Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 20, 1924, p. 2

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n sfb jkrtnn jtrrr irf aa iimllslivy makcl jo 1024 my corduroy creeches i ktl m iiiothi-r- durnln kept lift l ulrliln liitlf tlm iilirht i in ii in liiioralni who iki lulmod 1 lil ihu t r lit lil i in iconiiii in in ioli uonnu uvn fi lot uill iich ho hi jiii hiituxl ni- tlm loughum kjnl ii iiihlimn hrlli htn tin fliil in m i played otirio when 1 ram it homo klil r looked i or oil up n frnyp f ii mr kin hint to catnft tl brltohrsed the dltrhr hi tnoltiorm got onlumi tirlfho tin on sunflnj niirn liny thej m null my muds n fu mut mi it tic paste iiwn tny hair urn ununll a disgrace hut iho duy lit liulf used ui my imnij rulrly itches l r the cmfpr tnhln tvolln of mi ronluroy lirllrhh oh i tin rondnos of possession tho uudiios tif the heart iarudln past tho jtlg folks fool in kliula ktnurt you i ittiiif ncvii tmy mm nothln with iour immkci full f riches thai u mukn mo fool much goodorn my corduroy britches john eberhardl deceiving age hen some one complained to jorph do multru dial old mo was a dluarceahle thine ho said so it la lui after all it is tho only road to long uft ihui bun l boon discovered ii in curtain thai if wo keep on living old ag with all its dlaad- vanlugoa mul all its benefits fyr it bus limit will conta to us tho only pmut foi- discussion in how best t in rt t scnio try to meet it by avold- i lic it a long us posslbto wo wv not bo ulil they cry wo will yu m will live with iho younu do uh iho young doj and thero 1 murh to b uald for thin not thai ili old should vor tipo iho young uhould nvnr wear young clothes or frisk too llithlly in younff unseemly frolic ca nurmenu und ultra rush lopa hie fancies only urcontualo white hair und cut wrlnkus deeper hut to think younc thoughts to keep in he irt frh hy contact with youth ful jy nnd sorrow are undoubtedly famous muom for cheating time and hiding or forgetting tho remorseless progress f tho yearn and better la it to persist in being active i useful tp do your work in the very best way without giving a thought t- how i one you havo been doing it yut uft it all those remedies oven tf excnlionrar only pallia live they may sweeten the malady of ago they will not euro 111 sooner or later woaknrsm bihts usefulness and cuj on acflvuyv friends young or old ilio or am torn away from us and ilioao who depended mainly upon oc tho external distraction for deceit in uffu find that their reliance t falling them the outer life that they have lived no xealoualy can be lived no loner and they are sorely at u iohji for some thine to put in place of olijp ifrrr jlrpsb sluirt tnrtj toms new partner iouimi it iiaki1 l r inn kin iiirllinutm i hl ho and tom thut tom ltooke of hliimoir ii tulkid llk wim mil fellow nuliit h re t nix lltihow o tin h- ukiinienct liclnl in ni hil projid trpmomloilaly roi n in u slrl with i tin lovellnsl hillr ubly promt of tilm d of bin ho hi id thr nnd it j it is then that those who have given more thought to cultivating the spirit have their revenue in youth books and ytttdy and reflection im pale und coltt they do not respond to our appoal with the eager human warmth that fleuh and blood can give ue tlntt anoush for nuch thlnga wo aay when tho light hand and the quick fool ehall fall hut the inner life will not be tratd o it must be nouriahed and cherished in youth or tt will not respond in age therefore without unduly brooding upon the future or fearing it he careful to make provi sion for it always by giving part of yourirottmrrtnr mvwaxbaryvrtrtt thoae things that will not fall you when the muaclea falter and the slrongtb decay impersonal inter eats beauty and truth ore not ahak an by flying yoara instead they may grow richer and broader with the wealth of knowledge and iho breadth of experience the beat preparation for tbo im mortality that we oil dealro u ingraft upon our aoula bare the fullest possible portions for thoae things that are immortal what makes a town what make u town7 la it the wealth evidenced by tho homes and plendld store buildings these may attest the stability und thrift of cer tain people but they offer no great inducements to commercial and moral progress is li ibe spirit of good order and law enforcemmilt thu is u fac tor only the sleepiest old humtota that dot the country may have lhu spirit in rank abundance is it the schools und churches 7 may their num ber over incroaso but they dont maks a town they only culture it js it tho geogrupnlcul location the char acter of the country surrounding the natural udvantagis7 none of these are ttssentul well what hs it that makes a lwn unywuyt just thing the unity of tho people tho exlstunco of a common bo nd which causes bualnfss and social enemies put oaldu ull differences wlian it comas u boosting tlm town no town o made reul progress lit the way wubstantlul success without the got- fogolhur spirit unanimously adopted it has rcjuvunutcd old huks of towns ihut wcru vuwulng their way into enil loss hleep it has infused new blood into thuhourt of commercial life and made thriving cities out of paralytic vlllugf natural adlrantttges count f mu uimi pswsperlty an not b built upon vhlftliig sand but- any town with hair u chance an bo mud o grow und uxpahd und thrive when its citizens join with one uccord in th boosting programme to three h8 slipping vor kunurartons those in favor of good pi not leu i schooling with n trimming have loaned beuvlly upon tho unit known three fundamentals of wdutat ion usually known as the throo u reading riling anl rlthmullu a suiurltitouduit of schools a youngslowu ohio now points ou tlutl typuwrituru and uddlng tuauhlnon have cut dooply into tho importance o the famous three ho llusluuss oairrospoiidlnjf 1 now car ried on in typewriting as in an in creasing amount of personal corres pondence a fine hand is no a some- what superfluous aocoropllshment the bock of tho arithmetic boa long bewtt obsolete save on a mental train ing basis now tho adding machine attaoks tho front reading remains apparently un touched hut reading nover was es sentially a roattur of schooling alter tho school gives the pupil a start it la up to tho homo to supply tho boy or girl with reading matter so wo are moving progress light- 9nm same of tho old taglta but at tht same time imposes new opes life is broader and fuller thaa over before and toe work of tho tfahool in traxnuig youth to meet its damanas la resul- jttfivtl but not ditoiniahod ho wuk inn but the two poop- in the world who inr tho very proud- hl t turn wr tho two l1 hiwyom in whimo ino th boy imd ikoii dilll od hi th lu lurh of tho two old luuycril took to hlnikolf tho credit of nhnplng tom legal mind mid of plac ing him upon tho highroad to success i piled the work on him at a tro- meinlous rate auroly snld mr illg- glcboo ihj illtlo old lawyer v i want- lirtw much ho could stand jooruo ho nioofl it all i ii mound him in wrlto my papuru hi lilm ovtlrl way and uh u ronaoiiuonro ho rltotr un fine u papor ns a tnituro ttnrnoy ulmont i limy y nn good puper uh i wrlln myself it hits given mo inrinlto plnunuro said mr murphroe tlm tall old luw- intf lomplacontly to help bring beraro tho public u boy lltui tom ilookor yos sir j hnvo permitted that young man to plcnd in iho courts when i would hnvo had another stud ent still rending hla itluckstouo 1 ran risks no doubt of it but t ran tlieni with my oyts open tho outside world lawyers und averyono olsa dclarl thut trnn hail dona u wlso thing when ho offered himself aw a ntudont in tho oltlcn of mr illgglesou und mi murphree and though jieople said tom dd not go in with the understanding that ho was to do all tho work of tho firm by doing all the wutk ha has mastered tho law quicker than ho olhorwluit could possibly have done as tom thougfrc oter tho fnvorabla decisions that ho had won ho told hlmsalf a great many flattering things look hero he uald youre u fool if you settle yourself in thl rnuutyutl at oforflcos and continue tho work of tho firm yo got up the tapper rapidly that whut yen want you want to to uptodulo you neod a good library and youv got to have it you can go i another young fellow go hulvon with him in tho expanses mora uptov into light offfcon and tho two of y push ahead you cant possibly mo along briskly with twu very a gentlemen dragging you back arter he had told himself ull that tom rumpled his yellow hair and felt miserable in imagination the uttlo old lawyer was looking up at him smiling with his hands dn his shoul ders the little old lawyer had such very affectionate ways and then the tall old lawyer was shaking him by the hand long and hard and laughing in his pleasant manner tho tall old lawyer had lovo in hi oyos and tom wished that he hud not yes its bard to break any kinl of ilea tom growled but when its got to be its got to ho and j might as wall tell them what i mean to do they wore astonished when tom fujiy exrilaiiiodbiajnmnuon o them he told them everything except thut the new partner was to be young they had thought that he was well situated where ho was but after the boy had gone out of tie office with tils hat tilted boxk showing the yellow lock across his forehead the two old gentlemen each seriously consldorod tho mat lor and each arrivod at a similar conclusion namely that ho could not possibly got ulong without tho boy toms mother said thai of course tom was right hur boy knew his own business but oho added that she did fool sorry for the two old lawyers who had always been wo kind to him tho girl with ihf luviily tuilr showed her dimples und her blu ayes grev larger and brighter uh tom unfoldud his plans the plans sec mod so gi gantic and it us such u uttlo timu ugo thut some people had tukeit tori for ijie otflc lkoyl certainly site aald ho ought to huvo a young part ner und most cortulnly they ought to havo the latest util best law books in their joint library and groun turpot it looks so well in an olfuo said tho girl and wry comfortublo hairs comfortable chair muka mucii a pioas- unt impression and you ii rot it now k of course tnmt i am looking at luiuloguus uald tom i intend to gjl my dvmk in new york tho girl uuuped hr liihds i inn sorry only about aim thing tom you mean lint stovot cried tom the oillcn uru to b hcutud by steam in her unthuslusui owr ntuun hut tho girl utmost furgat thut uno thing about which she wuu woiry wtfll suiil tom hi u glow you heu that everything right t only i havent got tin part hot vol buw dn tftm io for ji i jliml 1 in the am lie i ind iloubl ml fill t i nnirth tom luughr you want tom iioddei 1 arly iho in tur bforw mr i tho oimlo mr ith tom ho tom ho eclded to not u flnt liiiimo i y r hift ihu i rlnkl nlllni on r 1 tintt uiiid tirlul ul the court lth ha 1i juu bin p in now hllw rliiu7 thatn i mil j aa mil lulu i am sorry for those two vers suld the ulrl tho truth li llilil- ollt id luw- llavo juu i lumen yit7 although it wan only nlim oclock tom looked nervously round befon ho miiiworrd hint ho hod not i vi ry uiwil uald tho tall old hiw- i- lie lourd lil thiout uhhiiiuouu- ly ruuil his mnnioriinhi und tlim said ivo boon umsldi rln ih mjiltor frr ull points of view und uuy iitfiil ihut ou uto right you huvo hu juat u uttlo hit loo muh of otho ptxyilou work hoi h in ttioiio otn i i dont llko to tuy bhiino upon it rim wtio in ubuant hut mr illggloson i pscullur und although ho mimnu wel lie has vxui tod too much of you who bo lot you wrlto till his ppor now itu u good tiling to mind ii boy hit the courth but itu another thing i muko him wrlto n lot of dull irgul pnpors 1 imvo alwuii oiitortulnod kin 1 feelings toward mi lllgglnxin but ho bail no earthly lino fot mo theri- foro i um kolnir to muko tblu proptmul to j ou i will ho your now pai timi wo ii have the llnont sulto of ullliva to bo found in tbo town you pn tom im not uu young an i onco win though 1m not ui old as hlggloson by any mannnr of moumi and i need jou for my curt work the loll old lawyer pulted to on the bead you will think thnt niuttoi ovori tom h uul with u uttlo trrmbltrln hlsvolct thntuoundoifnii if ufmr nil ho wniii pihnpn tut old nn mr ikgglnson c til think it ovoi mr murphreo said torn and meanwhile tom mild ml murphrofl you wont g rumilnc round town looklni foi another younx fellow like joumolf7 you wont find him be doesnt oxlnt you imoil at older hefld to no with 1 ours j uun follows require bull jut wlinn ou have thought tho ninltitr ovor you will let mo know i will lot you know mr mutpbroo said tom ono day aftor that tbo two old lawyers und ton worn all bony ovoi n special plcco of svork it was in teresting and when thuy wore througb they shook hands all around by way of congratulating uo anothrl thoi it was that mr murphreo uald changes must come in tho natural course of thlngn but pon my soul 1 wish that we three cduld stick tn gether then another day tho thioo worked on another caao with hlmllur results and no nrgumontutlvo discourse uiio this time it wau old mr illgglcstm who aald wovo boon together for 4 long time if we ovor separate miss tbo one that isnt with us izveryone know that tom w move ludoed as noon as ho had ed his ofllcas almost every a no sought thorn out and vliuvlng them dcclalod that young itookor surely had a bead on his shoulders whoi mother was them she felt sorrier than over for tho two did lawyers loft bo hind and when tho girl with tho blu eyes saw them alio would hot even usk tom ihu name of tho now partimr a fow people win ml lug outslilo the courthouse haw tom on the may that ha moved ha was unylug a pllu of books thut reuchud from bin arm hold low to his chin held high old mr alurphrau uciouipunlod bint pla said 4bnllje th luwy polite roooer8 lluhwnnicn if iimunl huuudh und ru lltliini tout i inlnr fumum icnluhi f tho mud limy bilhvid liiv ifli ii him polite u liiduii 1ut plriitc ium 1 niv rholjn tho into ijun i th liihilpli ni llohtiiiii lolntih m iniinnio of w prllto pirate who nl ny simiikl one of linr um i ilrnnbd fiuiu molomiitttiii tail iniido u u vulu iili prininl to hi nui o tho lady ii tho linn who wim mim john llm uiuml mnih und llii plr ulliioi r on unit poll t ii nt bo thttii i h i upi kidd hlmuolf uld in kind oly re ui of tho lulund una uli i n kidd hinilod upon it und mm rdlnor lorrlttoil piil kuoplng hoi ri n ho u l hor invlttd tho foimhlnbl loot i to dhiiior in tlm hope nl luting him ho uciiilnl und she wim ly and wlllly fi d oi i harmed i or hoih thnt ho into te both of wlihli iwu rli h ulfti piesorvrtl b icidd phthor mill hoi dm nliilill th iv iltiongthiimd i llltl ull llukl illloil ioordlng it hlsliry mid tho kldl llmikni u pu of kiipirh omtirold oiy two yards hjig hi rlinson tilto iuij gold whuu tho pltflur wim pro iiontod it was hi 1 1 of vitro kunl indian nwoeimrats ho blanket in itomotlmui cullnl tlm kidd ultur rtmil nlnco ll wum pionuinuhiy ntolon froip u houih anurttiui or mexlntil hurt h in innni pliutlrtil told among tho mmit fitmoiui niimam ii llm roprnhotihlhlo hut lctureiiun roll of llrltlsh lilghwnymnii u thnt cliuido iduviil who i along with bis irencb name pouncimuil a dush i touch ptitlli uruii at irani towuld 111 fair and rniiitji frightened utod varloun sloi uparod pi city ladles their rjpgi lnckot if thoy hogged him winnlngly enough or hud tlm art whloh notublo btllo of his ra lirofosaed it uhofut one to u woinun of holm iihle to woap movingly itnd that with out strou king of cbookn of rod nine uimo but hint oimly that unit of puro rlhtitll slldo hoftoly from udu to rlilnno like um dew droppen upon u l ono ills in owl notnhle rmici tn roinlnlno t barm hum ntil however u romplato nurrondur it wum n hu gain th lovoty indy with whom 1 wum nm dn wum pi ull br rich jiw ilosrendfrom the dunro u com n to fffl gollunt hied immunity for if mho would i atrh and forthwith ii tbo huath will uroful claude partner a condition with which be reudlly compllntl a knight of tbo road nf lutis nut thtin utiviil ludood ipjltn u tnlnoi mod out ngmo hi tbo nunitls of crimo- imvortbelosm rlguiod mttgnunlmously in un obi htnudiiliitot bnllad in which lm uhautrd uihloud of ilehpulllng laity in illiitrinn hho wuu the un rolithm tbo poor but bouutlful widow of u riotoud young noblemiiii jum kill ed in u dunl although of gontlo blood who wan beneath hjm u rank and the mutch hud boon micro t wliou thft o toll witn hold up hiio watt ou hr vn lo nook out hot biimbundm imronts und linkdiilr foiglvanuuauudpnitkiloi fir herself utul her baby hoy all she hu j to provti imi t umi was her wedding ring iiutt her ortincate of man luge pinned und iilgnod in mlnlu- turo nnd tarried in u lockot round h nntk when tlmiiu two prorlouii trli ketii worn dtimnndod at tbo point a plntol ubn wits in depalr but the lohlwti- hearing imr ntory wus moved to pity ho t hor back imi umall gold tlnz ho put it her ringer on hnyii yours nnd mine and youro again though hardly tt wum won ho gavu br bin k hor golden locket huyn now think well of me ami gold and ruho lo nil br pocket o thanks kliulmlr nuyn ttbo if tbo grutoful pocketing of uucb duhloiut gold and tublou by an in nocent und lovely heroine in dlntrasj uoems somewhat strange the rcade- rem ember thut bionduhoet ba- lll all r foi tho two blinholf ho i row to gru hould get u vfioto world old luwyors timu tom lutd not oximbcmd tbo so be had thought that bo s to tt but he did nut ono oay ue hlgglusoii callod tom into tho uttlo private back oflloe looking at him in that unniotlunul way of his wild tom vvu luteii thinking over what you suld to us about your tllaii you know und iv come to ihu conclusion hint you uri rlgtit you are ulmost always ilgbl tom you tmod imw bright oitlou- and youll get thorn uplowu you nogil an uptodate llbruiy uhd it isnt bore ills voloo sunk unit ho wont on i know thut there have bu some tilings hero bolostbo tifnio old otrico rouinw that must lievo boon exceedingly irylng to u lilghsplrltod young man like yoursulf you huvu shown yourself an able lawyer you havo talked in llio courtu llko u lawyer uf ox pari onco sjvury one says so and yet you huvo been treated uku n boy ho nodded toward the outer oltlco i ani sure thut murphreo didnt mean anything by it it l just his manner i hes getting old i understand exactly why you are golug to leave 1 i fool proud of you tom that you told us in such a way thatmur- phrea nover guessed havo known far a long time that the three of us couldnt remain much longer together now though murphreo thinks u great deal of you levos you like a son i may say ho thinks literally nothing of ma why tw has sent you off to ihu courthousolo plead a pasa that ho couldnt plead himself and then jumps on me or giving you papers lo writet and declares that i loved tom no tlouily that be could not even lot ilm boy run uwuy by himself but thuy wondered u little at mr murphtw happy expression the happy exprimmlnn whs only mo mentary for u i loud mine over hlrt face tom jiuiii thv old gentleman it seems kind of moult sneaking olt ilka this from mr hlgglenoti before lit comes down to the office i wish mutters hud boon different my hy und that you huunt objacttd to luu- lug him ulong tomm face ruinulnod luippj he was thinking of uuuthi r volte tlini hitd said tn him tlm night before 1 fvol llko plvudlug with you tom i behalf of murphieo hon old und ii upon you uiut he ovs you ukd perhaps uftor wero up ihuro a bit you il und out thut you tun in uku i ooin for him it wont ito foj h im ufritid i wont bo able to look muiphtoo in tho u the next timn ii tnuut tho broutlhhouldviod young rullov nd tin lull old giiutloiituli ualketl u hf ntujim lauding lo tbu tlnvut ultlte u tittle os in tho town unit with tbu tin of his hoot ton pusbod tho open doo faith vt- aiioii mr murphron ntoppot in and surveyed tlm plui e tlmi were throe ilosks unuiigd un i ho throo doaks in the old building hud tieuii ui lunged and thorn nl tho fiimt desk was mr hlgklohun lit woi k ul hltoi oclock for possibly tbu iirst ttmo in hlm life mr lllgglesini hud lonkod iji from bin ilojtk und was u titling hutit ul mr mill hrc he too hud woiitlui d about he tliroo duuu tbu twu old uwyiw hlinultuiiooualy gruapod the slluutlon ut lo iat thut part uf it which mount thut tbu throo wore to continue together ttmy ruslt ud into ounli iithnrrt ul tn und billion uilluti whllo tom mtitndlug off u uttlo idlll hold tint pile of law books ihut reached from im u mi held low to bin chin imld high ll certainly would tuko a ouurl of- equity- lo dm liio whit ll ono wu the uuw iiuitiiu bo said lutui lo the girl with the blue ryus court of equity inupetll wjilsiwir at ttio girl whoso dliiiph u hud hot disappeared since topi told her of hlf uirangvinent i um sure ll would bo h hum foi tho tduphmitu court uf cunuda luds of tho ron urniil onlv with glorification of thjlr hlghw men heroes consistency conscience the heroines themselves uro alike i mportnmtnntn man nwt biggest engines used in canada canadian national railways order new powerful locomotlwss just cats nil r rriil inlng to not brr liu i lofln llko a dump plu icroiin i hud thut pi io o when togethnr mm wheidharrow in top hur mul m tho rili mly uh holdino his own a vary shy youth mat uil the sofa with his lady lovo too dlrfldent to put tho fatal question ho gradually slipped his arm around her wulst and after a long sllonco blurted out dot palrlngly i dont acm to bo making much progress porhapsi not replied tho lady but out anyway yoq or boldlng your own upon tho completion of orders plac ol in montreal and kingston ontario tho canadian nullonul hallways have in npuiutlon tho largest passen ger and tho most powcrfulfrulght loco motive engines in ciiiiudit orders lm boon plu red with the canadian loci motive company in kingston ontarl for nrtcen mountain typo pussonger iqcoiuotlve engines und iliianlu 1 tjpo transfer freight inglnes nnd willi tho jdonlreul loconiotu o works foi- thlrty mikado frolght englnen the mounuln typo locomolivcm on older uro he nuino us ttio fumous co 00 cliutu that wum plucod in sei- vlco on the liiim of the cuuitduin nu- tlouul luilhvuyri in tu atlantlg lteglon nnd on the roll to between montreal und toronto latit aumiimr those en gines huvo given uxcelloiit service they nro the hirgost passeiigor en gines in uho tn canunif when limy ci r rut built ono was phued on nxhlbltlon u liotmvuniuro utatlou und utithei ul tho cuiiudlan national lit- blhlllon in torotito und ut both plucos they uttructad buge crowds of peopln lvon now pusaoiigora dlkiuntiitlnlng ul monlioiil uud otluir turmlnul htutlons holdout full to ship to udtnlre tbo hiikiiio wfotu having the platform tlm bun in i u type of freight uuglno will ojidly lunk first ittnong frolght ongltiem in cuiiiida und with ubout two oxuoptlons will ho tbo most powerful iypo of rruiglit oiiglne in un in north atnorlcu they will be used exclu sively foi tiuiisfoi puipoaus that ij the intuhforrlng of heavy fulahl ttiroiiib illy yanla where huavy gradej t iiyirtii bofrognrlatort thoy will be umud for this purpose lurgoly from mlmlco to nunforth through tho tn onjo yards tho mikado uiighms will be ulmllu to those placed iii sorvluo hi wcstoru canada last summer thoy will be equipped with th booster attach ment which gives tbaiii added motive power und uro nua ilaslsnad fsi- n4 hi bud water ureas us exist in mas- kutohuwuii tho tiuw louottiollvos when completed will bu used in wes tern canada ulso and will jflvo the canudluii nutlunal hallways mjdod motive power to handle iho groat crop movement in tho pralrius much tin utnppid lo uni notlur llim i ha nk yilut lutii w nt iitrtulilng up jio path nptittnln uud xtutterln mid liovo into hrr kltchon mid slumun d lm ihxir whutovi n hiipoiud 7 ahchoo unotzid mm lloliio l urn i tig i hr qiit ut lotto i n plump itroitky touuieiiuiki i urloiisly on- lortotl by a nlmiiltiim nun htnllo ttml tuoezo aliohoof abchch oh hoo nothing hut jiitt vittn mlunli wo didnt ugioo on t li li lutalllgnnoi mbltii und odliiiitlnu abihool thorot on n lu r tod nm wlnji you spoke nnd loinu of thin popper went up my iujs but i guens thai blunt tlnlulnd it you lucrotia tortulnly did got ntlrrod up hut lawny in thorn wuant liny iioodl why i like mli and tlm oriuuxn nm clever enough to kpow it hut lu- nretiu well you know how she 4eoe on nt halfcock hho vowu und du- llarum if l wont hour to reason thats herund tlpi clitlutu of mercy nnd inmiunltytlintti her too she 11 go to the hocloty for tbo lruvontlon of cruolty to anlmubi und hav im haul- d into i ourt for pep dm iji hor poor itiuoiunt ptlimycutj all coo i abtoo dear luo tberu inuul a little huvo got onto my bundkon bkf kor goodnosu sukuu kuean hon- noyl ojanulutnil mrs wimble what should you want to popper anyonon cut for 7 well in tho first place uald mr- uounoy j vn no notion of wuntln to in n i h tiny poor ixumfn throat or blind itn oyuh uku luciutlu ileiiouucod ma for und no cat ovet born iiopt iwuh a born idiot would let me if i had cutw urn olovnr most uu clover as limy uro dainty thuy love uwoot smulls und spicy luuvus und to ml or young uhoom that glvo out frugrahco wtmii tiuyro nibbled or rolled on i guusii thoy do nsuoutod mis wimble i hud a perfectly droudfpi tlmo with em lust yuur in my patch of boo balm j cjurdoii holloliopo thatll whut lv got hero a gniiul big clump well it drawn em ovmi more they lovo il llko it wan catnip thuy mont apollod initio for two yeurm t ould huvo cried id flush out nnd nhoo em mid ditiicn kind of wild yar durfjou at oin uud ihiow utoimu ihut just tnlusod und theyd look sort of politely sur prised llko id forgot my muilliuri unit lopo orf u few foot nnd tho ml nut i give up und go i n back theyd coma to resume their pleasant diversions then continued mrs ilonnoy hoard ubout popper you just popper tho ciump heavy when the shoots are first hturtln mid injiyhu once or twlco uguln if u mhnwor wushos it off too soon tho ctttssoomluarnr nndthop dont hurt lliumnolvmt either thoy too dulnty mid caroful to gut dumagotl any thin mora than a uttlo sneeiin ulid smiirtln youd think lucrotli otlllu would lutvo soimo ouougli t luiow but then iiim hasnt forglvei po yot 1 nposo for whut happwnod before what dld7 uskod mrs wlmbb with interent why i dltl touch onn cat to keep off before i got tho popper idea and it happened to bo one of iters that grout yollow tom with tho plumy tall i caught him right in tho patch rolllii on the fust flowei n talks of tho sou- sou und i grubbed him up by tho scruff uf the nock uhd run with him to ho shed whore tlnro wus u luiil full 4 froxon slush wo hud luul icecream or tlluimi ami i plunked htm down into it und thou lot go lie wont orf like a streak of yullcr llghtnlu mul beii novor been hiim nldn of tho fence and jou told luorlju7 she uuw tn do it hbe staitad in to say thai cat una highbred and null i vn and delicate and would nure dlu of inlluuiizu and pneumonia uud rheumatism- and ufnw othortmngst but i cut hur nlioi t buys i lucre ha odlln a cat litiu nine lives und u lau ono i uuw yoii lust winter gottln out of your brother johns car wearln a long fur tout utul i saw you slip on a pleco of tea and not down sudden in tho gutty in tho cold est kind of a puddlo juat llkti i sot your cat uud you uht died of it yet says i and i v gui hm whut you can stand your cat cmi jly my imid mumh wimble ffllo couldnt hu boon oxuotly pluusod with you huuitn she wusiit ugrood mrn itomn hut iwuh liiglt and ciiui mo tu you put poppet ou your huu bub minnie youll uud itll work too dangerous old llllt p n nvlng pi tin hi ml hi 111 a mill ul r in i i lefot miuili- rr in hrvillllloi u spt i it inn t is to miiiim ihi lr i untoiurm in li s thun i nihiiito and in iv polliciixn to dush uimiik tin lrt nl a cm vi aliiihiid hy living spf imoii uh r off duf it mm ntl hhi ion not douht th illi of h in all thorn thlngh w to taklni- l imc x hc un dt jih ted lr utlj lllu ohll rl tl lliihl- ll i llsap nlkhlh directly i rate or at lount k mll il uih nwerved uilldi iihi d on i ponred aunt hoi lotild utn nw li umu musilly iiiisilng tho baud of h r llti iilmi nho roiioind iiliiitel swiftly f llm dooi iiiiki tiluitg mlnry nh sul it aliit niifti ii stay h io uny long that thing didnt m i mm nio mm tin two fo it a lot of whatnot aio you ihorot who um you pleusu whatt whats your nuino watts my name yob whats yum hitmli my linme l john walt john whatr iii bo uround tu uco you ibis uf- all right are you jones no t in knoll will you toll mo your name thin7 well knot why noi7 my nume js knoll not what- hrr clank crash htmru for every use about the house for washing floors and lino- leum washing woodwork and windows for the many uses about the house surprise wears wii washes well in any water and is soft on the hands j indl atpansabl e in oorbnifiw i anoaw wholehesrtsd sodotssraedx comes irom mr a w wulums genend sianager ol the bells ewsrt leg company lualtscl toronto who rfn we have been uv fass ford trucks lor the past eight years and had a in our cars tskf yard pniiminmfw endorsed by fleet owners in almost every business where last and economical delivery service isa factor ford trucks havo estabhshed an enviable reputation tho experience of robert simpson ccanpanyljniibklusatypundcxanie tho robert simpson company operate one of the largest truck fleets in toronto 55 fords this fleet has proved eo satisfactory that it is being constantly enlarged bo practical and economical in oper ation thai during tho past fivoyears not a single car or truck has been traded in the prompt and efficient delivery system which is an inseparable port of this stores service to tho public is laige- ly due to the flexibility and staunch endurance of this ford delivery fleet the ford las the confidence of its users thats why there ore so many ford users see any authorized ford dexizer trucks tracto s too thin mlldr had jut bad her that dip in tbo ocouu how did jmi llko it dour tutkod br mother uh iilin fuili lint up tho uttlo blxyoitroldu fiiwu mildred it lu roil uugilly ut th hputk lltig sou i didnt llko it ut ull itioumr sbu illnd ctddly i kilt ou u wuvo und i went through knowledge gained 0v experience a younrf otiiilgii uutlng us nclioul teat hor on the batlluahip tuxatl iiy- tbo ihllndolpbla publto ledger asked tho uuostlon whut mo tbo two piln- tlptil purls uf u soiititiitsu7 llo t pondid of touise to got tbo uuswot hlibjoct und prudhulu tbo old salt who wus culled on si rate hod bis head lu purploxlty und at lust roplloti holllary cannneinunt ud bruad und water gwwix irmt7awmiai7wmitiikwmimi ml w ml ml ml ml ml ml ml l ml ml ml ml telephone girls seltgoods a nniull store iu u uiuiu town cuu train ono or two of its own girls or men to tuko tclophono o r d ax a on advertised goods us tho big stored do in ono uloro witli ovor 100 tolcphono operators cuch tukos tolophonu ordura uctlujf us uhop- pors for tho lolophono customer in tills storo as many us 3000 tclo- phono ordoiu will bo ru- coivod in ojio day soiiiii urocers uso tho sumo motliod may wo help you apply it to your business c0ips- chappto mahos pubhs akry 0 sir rfsaom u a irfwcj ofsfsses stttom if you sent a postcard to each subscriber of tiie free press it would cost you over 3000 for postage alone without any allowance for the cost of printing your message and ad dressing the eards the same amount of money spent in the free press at 200 a week would enable you to tell a different mes- siigeevexyweelciorjl5weelcs and there is very little trouble for you all you have to do is bring in the copy for the advertisements and the free press does the rest jf yon have a bigger story to telluse a bigger spaee but the free press by careful display endeavors lo make every advertisement large or small bring results theres no cheaper or more ef fective way of reaching the people of this district there never was a lime when adver tising was more closely read than now phone llj or 11 w and well be glad to give any further information desirerl the acton free press i i a i i i i mmvt y

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