Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 13, 1924, p. 5

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2tir jvrtmt mxtt jlrraa tlllmlhuav maicc1i 13 102 and ho lovol roada ur am ih plotiiimt rlvn will i iltlflluie fnllui v u will hi ill- unltufs xiikixtli uml lit ill j will ulwiiyu mimi tin- thrum ninny mor hi pit j iiu to iliirt uluiii itoi thiil tut for oiiiiik llii liiil thitm html in inil 10iim in uliiry i i wuvilnir rw twcntv ycahb aoo i tho issus of tiia fraa praas of yhursdsy march 17 1004 the sunday school lesson for sunday march 10 1024 what ihkaii aoiiiivii un- ihu iiaviii 2 hum 112 jltn thxi i iiitt ii l thy will o my jll lo k tho tost explslnd vruo 1 thwi twin till tho trumn imbtihly no limy lulurvul iuiutd bu- iwrl llli iiiutl iullhliulh unit tin otoutlnri iff iuvjl until ilntl junalhitii aluior unit luhhoiiholh worn doml no oiio rumuhiod of tin hymiu of huu tujiubui of liiuinu tliu liyid mid duvll 111 1lllllml u lutif mmli v tliii hiii 7111 lliki mm urthi i ll lxlutoiously 111 klilt ijlwurt llliik hurt olowml for tin hiuihdit urmr n vtmy llvtly tan wmkfl htllllllusu a small room in thu riwir hurt boon ndiltid til dm bur ut tli clurk iioubu uml u reading room in holm aponnd i iv front tho uldititfii ut thu o t it tlopot arc nil aleiiro1 mid in wotklnif ordor ugiilni tliu lint tlmo tor u number of tho w c t v ur h-mllnu- lottar hliitifd by nil tlio mrmhitii to mr l llomlarnnn st p rtiiiuchthiir him to support tho bill prohibiting thn manu facture und hhio of rlgnratto miss alugtilo hinlth has rucolvcd from tho liihtltlil fur thn uenf and dumb at llollivlllo u- bcuutlful arnilu- utlon tllplomu ami u cortlrttato of tb completion of hor pruotlcul course tho imilttr uml ptimplnf ouirtl of iho o t it ut tin foot of uowor avoimo huvo boon riurruiikod hovorul foci of thn old building ud jam ill to tho track hnvo boon cut off to permit of tho north a witch hiilntf otunilou to- wurtl tho aid no eulvurt thu past wlntor bus boon u ucriuuu one in thu mutt or of guttlnif in bark and hides ut tho tanneries at this date lioardinura at co usually hava dooo or 0000 cords of hemlock bark thin year not mom than too cord 4m v comoln yot at thvmautlntf of tho young peoples uullil of knox church on monday ovnlnir there was a vary i moras line ilobato tho subject rcnolvcd that mckay of formosa was a greater missionary than paton of niw lho- bfiaam miulanuuuolmmuut mr j ii kannady had olutrra of tho amrmatlvo and mbu suls sinclair utvlns to tllo abonco of her colleague mlsu tina mcqueen wiui roaponslbto for tho on tire aupport of dr intoii tho judiiob ml joaalo mcklnnon moaara f j mutrlo und andrew ar- thura decided in favor of tho of- flrmatlvo mlau mukki smith into of tho institute for tho iaf snd dumb dellovluo rendered in the graceful alkn innttuaso nearer my ootl lo thee a party of hnlf u hundred drovu down to the homo of mr and mr john stalker of tho third una ea- quoatnif on friday evening- and ipont a moat enjoyable tlmo at this hos pitable homo- sorn mocdonald- in adton on tuoaday march 8 1d04 to dr and mrfl maa donald a non died- harding in actari on tuesday march ii 1904 minnie eldest daughter of thomas i harding aged 31 years triples for a moment ada lumbortons fly ing fingers paused and she turned a laughing face over hor shoulder orim how do you spall receipt la or elf aht uskod there was no answering laughter in hetty qrlmshaws eyes instead thero was an expression of worry and unxlety please look it up yourself ada youll norcr remember if i tell you youve uskod mo half a dote it times already but why look it up when you arc hero to uskt it would take me savsrnl ml nut os and then i shouldnt remem ber any bettor than before im afraid you dont know the very first prin ciples of efficiency drlm dear i know that ona of them is thor oughness hatty ropllod quickly suppose i worn nt here some day 7 thou i suppose id have to go to the dictionary ada laughed out i cant see what thodlffeninca is ex cept tlmo and thats in favor of my method lo did you say el hetty ropllod oh cant you rmomnmiaau v dont take it to heart so said adu lightly 1 dqnt sou but what i got along us wall us tho average even if im not a dictionary bui somotlina something will luip- ponsuld hatty you wuloh mo ada returned with iruy confidence two weeks later on something happened mr tompkins callod ada into tho tut loo und told her that thu arm iud dooldud to dispense with hor services ada utiirod at him incredu lously up to that onto us it hud haiiputind shu md ulwitys been tho oho to mukt the uhuiigo not hur um- ployvrm bin did not way cxuutly that but ho implied it ti iiyml im not surprlsod you inukn u good upuuruuct bright und plausuni ami buiihiuasllko tho trouble is you dont meusure up to your hiiow win dow lor oxamplo uluvon times i ii tho past wook tvo happened to hour you ouk miss flrlmshuw somothluu thut you ought to huvo known your- aulf how to spoil some word or whut htutu biuno ulty wud iii or tho mean ing of sttmo lrm that you should have lent nod by your third day bono- kuiuh tlmo thut yml did that you du- luy miti irlmshaws wofk and bar work ih vuluablo then yuli dout take ouro of your typtiwrfiui wo hud to cull a mun up fur your msrhlno in tn duya ulthough it was lit porfoot orduv wlum you cum ho snld that tho troublo wus cai-o- lassnosn morn ephu for lis thrmi tlnios youvn budorod in filing ui onca it look mr cuso un iwur to bun up tho contract you bad mlspludod mr cases tlmo is valuubf thosa things probably wwm trlflos to you but itf to just such trifles that counl tor piuflt or loo- in thu and thut 1m all miss lttiiiborton oxcept that i wish you bettor hucooss because u butlr woik hiyur uovt place and tho intorvluw wus over he auway8 had tho sporting son of wealthy lur mils wus ofui ml a job by oh friend of his futhr how much will you pay m b uskod all you are worth said thsfrlotil to which ho rilllvd wliu bualliash- like brevity no ihuuk you- i can du imiiu than that irouriy thn portion r lur urhiii tlu loionuiitii of thu cuuuiui- llvi wtro rmlia uml ilmuiioiiltur- sufvty iliouikioii ihuf thu nutiimi l mil id iiultt uuiloi thu sovorolgulty of tiio vatluiit sou ot juvau vorso j tho uiiolntud david king tho hook of chronlnlis cowtalnu fur- ttmr inteiintluir doiuils ubout thin nn- himibly ut llilnoii 1 chton lasju- 40 thif iiuniborm of lighting men sent by ouchtrlbo am iiruiiorvod amounting lo a totul of iwiiriy 3rou0u hires is luld on th unuulinlty of fnollng and tho uonoiul iojolilug with which david unolntlng wus colobratod li tlrio days foatlvul klrkputrlck vorso 0 jurusulem iolltlcul civil ulid military couuldorutlons pointed ti joruuuluiii us thn mout sultablo capital for tho unltud klngilom u itv pool tlon within tho territory of danjuinln you ctono upon the loaders of juduh or an uumn think partly in one trlbo partly in tho other was excellently udaptod for binding togolhnr thu two royn trlbow unl conciliating tho good will of iloujiitnlil without ullouutlng juduh b let ultuatlon was vlrtuulty cmitrul not only with rogurd to ill two grout tflbom but for tho wholn laiid it was on tho rldgo q tho bupk- imiiu of jilllui which oxtond through thn wholo country from tho dosort to tho plulu of icddrualon livory ti lur wlii bus trod tho cuiitral route of iulosthu fiom horch to south mujt havo pusnod thiougii tho tublolutid of jerusalem a a u military poat iwusuiirvulludlumtooduiiarocky plateau jiurrouiidod un tbroo sides by tlutip tuvlnou forming a natural fort ress of ulmoat imprognublo strongtb cambridge ulblo vorso 11 hiram icjng of vryro hlrum i tho friend und totiloipor- ury of holomon whoso rulgu ih given by ancient uml modern uuthorltlus us 968036 ii c- tho umbossudors of hiram were no doubt thosa usually soilt with frlandly greetings at thj beginning of a now rolgn ity thorn wo may supposo davhl uant a roquout for materials for his palaoo and fur tho necessary craftsmen kennedy lesson themes for some roason it is difficult to rculixe that david was a loan of uction rulhor thnn of reflection thlno doubt arises from the unpronslonmado by his life as a shepherd and min strel hul ho wus also un athlalo and mun of physical valor us goliath realised to his sorrow ho was a war rior and statesman and as a military and national loader ho mada grout achievements tho chief of those tuny bo noted as follows the subjugation of canaan tho occupation of the land of lrorolso was toully disputed by lis inhabitants al every point tho rural regions werv settled first the subjugation of tho walled cities and fortresses coxno later the most formidable and because of its position the mollmportat was jebus it was in a very strategic poil- ln the hsart of the land this grant stronghold was taken by david and was thoxeaitor known as jaru- saioin the city of david the unlucauoo of the nation tho next step wast to unify th nation which till had to con land with its tribal dtfferenos and ealouais this was aoodmplunad in part by the sslsc- tlop of jaruaaiam as tbso capital city qibaah wbara saul ralcnad and ilsbron uoa ormt capital as david www tribal citiaa jrub h wma an nau- traj ground ajm d gaoapra- phlcally u bw ih wool nation tha capl -uab- mant of jsrusalsaa s l aal centra aff actad cavarnsu uir rouwdlns nauona aa avi taa friendship of hiram iclaat ul the davalopownl this unification of th nauoa made possible a batter davalopjnant of its resourcas it mads possible a batter rganlxatlon of tha national life which as already mentioned was weakened by tribal jealousies it is declared 3 sam l is that david rabjned over alt israel dlaklo commenting this verse observes tho first thing pointed out to us here is tho catholicity of his kingly government embracing all ofisraol all- people he did not bestow his attention on one favored section ot tha people to tha neglect or careless oversight of tho hedid not foraxampesook the prosperity of his own tribe juduh to the neglect of tho other eleven in a word there wus no favoritism in his rolgn tho preparations for tho temple in keeping with his policy of tho pol itical unification by cluihgo of cupltul david sought tho religious sollsurlty of the nutlou by pro paring fur thu building or the templo thus making jerusalem tho rnllglous centra of tlio nation tli e u prtjpurutlons were on u magnificent scule und embraced the gathering of a grut fund of money und tha assembling of rare and costly building matoilul thus the nation bocanio onn in its religious hops und aspirations thu use of tho 1saltof thbra ura 173 psalms whloh uro inscribed to david it is uncurtuln whether ull f tlicuti ufu from his tiuhd hunlu psalm- ura unquestionably thoso of david but his chief hervlco to tho jawuh puultonwau tho omphuals filuu- od upon its uho in tho sutvlco of tho trottemjlo forwhono oustruntloil hud luborod with auch cusu in tho temple worship tho psuluis ux- prosaed tha piofound aspirations and prayer of tlio jewish itaople ulid thuu stlaitg tho nud thu religious bond which mu do t u unit at tho habray pvopta fully rocogiibtlng tho dlvursa autltor- hll of the isalms btlll david is justlv egurdud uu thn futhor of jawuh psulmoby tlio promluaiica glvnn lo tua rllglous lyrl in tio i if- of th lmopla wuh duvldu most iuiiortunt contribuiloii to the rails of religion for study snj ducuaton wlidt offuot illd tho ohtubllhhmont of tha calillul ut joi umiiltii imvo on tho ihilltuul llfu of i ho iiutlonf how did davids prepiltuunn for the turilpto urftict tha rallglollh llfu of ulilult whut itnlmjrtuitt contribution did ha mako id tho temple worship how muiiy psalms uto inwcilbod of david 1 hum up thu four giihtt uchluvotnunts ot davids rolgn dslly redin for next wek monduy murch 17- 2 cluoti 1 vu tuesday murch 181 kings h ii wuduusduy mutch 1uj kiuga 3 i- oi thursduy mhruijo 1 lllngs k c4- 6 friduy murch ul 1iov 4 ilu halm day march 2211 is- 110 hunday muith 23 islm 41 ly the return of the native mr buucouib hail boon down bo iiw for iniirt fliim u forliilithl urn u ttlu llrtli in rigi ullh t v4n in ho hvl illbllh i n hi fll ldn llllhlliy whloh 1 t lll i up iiid i oil voi ituht no r1 nl hull hin i un viiiiur if v mtll illlu ti hi liivllaihn i run mi hu th in i- 1 ihfiublol iud ii 11 n promptly lb 11t willi i ihouiihi i ik ft i hi wook 11lto rllly i lluitchi horn got i i did uild mi uiphuiil i v hid li whllo uml nlwui un o ii iiliiyod t vmu ddullo down ihcy nay iii itoot un thh- worlc while the 111 in un- al close quarters thi following wxlrunt fiom u loll of ihunks lhchlmhud by lis recipient tim liiuiuful tlotu iuu sout u- tunm in mi teit condition und h now in tho pui lor iiii top of the book- hslvorrrjwhro w tmpc to you anon und your husliund uuu if ho cun luasw it ouqveulunt in ihi loiimtiy iu you ui fi o sin h wk inro noon no it utoppi mowing out omul th itrii forv wutl mi uiphum in u loudr tune mrntu n wth uhovil nn- imrt iltt bmki in hiitih all funin un tilriy un ihy etui b lvo hoard toll of eil home i nil do prnto tdiuiin tdi thiv in too nil may bo a good dul of its inly talk 1 know jowl how yu fu thoukli mud lith tyuti tould ho light up hor in your old honu un bik hold of th work yiuiiidf ml mo uu ulwuyn bufon slncyou worn wmiwdl unaw tho very nlchl urtr it ntippd htiowlug wo wulul down much i half a mllo lo hour a toiiciil su mr liumcomb with u uhnn of cxui porotlyu in his oyes vilod right on tho bricks i know i know said cuptnln hlinonda in tone of coiumluorntl an whllut you vtyo iroudlng those damp un sluuhy nrosslngri you thought of us in our gool old pllilcn jlngllmf i tii str nic and thou bak t to lycoum hull t again lunr tho ilingors they ww prima now i toll yo imuyod itomo hwoot homo so it choked uu right up wunt u dry handkerchief in tho hall when iwum ovor an whnn it cuino to annlo laurie there wro muiio thut uuiftlod right out wo knew how you roll to bo mlsitlnr thut one day said mr uuncomb with tdotnrmluodctiirn at his follow tllivilrtin wo went lown to tllo htuto house un- i liel you that whs hard rhuklnd hum itobbb you tuko it whoro you ura uomo account iii your nullvo pluco uu know thut whllut youre gmw tho muttor of whos gohuf to bo on the school bcuinl will bo nil thrialnl out which youd huvo u good deal to uny ubout if you was thero un you tnoan- whllo havinif to listen to a lot of city talk thatll jost llko huhhyvrunhlun to yo inko it u tlmo llko that uu it goon tiltnlnat tho grain someway if you follows had boon with m tho day wo wont to tho w aid mr itas- comb with tho nlr of one who tnnkos a flnul rhnrgi und hud neon thouo ajiimulart wo sent you thopupor totltng alt slmut that quoor inpgrtod boast that frml hlmonds got sight of lutnrrupt- ol iota hohbs briskly i mistrust you novor got tho paper thoy say malls got all mixed up so down bolow wo know if youd really took it in you would hnvo hiked it right homo to hoar ivod toll his yarn hupposlitg you mtort in now frod mny novor m a hotter tlmo i toll you wo had to uso prompt mousurcs said cuptoln blmondsl uu tho nvo men closed into n group when thoy had gone a sufo dlstunro from tho ijascorab house luto thut nvonlntr- if wed a elvon si half pin inch hod a toot a mllo an twould vo boon ull up with us as tis i reckon wevo got him tied down pretty well an by another weak wo acnn onhltch bit tethor an hell run in dushby traces well nm over dont ye ugrao with mo boyst and the boys did agroo with blm at onca and fully- a movaolb dra1nboard in kitchens without ruimino watoi itia somsclmesa problem to dlsposo of duhwaten after every imul wiu- 9dt having to carry sovorul honvy dlshpanfuls out to some outdoor drain a woman who wus anxious to make her kitchen more convenient sulwd the question by getting hor hus band to make her a movable drain- board with a hinged support ut tb tojver and this dralnboard had a hand about throo inches high running around three sides to prevent water from being splllud ubout tho kltchni it hung by a large hook on tho kit chen wall when not in uso when it was tlmo to do tho dishes this house keeper sot up tho dralnboard with ona and on tho tahotho other end re ting on tha hlngad totfyho whole ulnpliuf toward a small tin wftoo drum which received the water when tho dishwashing was over tbo wutor was removed in one trip out of tha kitchen insloftd ofthe numorousjournoys morly required and the dralnboard wan bung on the wull again asthma no lcnaer draadsdthe druud of le ii owed attacks from nsthma has no hold upon those who have liwrnetmorly upon dr j d kollogg- asthma homed y ho safit do thoy fool that complete rollunco is placed on this truo spociila with ttm cvrtalnt thut it will ulwuys do ull that it makers claim- if y hnitu not yet letimod how sufo you ura with this prttiuiutiou oj handget it today and know for yourself the unlucky number tho judge who is tuo u phllan- thruplst in u mull buf prucllcal way jti- visiting tho colls in a prison tulk- init wymputholleuliy with th prlsmiors oiiii of whom ho had iumtiucd hih irfulu ueri guiiiiriilly well uioolvod hut bo man wuw qulto uiiiuoved by lu fflmulunesw iwtuutdcu t roiduh uml ioaoluloiy rofusod to ox- luiud im no ciliuliml ho wild ut lust fin only u victim a victim of what tho judge ln- iiuhed with friendly intercut a victim of tho number thirlouti ihutw what i urn a vmlm of tin numhtir thlrtoon y jiniut uml twiivo jurymoii for father tho filiryuiold cuulomo to tho nullon counlor with br tldenlv pleiiuo mitnm- cun i huvo u pipe for futh tho htorokuomi uays u v punch wuu fxporlonio in i i4 umuo 1 ir ilul rllor in uch dual- lugs what 1oos futhor want it uskod llhiwng soupbbuhlos for sh laid thu tustuiuai jiromptly yx claim to a title tho aliing phrase a good mlxor ban a pocullnr moaning when applied to u man it seems never to tiuvo been uml un n descriptive of women hut wli not t soma womnn might wear thn- title with distinction ul though in it llttlo dlfforuitt honsa for geiiointlons uomon bave bomi angag id in mixing reluctant elements ilnur und bultnr jn their bunds hnvo coniblnnd into flawy blncults and un- conganlut ouhihh huve mnde up uu ugrneuhlo fumtly putty a woman al tho hand of u lurgt hounehold bus hand to bo u good mix er hi tuny have thiet gone ullois undor inn- i oof nnd dependent upon lnr cm with the chlldron nlio must he un u child with tho grandmother idio tiiuut nee i ho wisdom of ago even ltniiotli tin fee bin nous for tho wilful mm alio must mluglo roudy sympathy and mm control romans suivlro in vllluge or ii rh u often thut or woldlng to iler ilikilnutii mid diverse elomonts iir hor tboro must be no liberals or counorvallyoh no methodists or cath olic- j las iii hand wm i measuronor tho common good tho mhudotrnoh in u cortaln village urn a growing mumorinl lo u woman wlio got tho ltaptlst and tho congro- gulioiiullals togethon und sat thorn 111 pull s to digging tha sumo holes inutuud of working on opposite sides of tho nil eel hho wis a gooif mixer hriuo r ii1 llko ull ottlut brother hood ull wus tho causa that good mixing should bo in others in this world of iitrlfos and n uiidoratundlngs und potty frictions thj lurost ulid dourest of lur sox is the womnn who goes on hor way a smllr on her lips und a gently persuasive opoon in hand measuring and mlng hug contrary tastes and dispositions and ambitions und adding lo the com blimllon that subtle ona -knows- not what of pornouallty which is th crowning grace of a good mlxnr big sums for roads tho legislature of alberta has np proved borrowing 93500000 for th development und improvement o hlghwuys and roads in tho province hon alex puss minister of public works for alberta during tlto course of the discussion explained that this ntnotintrwhich ls bo btjirowird nftotfiiyottr debentures to be retired by ti diversion of the uutomobllo license rnvmue will be spent ovor the tuxt nvo ynursi on upproxlmtnlv 500 tnllns of main highways of which 1076 mlo are already built hon mr itoss uald it was the ln tontlou of th government to apply to tho dominion for mi extension of tho federal highways orant and tht tho plan of the department in the now programme was to earn tho en- tiro fl 600 000 for qualified main high ways within tha fiveyear period vormif uup tho strung lb and under mine tha vitality of children streng th an thorn by using mother graves wurm ixierminutnriodrlvaoultha parasites how i sold hyacinths hyacinth bulbs thai i bought in the fall i sold in blossom at uster time ut 100 pr cont profit tho local flor ist roudlly puld mo go cents each for tho potlod plants jrocurs bukers confectioners and ol hor more bun lu are usually glad to handle thosa plants al sumter limn often without uny commission if thu ownur ugroas to tako back unsoli plants the flowers make good tradi uttmotors tho right kind of an advertisement in tho local palor will bring cmrtpraers oven whan the flowers cannot bi dls- pluyatl whore tha crowd bassos vthe iiunply of moderatepriced blossoms at trustor lime is seldom equal to thu demand especially in tho smaller towns i purchased the bulbs from a largo seed house in the city choosing tbr choice imported ojehlbltlon sls ro- tulllng ut 20 cents each i planted them in live inch pots ona bulb in uch in rich durk soil with which a mull amount of sand nnd leaf roohl mil boon care fully mlxud tho pott out tlvo cents cah as i wanted tha hyacinths to bloom t leister time i had to keep them buck no i burlod them pot and all p in hiii id hi u corner of the cellar jut uli weeks beforo l2uster i took ihem fiom tho sand wlicn tho buds began to swell lud them to upon ut tho tlmo i duslrod by giving thrri plenty auushma to urgo them for ward if slow or placing them in a iiubdllud light when they came on too tast ah hour a uniform temperature hiaalblo ijaii tnulutuluod the flow- bunchos woro extra large in also id some of tho bulbs produced four clusters mv town and i my town is whore my home is founded whorw my busi la- altu- utod whore my voto is cost whoro my chlldron uvo oducated whara my neigh bor are and whoro my ufa is chiefly lived it is tbo homo spot for me my town has u right to my civic loyalty it supports ma und i must up port il my town wunts my oltlsenshlp nut partisanship friendly not ofluh- iuu4 not criticism my intelligent support nut indifference my town supplies mo with law and creation uml the rights of a free- born cltlm i should believe in my town und work for it and 1 will to tho man who is disposed to crit icise ac to ii this is of special tmport- for ono to bo governed by jho ubovo is to bo a good citlien a pnjm drsaslnp for wounds in sotio fuctorlcs und workshops carbolic uc id is kwpt for usa in cuuterilng jwoililm iitd outs sustafned by tho woikmon- 1ar better tu koop on hand it hottlo of di thomas hoteatrla oil it is j tint uu quick in action und does not ucur tho skin or burn tliu flesh uncle mobes cqnonatula- tion8 a young pmiitor in mlililtpl tu uu old sorvunt culled undo moso who hudvnrul for him us a child und wh devotion hud uovor wuiiad tha young mun hucutnu oiigugnd to u girl of th linlghboiliood who had a reputation for uuaiuuul buuty und uuu fur u vary vlouml lumper noticing thut unulo muso novor mentioned his approach i my iihirrlugo ihii hunter sulil mo you know l um going marry miss currlort vussuh i knows it 1 huvunt heard you uny unythlug ulkut it porslstod tluf pluntor no stih said moso tulitt no to uiiy liofhln bout it- vm got liothln to hay hut you must huvo soma uplnloi ubout so lmioituiil u step on my part- l well huh said tho old usgro with some husltullofi yo knows one t li thn must puuiisat siiuklis has got tho must prettiest ukillh tian linimknt ontl pltl vln is hlooo poisoning rimcvls lxsaumssaaassblrusfaa the honor society in thu early part or their nophnmur year at tho provincial university t hint wan glvon to puul hur tun und hts roualn richard that if their siuiiii ings were nulllalnmiy high thoy wor likely to bo oltictod to membership in the tau uotu pi frnlornlty nt the beginning or tho next sainebtor llnrli imjys wore dollghted nt tho thought of becoming brothnrs in this horloty tho honorary rratarnlty of eugluonrlngn ntudeuth pauls widowed mother who bad left hor homo in unothrr part of tho piu- vlnca lo keep huu mi for tho boyn iud- dauly heroine iii during tho hurdt- purt of the lenn work as often hap pens in email unlvotslty towtih it wuu impusalbto to aoculo thn nervlea of u tnuld in on inodeil u ptlvulo family und a trulund nurso ueomed a nnan- clu impossibility to mis iturton whose slender income wus being s retailed tu tho utmost to cover her sons rollogo oxponitos bho lant hi u uerlouu condition tbo doctor suld htm in juit tired nnd u good rest will soon make hor wall if thats ull sh luiadn hio shall huvo it answered puul dirk uud i cun run tho houoa for a while cant wat ofcoursowa un wus his oouslns houljty rosmnao- tntd it was with real entliuslaam thnt b helped iuul pre pare tho flrat fuw- muuls after mr a llurton wus obliged to resign from tbo household dutleti huon lllohiird begun to lose intorohl indtimestlo uffulra and paul found himself chief cook bond nurse und collagu stuuont ull in ona paul said his mother one mor ing when ho ran homo botwoon re tatlons to see if oho needed any a ten tlon i never saw such il boy you do everything i dont under stand dour how you can koop up wltl your alojisee there was n nuto of unxlety in hor vnlco r oh i find plenty of llnw to grind ho unswerod so brightly that she did not suspect thul bo found his time in tha small hours of tho night whon frequently ho was so tired thut the page hoforr- him wus bul a blurred puxxle tho lltsl uftvinoon that mrs ilurtim was nblo o bo diosaod dlak burst into tho house with u joyous shout mighty glad to son you up aunty ha said und thou giving paul u know ing nod uddnd its quite a redlottor day in mora wuys thun one what did ho mean uskod mrs uurton as lllchurd loft the room ftlo meant ho ws glad of your re cover paul turned uway from hi mothsrs siurclilng guso yvs but lie mount something more has ho boon made v it member of th tau pata pit yes reyllnd 1niil in a choking volca and you foil behind in your work and didnt makp tha fraternity con tinued his moihnr with unerring in stinct o my boy has my sickness cost you such a sacrifice 7 it wasnt u sacrlflco mother h saldjbravelybut two big tears drop ped on tnolmndhls mothbrliad laid in his yes it was a sacrlflco paul hh put her arms around his nock and drew his face down to hers he kiss ed her wot choek and null in a merry but tender way why mother oiw mater is worth any number ofraters to i ol you and i paul sho looked al him proudly will form another chap ter of that undent honor sodety mater at km i us muscular rheumatism subdued when one is a sufferer from muscular rheumatism ho cannot do bettor than to have the region rubbed with dr thonos ecleotric oh let tho rub bing bo brisk und continue until oner- is secured there is more virtue in a bottle of it thou can be fully estim ated dairying most prosperous darcy scou general counel of tho national dairy council returned re cently from western canada whore he attended several dairy conventions in un interview mr scott said that thb dairy industry is the most prosperous brunch of agriculture on tho canadian pi apus at proxent i novor before experienced such a strong movepiant in favor of mixed farming and dairy ing us exists at jho prusant lima in tha prairln provinces dairying is umkmir wry substantial develop- nls tho annual increase in butter production was about 20 par cent inst year thu demand for mora and yot thorn dairy cows is qulio strong tho dairy cow will bo tho salvation of wostorn canada said mr scott tiler w nothing rrpulslvo in milters worm powders and thoy are as pleas ant to take us sugar so that few qhlldmn will refuse them in some caswis thoy causa vumlilm through their action in an unsound stoinuch but this is only a manifestation of their cleuhaiig indication that thoy uro hurtful thoy can im thoroughly depended upon to oleur- worms from tho system does a qarden pavt i am not sura whether our garden pays its way or not it tukea u lot f hard work tq plow it and got out tlo stuff and then its plant ana hoc plant und hool gosh but my hue eu tired at it homotlmos i think cpuld get along without u garden by buying a llttlo grjon stuff off thu murket occasionally i have bean keeping tub on tills gar- daiilps business last spring i put in two wliolo days with team hauling manure pjowln burrowing und list ing- that was ten dollars i i put in two mora days helping wlf plant things that wus six dollars uood cost eight dollars and counting tho tlmo i helped boo und work it through tho summer would amount to twenty dollars orcounww hudnlrtho fresbves- tables wo wanted on tllo tit bin llhil sold ubout forty dollars worth wi put up ho quarts of corn bounr peas tomatoes and ull kind of juk wi mud 3d gallons of kraut hud lull pounds of soup buuuu hail plenty kulo cabbugo ahd turnips to food our chlck-n- through the winter but it coal prutty diouvy our gat don niaj imy j il mitm i dunnol m ity hard and soft coins imth yield t hollowuyrt corn he in over which lu entirely uufa to uo uud certain ulid satisfactory in ita action yips to housewives a mull uinguiit of grated oruug i hut is a pleasant addition when scat tired over the top of u white led cuki a good floor utulii thut goes tight into the wood und is vary duraul made of unseed oil colored with ground burnt umber hub thmvughly into tha bimird with u fluunul pad uud next jay pomsli wltlf booswux und tur- twntine cuiidlo lids whn iiti small for futlhor lighting purposes should hi placed in a jar und mwlteil down thun mixed with sumcleiit ttirpentlllti in make u soft croum wud used for pol- mitug lliioloum und hlalnd tlxns tim milling of con i being kiiuwllul into u funuc im ulwuyti u miiirco ot toyuii l p ih h j ui to ptovoiit this got a mi nil large paper bugs till thmii wlti using a small wlinvcl und plto til the lur tluui vheu itidatepli illill ng lay o bags on the flic uiil as tin the coul will full gently without uotsc fur bug burns into pla yoa will o this ahieldahaptt trade baric in hardware stores everywhere yon wont aca 1 on cheap inferior eooda it gost only on household utensils of the hhtfaest quality yet selllne- at moderate prlcaa because of the tremendous quantities sold each rear choose cooklntfrand baklno atenalla that carry this trajo mark chooae bmp enameled ware with ita very hard smooth aorface ileatg faster cleans easier im parts no metallic flavor causes no danjrer- ona acid reaetlon ask for three gnishra- pearl ware two coats of pearlygrey mamd inaido and out diamond ware three jrcmtb light blue and white out side white lining crystal ware three couta pure white inside and out with royal blue edging sheet metal products co hdhtngal toronto winnlpco edmonton vancouver caloarv a complete line of k m p products handled by jas symon hardware acton farm help cana d iannat i onalra i uway s ih coopcoattom win omtario government department of colonization win aoaim assist rmum im aacunina sarm hd there will be an urgept demand all over canada this year if you need farm help apply carjy tho canadian national railways colanbation and devcloprnent dcparti merit throujjh its representatives in great britain sea mil l and other ituronean countries o0ers a free servico t6 fornwi order your farm help uarirly as possible in order that they will reach canada in time for sprinr rmlwavs dunk applicationccam dc ostaiked from any canadian national railways agent oh otpastmdir of colonlzjuioh and developiidft canadian national railways montrcal quk inside painting it wont be very long until springs and during these months that you arc snowbound would bo a good time to attend to minor details of inside pnintinf und varnishing we hove the enamel and paints varnishes etc auitnblo for all this work come in and tell us what you want und wo can supply tho material brushes at very reasonable prices too w d talbot main street phone 7g acton ontario a good cook pick her flour very care fully and the good cooks of acton urc all picking excelsior brand flour tor their baking dont lake any chances with tlio flour when you want to do your best baking follow the lead of the best cooks and use excelsior brand flour dhlindsay mill street acton ontario railway time tables castoria mother i fletchers castorla in a harmles substitute for castor oil paregoric teething drops and soothing syrups prepared lo relieve infants iu amis and children all ages of constipation wind colic flatulency to sweden stomach diarrhea rcfjulatc bowels aids in the ussunilution of food pronioling clccrf ulness rest und natural sleep without opiates to ovoid iniltutloiis always look for die uputurc ol ocyy 1rpvq illfvl on firll lurlmre phylilti everywhere rcommmlj tt at acton mfflwokelmbb ooino wsat no 2 n13 aro n ai 1035 aox 229 pn no 33 no 36 600 pm no 39 830 pm no jr hum y qolna east 1010 om no 3fl tok um no 30 1118 am no 34 336 p m no 3g 017 p m no 3 813 pjn no 24 hum ay 7 ok p m toronto suburban electric railway westbound no li hou m no df um um no r7 j 4 ii m no 01 uah i m no o woo i m no cr esstbound 11 4nm no 61 713am no 5d 1041 um no ti ltjprn no c3 4p m no 00 7tif pm no 70 10 1 pm sunday timetaqle wastbound no 56 it4uarn no gil 340 p m no 03 040 pm no 47 9rt p m eaatbound no 58 1043 ttra no co j4j v m no 04 ms pm no os k43pm ivoltht dallvorml by spoclal axpraaa frolcht- teralaiht picked up at an ad- ureas in toronto b t tiiettitond aarent acton iee navage and kwee better writs or phons for appointment for whn vou wish to coma a d savage optometrlat 4 wo optician 8avano ootlcalbuildlno right at tl poat ofnca quelph t e gibbons expert shoe repairing prompt attention to orders left t e gibbons kf ain btiucjirr acton egitavlkg s d3rioiiokvwr ttoromto can4u4 acton elevator near q t r station following brands on inland flour manitoba flour pabtrv rolled oats oat chop oats oilcake hav and orain grain bought and retailed alettcnoble 1ienuv awiley hjduiagei get your job printing at fhe free press this stores policy to represent goods ex actly ua to their quality to bell to those who know and to those who dont know ut a unifonn fair price to fulfill till guarantee biitl cheer fully correct ull mis- takes to dcaorve your confidence by ulwuya giving you satisfaction savage co jewellerd guelill ontario ha

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