Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 13, 1924, p. 2

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fw bijp artnn jfrwjprwa hr f tikiilhday maiich 13 1024 nolmiily kn o kcp nobody kn nobody i noimku iihi wlloli u nolxuly nt hod mother knows known of tlio wink it i hrnni- togolhci of ttif stuns it imn iul mutlior iim o hlldll wim1 ji unh smother l hi muhly oh inothri- of loslii nnliody n nolmdy r ii ipit m tmby hrothnr n of tho t under pray or owd but mother taught ought hub another ivw of iho nation nly mot ho r nntmkl kllowh of ixnt darlings n klarmji of thu lf nolmmly known nxlnu four t wimlhor in tho iomlng mother tui nobody known of tlin tnars tiiat start the grief slird gladly nmnihar nottody know of tha bmsklng hosri nkmly only mother nnttody dins tu hu waywnnl child tho sclimcd by ovary other iaud it mo gently from pathways wild nobody can hut mot hor nobody knuwn f tho hourly pmyur for him uur erring brother irlilo of her hourt onro so pure und fulr nobody nnly mother nine cheeses anecdotes in which um mean and grasping mnn if outwitted or held up in rldlculo ura popular everywhere nnd ulways kw undent towns are without tholr historic or traditional inutanoos of stinginess punlshod or whan practise defeated in one village of now kn gland there is till current much u tale concerning an unpopular ursoii of mora than a century ago although a learned nun or imprm- slvo manonn this clergyman wu not ed for unduu reluctance to expend and readiness to acquire tlo had a habll of leading poverty and hinting fo gifts the pariah although with mm murmuring had reapondod with fuol for his kitchen hay for hi horsw thanksgiving turkey for hla table nnd a subscription cloak of black uatln for his wife when her wedding montoau became- shabby the mur murs increased when it wa round out that tho parson turned an honest but overshrawd penny by oiling instead of using many of these donation but they were not loud enough to dis turb his stately calm and he went hi way without condescend ins to nntjc them at last however fortune puy- d hun trick for trick one pleasant winter day he nudn a round of calls and at each house when just about tp leave he casually asked hla hostess if she could let htm have a little piece of cheese as his wife happened jo have none in tho house and unexpected company had arrived in each case the good bouse- wife instead of a little piece gener ously presented yhlm with a whole cheese whichhe graciously accepted am he turned from the doorstone at the close of the but visit while th mother of the family and her brood of nine children stood politely gather ed to watch him drive away he care leaaly pulled the wrour rein tho sleigh tipped sharply on a drift and out from under tho ministerial lap- robe rolled nine large cheeses which spun friskily away in all directions over the ley crust b his hostess understood the situa tion at a glanafc ttont disturb yourself pray sir she urged politely as he made a no tlon to descend it is quite anneces sary the children wju gather them up and none be overburdened nor will there be any quarrelling for the prlvll eg see it is just a cheese to a child bo it was and tho- embarrassed parson unable to escape was obliged to receive back his cheeses wltb duo thanks to each sisxtfng volunteer as they came up in gleeful procession one by one too well he knew that by the next day the whole parish would be laugh lng at his misadventure although he could scarcely have guessed that tho joke w be rwiid hiiihwi ymla after well watched a close watch is kept on all tho workers in the diamond mine at klro- berlej recently an ofnoer at the fre beers corporation was under sur veillance for a year the men at the general office thought he was spendlnr more money than ho earned one day after a year of watching upon him another officer of the com pany came up to lilm and offered con gratulations what fort- jaked the first toil ore all right youre an honest man ot course im honest wast is strange about that the explanation was made the man learned that his closest personal j frjend for the past year had been a company detective who had watched his every move kept track of vtry oent of his expenditures and known receipts and reported everything to the company according to our calculations said the second officer your ought to have exactly three pounds in money in your pocket at this moment the suspected man thrust his hand into his pocket and pulled his indney out it failed of three pounds by the merest trifle mimiiwimimmuiiiiiinmmiimiimmmg qiijp 3prev jlrpbb ghnrt gron below the dam aihkht toiman did not realize ol roallxo how mu o i oiiulit in have i fu nl mill r grudgingly ftmwiwimmimmmji oni midnight h murrli krutik uuilitul onulnour at thu llutiuiiorid llmpto k uimrry uyllr- thti ii hhulh rutin uv iiunuiliigh dyln pit dear rr thirtyhour bl wllh dill h hllliluh ilnu torni lightning wothorlmio htrawod u trvalt tiltvilful if ionl uvnr lliv gliwht tlrouxl axtk duwll t till iioxt hub ucilt iv hulil and tria if wnrr golnliisf iii ho wuttr font i r luanod out through tho llltlo vlndow by tho ho lolcr thi hundred- imtt chusnt right tifluw hun wiui-jiud- liinly tlllad wllh iluulinr white light allowing tho truclui nllll mmxihj mid wall guuhlng with riumeruu ninumx a ausplulousiy largq torrent directly ftmsiln iln whls oulck glance up wyonu the summit of tho cliff to low bank of furth tfrti blaso vanlsh- ondoui thundercrush that almost tl row nod his cry of alarm its running ovor the daml tho englnctir was uulckly ut his ilde peering into tho gloom cant bel ho uxclaltned just t- fore dark the ice wits solid and lx inches below th top uut tho noxt llush convinced jjlm youru right itontl ho shouted that means trouble shall i run after tom hparrow and his brother t inquired von lor we havent a second to waste tho two of us can do more now than a doseu could in fifteen minutes illy donning cops and rubber couu they each soiled 4 coal shovel ml wetherbon hung tho lighted lan tern on hla left arm as they hurried toward the door he jerked down tho hutlacord and looped it over a nail overhead pealed out the ateamblast shhu and insistent that may call somebody if the storm isnt too loud said ho buffeted by the southwest gale they skirted tho edge of the pit at- a cau tious dogtrot through the wet slip pery grass now tho lightning ro- vealed tholr path wltb painful dis tinctness now only tho dancing royj from their lantern penetrated the jcloom mind your footing exclaimed the engineer as they draw closer to the brink the causa of this hurried expedition was an eightfoot dam across an old sunken road through the toprock be- tween the hammond quarry and the adjoining sales quarry now abandon ed and mil of water this rood con structed some twenty years before when the rock was hauled out by teams and both plants were operated on the same level hod fallen into disuse as the excavations grew deeper and steam hoisting was introduced the abandonment of the sales quarry and its gradual flooding had made a dam necessary the previous summer as k was expected that work would soon be resumed and the pit pumped out the owners of tho hammond quarry erected only a temporary dirt wall which was increased in helcbt wltb the rise of the water should it yield a body of weight eight feet deep and cover three four acres would rush through and flood the deeper but smaller pit as wetherbea looked down from lh bonk above the road he gave u cry of dismay a second later po- stood beside him gazing at tho dam there was good reason far alarm the rotten ice ifttho boles quarry had broken up the strong wind raking it from end to end and blow ing- directly down the road had kicked up o chop that was aulaahing over the dam und washing away its rain- softened top llait u doxn rapidly increasing streams wera g o as to be lost it ramo mid ihuro mi lu bat k llr mlddlo of tho logliadiml u t iigiiixur iiim light foot imrly a yi rrom tho hi ink of tb pll hhv uld lh ourii mini itiscu in minxriur- ii- oud not gel wlthl ighl fct of mm on ttuit llpimr lojic 1 wu loo f id rni li ilnwi nhnvnlliundlf llir wn utoll o iii tllf txjll i houmi but nil m in iifuly aiuiro tan inlnulkn to u for it with imveral loakm tlll tlirciil nlnt tin dauit it was witihtibro hlmauir who lhidnd tho niattii ills vlo ciirno forbly up to tlio hifittilliig lad ilx tho dum first he ut if t tor guts thr nluyt of you im do for you mu vi lu nut after y hvt nmiln nvoythltig tight pontr grunixd dot xliuullon t ukn ht 111 iimunitiul and ir in- uii l growing ijhgfi fount w hioppo oiio with llsti hunli uin ruining lkik he rrsiumt liu luori on tlio hirtuiglli und u i id u rutin- of hli untf th llr of his ltim- iiunlon why did not iiiim onu h u hat shrill whin i hi urrrvt ilng so loud ly for hoipt a low himruc i ry fnm thi black- ns tnrrlfloil him xooi1bn unit 1 ni hiinnlngi tin- ttnulnoor hlllil mild oramixd d ntlril nllxhtly to full mi vusu r itosltlou tho nupiort under hts fixt hud glvmi way und h was ugulii mild lng slowly iiui suroly downwa thengott blope no time l without the saving grace it was universally acknowledged that mr a lads tones memory was t prodiglobs but there was a certain tkutd chief justice of england who through the statesmans memory of his feats of memory more prodigious sll on one occasion after listening to what beamed to him a tall story of some happening of the great roans early years the lord chler j us tlo determined to go him one better so he said thai he remembered when be was only six moaths old and lying in his cradle he saw his nurse sjir reptitlously help herself to a glass o brandy ary said to himself as soon as x can speak shant tell my mother the thing is absolutely imihhmlbw was mr jjiudatonuw comment in hli gravest tone tho lord chief justlon said jifnti ward that he had been beuten beonustr he bad reckoned on mr uludstonw having a gleam of humor i was mlstakenl be said sadly the number of postage stamps usod in a year is now so enormous that all count uf tho worlds output is lost the figures available for the united states however give soma idea of how enormous the quantity is in that country 600 orres or spruce trew urn cut down for pulping and maklns into paper fur u mingle years supply of stamps bhrery day fifty million stomps valu- od ut about 91000000 are used iu the united states and to make there qver 3000 lbs of ink ant 1300 lbs of gam re needed those are forty seven varieties of stamp printed in fifteen dlffexant oolors or ibades 4maj as pqgtigwatgmpt are if gjj those lssoed in the xjnttta cwatsw la a ytmur war plketd od tn end utey would rsaab ntsfrty to us aobbrnx setting the lantern on he edgi the strass the engineer sprang down flhovel in hand followed by lib- as sistant they began to dig cloy from the banks on each side und to throw it on thu face of tho dum which was thirty feat long and about the same dlstanco from the brink of the quarry it was bard work tho surface was little better than porridge and thu frost still lingered underneath and almost every shovelful had to be car ried from ton to twent feel while they were trying to stop one streamlet 1th soft mud tho others wm grow ing- larger both were soon drenched with ruin the wind had snatched off the en gineers cap and he worked barehead ed the bald spot on his crpwn show ing white in the lanternflare as he noticed that the mud was washed away almost as fast as it was brought a happy thought struck him dont throw it on shovel by shovel bent sold ho l3t get u lot to gether und pile it in all at otice i thats tht best way jo stop the water i the largest stream wus soon heok- ed by this means utut tho shoveller then turned their attention to th next in else in u few mlnuts an other rnqund of cloy had been amass ed weve got it panted we th or bee at that very instant the gala snuffed out the lantern there was nothing for it but to work an in th darkness with what chance assistance the lightning might afford tho con ire of the roud was u bed of smooth icti sloping toward the hammond quarry haste nudn thu engineer careless of hla stops am ii scrambled along the base of tho dum with a heavily loud ml nhovel he slip- pad and foil backward with u cry i slid down toward the bluck pltl instinctively ho throw nut both i hands but they found nothing to grusp the muddy slippery nurfuoa kvry i foot brought him neurer th dge of tb chasm in desperation hit statttud his left bootheel down it slmtterad the shell of ce grated an solid rock and ha cajni to u stop wothnrhoe wus in u fright oltl lli lay on his buck on tho icy slops his safety dapniidlug holuly on thu rivmnosj with which ui huul wns hruiod tlio fmuslug flood fiom tlm dum t an down hi neck and uoukvd his duthltig- just liow hoar tho brink ho wus im did nut know but h wu sum that it tuuld not lm vry fur uwuy it wuif some mlnutss lufort iostuf illsonverad the older mails dlwapirear unoi when the accident took pluov he was stundlng with his buck to the roadrrrlvlng htw putlo into the rrosty ohty tho roar of 7thi totui and he shrlaklnir uf the whistle hud prevented him from imiulng wotherbeos cry carried two shovelfuls of earth through thu glopm before he niud engineer a flash of lightning came as ha struggled toward tho dam with his third shovelful he looked about but hla companion was no where a be seen the light died out foster stopped short horrore trick- l uadf wetherbe fallen intov the quarry t it seamed only too likely hmrdjy darjpst to expect reply he aboutad at um up of his lungsi rjrraki rtvikt vklalpt opa a to war boa the glasi not un inch had cuugti his right ergo of tbt vain ho stumpol madly u rfaco at ltiat juxl in nc he stopped it wan too soon ills loft heel against some protuberuiv had slid out ovor the i rock almost i dcuqialriiig iomii llled nut are you thir krulik7 hack ciunn tho answer lujoty than a hoarso whisper all right work quick tho younger man had nlmady laid aside his mackintosh now ha torji o hla coat as well and nuns away hi cap exposing himself to the full fury of the storm itack and forth botweot bank and dan ha tolled hurling htm self with fury on his task till i ho stout flhovol handle qutvnrod and th steel rang against tho frosty clay h knew that wetherboes ufa hung in the balance o for two or three bar rowloads of dry gritty dirt instead u that slush meanwhile tin engineer pro no it the muddy stream gaxed up now lnl impenetrable blackness now lnl blinding light ruluvaton und chilled to the bono liu was conscious chiefly of that horrible eraplwoaa under hls rlght heel he felt carefully behind his head and on each uldo hut hli angers glided onlyuvcr ico and slip pery rock tlo remembered what had happened before und did not dam t stir another slip would t- futnl he suffered far wurii in mind tha in body horrible foars tornuniod him again und again lu imaglnrd that the llltlo nod u in ixnirolh his heel was blvlng away was it icu or rotk whichever it might b it was the tml thing between him uud cmiuln dcut ho was oppressed with a dntud the frailty uf tho dum iei it gl way and thu sudden rush would switer him like a grain of sand into th- quarry fntlguc was overcoming kouter smullr and smaller grew tha shovel fuls as he staggnrad buck and forth meanwhile he wrentlnd wit problem when should he go fur tho rope if hu ccusod work before tit- dam was safe its brut king might de stroy tha only c tw n co of rescuing tfu engineer if he laborud uverlo wetherbea might slip at any moment from his perilous peth at last tho leaks worn utmost slop ped lyeah anorxy ramo to tilt tdstunt as the lightning showed n wanted to say seomod to st that hln task was ncarty eotnnthtta hroat a few mare irlps und lie flung down ills spade in tha darjtnusn ho run his hands along thu top of tha dam to make sura that no wutcr was turning over all was safe ho shoutad tli glad nows down to wethcrboo all light hold fust im gulnit for the rope i hack ho hurried round the ouarrv to the boiler house and in leu mtnutei had returad with lint coll und uu imi bur driving tha iwir fnto tha ixink and fastening the ii tm to it ha droy pod u nooso within rjich of tha iii gin ear and drew him up to safety qliohtlv exagqerated tha una between purely rhntorlcu i exaggeration and u reprehanarve per version of troth is not ulways easy to draw in the high tide of eoqaice aven preachers occasionally forget that it exists a committee of rernon- a trance once culled upon an oldtime nowburyport preacher to protest igal net the unbridled exaggerations that ho permitted himself in tha pulpit i preacher admitted his fault very humbly indued he said to them so rowful ly7 i have shad uwr it luirmls jxpoa barrels of tuurwt tho moenlster of u county kirk la scotland a century ugo wus iosn amenable tu reproof hvkii if ha in vited it as mr j- it mcltuu lias re cently related in u collection of theo logical anecdotes ills uark hud ven tured to suggest hit iii uffeci of ex aggeration upon fh congregation thu minister ruttmr offended it etas red himself unaware of trhtmgrohsion but requested that if ha erred uguln thu next hubbaih li iitlght w remlndotl by a discreet ooagh in curtult hit eloquence the iiaxt sabbath ha dsscrlbed liow samson tied tha foxoa tailed togs til er ho said impressively thu foxes in thusu dois were tnuali iwrgar uiuit ours uud thy had tails elity fat long aheml coughed tho dork that is continued tha prauotier according to their iiiuosureraent but by ours nuo more than fufuvn ahum came tha cough inura loudlv- hut sin yo tuny think that extra vugant well julst iu ilium teji flit alum ahaml moil shouted the pursdli launlng uvr tin- pulpit und nlmklng ti fore nitger atum dark ya may tough all nloht ir it suit ya but ill tm tak uff unlthur full wuil yo imu thu wl no tniis ut uy i in- niin nlnlt r id thoi tho ghtful for id i him ut tlm hoapllul u rw l uu uud i hey mini iclllni in- tlim n oldfunlilonnd floctor who umc ho lty with it nit 1- ot im hud brought or a uiiioun ounttloii i in nmu from fur haik in the all griiss mid wus i man of largo uxmirunc but lltll ifostional training ha imnrovoil his opportunity while in rhu ity uud v ull hint he could in ti hohplttil il medical school tlio professor who wus showing lilm ii mi nd look him to ho dlnsoatliik ro and ha wus mu li intoroatiid fur hud ilon iltlla dlnsecllnif in tli- dayu of hlu irulnliig unl llmtllltl of u vury lrudn ort they cnuia up- li u huinull tioily nkllfully dlasootnd huwlng us i supposk with uuuauifl leuniens thu norvort artorkus 4 othor dollcala members of tho body j as well iim the morn bono and musclon tho old doctor could hardly bo pulled wa from that place jio sliod they toll mm for fifteen minutes in xt rapt und in tares tad slier studying very part qf tlm subkl with the wagar attention of u buglu- n or und it was tha only thlngoiu tutk- ki ntkiut uflorward thy told mo what ha said ulwut it n first word wus i never knew lm- rura how much the 01 was in a man and thru h remembarud with nclf- raprourh his own rmln ourgtry said be ive dona what hurt to ha don urn do 111 it tha bust i krw lv protmfl foi hutlots lanced ibm nssi ii nd nrnovwl flesliy tumors hut nvk realised befara just uhat i wu rutting through it isnt juat floali its flush and a wholo lot moruuu i 11 ovor know how much mom till now thorns soma kind of a moral your story of course asked his par- islilonnr vcs und iou infer it trotter than i cxn trll it we cant afford to ut rccklonsly tlurough the tissues of 1 human soul there is more thorn hat cull imi hurt than wn imaglnn i rather think lou am right nuhl the layman i sen myself in your blundering and repentuni old doctor i didnt mean to do it i l did not realise what i was culling hroiigi im will imvo no rnnon to cilinpluln ill go and sue our friend und i think horauftur and i thank you for ou llttlo parable youths companion jonas solved the problem in ull tha vl lingo of 1ulrvlaw thorn wiih no inun quit so shy uh jonus 1 trow 11 am a hlld ho bacuino speech lean wlih confusion whan uny one not iced lilm ho tumlilil und stammerud hla way through the gawky una und whun ha utriwd ut young manhood ulthoujh h wus ikipnlur among his own sex tho sight ot a girls faca would throw hint into uu agony aotfconnciousnass 11a unually took to thu iillyf slihi of tha road when hn iuiw u ioung woman upprouchlng kvnry one wondered what would hap pen should jonas fall tu love al longth tho day ciitnc arabella hawkins wus an attractive girl from u neighboring town uu pratty un uhu wus tulkutlvu und junus who nrwt saw hur ut church wau oaptlvuted by hor churma a few days tutor ha uutotilshed all fcurvlew by wulklng home with her and cuppod that porformanoe by several tentative atoning- culls llul whether ho stroll down flowery lanes or sat with her on tho porch u the uvonlng tha words could lou uld you ho stut tne rod on ona of those occasions cogtd i whalt she qu could youjjould you go drlvi with me tomorrowt it was not at ull whut ho hud mount to say but he vaguely folt thut per haps in a buggy it would bo easier ti nnk the momentous quoatlon vet evei thtiro words failed him will you will you hu lugmi will i wluitt uncoiiraged arubellu uguln very swontly uud imtlrlitly will you jnnum sobmml smother will ou tukw u wulk with 0 morrow t certainly said a rw bulla ami so went 011 jonus wus tfetilng 1 iterate hotter hurry up joivasl his friend t urged him theres a follow in tlm town where she lives wants her just 1 much as you dol jonas groaned what was to bn donet lie could rehearse it all right before he saw iter but in hor presence word a tailed hi in all one night ho lay thinking the matter over and tosu next morning weary yet triumphant he believed thut he hud solved tha problem a few days lulur u rato arrived for pilm xxoks us if it might lie a typu- writer said the station agent bill j onus was hot given to literary aults this guess seemed ruttmr im probable that night arabella was roused rrom si nop by u voice betieuth tmr window hllpping ou u kimono she leaned oui to llslan the umts uf jonas u lilt mora nuswt than shu hud avef heard them reached liar ear i love you the vpjee jn tlio dark id tnpldiy i lovu you mure thai h 0110 lii the world jm not worthy ot you i know but ill do everything iske you happy will jou marry rna arabella 7 yos i will said arabella and u few fwhwh later juiias trudgud liomsi wlfb hfa phonograph under his arm ive always luxwd l was u ga thing und now im nura if muttered neliolousraotimc tin hint in opul iiollg of g piitrlthii mwloily lie ilirlit thnu will 1 111 lu uv rluipn do ot ling tit think tlny nouuh htudy iklnif of 1 tin r ih vast aplrli with tlilr xjulll things trolilbltcd uiodra in public liiunla bcllnvlng thuf limy tomluil to wnulfrn and debauch thu soul nothing so rod icul uu that lus occurred tu our lawmakers in 4gtird to 1 hurdi iniinli huwovor tfh pilnt nitty 1 worth considering willi thu duntn t ughtuii and aiillvan ohiinh servheit with tlm uuimr feel ing thut mimic is tin ugeucy being itjilly nil 11 lined with unnrmous ot in tli worship of the davll a huh grown up 11 homowli iihthm llhimsltlon to dlncinor util lit uji of melodies thut t of tlmm would not imvo boon up- provud 11 hundred jours ugo in vlow hat tuiidoncy it is intnrrstlng t road what tho pool cowpcr has t say on lliu intlucuca of music ballova thnt wlmt itiiatf though a mui bo guilty of hultltiiul lutoxlcntlon iiiidm mora duhntii h iiiid befool th i uiulimtu tiding thu 11 uiuhii h tnuuu mualn hi itoiiiioii un ouuon wnubuun und dustroyii the nirltuul dlareriimcnt if it is not usod with un unfeigned reference tn tho worship f cod und with u design itimhit the houi in tl iierformnnco it it ilouullnrutom into a sausuiil 1 light v to oui ears thut sounds strange and extravagant mmiigli but it may be worth thinking ovor unfortiinutoly tho control und direction of our church mualc is too of ton in thu hands ol tho who um much mom intoresto 1 in mimic than ttiey ura in hu church whera tjiut is tho cusu it would ihi wall for tlm mora darlcal ilithorltlc to noo to it that tho modorn und the irny und tlm nixrijly ntlmulutlug do no too largely drlvo out tho decorous th solemn uul oven thu uustora his good word althoufh ltiihhby folk war full 11 liurltnliln mrt nnd prone- to spcuk wall of ona unothar nnd of tli loss fuvorad dunizaiis of other town thclu wiik tiolkhty tn uy a word of regrat whon ho hart jonnlngs died ho tud been u niggardly crt grained uud lllrtuturnd man unkind to his meek little wife und to ull wl whom in came in contact a blot 1 the fair sculchoon of llunhby yot tharos lucnshy to bo spdk lajd una of mrs jenningss aid friends of toun minister can muk o scrip turn and heed tor lilm to 1 1 th it the funeral tho out with passages hymns thems it ay niiythlng out o uut hes got t make his cull o sympathy boforehi and i tnuiit say 1 pity him poor yo man only settled hra thrco wi ago and tiavo this coma upon him wo dldnf know tho jford sut our tlmo roi going youd utmost think hoburt hud but tlnru tlm im idle talk tha young mlnltr wont to mak his pmiuiratory cull with some trepld- uttoii but ho ng wuylald by tin xlous frlond un his way hack to thu pkraonugn tia knumod uelftvossessod and lontuiit lt just imu to mo im thu motherly wonmti who jiuuutlonod him tlio nrst day i was hare i saw mr janiilugs und i notlt ed wlmt straight buck ho had for 11 tnun tils yura i told imr of it just now tuiid it uvcmn to rtin i nevef suw so straight u buck uajtrjun ut hlu ugo uud niin ulin blessed mo i ml tlm young inllilater glowed with plusuro you come v toa with us saturday niglit said thu neighbor cordially thera isnt a 11 on in llushby but whatll miy you cntna to this tow tho very nick o time no room to sparr s many joiiln wlio huvu llvid in tin qnuitiri known uncording to loiutloi uud tlio luutu of thrlr inhuliuiiitts ui fluts nuftfh 01 ujiurimuiits wll doubtless autre into mrs oiiihuinj folllllrh afior huuiy dtils of trouhlud hunt log ulie mui mr tjiuhiun ut lust fouiu small uuitii which was somowl nur their luilditat idanl this hull poior s draudful said mrs grahauiplulntlvely but he 1 landlord wouldnt change it for it is in good condition never ml tid wol get another paper a p ratty uiinuji one uud put it right ou over tlila said mr graham murfuliy o jiiinoh ami hlu wifes look was full of iiprouch you know wo uau rdly got our furultuiu throuuh this try now its so narrow no unnbce00arv work inidoua is 11 mothnrllng of fourt ycurn with sufliloiit ilmrarlir ok four vouiigt lirolliors in ordi 1 ntifor ui thu n deniillmsb und tlm ianouubln i v11ii011 of ilollma llur b ura 11 lng i ui r font in mmimur id mou im hun rutliliig is 00 1 llmlkfrio fn and huiids uud 11 ubi dn hln llm onu lilglit toiiim fuil w r iiiiioni nionly llink from lltigniui litf in a ihu hole in iho iuiidow iiml till dance coimlulcd htr rgtilt nlll hiiilritiilloiim with a now dont forgot your f- 1 tolii did tint forgot thtn hut hi iiim very iiigor for nqmisn h wiihlmd mil hit tups irudnmo dtiitid il tnl nloti wbin ha riiti lino boo o toint shu rcitoiuilh it why ild you not imuhii 111 aolaa of your fint lot right ii und do li now youll niuku thi hiimolho ull ml t v ihily iiowt turn ikid hardly you dont hlrop stundlng tip hi ltd do yoit a perambulating pudding a ni limitor uoouatomuil to go own town ovury morning conirl- butis 11 sitodmon of rtiinlnh humor 11 tlm copimutura 1 niffusslon hu s onu to ptrowl round the rufrlgrrutor iiltnoat ovihy night and quietly dlnpom of uny uiirnsldaijevj triflotluit may tmpt his upnatllo without publishing ha snmn to the liouaehold ut targe itorontly his wlfd wus dlstuhsinc lunetieoii with a now importation from finland 11 a mod hilda and roinctmbur- ina a pudding thut thoy hud not boon nbla to finish the dny liaforu sold to tho kitchen autocrat do you know whom that ploco of id pudding ist without u smlla on in r fine hilda answurod yes muutn il bus goim down town the fresh odor of clean clothes surptuse thoroughly cleanses all garments and fab rics leaving them soft well washed and with that fresh odor so pleasing to particular housekeepers ibhjrvcaa pr a triiunpli of mechanical simplicity the ford is without superfluous parts yet has cverythina needed lot effici operation like all great eaigineering nccompliah- menca it has progressed through rimpltficarion the reduction to fun- daxoentols this process qi simplification has irrought into being many of those distinctive features which are found exclusively in ford cars the ford planetary transmission and thrcc- pedal con trol are anjong those features experts agree that they are ideally suited to the small light can another feature is tho ford magnctn so r in principle and so suc cessful in practice that a complete unit was recently presented by re- quest- to the smithsonian insdtu- don thcre arc many such features but these are sufficient to indicate the sound foundation upon which engin eers have pronounced the ford to be n triumph of mrchnniral sjmplicity- see any authorized ford dealer cars trucks tractors iimmmiiaiumisaimifmmtiyiictmmrtira d c apples in demand bwtsab tjhjutalut at a apodal guiiorul iiiooling uf tho vtunuil fruit union messrs a t howu and usmbling wore tuulectod us teprvaentutlves uf tho union ol the directorate of thu associated qrvwars of llrltlsh columbia in the mport uf lust gears work t wus stated that thu associated iroworp had shippad 23se00u boxes of fruit 10 the pro vince nf manitoba huskulohawun uud alborta while bi7 cars luid bnun wont to the itnltod kingldom in addition lti8 oars had ben sent u various foraign markets including fioliand ucblluhl scandinavia china jurlosv now zsaiohd and mexico i ptrmrtrsprssotitation of tha asoc4at 9p in qntst drttain wag ura- i 4rsmwsf mul thk rtgpotl not u8eo to thk haltwav of coursu o vary one rljua oij h trains in janam tiwauuys tor i llur urn sewn thousand mllss of railways in thu touufry uhd every cuhaidsrubla town la ut oust ootiiuctod wlfll hi railway by eloctrlo car ur uutnroublla yet not so vary jong ugo the train wus u curiosity unci many ludicrous in cidents ocaurrvd with parsons tuklng their first rldas on thlrllust curs in country dls tlluu thsra is still a liroud white lliiu pulntad actuss tha mlddla of each en liiiluw that was done originally to keep the country folk who v avarl sou a gluss window from bumplhlf hair hnuds ugulnst the glass in the tort to look out in tha early duvs hiuu wot i many surlous ucalclenis from thut nium banco tha white lines larty uf ludles who were taking tlpir nrst ride on ilia train once had trouble with their shoes a japansso on entering a houso ulwaya loaves his shoes at the door so when ihsse isvdjss got aboard fjioy politely lofr thslr cfocs on kba station nlatform oroat wso thwlr constoriiatloa later to and thai thulr shials ba bwn irfrt ksiksfe- all hoslwr ml t ff kksst isttrtoff ess w wlsa nssrlss wls- rssfw t1 sstnsirt utlnsrlkas s rw lbs vhirm mm ts rear tailss ram emsmot imitatlu msajr mu to not like a clam clams live to tlveni selves you cant- you link lives with your neighbors across the street across the province across the continent you are influenced by what lie wants buys uses enjoys when enough of your neighbors want buy use enjoy the same thing you begin to see advertisements about it ad vertisements to arouse you to similar use and enjoyment they paint glowing truthful pictures try to get you in terested in what will reirfly interest you convenient eourteoiib information is yours at a minutes glance style vari ety price where obtained that minutes glance may mean the difference between buying unworthy wares and the best you dont want to be like a elani 1 even in your judgments read the ad vertisements to be guided by others choice when they choose something- again and again it must be good each advertisement is written to youto help you choose to save you money si tassang til

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