Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 13, 1924, p. 4

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1 the home or ip artntt 3 vet jlrrfls ltd town wu1u oi ontario uuiulrm mill mrrt ac i on on i flu tu anhatilpiioo pike i oo i iu in tilvtsci poatag t rht illtidnal io uacci 1n lb uelted siaicn tin dale la which aubacrlptloaa tn paid fa ladiair1 tbs tdduti ubal aiweutiiim katestranilrat adwtla- midli ig ccnia nf ilea asata nhtuii or aral iniertioe and j tenia per unajtor ch aba jucnt in tr t ion contract ditpla advertise- taenia lor ja in t hit a w roof par annum i carats pr inch each inwrlioc adartiacnt with out apclfic directions will b inserted oil forbid and charged accordingly preside lfncr and asalatant cyiitor telephones- edilqiui and bttaloaaa onn lualdcnca of ivwm bandltiy dcscrveu no clemency banditry should bo learning sonic wholesome lcs- ions tlieio days and fellows who have been itching io get into the somewhat strcnuoqs style of making a living should ponder the itching of a hemp rope nclktic a htueiatcr with a better plan of trapping the scurrying thief and murderer who prostitutes the motor car the nervy gents will learn that the way of the transgressor is hurd no leniency is deserved on the part of ho cljccky gents who stoul honest wort brussels post thursday morning march j3 1024 editorial the liberal leader stands for a fair deal it is well known that the liberal party in ontario stands strongly in favor of the ontario temperance act mr sinclair the liberal leader of the provin cial house in a debate last week said the o t a may have its defects and may be hard to enforce but the rcsponsibdity for a vote rests with the gov ernment it refuses to submit the law to the judg ment of the people it proposes an academic vote thiq is a direct breach of faith with the people if there is o vote it should be on the repeal of the act and a suggestion of what shall take it place it wil no doubt bo found if any reasonable steps are rttkciutp ascertain jhe fact thatthe large majority editorial notes if the churches arc listened to there will bcno t a referendum for some time church courts r all denominations arc going on record as strongly opposed to a referendum at present colonel john curric wants sane liquor laws in ontario that will attract u s tourist traffic if the only attraction ontario has for u s tourists is its liquor wo ara better off without them renfrew mercury when somebody tells you rfwtthey can double your moncyfor you if you will trust it to their care itts a good timo to remember that when you fold yoiir own bills you arc in a much better position to keep your eyo on them shelburnc fconomist tho senate last week made proposals to reform the house of commons then adjourned and an nounced that its sessions would stand adjourned tor three weeks the senate is evidently anxious effect reform quickly of the people of ontario will expect and demand of the government if either a referendum or a pleb iscite is seriously suggested that the vote be upon a concrete and easily understandable question of re peal with a definite proposal of what shall substitute the present act in case of repeal- better engusb the ontario department of agriculture has just issued a sixteenpage bulletin calculated to assist young people in acquiring better english which con- tains a wealth of invaluable suggestion and instruc- 1 tion prof o j stevenson m a d pbaed pro fessor of english is tho author of the splendid treatise so full of suggestions for selfimprovement the courses of study in public and high schools aim at giving the boy and girl a command of good english and a taste for helpful reading but there are many young people specially among those liv- living in rural communities who were unable to com- plete oven their public school course or who for various other reasons failed to acquire an adequate training jn english by drawing their attention tfl some of the more common errors in every da speech and by giving suggestions as to good books good music and good pictures and directions as to busi ness procedures letter writing preparation of papers and reports much is accomplished which will be found of real service to those who desire to im prove their english in the suggestive outlines given so clearly and impressively in the pages of this bujicun much may be accomplished by those who study them in the way of selfimprovement the two registry office clerks who stole monoy to bet on the races go to the penitentiary one for three and the other for hve years the chief criminals the tempters are still at large and in a position to prepare more young men for the penitentiary globe yes theyre licensed by tho government for flcoruddcjhtiuu tu uinthiuc iu prepbretnorrryonng jnen for the penitentiary tne course of true reform numerous abuses in public life have from time to time been exposed and many men and women have engaged in the battle against them not all the sincere reformers give convincing evidence that re form must follow the adoption of he measurestthey advocate the routing of great public evils is usual ly accomplished by many persons working together or by a few persons who labor raticntly for many years single sudden acts of lcgijatlon the election of a reform candidate the dctai of one group of corrupt men none of these is sufficient to solve permanently any of the great difficulties converse ly tho defeat of a reformacandidate here and there need not bring despair to honest hearts for the failure of a single campaign does not mean defeat of the forces for good they go on slowly persistently and in tho end mount above tho forces of darkness slavery was not abolished by abolitionists nor by a stroke of lincolns pen the emancipation procla- amotion merely marked the- moment when the nation had outgrown an evil great leaders and great deeds stand out deservedly in the story of the worlds im provement but it is the uniqn of humble followers the aggregate of undistinguished deeds which has accomplished reform every citizen who does his best is a living part of every real reform movement even if he does not realize his participation he helps right ucting and right thinking to triumph he is like tho stoker in tho deaths of tho manofwar who does not witness the striking of the enemys colors but by doing his work well has contributed his share to the victory and tho history of previous great reforms is the history in many respects of the great temperunce movement leaders there have beejjvjuom time to time but in every successive step and tho attendant campm if has been tho united effort of hum bio followers which has really accom plished the advances toward ultimate bonedry pro hibition the prospects are that within a few months a hcrcujean effort will be made to overthrow the ontario temperance act which has proven so effective in the curtailment of the consumption of intoxicating liquor it will require cvory right- thinking citizen of this fair province to do his and her best by right thinking and right acting to hold tho advanced position ntjw occupied and return thli as a base for the still better position so dovootjy desired fotnl prohibition qf the manufjfictqte trant- 1 i porution and sale of intoxicating liquor for another weekly paper has discontinued publica tion on tho first of march h b elliott for thirty- ave years the publisher of the wingham times sold the paper to john joynt m p the paper was at once turned over to a g smith publisher of the advance which appeared last week as the advance- times the minister of labor of the british parliament has accepted tho principle underlying the motion call ing on the government to proceed without delay with the bill that was introduced in the house by the lloyd george government in 1910 constituting a commission to enquire into the question of legal minimum rates of wages in a convention in toronto lastweck w f har rison secretary of the magazine publishers associa tion of canada stated emphatically that the public tion of canada are on as high a plane as any pub hshed in the world our own native magazines and newspapers contain as clean and healthy matter as one could desire and their influence is good l doubts are sometimes expressed as to how tho vote will go on an o t a referendum in tho province there should be no doubt there will be a mighty vote in ontario against interference with the ontarib temperance act provided the people aro aroused to the danger and are made acquainted with the insidious propaganda of the liquor forces almonte gazette the effort to reduce cruelty to animals is b gradually reduced to a minimum killing cattle by electricity in the large packing houses is now becom ing a reality the cudahy company of omaha will replace the present system of clubbing animals over the head with electrical devises in a few days the new plan will not only redco pain to the animal to tho minimum but will reduce tho operating costs the owen sound presbytery comprising forty- one congregations at its meeting last week passed a resolution unanimously calling upon the provincial government to allow the ontario temperance act further trial and in the meantime to select a com mittee of the house tq enquire into tho advisability of another referendum this latter step should surely be taken before any vote on a referendum is sub mitted a license fee of 1 on every gun owned in the province was recommended by a deputation from tho ontario hunters game and fish protective as sociation which appeared before tho standing com mittee on fish and game in tho parliament buildings last week this it is claimed would make the work of the game wardens much more effective and would bring in an annual revenue to ilio province of approximately 75000 uncle jacods oosa kneaking of independent folk haiu a mo dray thero was old undo jacali dill that a llvil with a spell wltan i was a boy ho and his wife woro along in years and their daugh ter and per husband had taken tho farm and agreed to provide for the old couple aa ion aa they uvea undo jacob wpj independently well off but in would have been independent any way he used to mako hit brags that ho wo lila own boa one winter afternoon flyman tor- ny tho aonlnlaw camn home from tho atom without remembering one of hie orruniln to net a plus of tobacco oi undo jacob mebbe it would have livon more on hla mind if he had used the weed hlmseir uut he didnt he wtymys aald that tobacco was injurious to he health though he know better limn to object to unci jacobs ualna it in faot ha wuritod to go back io ihu mlortt becauau the old gentleman wait all out uut it waa a threemllu trip end undo jacob wouldnt hear to it uut all the afternoon he kept grow ing more and mora fldgety and by night he waa about the crabbedoat plnoo man i ovel aaw at upper ho only jumi picked at iia victual and when it waa over he aaked aunt llelty for her hoaxa then he lit the lantern and went out into the woodshed and woman curlonlty in the html of aunt hetty tipixcd uut after hi in 1retty toon ahe came- back halt inushlng bqt till looklrur kind orry t been watching father through crack in the door aaya ahe what do you alippoae he la up tot well aaya ehe he a gone and out the lining out of the- pocket where he al waya carrlae hla tobacco and now he la netting there on the oawhorae chewing of it i dont believe i getting much oatlof action though kid uy and by the old ganueman came back and went olid looked out of the window ive half a mind to ate ovei to- lumieyi a minute aaya he why father you cant go out euch a night aa thu aald hla daughter lucy ann for it waa rood half mllo to our nelshbjr itamaeya and it waa coming on to enow 1 d nke to know why i cant aaya uncle jacob dont you go tu giving order to me aaya ha and he bundled right up and started wo knew hed gone to borrow to bacco but lucy ann allowed he might nal cat 11 for llamsey had apeela oi leaving- off time daaaod and uncle jacob didnt borne back and we got downright scared finally lymiin put the horse into the pung and started after him ing ma along to bold the lantern we found that be bad been to ramseys but didnt get what he waa altar and we kept on without aeelng hide or hair of him tlu wa got dear to mellena store there we found htm just pay ing for hla plug of tobacco by that time it waa snowing and drifting like great gun now father aaya ly as cheerful aa he could ust hop into the pung and well- aaa about getting home you just tend to whatever bual neaa brought you bere aaya the old man and ill look out for myself that he started off on foot and wa had nothing to do but follow so we went along in a kind of pro- ceaajon old gentleman ahead stag gering thnough the drifts lyman and i bringing up the rear in the pung and lyman pleading every few min utes now father it doea almost seem aa if you had better get in and tide wo got home at laat and after un- hurneaaing we went in and oat down by the fireplace to thaw out no ono seemed colled on to talk but finally uncle jacob took out hla plug of to bacco and 1 noticed that he hadnt bit anything off from it first thing wo knew he had given it a toss into tho fire than he got up and wound the clock and went to bed woll the old gentleman never once touched the weed again ive quit tobacco he wquld tell people- i did leave off count of any of lytnana opinions uut when i got an inkling that it waa setting up to be my boas thinks 1 its time for us to part company m krotn the day a mitrcu iolo travel hi lui un oducatlva and pnec a year on icurope la considered rtnlahlng course for american youth whon afford it but it is not perceived that lltirndotus and bant i recognized ivlluing nxpnrl- io tuntlnoftt of he heat pnnnlhlit kiigltah parents can xi no rfitno illy tiiil uluuble nee la steadily golds uit in thu coiftttry by virtue of thi lturhaiiua of visitors between north ami mouth and east and west it is a commonplace that tho united htates presents great diversity of nil- mate und that it has been peopled from many different nations of widely varying habits of ufa und thought huch u diversity of lumunls united in ono national entity would ho a grout source of waakneas woro it not fur tht constant travel for whloh ami rlcune are noted much of this is duw to the unuual conventions of national oi ganlsatlcuis the christian endeavor hoolely ihu national educational ansoolutlon tin- grand army and t other bodl i meat ones a yeai each lime in a new and special railroad rates in- large numbers to visit oltlos whloh they might otherwise novor sou the local pride of those wiiu act urn hosts insures u full appranlallon of whatever is of interest lit the sui roundlngsi and the interchange of hos pltallty draws people from the differ ent sections more nlosaly togethei uiul gives ihem an opportunity u broaden their outlook i a points of vlsw in n smaller way hundreds of tradt associations and fratornul oi tiers un doing the same thing for tholr mem bers the influence of it is probubly greater than any one can see it ban demonstrated the fact that hospitality is not the skalusfve possession of any one can see it has demonstrated the root that hospitality la not the exclu sive possession of nity one section that communities which differ widely inthelr views on many matter muy each have good reasons fur tho faith that is in thorn and in lh urn it will ureutl help to form and rhti i fselluifc or national solidarity even the guln in mere geographliol knowledge u something 1 have mum wonderful crops of oortl und wheat in my country wild it recent western visitor t the nnw england count but this is the first limn i huvo ovrr mmn rocks growing uu1 of tin wutor the pabbion for learning von intuit nt n tmur imii x hoilso flloii ii 1 1 i ihlht llj h r imi your old duuglitri if you slioutii full an thn uiouiml you would surely brnuk yo 1 hetty folio uul pluy it hupllly lllier llpululr hlull liar from the door hiding miunwlii r in t it playful cur u of u aim hoar puttoi of a hall und hustiiul io it didnt break my rntnarked tho olilll i hor play with thu doll willi h r motlior mlxxnii ni w i tit ing hint losoil thought she wiin aflr iiihnito 11 tout would not pav undouhtddly line tlm ok up ll ill blowing up huqe icebergs an iceberg which threatened to sink the ships that cross the atlantic has heen blown up such an iceberg is as dangerous as a floating mine this oho was smash ed by a mine two dangerous thing cancelling one another the iceberg was j60 feet long and one of its two spires waa 170 rest high it was drifting south of the newfoundland banks into the warm waters of the gulf stream whan it was sighted making straight for the line a traffic the patrol ship sent boat towing two mines toward 1l the mines con tained the high explosive t n t they woro put down in six foot of water close to the great precipitous face of the berg which the toon could hear snapping and cracking with a sound like rifleshots above them white great flse urea were spreading in the bergs icy face the mn sank the mines drew off and waited at u aafe distance they could not see much because a fog fettled down but presently they heard crashes tike thunder next day they saw the berg again it was amallor bnt by no means done for and it was not till they had attacked it again slid again with mines that on thn fourth day it broke in half then with an explosion that sent the water u hundred feet in the aif it blew in to fragments the proposed bill by tho provincial government to ubollsh the policy of municipal bonusing of in dustry will bring relief to the municipalities of on tarto generally too long has the old bill been evad ed by some roundabout course by competing munici palities if the bill prevents the giving of anything in the way of inducement to manufacturers except ing perhaps a fixed assessment for ten years the results will bo salutary to all concerned no admittance por eqos a theatrical company that plays in repertoire in country villages borrrd a eltixen of a long island town not long ago when ha started to enter with a basket after having purchasuil a ticket a writer in the new york times tells the story one evening a aolldlooking citlsan carrying basket bought a ticket and started to enter the opera house just aa he waa going in the cover of ttw basket unaccountably slipped off re vealing two do ten eggs hey said the tlckottakor thin isnt easter where you going with them eggstt none o yr business heros my ticket all paid for an rrglr doctur- od the citizen well there dont any eggs go in side while im her said the tlckr1- taker and then the othor saw thu reason hut burden was suspected jtnd roared with laughter he left the eggs in charge of thn man at the box office and entered and he enjoyed every moment of the show when it waa over the managor returned the eggs to him and said i was afraid you might put your foot into the basket while you wer applauding uioivilnd iir hum is niton eifuiild 1y ono puimoii thu iuhdilflyiflit inup next whom hn nut hojivlly down guvo a sound of hntippvovul ttliey uught to ihurgo by weight in tttove t urs h li1 io his neighbor tin the other side in o nluur u lone that the slout mull iu1d not hulp lieatlng him atflybo twould bu u guild idas my friend ho said turning u culm dls- pusaluiiiito gus on the thin rnun hul if thsy did youd imvi lo walk thu tur would nuvor stop for you limited comport tim hlnglo matt that is u cosy- looklng couch old man tho married myu but i novor go near it the ulngla mun why notf the marrlud man llecuuse there are only three cushions that 1 un ul lowed to put my head on und i cant stand thu wear und tour of pick ing thorn uul from thn other soven prbc00ious maoaulav wti ii muifiiilny iii krigluh tf lnrliri iiod rflu tiisffiui wnn n ry uull thlltl liu ltgut io shoav lsl t inn k riuiihrkuut- memory mtiii n niittuu liiollnntlon to lllmralurf among tlin attics nt ts mllh mu two dm urn asptnlaljy xfrioal oni uflsrnooii wiikii lh hill til in four yeuis old was vlnlllftf rviil spilled some hot off ills less moon sffftfwwfrls th ith iihkod hrw h wus tmxung thu u tit ill k you inn ho replied sume piriod ut his lnfr y llttlff po grriund ut hi irk nil by a row ut oyster shells it maid thrw ihn sholls uwuy isli ii went slrulght 1 tirttiii whore his mmli ul uk norn vllr wulkid 1 ilrrlw und tld vry urn iurskl h huljy ytit vrllii ursed b- ha thut is lkitorm landmark i islt a roval companv amusing incident ooomrved who aiunrlraif vsel waa rylrig at iii the hay of naples und wt i by the king of italy wtih hi of ihu msmbirs tit the null in u mkn1 tmt and uniform wo rd at his side und a flerrn it wus ftkplirlng the ship an1 hul i ttury leaned against the main idsull whlflh he mistook tut thn orilcw uf th deck was inform nj of the ensuing catastrophe by th ixhttswalna mate who had seen i from a dlstumce you ii excuse mo sir he ipj hut i think one u them kings has fell iommi tti main hatch sir kxl liniment stop buioinc at once prevents bicco poisoning removes all inflammation physicians use radium to cure birthmarks a dee patch from london j says dr w herbert urown und dr john j- mciiutchlnson two hoottlsh physi cians lutvo found a way of gettlne 100 per cent more uso out of radium thoy have discovered moans of col lecting the residue of tho mineral u that it piay be reupplled with vuiu- aolc resoltatthe discovery wart mad in the course of experiments in cur ing birthmarks tho doctors are hopeful of llniltng do finite method of effscltig in 1m blemish on patients thus rur muu- kii to experimentation thoy h ivr noticed that after tan days a hotith path of natural color uppours whom birthmark was notice to hydro users tiilj uydko comuibhion havc inciteahed the businesa hours of thr hydro bhoi as pollows tuesday afternoon friday evening saturday afternoon and evening liliidly note the abovo hours at which this shop uy your utaatrla ooods in an kloctrical bhop which tho hydro consumers of acton where you i goods mi tiro satisfaction and rljht prlifj uasured of heal rned by quality inside painting it wont bo very long until spring and during these months that you aro snowbound would be a good time to attend to minor details of inside painting and varnishing we la ve tho cnumcl and paints varnishes etc suitable for all this wdrk como in and tell us what you want and wc can supply tho material fl rushes at very reasonable prices too w d talbot main street phone 76 acton ontario abrickjlayer testifying under oath in a toronto law court says that he makes 65 a week at his trade as a brick mason 10 a djiy seems to bo a large wage for a mechanic whoso trade does not require anyparticular skill and whoso tools aro few and inexpensive evidently canada requires more bricklayers cither through apprenticeship inunigra tion or technical schools in order to keep down the excessive cost of building orillia times the sanctity of childhood tho world over was con- id over n with ceremony the socalled declaration of geneva where by mankind recognizes that it owes to the child the beatitlus to give was presented by the international union for saving children this union has affiliated committees in canada brazil and the united stated moro thi m jqjluoo children in forty countries have purpoaeat y t yivi tlawttlly w union in ttfc past three years why join the chuhoh thai fyllowlng eeveil good reoaoi for joining the church arri given by llev w a a hhlpwffy carina cauf 1 i outjiit to belong tu the church beoauao i uught loo be bettef than 1 um henry ward ueecher one aald the church la not a gitllsry for the exhibition of eminent christians but a school for the education of the lav borfeot oiim i ought to belong to the ahuroh because of what i may gat out of it the church is not a dormitory or sleepers it is all institution of work ers it is not a rest camp it is a front line trench hu i ought to belong to the church booause every map ought to pay his debta and do his share toward dis charging the obllgatlons of society ihe church may not only be the bear er of good news of personal salvation it has been and t is the supreme up lifting aiid conserving agency with out which civilisation would lapse in to barbarism and press its way to perdition 4 t ought to unions to the church baouusw of its memories of things i tun novae forget memories of faces thut will naver fade memorlea of vows that are the glory of youth g i ought to belong to the cliurth beoause uf hope hope that pavos the way for progress i hope that visions peace and social justice hupa for time uiid hupa for eternity the great hope that casts its anchor behind josus christ j i ought to belong to tho church bucausa of thu strong tnen 1 it who uoed reinforcing the weak tnailn it who need encouraging thn rascals lit it who need rebuking if 1 say that 1 um not good enough my humility recommends me if i sit in thn sest uf the scornful tny tutlvlty condemns die 1 i ought to belong to the church but not until i am ready to join a going concern not until i uul willi lis- to join jusug christ llllllmiiiillilnimm nnmiiniiniiiiiiiiii a complete line of superb cars each motphat will end his individual requirements met bysomeoneothe mclaughlinjjuick cars here is a group of models tfhich in its variety and careful planning for particular uses has no equal among moderatepriced autbmobiles the owner who likes the allyearround comfort of the enclosed car will find his needs exactly suited by one of the seven coupes and sedans there are likewise seven open models to choose from in every one of the1924 mclaughlinbuick cars the motoribt finds a wonderful grace of hue and a very high quality of finish and workmanship he i discovers as well a gratifying 3use and burety of control and a performing ability which is typically mclaughlinbuick in its excellence a 1 4 mcjlaashlinbuuk mojmlm o choona from th fisher king representatives kok this section call on them at georgetown oh white and they will gall on vou liuminrbtyrrctry du j a mcnivkn phyaialsn mnd surpin office and fteldna ntuvr iveriu and klfli furi 1u ii j nkison trilftrtzitu h hntfist a at art onisrie lboal ceaes i m a ihone mo 22 p q litrx 12s harold nash parmel m a bedatac ovoljelter notary pub i jo cortveyanesr etc pcrrvman slock acton omt mont ikvt cjf mohtnaoica it ours 9 3d a tn aaturdays hob olork h g meir r seileiter notary publle osereetown ont dental dr j m bell d d 3 l d a oentle honor arodagte of toronto tjnlrav- slty the lauec oaeerthatli nd if dsslrssl offlee at residenos corner iuu anal sedarfek fltreet v dr f g goixop dd s l d 9 dents f bur peon offlee over rank of nova fvoda hourr- 1 to iw eventnss by appointment miscellaneous francis nunan beekbindef account books of all kinds made to tor periodicals of every descriptions carefully boand tiauysnasjy and promptly doaa vrndhom street ooolph oat nr willlomv store lodge drrectoky sons of england lodge woodgreen no 302 meeting first and third friday in each month at b p ra in l o o jr ilall members and visiting member cordially invited to attend s ecurchinaa j little secretary phones o ftc 481 um 374w dr a l price chiropractic kuectrotherapy 130 upper wyntiham slrccl guelph over 11 yarv fcxirinr consultation viiee r j kerr auctioneer and real estate agent 17 yearn eiperlcnoe acton ontario rales entrusted to it x kerr re- oolvrj attention from dute of llstlrrb to data of sale ust your sales with nle residence ijowr avenue acton phone 3 acton call at my expense guelph business college orfurw uptoduto qlflrlui uuslnoes htnogruphy and ho- cralarlai cotirsds liy export perloncihl taaclkiru htudontu may enter any day wllltk van knrollmation v ii uphotf 1rlnolpal aahictiuomubf war ttohomto canmu j e ciieevers book blnden quebee 8l ekat qualph ont jiooks and rnsic4lne wtlnd id hi mm all weru promptly executed namw lettered lit gold on llynm hooajt and othur hooks the old und hellume s cruiilto luul mutwj voile w are rnaiuifuuturew uhd dlraut hitpurterw of all kinds of mmiutui titul utid llpadstone work wo soil dt tu our customers ut wholesale ptta thus saving our oustomnfs 4u pf mml we have the best rppluc and the only meohamos in the dominion who can operate pneumdtld tmils propurly we can give refer noes from huudrads of our customers in toronto and other places whore others hav to hay law suits in order to oolloat wa have th largest and best stack of ortuilte b th dominion or more than ny three dowlars in the wesc w ara legtu- nwu dealers and employ no agent and do not gnnoy or et uatoar by gsttdtnst out lgnerajit agents solqtt- img order wa employ only mqhn gnd dtiy ooitutnv tiamilton sons

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