Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 6, 1924, p. 6

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1 v r t i l i rlisrsrd inr ml vk murf nluwltiff rl nirlh dtaiti joe i utnuiful line calrs lor poems qorn 1 itvhkjm at hurrlstuli ii r i i mku iniurhtrr died t i mji on lit uilt i ma re it i 103j l 770 tiirkh mi hirw i toron to ihm tl i mtnlnh in uukmwi hi j jaljiutai til villi ilium slmlli on i iirlu ii uudui march 2 alfrnd v hulhrulth fathor or mlsu jejml nil rullh in lilt selh yrar htkamh- n umtnewbur hruary jl ui hi ill rualdonco itockivotml ontario churlta fourth nnd eldnst hurvkliifi non uf hi lain ilfno htrnnjj 1 need 65 yearn in memoriam altton in luvinir memory of i i urton ludnved fathnr of mm m i uslrk muftat win mwml uwui uurrli 3 1023 tu luit u iur u ioda hlnro find rallid you uwul ymni wt who loved you rami of all minx ou inoi ruch ihij naitciittrii ash iaaiicv hi artmt 3tei ffnbb thursday maltclf brief local items thu icn stfrdni of day hunt rf in n turning for tho uui sun v dwuys lx at its ho li inn ou imm jour pancal n imijuy t wind is ilk ihi1 m individual oinmon causa i frogs wr mi urdai ondinw ih thu if uceldtnts march cum in vry ifau hrlitht wnrm sunshiny da thl ik your hotnw iupt f tt alt tho wws worth whllf ipilfl il to l monday saw loitti com tlm mill again will hnllttllnif work that iiihi kill n no prulsti or priut or oii auction sale list will bo found on th ins thr th last wi grroii brass in already poep- ubh from undsr tho now tillltf hulf a mill txlnw lost i hi volume of mow we bad k in disapnrarlna rapidly yostorday u rone to morrow may novar com today is short bet busy khclmnorm la ralo lias been cut down to 30 year it u exectil that 300 carload of ico will bo shipped trnm mhdrooy this winter by next leap yr moyb the b will broadcast their proposal by radio miss jean kennedy sans a solo in knox church sunday ovenlnk very acceptably thlmo of the year has come asuln when a days work may bo dona in daylurht tiih fan plots phones are ujnna llw call up if you have nswn for our columns if you do not like ix nun try to rind out whether you or th reason or whether he ui n toronto papers rrw advertlsinb maple syrup already it was likely made in tho city tho nufn with steady habits and with a steady job always looks at you with u steady eye the roan who does no more than he is paid for will nover got paid for any more than he does sprin 1 surwly 1 the air the pussywillows have bemmn to poep the first to extend a welcome marble time here j merry time for you oven march and april clouds play at marbles loo tho piles f snow aro rapidly suc- cornblnjr to the brijht rays of the sun and the sprinbllke temperatures the skutlns srnson is about over those afnictod with hockeyuu will now have a better clianoe to recover celcbraw 8lth jllrthdny dlrthcfay marked by chi happy fai the i chrlml hupi lalni u tly oatherlr rlh tlrtlnla fuhr r i i lk hln tllfndii f ii 1 i ill1 i union ui t family im n i wen riuihntml to lnk f li fsmll iiihi mull ul ni int tli liululliiit tho inif mrs jamra allan ualt who in air urlhth x hh hi hihii r ulil nln ty f 111 mut aiiihou lull mr john milll hi mid mihh ih lit mi ou ihmi hurnlu mr lit mfoiwiii a ii mi mil mm ik m lit mloruou ill mr jtlui mctllbboii onbawu mr unl mri c hurh s allan mm hnrry met rtli mrm it k mr 1 rlu luck toronto mr lirlmoplmr dempsoy hjiiiiv mitli mr morllel trtilt mrx munuliik llllladnlo hlfli mm jiuuik llniulrrson jooraotown mm ijiiiiu io troll mr chnrlin lhrlitli i liulnui mr jurat duncan ottnuu mr mil mm hrintu mr mini mm oumliln unl ilu ir foi all prtmonl the iwcanlnlj nn forntnl gqllmrliib und jojct hy nil rtinnt snd hy noun niuri tliim mr chrifitlo hlmir hml hi do oloil imrtnor mm chrlitlli rirfs of comidimt niury luitom and trlrramit wore received from iwrwmul friends uiut buulnnn imnoclalnn nnd tbrso wrr rud hy mm cinmhlr hlf duiirlitnr man rnl trlhutoii worn o with ex ioiihioiim of t nit m add rt ntrtituliitlou the klitk iliwut luts viry much phu suro in ufferlnjf vory nlncoro runrrutu- lutlnnn tho rdlfor vury jtmtnfully uo- kiiowlotlitm the fnct that it warn through the rxirenn ly kind muhkosuod of mr chrixtlt ulmn u resident of acton forty six years ago that ho dtcidod to ensavp in nausnaior work und hocurio identified with thu kiueb ins3tii mr chrlstln whs nlwoj it jntumm it in mat urn ufftmtiiiir tho lntonts of tho town and us citlxniih mis interest tt mom i lui in tho early days had much to eh tin splendid chuluoui- of our to ilio neighborhood newb- i p court nem town and oountnl w ospninqe ii m rlou l ik hal k on lli onlt th il in mr 1 ltd on 1 to liu 1 tri id dtwiklilr fiillir m ii y tiv rturi d h t iwlllr 11 imcuiwlilt m 11 nh iii ii ii lioofi tl llll lm 1 t ilnli lut mr mi run ii at 1 1 l wound ihi lion tht y ro ink i into th hoim i f mi l mill ii will n tntdlci llill hiiu uui iroi in d ii id 1 not hen f r tht i n i f 1 tin 1 of sit oakf dollsit ortls koop u rloso win ou the ud line columiik of tiiu vittx iltuu oi vnliirm tho oiilorprliiiiit nierchuuls of at tun urn nivhijr irln w in m n- ml am nwny don to furtlur orkunlxutlon f forout liroloctinn in cunnilu u hiivn tho i r- mt wwik him ih on prochilm tl hy tirthrln rcium 11 tin iirt fixed for april 27 to muj 3 the t mil the hc1i hovel una road work vnhlirnfiiuldimatid has i of wnseh for 1924 bnuw 0 cints ror hour wummr mm us conts man und team bo cents psr hour mr j h mumorfult i 1rsfdont of itront board of trade this 1m u live onfanlxatlon and linn u- loiir hut of improvemnnts in view for tho liottor it of the rommunlli iteova ilampshlro of tjujuoslnb bvo a very inlomstlnir hlotrraphlcml sketch of john cajvln at tho moetlnb of tho you nit peopled guild of knox church on monday oven in jf with tho small doptli or frost li be cround tho water from tho melting now is sreuinc away njcoly ihrettont indications are that thvro will b troublesome f ma hots this uprlnif chimney fires arw lluhlo to occur at this time of tho year and u hand ful of sulphur thrown into tho niovo or furnace at the outset is kiim to check tho fire and prevent damas if you will invito ho lalyl on tiilu churchilu tlui h u roh rd of mil tli tlni hurth nil i wedltei whltli mo riitln hioii f 1 id mr mi dun ihm ptir of ih i mm m ikhlt1 i in ih of our h t hoiu mr t imrlm lii h id iiih hliitir m huiin i hiht ii loi mil hi rkbiii h m mni or inn i ow ii suuplo i f w irtlen klntr hnri i i mi hen ii1 h vn it ii ilohhln rtrrts tun n 2sth il loli tlio t iii mo irtio mr wllllnm mil homo ihm health nil of tin mrinunly lining iiim terra cotta mr j illlliniihlnj p tltlou f iimy bo i would lie it ureal mr john gordo liiif u fw dun churlnh m kooxirn th lee hnrv nt in it hop he it ful in lilw rfort it imoii to our villnif strltiki l ilth mr und mm und family ai i mi i in full hwihk now ifohsrw- rtorbi 1 in mil tiiom well tar ii rt husy tul rlui t tho wnnln if tht fanner thm d ij our mnrchanlh i fixnt truth uultt hrlsk clanry ifroa iro klilm li jr wood fmm her mr and mm ellhnm n u station not urvfukiua after th huniiiiuts in juckson i1ium of itockshle jioro lust week wllli tlmlr uiisoliuo fit sawlnfi wood maxtor jni k 1uck rlnt fell lunt and fractured hhj bitu ho is got tin if u ions nlct y and w hium ho will noon iw able to lie around njaln as unuul mibm alinln pgcktirlnp punned imr primary examinations in iunl laxt ieok plsads guilty to publishing dafsmstary llbsl mm mursmol llnlplu of ilenwil linn ljiino beforn pollen mablainie liit laid thursday oft n moon at enrrolnwn rliarsrd tij imvlnclaj oiihluhle atkins with defamatory lui tho rliurno nrono hy mrs hal jli wrttlna defamatory lettrrw n l i tiiinr upon th tharneti of n certain mi nlioul to married a lettoi i mi ul lo tti mr mm vim aiirjuuu tiumn impeding this man nml found im way into the handn oi the hit mrs halpln pleaded gtnty to illhifi the it tier nnd xprolwied re ret hint sho hml done so tho mag hale i hi in tod out that the offenre ni u nor ion ono and tho iunlnhmnt lovlitod vry rnivtro a flnn f ttoo tnl impi liionment liehir ul his ill aero li ii h impon in iew of tho fncl hut tho ttefinduut had pleaded suilty xihiitmil in r imirmw and protnlsetl tif r to it ptui tlio offuni w miio win let off il hllnpeniled m utentio umn hi nls two oiln t t imricrit utiiln mm i tat plu or uriihir iniliint und hmultliir lrtliru nnd nortclliitf tliwtn throurh the until utre ttlunilmsid omit j crown attorney dick wus thi i ronet utor and mm or dale urted f ilu def ni thir of uxhuiiiihii his nrteoii- ioiold daurhter huh hy atrlklnc in r in tin fur iiiinlur etfntuslon nnd u hlmk iy wim laid uriilnnt hamurl f inhy l rrovlnrlul countable al- k i nit thin tame up for lirnrjnr at tho town hull on thursday aftoruotui ijily tttmltted nupplnp tho- child which rmulttd in her blark v hut rjnimeil nu her parent tho rbxht to thnstlse oi punish her when alio va dlsotedlenl county crown attorney dick ihit aiienred for tho proaecu- lloik uilmlttetl the ritiht of u laront to propi rl punish his child when dls otmidh nt hut haructerlxod thopun- hdin in this cliuractir which the law nil tht dfoi iii ml utal and vould not one i 10 another little snow storm camp on sunday atlwmoon jost to let us know that winter is not quito over yet if a man has failed and his wife takes boarders he can usually toll you exactly how the country should be run wh i you r prepsr- thm koxv irxsh- advertising farmem ins for un uu can take cur for you with onl one dissenting- voli orillltt council aitreed to pay the whole lt0o rutjulrod for tl nurse s salsry hev h i- wallls llarton of gale will occupy the pulpit of the methodist qhurch on cnnttextonal kuttd tuy bundsy murch 3s th days are lenbthnluir tho sun browlnr wurmer tho birds mom the r- hu and tho first month of hprlns u ploasins promise mr thomas close luis nqcured th poo it ion of section f on man ui llranch- ton and is rtuuovlntf hln family n commuulry the holding th new homo this woe the too atro farm of john allan lot 4 second line krln has been sold to krnasl crlpps acton sale was made by it j kerr real estate agent senator llatx of nuw hamburg died on haiurday at ouelph hospital after collapsing- the- railway station while on his way to consult a special ist alllsum tall kulr last year tost si 347 43 of this amount 851 to was padd out hi irises and 151 c 91 presented the nxtwinso fair tlio tortlifti uina lompnuv has ntreudy commoncetl burn ins llmo ut their works ut dolly vaitleu the prospect ait gootl ftr a big season s the hydro shop for service u really giving service now cltlxuns are delighted thai ihey can all win n supplies am needed and got hum dur ing- the day in thu ulobas group photograph of the county judges of ontario 111 saturdays edition judge ktllot is lagged for flruraptan and judge jus tin or milton mr a h uuhup gardfliior is now jsupplylag jcton homes with potted and cut flowum and lettuce and rhu barb from his green houses on kalr vlow avenue jjr thumas uakor has sold his buokamltltlns buainoa a mill street to mr j it lumsbuw who formerly wss an owner wr lckr im- ronrov- ed to dotrblt tho rwrvf of durham baa th coi 4sas liaper to explain its position on the question of finance it will bo pleuaod to do so it is a rapid calculator n glance bting ull that is noceasary twentysoven thousand radio i censes have already boon sold in can ada to amateurs theso runt si 00 each there are scattered over the dominion forty five broadcasting sta tions lets jou and t go visiting- to hoc if we can find the sprlntf tho bird saw just now go hy ttus so much bluer than the sky the bint of free and flash injt wins fluw tho blun banner 1 spring colborno merchant uppuored in pqllce court thero on tuesday on a charge of ruffling fowlu in his kioro contrary lo section 23b of tho crlmln al code ho was found guilty and fin cd sis und costs those who are supposed to know affirm that tho eheep industry on tho form is mure likely to provo remuner ative than has been the ctm count of better prospects for wool and iambs on tho market through the careful attention of municipal officer mclhorson to street drains and manholes the pavements where citizens have kept them well shovelled after the aucceiwlvo unow storms of the winter are now clean and dry au illustrated treatise on mush rooms of ontario by it fc stone m a- of the o a c etiould be in the hands of all who urn interested iuthis delectible fungi tlio edlblo und ikiis- nous varletus are eacli vividly illus trated and dumirlhed for severul sunday mornings hoi charles hucketi has immjii preaching u series of oermoiim on l lie lules of tho methodist church 1 husn huvu h n very interihtlntr next hunduy muni- ing- hv win sioak uu thu rules of th church respecting tiindtmmunts did- nome tine toiy ac ton is u dull placet well with klaitiinf hockey snow shooing concerts wotlals pit ture shows bund miiihtmls u piout ptopla should be ublu to scrape alum with u fair mvusuro of tjulet ux ito nuut these rino tluyx und tilghtw there is alwuys womuom somu whore wlw is utixlous to buy what you have tu mil homo ono who huu just the artloh yii want to buy lo tonvpltiio u dtul ouch must 4tnow of thu others wants iiyd there is ho 1 tt r csrtaln wuy to luuko tiiusu wants known thun througli tho little dvs lu thrt colujuus of tilk ilucss 1 nil imenll of c nvr into the lie luv limehou9e ant tlrr a ory inttreating und pi was jeut ut thu home of mr wright on monday venlng 1 ehruurj 2s when tho women s institute nelgh- bon and friends m t t pass u short time with tho family liefom their do- lmrtum to their now immi the oven ing- wad sptnl lu music slneing upoukinif games and dancing mrs h- l- ilruwn uhly tilled tin position uf chairman and much of tho success uf the onjoyublo pro gramme was dut o her management mr o h jolloy uas called on for a short speech und be responded takinr subject the jlomo und the community ho gavo a vory inter esting talk which was appreciated hy mr hubert doughty fallowed with address in which in spoke of the wright jts he found them im furmem neighbors and hum ills talk warn wall recelvod tho music was furnished by mr and mrs miekle assisted by mr wm gowdy this was of tho vry host and was given without stint it was of auch quality uuu the company kept them playing- continuously mr nlckell mr tinwdy und wins tarxpvel sung songs which wore very much appreciated mrs jo-rrjj- jwton pre sident of tho womens instltuto air dod hor part in u vory rlne pluno sol after tho progrumrno mm w wright was called to tho hulr the followlu addroos wus r ad hy mm it 1 umw nnd the preai nlntlon iiiudo hy mri john nowton mm wm wrlfclil dar j-rlond- we your tielrhhoih and rrlnutls ami numlerrf of the winn n a lu- utltuti have liul titlhor to soitd n sikclul hour with jou mid mr wrlrht unit rutnlly leforx you leave our ni iriiimu hood to go to your new home u onls cannot t l how vi will mltui you in our inaettiifcil wher ioil were nu helji ful us mmt vi iiosuhnt with u lively hplrlt full of hhmi bur rtntloiih ulitl alwnyh irvllir to keep our mtt lor ii nn and country ever liv- mind ami holp- intf hointon over rough places and making lire more pleusunt for li in we th in iiiiht of ttio w tm n h lllalltllte fenl that w toultl hot hi you k from us without mi little rimembriiiii n of un we uk yod to upc pt hilm h v iiir- tru uh u ell token i f our i hit jomo li ltrunollo son inluw of mr ijili was t hnrceti with holut nl lmilliitetr in the unsaid t th hhnr was weak in this cast und it wiim rtiiihetiuently llnmlmsed joh ph llulej of tht central hotel uu mlmi wus fined si 600 00 and con in i ml week by toilet magistrate fry for hiniiuj lljuor and f 1 ooo worth of hekriuin whiskey was confiscated in gftint ju lenient moeutrnto kry nald hint the ontario temfierunco act had bci n endormil gtiferuliy by the txoplo of the lttnlnre and wus placed on the nbituio hooks und is the law of the land u hile w have lawe they must t reoojnlsetl untl ohaervetl anil even thouch a pnmou doen not agrotr with ihrm he must olaervt- them just the nurrn if one law la iillnwed to ty dlnrinpectid it altl lead to a dure spect of oihers and if this were fol lowetl o um logical conclusion w mljrht nnf nuruelves luiek in tho con dition of the middle ages as it was a first offence he would not impose tho maximum lionalty of s3 000 hut would make the tine tl 00 und costs tuber unit seed plots for potato e 8 win in in 1 1 ii o tilled pi tut on iikvi foi hi vino- thslt o luratlvnly u fhene in tho 1 nil need pitc m urt planted rt tin tuhera for uniformity iuimiis from t oun wi ighl fri from vl dlaiiih tin plot used should he w ptlur litituto tl ids ready to plant the rented if desired iiiph in twrrn arh tuber leparatn tin tf growers f tho tounlry produced the iitiiid tin udvanlnge of n s nl plolu a com tin ihod of planting iber unit nyalnm i e ut fr mi um hiimu tupor isot utlvi 1 lioiild flrnt he uratlud if iyi i nnd uiko usitir ulhl rtyiiiplo nrfrom who thin when th uii in ii high ill i llt ihy ntd ra previously tokt n to tlio liehil planted n h potato are having short ih if hills from ih um d to t th majority h th meuitid ililvnletil to a e about tlfclit rt fully limpm t its lu u i with mnaiile dun stur on aluntlay polieo maglatrato ibtrr of iturlliirton sentencetl h i searlca un kngllnhmaii agd 37 to two months in the county jail at milton for mining money hj fulan pretences hy nulling worthless cheques on two tnor t hauls at ilurlhirton chnrh claik uf acton who bos ihtii working in tho city as a teaming lonlruttoi for u nhorl time was sum- tnonetl to iippoar lu 1ollcn court on monday morning on a charga uf ob taining nionny under false pro tun cow the charge was preforrd by sanitary inspector morewethtr clark failed to put in an appearanca to answer to the rharge it in understood that ha has 1 rt the city a warrant has been sworn out fii his arrest quvlph mi rcur roy hindlevs bale dates lamb crewsouj sale farm stock trv xlt will hupplu wish were they both rude7 t smator of tho united slutos u man who has lieen lu public lift fot many wtn and who lias novur intou legarduil us uf a hasty or helllgvl tetuiier auliletlmus uurratejf to friends an incident willi h umuses thoni hy us uulikeulss tl uny thing tl would have expactctf from hint ho was iiavnlliug on u gorman i way und wa win of thre persoiu who wtu lotkd lolu u siuah loni psrtuient which huif two wlnduwu al one of th wimtowm njt the s nu tor white ut tho oilior sat u big muatuchud wurllko uuin upparuntly sums tiitunhsr of the resident nobility tho american had hs wltlduw opod and wus guxlng ut the tulidscapa und snimng tho ulr when ullt nc the man with thu soldierly nsluuhe roe stepped forward und wltlhiut u word o apology put down thu window the senator was ustunlshed of course but whui rxiuld ho sayt there are same kinds uf lusvloncsj whkb it is hard to know how to deaf wltli however the american statesman ro6 to the occasion hiatus d or un doing whut the oorrtuiu hud done ho h topped u that gentlamuns seat and iiut his wjuqow up whether tbls way in all reapots a proper thin to da is a point u t which onhilons may dlffur olio uilurf la certain it wan now tho iound nmau turn to bt sstouuhed his raouoi rtemsindt shut xm bis witsdrsr tmattanxt cfcu acii so tux as cui trowx f washjiin and tfca niarr nm h 6ta ttotsx tftu youj many primarily und ptni win it uv i yiu nuiy lie w will welioni yu kick wlifnav i oii in om hur ynum with all kind illnk wflll s h ishtitiltk m klhilolts and 1 hhujdm mm wright in u few well clioa tl wordtt thunktwl tin lad us for tlio handsome muhiiruut sorving truy mrs httwrt wright was then tailed to the tluilr und mtw w l ilrouk r nd ihn followlm atldr h nnd mrs j owtou niutln th prtui ututlou mm hinwnri wil dedr hluiul tim lueiiihtrs of tho woinuns rrgi n that you are nti rry to march 7 orrle cornnrs clearing implements etc mo rcji loeilas harden lot zz r line krln lurrn sale murch 11 wm itnblnsou lot 0 1 n grin furrn sale march 13 wesley walker net krumosu i o kann salt 14 ooorgo mack rzverto sale saturday march ie colin lilyth winter rair hullding- ouelph 1ure llrod herkshlre ilgs saturday march j 6 in titinlph th homestead of the late stewart mc- unit urn foiin i uff i i uf roll nplndli till imirne lint ami tin mi tulmr unit is rogui d evoiy hill planted from ihn ono p6lalo cure ahoultt bo taken in nil roguclng tu remove tho entire plant tho plots an iiimjmm tod two or three tlmts durlnk tin hcusoii und ull uu dchlrahle pluutu renin v d tht xln nmoiiiil of tlm involvtd lu pliithlug tub i unit ploln li well woith the truuhlo when a growor has a roiki hlniln of point nu und wishes to gt t tlum m fit i from unease as imiumiiiii the must imporluut udvuii luges of thin nyut ui of pluming ov r tin ununl method un hint ull send ph com from u iimiihoii tubr nr to gether and niu im ruutllly rogurd ami thut nele tloiim for trut nt mm to typo anil yield niuy ho niutln h hurvoht inc ea h unit in pgi at ly nn ovt r the ihullcm tf hpruil of iiiki normloi tllneum a tfro r ilu l to a minimum on account i f removing the t mini unit win thnr tu not each plant from that unit ahowii dliinano symptoms ut hit lime it in rorutl this hystem id hqlng tisod by i imb i of s d ptituto growum in her parts of tin ontlnnl it has it found fr superior to tho old ethods i f plnntlng meed plots to onuli 1 if roll hpindln i her and her ih ii norullon dlaoums can ho or rtudily itmlnaltd there nru mniij struliis of lllllyllldln of potatoes tint sljould bo planted tur me or two loam at leant in lubor inlt plola in orl r to eliminate dogou- ml ion iliaiilmcii und bring them intj rootl uondillon for t ertiflnd seed any jtrowrr th nil hur nhuisiunco in preparing u tub r unit seed plot may obtnlii such hi applying to tht maront dominion iih rutory of imunl iatli- ti logy j i hock j pulhojornt im- inriitori of i hint pathology i mdor- icton k it aimut i 1 fans wont to lislll to xte iii hunr mim t won hy 4 to 2 consocutlvo inl lory in surctisi this year ixi n of actons hockey outlph nn wednesday i big guelph now ham- ik new humhurg team this was the tlfte nth eimrdlitte o h a vlc- ilon for knw hnmhurg keen interest you n inn oin to t taki dilor nl in noflilhg i ever d hi bride don t ih unrtiuionuhlii i imumintruiofl her liuebniid uwnkn all last uikiu and what you put in that luitt ma i i luid wondered tulto nu auction sale in ihi lownhih i ids valuable farm homestead the umh miriied bun n rt i il in it tut tioiia from ttin t xtmmtora of un late stewart moctutchfzon o s ii hy i illilli am hon hilliji i i bill iii wlnt i hull iiiirs tluolpm saturday march ib 1024 ut ii 3d u in tin homi htkap of thi in stewart mcouicli9on ultund i no i third lino of i rln uhout f mil a fri aitili 2vi lidlos from osprliiri o iiiiiiiir iro ucros uion or i hi the hundiil in rm ht ing tin wist hulf t iit d ii tho 4th coiwhhioii mil tli fifty ncr a t lug purl of hit i uui hulf of ik u lu the drd com i union thin farm in u lovi i t lay lonm will wntertd bv a never falling sprii ft ink iilnn g od well with wlndiiilll with wat r piped to limine nnd luirn ihert is lir acre under nlhv ition h uance piihliiri und llmhrr th m in 3t urrcs m14 down lull vlv ing n curly alt ili on the farm lu mi t d u koil two storey eight roonnd iwiimi with hick kitchen woodvht i und guragu a gootl barn coxflo drivlm mind 10x4o with stum pig pen honeuth tills should in a virj di ulruhh fuim for tnlxot farming being counted cm one of tho best in ihn towunhlp nnd in a good aiute of tultlvatlon hurul mall and telephone lint at tho door ti3hmh 1 per opt of purchiixu prlct on duy of mil 30 pr cent win n pomht hiilnti w given ami the tmliinc lnuy h left on it morigugo foi i ynrrf ut i pi it nt lor f urtht r purtlculum n ply to david a mecutcheon spring- p o oni men wanted 25 to 60 weekly our lre mploymi many position ojioii f qualify for work us cl lsngluim rs cluiun um teij tiro jn wohli r tho harler ti t dept reports i men who will uko mechanics olectrhal hat- hxtrts a train you for thrno pleasant big pay joim und guar antee satlsfurtlon wrtfo nulck for full partlculam mention job doslrud hemphill trade schools ltd 163 kino st w toronto ont ltntnrhes an i lmploymi nt hervlt i count lo count canada lilid status cutcheon murili frrli township lnngstroot llros ital- the school reort for iebruary ftr i s no n hjtquoaing li un folluws mr iv mi rle utewurl u3 john llluck 43 l jr iv donald moxwiugull to murgarot waldla c6 jr ih howartl welmherm jr u lawrence welwte 13 wii frld wuldie 49 hilly mcphedrau 37 wllmer ifryer hr r stewart ituddkk 77 wul- tor 1ryer hr lvimer aunle itlsck 3 jr priiutr ulgna wnbstnr ml ih m us iilwiiipn over j0t ut hinv r atiu sou toucher nabsaoaweya hldlllh 1 imt i i uo ur ml so ul vlt- ur pr liken frum nk of it in ir ions will id nt mix j hit nuwtou hint in i etippoitm ur in i hut wo hiivo to hiih way that whut h li imm nth i ptophs gulu yum htay with us imw not hum us long as your winters but we liuvn irunieil tapprocluti you and aih t lie fills itr own pltii we rvineinb r wiuii you i uim um ii rtlrl uu u visit and thtm you rhnnsjed your naiiio und um um u hrldv to bright un thu oottuge hi he lsn nuw wo wullld link you jo accept this serving tray us u sllithl lokon of remembraiiuti of l bo women a liutltuto of limn hotint wo ail wish you many tpi mid prmliiuroum years tlihxlbyr om again vuuit 1 hiknps ql hmchouhk mrs wright replied thanking the ludles for uluir gift ot a handsome mahoruny servinsriray whil a lasty lunch was being pro poid a flowery romance oonteai wu conducted the prlao wma sou by winn nalun wrlgbt lho eldest daugh ter or tha family tho largo gauier- dlspamad wall plaaied with tbelr ntmrp mjoymonl ajju wjaht uu w bjtosjsm tu young inopl of the pmabytur- chutch nussaguwryu entertained the joiiiig folks campbellvllle the tlur v ulng a raal good time wiih llellt mi id mrs alex humaay lust tlum imfaut daughter un rehruary 33 uev mr cassmuru tuiiduutud tho funeral t moffat cemetery mr james cooper has sold his furm and after his kale un the 14th hint will rut urn lu his rorrnor homo in tho parry sound district mr j kennedy is su turing from blood tmlsonlng n utjn mrs icdvad iuvmiport who wus seriously 111 tiss fnoverod and is ubl to lw abouf mrmti clearing auction sale pc township oi khlkt farm stock implements etc rho umlemlgnd has n r ivfd in- uctions from wm robinson st ii hy public auttloii ut hu farm k kant con 1 1 rln situated on first line mlilwuy betweon th york und krln gravel road ou tuesday march 11 1824 utune o clock nhurp tho following iioiiheh- hay clylo ueldlug 14 yars tdd bay clyde mur is eum old bay clytle mart 13 iurw oh buy driving mar lo iuin tulys dtlver cattllv lr in if i fit nil with calr at foot tray heif r fresh with calf ut font inl tow dm mukh 17 red cow till murt h 1 white cow duo may 13 rioy row hl s pteinhei 11 grey luilfur duo oi tuber ik grey tow milking wall red cow milking wol 3 yearling wtiers 2 yi ailing huirerx h prln if calves i outuy l white wyundolto pullets lulld m train white wyundi ekrr 1 martin strain 2c harrid plymouth hock pull lu ffeuse 1 gander pint oru knum hi iti in jiiuu ury ft ahoats imilhhimi pot i hamilton hinder ii ft nt ml micormlok innwsrj home i ukt 1 1 111 v iilulug pi iw muxwll hnl lotler p t i hamilton 14 disc h i drill itiinhln t hue os m u mm spiiadi r i intirv walking plow twofurrow plow dint hat row nit of soctlnii inn lows roll t peter huinlltnn till nip sower lumber wugon with tsf compltti farm witgnit lit lr top bugy cviltmt setlr hay ruck huhtdigh 1 00 un nluius lock latk kravi 1 t ox turnip pilliri gi imlstniiit wh ihuiniw sills foi hay uttlnu box 40 rots of wovi ii mturrier 3 lawn ttinwom bugy nl ihitiitu illtg fanning mill buy rrk tar und mi n eh sloe harrel hltkni op eroutais cmtus foiku clearing auction sale in i sqhksing townhhip farm stock implements furniture etc th unl mlgu d h is rocelv d in iitrih tlonh fiom den hobb8- to ml hi ptlbllu auction at lot 11 com union g rsjutsng on tuesday march 18 1824 at ono o clot k sharp the following hoimr 1 3 your old gelding broken to harm ns 1 10 yiir old gild lug hroki n to hiirnena 1 murt hrok u to harmms cohh 1 red durham ow c yenrs froahnm d 1 roan cow t yours dui april 0 i holntoln cow 7 years ilu april dpi roan cow d years due may if 1 black row s years due july 1 llilnttdu cow s years duu jul 27 1 jersiy cow 8 ycum freltttotrdit ji rsey t mv i yearn due may j heifer years 3 fat steers 2 yi ars 1 jersey heir r 1 year ld 4 y arllngs 1 calf 2 oneyearold stnnr 1 two year old heifer bred plob 1 yorkshire mow duo april 4 brootj now yorkshire due inst of murch 1 straight york now duo time of kuio poulvrity uii liens plymouth hot k 3 plymouth hook roosters oha1n and hay quantity of buy and grain implfmrvt4 i tullkator frost i wood binder j mower massii harris i now disc drill 1 not of harrows 1 floury plow 1 sod plow 1 wagon 1 set of sleighs 1 funning mill 1 buggy 1 buggy pole i 13- dlno cockahutt drill good us now mmtnituhe all household fund ture 1 gramophone nnd records t crtam separator haiinehb 3 set of harness odds a ml ends no ressrvs 1 itmsslooo nnd undor cash on thut amount lo months credit on furnishing approved joint notes 6 nir tor und ft j kerr auctioneer phana jo acton c o plnk clerk ulll ins hu i li auction sale msomi to h am hiit h m in tim pkksj isjcov tuiluuilui fuv hie plaoo to advorilse thsiq isupj throughout this eectlon sml uutsuls hiti rwslml lu stock ure huimm riblnif foi pi r so us in gut uuulnn sale in- alio h j kerrs list op sales iburstlay march ti john dyer ho kwood clearing sale rarm stock und implements ivlday murch 7 orrio lamb craw- n nn corners claarlnf solo of farm ptock and implemsiits etc wednesday march 13 mordeu kulnor lot h 6lh line krln surplus sale uf stock prlday march 14 cooper liros 6th lliiv kussaguweyu cwaring sale of farm stock and implements buturday march 11 h m wright llnjehuuse utot k und household fux- tllture tusfcay march is u llobbs es- qusslng olflsttn saje of farm slock imsmmtnu saq tinurday jsurrt 16d ujiu tawi uus ertpaml jsivw rf kkow hahnfhs 1 net hi lilllg douhl hiirnns 1 st t plow harm us t nel hhmle huruems houhfhold 1 i i lcth ririuhu pliiuie hldehuurtl i vu nniiiii tuhlu ii pht pinlor sulli iimi bid witli hpiimtm limine h diooin unit heat er happy rhoukht tuiljit no 00 nt w rarfcclinn 4 burn i coal nil slov with ov n ieluval i roam hi puatoi narly lit w 4c0 hu lapatltv barrel rhiirnj butt i howl inllk lull il filt k till un puih htthni tundo jltaln k1c iiuuntlli ut wood 400 huuhiin uitlh ion bilshutu hnrlei mo rjsasrvs as his jsrm fleld iiltms 41101 un 1 untl i ditlt ov i that iniujunt is tiiml dtdlt tut appiovud id nt iiouu g rf ul ash lowl gtulll hhil houfuhjild vt clw roy hindlbv auotlon 1 unu chnk 1 rln lhona clearing auction sale in kkamosa township farm stock implements etc tho undersigned has i ucoiv it in utructlonu front geo e mack tu boll by pubtlu auction at hln furm lot 10 east concession il lruinun i situated on th 7th hue 1 tulle uluno kvurtun on friday march 14 1024 om o clock mhurji tlm following jiohsli ihiy limn rising d yuatii gt nerul purpose buy mum i ihiiir lo yurs kuneral purpose tula is u wll matulud tum and good lu all hur lllmk clydi gilding rlning- 11 buy clyde teldlntf inlng it brown peicliiitui coll ilaing 1 iuiti 1iuld pollld angus caitlte vutoriu of lrlu no oac nitf ut fuot jutlw uvuuty ftli no 12wf culf at foot a ii it- uf abcid u nn 2d14 calf at foot wii uui plmmv no iti due in apll the urn uxltu uod angus low a und thpir ralvus have en winneis ut ih hnyul chicago and fjiielph ilf i rjilf 10 imuillih old ullglhln foi rgls tiwlliiil ills is ii un how ijlf 3 hdrrtuuii fuontltx old vlltjble foi inrlutralluii oltadh cattl1- hi tow hch with oulf ut foot j tijw lullkiiih wei hud duoutuber is whltw uhw will forwmd hi tulf hlmik nnd willi ou lu roll how of milk plow york sow due april ii yoiu nou due mul 211 hi cliohd tdiunks mlinrp and lomlh- hi extni uiind giad1 oxford iweu supposed tu h ill liiinh jc lulls 1mpl1 mkn1m muss v hun 1 hinder fuul nut mussy huu lu imiui h font cut mussoy hairis 13 lio sol hill cimihlmd coultertte kcdlt u timilh oultlvutor sle i hum i akij 1 i in 1 1 i fo u hui row crown twofurrow plow mn 7 1 niton plow lumhti wngoii ml of hohnllubs to hiiuwi nihlinatm hav m utmfc rack titti opt it luiggj tin si im- pti 111 llts ullll ullil ul twi ikttptjutlm am ull in inly li w in dim i row stomihoat 1 untl mitvil box grain hags fot uu ho n shovels uhalmi etc hauni1hhi wet of team liuriiihs ith im ft hills 1 s t plow liuiniis 1 tut slngli barn mm hn hlaiilts houh1 1hhd i n lcth dtiljtmll htpiitatui ih tuoil ipult hed htm wushlug- lihilhliu mw daln uhillii a iiiiiuitlti of hay untl guilii positively no rsrv a th fsrm is rsntsd j sloull mul litidu 1 ash over hint iihiuiini u inoiilhs nllt nn upu0v6d joint ihitm uff fui tush poull1 luil kiulu itlsll rqv hiwdley aupionssr lrlu jlijiw i h 9 v a specials for march at mcfcean co cuktain nkts at kkduced prices curtain nets m rtlh puttcnii with lace edge our regular 1 00 nets for 80c curtain scrim ui inches wide hemstitched with luce edge special for 25c kcgular price line 1400 lace curtains 2t yards long in rich pattern i new goodsncguiar 2 2s tor si73 special ibkjeh this week on i look mats large size regular 0 2s ior 5 60 bmallcr size kcgulnr s4 10 i or 3 75 i- look oilcloths and linoleums now li the time to buy oilcloths and linoleums iavc money un what we have in stock you will mclean co mux street acton ont farm help canadian national railways im cooraation witvt omtario government department of colonization will aoaim assist rashooj i tiere will be sn urgent demand all over canada this year if vou peed farm help apply early thecinadian nadonal railways colonisation and development i pirt ment through it repmcntativca in great dntaln scandmivun and other european countries offers a free acrvic to i ifnu rs order your farm help as early as possible in order that tlicy will r cinada in umo for spring blank atplications can he oetaihgd from ahv canadian national railways agent dxpasthdrr of colokization amd development canadian natjonal railways montreal que saturday treat neilsons club box the belter package one pound of assorted choco lutes packed in a neat dainty package thar sells for ooc also q large assortment of other packages to choose from all strictly fresh and very reasonably priced koko rocks 29c lb a rich firm toffee chuck full of cocoanut and fresh routed sianuts a wonderful combination for a tasty toffee regular 5c and 40c lb saturday treat 29c lb weekend chocolates 32c lb habits arc easily formed got thu habit along with tho rest of taking a pound or two of our chocolates home with you on saturday and you wijl be convinced that some jiabits are really worth forming a real good assortment of hardfand soft ct- litre in assorted llavors regular 50c and ooc losat urday treat 32c lb ice cream for the purty neilsons purty brick for dessert nciljou b cherry custard in brick or bulk and for a real tusty sutiduc or soda wc invite youto our ice cream parlors we serve neilsons ice cream phone 65 v rumlev acton ontario friday and saturday specials smoked meats stnofced hums whole or iuf per lb smokeij rolli whole or tutlf per lb bide hucon slab or hiilf 1 lb 5 lb i lb pulls pailj bricks miolltlnin everything that you would lmutfiiio yuu would llnd in a luliuy hoods slur will ho fuuiid in our slot k wu can i always uliuw all thu dainty uu i pretty fancy good in thu windows hut just loqiit 111 slid lot is know your daslros and wo cail fulill thoot its uo iruubto to ixplalu ui show soods watouaor odkbsrlno alllxlnkny opsnlvfo mibs j oalbraith mill strut aoton ont laud ioitk cuis 20 lb pulls j ft pulls 5 lb pulls i lb briclc in bulk per lb shouldti roust per lb fresh hum per tb side pork in piece per loin chops per lb v rlh chops per ih lrksh iikii british columbia salmon by piece per tb fresh heiring lb halibut per lb several other lines ov 1 1911 25c 20c 25c 50c koa lbo 345 k2c h5e 18c 17c ific 20c ihc 22c 20c 15c 10c 27e w x patterson corner miix anp maw streets acton qnt o free press job printing is always neatly done

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