenaa by pouring molted paruflln ovnr tlio surfacu of tho pal tbu can will be harmntlcully mmlad ae jionn u the witx bus cmjlcd und tho ialnt will ba prrnarved inriiltln uauuily kupt ir hand in tha kltchi fur mating jorri und waxing sad irut und a slnglo bar of tho wax coaling tilxiut three cent will bo aulflrant houi tha paint in two onn gullun n if nothing i at hand with whlcn to tltianae a brush when u job of painting has iraon completed brlatk may ba kapi in good shape by wiping them u dry uu posslblo and dipping tha bruub into malted puniuln to thu depth of liu ferrule to limurti aase in thu remuvul of tlte wjx whim tlm bruali i to bh ued ucaln thu brlatles slioubl bo praaaod nrmlyvtogathor ao a o provont the wax frdm flowing between tbo pur- utnti when cooled can bo picked from tho bristles very easily or it may be tllppod for a few minutes into boiling water and thq brush will ba at er- icaubln as over nruuha that hnvo boon nagloctnd nlll lhe pilnt in lurd and dry cun ihi oof te nod again by soaking ilu m in trong vinegar business directory scotch descent gerald had just bought a car i he was taking- the girl of hi heart for a spin proud of being ablq to turn u corm without seriously damaging tho hedges he was letting the car out u bil up hill and down dale they tore at gallant pace ob gerald isnt it lovely r sold the girl a they topped u hill and behefd the country spread out rur be low them hut abe got no answer for thnj were already doahlng downward like the atlck of a rocket oerald with moist forehead and bulging eyo ahouted in her ear the brakes hgve given wuy- oh oerald how uwfull ahrlrked the glrl can you atop ity id give all the money in the world to get out dont part with a penny i gasped oerald who wo of scotch descent weu both get out for nothing when the car hits that ate down there i waiting on appetite abyssinian customs have a divert ing almpllclty if w may gauge them by an example fumuhedvtho wash ington star by the captain of un ocean liner a young prince of abyaslnlu oncp sailed with me said the captain and the passenger liked him mo much that ut the end of the voyage they arranged a dinner in his honor in london it was a smart dinner- orchid costly wlnea and much plate and u fashionable company but the prince did not appeal next morning the chairman or tho committee hunted him up and aakod indignantly why he had not gunu to the dinner i was not hungry the prince aii- awered pimply and calmly dreco the wondtr kidney livpr l stomach tonic vj nationally adwtrtiej sold by a t brown acton and by good druoglat everywhere small accounts willingly handled xt is tbe aim of the bank of montreal to -i- serve willingly in little things as well as large to be generally helpful to its cos- tomera regardless of the size and extent of thetr dealings with the bank for years the bonk of montreal has cooperated with ita customers assi in various ways in of finance and 1 if you require information or any other banking service yom have ricrely to write or ddl acton branch l b shorey manager bank of montreal established 1817 1924 mclaughlinbuick features pourwheel brakes are on all 1924 mclaughlinbuick models these brakes make it possible for the driver to stop the car in a fraction of tbe time and distance required with the conventional twowheel brakes it also eliminates skidding when the car is brought to a halt both the four and sixcylinder models have the proverbial mclaughlinbuick stamina and rug- gedness hillclimbing power arid the ability to travel rough roads with ease are typically mclaughlinbuick characteristics the 1924 cars the finest mclaughliribuick has yet built are notable contributions to the science of automobile building as well as ideal cars for owners who want the greatest value possible in return for a moderate purchase price usui thrm trv 14 mclaughlinbuick afoff to choosm front fisher king keihkskntatlvks wk this section call on thbm at and yhrvwiljl on vou georgetown dr j a mcniven phyaloian and burossn qffloe and jtssldence corner ilower avenue and migln btreat 1mionk sit dr f- s nelson 1 iludlhicil hi uluict aeton ontario leqal phone no 22 v fj hox sts harold nash farmer m a bsrlaur solicitor notary public conveyancer etc perryman block acton ont money liisit on sfoiitoaolca hours b 20 am to b p m saturday 13 00 oclock h g meir barriater bo ue i tor notary pub i la oeoroetown ont j oentax dr j m bell d d s l d a deetlat itonor graduate of toronto untver- nlty the latest anesthetic ubd if desired oct ce at residence corner hill end frederick street dr f g gollop dd s i ds dental sur offlce over bank of nova sootla hours 10 to b so evening by appointment miscellaneous pranc1s nunan t bookmnder account books of all kinds made te rder periodicals of every descrlptloa carefully bound it u ling neatly onj promptly done wyndbom street ouelph ont over william btore lodge directory sons of england lodge woodqreen no 302 meeting llrst and third friday in each month at s p tru in i o o v hall members and visiting member cordially invited to attend 8 aoutchinqs j little president secretary ihonoaj oftlco 481 hen 874w dr a l price chikopractic electpoiheeapy 130 upper wyndham slrcel guclph ovflr 11 tear fcpriunca consultation free r j kerr auctioneer and real state agent 17 years j acton ontario sales entrusted to r j kerc re ceive attention from date of listing to date of sale list your sale with me itesldenos bower avenue acton phone to acton call at my expense gnelph business college offers uptodnto nualness sinnugraphy crelarial course by o perlanood teachers may enter any day rpi t ox- htulenjl wiuth iort in1tohuation v v hlltott xrinolpal etpraving g fflricmwowntrrvrtir tforomho on4e14 j e cheevers book bidder quebeo bl best qusiph ortl ttooka and magaxlnes bound tfl uandsome and bubstantbtl orrvera nances lettared tn gold on lllbles llyron uooks avnd other book all work promptly executed tbe old and reliable granite and marble work we axe manufacturers and dlreoi importan of all kinds of mouutiiuiitaj and ileadstone work- we ell dlri to our erustomers at wholesale prices utoa amvlaa our oustonisre 40 per oent we have the beslstppuano and the only meatuuiioa in lhe dominion woo omn operate pneumatlo tools property wa oan air reference from hundreds ot our ooatotnsra tn toronto and other plaoae wbara others have to have law gotta tn order to collect we have the lanpmt ad be a took x of oronlte ta dps datoititoov or mofe than eoy three sesjera id th wesl w are legtu- biata tlatfl m and employ no aenta mnodaaot atfnoy or pest oustomera byjasslsscput ljnqrant agents solicit- 5sfwf btth i- egnplay only mechajilos tltton tqn sojss i

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