Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 20, 1924, p. 5

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ofljr artmt 3xtt jwufl jrilljuhiiay maitch 20 1034 perscvere and succeed whnlntuf jou undorluko hi do ivr if hiih you kmi in which lou ur im ii 1 tl illllll if yon will only lr ucvrk yuii ninety will m li i dont be disniirugi 1 if ou should oft in wild uii rxilliin thiron nothing l 1 lin iu gr it without om n vofullulll mcmtl joulouh folk- will iilwojn ann ul every iull ilul whit if ihlht j tint itcrnovorc ijuimluci lj mi tod toll on willi mind ii ml mlrlil until ah lclll die it hi nay i iliuiv ihil wli r- thflrn lu n w then ulwuyu im u wity kl mind und icnco ever lonr n iih you will ii k ii- nutf yiiuii- tight i it ah persovoro mi you wll the i nurcccd s it v jumea ijlxvso thb sundayschool lesson fon ounday march 23 1024 ichhonll illckjn h vu fltom koiomonh 1 1 i 71 i kings ii twenty yeara aqo am ths luui of the frse prn ol thursday march 24 10o4 th- spring rdlnlf calendar thn wellknown murlw llros com pany wilt occupy tin town liall hoxt ijoiiduy and tuesday vonlnga thoy mmuuncn nn upiodalo programme there hnvo ixirn mure turnips ehlp- pd her thn past winter than evor before prices wen highly favorable to tho farmers ruling from 13o to 180 per busltal mr john hurvoy who was laid up for four monthn a u rcxult of the accident kumtalncd in 5ovnmbr rev umed his duties n cxprpmmnn on monday mr hood carried on the business during mr larveys absence with much antinfurilon collector ornhiim returned the col lectors roll for 1003 to tho council on monday evening all tho laxe for tho your worn collected uxcopt 82 r0 for dog the ownora of which remuviid from town for fionr- time ujiao been fell that a hoard of trade composed of cltl- sens und business men would be of advantage to acton fnr iho second time within si too nth tho oddfellows of acton last wednesday ovaning provided the people and vicinity with a ronc1 of the very highest order the artists worn mr harold jarvia of detroit miss allco calder leonard soprano anil mrs helen wyrick shafor elo cution int and mlu acnes dun op of hamlltan accompanist rvery num ber wm m delight died cqok at the residence of her son k k cook falrvlew avenue acton on tuesday march 22 1904 sarah elite bth kesny widow ofthe hu itav h h cook aged 76 yoarg things as they are you know clotlda gave warning 1 ay dreadful thing omellmei- i think i can stand tho aback mian hhnldon replied are you wansjng to nay something dreadful just nowt thats juat it clotlda replied lift ing hex brown perplexedly i never want to ouy droadful thing they never aound dreadful at all to me anly to other peopfo im juat trying to ay things the wdy they are that mlaa sheldon responded ha bout tho most difficult thing in life clotlda it 17 clotldas voice was full of uuimiant why i think its vay if only people would lot mo ill let you at leat i wont b shocked what did you want to tell me ciotidat well said clotlda settling into a confidential attitude thcrva miss rsebum she looked so sweet but doesnt do anything except that ovar- lastlnc crocheting balut itnd dolls and such thlngsfor church fairs i sup pose think of being in mountains like these and seeing nothing except workl she never go on any trip anywhere clotlda ptiuaed a second for mlas sheldpn to make some comment but no comment come v so she went an to the nxl thing tftcn theres ueatrlce pomberton i heard thut aho wos so artlatlc but uta clothes she wearnl why imlsa sheldon they are awful they dont match tho colors and they dont ult hor in the least some of them are fussy and frilly no one could be really artlatlc und wear such clothes you neednt tell mo clotlda miss shclqon said did you ever think it would bo fun to bp a detective didnt i just clotlda responded how did you guess miss sheldon t it wasnt gucssinc 41 was suggest injf why dont you do w little de tective work for yourseir discover why miss itaehurn seesi nothing ex cept wools und beatrice iamberton wears frilly clothes 7 i wonder whats upt clotlda re marked reflectively to the landscape but 111 try it will be fun two day later clotlda rushed in i clotlda all pepltcnco and humility mjs hhpldon wuspt i juat horrid why 8 ijump t thing mi nvr vajtlntf to rtnj uutt mlas jutaburp with that xplnul troublo and never u word about it and aendln boxea und boxr of chrlalmam prvsepu to ikmir little schools und places x did you find out why beatrlco wmberton likes frlllyf clothes wrin they dont suit hcrt she doesnt she hatoa thoni she wears thum hucaunu u ooualn ttunds thorn to hor und mhew putting a little ulster through college mis sheldon i juat fool about ono inch high julss sheldon om i led it wua u amho that was full of understanding and it ronifortpil clots a conservative speech theru wuru some iloubw in the coin muiilty us to horn lloyds iltnoas tor a position on tho school bounl owing to certain lapaas hi lilt early educn lion but hs tlrat mwli lu 1im oinclul capacity mllencrd thg tongufn of all critics he hxtttnvd tu kvvnml jcltutlou with a iiruvound liilorwstod ulr und at the ond uf tho luxt on lie loo to address the chiol ly rnutml home thiuiin urti in uy province uh member of tlm ttoliuol ward und nuniu urn nothu said with u gmiiul amllw- its wllhln my invlmo to y that i novcr heard mclmlur uimwor up rooro promptly than ou chllditin of district number thru as to whttthof yur answer worn or worn bt currout it in not ny ploo to say your toucher known und hi her huudm i leave tho rouli qettinq its strength out mis wlckertutm mii udvortued for an uxpurinuctht cook the nrst up- pllcunt who came in unswer to the advertlaeuient wm a kluut red halrstl young wumua mr wtcksrhain pro- krtiuded severul quastlops to bar which shu mmworeit hi fairly hutitf- fitetury maiiner t uskci h how long do you hull lour 1 well mam uld ho yuunjc woman sooio folka biles it longer un aotii shorttrr its all uliiulr o tust but you do boll it dont youj oh yes rerlnly bpf vvm aliij thy u lit that two houix wua lonrf enough o bile any tu- you uati ifk all the trangtb out uf it lu itut llro loldon trjh the four of jehovah 1 die itcgjtinlnic of knowld irov 17 the tt epulnd 2 chron i 7in thut night- the night following th grrat nnrrincrii tho author or klngn miyw tluit jnhovah iilhcurl to kolomonln a drnum and thin in lit inuxt impllixl hvrn jeho- vkilin wnnlh nro ank whut i mhall klvi thee vet no 0 thy prom he unjo davit tint i bo loin on hln mjiii hiioiiiii nuccsitil him und hull n lotiiolf to jnhoviih und that hla lliiouc iliould ok tab llmhd rornvii it chron 25 0f thin promt m lutd ulriidy hopii iurtlnliy fullllltl hotiro kolomon prays with faith for iin complete catubtuhmcnt vcru 10 oivn m wisdom first kipkh awyi un underhtuiiding heart hu icnirod liin mid moral fit- news for iiih ihinltion rather thn wonllli the solemnity of tho gronl lellglouh reinoiiiod ill olhaon tu- kothur wltli u dtid hpprociatlon of die roponulbilltlih of hln ixmltloo itl kolomon odciilro to t a diucroet ruther than mugiilftcent monarch tltls hiuetil so reveals n imrmony with the will of jehovah that t only grunt it hut promise to add- to it nil that will make tho reign glort- nuii tho now coptury illble verso 2 wlndsm and knowledge in jtrunted k incident llluatmtea the prinrlplo to him uu hath ahull bo given holomon hnd wladom enough to offer u wln prayer in- rrcuao of wlmdom follows um the un- ewr to the prnycr 1 kings 11- 1 for chornohchc- moah though gnnonilly rulletl thn na tional god of the monblku lx salii judgo iij 2 to have tmnn also the god of tho ammonite iin la first montlonod in num 31 so tho wor ship now introduced into jorusolom by solomon was put down by joalah 2 kinxs23 13zumby itor uoleah moloch was u fire gol and wua worshipped with human sacrifice tho root of the word la the same as that of the hebrew word for king henco no mo think their king in 2 bam 13 so meunn molcch tho god of the ammonites there nro numer ous allusions in the old testament to tho worship uf this god the phraae most common being to make tbelr children to puss through tho tire of moloch see 2 kings 33 10 is some have explained this not an actual burning pf tho children to death but as a passing of them between two lirvm tor an ordeal of purification but in 2 chron 28 3 it la ald of ahas he burnt incenae in tho valloy of the onflfhlnnom and burnt his children in the flrc after the abominations of tho nations whom jehovah bad driv en out and the actual burning of the children thua offered la alludod to very plainly in jer 7 3l7 cambridge bible m lmon thmti a croat opportunity in all hlatory no young prince came to his throne with fairer proapecu and greater op- port unit leu than solomon the hon of david david his royal father hud met with great aucceaa in building up the kingdom tho life of iho nation had been unified und atrungthenod larool had u dlatnct puto umong the tlona great wealth had been ac quired the futnoof david woa intor- tlonul and thn relation rtuatulnod to foreign puoplu wuru favorublw for further piugrtiu and pronperity tho climax of this urn of prosperity wua left for solomon a great fund had been accumulated and material pro- pared tor the building of tho t ample the conatructlon or thu sue rod dince would further unite thb varied inter ests of thalngdom and glvu to tho life of israel a unity and power greutur than ever this grvat opportunity tood before solomon at tho opening or his reign he evidently folt its impressive impoftuncov and in tho dedication of this marvelous atruoture the young king poured out hi heart in a marvelous prayer in this prayer solomon asked for wisdom that bo might esfabllsh tho high ideals as sociated with this houae of almighty cod coluusal failure this fine be ginning with its inaplrlng proapectn come tu naught und wan ultimately followeuv by a failure as colossal ow tho opportunity for success was groat thu folium did not taka placo ut tio evil influences to which tho young king yielded worked slowly but surely to the fatal end the intent tfvlbt already lu the kingdom found hiraoul to those ho gradually yield ed und added others in his dealings with surroundings nations he sought alliances with hla idolatroua neigh bors and poison ail nut only his own court hut also the home life of hi people by the vile diplomacy of his harem to win the favor of his pagan allies ha adopted tha idolatrous wor- ihlp of his many wives- one shrino erected within sight of hla own tern- plo was appropriately known as a mount of oifenca the young king showed tq bolf- control and yielded to tha wickedness which rum with luxury what wus tha ttuuae of it allt tho scripture explain it in una phrase ills heart wm not perfect wit tho lord his god us wus the heart of david hu father thu warning some people mis- ntidonrtaml the bibbs in tha fact thut ij itrga very unwortliy char acters they do not appear for our imitation or admiration but tor ttu opposite reason they are exhltllta of ruined lives which furnlah ua warn ing for tha lawh of character and pirt utility remain the same in all agea und tlm unworthy motive wjtloh lufnod iho king will bring disaster tu the humblest cltuen out of the wreck of this life with its ci owned magnlfa iic thoiv la thevaluo of u wutillpif- thu only rcul vulun hi sol omons ruiiiui im tho wisdom nuahrliio t in tha ilovorbt whlrli hd wroti und lu thu inspiration of hla piuym- whtm lu the pieannco of ill lvlm1plrlt ho made known hi duhu ut tho dodlru- lloil of ti tuniiilr for study and dlaeusalon undur whut two klugw did lrtul leuth tho cliiuux of itm gluryr les- urlbo tho iirfiifliutuiis which david niiuto fin his hucotmsot dhl kolomon tiilu hlx inut oiuhiiinlle4r wuu hit piiiy c fur windoin miibwirilt whut iixiorual tulixos lol tu tohiiiunim coiotoml fulluroy whut wuh llli deep er roiihon fur hlh fullurt did ho suhsiltuto uxternul dlapluy und cum- muiiy for dowurltfht reulltyt whut ruul nonatructlvti vuluet if liny uro found in solomon urourt dsllyj1adnga for next wk mtmdwy muroh 34 oen 13 17 tuoslay march 3i kx 3 113 wdntday mun h 3 dut 4 33- the why of the railroad y 40 thunhlay muivli 27 joh i i- friday march 281 sum 1 t13 saturday murch 303 mnm 7- ih t hunduy murflh 30 lsulm h w a power of ita own r thuiiiu kolectrio oil has u auhtlv lower of its own all who hnvr- used it know thti uhl kuep it by thorn n til mo vujuuhu liniment uvuliuble ita uwx ore innumerujilp uiid for many your it hna liven prlaod ua the leading llnl- ufent for mutt and boaau mount stephen houae in the cai idlan rockies near the heart finewt ptsyoroundof canada inset sbbvs railroad y m t kenora ontario left the crsnbrook v irovuilona mad fur tlm welfare of mpoymm vhi art tcinimiui lly fiwuy from their homo lrnilniil nro impor tant farturw iii the hulmjssful opera tion of rnllrojulh luirtlctilarly in can ada where llvlxlntutl terminals am bii locudod ut mall places whore there im poor iiclumrandallon if any ror tho triinnlont or periodical vlnltor und practically no fafllltyfor amuu- ment kow men are sutlafjed lo ntop r at troijuent intervalm in place where they cm not obtain tlm ordinary oamroru of liro und for thlsreuson lo keep lli inort on tlm job nu well as for oui roiiunii that it deiilroii itm omployoon to iijoy tho udvahtngeu of gooj food renl and rorreatlon whim- tvr pomitlhh um cnimdinti pttcltk lullwy iijim viy em neatly supported various iuihrn1 y m c as jiloni it llnek at nhiiout nvety tivmliul uomo pro v mr n im tnuly for the haln crow alini- y m c a line but lh com pan j hit it boon mine luti onted lu providjnir juiiiluiu hi mioli plac m afford no other 111 riinnwuiuilim such uu whllu itlvor clmploau and cortlor kinnll ownh hi onurio which really oyp their uxlatunce to the fuc thut they are railway dlvlalontil ihilnt al- touctlui ten bulldluga have boon given over by the inil way cumgwny to y m c a work and hi addition to aupplylng and equipping the bulhllpp tho canadian iucltlo uuiiphc light heat nud ropaiim und makea n monthly urunt of money to each tho young moil christian association operate tho building at approximate coat and where g profit in made this 1 put hack into tha service it u interesting to note however that the first y m c a un canadian pacific lines was ntarted by the om- ployrfm and chiton at lie vol toko in ihofi thl organization did much to- wiinln clonnlng up the towiti und it kood work ho improtiaed tho ottlcerh of tho company with tta posnlbllitlen thut at the end of one ixsur thn build- in 1 vrao- praotloally tnkon oyer by thorn tiiih was really tho nilutuu- of th iientur oruunuution and hull- loud yu will now hi found nf cuni- hrnow ii c floul ltj c whole the company jjftvo thn tn kleplidi houao n tho kuiutul auhoclullo lluhed jiiiucor wliiio hpiuuni j hi ullluoiit mount out where ocuma tmtnb- uplndid new conatructlon whit- ltlvi chuploiiu and cnrtler in f thomo plncert tho inatjtu- tlon im of rlvlu importance moving picture iiiiowm uro urrunifod hometlmo twlco u wuok und ilmno uro putronlx- ed by tho whole town mont of the indoor entertainment uro open to vlaltoru hut the outdoor uport are ortmtilxd nlmoat noioly by and for the rnllroail omployeen rinir tholr families tennli football iiascball and other tiporlk- urn prganlxel and divlalonal tournamontuund matches are arrang ed in which both the mule and female employtca take parr kach v i equipped with bow i in tf alloy and bil liard table und competition in these apoitm i no lesm koen between thu varloua dunrim and towns tlio value of tiu riiiinlzatlon conno he fully uppioclated by other than 1 bono who know ftw working thn on eiii corn and trainmen after driving thtoukh tho muow and cold ii mi an poll rile t ubod llnill und cheerful imiiianloiinlilp iiwultliiu them at tho end of u join ny they 1 11 n oiijny practically all the comfotni of u hums and th autfufjictlon whlrh thin lvuu hum ninl tlm uuiierut nitoct it baa oil tho- lunruli and wolluing of tlm employ ire nora lly amply- compeu- mated the ciiiiiputiy foi ita rutin r imnvy eiinlltuio a morning wish tho auu la junt 1 lulnif on tho morn ing of uiiotln lay what can wish that thin duy luiiylirlnu to mot thlnif that hlntll make the world or other poorer notlihic ut the expeuaw thor mull but juki thuo fnw whlih in their comltufdo not atop with ui but louih 1110 lalhor us they inm und cuthur idroiigth fow f 1 in mlu who uiiiliirutnud me und yot rmaln my fihmd k to do wlih h ha teal valu tforld wftuld feel irk unuill nluly uny opu w i travel ov yet hlnxod without whlrh tin tho poorer return for enough hut to tux pays mind unafraid though tin trajl bu 11 an under in 11 dins heart a sight of the otcriiul htlu und un resting sen und of uoniothtnu beauti ful tha hand of mull ha inudo a senao of humor ojid tho power to laugh lllltlo mniu lelur with nothing to do few momenta of silunt jtilut meditation the hoiuio of tho proauiict of god and thu putlonce to wult for the imlng of thou thiugu with tha wlm dom to know when tlity come cuii- udlan teacher many huvii 1 by hollowuy 1 power of it effect i vo ion lolloved of com 1 kill j te in ovr it ha vu thut will bo found a little ambiguous very coinmdnilablo in thu soul dl- uluyo1 in rncuit your in tlm ni t to put uu end lo thu olnioxlouu habit uf expectorutlnt inp fiuuntod hy tha public htlll tho o rf 0110 would probably bo clauhod undei tlti head of vonlulv and it tnltfht bo well tu ud- juat tho punlhliuieiit to ho crlmo aftor crumhiir on i 1 ii of iho ferry line thut convuy pahbongor over tho north klver to now jwy lhilnts and curefully ronhldorlnif tho poiudble log- icul conueutloti tielwuui thu two purl of tho notto tu 1uaheimera hanghiu ht u toiisplcuou pluio uiki wmidora if porhupa tho rufirmhig kaul of iho ferry oiunpaiiy muy not have iairlud it too fur jsvutllul- lillul uliil for ull pl the idjinhiiadjlhiillluhi floor livrtn7lttlol t 1lfopi tho woima that luft lilldieii fritui their bhth uiu of two uiiiiih thph that iiikj loiliremiiit in lh wlomucli und thuo thiii an found 1 11 iho in- toatluu the latter n the tnot do- htruutlvw 11 a tlmy 1 mnif to tliu wallm uf tli htuwtliicu ami if not lutoifeied with woiu havoo thr mllhin wuim powdolm dltilodk both kind utul whllu uxiiellinif thiiil fioni thu myitumi ueivt lo lapali the daumue thu have cwueil a huuthimiii und a unlfm wfi til gulug liuiiduu i of uu muttirlaf uo buld thn uolfei i can buy ull the mut 1 want in u huthiu hliop und itu twiter than you can about i thut h uuid thu liunlntuaii can you buy milpo in u butcher ah opt can you buy v011u011t somuthufm uald tho golfor and hometiiuoa not hut can you go hunt ing und nhoot u pound of ifirk hhuh- uge 7 words op wise men vlt tun i u iiuulily moro udmlrod thuu ruwardod win 11 lhu tuualc playu tho hourt u light mhlpu that ur badly tiuvluutud hit tim rock und human bahig uro often nhlp without luddei it i uatonlhliliig how llttlt una reals poverty wheti 011a loved you muat jadifj u tnuldan ut tho kneading trough nut ut tho duiicu pluok tho roae unit leave the thorn vour father knowuth what thing yu huve need of bofuro yo uak him a tine cae wont feud tho bird a llttlu all may uuva a deal of fric tion bno fulao inovo may looaa tha game ivudulico looketh unto faith con tent to walt solution wo wuuly utrip tha stood wo mean to buy cont iter coht do vlclou pleasure t iiuvo put uwry in thu out crook od puy for ovry 011 comp ho iivvrooiiim a stuut 11 no my who overcome hi own linger caui- of asthma no unu can uy with cortulnty exactly wlutt cuuao thu outubllshlug of uuthmatlo uondl- tlonn duh fill in the utrnut fiom tlowut from iiritln und various uthnr in hunt may not up it trouble im- tiosslblu tu lvritdlcato txcopt through u yuio pceiialutlon uch a dr j d kolloggu asthma hmedy uncer tainty limy cxlat ua tu cause but there can w no utioariuhity regarding u lenunfy which hu fruud a genoratioii of usthinutla victim fioni thl ttuaurgu of tho bronohlal tube it lu sold oyerywhoro aunt hepzlbahs explanation aonfrtopitoah wajtuaually a euro- ful hoiihuwife and things aotdum wuut wiong under her niunugumunt but 0110 oveulnif uh toft the lid off tho tilif 1 auditor in which aha kept her beat o limit und u half grown rut trvpt insldo of it und slept uu tho fragrant content aunt hop i bah honor un disco v miiiim h lh next morning was height uiiuil 1 iho fact thut ah wum enter tulnlng a friend whu wan iartlculuiiy fond of tea und ulwuya used it fur hioukfust tho iiourust urouory was half u tnlli uwtiy and nothing could ho dune lu repair th mlnchluf im awfully winy mr wjikorf wlif hiild to tier- guustill blvakfiih lime hut something hupltanod to my oiiluutf luul ulght und ive nothing to offer you to tuke it 1 1 is 00 but bill cutnap uu youd lather liuva ihiin that im uure tho guuitt preferreil thu ooffoe und thu atory tiover lyakod out until aunt hcpxlbuh told it horavlf- they did in i to k ltimiit from hl sunduy miu1111l toarhei a hoy guvo an uccunl ot hlljuh in tha following form oniti ttierv wa a muii unniud 1ch- juh lie luui homu beur utul livud in u euv homo inyu timiullxed blnl ha suld if iui keep on tliiowlnif atuntia ut mo 1 will turn il lieura on you and thuy will u you ui and they did und he did und the boar did roberts aftmtrctsgxflhrsjm for coughs colds b and brqnchitis g rather sugar than vinegar it 1 piounuhter in inaliiu than to icliauro but thort uro time when thn one 1 as much u duty ua thu other you will ulv mo your nume or nbur u shopper w latuly over- hoard to ujy to u dryicoodu rlork t ill infoini tho proprietor that i bavo bought ull my piosunl ut this coun ter instoad of golnif lo fajowllara imply because you hnvo bflofi uo aug- imtlvo and putlaut unfortunately hoiu la 11 dlrfuroiit lyjtn of servants f thu public the duke of norfolk iiivjliif huurd complaint agalnat the you ittf woniun lu churge of a cqrtaln brunch post ortlco lu iotulim went thorn to hond u tolegrant- the insolent rk threw iwck hi moshugo lhit ynur numo u it whats your nirt that will do wnld tile duko polnt- intf to hi signature norfolk that i not thu numo of a man thut ih the tiatuo of u countyl unap- d tlm young wumuu tho duko look thu tulugrain and proceeded to wrliu unuthur ierman- munutu hocrotury o jl o tondon clerk lit uij ottlco uxcuodlngly ln- nt to tha public reprimand everely dlsmlu on uocoud complaint ti10 1ontmusturtlonerul as ho humled ll buck ho observe i thl 1 otrlclat and will go free who 11 tho young wumuu road it ah hourly collupsud xm- the duko intoiided only to glv hor u lesson he cuimunled uftor muny prnmlnos uf iihioiktmdut to destroy tho lehtiram inurnslly and externally it la good tliu crowning property of dr thomas kclootrlo oji f thijl it an ba used internally for muny oomplalnls well uu uxtornully for auyu throat nip whoop 111 coiigh pain lu tho chest cullc und many kind rod ullmeiii it ha itfutltle that uru unsurpassed a bottlo of it oust little and tbolo i 110 loss in nlwuy having it at hand bad influence at home sends children wrong that dilliwiuint clilldron uruuli tholr first knowledge uf uvll- 111 tha homo ut their puroiith hide wu tho startling statement mud by major t if- uruuton iolliu maglstrute and judge of tho juvenile court uf lb- county uf york in un address on chitd fmifnro ol the luiicheonb tho klwunlu club ut tho klnif rdward hotel rocuntly ttio bud oxumpu oi by thu patuiil wa nut ulwayu intun- llonal uld major lhtiiitou hut hovor tbeloh bad u nulla so ilrunkunuea ami iiuariullliia hotvfeun htiuband uiu ttlfw luluht huvi tlit orrut of tnukln the ho uu 11 11 uuuiii table place for 1 child to llv ma went on tn discuss tho ud viability uf tuklnii children uuny from their lairent in auoh lu- htunoeti uud nlted it number uf uui litvostlgatud by him in whlnh t hlldr had hei iiuved from laiuulld or ii liunii hollies uud plucd in uond ones by tin oiilldruu aid sodoty win extcllont lestlltti he also loforrod t th law iiudoi which pa units cun 1 pliutuhod for unlu which contrlbuto- to tho dolhtiiuomy uf tho clilldrvn no glasses could help his case a klivitlel man uyi tho tut t lor thinking hi sight wua fulling went into uu optlclutim ahop for advice can you ruud thut uaknd the 1 t lid a 11 itollitltiu to it curil uu the wall no repllvd iho man thu optician ucooidlugly gave him stronger glumso well hu ipiiulrod cun you loud it how th muii ahtxik hla hid mo hu u word ho ropllod aftur leiniallng the perruruiunuo hovorul times tho op tician was about to glyu hint up hi pair when tho man okplul the wonder kidney livpr ij stomach tonic as nationally advert isid sold by jk t brown acton and by a pood drugalt everywhere bakers of good things to tto always trying to malci la our constant aim were imposslbln o lio beat s j the choicest and liohtest of pastry the most 7emptjng pies and duns the purest and most wholesome bread always striving to makeour uaking better has made it the best fairbanks bakery mill street acton notice to hydro users the uydiio commission have xncbkahlcp thb business hours of the hydro shop as follows tuesday afternoon friday evening saturday afternoon and evening klnttty nolo the above hour at which thla hhop will be open buvyour tloclrlo goods lu an eloctricul shop which is owned by the hydro consumers of acton where you 1 gooda entire satisfaction und right price 1 assured of best quality farm help canadian national railways in cocrroiariom wirw r ontario government department o colonization will soaim assist tammm im sscumlma rasm mclt riere will be an urgent demand all over canada this year i you need farm belp apply early tho canadian national railways colonisation and development d nart- lne through ita reprcaenutivca in great britain scandindvlan and other european countries offers a frco service to formers order your farm help asearlv as possible in tirder thab they will reach canada in time for spring cmolm nmiowl rmiwavs blank arllcat10n3 can llc ootaincd prom anv canadian national jlailways agent on defarttiorr of coloniutfon akd uvmofuon canadian national railways monyreal que a good cook picks her flour very care fully and the good cooks of acton arc stl picking excelsior brand flour for their baking dont tako any chances with tho flour when you want to do your best baking folloy the lead of thebcst cooks and use excelsior brand flour d h und say mux stbeet acton ontario railway time tables nadian n at ag un vuil ud air l ad i j wound lit children if lliv bo nut uittniloil to utuao couvuimuiiim uud often dun lb mother tliuvua vurni kxtermluulor will iiiutuct the uhildrvn rum thus dlstiussliig u mictions castoria mother i fletcher caslorb i a harmless substitute tor castor oil paregoric tccthinir drops anil soothing syrups prcjkred jo relieve infanli in ami and children all ages ol constipation wind colic flatulency to sweeten stomach diarrhea keftilate bowels 1 aids in theumiinilatiou of food promoting cheerfulness ucst and natural sleep without opiates to nvijd imiudon jluj iim tor ii sli uuk- nl cls feitvif iltrr ilnnt tn rrll pi f i- i mjiuiviryiv gel no waatt no 2 sllom no 31 1035 om 329 pm no 33 w- no 3b coo p m no 31 815 p ro- no r v qolna east no 26 v 708 bja no 30 11 18 am no 34 s 3b pra no 38 jt vxtx no sb 8 13 pm no 34 bundaj 708 p m toronto suburban electriq railway westbound no g3 b 40 am no co ll40uni no c7 3 4o pro nn i x 40 p m no 66 uoopm- no 60 11 40 ijh eastbound no 84 742 a in no 60 10 4um no 68 142 p m no ci 443 p xn no 6s 743 pm sunday timetable westbound no 65 no 60 340 pm no 83 8 40 0 m no 87 east bound no 68 1043 am no 80 t 243 pm no 88 842 pm freight delivered by special express freight freight plckod up at an ad dress in toronto t thbltffoiir aent acton see avageand ee better writs or phone for appointment for when you wish to com a a savage optometrist a mfg optician bavap optloal building right at tha post office t e gibbons expert shoe repairing prompt attention to oroers left t e gibbons main street acton 83 richmond st yfar ttoronto can 404 acton elevator near o t r station following brands on hand floor manitoba flour pastry rolled oats oat chop oats oilcake hav and orain grain bought and retailed alex l noble henby awuey manager iietc tccummcud it free press job printing is 1 always neatly done v this stores 1 policy to represent goods ox- actlyas to their quality to sell to those wbo know and tothoso who dont know at a uniform fair price to fulfill all guarantees and cheer fully correct 11 mis takes to descrvo your confidence by always giving you satisfaction savage co jewellers guelph ontario j m

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