Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 6, 1924, p. 5

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i v vyv v hv artnn 3frw tyttea thulthijay mailch fi ltj4 ouesbinov many tiny it am lritui lit into he lonely ululif nirue iik iv ihn unlit uwuy il hi- pretty tliliir- will mi ulh it plllmv irjilh riy timl ti lliin from my llllu hd iil n iuidltty rri iuiun t ih ihchl nrlcht the lark qulrkeml tvlntv years ago of l ho fr pr murcb 10 1mw i li l ll ipl iul yu that ii ct for hlhr th l th 1 n iiikliuii thy iir to have their i1i pllml ulld hfilmumhl th honu of scotland wii fuvorud wich lull huso ut llnir iirtcori krwiuy wvciiliiir owitiic lit hlocked rouilu mliiu jlcltonsuu of durham so prano soloist wp utiuhln to roach acton mr harvey lloyd humorist kuvn an unusual number of selections th hcuttiuh dancing by tho throe mlawm htulkor and master willi kdhm curried the houito hy storm ilp- uru murruy of toronto und llou of art on urcompanlod ttiu lltflc dancurq and it i no gave a couple of selections tho oyntr supper and lecture un der thu uuitplcea of thn young- man club of the methodist church wa held on tuesday evening und wu 1 buccum anil u credit in the younk men the school room wait beautifully do ooratuc thn work wal all dona by tho younir inmi and the cooks proved thontnolwiit to bu udnpu and tho score tst whlttvruppeu und whsteupronod vrultitu ikirformod thalr duties well during thn uupper lclshmans orches tra luitrounuml muala in tjo auditorium and tho kunday school orchestra in thu ttihikil room mr a el chapman roniicrml u couple of solos durtnft the oyanlnir und tho voting men aan a eouploof choruiod thu wu followed by a lecture by ilov a i 8 ay dor of frwolton on a womanb tongue in which many points of sound common iwniw a well an humor and welltold anecdote wus glvon meeting of the farmers and wo- mans institutes wera held in tho town hall on haturday afternoon and even ing tim moni mission heard ad dresses on restoring and maintain- ins soil fertility the work of tho farmera institute and the bacon llojf at the womans session miss itnlla millar of ouelph save an ad- druam on ylleaninan from ilouseclean- inc and gave many practical hlnta mrs john 1c kennedy followed with a erien or domonstratlona in cooking tnaklnc douichnuta potato croquette now pudding und sauce the evening montlne wu u joint meeting addreu- 1 by mlna millar on home nursing and by mr klllot an pure seeds irishmans orchestra provided thn music married iiuntbilhmitii in ouclph an thursday march 3 190 by itv s k marshall li d mr ii q hunter 1hm il to jennie may smith daughter of daniel smith acton died k mclbonaldin torontof on tuesday march 8 1904 lochia it mcdonald ujfod 77 years smith at hu home in olanford on monday march 7 1b04 anson smith in hu nlaotteth year nobektson at west new bright on n ion saturday february 20 1904 john itobertson brother-in- law of itolftjrt agnew acton aged co yoarft mann at the homo of his sister mrs john moffat ulh street acton on sunuuy march b 1904 donald mann son of lutur mann aged f years the sunday school lesson for sunday march 0 104 coastal indians of mysterious origin till ljtiinsni utchy- i hitiu in- oollmi tixl iu1i1 1l 1 1 lit tin mcjn 1727 o ilvu ltl the text explsind vursn jhullv aiiolntrl hunt hli- ilfyltltr consocration l tlm mtvit df lol out nn otltwoxl li of- tint gift thn spirit riu fr thn hlc inc hrnoforth l im i or im unrrtnf- 1 flonlcimlltim til huxciutii king us mckuxitiit nf jnliovuh 111 huiaclnrls- nf th of kan 1 til iualr 11 l ill iii iii lnuii viri 17 sumul tljknthil clulliml iomlily or voiikmh iluh- iglloih h1 ion mlxpuli- ivtr mliuli ii ul 40 hlllh plu va oiiinunillnu u tfood lll- loluihl tlm jiuiuih in f lliujiiniln ultout from jmummliini coo ri iluhhorliu ploutiuu lund ubovo tht doit livol tin t tl pipl ut mupuh w und hi 1 among 11 hook thl n tlm tor ilvn nllx uthtvn tl k coo fnu uath rl dlui ttloi of virtually ml a grateful people thu chinese are a highly apprecia tive people who show their apprecia tion by the lavish bestowal of gifts an american merchant tells in thii now york sun of his experiences with these generous givers it is not only the wealthy merchant class he says who send presents to their whlte-skln- ned friends the most lowly chinese send gifts to the american and euro pean friends whom they cborlsh the merchant cites a little incident in support of his statement soma nineteen years ago at the home of a chinese friend in shangml a very sumptuous house a bright chinese lad was deleguted to walt an me and a topitoich valet he was i took a genuine liking to him and praised him often ho received my praises in smiling dlunce but he never forgot them on the christmas following my rw turn to america among the many rich girts whlfh reached ma from china was this bays present soma tea some joessucks a jar of conserved ginger a few tlttlu inexpensive chines im ages uttln boxes of this sort reach od m every christinas although k did not sea thw boy again for ten years then the gift begun to grow richer and i found that he had gone into business nina yours ugo i saw him in shang hai und hu was prosper lag remark ubiy lvo soon him every year since jle has lift v sarvsji is in his house r i ahouldujy palace ho is a millionaire he treats mo us if 1 were a prince thu honor jip heaps on ma are over whelming i daru not protest that would be tho height of discourtesy hu never tells hie why he does ull these things fur me the chinese are not outwardly emotional his clnltumau gift lust year was a puku of thn lilghusl olass of art in judo it rvpiiiiiitls ptrhups sovural years of work of u lirstrutu chinese jado- enrvur urnuful the chinvwuy why onrw my wlf liofrlnniied u chlnusa dock ooolle in llitugkting who ww lelnu id treutiul by u llrltlsh mutdler rliortly aflerwiiril liiy wifa wuu taken 111 just naa hour uftui shu was taken to thu hospital tturu cuma to her tho tnor magnlliuiit box of ttovvsrs i ever haw sent to imr by tliat dock cool i o thn nowurs luprosatitud tirouably mxi liu own auvlnum besldom u oollootioit ho lutd tukmi up among tho oiher dock taboruiti llow he unow my wife was taken to the hospital i hover found out oh yus ho chinese are grateful grateful und kind und nno- mid blg- lieurtud if thn world on i ktivl it but it doesnt his speciality golf hi lint coluiubiu washington ilurlig one of the tansaat days uf thti oriais with germuny pre sident wilson came up to drive from uiiv of thu most difficult toes a con tributor to the new york kyenlng iosl ays that two members at the aluu hltmwl aside to let the lroldont play through mr wilson drove and hla hall nhuc off into precisely the pluco wlmro tin ill d not wish it to go thn irthident turned to the otliiir maililmrs und remurkod wluf u smile evoii sut hurq ttnt keap out troublsl tlonal indnpundnih vorsii 21 saul tho won of kuli klah u honjunilto chief had a son saul exceptionally tall and handsome klsh had lost somo asses und eent saul and a slave to look for them after u long und futile search they found thcmsolvca as itamuh the horn ufumuol saul propoaod to aban don the search but adopted u sugges lion of the slava that they should conbont samuel they learned thai sumuel was ubout to preside over u sacrinclal feast at tho local sanctuary high place bama as thy wont t the high place they fell in with samuel who was also on his way thlthoc pealco was taken after the lot hud rail en upon a family they would next cast lols upon its small or subdivisions until ut last they cui to households when hint klsh and finally saul was taken tho latter foreseeing that his would happen had concealed himself am a matter of fact saul was now called to a most weighty responsibility und ut failed and was rejected though uot wlthou proving that he was a man of extra nrfynury genius and power- and i nayjir can be said of him that pro sumption was the cause of jits fall or that- he hastily undertook serious duties in the spirit of lighthearted levity payne smith lesson thames the monarchy it has boon pointed out that there are three great periods to be distinguished in the history of israel the theocracy the monarchy the hierarchy corresponding in some degree to the throe divisions of the old testament the law tho prophets writings tho period of theo cracy begins with abraham the father the faithful und continues until lima of samuel who under divine direction inaugurated the monarchy this sovereignty of a visible monarchy was regarded by samuel as a decline from the theocracy yet a king might have been given by god in his own time as a necessary factor in tho training of too nation later the hierarchy took the place of the mon archy and rosumod the ideals promot ed in the first period- bamuol founded the monarchy under protest which made it most important that tho right man be found for the kingship the man the story of saul the hrst kins of israel in one of the finest haracter portrayal a lniiobrow litera ture even at this farremoved tlmo lmple rereading of thu old testa ment story of his life makes evory line his character stand out as faith fully as if ha had jived a few years at moat a few generations ugo w admire especially the grand herollku beauty of his young manhood hu llfty stature the strong arm the un flinching nerves the quick eagle eyo ful general the ganorosltv to unworthy opitononts whlch makes i so graceful and uviperlal land so easy to endure the itesult sauls career in this im portant epoch of change is marked hy both failure and success succeed characterised the early part of his his failures are recorded chief ly in his later years ills urctlvitlei may be divided into two parts from his inauguration to the tlmo of david and from that until his death by sul- wlth the coming of david into public ufa the decline of the jealous king began like solomon he had a great opportunity which ho only par tially met sauls death the- clrqums fences umecled with sauls doath are whl in a dramatic way the philistines had gathered together ut aphek while haul held the fateful plains of megld do at jexreel answer came from neither prophet nor priest then in depalr he applied to the necromancer it endor but received only a hope- less message the battle joins sauls ions are sore preasad hit calls m his armorbearer to slay him bat icjjuj refused he falls upon his swonl and dies the following day tho philistines severed the heads of baul and his eons and exposed the bodies an the walls of bethshun whence thn grateful jabeshqueudltes brought them away by night hustings for btudy and discussion who was haul und what were his qualifications tor the kingship what art did samuel have lmstabliahliiu monarchy what was the form givurnment prior to tluit tlmet was samuel fuvoruble to this chutmit why what was the rtiault of hi j monarchy upon israel t compare tin characters of saul and solomon- olvo the circumstances of sauls death ex plain the difference betwuen u thuo- by und u democracy whut dif ferent fornu of natlunul iroveuituunl exist in thu world today t olvo ex- umphi of uuali willi is the iteaty whyt could u- datuoerucy iwcomu u thoo1uryt howv daily rssdlnas for nt week monday match 10 l sum 7 ikxri 8 14 it h 111 hum id 1- fuich 121 sum 1 tuesday m wtdimsiluy 414u thursday march ii 1 hum kriduy march h wain 0 huturduy march 16 lwuhn hutuluy march la puului 24 long eds out it wlmii it was noised about boyniouth thut long ed ames wuu going to marry cum ulucvne of the summur residents thought to huve some fun with hlin are you gainst to get married ed thats what cora uuys well i suppoau youve made ull th prupurutlonu got your truuswauu ready t long ed lid not italk ut the un- tisklal word es was expaclud yep he feturued aunl llso she bound my sunday rout und put u new collar ont and lvo hud my shoes tupped stop the couah cougultik is iauaed by irritation in the resplitiloiy ui ages und is the effort tu dislodge ob structlons that come from in huh una hon of the mucous mombrunu tirol mont wth dr tlitmtus icchutriu ull wll allay the inflammation und in coiujoquenco the cough will usually stop- try it awl yuuu be seilafled left a slwash squsw and pa- poom this photoorsph was taken on tha canadian pacific deck vancou ver where indlsna have been granted i camp at eartaln eesso- perrnlaalon night the striking- feature of 81- waah art la found in thalr arotosquely carved and painted totem poles inset a typical infant slwash the inilluiiw of ioiiutul british col umbia are unllkn any other indians of north america tho name slwoah by which they urn commonly distin guished from the plains indians iu a irruption pf thn ltmich won nauv- uge which the iurly nxplnrert natur ally appllnd to thorn im not a natlvo name they do not onk at all like tho plains indiana but like orientals and though llmlr history la no obsourn that ll in impoiuilbln in trace their origin this seems to provo beyond ibt that they aio aprung from sonrt such stock most protably the japan- it b a furl that if a slwash and a japanese are dressed alike one can hardly toll them nart i low three people crossed tho pacl- 3- la a mystery ivrhups ihoy nra tho survivors of sdmn hapless armada n across the ocwin in some bygone ogc perhaps they ilnlllhtnttdy uallfd oas ilka columoun1 of the iluul perhaps they crouuod by the koo the berlnff si raits anyhow there they are there are many ether milnt of ro- semblunre bo twee n the slwash and the oriental like the primitive jup- nnese the slwaahos live by hunting und fishing and are much on the water in fact thnlr canon uro to them what the horse was to bloux like the primitive japanese again and un llkn tho plains indians they do not tike in tents but in houses which moreover are of vtiry similar archi tecture to those of tho flowery king- ilom though built of wood and like iii jujmntiso they are a very poetic people with a prolific- and beautiful folklore but tho must ramurkabhi distinction enjoyed by tlm slwashes is their art which does not resemble that of any other race certainly not that of any other american indians of this con ventional- realism sounds the koynote their buildings are richly und fantas tically carved their ceremonial drosses are nquatly elaborate they delight in bold effects and bright colors eapcclally in red- blue and green used in conjunction with black und white the striking feature of slwash art is found in their grotesquely carved and painted totom polos which are placed before the houses those poles made to repmejint u column of dia bolical birds and boasts standing one ivu the other form what lu literally uinlly tree the various totoma tell ing tho story of the ancestry of the people living in tho houito behind them the slwaahos also manufacture weird images resombllng the idols of african tribes which are intended to axerciso various supernatural pawartf uurh the driving away or evil spirits tho slwaahos of punt tlma were some instances u wurllku lot fond of fighting opd bloodnhed occasion ally if tradition siieaks truth they put ihhr flrroutive ahluty to sinister use thrro in u story well vouched for of u feutlvn meeting itotwpen two tribes which hud called u truce in tholr othnrwltn perpotuul rud one tribe invited the other to a friendly banquet in tho community dining hull the architect uttor tho fuuhlon of natives who glory in complicating simple things hud so designed the hull that the only entrance j wail through the beak uf an enormous wooden bird fonnlng the fascade no uiiu oulstde could see or hoar what wan going on within the wullu every one who en tered hud xo do so ulono and head hrst in turn the gruests s crumbled into the beuk and vanished until nil had entered none of them over came out their treacherous hosts within armed with clubs gave oach man his quietus as soon as his heart up pea red an extremely clever way uf getting rid of objectionable rdlkwlth the least possible inconvenience though not one which appeals to christian iun today the coastal indians uru qulel and lawnbldlng cltfsemi pf canada but fine apod mens of tholr picturesque art may htlll be seen ut iieverul villages iot far frym vunoouver und victoria useful oumchewinq uven an dliiacrooublo a habit us gum chewing muy once n a grer while servo u useful purpose a fruest wan wiuihlng hln ring in u wunhbowl wlmii the diamond came nut and started for tlm howui it ooul i lo seen at tlm turn in the pipe but was out of rmrli the clerk of dm auditorium annex in which tin tiilliit occiii mil up- pared on tlm ucuno in wuu eqiiul to the omorccniv ho rulnd a bull- boy und dent for u pui kugn of chew incgum when it wuu brought thn ky clmwod ifum us ho imvui hud b- foro then putting the mi ft- plastic quill on the nuil uf u long luudpuncll lie readied for the dlumoud ills aim was true tlitj dliuikiud stuck in tin- gum and wua brought out stiffly balmo lor horeii ciiik burns bolls ict iaihu scalds etc oood for fildn i luu wonderful heulluk propnrtlus one toucli of hulmq makes vou ad it kin forward chilqi lliown und lry u o ixith full era llowu ytur baby belting on auk d llrown can if talk yiilt no tmu only juit balmlnc l r oiiihi tlrev uosn uvkw ml hiiroiy i mul llrown iiu olln r thttu our ours tan talk npln lilly well ours inn wulk 11 r lli th room without blng held coi llttjmh ihe tillier f my dear chnp i uru imllhm dowi ttto guntun puth li lilnet tni evrv evening how uh ut your baby teeth well lu trot ll fe w ourshuu got th um ull but thrix und ims horn he wits inter ruptud by l te fg asperateil grey i say te exclulmud doe j us a safety ruxor or an ordinary miilnti etelpl or sent post- if prim a6c phepaitkd oniy by veritas supply co dunloe road toronto railway time tables at acton qolna wut nadian nationalfl no ib 31 la 33 no 3c 30 no 10 sunday k1j 103tam- 319 pm e 00 pjn b39p m 1010 ajn 708 am ferrt etstasrtaaat a sagacious goose i adventures amunjj blyls mr 1 hudnon nbitii miiny unusuui rles uf birds of many kinds not least tnturcutlut f them is tho following anecdnto thai ho tultij about ily old candor in a certain atnull ulund on tho count of norway the ueoso used roiicrogat ever ynar in lurg iiuui- bers and here uim uutuinu aome ytur usu u kao vnu tuiiiiht by tin leg in teel trnp set fr u fo tho koiwr from a distance naw the whole vast gathering of geese rise up und clrcln round and ruund in u cloud with tremevidoua outcry atil wlmii ho got to the stop lin found die bint utrug- gllng violently in hi- trap he took it home to a larger island iimu by whom master my lufnrinulttu frfitnt hail a farm from that dny tlm wild gnusii never sttlod on tint lila which they hud use as u refillnir place for tuutiy yearw the bird he hrwf iicculnutitlly caught as an old gander and itu hg wa iiltan but tho kriptr sot to work repair i ho injury and ufter binding up be put the bird into un out- housi and uveutunliy it got quite well pthoned ll and put it out with tho other birds a little while befort old gander bad imhmi caught tlm foxes had beoouin uu troublesome ut the farm that it whm found necessary ihut up all tho blrdu every night in lnclosurus und houses made far tho purpose and aa the birds preferred to be out tho keeper hud to spend a goo i deul of time every evening in collect ing ahd driving tjmm in ow before the old wild goose had been able to go about many daym with others it was noticed that he was acquiring a kind of mastury over them nd that evory day um evening up- pntaohud ho begun to try to lead ubd falling in that to drive them to the lnclosurus and buildings the keeper urious to see how fur this would go began to relax hie efforts and m hu efticts slackened tho ganders seal in creased until he was left to do uio wholo work himself all tho keeper had to do was to go round und shut the doors thut statu uf thlngx had now con tin und for some years und the old wild goouo wus tho acknow ledged leatlur und muster uf ull the birds on the funri oems of thought hypocrisy is the hamugo which ice liuys ti virtue 1m ito-hofou- llk other tre tlmro is usually something ulmuy ubotit the faintly ireo tlm unrest of this weury world is its unvoiced cry ufter iod munger ijiw is the euilhidlmunt of tlm morul kviitlmunt of the lwuiple lllackstoiio liberty how mutiy crimes urn ooiniikltud ik thy nam i mudumu koluud the prlil of dyliib- rhh ruues the loudest laugh in hull john foster the body of u uipuuullst is the eolith f u dead koulltovtiti 1 uurvlvv his morals mouth ru impious in a good uiuii to be sad young puulshiimiit is justloii for the unjust augusuna ond teuipern tlm wind to the shorn lamb- sterne mlllurs worm powdme it ao tlior- oughly thut mtuiuuchlc and lulostlilal worms pus from tin- child without be ing iidilrod und wllhnut lu onveuloipo to the sufferer thy unpulnloas unit porfrt in uillon und at ull times will be found a healthy mudlhuo strength- aliiblhe liifuiilllo slonfuh and main taining it in vihry opoiutlon uo tlml besldus being uij oiinilv veiiilfugo they uru ton leu i und huullhiivjug in their extaats does science pavt tllo llkltui thli i on tlm fiirtn is inclined tc he thoorutt of tho man ir i room or the library h i can suc cessful farmer simply by studying liooks but ho should remember that tho roufly scientific student of agri culture is today much more than a inun of books the wcl untitle student is also u man of th laboratory and tho oxifrlmnut station his thoorles rwhsldy tetiltn tho lleldm bofore they reach tho farmer moreover tho furm agunt luik come in to explain the now methods in person und to help tin- fartreir to upply them a southern hnnkur whoso business ilnponds in largo measure upon the pruhivorlty of f annul n lostltles to some of thu results in thu south since th furm ugetits begun thnlr work 1700 furm clubs with t0000 members have louu orruulxod in tho houtliorn status 1000u meetliiss with a tola attend ance of ljoo000 huvu been hold and mo ce than 1 oooooo govurnmont bul letins dealing with thu furmorsprob- iik have been distributed nearly 00u iwys and girls moreover hav been unrullod in cjubs ut which they discuss such subjects as the propel rotation of crops and gelling the best ylnld from uu acre did the hisutlngs and discussions amount to anything the bankers anuwar is very con fident lla suys that more than 50000 pure bred or high grade animals have uvfa 10 parted into the states as a result of the haw interest in better farming a slap of special importance view of the fact that during tho lust fifteen years live slock has tended to locreusa in that region some 20000 farmers hud faith enough in demon stration methods to try them last year with the result that their production to the acre wus distinctly higher than the averugo and that the increase in the product of their farms was ostim- uted at 4000000 in cotton and over j7000000 in corn as long as hit demonstration farms can on the aver age raise 1177 pounds of seed 00 it on to he acre us again a 02 pounds on ordinary farms thnlr neighbors will have under their eyed a standing- il lustration of the fact that the best crops aru furlllixed willi bruins it is worth noting ugalu thut the facts wore brought out ut u conven tion of investment bunkers und have imhui cited in u prominent financial journal the proginssivu bunknr ruulixes us haver berore thut his own success is closoly related to thu pros- twrity of the farmer on his side the farmer must realise thut the man who is ulert to learn utld to uu thu best methods lit his furmlng will tlnd it moat easy co get credit a bad temper do you think he is a christian u native at india asked 11 mlnalunary corning un american whose out- burat of anger ho had jut witnessed certainly replied the missionary but ho has a bad temper the missionary did not full to notice look of incredulity on the face of the questioner and it net him think ing it was evident thut to hay this man is u christian but he has a hud per was us illogical to this na tives mind us tu have said lie is a perjurer or u blusphainui- but n chris tian john wesley would huve ugrood with the native he said i would uu lief swnur us sou id ill truth there is ch blunphemy in tcoldlnir thu apostle james condemns tlm i neon slalencj of him who bleasus god und upeiks unkindly to toon who are made gods imuge persons who have nvil tempcru often ouue themselves by uaylni with u kind of pride you knoy i havit such a hud tm- per sometimes u quick tumpor good with warm and generous uutuie but it iso goes with nariownuss of vision the person who ucknowludgus u bail temper should euy i have a mind too uurrowud either by nature or by habit to pormlt of my seeing both sides of a subject at once and so racking in control that 1 fly into a fury when i sea only one aide he clvrlatlan religion unlike ori ental faiths does not placo emphasis upon mere submissive noes it seeks to make men strong und courageous rather than negatively euhmlsslve jiut it ulso toucheu sulfcontrol und should establish it in tho lives of ull who profess to believe in christ greater than he that tuketh u city ut who ruletlh his own uplrlt asthma vlotime the tnuii or woinun uuhjuct to otathmu ts tndeud u victim whut cun ho morn terrifying thuu to biililimly bu selxeil with puroxysms uf choking which seui to tulrly threaten the existence of life itself from such 11 condition dr j 1 k i longs asthma humedy huu brought tiutuy to cotnplatu- ly restored huulth uiut hupplnos it is known und lirinud in uvery suction of this broad lund fellow 8yhugglehb them wum uihia things which tlm womaiivrlio httuvlvinl for twenty yeurs hi u beautiful but loifly npot within sight of thu white muuutuliwi hud ihjiho just iuj lona uu ulie could und bliu did not uaro who knew it whut u rest it must bo to you ul the end of thu days woik to look ut those great culm hill standing theri in the wunliig light suld un enthusl- untlo truvullur who hud htuppod fur u gluss af water tho luhubltunt of uldge hill fatui looked ut imr visitor with 11 hint uf hi urn in her fuci ulthouuh imr touu wui uunduuiurud unuitgh lve looked ut thorn hills just hs many times um im ever going to when im tlrd she suid slowly suniluys wlmii wi11 im over i e tuad und tlnt unil u out biufi uiil look ut my tiiiiiutovdiiwi and pom ions the immii gut hlngs to mnitem with h auine us j have thats whut soothe ins tuoreli any talis mother oraviv worm exjurmlnator will drive worms from the- system without injury- to thw child because its nation while fully effective is mild no word for it a traveller whd hus tnude auverul voyugus to the arctic rgloiim rulutus this incident of his hrst trip north ward he hud accepted tho luvltutloi uf u hoapltuulo tklmu to dlno wlh his ramlly he did not expect to find tho reflnomunts uf clviliitutloii umong theso primitive jkcoplo but hu wus horrified to hot ice thut hid hiumburs uf bis hosts funilly who hud cotuo to tnu tuble with unwashed und exceed ingly dirty bunds dipped tlmlr lingers into the common tllul itlwt helped themselves to the tnuut his travelling ooinpuliltin wus u na tive who could uikuk eiiuiish und ufter the meal wuu over tin uuli to him qlof you uhonlil tell tlmuii uood pikiple tut it is filthy to out without washing thiir hands mu like osuld oluf luimltullligly hut ulnt got ilo word illthy in es k tin a luhgwlgo corns uro painful grow tlm hollo- ways corn humovur will roinuve thutu plentv op quahkel8 among thu applicants for oinploy- tusnt in the turvlco of u new jersey iiousehuld thorn oiko cum u big strung irish girl nuniild bosullu whut wus your ruunilii fur uuvl your lust pluoe houaller luiksd thu mistress durliui the coutuu uf tixutiilii- atlou i couldut stand tho wuy the uiul mistress used tu quarrel was ruply of itosallu doarl duurl uxclulumd tin did they quarrel ull the time all fh time mum lopeutod lt uu and lituni whin it wuuut iuu hlin it wuu inn und bur iiuly its ousllty sslls it the fact unit so fumy iliihnuiiuis of hitellluunt popli ontlnur to um ir thoiuuu kchmlrl oil speuks volumus foi uu hculliig of flclenuy ever since it wuu tlml intro ducd it has isniwn stoudllv in publlu favor owliik enthtly 10 uu manifold usufuliiesu lu rtillevlug uml houllmf ulcknosa an u speclrtc forvnitu buiuu si4ibjs aujl vutlopt i u tlu minatory paiui its ruoord is beyotid ruproac notice to hydro users thw hyjdito commission ifavm incitkased the husincss houhs of the hydiio bhop as follows tuesday afternoon huday evening saturday afternoon and evening kindly note thu above hours ut which this shop will be open liuy your jiootrlc goods in an electrical shop which is ownod by the hydro consumers of acton whore you urn assured of best quality goods entire satisfaction untt right prices 1 11 ins no 34 sunday 3ic pm- 817 pn 113 pjn 708 pm- toronto 8uourdan elcctric railway- wtlound no dl h4ui no rt 11401 no 57 tilpm no ci v f 10 pm no os x uo p m no so 1140 pjn 742 am 104 um 142 pm s 4 42 p m 742 pm 1043 pm sunday timetable no fir no 53 no 3 wsetbouruj eastbound 1140 ara 340 pjn 40 pm d40 pm no 0 no es i043 un 243 p m c42 pm a4 p m frehjht delivered by special expresai frelghl freight picked up at on od- ta in toronto el t tnotford agent acton inside painting it wont be very long until spring nnd during theso moflths that you arc snowbound would be a good time to attend to minor details of inside painting and varnishing wo have tho enamel and paints varnishesetc suitable for oil this work coma in and tell us what you wunt and we can supply the material brushes at very reasonable prices too 1 w d talbot main street phone 76- aeionr ontario a good cook picks her flour very care fully and tho good cooks of acton are all picking excelsior brnnd flour for their baking dont take any chances with the flour when you want to do your best baking follow the lead of the best cooks arid use excelsior brand flour h lindsay mux street acton ontario castoria flfotheri fletchers oihloria is u harmless substitute for cantor oil paregoric teelhiiir props anij soothing syrup- prepared to relieve itifuuli in amis nnd children ull ugca of gonstipition wind colic flatulency to sweeten stomach drarrhea regulate bowels aids iiitlteuiimniiuitionof food promoting cheerfulness uct and natural sleep without opiates to avntil jniiutloiib nlwayi mk for llir viitnaliirc of iyli ril illrrrtlnin oil tiaiu t vrrywlierc rccoiunuiid it shop with those merchants who invite you to trade at their stores see avage and ee better write or phone for appointment for when you wish to come a- d savage optometrist 4 ufa optician savage optical building right at the post office quelph t e gibbons expert shoe repairing prompt attention to orders left t e gibbons ilain streetf acton ekgravlng 3rk3osond ttorofsfto canaoa acton elevator near q t r 8tat10n following brands on hand flour manitoba puojjr pastry rolled oats oat chop oats oilcake hav and grain grain bought and retailed alex lh0ble henry awrey manager this stores policy 1 to represent goods ex actly aa to their quality to sell to those who know and to those who dont know at a uniform fair price to fulfill all guarantcci and cheer fully correct all mis takes to deserve vuut confidence by always giving you satisfaction savage co jewelers guelph ontario

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