Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 13, 1924, p. 3

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jw thursday march 13 1024 the road to 8torydook uno thiiwhmjiij it ii to hi iryiik iuiul the wlntiliir r iil tluii i win icot you straight through die n haul 1 kulry- tale lule- luy lli k u in 17 ntui tiny luco hurt hitu il l 1rllltnr htreoi m loudii l 1 im ifitnud ox i in viol r avxnuu tin ii iiii w mid uiiil third an well imuilli uml klflh but how can i toll junt tin joint whore you make the turn tluii ii i il ii how foal you learn i ok iun hluryltim ii ii ii fioliojiomo play iii by hour und minu sudden ymi find your ann to willi mccnllough increased interest in eqiq- tration of poultry tho number of bredor who arc am trljt birds in tlio cunudlun egg ijiy- ing contests conducted y the i- minion experimental frmi in order to ancuru registration ill increasing aiich yar in tho contoatu of 102132 there wore co cunaillan breeder who liad bird qualified fur registration the total numltor of ilrdg thai qualified in that your wux 317 in tlio 102333 contesta i brooders qualified n total or 577 hlrdn thl aprlng than in a total of 704 rogiatnred female not counting thouo that nuiy have tiled in tho mountlmo thut will b mated krom tint offspring of tho 217 fe male that qualified in tho flrat your uhuui 310 pullotw huvo itoen entered in tho toil 2 j content now underway thiibu pullete ar known an econ generation bird it in from hen pulletsy tho offaprlng of tho reglator od dame providing they qualify li turn that the ural cockerels eligible for registration wllf bo rulend und it la to huvo urn largo u nurnbor of thean oockorula it u ihihalblo that brwlar nr unxloua to enter their bird in thn how poultry la raplatered i or tho post two yearn umalca from cunudlun egg trying cnul liavn lin reuintcrod und now aomtf of these bird am wing mated for tholr aecond b rued 1 nit season whan the pullet from these mating qualify in noxt yeura laying conteaia and aro brad to approved male the cockerels from these mat ing if aultable indi vidual will br eligible for registra tion a female that la typical of tho breed and ha no stand disqualification that lay 200 at more eggs which averax 2 ounce each in the contest year qualifies for registration it will bo noted than that any female that car herself qualify la eligible- for regis- tratlon but when it cornea to the registration of the rnalea thla la much more difficult with the male it i a question of pedigree in order to have a cockerel registered the qualifications are that hi dam and hi rand dam muat each b reel tared and tor the flrat few years hu alro and hi grand aire muat each be approved after 1b27 the aire and grand aire muat alao bo reglaiarod in addition to thla the individual cockerel must poos a rigor ous examination for stamina type and standard quallflcatlona it will be seen therefore that a resutored cock erel tnuat be more thart the offaprlng of a good roothor he- muat have in faui vein the combined blood of at least two generation of registered and good and lator registered sires thla givoa the registered cockerel qualifications that make him extremely vattliple as a breeder f c euori dominion poultry husbandman destroyed by flro on ulut twmlt five id thun the llilriiiii of nwny mul frioit vtnlora day bin umthl uh ic f6c a common adventure neighborhood news- town and country ourlinoton wi111 1h- ho lmm ir nlly hii tiiu iwhi hloh ml ih i ar hi- wlndm inrldon lllind ith the iol only ytriiutai i ah loolcxl uholil lit iiiito ih nrtl imn fomiiik tln on per x ilia uncomfortably out of thn hhe wait rfrnulrriii in her own ixihrlrn r kour b1 r hi xiinliitr noifortnuiire ntoid o tnm on oiik tf ibjfin x lota of rirhi do wyttln nw vm i iorothy irunt wiil fo tin iiimj on traiioo to tliunk miiuiik adainu for he uctlng anil got mi hivllatlon to nl at tho hotel und mi utltinftutll 1i lurd think of thull no wo wont op ik t him of t iumn but lifll know wnr tho numo ifli in thut nut down in from and ufbliiudrd wiinnt ho musnl- lent ami dldnl u look utrulght ui ua whim lie nitilf onrore klvi ivor oh loft 111 ht h ill in da i r n nhh will in im will iioiilll of mi in i 1 tin inlrik if 1 iyn- hli iu thi mafth na mil and ccnuii hdnj lllhl tin v mrl p ill t 11- u oohl ivlll ilng tor ihr lh rhmur ih mr 1 innc bora htll mil oiurnllioo iuki oh im oliiif to got it loiri moro fron fin our thiii lion gmy run anrilu uvliitf over hupjiy day anil at even in if here iloubt itul otcrtml pioiiiihim ill j full of ypurii w ftirwhlln jy it id oat hulls in feeding stuffs in recant years duo urgoly to tho passing df the feeding stuffs act in 1020 much has been accompllahed in proven ting the adulteration of feeding stuffs in circular no 11 oftbe do- rolnlon department of agricultu t he use and place of oat hulls in feeding stuffs is dealt with oat hulls it is staled contajn very little nutritive material and ur exooedlngly dlffloult to digest aod feoda containing a high percentage of hulls have not infre quently been blamed ror ca using in jury and evon death the jteedlng stuffs act is designed to make it possible for every purcbia or of feeding atuffm to know exactly what he la- buying- among other pro visions it required a statement in gradients to accompany eaoh container of commercial feeding stuff or mixed chop offered for aalo any feed of wblch oat hulls from a part ahould show their presence on the label oat hulls arf aometlmes orfored un unmixed product in which c they am invariably pulverised i appear on the market under attrac tive brand names frequently without the labelling required under tho feed ing stuff 9 act when in mixture they occur with more or lea ground oats und paaa am oat chop or without ono or more lngredlvnla ua oo ram ore hi i feeding tuqv in auch coaea their presence muat be atated they r oucur in mill feada either with or without hireeiilng when ths pro- vislona of the act are compiled with the uae of oat hulls in feeding stuffs u quifu legal the important feature la that in- caaea of ausplclon the ser vice of un lnapector ahould be sought protection in directly afforded against the adulteration or feeding stuff either with oat hulls or in any other way by- the fact that under the dlascllon of the dominion seed com- mtasloner inspectors are stationed throughout canada whose duty it is to supervise the sale of ull feeds and to take samplea of such as may aeem auaplclous fur detailed examination in the dominion laboratories iujuod by the director of injbllclty dominion department of agriculture ottawa had symptoms tlllu johnnie ajxed six had heeik to church and had displayed mare than uauul interest in the sermon in which the origin of evo had been dwell n at some length on bin ruturn from aervfee there being gueata at dinner he had also dlalayvd i good daul of tnteroat in the eatables a pec tally the pie and cokes tionio time ufterwarda halng mlaaeit ho wna found ait ting uuletly in u corner with hla hand pressed tightly over his rib and an expression of awful anxiety- on his fuc why what on eurth u the matter t asked hla mother in alarm mamma im ufrald im going to have a wife little johnnie replied k- 7 sylll suaceptible i in was a nervous fidgety younn man und he looked with considerable apprehnnalim ut die woman next him who held a baby its face covered with a thick veil the baby gave now and then i aliurp dry which the womun evidently tried to smpprosa at last after many anxious glanoea the young man apoke i has has that baby any anything contagious ho oaked the woman looked at him with- a mixture of eoorn and pity twoaldnt be for piogt 4outm ah said ntt clear ojurrying toueg but maybe twliulcl fo- you hes teeth- 1 tub faalolfm htkphiznson plow in looking ttvor mm dorumuiitu r lu i lot lo tho iarly lilmory of iijik county tho other day i iiimo ucro tiiim inton htliigpuraurnph of local hi tory a llttlo over tlfiy year ago william ttteplionaou u biothor of anthony und john who llvod in acton for many yoare raiw to acton from knalchbull to talk over 1e advlaa- blllty of removing bis blncksmlthlng bualneas to acton and manufacturing on a largo scale tho hlophonon plow which had come into popularity among local farmer a jmtont for which mr stephenson had secured the reault of overtures made by mr stephenson waa he organisation of anton plow company in 176 the director of tho new company worn sidney smith eli snyder wiltwm stephenson c s smith and mr mo- garvln the company bought from mr sidney smith property a part of which la now itlver street and the northerly end of willow street the corporation lot and water privilege now occupied by thn hydrukloetrlc power plant and tho maun knitting work and the rcndeno of mrs annie johnaon and mlns nelle stepjienaon at largo plow fuctory wau built on tho property arid the resi dence above muntloned was built for mr stephensons home tho stephenson plow wum ii slngli frame plow built on a haw principle and sprung into great favor especially with old country plowmen tho plow ras manufactured in largo quantities nd for a time the company did a barge business the centennial k hi hit ion was hold i philadelphia in 187c und several fine plows of thla new type were plac ed on exhibition und entered for com petition there tho plow took tho first prixo modal over ull other pi own axhlbltod from all parts of tho world thn attention of vlnltora to thla gloat axh lhjllt11 cfillfyl to ui lu4jo- nstructlon and ulroplkity tim itoa- ton journal of commerce of that llmo rofarrod to tho plow n followu acton plow company tho steph enson plow among tho numerous im provements of the day shown ut this centennial exposition thoau upon ag ricultural implement are ttther the 4oaat jngonlou nor the least numer ous und that vonerublo iiml tlm plow now rejoices in u renewal of its youth which malms it moro efllclunt tlmn it over was beforu of course yankuj ingenuity has brought oul somu most valuable jwlnts in ploughmaking but the general consent tarajl to bo that the stephenson plow ahqw by acton plow comiwnyof acton tarlo cunudi wum undoubtedjy the best aa upon enquiry it op poured th cheuieat on uxhlhltlon the company slowol alnglo mul double fmmu plot provided with atowl uindaldea und mouldbourdx in tbuao ploww abure inatuud of bulug tumlo uu uauul with n horkot 1 liiiitiufai turud from u moltd pleco liuving a uhnnk which ontont u uolld wioutflit iron ocksl forguil on tho did of tho atumlurd henco the uhitro will wear lutigur keep firmer in pluto und can bo uld with leoa tryublj than any other hhari made aw tburu la no o kot to inter fere owing lo the extreme simplicity of its conatructlon it can b nimlo of y dealred length width or thlckneau on the land side without ultorlnif tipy other luirt of tho plow und ll oanbr or from land by wlinpty hunt ing the uhunk uml imuidlng it in uny dealred direction without looaeiilnif tiolla or nut or ink itif thn plow upurl tho coullor ifj hindu with u round ahutiki wblcb oiiiibkm ll to bo nit readily in mi j tctuiroi poaltlon ui either to or from 1mm otict nc uluut- ing bjickwiird tho lutltr powllioii hi of grrat udvnntuge n it obviutom tbu choking uj of the plow with woudx or grass wvvda tho plow cull bo rugij- luteil lo run ut uny doslroil iloptb in uny moll by u qcrow plucod ut tho bunl of the plow whloh rulaou or lower tl land able and allows tho plow to tun on tbu whole hoiu plate or bottom even ufter it lum lieou greatly worn thero are other improvnrnutitit npi4- lully rouilooted willi tlio land siilo by which the pryuor udjuatniuiit of u how wo i a pluto in miuuhiii thl cuntf on girln lot 1 1 jilmt n uiri up in thla alloy tho alugo pmjih win- alnmil i tim ing out un ho glilx rmwed thonoi ivoii in thn frojit low of iirloum onbokni outuliin th ilotir und hooh ih- wuti h- odfor heio npioihil no clone thut i hoy might roach out mul touch hlu arm jnaceml of doing no thny dutch- oil ounh otlair with tho oxrltod wlilu- per thoroho hi and ulthouuh bo did not initir tlio in ixxlod limn to whom bo wna tulujnu kjjvii blm u nudgo and inihliil with a riu to- wunl tho low of riiptliroil young furra koi oiih inmtiint ibo glrlu won thrill ed by u gbiuco ffirfli tho liuro hlmaulf i be it with u mlckouliig drop thoy heard blm nilittor ioor litllo fool un im atalked on with hlu roiiipanbin it wum medicine buter but good for tholr inatady that wan the memory in klvan mind mid the ixlltorlul lonnnriit tluit mi ii mi 1 i it wmoifn mliuiiouniv hoc i to- mollioillet cilbrch nrn- arranging n oiifortffluiuoiit to bo held tin ht iutrlrkn night in th arhoolrootn mr hobnrt johnston one of tho iuoit roiprntod nnd heat known re d him of ikirllngton unit illairlct cole nd h dmh blrttutny in bin homa h- hike pihoiii mail inal thurnduys loht numy incldoi lltlf to the ii haw n id hiirllngt of hit all niicdoloa portaln- i in for hov rated o u uh a follow wo are all f laded dudbn win of tbo glrla uitbry ublo un la that tag nploasnhtly hni- up to ogll rlioriu pill ch r silly lugunllllg hpi itinoo gltlm wultlnu u for u pownlliu glutice or word from womo clioup ucto whom thoy in their romantic llttlo have lionized unfortunately this sort of uilveiturn la oxtremely common in both uiunn and it in u notable fact thut thoao gfrla urn by no clualvoly from tho untaught homeless claaaea urrleil dowu- ul wu storage religion day wuh rainy und mm mc lean hal on t itutty und llttlo judith lo the uttln to play a trunk full of old drosses trinket and paper first attracted the chlldrona attention thoy gradually unpacked it utul droosed themaelvos in their inotborm out-of- date finery hut after a whllo till palled on thorn and llatty bvgau t read some of the old lattum in tin bottom of the trunk liuully hik foupd u loltur ot illnmloonl from t ohurcli in tbo middle w t wbon be paronls had llvod aovon yoarn before waving the letter stulrs to her tnottn o mother motbor i found your rallgion upatalrw in u trunk- a look of aadnons canto over hoi mothers faco utt ubo remombared tho happy days that alio und hut liunbumt hod apent on loyal workers in tho llttlo western church whon they came ivajit they hail made frlenda of u dlffeneilt uorl pleaaurnaeoklng mni and women who ignored the churuli uml what it slood for tho mciouiim bad grndunlly drift ed into tho mine wuya hut thn train ing of yenra could not ua oually broken a aocrot feeling tlm well kept gnawing ut the cw bundm no nil ilhro nlurk nlng thla now ufa hud boon vawtly more xcltlng than tbo old life in tho sleepy llttlo won torn town with its narrow utlook und almplo uturdy udhorenca o rellgiouit iilenlu but ohn know it coa shallower mouhur und nioro com monplace and now her own child hud risen up to rhallongo her thlnne 1 aoifl to co nd iimn her fultbloaaiiena that nvonlng aim ami her hualtund had u long talk ho waa alownr to it the mlatuke tbey bud made hui ut last he came to tho conclufon tliut his wife wan right right ho far a tholr own uvea worn concerned right in u doepcr kenan whon he coualdorod how thoy had boon nturvlng their chl droum rollgloiim nuturom tiio m lrfsutih liogun o go to churcli ugaln tho follnwltig humlity thn llew life wum hot hll tixilillllg aw thut tbey had boon llvfug but it wu iminnnely moro lowurding tho old lnuul iduulx boguti lo loom upon tb horixon of their llvi ugiihi like moun tain imuk cllmhinir out of the mlmtn tlelr roiiwaloncom aurfiiud to duty and the luiior puuct ibjit tlioy huil long lo ciiiii buck htaid a soiimo of right living that plouaure- heeklng cannot give n i 1riilt hau iiimlirrtod bbi if tho llniillxt cliurchcii of i icuiilakllbil to in i opt tbo liillihunr krln und llol- lfountuln r th logutur monthly mooting of tbo holfountalii and hoikaldo omollh liihiituto wan hold on friday ut tbo home of mm hrown mr tletouutalii mr i i mlindoll und mr r wright uru making fairly good pro groan on tbo new houmo which mr mundoll com- miioccil to build hint full thompmon of hkiilooii hank loturiioil llom lust week after initlug with hla brother mr henry hiimpmon orton the uidviv aid df liunim churcb pntrlrku tea on rockwooo r uiiil mih t ui iititoiini r dmiiiht r i hoi v iu ii isulhv krln to hi wo i hott utcagomiii hoi- villi join d a of mr lownnhlii t quietly thl mm w dunlin vbilled mn ngotnuu iiim muntj on mul- won lout i lain week mid miv n ju mou a wuteoi ok ape i lt thn w litkhlmiqiiih willi oinlph hoiiplltil toi lonllia ih in rrltknl mr ooorgi ll mllne f n has boon apitoluiod iigm of the ml bin ni llullwaj lioro miialed y ilr a t hiiilro hrli h inmlltoti blghwa miiiullit iiplnt a few da in cimllloul with tile high y super- a i cllol lilt ik cl oljlldren poal olt mr th uroiind thla o frlnnilii plemiiil ti wll luuf m vlnltod hen n nliout a lamir thiik woy ln- ll lait woek alfred wlltno liblfmnlliur fuio mr wuttiqii lire hbi injifovi milton tho tin wllllntn doble i ibo i v cllhi f tot milton ho n j ilkokuo w tho uuncll alu- olocto taken to thn pltnl innt week owing it whb h oi curred an the in hlolkbriilliig fewn the bill thwy olllftd willi und throwing lier to thi won injured talbot f ornlnger aim mi iitmetiio nt too yearn mo foi two moiithu vliiil- lug hht filoiulit lioro hint i turned to liu homo jn alberta thn annual meeting of tile itock- ood junior knrmera orgn id in fair ntatlon nditnr f tho tlm me orgauluitlon wum ii g wuh jiddrvnn hpeiktoy of tho q ii guvo an intontnt uk of thu orgiinlsa mn ilr la mu 1 ha 17 illto mi jui toronto juuu ilgrc nuw her butilw mrs ii w hulf tho into hiirnh vnlku toronto on tuoadny of hint week thnroui to bo n mooting bold in tho town ball ki in- toiuy thur- ihiy fm tin pijiowo of organizing an utu cr mr lhuion of th 111iiiliuoiit of agilcultum ottawa mid mr ciomoiih agricultural itepre- noiitatlvo of attjiur will bo printout innl iihlioki the mooting heal omtute baa uguill chmitfoil liuiulh in hiluburg mo donalil- hoii mul mcmillan liuvi uobl tbo ball to mcioirx awrey und nlxou who intend putting many tnoted improvo- meiith on it in tbo nour future mf und mia hugh mcmillan und mr mid mr cluroncn mcmimuii and children loft illllahurg luat wok for tholr homo in scotaguurd hunk uffnr npoiidlng the wjit with frloniln in thla vicinity tho mlnutiol show tut on in tliu town hull bore on ithlni evening by culoiloit mlimtrol club mi dor tho iplcoti of the krln iirroaso cl wnn griotod with n full hoimo a enjoyed the mualc wit und bu uu j ok on throughout the programme which brought forth prolonged ap pluuau thq cofforii of both clubs ur much fattened by the splendid receipt advocate georqetown mr h kirk uttumlcd the canadlun kloiliitm nxuettivo iiiiiotiug nt v ot- tuwu luat wiok mlmi imi tut icuiiiudy of acton oputit tlm weak und with her friend mi un muiy vannattur moimra liwln ooldhum have in- dtullnd u now uptoilutu rofrlgerutur plant muulu- olnnu ltyait picktid u panay in full b loo tn in hlu uuntu gurdeii on tuoailuy afternoon of laut weak mrx it it duihanun had tbo ulls- fortiino to fall on hr floor aat woa- nnd fructuio hi r right arm at tlm ihtt utinual ii of won jlay liwit with tondnuo a tboi tlmi i pax ed uu looting of tbo locul jil wum hold on tuoa- t good roprcaontutivo tvholutlun of protest plobucllo i prohlhl nlmo ajy f njiy jh1 lbwlrfbtmrttnii e prenth hlllmor hultona m- p p iclectlnu of otflcojh ruaulted uu follow presi dent mlwa duyfool vlfopreajdetitn mrn 11 p luwaon inifl mr mut- tbuw coiroapouding secrotury mini hottlo luwuon uncording uocrotut piotom mlmi aoorgluil young tmusuioi mis ii ii minima chief juckaun huw boon uppolntud iiumlujaiit collector of water rates for u you i lvj4 juniou miller htih boon uppolntod reakir of tbo ullveruiruk icmorvoli u aiilaiy of 11u fur tbo yum 1dj4 whon the cmivamh fur inumlhirw in tbu ilortlcultorul koclety im in pio- greiiri thlri apiltlg -heel- tilt dlfeclom in tholr offorlu become i mutubef and mciiru your llckot tbo iiiiuual nioetlng of tho oronfell m union wuu hold ut tbu homo of mm ii p luvvhoii u tuimdiiy iiftirnooii who n ti following ollltortt wore loctud pronhtunt miw uwmni vlce- pruabloutf mra johnaton ijxocutlvo mrtj it w kennedy mr liiner tboiniiuun mra 01 ivor mckny mm ur wiituou mlaa duyfoot tbo hlinual tint und mhowot- will bo imbv in tbu public miliary on anill ifi iiraii i by c ouoph who u ing talk on tbo woik onii oru foi then olocted an foil percy peavoy vlroproaidniit kal lludd mr john llhbonn hoc rotary of dm kockwood agrbitilturul hodot iuih junt reiiivol tbo lint of uwtinlm in tlio omhiuod htundiiig held i rop und thiohhcd griiln oinpoiltlon in kru- moioi towtihlilp for id 23 tho total flold iiixl bin hioroti imuliuihhi unv 100 jiolntf nidi thn total inorm hnliur hunil on fill of tbo hold ucoro otituln- ka inn hi of tht hln nioro tbo awmdii mo uu foltowu llimtioi oat 1 aicb mcnubb iixktood j jon cuban itookwooi 3 t i llutchlnnon hoi kwood 4 hitmi mcfmi rnrkwooil fi jnaoph kiovi hookwood ii it it itudd and hon korkwood while all tlm iiimx wlnnora uro tu bo congratulalod on the hlgli wtaml- iiidh attained mr joaoph htovel do- horvoa kkclal niontloii on bin record bin ucoro of d7 point mr joaoph oahun bun hmhmmi aocnnd pli tlirou yearn in auccdanlon ilia aamplo thla year tented 101 per cent gormln ntlon in g duya and weighed m- ll to tbo bunlial the ilrnt prun bum pi i loo wolghod 38 ti ii per buabel mr arch mcniihh ulno haw a lecord nf tw flralh hi three yearn with auch mtmplnd as tlio ubovo this locality nhould bo u ujlondld pluco hi which to unc uro high grnda rcmolutlun rofiihlug to gianl wntor- worka prlvllegoa in any poraoit oolnli tho own limits horeaftor mi iiiiui king of hiruh i 111 i ho home of hln hoii hiro or i i- king tloorgo nillnit who lum hoi noil ounly iii ut iiim homo on mill mioot hun locovred wlltlh leiitly to ho uhe lo rominiu work rod dlturan 11111 nolil hi hrk dwelling on woimlwutd avmiiio hoie to archibald mcklnnon of iiuhurir wbo got umoulon on may t thn annual ht putrlcka llaxam under the uuiqilrow of knox chun ii ijkiih aid will be hold in tho nchool room of the church ivlduy mnrcli 1j ill rognril to liliulriom lo tu howoi ngii proponltlon for tho town ilorhtund the question will at tunt date bo huhmltted to the fur their approval hoborl pnlny of milton who has ro turned from u visit to hla old home in icugluhd tlilnkn cnnuilu la about tho lucklfut country of i ho lot at tbv prijioiit htago of tin worlda affair mlllb en t oilly tlio 13yoarolt daughter of wllllum and mrs ollhoy of prlnco street undoiwont 11 hoiiou oparatloii in tho hamilton flonerul hospital a few duyn ago und i milk ing progro luwaidq xccovary mr leorgn cowling wiio hua i10111 on a trip to texua roturnod homo monday evening t li brought homo aomo grape fruit grown down tlmro whlch wltb hla churftoterlatln gener- oalty hokmi been dividing up with hl friend in town about two wookv ugo mua mubol i iumn loft hero for tumpu florida for tho benefit of llor heal iii btlt shortly after roaclilng them ho wan taken very iii a very critical opera tion follownd but aplnu moiiingitia laphlly developed und alio tuiaaod away early monday morning duron- i od wua tlio younger duugbtei of mr i uml mr wm hume murtlu htroet tintt u graduate mirae ilor body will lie brought to milton for interment j to former a yankee idea clearing tiuil nun hliury 1 auction sale l lege ut an to n lie pi ow llll i mil ntrol ah lo iikuu 1 iih ollno ii will mul forth llliclli lev l town lloll uilluut the nlgn luato iimilv the un tor hiii1od nut in iurth hark not ir plow in hi chin oil ground hind llko a ond jif tho altair hlla low whlli fiont drop rwrn ahlfln nil iho mold whi8tlerian malice whlatlei ulwaj of fun wild him itodouilah hi hln motnori n und tin light nd iu lilld li in inly 1 ulno 11 day whlntlor 111 tho old h i for fomt whllo ho d spjrlt mill the lto iir i lodiitly puhliohod incident jut fid- ntliiu bin loidahlpm hiin to my grout iuso in which id u to allow decora th w tin t tito street hl mo ly he could w godwin und it waa not lonr oiled over tho work 1 of which whlhtloi bo fiihortcil iu th engraved wiul the ord build tho 11 that built it built thl stupidity ton bolng til uouhefoucailld prntoctu uu od by 11 clover main it in not what you loao but whin you iulvo dully to boar that bi hard thackeray feels ten years younger mr- sagtj getu great benefit from treco and ieconunends it to anyone who is suffering from stomach troubles hardly negotiable lorim huvo boon told of butto uu und vurloua uxtranooua aub- noa found in conrlhutlonhoi but it la hohtom that 11 churchmt striken 11 blow no uoviro uu that dellvoiud by amua hud it of 1 tervlllo on ono occaaiou it wum ut tlio uloao of u mtaalouury rmon thut mr itudd wlioae wont it whm to contribute ten cent to ui the churitlow to thn support whloh the church subscribed was m to take a blue allp from hla pockot und look ut it keenly und affectionately when after a ullght but evident hoaltutlon ho dropped the atlp care fully folded into the box deacon lane who wruf passlntf it could hard ly refrain from an exclamation of joy tho lord will bloaa you urothot uudd he aald whon tho sermon wiu over hurrying down the aisle to over take thu proa porous grocer i hope ao returned mr- liudd dryly but im afraid you cullatu on that- being u cheque that i dropped in the box it wont twojt a ro- celptod bill for jierosono the church owod me last year and it had boon overlooked of course its joat tho aomo ua money though whon you cumo to thul the local forecast mr pluherty aurveyed ho clear sky with a frovn itll sure be raining to day ho announced gloomily what makes you ay that uokod hla friend uocauao mitld mr iialnrty ive notlcv thut whinll dont uxpect it to ruin ut all thats tlio tlmu t iloow un nolmdy could bo ox pectin g le today wjd aaky llko that tukui gems of thought it iu not triio thut iiijuullty it u law f nature nutun bua im imjuullty im aowruign law in nubordiniitlou und depondriico vuuvouuigima vltato 0 t tho kn tb jtraponalbllitioh g uuiaou who tun mb puwur rlowa to the jiow ilubliuril ciiwurda dto many duatli tie vullmit hi but once hhakeapo no villluu neud bo puaaion uph tin plot wo mo hetruyod by thi bloh i within bourne murodltbn oakville woll thut all hotiiulm gio doesnt it 7 hut leiuciubor that vum in ally fifty yearn ago and ulu und uluckl the stophuiihon plow 1 omlroly till- known to tlio present genorutlou u one of thutu la to bo aeoii now uny- where unloaa it bu in aoino fotuo nui of the old farm which bus hi- maliiod in the family during tho hulf tury not one of thn ill root or n left tlwiugb a fow of us cun remein- tier whon they were ull with ua the 11000000 of stuck put into the com- paiiy vanished in u few year iku the winter snow und not one of tbo shareholder over tocovod u dollar of latancat or pi hiclpul tililraa perhup wua thu liivoiilin- hltnaoir ieoplu got tlrod of thu iiuwrunitlml plow in it very hurt time und ukpouacw t 1 11 trtvlurtluii uml aulw hto up pniftta if uny and ovuiltuully all ho capital mr stephenson wont to thu northwest and for year worked upon a power plow which uaod straw for fuel eventually he invented an outfltwhlah won favor on large farms for a while tho imt vestige of jie old ac tun 1 plow company plant dloappoaxod when tlipmaa ubbagos planlntf mil j whloh bad bsawi built alongside was touia urn the hitolyvulvua of tliu huurl when too much pruaauro la laid on it alboi it hutlth solmeru looksd ut ua thoy ought tu bo uro to tbu world uu poppu4 to co hold douglaa jerrold it la but u pour olotluvhci only abowa that the 11 1 rutin tut sir joshua ltcynakiu wo nhould not kak who la learned but who im tbo ho i montulgno why it stopped the dear old ludy went up ibi xlcab driver unit told blip to drlv her to the lirltiuh muum itlghiho muih replied tii man jump i11i hut the old lady atood inn gtuuud not in hi youvo ntuitod tlut n- gliie aho auld thu driver got down from hla nout and ntut tod tho uugiiiw 1th half a turn o thu crank proceeding up a f teop hill tho en gine suddenly slacked off and then stopped dead the old lady put her haad out of the window and with a knowing smile aald to tho driver ah driver i uuiugut you dldnl wind it up maainttiamlwmfn mrs white houiiukeiipur foi iu h oullodgu slipped and foil on the stulr- wuy 011 tuoaday and hiau bur ij junt iibovu tho right unklti uladya jones morgan will whig in thu methodist church un tiiuraiav ovoiiing apill 10 mr umun uunletto hmltb of iluf- fulo iu vultlng ida loualu mr w ii hniltli of town mr j p modermotl who wonl to laih angola cul for tbu baiiottt of b houlih wrltoa homo unit lie b tunui- nttliu very much by thu change complaint hnyo boun made tu hu otr uunuurnliig duck shooting on li iuku thla lajiguliiat tht luw u ducki a out of auuuon und it will bi lutbrr ally for tbo poiaoiiu if cuught mr a alliloraiin of tbo oakvihe dairy lust wouk ruuolvud u gush on the back of blu loft liumt frotil ii bu ruling milk bottle uuo n novorud uitury six tltiho wore rogulmd in druw tho wound togelhur mr w 11 wyndbum pilticlpal of tho oukvlllo high sdiool who rncuiltly uiidurwotit a sorloua nporuttnii ut wol- lealoy ilobpltul toronto bud aunv cloiilly tveovorvd to be ublo lo return bom on hutuiduy a dog show wua boldln toronto on thuraduy luat mr j a mtudowa of oukvlllo won tbioi hpoolul ii ixea with hefty amu tbu prlaoa wmo u brunan uiinlul for beat liullitog in the irihow silver spoon for bt puppy ot aiovluv and bund pafutad ton pot fur tho boat pup in show of ull brood fur aevurul duyn the daburmun of ilrooto havu been working hard to cit u chuniiul through thn co bunk which foronol tiiron tho mouth of tho i ivor during the lacrtlt atorm on momluy thoy aiicuuedod in luuiiuliing two 01 tbioo boota belunglng to mrnaia limy utul jojoo who thun prooeodwil out 011 the hike to sol liotd fur the ill hi time in u long whllo on monday movumbui ju ltu the rlrl luiik was laid 011 thu was of thu new masonlu tom pie by uro w a deane s3 degree k t a a o k it s the work has progressed very i favorably since tho above date consid ering tho lnolomauoy f the woathar and on friday luat thu lost brick was laid on thu outer wall thla wouk willj am tho ntut f msr i can hutdly icullxo that i 1111 tho miuj ifluiiloji miva hu cf- jj itatuvlu avonilti toronto i fool ton yoirn niingoriind enjoy overy in oul moinuthlng tbul bun boot im- pounibln with too for yunrw wuh cbioulcully cotihtlputed uli 1 my stomach wan out of onlor feeling full of gun and nauaoatoil i would hllrf i- fiom blllollii altackf which would often cuumi inu to go tu bod und ill kit y spellu would coiun over mo i wuti yory iioioum and never felt rent ed uml u uly tldm coiiipticatlon of troubt n wua making lifo u mlaory i wuh told ubout dian by homo of ml ft ioihih who hud rocolved great bunellta from it and from tbo very til ut wnnku ttuatmetit i begun lo no- tlcu c oinddorablo imiirovoinont the hmiullchi rouultu i obtained fiom junt tin o bottle really htnpiljl tin- fifr im frclhig urn nil lliene ilaya the ahiiip liioiliiiutic puliin which wuo lictoaa my buck und through my bodv huvo entirely illaupiumod mid i huvo no nun o gnati lo troulilon or bllloun iktiickn whllo tho dioco luxutlvu tub- lot w uro tbo lnnt thing i wui- tiled for coimtlpjitlou i cullllut piuliic dioco enough tbuio in ihirdly u duy pmn hut want j tell aomo ono ulwiut it i recom mend dreco boiirtily to miyoip hav ing mtoiiitub tioublou droco la inulo from tboaiuio julcea of herba tootn bulk anil loavk ji ontuinn no iiioictny potmih or hub it foitiilug di in- j utul iu alwiiix uufo mid lollablo drmoo la balnu apaolally introduced in acton by a t- drown and is aald by a good druoulat everywhor the retort practical aioiicliolou tho moat diatliigulabed uchor of the pianoforte of hln tlnvi is particularly proud of hla utuccuto lplotd ottedajr wlianulntiuihtif j lerlcun pupil hud boon uhuauul- ly heavy tho muaiuluu tor noil upon him if the key of thn plfl ho were rnd- t poker ho uald you would hover tnlnk of allowing your fin gern to real them i guuaa tho american 1 epllfd j- dryly if they were redhot wkern i ahould nht touch them ut all od fiixtwln whmler mm ending to uiiil o dlaupponr- liod i uu und 1hhx ml hla widow a qualm rtlutlc- feud extra money aafen of iha ftnir who will imm 1 wo been a 4p cmi balp brouxb ibia caort of moeay par- lod with tmtlaabmto and bnd- 1 i bm bad lnulovr run pti0 mni ha proyaa lbl lhara 1 sot axwanr la poaunr i 7 j uuutaayouwrllmoeh oar 191 ineabsior ad poultry ueuacm bttoti- ftillr tiatni4 with ealoer pulm frbk lioes htwerimuwr imctlh bwa-mjlawa- loo ha casasnr ccaia stareetar fraufht paid lo roar brat rh auuioa ht ffl g3y acebafef pest icfcyeea os auction sai iv tin township op efw valuable farm homestead tbo undersigned iao recclvod in htrilctiotm trom thn exocutors of tho late stewart mccutcheon to sell by imihllo auction aubjoct a roervn bid at the winter pair dujidlilgh guetpli on saturday march ib 1024 at 1130 a m till homchtead of tho la to htuwart mccutcbaon altuutod on tlio third line of erin ubout g mlloa from acton jv4 mllea frorn oaprlnge con taining lfo ucrea mon or iras tho hundred iicrtn being the wosc hfllf of lot 9 in tbo 4th concession and tlm ftftv uoroh teiug tuirt of the cast holf of iot 0 in tho 3rd concoaaion thla farm in u level clay loam woll watered by a never falling uprlng 1 rook alao goml well with windmill with water plpod to houha and barn tbonla i1c iirrou under cultivation bulunuo lmsture and timber thorn in 3tt no run ucodpd down pull plow ing nearly all done on the farm la erected u good two- atorey olghtroomod house with buck kitchen woodhbod und garage u good laru goxlio driving uhod 3ox4o with ntono pig pnn bonnuth thin ahould bo very doalruble furm fur mixed farming bolng rountod ua oiio of tbo bout in thn township und goijil ill thoi ln rmyijj farm btock implements furniture etc r den hodbb mil hy ruhlld aixllon at hit ihliii r iuiionlng bn tuesday maqch 1b 1024 din k ahurji tlio following hihik 3yeuroid goldlnr xokm u hfirnoh i 10yearold gold- ing hrokeit to harnona 1 mum broken to luii rti ciiwhi red durham cow u ytara frnuhotiod i roan cow c yearn due april v i tfolatoln cuw 7 years due april ih 1 loan now 9 cura dun may 1c i ttaik low 8 yours duo tniy 1 hoihioih row h ynurn duo july 27 1 joraoy w m ynurn freshened 1 jomoy iow fi yrarn duo moy 1 heifer 2 yearn 3 ful ntoirn 3 years 1 joiy holfor i jour old 4 yearlings i calf 2 ntioycatold atoors i two- yourold holfor bred piuk 1 yorkshire ow duo anrit i brood now yorkshire dim lust of march 1 ntrulglil york now duo 1 tlliio if nalc iourthv fio inmrf plymouth 10ck a plymouth itotk roimtom flllain and hay ouaittlty of hoy und grain impmmkntkl 1 ulllvutor frot a wobil binder i mower maaaoy- ilurrla i now dlac drill 1 net of burrow i floury plow 1 nod plow 1 wagon i sot of alelgha 1 fanning mill i buggy i buggy polo line coakshutt drill pimnitinte ait turn 1 an sfn crrjim a niuiu ifaitnkhhj not und o muteholii furnl- niul lorordr t no tuilmh- ovor that u ruriilahlpg off for en r- j kerr c o plank clerk lbd uiuior rush montiia credit on i joint notoa 6 auctioneer phono 3fl acton clearing auction sale in ichamoha townhhii farm btock implements etc the unilornlgneil luia looolyud in- mtructloini from geo e mack lo nell by public auction ut hi farm ion 1 mile nbov mall und telephone at tlm door tihmh 10 put- cunt of purchase prion on duy of aula 30 per cgiit when pomieuiilon iu given and jim hulancn 1 lef 011 it mortgagu for c yuarw at ft pn cont lor further partlculam upply to david a mccutcheon oaprlnge p o ont- roy vllndley auctioneer krln phone altuutod on the 7th line ever ton on friday march 14 1024 ut one oclock uhani tho following hoiiaete liny mure rlalng o years general purpose buy mare rising 10 yoarti gonurat purpose thla fa a well matched team and good jn ull har- nesa jlluck clyde gelding rlalng ii years buy clyde guiding rlalng 10 yennt brown porcheron colt rising 1 year 4uius 1uucd poilkd angus cattlb victoria of krln no ubix calf ut foot hatna hoauty filh no 12831 calf ut foot allio of aberdeen no 22014 cajf at foot bunny hjii kloronco no 1c421 duu in aprll theau aro extra good angus cows and their calves have boon winners at the roy a i chicago and cuelph heifer calf 10 months old eligible for regis tration thla la a real enow ealf 3 holfor calves 6 montha old eligible for registration uhaprc cattlk- red cow fresh with calf ut foot jersey cow milking well bred decern bo r 2ti white cow well forward in calf black and white cow in full flow of milk pigs york eowduo april 17 york uow iltie may 39 id choice chunks hiiukp and poultry u extra good grade oxford owes uppoeed to be in lamb 3c hen implements massey harrui binder d foot out masany- harris mower 8 foot out masseyharrla 13- hoo sited drlllcomblriod coulter hi ilt 12 tooth cultivator steel horse- rnku itoury 13 foot harrow crown two furrow plow no 7 tolton plow lumbof wagon set of bobsleighs tap buagy ibiln combination bay or stock ruck cutter open buggy these ira- plamontn with ono or two exceptions uro all nearly now whoelbarrow atnnoboat i vi yurd gravel box grain bngp forks hoes nhiael chains etc haiine88- 1 aet of team hurnosa with breeclilng 1 sot plow harness 1 4 blawke 1iouhchold ebkects delaval uirutor tu good repair rod star uahlng ma oh inc now dalay churn a ijiiiiiitlty of hay and grain positively ra raaerve as the farm is rented teltms 110o0 g under cash over that uniount 13 months credit on upprovod joint notoa off for cash poulty hay grain cumii roy hindley auctioneer erin phono il il no 3 aoton taulsssac ml ml ml mfmtmimtmi vi 11 ml ml 11 vi ml it m ml ml it ml ferrt sj balmo vor hyrua cut lluii lioli lcomu hl i amj or oulaa iluu wiimkikul lall riiliillum ono touch of lialmo maka you and it kin al all itnihblhtm m- m imld upon raeolii or prloo 36o lju2lallkd only uy veritas supply co dunloe road toronto if you sent a postcard to each subscriber of the free press it would cost you over 3000 for postage alone without any allowance for the cost of printing your message and ad dressing the cards the same amount of money spent in the free press at 200 a week i would enable you totell a liffereiumes- sage every week for 15 weeks and there is very little trouble for you ah you have to do is bring in the copy for the advertisements and the free press does the rest if vou have a bigger story to tell use a bigger space but the free press by display endeavors to make every advertisement large or small bring results theres no cheaper or more cf- fective way of reaching the people of this district there never was a time when adver tising was more closely read than now phone llj or i wand weube glad to give any further information desired i iti the actonhfree press

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