Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 27, 1924, p. 1

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wmt lyl l sttt ftoss 1ortyninth year no 30 thursday morning march 27 1124 acton ontario canada thursday morning march 27 1024 i single copies five cents the methodist ciiu3ch acton rev cha8 hackett paster pronage willow st 1100 ii m the milliliter- subject partnership in worship 130 p m hunduy hdiool 7 no p m tin minister hubjocc in all points toniptod ivehyiiody welcome presbyterian knox church acton tar rav a c stawart m manse willow htreet 3 00 xi m nundny hqhool 2 46 p m ilihl class hludy in matthew chtiptor vmf 7oo p m tio mliiutcr hobjoot the come of god ht rangers leaving address with the usher will bo called upon by tho ppntor alt atte cordially invitbd special notices vilvcrluctncnla in thti rylumn m cent per word minimum chirac yc nr lnartloi for sale team nl purposo 1 orses apply to a i chipph 382 i lower a iinuc for sale on secondhand buggy and otm de- ii very wugou apply in david williambon 302 ouelph street acton to rent cumortablu jront room tor rent wlui or without hoard central loca tion apply to iiox 7 free pltesh clearing auction sale the household effecta of chorlos with cm uowor avcnuo will be aold by auction on hulurday march 29 at two oclock jl j keril auctioneer potatoes for 8ale quantity of reed potatoeatooley and early eureka variolic pure clean eeri apply to 1 r nt imown 382 acton croaaroad sewrnqmachine wanted to rent for two wonka commencing april 7 for womena institute sowing clana apply to mrs j r gamhle secretary potatoes wanted hf cheat market price paid for vi- tatooa apply to j n mcmillan a mccann us ut weigh healea for sale strawberry plaiita oifti ruepberry canaa all leading varlalea dun ion and glen mary strawberries j7 1000 raapborrlea per 1000 charles oldham 34 k it no 2 norval repair work tho undersigned la at prevent avail able for all klndm of household repair dont wait for tho rush- eeaaon charge moderate n v moore main street nursing tho undersigned whd has had hos pital experience in open for on- gagement for private nuralng apply mufl t e oiuiions ilox 42 aoton wanteo local representative for thu north american life assurance co ad drmta p c walls district manager c04b bank of hamilton ihdg jb tf hamilton ontario auction sale wm harbour wlioi farm in half mil above erin tat ion will hold a clearing aale of hi farm block and implements on itrjdny april hoy hindley auctioneer erin phone notice will tho party who removed gmall parcel from tho undersigneds cutter in the presbyterian shod on saturday night kindly return apf avoid further trouble john flphowli third ln for men who smoke midget cigarette machine make perfect olgurottvii from your favorite tobacco at coat of 3 for 1 cent a good investment- iolane paid klfty- oanta midland hiecialty co midland oiiiarli comedian and entertainer charlie hcrymgcour comedian and imitator of harry laudor la open to accept flngugementa far tonoerta gar den partloa mid entorttalnmeiita of all kjlhda churgua mod a rate cull or write churlle tjcrymgeour aeurgu- town or alox trotter acton new fashions and splendid values to greet you when youjpay a spring vihit to guelph and macdonalds tho whole store ts in complete readiness to meet the spring apparel needs of men women and children the merchandiso throughout all departments is fresh and new and in strict accord with the seasons modes misses new suits 22j0 a spring special neat little boyline models for misses of 10 j8 arid 20 years smartened by iouches of military braid and cm- broidcrings quite a remark able value for just 2zi0 youll find it well worth whilo to come to macdonalds for your new spring suit the complete price range 22x0 to 4950 kiddies reefers at 475 natty little models in navy blue serge for wee folks of 3 to 6 years finished with regular brass buttons and embroidered sleeve emblems specially good values at 475 womens spring coats special 16j0 20 two notable values among tho womens and misses new spring conts of novelty materials designed on fash ionable straight lines with swagger full backs sizes 10 years to 42 bust measure in this special group other prices range up to 6000 splendid variety 1 womens pleated skirt specials at 298 in navy bluo serge and grey homespun at 595 in knifepleated flannel attached to cami- solo top sand gray and navy blue shades a wonderful showing of oriental rugs small sires for scatter usens well nslnrge room sizes genuine oriental rugs of excellent workmanship and beauti ful colorings prices all the wayfrom 25 to 500 if you have been planning to buy n largcior small oriental rug for the beauty of your homo nt any time in the near future it will bo handsomely worth your while to come to guelph right away we are presenting a limited time display of an unusually large number d e macdonald bros ltd guelphs leading and largest store weekend specials nut crunches try this new candy a puro talty and puro fruit pieces full or chopped nuts regularly 40c it weekend special 29clb assorted chocolates a largo assortment or both hard and sort centres regu larly 40c and 50c lb weekend special 32c lb easteb eggs wo arc having the same make or easter eggs as we had last year they are considered the best in ontario watch our window for displays smiles 7 chuckles wc now have some lines of smiles n chuckles in bulk icecream we carry a full lino of ico cream bricks also bulk ico cream wo will deliver to any home in town mill street acton h wiles news of local import lalf hi llday banker bankara wwkly half holiday will mmmrnc next week the tafia of the hank bf montreal and ilank of nova hcotla will tlmn be able to i wodnonday aflernoona with thoa thci other bualneaa plarea in town unrvlng the half holiday douglaa qowdy praaldant the toronto unlvrnlty literary and athmln hoclnly hud a lively nlectloi for 1024 oftifeta lna wek whoi dotiglaw u oowdy aun of councillor william oowdy of xjmchuuae wan nlectud vrnaldent mr oowdy la u bright hulton young man who la mak liift ilia mark in university circle mill la aiming to make the moat of hli iiduiitlonal opport unit tea with a view ti u um ful iuiucr mr gowdy haa uluo i men honored by being elected to the historical club of the tjnlver alty of toronto there are only 31 mombera in the club out of 6000 atudanta 8hea of barntane on the communion with u thoughtful offort to incul cate a new intereat and an intelligent conception of tho hacnunent of tho lorda hupir uev a c htewart m a la preaching a aerlea of aermon on hl aubjoct thla haa been the thomu tho taat two tjunjlay evening and much of historical intereat and helpful information have been pro- imntnd the third aermon on the aub- jcl will ixj pmachetl next uunday ovmlng- the admlnlatrattou of the hucramtiu will follow on the flnit hunduy in april the flrat sunday of spring 1uat honday wan the flrat sunday if ii ring and it wua in all icapecta in ideal up ring day ilrlghl warm unnhlne prevailed all through the day hid tho mercury atood at 40 to 45 degroea from early in the forenoon ill lata in the afternoon- the bank anow dlaappearod like magic and tho little rtlla- and rlvulels ran spark ling in thef aunahlne until they found their level it waa a day which brought the ahutlna and the convaiea- ilnc pnraona out into tho aunahlne- for a recuperating outing it waa a real aprlng day with an oarneat of the bright daya to come and the prolong unahlno and the how era methodut connaxeonal fund day hev h l wallla harton uf gall preaoiod liitorvatlng and upproprlnlo the methodlal church on sunday when cunuaxlonal fund day i obaurveu at the morning aorvlco prvmaml tlm importance and value ho in f thu xlo nl lntii und the reaponj n aupportt of the ibulty of loyal in their main lining the themo u mor praonal than general and a phruhoil uving the ufa of tbe ier tiuin with him the concern ahould huvti for nthera waa atrongly phaalzed mr harton alao addreaa- ed tho hu nday hcliool in the afternoon ilia aermonaund addreaa were full of inlnrtht and hla vlalt waa muoli en- joyixl by tho congregation a senalbla obaai t lad rvanj altlaton boy dlattoverod a apllt rail on the c p it hear that town and agont mr caoaar a freight train juat ilqe waa hold up lillo repaint woru made the boy itaymond llothurlngton received a oheiuo from the company in acknow- ludgammit of tlm thoughtful act many boy would tiavo aat on tho top rail of u foil co to aee what would happen when the train wont by and many a boy wpuld not even have noticed that the tall waa apllt it paya to bo obaervant and it paya to put your- ualf to uii inconvenience in order to iivo other human belnga from aur furlng and loaa it paya to be humane and hnneat with youraelf and othen in evory walk uf life ftaaherton ad farms for sale 45 karma in tho cuuntlea of haltoii and wellington varying from 40 to 100 acn let ua aand you our llal a pumber uf home and bualnea plaooa in aoton for aale vint and life inaurance money to ijoan j a smith real ialt agent fhon lofi aoton onl wondeltbamd friday march 28 hollywood j with li huiabhn thoblory of n icroiiiimtrutik gli juodi winody kixniltt hlng thum again il tominnilonu with thro atfiiigd illuuirutoil lvry one can alng tlu ohorum fioui tro aoreai saturday march 29 to tho laat mn a ytino tlroy atnry atltrilng lila wllanri uni itlcjiihl nix cihatltt oinfhty holding hvorythlpg llmtgit oita luivolty ttl lardfii uf clov tue6dav april 1 m ughla a floldwyn plotur hupti 9 ut tho ilauntad vtlhty wu ituth holnnd coniody cnailoit ttieaday and krlduy iilghta ut 7 30 mattirdiiy night lit 7 it priii chuilrun 16c adulta ullc it l gregohy son advance spring footwear 1 zbucnnqt just in 0izs mm oxfordh kid potent colt cir brown and hluck- now boutu in kid uud culf ess you drssyourz womejja patent slippers black and brown kid newest shapes and styles also suede and satins it its new wo havo it holeproof hose mens and womens new farm factory and school boot bale prices on dalance op winter goods harry harrison the shoeman where quality count we win deal her it will pay you th radio f solicitor jailed 1l k llendoraon a p re poaaeoa 1 ng young man pleadtul guilty at batur day momluga aeaalon of ouelph folic court to obtaining money under falae pretenaea and waa aentenced by mag- latrnta watt to a term of alx month certain and thereafter for on lnd terminate mrlod of alx month in the ontario 1 ic forma to ry th defendant who waa arreated in toronto by in spector tlah of the dominion 1ollce hud poaed in ouolptt acton and aovorul othnr plucvw in western on tario um a government radio inepector ami had oolloctod one dollar at aaveral hoiiapm in theaa place ware radio are totalled fur u 1b34 liconae uender won wtto la ulan alleged to have fraud- ulnitly ucceptotl buurlptlona for i luillo maguxluu may luva to faci chacgoa in htntvul and uth towiim whurn he la aald to jjavn va lor t ml fz5 fraudulently the rummaa 81 yatardy tli ladle uf the mathodlat church roaiionded goiiopoualy in the auppty of good for their nrat rummage aale in achool raom ycaterday the ar- hole aupplled were invariably of good quality and while omwhat old- famhlonel in eutne caaea were for thu phft viiaful hd durable the umaortmvnt wi varied and included wariur apparel boot and a ho allp- tvrn hta and millinery dlaha cook ing uteuatta rmmm puturwo ruga uto th demand for thoa commena- d hi for the uli opened ome of tlu titfiuliiirm avon muling thut gooda hrulight by other wtira juat what they wulitotl thenuivlvvm am wh go to pri th uuld la 111 progr uud judging from th large ulteiidaiicu uf puraha 1 th varied oo limit ion of glmxl or fird will all be uld th afternoot tnt and the rtfreahliiulill ati vd h tlut evening during th prugwiaa of th kulu ur feuturv of luterwt milton man sold for i o- o f hall lur yuai it haa bm ralid that kiuijl church mutmn wu ux larg un it iurihut and it waa proiwaou u anil it und buy a mure aultable pro perty a raauuuble piic waa quoted to milton lodge no bi 1 o o k und a aula urrungvu thla rwcelvwt lliu uuunlmoua approval of th con gregation the tnuiafar of the pro- mrty will b doniputou und poaralon glvwn ua aoon ua th ncary ap proval ia rocelved from tho iroabytery und tho orttiur of th grand lodg tho lodgn will gt the maiiae und fnnitagn mi main htrnet with rvatrla- tloiim un to tlu chnractfr of uuy build ing iwhlcu nmy he erected n the frotilugc the driveway lu main htrtut will bo kept opn there will be uxlaueiva ultarutlona in the mana itavlfj ther will b a apacluu lodge room with ante room on tiie soocuid floor on the ground rlour wilt be u buutuxt hull and uudllurluin when tho ulktutloua have bn oompletad the lodge will huvn quarter which will ro in pure favorably with tho of uny uthr aoclety lln the ironiue outaul lb uura culf cnamjnftn perpetual care for fairview cemetery plots chairman nicols meeting lost wednesday evening not largely attended considerable interesting data from cemeteries operating this plan the mqfnbor of thu council uii well aa rltlxnua gonurally mumt haw regarded chalrmun nltkila call to a meeting to dlaoua unnml caie for kalrvlow crmetory a joke tho lluovo and counclllore holmoa anu thilfonl failed to graca the tn noting wllhtholr prcaenco and juat an ovoti acoro uf citlaena attended tho gathering councillor nlcol took charge of the meeting i jin regretted tho email at tonilanet und wo dlaappolntod uiat th iumvo and other- member of tho council had not ruinilod their promt to be preaont lie did hot know whether it waa worth whllu to hold tho meeting with ao few prnaont but would tell thono prraent what ha thought if hn did the audience warn unable id take in what hla oplnlona were hn aald i ho majority of plot owner do not want or cannot afford perpetual car he had decided that annual cure wim boat under tho clr- mbtaincn but tuu kiuae itiaaa thought mrpiliuil cure waa what waa needed mid if we inn got that hu would hit mutlunnd aa ut the council meeting mr nlcol failed to preaent any data from place her rpotuaj care waa in operation- lie aald hu knew a lot ubout it but had not even a acrap uf paper at tho ting to ahow thut he had inves tigated uio plan of iierpatual care and aecurod information huavd upon tho experience of place whore thla plan waa being carried out mr nlcol called upon hev a c stewart for u speech itov mr stewart aald thai a a citizen ho would ukp to be interested in every enter prise that inter tod tho citizen th mini t era of the stown are probably the moat frequent visitor to the emo te ry it haa been a great aorrjw to aee ao many of thu citlea uf tho dead throughout the country which aru neglocud ma referred io the old cometery which waa in the roar of old knox church lu which ho wuppoaod if tho ourly ttlfnt wiro laid it wua a giut credit to the- people that thuy havo honored ao uut- biy thu fallen heroua of lliu great war thui waa right hut whilo they endored it great aervlcu wo havo prob- biy overlooked tho fuct that the arly anttler waie juat ujgrcat horooa and heroine ua thoau who went to uio batttedoldm theae old nuttier uru real heroe und hirolim who auttted intiyrnd laid broad und duup the foundation of thu community und they ahould hot h ticglocttid or for- gotin ho wua glad to notice in tlu kx iaxaa that atopa huv ulreudy beeh taken ly improve tho walk und drive and trim tho ivorgruwn true arranging for tho purpetuul caru of plola la better than monument h hud obaurved throughout the country that people ur removing their dead from hnglectod ctmurlt to thoan where perpetual cure la auccoaafully carried out hn congratulated the eoplo of anon upon tho tnugnlncuit of pulrvlew cvmutory and with thu linpruvumunta propuaed und tho adoption of perpetual euro it tnuw a community intorvat u real eaprit de corjut wnuld bo thu reault we ahould hohor ouraolve by honor ing- our duad i wilt b glud ho conoludod to do anything 1 can for thu betterment of the community in thla or any other way councillor hell wuw invited to ud- drtia the meeting but replied that hu had nothing to auy mr nlcol then called upon ii p moore mr moom aald he wo keenly intervatrd in thla mutter uf perpetual cafe becauen of hi intereat in oio community hla great respect for the honored dead who xct in our beaull- rul kalrview cemetery and hla an xiety that the plot where threi gen erations of hla own amlly urn now sleeping ahall be properly cared for after he gone thla la no fad nor fany of hi own inasmuch aa acorea of clttzene and as many nanresidonir who have loved ones interred in palr view cemetery jhav interviewed am written him boaoechlng that every in fluence be uaed to induce the council to tak t to adopt tho perpetual care plan to miauro that plot will be permanently curud for in drdiir that then mlght be aomolhin dconlt- to place before th people he hujl com munlcutod with nowmufkot auroru and kuera rogueatlng partlnulara ro- ictlng pluiui of operation lvum newmarket ur i cj jackaou editor of tho era hud rvpllvd ut lungth giving lntretlng uud valuable data 11 hud been intlmutoly aaaoclatetl with the newmarket cmtery liourd for over thirty yeara uud waa therefore well qualified to mpook mr jackaou writva ua follows tltu idea of purpetuul euro started in newmarket about 30 year ago it wua alow going for the hist few year then it guluotl favoronlderably ulld vr miiicu hu beoti growing today the lioard does nut aull u lot unless it la widowed you will by the prlntckl riort thai i have aeniyuu unit them la oonslderablu tnoney over lloooo wo jrlod to got the oovrrument to paa u bill providing for kndowinunt kundu for comututlea to bo takvn tare of by thu govern ment ut w r o- inturuat lnattd of borrowing lowheri m hlghr ml nd and thua avo broker tiotn tin- hill however wan not puad much a hill would ih u relief to th twi- aonul lwimiiiiblllly uf th iloaid te- gardlug hiveatiuuiiu uf uiiilowmunt ktlndm the tlidowud iota undlr tiie pr- lmlual cart pluii ur till tuuilied with a luil nt u1 iron ulgp which uhowa ubuut 4 inche uliuvi ihv und mill tho con trast with other phii l ao groat thai it makos nth urn who vlult tho cemutury aiixluua t hav1 tluti ploa given the aatne attention w have had a tecoratton tay fur many yitur it wa- uiatltutud by th oddfellows hut has buaii in ttii hands of the cumwtery kourtt now for some yar ah invitation i given to all the societies in towi to purttcl- date in the parade it wua huld ut one time on wednesday afternoon the fac tories closing down iwo ua to give thu tnun uu oppuituulty to attuiul liut when lb ttatuiday hulfhollduy way ohaervod in uio fuctuilcs an agitation wua begun to have tint horutlnii day survfee on hunduy atturnoou ut 3su this ha worked vtry well ho many lioople have been attracted to th aorvlce running from 100 to dqo oi 700 the bzndowmeiit iuml la lurgulv indebted l tlfla tdeu for ita auccuaa a number of yer ugu no attention waa given by the cemetery hoard to uny plot not inlawed and the ionirusi was ao grout thut it become thu tuple of gauaurui couveieauou uuce police court news a c croaa of the albarionla nn ei th highway flnad 1200 1 the bouataad pined ftoo a iullcn court aeaalon was hold u tort credit on pyklay by tollro mag istxnto moor a c cross who has been conducting the albertonla inn on the highway near clarkson tho past year waa churgod by inspector ilnivoly with having liquor in hla hotel in a raid on tlm 14th inst ihroi bottles coatalnlng wine r two of whiskey were discovered there mr crona said the liquor must have been loft there by motoring visitors am he knew nothing nlwiui thu whiskey analyzed 7640 tier rent uud the wlnn 3g73 per cent nf alcohol tho defend ant was tilled 2o0 00 ami coata at the aame oourt uesslon thoman houstnad of toronto township wan charged with having u quantity o moonshine whiskey in hla roeldence prima fuclu evidence of illegal pur chase he plead od guilty and wa till ed 1100and costs a guelph young man who obtained throe scrips for liquor from hjnse dif ferent doctor of that city and sent them to ihs vnnilora to havo them tilled was fined e0 and coata the other day people wer j poasesseo of tfiu fact lhat tho idea was becoming general the fund grew rapidly tho whulo cemetery is managed by a hoard of director who are elected by ballot ut the annual mooting each lot owner has a vote for every lot ho owns the board electa the itesldon vlcoprealdont and committees from among lhamxolve and they servo without remuneration they also ap point a hecrelartroaaurer who- ro- colvoa a salary of 1200 per annum and whoau aervicoa are alwuya available tho endowment ttan la working ao woll her that thoy have followed ll in aurora and refuae to sell any more lota unloaa thoy are endowed no grave 1 opanod unles qll arrears are paid t hope you havo u gikml meelliiu in acton must close to got this letter off by mall lohight yuura sincerely f l 0 jackhon march ib 1924 preparing for camping tourists here council favors making it con venient for tourist over- nlght at tho pork still talking op a place in the cemetery for dump- 1nq ground all thu mumlmim woro pruiunt ut the fortnightly meeting of at ton muni cipal council on monday evening the slxlh report of lb commit tea un klnuin n passed thn follnwlxg u- ro u n la which woro ordered to lm paid general account hydro electric coinmlulon street lighting t7 00 actum imioi iiikhs printing 07 1 mr juckaon ncnt u copy uf thu an nul report which givou thn names of till plot or grave holder with amount act hn paid iulo thu endowment und to hecure ptirpolual euro there n c40 of thoso owner und thuy havo paid into the fund 110000 for each full pint or j7c00 03 10 50 00 12600 do or s1000 according to th aizo of pint or number pf graves hold tho wmont ktinil to ensuro tmirpetuul now totals 310is4q which i in- itl al follows llominlon of can- tiondm 11870000 provlncn of on tario bonds 130ou0 itovinco of llrl- llsh columbia ihipds 14000 town of wulkervllle dolmniurus 1 100000 mortgages d00000 und uian in bank ih464b the cmtery company la un urporuted body und every person unduaylng a tdot is given an agreement igrfsd by thn resident and secretary and wvuled undortaklngl for ull tlmu maintain the plot or lot in good ordtir und conditio und us often as ahall be nocotuuiry causo the- grusu ireon luho cut and the tree und shrubbery to hn trimmed mr mooe fouiul that in aurora tho pcrpotuul care pluh wu slnillur to that of nuwmurkat thoro lhy pruntteil from newmurkotn uxperluuce und the plan has boon un unqualified uuoceaa from the outant at eloru out council undurtukoa por- potual cure for 12 00 lier plot but ull plot must bo put lu proper ahupo ut the expense of tho owniir buforo an ugreotneut for puntetuul caro will b given an urruiigeuiunt may be ulso rnude by which any plot will bo cared for for one year upon pay uf 1150 per plot in udvaucu in unci i of the ubove place a oluuuu lu the regulations says no work ahull be done lu the cemetery for remuneration except by the cetnotury caretaker or hi assistants thu idea is to preserve uniformity of methods of work mr moore after supplying the abovu information said lie had no other ob ject in recommending this plan for thu cemetery than to secure thu tonutunt cure of th plots uvou thn puyuiuiit to the governing body of u sum suffi cient to assure this result in perpetu ity if the council would undertake the work ho would lm qultu nut lulled if however th council felt that the addition of cltlxenu tu tho cvmetiry commit i ei would rulluv tho uioui- r uddod responsibility ur if thu ry wore httmtiul overto u hoard nmlsslou ho hud ho cholc ao long us a legully incorporated body lmlnlsterird tlm pro thirty and plan nd gave tho aamuruhce thatum plots will be cared for purpatuully lfe auw no rwuon for huaitatlon or delay in the adoption of thla schnme und judg ing from the axpurlunc of othur plimuu whore lerpntual rure la in opemtlou there nud bn no exponas whutewi to the municipality for ita satlafuctoiy u dm in 1st rut ion mr john cuinoron could ue liiumiii why the council should nut futhvr the prupusdd pluti of perpetual curu the couiuill should have th muttvr lu hand he hud un ubjuctlon tothe plan pro v hi ml it is established op u purpetuul baslu mr j h head said hu iuhl to tho ninis for lufoiniutioii uud was voiy uiixlnus to hun uuniuthliur dune inward l in pirputuul eula of lenteiery mavitrf und plots miss hollo hliphciiihon wuu glud 1ui1iu ulltly thu caie for ull kulrvliiw cemutury mlio said would gladly puy yioooo intn an un- iloiuuiit fund which would uusuio th uccoiniilinhiuutit of this mul hlu hujl vlsltud wuttiduwn ciuytdry u much umidlur plutu thmi acton uuj fniid that peipotuul mm wuu uutu- fatturlly currlud out at carlisle ulso wlilch la just a little ouuntry humlot the people hud cluhhod toguthur uud rulsed a fund and this hud ruaultwd in u biuiutlfully liuitril for cuiuutory mr wank mcrlven aald he wuj lnturuteu in fulrvlew cmutui y bo- cuusu dear one uiul rrlunds wore burled ther when hu vlalted i cemetery from time to time und ulisui ud thn costly monument thorn uu ing rriatiy thousand of doltuis hu v glad of these tokens of revurentio u lov but no juuituiiiaiit is ho enduring uud uatlsfaitoiy uh the neatly trim med uiul constantly cuiedfur plot und giavfs whhh is assumd hy ihr udoiitluu of tho pnipotuul cure pluii llefore the liiuntlng closed mls hello htuphmisuil moved that the chuhman uf the cemetory coiuinlttee bo lu quested tu secuie ull piuuilblo datu fioiu plates whore punctual earn hua bueii adopted plucu thla mnformutloii boforu the council und if thought vglttt lmfor1 unulhnr nuuthig uf cltlsuun and do a in his powui to huvo the pluii adopted for autml tills resolution waa ui carrud wlihuut auy opuoahtuu y waterworka account hydro elootrlo commlanlnn power at aprlng u hydro niocfrio commlsaion powur at main street pumping station joseph ouust imvohijmu two httgra rrom uarrlater w t dick milton respecting accounts of 7ronrt ho per and samuel wilson woro read tho clork wua inatrilotod to re pudiate responsibility on behalf of tho council this matter grows out of e quarantine of wilson and family lion nuffuritig trom on lnfectloue al- ent in april ip21 thn matter uf a dumping ground aa up for discussion again the section of tho cemetery referred to at wook la utlll bolng conaldored by imo nmmliiiri a committo will in- lstlgutn a loltur wuu reculvod from the tour- lt aosoclallon of the province of lobea oaklng aa to what accommoda- n acton could furnlah to tour lata dealrlng to camp over night in town during their outings the hoove thought tho drill shed mlgh 1h diiod for thla purposn and that it would pay to erect a amall building in the pnrk and inatal a cook mtovo thn clot k wa instructed to iswur tho hitter to that effect a bylaw wua ordered to be prepared renpectlug thu parking of motor car mill htroet tietweoii main and john htrgiu ouiulhii thutfurd udvocutud plac ing an additional struct light on tirock ivvuilo hlir whrr tho road la bad ml oftiii mllppory all buuliu mm wua completed by 036 lid the council adjourned fraternal visita s o vi c and l o l ts to acton dur brethren ma in th week jcl lual vi ing gi lodg- lql tuk vhit i ixi liduh h for f acton l o l no 447 1 vlalt from guolph arrival of thu vlslt ud their now dugroa toam hicthrmi ut acton lire edy 1 m7 of the acton i mtril tho degru loam to thoro woro a un- icommt to thn lilun uegric und th toum exompllned tho dog t in il uuy thut brought forth the uumlnid prulae of the mombera at th t loot- u iiubatuntlal lunch wa aerved and a modal hour was pfliil acton u o u no 467 hope soon to uinki u visit tu guelph on lililui viilng woodunian lodgi no 302 honu of kugland re- colvud u visit from ttuyal city lodge no 73 gihlph with their dogroa team after th luul hue bualuesa waa nu- lahod lira a houtchlnga of acton pruslttont cullud uikin the captain of tho guolph degroo toum liro g uooth to ink charge thorn were five can- dlilutcs for degruta uud th team ax- omplihod the wurk of the white hobo itegreo lu u most prujsuworthy tnun nr tho following membora compoa- il the toum president o uooth puat presldunt l j johnston vlce- prosldint j 1leaauuse chaplain c hung- 1st guide a j kendrlck 2nd guldo j austins 3rd guide t mumlaud 4tu guide ll jones thh ouldf w ilowun 6th oulde w hejloy inside guard e archer out side guard hi kifz pa trick at the homo all niijoyuhln sllppar wus hurvoi a hourly vote uf thanks movud by uro johnnton acondud by itro uooth wuu carried this brought u pleasant ivelllllg to u clouu social and personal mr nol ver tho we mr w a c koiintiy wuu inn toronto over hunduy mlaa martha orr wan hn toronto over hunduy mil hoy drown wihi hin hamilton over hunduy mr angiih kennedy of turin homo over tho wonkoud mras myrtle dills of tormi homenver tho weokuiid mr lloyd kumioy wus hon tojontoover the wnokmut mr ernost colon spout tin nnd with friends in 1rnitori in kltohrnar isra a ji uud t llakor were home from thtrolt thi- wook ir duncan hhnrp od actop friends on f toronto tunsday visited jacton friends this mr htephon ouiut of htar staff was homo mr w d od with rolatlv of toronto vlslt- o on bun day spent tho worikud ut hnr lit ouelph mo bore mrs quorgo murray spout a day or ii luat wook with ltorkwood frlnnd mr hobort w htow visited ut hla luiuio nv of toronto i wookend i i mr august audnruoii is improving nd able to sit up an hour or ao daily mis lottln mason lu m mrqulnti hlstors ut moifir mia annlo crawford vlnltod with her grtitiilpurin day 11m ting the i this week harvoy walker of sunday with acton miss hertha hrown toronto for tho wiwki venliig krlday jtov h l wus a guest lay lu town mlua mario m vorty visited i wek end wolllh ut moo harton oi ocroft during hla iito tfnl- niro over i ie m pilars id dot is of torn with frieiuu hero mlaaea mrs wm thompson of qorcotovn pent u fw duya laat wook at tho iric of mr ft h arnlild mr and mis ciii eramosa t mum of mr und mrs h j mr and mra a1ot ouelph upon l a day u at thn home of mr jul i lu duillold of ay at thn home kerr crawford of no last week ion hondoraon latmug loft for cop- v funorul of hr grahnm sday tt phw tl mhoi mary mciluuhun wood gunorul uud muriu iwtit u few dityii at lu r this whk uttond thu into allen of colllng- hospital liiimo here mr e rul hospital t no rut ion for u the chin ho will io to tho oon- atinlph today for an ho removal of a tumor mn eh xi r ui thews u wum guusts of iontt over tho weokoud mrs ernost crlppi homo of mr and mi dorn und mr uud mr li a g mat- hilly of toronto matthew v lulled at the alfrod hun- hltchlo cripp ttiphimsun wuu glud lihi tuujii tu s4iurl tluui uf tho plots la at kltchuuui use hau operated on last pltal for tumor i progteas towurd hunduy wulluce who wa wook ut ouoiph ho- maklng satisfactory iicovery kerr is iu the i o o k at home th oddfellows of act on lodg am yhfr friends ha v plaint soelt evenlno tlm annual at ilumo of tho mom bra of aclmi lrnlgo i o k in the town hull lust lriduy ovunlug wu nn uvuiit ulilch will ita romomherad us n in out unjoyuhlu auclul avenlug in uddlllon to thn uoclul features ol tho ovuulng a ptogruiiiiuo of ruul nmri wua given ity local tulonf tho urtluti woro us followm miss hnuu ostruu dr mlwa joan kuiniody mis laura akluw und mrs cum run lolshr iiucll guvo huvoral snloa which pruhiul iiijo ud miss keiiuutly winning fur huraolf munv eiicoiill of pralao fur hot splondld vulco tiuo intai iiretutlun of thu numburu alio rndoivd mus lottlu musou uccoui- paiilid hr jvilh u violin obliguto aj uuuiil lltu mius osltuiultu hi ought dowu the hoiiuo with hur pumboi mhu akliis und mis lolsltinuil huve inuiiy llmoii houii hi foio thu putillc uud uio u i ways hit mod mlus olive mclaughlin und mr wiulolph hplolvugol sung it iluet viy uicoiiluhly utut were ro- culhd mr j micluru fddud u thu iniiiihoi uud qiiat tuttoh wwie sung by muui hinlth woidou hplnlvogel uiul uuiiiloy mi william coloniitu tiuug a huniuioiih uuinbut mr auium musnn conliibiititl a ua vophnnu uoln whuh nil uiijoyvd the mothodlst hunduy hchuol oichistra atuvit u geit- iiioun hat of stluihlotis thylttthi cious oltlllru rqioatod he titinlbdii thvy gave ill thu ltulldu inillmlrul show with fquut luoi it mr n p mc- n tiruslded with ubllity und uiuiod to inaku ull wll uttoudd fool quite ut homo nblu to rldo t and onjoy tho uprlnif wouthor ho will soon h his rukiit1 aolf ugntii and wielding tlm auetlortors hammer mtaaos hutu mcnuhb utid helen cook entnrtalniid about twoiityal frlonds at a houso purly hist wednes day o von ing und an iinjovablo time was spout mr und mrs a z muroonutd of hurnlu mr und mra j a maodon- ii id and tuilw of toronto woro gueat ut the homo of mr a macdonald chin ah htroot on hunduy mr and mm w d krlok of tor onto who had boon upending thu weekami t the homo of william hnydor eaq eloruwr- in tuwn on mqnday vlslllnif acton frhiids mr n h ourdih who hi boon lu toinnto tnf a couplo of weeks for kwmluatun and tratmont for uaul ttimuuli troublo wu uporuted n laat woow iindu milking sutliif pro- xifr e j muo of tin onlo visited old hmiin on huturliiy ho spik norfolk und pnliiloy moinurlul ohurchos guilph on huiulayln the mtuioslw of evunuhlttin uul tiaalux huivlco- hats a commercial travellers nloht cap fining liiitu uud nightcaps mtkud tngctlum lu two trunk uf millinery costa hliovlllo u truvuilui 7l0 inslu whmi he futud two il u 1 itiuiue lu pulltu court in tiiamlii sutuulny tho police belaud tho tiiiuku whhli on ukuiuluutluu wu round to tuniuln 2o gullnua of liquii mr o j eiuc pilkmm wil homidtul on hui for uppoiidlcltlx fully i dlll i ii 11 1 ut if er oiiollh for uu of til clotiorul po rat ion mratlun woj iuuil tm monday und mr dills is iiiukhil auttafiiotory pro- url ovory mis n i mclimi wl troubled rrmn upinuidlilth wioks had un ucuto utliicl motntug him wiih lukei hospital thut iivoiilng and tlim wuu milccosstull i lu mukiiig good pioicroi co very fori hau boon ur hovaral ii monday to ollalph uu opor- uod bha iward r- u uddltloi ulludyn wuu i isuitiit but ii tho lulost thn liqu was run- iloused m billoved thu wholeauju iiouhu od by hhtvllle hul no know- tho tuuaunco uf tho uther village of fonthui ophi wtrwork tho progrosulvu village f louthlll in walluiul uiunty whlih hua a popu lation of 650 last ttatuiday night celu- bratu1 thu completion nf u wa tor work system by a buuqiiot ut thu hotel ituetu aithur daniuih the lluov lreshlod and tlm npulais inuludod w m goruiaii m v muiu vaughuu m l p and ir iluity emiiiutt who is known uu tho falhn of the wator- works tho t nf cunstruutlon waa lilooo bolng loo louii tnun tho ustl- nrate ami uionthu wori spout ih buudluir tho systoiu tim wutei i from am lints uud in of the purest quality

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