Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 27, 1924, p. 2

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vv uf t she artnkjffrggyrpgfl tiiuithday mahclf 37 14 a few que0t1on0 ulll ill- llllllll hlld ih i hlldren r wllil im wlhln nuii nr- utile r 1hwm io iwiu i who fulu u i m1 you ml i- ttlllrli the huttlu ym fight w luii u young ml l u litton rould u loung tl be n httn ruon who hiilrt t- ii nmmi if tin- won hi a nl ir tliiii if u ihmii thriri weuld u iwrniii ho ui thrift if itrlnklnir too much n unl woulfl ihlnltlng tunlcard hut wliy i on llt hllll id hlf to jibl iii if it rhuw rom nfw vcrl r would ii follow from co pe a3 lees peculiar boarder kvcr sine my wife and i begun i boarder remarked wvfl tried to give om what thoy wanted if twos anything yon rould inll within the houndi mr hynu caressed his chin with the hark of his hand upd looked ut caleb kinly what you tryln to gel nt uskedand then without waiting to lourti what kind or a critter u that odlnh man that ive noticed round your plant lately ho demanded thats the thttor i hod in mlnj whan i begun o tell you mr too no repllod and in some waysho ubout tho tnmt ourui boarder w ever took weve tried hard to ei fy him and frm what he told us thla morn in i guess weve made out- when ho first come caleb wont on he told us that hed ben born in tho rountry und lived there till wan fitteen year old and then hlw folk moved to tho city and hed lived there ever mine hed never had chance to eel back to the country fore much as a week till this summer and he wanlod to have things a near the way- thoy waa when he wa a boy na we could make era the first night caleb continued we put him in a big room in the front ofthe- main house with four winders and a good spring bed come morning he dldnt elnplatn exactly hut give mora or leas ptlculor bout the room he used to aleep in when he waa a boy so after breakfast l mai myself to the task of find in out if i could jest what he did want and when i finly tot it through my head i couldnt bllove it for a pell nor my wife neither will he really wanted cording to htm waa an open roorn in uie attic whetphe could eleop on a huak bed that waa yestday and but night lie went to steep up in the attic you know what u brllln hot day it waa yeatday well i mlatruat that attic muit have ben a good deal like an oven and the only way to get any comfort at all would be to open the winder and tboy aint screened had an idea that hed qnd the moa qultoe fulla thick aa hed care bout bavin cm but i wnnt ppared for anything like hi look when he come downstair thla moniln iii eyea looked air they was swelled bout shut and hla hands and neck well thoy was a sight ho had better grit than id ever had to stay there an hour let alone all night and furthern that said caleb he stood there in the doorway this morn- in tryln to grin and owned up to his mistake in a way that td call handsome i par a number of year he soys ive bon lookin forard to the time when i could get back to things aa i had em when i was a boy she and last night i did good and plenty i guess he says that im like a good many others i didnt remember the discomforts of boyhood as well na i did the pleasures but last night brought em back to me plain that husk bed he says kind of htjnchln up his shoulders was jest as hard and jet as full of lump as tho one 1 used to have and the room was full as hot i aint sure but it wa a mite hotter ahe grlnnln kind of sheepish but be aya ive got to give up that oven when i was a boy i never saw any such mosquitoes they probbljr wnnt anywhere near as big as dove nor as savage as wolves he says but it seemed to me they was and wusan that now she 1 want you both to understand that i aint complain in at all im jest satisfied jhat ive had things as ive been wantln to have em for o number of years and now he says to my wife sudden like how bout that witchhaaelt aint that good for inseo bltest and thats the way 1 left him caleb concluded doc tori n up hu til i cm und listenin to my wife lym palhlsln while she told him how com ftubla he wax goln to make him 1 the front room from now on mrmm qjljr jffrrr jjrpss ljnrt stnrg angora that it would bright lm lxit l h r niul iipu him lug iiiimihoii hluihtlf also vcr muoh tin- 1r hu iustb lui it till on tin- sup- trlnt imiiii ulul hu iduum of inilm n lnlpijlm urn upoudi m th supriiitenitiiit nmlittitliih twttl ihul no mm wus to blaili exctpl tlutniue- iuh kortunir wyilch deuberutoly lli k p i on llrailsoli t uui miihmlls that more brightness en tom vvljh thn wellknown hllugs irlnlondon arrows of outrngroui f unu liy mrs j k urn ui th uint loys on lh of th cniitllientul kxpr hinutl buihlltui ih rrlnlondo il h vlth t hud tuillod hccunil lour company ifuerod duo of h a poetic comparison iliu poel wuv fuvurlng a friendly uuul with hlw luat vorses says a writer in ut james lludgut the verses were deecriihlv sthmuitlful ih thn poet read her hair was tnusstid in flowing uurls the tulor f a whisper tills inudu tho llstenur wit up whats ihtttr he said head that 1 thought you would say something ubout that 7 tho poet answarixl i dont want to appear egotistical thut little phruso givus xunui c for the uxorclsa of the mind in wluit wyt the poet laughed dont ymi hwi lie suld how bauutlfully that descrlbth thi n ha tin of her huirr icvory iwet wiveuks of golden hair or raven locks to he n success one tntist be orlglnul xvrll she did hot huvo golden hair u wnm hourly gohluii and 1 convey the im pression by moans of that one won the nlhur still looked puuled tou huvo heard sold the poet pa tiently that silence la golden t tfos tho other admitted well resunled the poet it silence is golden what would a whisper bot it would b nearly golden wouldnt ur the poet laughed again the other was sitting down and could not stag ger so ho laughed loo a word cor an abused man i it not time father had a square deal toora ago not so many our ouu- draa ipok to and o u m pap- and mamma a csuj gwtswalrt bo how wa haro dignln3 nojagua into mothar but twor 4 rob- b3 of mo cba anjl efcgatty rfch justdtt or vmimum vl clow i tig mr aruvomf mhe cried what do you think i urn going to dot im going to lot you take my orlando to mlsuppa hprlngsl hes never travel led without me the dear but mr grant says its perfect nuiuiaiua not to let you tnko him this ilmev ilr grant soys you do nucli lovely thlngw for him in rushing through shipments mid all that of course hes a reil angora mri oravow u fullbloodwl one i mean orlando you know well for that matter i just guess my husband is u thoroughbred too hut ytui knov what 1 mean mr graves youll have to taka caru of him just us if he wuro u person but thats just it mr grant saya that you avo lino on iversonal service and thai your men and every one an so kind to anlmuls and ship ments and uvurythlng tho superintendent hud a few score of things to attend to that morning and was itching to get ut them but when the wife of your biggest nipper cqnsents to letting her lovely angora travel over your lino you simply drop other things if you ure a wise sup erintendent und toll her in silvery words thottho honor is indeed great- and you alld as graves did that if human hands can protect or human brains plan comfort for an animal then her orlando will be set down at tho end of his journey absolutely safe care free and contented you see the superintendents captor fljtputinod ilf grant and i are going to motor down with u purtyi and well tie there lomorrow night of course u want orlando there in lime and mr o raves you must promise mo to take care of him per fectly lovely far hes a roul angora and we just think the world of him grave did pro raise there und then he did more he called his steno grapher and suggested that mrs grunt might like to dictate just how her pet should bo fed watered put to bed exercised und cared for in general and then graves gave his word of honor that the instructions should be carried out to the letter and walked down the hull to hand mrs grant into tho elevator when tho wifo of your biggest single shipper drops in on you it is wise to uo those things but you do ono other thing if you are a wise superintendent whlah mr graves did not do vou ask hor point- blank what she means by mi angoru- you learn trorn her specifically us graves did not juat what genus of animal it la that you ure going 10 transport then in tho rush of a very busy afternoon you do not lnd yourself at u toss to mention the pro clso nature of the beast in your letter of special instructions to the agent receiving tho consignment and you axe particularly careful to be specific if you hold strong opinions on the value- of word economy in tnterpfilca correspondence three hundred miles away tho morning iiradaou got tho letter superintendent could writ thrifty telegram style cincinnati m llrudson agent mlxeppa hp rings i important llvo at your city no 7 ro wnlch closed instructions care consignment being fullbloodod an goru property of mrs j jc grant wlfo of this companys largest ship per at this point you will give especial personal attention animal answers to name orlando deliver upon receipt of puraonal in structions from mrs grunt evening of april 9 complete satis fuel ion posi tively demanded by this situation it c grave supt- thfs letter wa intended to put ilradaon on the iul vivo no one doubts that liroiuon was on the qui vivo for tho rest of the day the only trouble was thut urudwon did not ulto know what an angoru wus but ha ramembervd that the uupetlutendent ws u busy inuu und huld strong opinions on the vuluu of word wuii- ray in intertiiuco coinsiondeiica und ultu naturally ooncludvd thut it tould not lti fairness ho uxpoctixt thut in letter should itnludu u aoologlcul loo lure when number 7 cuuiu llrad son would rlsuloruto emergency hut until thut tlmu why worry hut a btone rrum una of tho slings of outrageous lortuno loosened tho coupling of u freight car on u siding just this slilx of mlxcppu hprlngu station and number 7 did not conn in thut day tito rruight ur heavy with pig iron slipped suddenly dow grade und wldeswlped dumber 7 forworn taim with just onntign asper ity to applet them off thn truck th contlnontut express car loud ml wltli spring suits bulus of loth uuslur presents two wlsublu usllugs among other things mrs j k grant udontble angoru spilled violently into tho ditch altd during ihi mlxup ut the especlul inwtlguliou of oiitruuwous korluiin uiin of tho ulsablo oastlugu full ulmin the plunwotul crate thut lonluliwd mis tlruutw oi luiido thro by killing niiti of ihn huiulwomusl long hulretl cuts thut vwr liiuwed the lonllikuntul intishoiiger und ut his foctirds werw nit thirlr way to llio hnu- pltul befont lliudson lull up tlio liiioku and took ulutrsu of tho inssw it wus thoit that outiaguouh kortuiu- lifted her whked uyen ulul huh old tin tho hill thut sepurutml lht muiihiugal farm from the mlieppu 1 wcstortim trucks the lordly and inujestlo itgurn of the macdougal goal heldora if ever hud the muudougul goat witnessed a wreck never hud he had an bpport unity to ober one at close rangeand wrecks nrv intvr- esung things prom tho hlutun over looking the alaodougal farm this pur- llcular wrwjk gave every promise of bojngan uauxually jaxosllont spoojraen uoreotor wtnspersd outrageous irortune in the goata oar u u pos- alble that there where many man and tsany boxes are uwse may ctlaryvbub- blnsnd nloo tin oapg also bfll tharmfora dml maopougal gogt canv ttoansgor btmcswn gwean through a maty lttwatgs7 of ihn catiered ax- proesj nuutor bbmi ttlro croaalng pxt wiiruiou ut piumpiu l kid u iii mlh up it iikhihixi iul llu iipiln ho tuketl u liking m knowii thut rrtxiilenlly tli that doubui goal lion mi ihu llkll plut cu ulong wltylho h bod thn murliousal gout nrlrw1 hi wuybllt clerk to bring up th lem imporlutit irulght und uturud tin hi omco bufo within the toiibyiinvenfwtt conflnea of thn mlzuppu ulllc continental liradiion tied his chnrgo to thn olflco snfn and sut down lo com munltule tho joyful nnw to thn wup erintniidunt ho udvlnod by wire that in mp i to uusevuro wrh u in whkh hi crutu hud heuu destroyed mrs j k grants orlutido md mlrut ulouuly in caped tli on liradwoii until od buck li his chair und unfoldfd thu uupurln luodonts morning liicloiiuro of yilhv sheets entitled instructions ho jul of mrs j k grants angoru or lando tho superintendent wus eloljjhtd to racelva ilradsoius wlru culled it miracle indaed and wired buck auth orlslng tho purchawe of u hciw iruti in reply to this lie got u tu ingram from ilradson requesting furthrr uliprovali on oxpendlturos to covor cout of ni large sofa pillow two wuliriml ihrto yards of ribbon und a ronib all which things uradson oultl wtm in- dispensuble to carrying out inwtruu- tlons und lintl probably benn dentroyed along with tho era to tim uuimrln tendent wired back upiiroval und add od lnstructlonu to spurn no cxpenw or pains in carrying out contlnenlali personal earvlce policy this emergen- tau ma qajflg wwlmt 1 ftn an- unndea dumber v st ihu wran b cy whereupon urodaon rercud mrs grants instructions and mujle sovcrul memoranda there are so mo expressmen whu have initiative und thero ure others who iuto not tlrndsau hud it might do for him to make u crutu for some ordinary animal rousomd urudso but with mrs j k granth pat it was soma what different llrudson gut carpenter on the telephone utid mi fled u 5xtx3foot feltllnudcrutu wanted it by six oclock and he wun going to huvo it then it mattered tftut tho curpcnlor would huvo to tnuku it out of ash which wus worth iigood many i en is u foot money wus object tils crate ut nix omock u an object then ilrudsup wnt lo i mull i hprlngu depurtmotit uturo u bougjit tho essentials foi tint toilet mrs j k grunts orluiulo tin ludl some babybluu silk ilblton und small mattreus which bis initiative suggcatod vm niuru commodious than u sofn pillow all of thuso ilngw uradson brought buck i his arms it is a fundumanlul theorem that u gout when ho likes llltus very mud yet tl is a proposition cupaulof th easiest demonstration that tho dlwpu sltion of any given gout is llu idly fickle hence tho liivorsn of the theorem when u gout doeu not llki you he has virtually uo uwa for joi at all tho macdougal goat had con celvod a uklng for uradson but that was in the open you can gumbo and frisk in ttio open you cannot ituity lltllo blllco upon the macdougul goat fur llrudni furl begun upon thu macdougul goat four oclockln tho uflemo coaxed thu mattress under about lluit lime und lliu rvullsa tlon grow upaco ho uuvo llrudson i wicked look und rocked contemutu ously up und down on the tnaitren at flvu oclock hi uccurdunce wltl ins true lions llrudson ottered k largo sauowr of thick creum an j watched him drst sniff it ulid thou push the saucer over then tho gout began to feel out ills hutting muscles on tho door of thu cqptiuentul ulllce safe at half past live when llrud son wus busy with wookly rvihjri tin macdauga gout slipped iuh jeush ulid hutted uradson into u corner th driver und waybill clerk entered oi the run und by a brilliant enillud movement penned the macdougul gout between thu safe ulid two ti for twenty minutes thurti kaleidoscopic whirl of goat u but in the end the macdougul goat found hlmseir stlurled in forty feet of strong rope und lay ctimpurutlvuly still with hla huuil wud under thr safe hut to thu uturnal crutllt of tint continental forcu at mlsepiui let it le ulj thut the mucdougdl gout wus net hurt except in his fuullngs this seems lo bo precisely tho to norab your highness suld llrud son your lovely fur is slightly do- runged and ho rukml uiugurly ut the gout with an onunnous uy six oclock the toilet wus ioui- htadsoti hud jlod the luly- hluo rlblkin ubout the uouts sinewy litk lldjumtcd u huge ixiw upd tli hlw rhurgo int tits now twentytwro dulbir erulu it wus then that mrs j h grunt of ciuclnuutl from luo huvuii of rust in tho hpi hikii liuiu hi muuppu culled urudwon on thu tulephoiiii und troonud thu tiows thut uhtt fiud nnivotl lit own und wus just thing lo know hur dour orlundo hud stood thu journey very well tuuuiit lndiud rupllod lliuduu in u volcx if ctfpm uil wwint- iiubs rvsrvud for thu wivuw of tlm coiitpuuyu larituwt whlpprs hj looking flnu hut im tuirry in wuy ruuuiu tlnit ho dont samii lo uut his f i uthl hut hes very uvtuu iiiuuiil mrs grunt tooud ui unit down two hluvih thut whu did nut wonder ut that ut all luuiukteul ilkuoiighhiouv iiu nnw do wo ruii u orf iliuir fuud inn know ihnt you jijmi iiiiii nxpucl thti in to h hiingiy all ilu tlmu uut what did uiullui wuw uie condi tion uf orlandos fur hln did no hnpo tliut hoi proclouw atluoiu lookml lilru und she just know without usklng uf course that mr llrudson hud ombe i him us she hud dlreot d uradson wiiw tidolonl tlurfru llu flattered und incldcntully he llntl mis grunt he extolled i huvo novel wean wunh fii on un aiisotu in my llfu wild ivu liven u lot of thoni after wa got tliruii combing him i gay to my waybill nlrk lime 1 says alnt that angoras fur purfeutly beautiful and my waybill rurk hu aays mr qradaoil it certainly ib its most handsome why mre grant j wish you oould juat neo him so it in bare in hur crate now with tho biuo ribbon nuund his neck ho iuat looks boautuuu bo does and his tur so pretty- you oartain ly got u right tu be proud of him mrs omnt wa dullghtsd was per- ftfcuy wllyhhtf sb bad not dnsuaord ihsit lie would tool wo nice ufter auch u hnig joiiimj hit did uilnu that vim nnd mt hnil- il nil uihxi li mke mi luliirut and wuhii t il pfirfot tly luvl- lxiauwe it would so uh f oilonilii to tuk hfw foillitrtlhlhi h would mr llrudttoii im llcvo ii ti lir tiiul tu u ii third nine till ixxiu mii fin ihlw jinr ut illrfprid hhowst rvor mi of hem reul tru hlilr wil und would mr hiiuiho hrl her lo k the furllrtht hint jul lia tli- nurst lui k nu ilmw hul thm tirlup it mii th in the nil orlai mlsuvia i pining thut temple und mid houltry hh night in lh muhoiiii uuhl mr itiuuon i luiido at jialf pat levnn niiurii in voild he mukt sure the bow wi hirulght on orlandos neck hhe wi jim dying in sen hur darling ukuiii und mr llriidnon muil nut ik u mi miilt lute no uf tour won nut wiirry she knew mr jlradne id pun nl at hulf lit imiuki of inun mupl igun m um if thi vh t a g tin ml ioultiy hhd ur lti tin results of their labors with feelings of uolfcoiikraluutlmi unit not thn hun timothy hurmon judru of ciwjk county duu of pot ami iiouuy it ih specially from chicago lo kruco the occaslm mniirkcd axtei u iqur of he musonlc temph woll boys u huu gull tomuthn km tlussy u lol of exhlhlln vr laid ont am lim hoard f anno i the hnll btudt on u tlnal inspection before the doors warn opened to the public they were ut peuco with ttiitinsrlvru und win id thu exhibits groomtd to un jmjwcrlnir ilrgroe of sleekness wulted oxpectnntly in thnlr lugeu some o them crowed lustily und othurs ttark cd simpiwml nnd wplt at their nrlgh liors irom thu hulcony eaten the in harmonious sound of instruments im- ing uffucttonatoly tuned und tried au then a hush fell over musonlc tern pie hall thu crowers tlio burkera the uplttiirs und tho tuners listened home one- nt the reur door seemed to bo having an altercation with a member of the board of managers thu other managers heard and hual- enedfirthe usalwluxica of their brother olltcul finally the hun mr harmon wus uppoulod to hn exoased tu the rrur dixir und found uradson red-fac- ud but elftcient insisting with warmth that his ordent were explicit he was to deliver mrs j k grants angora ut the masonic temple hull for the mlxeppa 1et und 1nultry bhow at half past seven mid behold hn hud donu lit he eloquently demanded admit sloti for thn suld angorn in the nam of mrs j k grunt und of tho con tlnonlal urudnoti was efficient jio only tn deeds but upon occasion in speech also tho hon mr harmon critically ex amlncd tho macdougul gout sulky and sullen in his bubybluo ribbon and twetiiytwodollar crate ho gravely announced thut although ho wus itot up in caprine stock this goat seemed to be u fine strung specimen and ended by asking the secretary wholhu they hud any entry from u mrs j kt grant tho records disclosed thut there was such un tintrj angoru by tiuina or lundo pedigree to follow mrs j k grunt of cincinnati kn trail co fo lald thun there lwrit unythlng to do but let the unlmul in tinctured hnrmon this ih u pot und ikiultry show and if mrs grunt huw a 1ml ot and had uld thn fie i do not know how you cull bar him hut there is no gout cluss object ed hlminons tho hecrulary then maku one said llurmon vou cant afford to untagonixe your uxlilbltum that hull u ring of rtimlity so tli muciougnj goat wss uwhorod in urnil son placod in charge und the crate set 111 solemn sol i tu do in uil isolated cornur over which was tacked u has tily improvised sign capertne an- guru mrs j k grant with due apprecia tion uf the drumutlc delayed the ur rlvul of her purty until the ovsnlng wus ujl udvauccd then with her husband and friend slio sailed into masonic templa hull they found mr simmons und mr grant ui once crouched tho subject nearest hor heart ojr almmotjb how iwray dear orlando t isnt hw tho modi beautiful angora 7 ho seems to be uil right replied simmons guurdcdly ho was not iuu sure of his ground und it was best to be dlwwuet the dour of course hu is alt right i had woi d from him this uvotiltig hero is his podlgreo may 1 put it on his cusot certainly uuwworod mllninons whom is hor over ut the end of the third aisle 1 must say mrs grant that ho is at trading a great deal of ut ten lion you dont mean to tell tilu sin cried dullghtodly muy 1 take hope toe thu ribbon from thult hut ikjs slbly thut isnt a fair uewtlou tlio judging isnt finished of course no yet replied ulmmons cornel cried mrs grant lo her frlunds jlut us nnd orlando i cun hurdly wait and with tliu wdigice ready iii her hiitul she udvancod tho others fol lowed hlminons spoke truly thu muc- douuul bout ullus orlundo wuw ul- tructlng uctoiitluit the children hud dlstowrwd lihu early ulul with whoulw of dullght they surrounded hu crulu igiit deep ulw goutshlp although tiimyod by thu prosonoo of urodaon gradually forgot his enmity and warm- u tho children un ho indulged himself in a bacchanalian rvo of peanuts pop corn programmes und puper bags except for the foot that his cratu ralhr interfered with the fraeuom of movements thu macdougul goat was having the time of his life whtiro llu uhlldreii urj there hok oie btnwiiupw and so thu orlando cugo wuw thu centre of un ovt-wldon- inir group agthoctncltinart-fntrtj- hed mrs uiunl turned to hur liuwbund with tiurs uf happlneos in hut ey hue jack seo how they uppreclule hlint she crlud this is a wonder ful trlhutj wonderful and she hurrlid forwurd drawing um others u her mothurl mothof cuiwul a shrill pilling voice from tint tuldst of th lo jut loves peunutw glvi liiu oiic more to feed hi ill mrs grunt hearil w huts thutr ii uluiiint sci earned did you itoar im kr iveding peunuis to my or- lulidol whero uru the uttenduulsr with ire in hoc wlu- pun bod almost rudely through thu trowil und slooit to face with tho maxlkiuuul goat mi 11 rati win hul ywii oaiinut help iriiig thu mans uullty he rur tied uu it wur tho niewagu to oarclu an when garcia ttuit is mrs gruht- fultitod even ihoil hiadson tho job ho cuught her before hur huwliund rcullsed thai whu win ralnllug thu thing thut worrlvd llrudson in i tu sulhiluteiideiit told ne lat- wuw the twenty two dollurs for the chic i pubsod it with pleasuru nd us l led him a jewel lo his fuce suiuo ma i suld hut toll mo what ttucume of thu goatt 1 he utiperlnleudeiit laughed oh the macdougal uhlldreii rocogulud thilr pet and tholr father cuuio round and took him home quietly attw the show was over wuluh may bo waa ky for tho goat for brad won said thut thut goat oomohour or uthen in spired him with murderous denlrub trtuty time ho looked at it it cost us a prutty hit axel and last tag ampwliitvbdaot wuou 1 txinrd of poultry prim an und foiwi ntiil lxpr lil it to hi the illicit tharpic in quebec hn moil r uiil other piiient of iiiohlhitiiiy u ulidntloii v 11 1 ih bat ik h if g riiinrnt oiiiiol if th- hiior tiu ml ili hiilmtlt iitlnri if ihit und n liurl iiijiioim will ii uwuy ht illh it imtimfwclni ulul hiiu of in- xlu its ii li idulnlng lo linn itegln of quitb i bus ju in i i ulu in pctni ttnl tin vln in ll hiih the folliwiiig t i iiutki f llhgul iriltw i tin re lu aim dml liov on iinothei pitverwioti uitnliiil whl h illlvit rmillril lo iil with nnwrgy wv wlk f ui uk greutuhl if the lltigul tu irlukw vou know what u haw been fouuht for the f in lu ho ln ly i uilng but th if tern blo djiltor and the group of eiclonlus- tlrul aiwl luy iipostha who nlded bin his ffoils after umul tlfiuei m of work ilkty hud iilmont ron- n i jor in id of the inlng ii d wtruellon iainnl by tli ultohol hul alns thnru im how nprt-ud- llig overyuhere the liaoli width wu ilenouuce und in particular lilltlnuh fubrlcittlon of at ultohol more harmful thun nuy othe to the health of thu txuly und soul a mom i ki whlrh nltarku the llv itlg forces uf iht indlvlilunl of tho family iilil of tho society and whlc if we tin not strniicly react will uimh result in irretrlevuble ruin there fore by virtue nf our luisloral auth ority wu have prohibited und prohibit under pain of grave dlholmiliunru the fubrlcatloii the sale or tho ela lln immtrtullnn of uil lotnxlcatlng llqiiora su h us ure ulrcudy forblddei by tho civil luw nolo the oxprenlon therm lu no wpreaillng now under thn boast tid cjuuimh eontrol law the destruc tion in spreading everywliaru undo ing the mornl iiuuslon work of man yciirwf yet irdmler tani hereuu vnn tures to bouwt of tho success of hli ihpior inw the 1loneer celery culture any tood rich garden soil will grpw hood celery it is u gross feeder and muitt huvo nn ubumlanro of fertility to draw upon if tender well developed stalks are to he obtained if the soli becomes dried out oven with an abundance of plant food present suc culent stalks ure not likely tu develop tliesn two thing plant fooi and moist u re uro nsncntlal in order that srowtli may go un uninterruptedly hot dry soils citu be made cool and moist by water- or- by mulching it li not ayery gmt task to keep a small area lu celery watered during the dry periods whoiipropurlng for your vegelablu burden set aside homo good well rot ted nmturo for a row of celery dig of plough out n u i wi e ubout ik inches wide and ubout six inches deep lulo this scatter tho manure ubout four inches deep on this placo j kood nurdoti soil und mix thoroughly with the manure und ta this udd acid phoaphntu ut tho ratu of tioo pounds per ncro if the garden lu one which bus been well tnunured for year scat ter a coating of manure broadcast work it into the soil uddlng acid phosphate us well und on this good celery carl be grown a wellbulam 4hk commercial fertiliser ut the rata of 000 pounds per ucre scattered broadcast and well mixed with t sol to a depth of ove orwlx incli will grow iood celery without manu if rnolsturo conditions urn right celery weed will germinate n uny good tsrxlon soil lu ubout two weeks ufter planting during this time the soil should be kept damp the seed ho may bo set any place in the kltch en und when tho seedlings appear h u bright window or hotbed in two wueks the plantu may be singled and trans plan led to one and onehalf to two inches aiuri in another month tlieso will huvo developed into good plants for uettlug tu the open ground it will bo seen lliut it taken ubout two montlni lu duvalop good plants ueexl sown on thu ltit of murch whuuld develop plants for welting out may 1 koi later plantings und full i ropu mi started thu uilddlt of april oi nrwtmuy ulll give uond pliiuts for uettlng lit juijo w h ulalr hupir ndeiil kxiw rlmentitl htitlion kent vllle n h tranqe out true unity tlilugu iiiu found nomuthnos u uuwupsper oittcc a young mull came into this oitha mid uskud wus ru unythlng in thu iciprout in hiurrlugo tint nillru wrwon uwkiii lu return worn you nunrimir h plied 1 wuu u fortnight ugo un i want to know if mention was mad uf it lu tho own papers iiuve you wvcti for yourwolf whether there l or nott wtiu thn olllce perst next query no ht replied 1 iiovui read the newhiwipcw never buy a imwspuiwirt furlhor uuorietl the onlce lnoti mcu wus the reply i do not thu uiu not worth buying und i dont upend my money foolishly and yet tho mwly mm i led uhup wuitted a poor miwspuiiur inun tu write a notice of bin wedding- und publish it at u tout of u couplo of dolluis wlillu hn would not yuwto three cuiith to buy u cope god holp his wlfel kxthiuigr enaltv op being a twin a hihoolmusdu- tn 1etmwtkunlu hus l ii nurd hi runtt un li whi a uilhilud uf the othui twin or ier hemiulwhed both for the mlw- ltihil of ollii of them or it wun like r one was hud und the other olass tuachui whipped the otlmr then she thought mhv hud inuilo u mlhtukc und tur led to whip tint one hut he chung- d heutti with tilt uthti wo thut thu thin wuh wbljip d twuv tin i prin cipal tn itiiiue sine wblppid both tlieil the puiml bniught suit tstesksi sjj fcowhsr set s ttl amwae eifcwrtw weseess htm fli irtaey ew esw iss ssus fcsmm qa r wt ewtrsstimw 4 n- wwrw isl ts rew stoilas r inml mot poktanlx euay sih ts preaching and practice itrd ljlwrelll- ion- ir lhl tlllll r of idiii wau u iihle und tery hjoiij nn lie lined l hlw lvnil in iiih xhlrlwlti v and ms- toiilat- um inuili ih limllil nil 111 und i n tiioii- he an lui ilin t lo tteul the lllltlvh like lllldr ii al lliiiurh he iiluuys nlittiuouidy iiimuii iiikiii helr meriting mid rielvliil ju hot and ulndnw- i- 1 li weill lo illdla tt hill led him ami die 1ihi un riuain b for irl iiwumu i mh to iul fur t lie ihu ilte iim iiii inr vhroy f i drive on die wu he luipr iiim dnetrl if kinduiww vei j mihiill al ly and miilrtuiily on hlw ihiuhmxi ijirl muv lliunke1 him for bl helpful mlvlee and they roiirn 1 in ltl oime i juvei nineii t llootii tin syce or fnolmini win alow unit awk ward hi opening the door of ear rluk nhtriihni iinl ijiwrenre jumped uut lu n temper urfll wave hu tur un uiimlhtukabls tut- ior i muo tlimeil to the llfinh aid with u smth m llrst pruotl- hsoii lu klinl nrns in hatlveu is umlmiblll an odd olie wllwered hope for ruflis ullile 1iustllh hul been pollxhlllt hhi munkit tor half an hour ut lut he guve h ii lllpll lovepat nnd turned to his r chile in wuld does jou see dttt little ulxilll thirty yardw over derut shore i dons hufuh ngroed thu old man threw ui the miiakut and luilance it rulher whaklly whang it bellowed now does you wee dul bottle 7 hie old man de manded ys i tloew granddad im powerful glad lo lijtur dut itufe the old man said calmly im bien afeard from tie way you sorted inters lately dot jour eyesight wus falling but hit aint you good ftir evornl yeahs ylt hufus familys potato bill u tbebseofaspeeialpoi iot the ideal thing b averagealxed canadian famllysi s2s00a jrrar that warrants tf here it is the hmii tocato i phi with water through the spout wlthont reoalaar cover note how thehandlloclutliacavcrcl yos can drain off waterleasing potatoes gaealy assl dry wilhsyjt spilling potatoes or mlilbfluadj sewngr st low prices in hardware and general stores not the trade mark on the pot beiureyoaget class kaalsr jmi jumelit w lu m vrry tuid rnootb urfwor ilka yuur lirmliuubht la mruylo ilo uo- tuitr no ttl uol or apnuil ilrwnaria ajw clrmrt lira ion tint sad odone tbacmbmlcd war da in smpsware tr flswsi r rt 1 bi7 fluawj inauv m t casta lurht blu anf tklt nauuu bu crratmj wut uieaa u varm bu u oac tui itovsj mam adsw smect metal pttocutts cl a complete lino of s 5l 1 irojucts q handled by jas symon hardware acton r simplicity of operation tho ford is remarkably easy to operate gear shifting is done automatically by the feet the drivers hands are always on the wheel discyesarcakvayson the toad he can watch traffic con man dy there is no possibility oi failure to accomplish u gear ohiii ford gears being of the planetary type axe aluaysin mesh and every ahutisposi live and no failing the ford is very easy to ste and te- eponds to the slightest movement of the wheel- it xviu turn in a circle with a radius of nineteen feet three inches the short ford whcclhaso is a boon in congested traffic it gives easy manipu lation everywhere and enables you to park in crowded sections where a big car is handicapped see any authorised ford dealer cj lks -trucks- tractojels lwwih rowmawawmiimiwiwiiif iii iifi ijw wijma how to make your advertisements pay few merchants really have the proper appreciulionofavhatmlvertisingnieaiis to them a writer in an exchange aptly puts ilin this way i if a man spoke to his wife only once a mouth or every two months she wouldnt recognize his voice yet some business men advertise once a month or every two months anil then wonder why they dont get more business advertise every week remember the used key is always bright the store that tells the public what it is doing every day is the more that gets there hi the end use the free press regularly

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