Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 13, 1924, p. 1

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wfot t fortynintii yar no 37 thursday morning march 13 1024 acton ontario canada thursday morning march 13 1024 single copies five cents the methodist chuhch acton rev cha8 hackett pastor pareonsoe willow 8l 1100 a in tim minister hihjeet practical christianity 2 30 p in iimtdiiy krhitol 7 lit p in u- h ii hopcr ii a of child t iviuvikiv wijwome presbyteiiian knox church acton minister rev a c stewart m a munne willow street u on ii m tho minister subject htrlug iimr urdlovlng tlm itest 3 p m humlny school j4b m dlblo cinan study in matthew chapter vi 7 00 p m thn minister subject wherein in tho value of the n c ra mi- i of the iordn supper strangers leaving address with tho ushers will- bo called upon by tho all ahr cokijialivy invited special notices potatoes wanted iiijthfhl mnrknt prlcc paid for po tatoes apply la j k mimliun a mrcann se2 ut weigh scale the march of march fashions the new modes havo arrived everyone is finding them interesting this vs spring opening week at our big store when an you get to town and pay us a visit for sale htruwlmrry plants iinil msplterry cone all leading varieties dunlon and olen mury stniwoerrlen t7 par 1000 hnnphorrlen s3 er 1000 chauleh oldkam 34 ll 1 1 no 2 nnrvnl nursinq tli undornlgned who hitm had hos pital exporlnnce is pm for nn- kakamntn for private to mits t apply fohsale h c block minorca eggs 13 00 per sitting hf 15 my pen 1m headed by tho cock which got 3 prlxnn at thi ontario show toronto jueohoe iiilyer milton ontario card of thanks the undersigned desires to oxprwm hi ln cor appreciation to their nolgh- lton and friends for their kind acta and nymputhylflurlng tho diatti of iho beloved wlfo and mother of our home w j freethy and family baby chix and dux for sale start right thin ewon by ordering chlx from our famoul niagara strains with hognn tented high flock average egg producing parentage back of thorn 100 live urjlvnl guaranteed i j strwapt urlmshy ontario 2500 reward for tho information which will lead to the arrest and conviction of the- party or portion who wilfully dnnlroy- ed and dismantled a dynnmo belong ing to the torontollmo company at umchouid so2 wm qowdy for sale 1 six h p oltaon engine stylef a mounted on 6 h p nteel truck with mw attachment and belt tightener complete viu noil right w kilty acton ontario farms por sale is farms in the counties of halton and wellington varying from 0 to 500 acres let us send you our iut- a number of homes and business places in acton for sale fire and life insurance money to loan j a smith ileal estats agsnt acton oat phone 105 card of thanks the anon cittxnnn luind desire to ux preen their appreciation for the as sistance rendered by thono outside thi organization in putting on their mln- ntrel vhow lunt week for the gen erous re n pontic hy thn public in at tending the function tho band is ali thankful this cooperation given by the public li most heartily appreciated by the balid in their endeavor to pro vide good clean onteilalnment for tho pro pi o of acton public meeting of these interested in the care of falrvlew cemetery a public motting of all l mere its 1 iii the annual cure of plots in fnlr- vlew cemetery will be hold in the town hall next wednesday evening march 19 ui eight oclock itev a c stewart and otlmr will address th meeting john n1col chairman cemetery committee din role in ploy and after you have seen these smart suits displayed you will wonder how you ever thought of doing with out one there are informal suits of tho tailored type mannish taillcurs and short boxy effects youll find here an assortment of fashion right garments any one of which you will cnjpy wearing the first sunshiny day 2250 to 4050 coats have various smart ways considering every phae of the spring wardrobe a fashion right coat must be one of your first spring con siderations there arc swag ger styles in novelty tweeds soft finished woollens eng lish sponge cloths wool plaids otc there arc dressy wraps in vclour and rich bolivia all for spring sumu in tho new thrccqunrter lengths 1275 to 6000 frockh straichi short slender tho frocks for spring arc winsome things and smartly adhere to the rule of the three ss straight short slender there are wool di esses of crepe flannel and twill on coat lines and in slim boyish silhouettes silk dresses in draped effects arc fashioned in soft crepeb satin charmcuse and geor gette plcatings bright em broideries and french head ings for trimmings blouses for spring suits first or all fashion di- tnti n tailoied blomc it nicy be in tangerine dutch blue or other colored linen in the new english ijrond- cloth or in sheer white voilo or dimity- and for a cos tume effect there are lovely silk crepe models some arc in brocaded crepe some em broidered while exquisite models from france are pro fusely trimmed with beads 108 to 1475 new millinery new neck fixings gloves scarfs handbags silks wool dress goods wash fabrics all claiming stylo attention values throughout will meet with your approval d e macdonald bros ltd guelphs leading and largest store mill street acton acton greenhouse w now havy ery ady for dellv- davfoijilh hyacinthh iltelsfa uaal- ulttucm auiuhauh orders tsken for all kind of bsddlno plsnts delivery in plenty of time a h bishop falrvlew avenue v phone 54 announcement the wonderland thcili will be under liew managuinent blasting tuneduy march ik und open onhr throe night each week tuteday kriduy und hat- urdsy the iiuw munagere are h l owgory him of former day tuesday maflch 18 hook and ladder starring hoot olbsoh final chapter of plunder with pearl white good comedy k l gregory son advance spring footwear zbu ceai not address the weekend specials fresh peanut crisp tho most wholesome candy on the marker pure taffy filled with peanuts regularly 30c it weekend special 25c lb assorted chocolates a large assortment of both hard and soft centres regu larly mc and 50c lb weekend special 32c lb easter eggs we arc having the same make of easter eggs as wo had last year they are considered the best in ontario watch our window for displays smiles tf chuckles we now have some lines of smites n chuchles in bulk ice cream wo carry a full line of ice cream bricks also bulk ice cream wo will deliver to any home in town h wiles correctly unless you dress yoicrz reetpmrty just in mens oxfords kid patent colt calf in brown and black htew boots in kid and calf womens patent slippers tiluck and brown kid newest shapes and styles also suede and atins if its now wo have it holeproof hose mens und womens new farm factory and school boots i bale prices qn balance of winter qooos harry harrison the shoe mai vykc quality count w win dlhr it will pay you news of local import the horticultural seel sty providing seeds to school pupils the arlnn horticultural hoclety will tihortly dletrlhula packets of need to uii1m of the avion hchools kor the best llowfm cultivated from these hnetle the hoclety will give prliee pos- nlbly at the flower ft how or theacton i air or ut om time to be yot ar ranged school boiler sprung s lesk the big bollrr which uuiipljea ileum for heating tho imibllo and- high hchootm sprung a leak last friday und linn tren under repair for eevaral ilny the teachers and pupils have rniimeiuintly had holidays alnce mon day jt in expected that thn repairs v l- romidrted niil the school re- uiim ti lr huwaluns this nwnlng tesahere conferenes a teaehers ounfereiice was held actun mrhool laethaturtiy forenoon in which a numlmr of thn teachers of tho county wrn in attendance ilse illimo v- ttennetl principal of acton public school conducted the dubjent for thn day time tablef supplementary needing the die niiomlon was prnctlcal and helpful a sotdli on kilduv if on rouutnd tef llurr ut hurling ohltilnlnir nr qoee wrong i heurlo uiiuril it police miiguiruu in tin the charge of und or false pretence lurllugton merchants by giving thnm chnriueh nn a bank in which he hud ii fmiile ho wae convigted and hriiioniwl to two monthe in jalldaf lluf from hlsiirrtmt on lehruary 1 lloinln niih he bun been nn inlcer in llii- i ui ii i imi mervlci und npnt nltn yeutx in hi hit chumplon fervent prayers at union meetle thn wornons uuy of prayer which wnw observed by the members uf the 1iembyierluni muthoillst und llaptl mutxiomtry kdcletlfh in the methodist at hoolroom hiet lrhhiy afternoon woe luntrly intended mrs a t brown president uf the womens missionary socio ty ut thajkletliudisl churclu- jr nlded a ecrlpture lesson was read nnd nsjneet prayerm were offered for tho varluus activities of christian ef fort and for the rulers and governors of all lauds there was a line eplrlt throughout thn eervlce womene institute meeting tho monthly meeting of the wo man institute was held at the home of mrs alex lioll icnox avenue last friday evening with a large attend ance following ttt routine business mrs ooerge agnew let vicepresi dent addressed the meeting on the work of the worvnl ilranclt of the womeitm institute which she had at- titnded lnet week uuelcal numbers were glvun by the following piano nolo mlas nellie hull mandolin solo mrs kelly vocal solo mrs ty- j held mlm mae wilson gavea splen did paper on tho needs of the country as seen in police court by dr margaret patterson a guessing ntest was arranged and the winners were mrs fr ulow mrs m h moore and mrs w e anderson following the national anthem lunch was- serv ed und a social evening was spent the late mr qetbrslth itefwrrlng to the very sudden death mr alfred v oalbralth of shel- hurne father of miss jessie oal bralth milliner acton tho hhelburae free press my with the sudden missing away- of a v oalbralth st his home on sunday afternoon death has robbed bhelbume of one of its publicspirited ultlsens nd prominent business men the lata mr aslbrmlth hud been enjoying good health and was remarkably active up to the day uf his d em lee on sunday tnornidg the deceased and mrs osjbraltb t tended divine worship iii st pauls church as was their custom after purtaklng of a hearty dinner mr oal- 1th retired tu his bedroom to rest wliiln mrs oalbralth went out o call upon their son reluming at 430 she prepared tea and went to call mr oalhrulth he save no response and the- family doctor found upon exam ination that he had passed away without a struggle deceased was a native of ilalton county and was born in georgetown on december 31 itft iiu removed to stjelliurne in 17 and built up a huceeauul jewellery and optical business here two son and two duughhr survive mlas oalbralth returned to acton on monday mho was uiwompanled by her mother who hlr muke her home here fur the enl the bands minstrels drew crowds capacity houses greeted tho con certs of tho citizens ilnnd ijoth evcninjth the programme was thor oughly knj0yeddv the large audiences a nlggei nhow invnrlubly ui tracts a crowd wnw th jiiculutlon of mi old renldent the illicr evtulng whnn the poop if nf ttlif rommiiiilty wended their way to thn town hull lust wed nesday evening in futuhuully luru numbers till pmy if true in minii mensure but thut wnu not the pilnuiry rmitun foi tht t row tied iiihihcx lunt wedtttftduy nml tliurwday evoiilugn when act tm itlzeua ihtinl put on their popular ml iihi re hiiow our cltlxens upprneluiit hi hitil for their inderauguhlf errrtu in iivldi th town with an oruniihoillou ho credit able hi their pfrraimitnith that n juet local prld- is felt hi tludr net oiupllnh- lons huny with hlu intor- nd cuus fur action mr at ry itlghy kept evnry- uprour with his runny ho ijlxli iind guartotto thch- uelectlons and thin bo wonder oil itt when- the re named jim hmlth ion lex mann urn vic itumloy mid li worden in thnlr kept the c rogutlons c huhsfilno 1 body in ni numbern were fine li was not t mumbirs worden jim hmlll ltipodtlvti nolou were cheertitl tt thn o ht pi ofosuoi whoottu hiiihlnmuii allmi reudeiud u t ouptoof huphonlum huloa which ull mijoyed the ilme kiln club put on u mehxly chorun with banjoh which cupllvnted the crowd their everyday uumee are uoorgu iushoi huy agnew hifdolph kpollvogel vlg itumtey uoyd forbon tom huvage i- woftlmi jim mth i alex maun tla huxuphone eohi hy tho s resulted lu a norloi liumbere played in h milliner of perfection audi nu ilandmiiutar muson orlably preueiilu wlh huiii nkllful iireulslon irlnce haffhiit alux mann uuiig do iady moon with all the nejrro characterlstlca harmony iiur puro ilrnss wan played oy hundsmuii rtllon moore chalmern and havnge and evltlonlly caught the crowd a midsummar nlghtn poem hy january in march was the con tribution nf tom huvage und culled forth un eticoro though tho town clock the cemetery gets consideration from the council trees to bo trimmed and walks and drives improved soon as possible chairman nicol wants to talk to plot owners respecting care of plots t the regplnr in- union of the council on monday evening hail councils hell holm en nlco and tho t ford priimnt mid luevo ilurber in the chair a number of the residents of main ktreet complained thut tho drains from their col lunt were hlodieed and dor from the weepago that backed rum therm drutns was most ob jectionable- nml unhealthy he council promised notion um soon rctimonnhly possible tpiftloii arose of certain parties peddling meats and fish without ii- th butchers dylaw was unearthed iitid tho clerk was instruct- slsty year of liquor traffic lr aeton at the young peoples league on munduy eenltig il 1 moore police magistrate gave an address an the history of the llqutir traffta i il acton und the value ux the ontarjo tem- tteruiicn act us a prohibitory meas ure a strong fact brought out in the uddrtss was the oolclal statement of the lurgf amount of liquor being sold lu itrltlah columblu under oov ith mo nt control in places of about urn same population as acton it outober i9t0 itrltlsti columbia dj elded tu change from prohibition t moderation in order to stop boo t leg glng inorase respect for he law reduce taxation ajtraol desirable oltl- s protoctxhe homes and help busl- s men to meet their obligations ami here in how li is being done oov- munt liquor stores opened in tho various uxsras in the fall of 111 the reports to the leglelatum showed that from tho date of opening uu to october 31 lunt about two years of jovarnmvnt control notes of uguor wore made in towns uf about actoni us follows chlllwaolc 1700 popu lutlou usm1 cranbrook 1700 po- us follows chlllwack 170 populs- tlon b31h7 o cranbrook 2700 po liulutluu h64j43bl pentloton 1ko0 population 130174101 hevwlatoke 2712 itntiulutloii 3446031 in th town uf kvlowns iri the fruit district willi a mpulaton only slightly tnoro than anton the salen aggregated 128014110 when liquor licenses were in efttit acton and the bar rooms 9 pen the largest roars busi ness lu the three hotels her auxgsp erf a little over seq00l wbat would be the effect- upon our scores and other businesses in acton li government control came into effect and a oovern- tuenl liquor store took in 1l43370 for liquor m u year as in kelowna or h643tfi6l us in the little 1600 town of pqntlctoti or ttoooo as was th case under license right hers m acton how would it affect the hotnast how would the children be affected 1 what would become of numbers of the mort gagee now hiilng paid off homes t what would le the mirwrffcct on ttm piimmunltyr the meathtg by u ntundlng- vote tutilded in favor of the ontario tompenuioe acl and oguvint u refersndum abut nine- tenths of thoss presejat war ojuauflsd siimhuts social and personal mrs ir iull hpuit lxduy with toronto friends miss ettlo dfllm of toronto was homo for tho weekend mr uoyd konney was home from toronto over the weekend miss oladya ii tiff man was homfl from toronto over kuiuluy mr alex crawford of ouelph pent monday with acton friends miss clara lantx upeut a couple of days with ouelph friends this week mrn john mcdcroim of loorga- town vlsltnd acton frlnndh on monday mrs fred ucuun und hilly left for the new homo in chesley on thus- day mlsitmjly patterson of toronto visited frlendn in town ov r ihn weak- end v miss annie cruwfurd of ouolph visited frlontln hero over the week end miss ida ifenwlck wun home from mlngton npendlng a few days lhls weak mrs annotta ilarnea of toronto pent a few days with friends in acton and churchill misses lucy ledwards und jennie anderson spent tho weekend with friends in ouelph miss allcu johliuloim rvturned from uelph honpllal on thurmluy und is w cinivulcjiff oh uly mr itn nd maul with trie acton citizens band which put on tho successful tttinstrel show two evenings last week qients and ttmy fun i imsured ihnl whenever any eutuvtiiliiment is given under their uusplceh that it will bo worthy of patronage tho minstrel show mid its nrnhatiit programme hud much f nmrlt it wiuj unique it wh vetaiitil mid was en joyable from mturt to ihiuh the proceedings opened with u lopiirtolm t bestloved houthorn niulotllon by the band whew tonus vvnre nmllodtut to suit the hall and in harmony with the sweet negro nongu which pnrtnke so largely of undertoiuu nml har monies the oneact comedy whos who or alt in a fog was put on with very creditable interpretation the impersonations wro quite tip to tho mark whll the acting waji above that ually expected of umutuurn thin is u synopslh of tho play mr illoumlield itrumblolon u u tired country gentleman who 1m vnry hard of hearing receives word mm liu friend peppercorn thai mm latter bus round nu oxcvptluuul uonlnlaw for him who will reach lliutnbloton hall by the 11 a in train tho lettor has been torn that mr llrambloton re mains ignurant of this model youmf bachelors tiamo at the same lime he in uotined that mm registry nfllce loudon sends him a now man servant whom he uxpeets to urrlve afternoon while mr llrurable ton in upbrulding thu maid for being loo styluhly dressad tor u uurvant und reprouchlng bin duughtcr bucuuse hoi appearuule is too plain to luuiu a favorable impression upon their ox- peciod bui st luwraiico laveluler u gentlemans gentleman urrlves makes it docltled lmprenvldu upon mu- tlldu jam mm inaltl tind being mis taken by mr ltriitnblcton fur hu pros pective moiilulitw id tmatud with the most cordial hospitality und invited ke up to mihm llmmblouni cicely then enter uiitl mliititkux la- vonder for the model young buchouir but dlnllkes him ut might whll la vender mistakes hoi for mm houmi- mald mr hlmonldeu hwnnhnppr ar rives in coldly titcoivtid by matilda but imptenhes cicely fuvirtlhlj as a emiiii of high dfgie tuducej lo the necessity of tnenlul work by ru- vtrsef foituile tlluil tinuui n u muu- lon of ubwuitl omiuatlomi in tli- course ii f whhh the mipiowl gitetit feeln imiuiiii to ldiifeiuj un lliiiiilhtnuiibto attachment fur mr hi atuhletouu housemaid clcly uoiiwidots u hei duty to oiifsss u thopty touted ut tuchment for- iho new niuiimurvant hwanhoppei- in liupelletl in hmiui- lo sojklt mlo4 lliamljtelohn haml thoutth the image of yonder lovely handmaid en has imprinted itwlf indelibly upon hm too nusceptible htiirt mill muilldii jane feels it hertluty to cohcihh un unojftlngulnhablo ftnuy for his pro- tosetl nonitiuw ltiunibletoii dt lv them all from the house ukiept his daughter who is commuutld tu lock herself lu her room forever it is only when the twti mon tetuin to iuo certain a ticlns left hhlud hi tho hitute uf their dopurture that tho ttutuul stute uf urulrw tluwiiu upon mr urutu- bletuit ulil thu title identity uf uuch bhoruoler ts revealed to the tho tuwt uf fliarurtoih v low- mr hlnioiihlth hwunhopji o plunk iuwreiite ijivinhtr mi iltnhop mr llliimiuld uniiiihlet mason cicly llraliihletuira piitlghlil- mis a k ontraiitlor matilda jmieuho uuuemuld mri amim munon huhitg the interval while tho htugc wus being set for tho lulhuluilu tl couple of churuutur uongh lu ontuiuu mr uallughui uhd mr hheatt wore renderetl by mih croim and her hix- yearold brothel illkliy cronm which brought down the hpune they were jeouued anil promptly roappoanul lu a change if rostume with u tuulilg encore tho peisoiuie of ttm uillihtiule umil tonrlned to the iitemlmrn of the bupd with two exceptions when curu nnd ihinclllotl and hvwlmuod every man jack of them imperndiiuteil u culled person to iufuctlnti elilnl black faces thick red miis kinky woolly hair whltu teeth und nil the twelve iiumhem of heir dlstlnutlvi prtlgyralinni nllccf t detl em ll other with new and uiuuhlug jnkesmunl ujttotilii- tluiim fid pi llm viidmiii at each tuin ltsjidmasnr munon who oct upfed the position u interlocutor with porfectiuu othe as us fol li- mr c tlemu ni mr hy thlx time neared the hour of eleven tim goodnight chorus by the whole hiiiiw concluded the programme and mm verbnne playblllh lunt uragraph was we have inaile you laugh you are happy we know ho wuiu glad you appreclntu uur little show miss huxel manon wan the iiccom- linnlst and the ubl executloa of her numerous parte added much to tho uuccihu uf the whole affair neighborhood news- town and country limehou8e tin community services in the hull hundiiy evening ure growing in ilitoroht and influence mr jalleyn addresses uru interesting and pdlutetl d have induced some hoart-ncuroh- ingti und how dotermliialonw there has boon good singing each hunduy ight leslies the school lepott for february fai i h no h kiln lu um folluwu v marshall mcculg murjoil mo- utalmoii itno miailhur tllih- muude icrmn flnher hr iv moijorio held klvo job it muiii 1lureiun jolmutni arthur mc- tceuwu thomas allan ieu llnsdell hr iii kathleen mckoown viola allan maud mtculg hector mc ar thur 3r iii calvin alllion will u johu- hr cheol mary kr mil mcci ir- mi ir owi lg thyrii ktone lulu mccut- ordon utsiik annie altkeu culg imer kvolyn piuru uoyd lviillin uthilwrt juinen m mcdonald tacher lorne school tli lows hr kliiw mci hr tlmn iath jr lilt m 1 dp iv ith lie 111 i pint fot february im uh fol- lulimhi oittff vivian wlif- i gruff liotnt oulliile muiy r limle hwuikliuuiur ouurgo oiul wului wllfiotl ut- ill ull iteii chriusie hwuckhum ay willie lfurmp t ittu wtlloi liar huia d vi ud hnr- nuthrlu lluiuloii cewuul hr ii thltmi flrun kuby aluiuy hoy lvtiny jr u coiluiiu muclloiiuhl huny mliluiy chehtor mcltulu huwurd oiuff pansy troup i lain a johnton lloh altdornnn wulluco hwaukhunmr aguexnucuulu primer willie mullaln ann muoouiiuld tuiicher crgw80ns couners on of mr fit llityd iliu me day lust um ed to inf inn the offenders that they must con plv wlih the conditions and pay u lit iihi fee of 10 fpr residents and s f ir i ourosidonis tim co m ttee on finance present- ed thch hftl u- port and recommended puyilteut t t 10 following accounts qe nersl account j uu hym n dell tele ho u co services t 16 a m mi in n cul 21 33 hydro- ii li a power comroln- wlim i u hull lighting 37 thlh ihhred ertulnly of uuiyij wai und hm nhoiildur was r thi uuuh u inlsuuh rhlitudlng hlieutlliu u bill ut tho store h nilghhdriug ftirmer wan nhllged to up- iwai befoie jtidgo iillot in hlviulot couit nl acton hut thursday tit- judge illhinluned mm uctlon thd uv- iliiuo iiittvliig to his uultufimtlou that the iiiidtiut hud hveit paid th fuuuure of miim nebtlon hu tmuiuul u gnoil itiuny biiniiuls uf tu nlp to anion during thu week tlio pioloiigod uluens uf the lu ovotgit l omhum eiulutl on tuesday iiloriilinc when iiih nllt peacefuuv took itu ilight mr cliuham wan om- if tlio esteemed leuideiits of uiin com munity and lived hero fur many yearn ho wan in hln novmity- third yeui hliuv im loath of mix uiahuiil two liwrn ago laxt month he wuh v leiuly though um memhuts of his fnmlly guvo iiust i ut i ugly of thvh pmaoiild und hiillcltuth four nout nild thiee deughturn uuivive llav wlllhun oiahuin a mnbyteiluu tnlu- hilvi- ut vmuouvoi john in uiutnonu jdneph and jutiige yn liw biimtutail mm taylor of kliimrnleyhuwk mrs chester mcltulu crowsmts corners mid mm archy curtlu actmi th- fiimul will l imht on monday uter inum to lulrvluw cemetery acton 336 z waterworks accounts lioll telephone co nervlces 4 31 mn t wut adopted j iteld tux collector was imijrut led to liiturvlow messrs heard i miillflung thnlr assistance tier uf co i loo ling poll tax fioin thu implojtck thoro who are npt payers tihvfj lluibui njlil thut a dumping uml ttiiint bu una u i ml ut unco even it wan imcesimry to expropriate und pity fdi- u uultublu place outside i cm pot ut ion limits the parkeonnr it rurthei be uul fur this purpose councillor llnm thought the come th bunt pluto available but d leiiulro a road through the property puna i was not favorably con- tlm ppoplo of acton would oppose it plan of this nature would itvtini like aucrllcftu tu many tiif iteuvo hpoke uf the reference lu lunt fiotu llucss to the disparity be- ii the receipts mid expenditure m cumetery uccount taken from audi torn rl unfortunately tillge hud itoetl mudu to the cenieiey lu the looka for thn digging t graeu which would amount to at liint 1100 lust war to trcauutor wus uuthorlnml to up- portluii 6 u per inonth each of th ealttrlis of cuiuluker uld und munl- ipul oitlt or muophernon towaritu nx- enditurm on toiimtuty lu the mtlnu clpal ush book kol of the cemetery oommllue inought up the question if improving tho cemetery especially iho 1 1 homing uf the trees und the ihuiihiu ilul guiding of tho walks und ih ivciu ho nulil he had a no heme for allllliul lulu of plols bst fslled tu piviioit any uncrutu report an to pro- pmly pnated e thu iikiuboiii uf tho council thought he kpoku nulnr inckletisly about the lillittels 111 hand und the ueeve asked if im thought he und tuu fkkh fwuui wvi iiiniilug tho town couuuttm niil thought thut plots wio boliig ttfihl ut too low u pri uml thai tho pi ice ohurgml for grave digging uus also too low com par with the chui gun impdmod lu ottwr pi ll cud the council ttnally uuthorixed th ti hunting of mm uvergruoii trees in the itnilutur uinl putting the roads und walks in piopof vundltlou us noon ui up lug lu uunluoiitly udvunced cnitautr iteld informed the couu ell that only 3 plotu ure tiow avail ulilt foi ualo in tho uniimtery and ad vlmd thut iiimtliei utictlun qf the toiiintory pinporty uhoilld be graded and siiivoyod into plots ut uneu chaliiiuii nmi ut was glvup leavu to all a limeilng of plot owners in tin- town hull for the imrtkjtio of obtain ing mie onsciit of pldt owners to his harvey and mnrtlu v mo nu mills yeatcirday linn veruit thrklcmitt of toronto nt a fw duim i nut week ut tho to uf mr k f kennedy mux lnday of georgetown has tircn nnding thn wmii ut the home of her brother mr n f lindsay mr and mi john i mofnoip nce klnln iuirnes nf toronltl mmnt thu weekend with friends in- acton m sa mae win m returned homo last week after upcndliu a t ixiple of months with rrlnndii in worr ilowii mr oeorgr fvdwardn left on monday in nttend the fuimrnl of hln lirolhr mr o e kdwurdw at vlctorl i harbor mrs w j held vlnlled mr and mrs george lollop in norvnl while at tending the wuticiim insmtuto meet ing- v mr george boper jr whorjent the past five weeks in hoc iter visiting relatives there returned homi last saturday v mrs kdlth jamas accompanied by master uoyd has returned home alter spending- the past month with relatives and friends in pennsylvania and new york state mrs a u smith of now york ar rived lost week to visit acton friends she was accompanied hy her brother- inlaw mr orindeil mrs w c itestiny and doris and misses zugter und m livingstone of georgetown spent u couple of days he home of sir h h wilson las week mr alex shand nf hustings was llllqwn this week ho brought greet ings from mr and mrs john med rail and mr and mrs nell mcponald and daughters to acton friends mrs wm- swartzenberg and miss pearl and mr bertchel swortxonborg pusllncb visited her daughter and their sister mrs alexander mann and family agnes street lost week mrvathol mcquarrte for the post two and a half years munaglug editor of the ooderlch hlgnul has resigned wm h itobertsou a former edi tor of the twper and irauldont of the signal printing company boa assum ed control as manager and editor mrs goo r agnew 1st vlca-pre- sldnnt of the district und mr w j hold a bended the regular monthly meeting of thn womens institute held at the home of mrn noble norvnl on thursday afternoon oth inst and re port a splendid time miss mcintosh of tho department uf kduwillon gavs vary interesting und helpful ad- nut mrs hyres district secretary of lidding ton and miss appelbe punt lresulent also uddreswod iho meeting mr k m pilkny who bun been at ie hank of monlrul for tho past two years has itecn trutmf erred to the branch ut st catharines tho ro- tnovul of mr und mrs pilkey will ha uch rogretteil in church und social cl rices for they wore both popular and made many friends here at bt al banys church thny were both active irkers mr pilkeys succossor is mr it lucas of lansdowne who will commence his duties in tho course of a week or no in the meantime mr luurasott of the toronto itrunch is pplylug che iml if mils iriu mug is t hounyctlvo mr l 1 will t gull tu liuvf his data in t form than the verba report he en mlid ut the tou lefl meeting he l will itupuynuw pluylugiiitiv- ull tin on to hero fildtty evening ui wonderland theatre is nt i the liifhl tiuuk but the people want roliahle information und u fus- ihln cuiifully prepurod plan for con- hhliuutldii it will in just us well too for mr nlcol to undurstand at thx mitiui that it ts not uny tempersry antiual plan they wlnh to nee adopted foi tin- tiin hf iho cemntsry but u knhcine limtklng to u perpetual ur- laiigoiiieul hy which up insurance la given thut all plotn will ba oared for for all lime limspuutlvo of who may he the hiuvii or mm chairman of tho vniutoiy riminltiee imxt ypar or any hiiixkhnlve year whose oplniqiis may differ fniiit tlpme nf their- successors timed intel unted ure unwilling tu give their uppiuvul to uny hthoma that is not lutcfully workud out to this end council adjourned uf twenty mlit- ltl4 to tun high uiudo llwctrlu curling iron iiiiiiplte with coid and plug 20o the liliiynr kuclrlc co ltd o uelph unturui pootball reorgsnixatlan meeting a gwnurul meeting will be held on friday uvenlng 14th inst ut eight oclock ut the town hull tut tlm pur- pone of reorgaiilxllig acton itsngore football club for lyl a4rptitn0ipl interested are cord ill i y litvltml tu at tend this m outing st patricks day dsnoe the rluul woolul viilng for the season of thu hewetnoll hlldu co nill- ployes will lx bultl us a dun do on monday evening next masons or- cheauu will supply tho ntunlc for lhith rouiul und uquuro dancing a lunch will ulno be served the i o d e officers for 1024 the annual meeting uf tho duughtors of the kmplrn was held lu tlm i o o y hall on tueauy march 4 the ofucers elected for 1u114 uu un follows lion huge n l uru it m mcdonald uegant urn c a cdnwuy y 1st vicnhegulmrs w cooper ud vlcollugeul mis v k ora- hain hecreturi mm amos musou assistant htcrutury mlas m v ueunett treasurer mrs iilkey htuidurd huarer mish peal i hmlth councillors mluneu d fulsler und a ululker mrs dr nolon mrs dr lmll mts r- 11 hhoroy mrs w j oouhl mrs uiut mrs joaeph holmes mrs a h mcfiuu the gregory ann in at wonderland mr h i gregory of oakvllle was in town on tuesduy ami hifonued tuu fsxm pkkos that hu had purchnjol from councillor holmes mm wonderland theatre prpwwy und from mccluro a hon the wondurluiid blnluenn und good will tho hunhmes hern will be oonduqlod by mr italic oregory und the firm hatim will bo 11 l jruory a bon this will be good pews in the patrons in this comtmmlty under tho oregory mmiukwumnt in mm past the plctilrms shown were high rluss and all received lomiuondlbhi mur- teny th buslimnn will cuiiauullr the now management next tuesday messrs ore y a hon huv ulso re purcliusikl the ltiiigetowii huulimss und mm itux theulre hulhllng there their new theatre ub oukvillo thu oregory is being very goimnuiuly pal- iito

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