Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 27, 1924, p. 4

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i ml 1 7 v bwv cjteciji- vvw7f v v 7a 1 i i r i the home op ohfp actntt3fwtrwa t manlier slied town weakliaa ol ontario the acton utelt press u pufaluhtd tliuradair tnurning ml th free frrnaa uulutag mill sued ailoa oeiarlo the aubacrlptioa price la lase pr ar in advance porta w cbaranl ad jit tonal to okctt is lb united stltt th dale to which autkacrlptlaea are pawl la indicated tm u laddreaa ubal advektisimc uatestraailae advertise not a la cent pr una agate mfmun lor brat luaciuoa and j cvnit per una tor each aobae- qucnt ibftcrtioav con tt act dlaely advertt ncnlt foe ga ucbaa or mora par vastus t cta per laich tch leantioe advcrtiaesamu with- out amaelac direction wilt b usertsd uh farud trged ccordlnilr and i telephones- editorial and bnalnesa osca kcaidesc of rtaaadcat v- ursday morning march27 1924 editorial y f who are entitled to vote very persn resident in ontario for the past months and resident in the municipality at the the assessor makes the assessment is entitled oo the voters list this year providing he or 21 years of age and a british subject it is teccssary for a man or wootan to own property a tenant or have an income or pay taxes in to have his or ber name entered on the voters a a parliamentary voter if yon expect to vote an election comes see that your name is on the isors lists as the basis of all municipal and uneotary lists is the assessors rolls prosperity for canada rime minister kin in a speech in the house wednesday quoted returns to show that there ieen effected in two years a decrease in civil personnel of 4000 and went on to show that of tho debt burdening the government today ue to the fact that the meigben government ng tho whole period of the war had not raised angle cent fronv the taxpayers to meet war obli- ns these he declared had now to be met by untry finally he saw in reviving trade ex- and import in renewed mining activity ii ordinary improvement in the earnings of thi lonal railways in evergrowing bank deposits in reduced public expenditures a crtain harbin f returning prosperity british capital coming to caroda very littlobntih capital iips found its way to canada during the past decode the financing of tne war took billions of pounds that under normal inditions would have been invested abroad and of hich canada would have secured no small part since the making ot peace tho larger issues of the dominion of the national railways pf the provinces and municipalities have been floated at homo or in tho now york market now however the indica tion arc that british capital will again be invested freely m canadian securities aud industrial organiza tions i 166835 majority for continuance of o t a the last vote on the temperance question in this province was taken in april 1021 tho rcsuit was 540773 forjyomtsit7ajrnd 3730a8 against a major ity of 166335 jorthe continuance of the ctntario temperance act as this repeatedly announcej pplicy of the present ontario government is that the law will not bo changed except on the vote of the people there must be a decided change in tem perance sentiment before tho o t a is to be repealed this is of course what the opponents of the law are backing on that any such adverse change in sentiment has taken place is doubtful in deed prohibitionists have not lost faith in prohi bition as the best remedy for the evils of the liquor traffic protecting the united states prohibitory law with practically no discussion of its principles apart from statements by the prime minister and the leader of the opposition the house of commons has approved a resolution expressing concurrence in thejrecent convention between his majesty the king and the president of the united states respecting liquorcarrying by oceangoing vessels the conven tion dated january 23 1024 had already been rati fied by the united states senate it was a striking commentary in view of the grave international im port of the matter concerned that consideration by parliament was confined almost entirely to a lopg series of personal exchanges between the prime min ister and mr meigben regarding the niceties of the diplomatic procedure under which all contracting parties were to set their seals upon the agreement mr king explained at length that the treaty extended the rjehtofsearcu zonebeyond tho threemile limit and to a distance of approximately twelve miles it is significant that premier ramsay macdonald of great britain urged concurrence in the convention 4 member wants canadas constitution amended resolution by j s woodaworth socialist mem- for centre winnipeg which precipitated a debate canadas status permitted a review of this ques- but added little to information frequently plac- 6n hansard during the past two decades mr qdswortha resolution was tho governing powers canada aa constituted by the british north ameri- act as amended and as altered from time to time eafter ought to possess under the british crown same powers with regards to canada its affairs 1 its people as the parliament of great britain isesses in regard to great britain its affairs and people there wore some humorous features to debate on canadas constitutional status ler king declared that canada was a nation have every authority we desire canada would lume its responsibilities toward the empire but tjiament would detino those responsibilities tho ilution was hnally withdrawn a solid united front against lessening restriction the great gathering of the temperance forces of ontario in massey hall toronto last week showed that there is no weakening on the part of the people generally in the determination to retain the ontario temperance act the movement effecting tho unity of the various temperance organizations to bo direct ed during the coming campaign by one central execu tive will be most effective in administration and in successfully combatting any attempt to open ontario to the insidious inroads of the liquor traffic the unanimous adoption of tho resolution in favor of dominionwide prohibition shows conclusively what is now the ultimate object of the people of canada who arc earnestly endeavoring to advance tho econ omic and social conditions of the residents of our fair land this resolution which in its comprehen sive character is in advance of any step previously taken by the temperance forces of this country was enthusiastically and unanimously adopted as fol lows this convention is in favor of bringing the wholo dominion under a prohibition act which would prohibit tho manufacture importation transporta tion exportation and sale of intoxicating liquors for beverage purposes and urges the prohibition federa tion of canada to inaugurate a campaign throughout the dominion to secure both federal and provincial legislation to effect these most desirable results neighborhood news- town and country rockwood mr ilobsrl luddock of peaoka alta in renewing acquaintance in i rommunlty urter dn absence of thirtyone year he home of mr und mm a i hiulres was invaded the other even- by a throng of friends whloh lax- its spacious room io capacity i occasion wu a surprise party prior to the early departure of thla popular family from tho village to toko ui their residence in george town where mr gqulree ha been ap pointed agent of the canadian nation al iutltwy company to aueceed mr cnmoron who ha been promo lad to a ph the vlaltor ware warmly wolcomtil and aiven the freedom of the hauio in the course or tho even ing mr and mm hqulrea were called the fore by the chairman mr fred hmlth and a numlxir of shaft apeechei wr made con ajru tula tint mr flqulroa on hie promotion hut filled with r grm am well that the promotion which la j oorate i ownar and the family gain la ao distinctly itockwoode loos an addpuaa to thla popular couple waa read and at it conclusion a beautiful aitl of atlrlln allver waa itreentd them amithcr mark of ivapeot and affo- ttoii n aire bqulrea waa th prvacn- latlon to her a week acd of a life mnmbrhlp certificate in the w m h of the uethodlat church when ahe waa a very active memlter burlinqton mr albort uuilng haa purchaaed the irucklnr hualnosa of mr il ii proctor and look over the bualneaa on monday thn aale of mr f l dablea pro perty on iurln4ton avenue to mr a j llrennan la reported mr arthur poarae of lisxnore aua- tralla la vlaltlnc hie brother mr qeo pearae clarke aynue accompanied by hla uncle mr joseph ilroinyard of nirrolmham tsnaland on friday nlaht doca paid a vuit to the home of a c peart and killed three or hla moat prised wlia dueka the owner of the do are not known the police are worklny on the caaa town clerk sykaa rocalvod word last week of the serious illness of his mother in enlan1 and la maklnc pre parations to leave for home provided the council- will crant him six weeks toava of ahsenca t chief leo j smith returned home on sunday from a holiday trip to the west and california he renewed ac quaintances in brandon and other weatern places and then proceeded to california where he spent several day in los anfelcs and other point over twenty member of th bur lington womens institute went to stoney creek on thursday afternoon to pay a visit to the institute of that place and all report a most enjoyable time ilev ajbert carr formerly pastor of the tlaptlal church here haa resljrned the pastorate of the riverside baptist church at ijrantfard which has been accepted itav mr carr ha accepted n call to tho tllsonbura uaptlst church gazette oakv1lle editorial notes oeonobtown mr ale tltractinrii ladles tailor ho made nit assignment to the can adian credit mens association v a llalley has disposed or hi tiarnes and leather good hualnosa to mr norman fleming of ttramplun mr john cameron or acton was town on friday and madu the herald u pleasant mil i it marohmrnt hnat just opened u fruit and vegetable store in th nich olson lllock mis agnes mcleotl who recently underwent an operation at a race hospital toronto i progressing nice ly and will soon be able to return bom ray mr cameron 1 slowly im proving and la now ahl to alt up for short time each day a meeting uhder the auspices of tlm township council of kaqurslng for the promotion of farm forestry will be held in the town hall feorgotown friday march si at i p m the on tario provincial forester will tell of the possibilities of the farm wood lot there waa a large attendance d credlt lodge a f a u on the occasion of the annual visit of dis trict deputy grand master hhrldnl of kitchener who wa accompanied uj llro downing after the business or the evening had been disposed qf initiatory degree wo exemplified by w uro dickie and hi orncor- t wa a well pleased gathering of young people that left the arena last friday night at the conclusion of the evenlnus programme the music for occasion wa supplied by acton cttlmena band and delighted all pres ent acton should be proud of their splendid musical organisation the annual meeting of the oeorget- town chamber of commerce wa held on tuesday evening when th follow ing officer were elected- for the year president h r mlmms vicepresi dent it it foull secretary w f bradley aasutant beeralary w t evans treaaurei j u wallooe council j b mackenale 1l corke l c fleck b kirk h kentner j m moore j l thompson herald standby cakes for use with this and othor des serts and to serve with tea or at lun cheon one may bake these attractive standby cake instead of the usual cookie these get their name be cause they are the housewife stand by they can be kept on hand alway and instead of getting stale thoy im prove with age cream threequarter of a cup of butter and then gvmdually add a cup ful of brown sugar beat two eggs well and tlr them up sift together a clip and a halt of flour a teaspoon of cinnamon a quarter teaspoon of clove and naif a teaspoon of nuttner this last may be omitted if desired and add these to the other ingredient then tlr in a cup of seeouea raisins and half a- cup or chopped tiuu puce the batter by spoonfuls on hallow greased enamelled ware bak ing pans and bake until brown e8v if the taxon receipts were abolished very little revenue would be lost and much inconvenience avoided says tho clobe people should bo encour aged to use these evidences of payment of debts perpetual care at fairvlew cemetery tho meeting last wednesday evening in tho town pall was a step in the right direction the con- susxtf opinion there expressed was that the adop- ilan for the endowmont of plots in fair- emorririor to secure perpetual care is table that it is feasible interesting information la given from other places in ontario where this ilan hgs been in operation for years showing it to haatiifrtnry h in tho object aimed to be aecur- d and in the financial results attending adminlstra- of the plan the adoption of this system for cton cemetery would find favor with hundreds of lot owners many of whom have already expressed lr willingness to contribute to the endowment ldthrough which such a system is operated cietl reports from newmarket given at this meet- showed that tho plan had been adopted in ntfw- ktvy et thirty years ago since then the cemetery has fgceifl one of the most attractive to be found anywhere every plot is carefully trimmed und taken care of not a dollar has been asked- from the corporation mid tho endowment fdircrnow aggregates over 4ft3oo0o invested in government bonds debentures tmnd mortgages f tt looks now as if there is no reasonable excuse for further delay in formulating nod adopting flplarr for perpetual care of the plots if fairview cemetery tho meeting last week was 9t a largo one but numbers of important enter prises in acton have had their mccptionwith small gatherings a handful oi interested citizens initiat ed the movement which culminated in tho magnifi cent monument to our soldier heroes half a dozen citizens last summer inaugurated the jubilee celo- trjitiott which was attended with such successful nd satisfactory results after it was thought the a historical date would pass without any public recog- s nltion the waterworks system had its inception when lc than a dozen citizens met talked tho matter over aubrntned the proposition to the council and now acton wouldnt dispense with its wauyworks for rice the cost all great movements muafcipai it seems to bo as difficult to enforce the narcotic prohibition law as tho whiskey prohibition law says tho springfield republican but there is no demand for modifying tho narcotics law itf tho direction of personal liberty mr hugh h wilson and mr ijytaml ii new left last week for a 1cweefc trip to ireland hev dr j e munro 1 on hlholl days und will be absent from town fn a few week mr j a mcmurmy left fur a trrp tu kngund but wedneeday mr murray williams la able to be around again after his recent lllneu the bronte maaons are arranging to hold a banquet and concert in he community hall bronte on friday evening april 4 and are bfjectlng about two hundred present tho drama the new country school mam will be played in post- vllle on wednesday evening april 2 the memberu of wesley ohurch held a poverty party at the borna of mr and mrs burtlend conover on st patricks night and a roo eojoyablo tlme waa spent- the house wa beau tifully decorated with shamrock in the parade of hard timo costume the prises wre awarded to hazel bentley and rl albertaon who deserved great credit for their ingenuity to evolving most wonderful costume from poor material the supper menu waa suitable to the day and conalated of baked potatoes cracker and cheeee brown bread and butter and apple pie a taffy jaull caused great imum menu edward c hyan charged wltb the holdup of john becker jewellery tore in louisville kentucky wa rested at deland florida and return ed to loulevllle for trial and found guilty and given twenty nve year in the west virginia penitentiary this man wa arrested at oakvllle by chief kerr on june ii 1si1 on a charge of breaking into the rgqence of dr ucaddlng and was sentenced by judge iclllot to five year at kingston penl- tentlaiy owing to hi being an epl- upilc lie was deported to the united htuu after serving about one year of his sentence in canada 1 la cord he wanted to be hon a congressman who sent free seed to a contltuent in a franked envelope on the corner of which were the uauul word penalty for private use 1300 received a few day later says the oulde to nature a letter that read i dont know what to do about those garden ed you sent m 1 notice it i so0 one for private u i dont wnt to u them for the public i want u plant them in my private garden i cant afford to pay moo for the privilege wont you see if you can lx ll w i can use them privately t the house of commons has again been discuss ing senato reform tho dobate of course has no practical significance tho people of canada aro quite ready to see tho senate reformed out of exis tence its usefulness is hardly debatoable as a3irecfesultoririe worlds records won at chicago recently by alberta grown seed grain tho provincial department of agriculture has been hood ed with orders from many countries for seed grain from its cleaning and marketing plant this speaks volumes for tho superior quality of alberta grains protfection north american life assurnmti head office tonnid onttthi ueur hlrsi 1 wish to iiflkriuwlmlgit rniftlm wllh ttiimihw of ymir cutiwmty cheque no 7j3 fur tve jlnniniiinl llliir in full rinillnineitt or clnlin under tollcy no bibr on lli 1u- f my lull- tnndmnd alfred lgan almut iinn ynttr nu mr liui linn in rfj t hrrillh plnoed thla policy wllh yutir conipniiy i iuld iild iul n unnual prnmlitm when the policy bocunm a lalin und ynii huint jll it imltie for the above amount 1 it is needless to stiy i run dfwrjily urn infill i my husband fore sight in affording me this protection and io your company for making the protection possible again thanking you fur hie nntllmiifliit null wishing ytmr company continued suncoss i urn yeiirs sliiurdy l matlik iooan for pahtiuitlaiim ol houni liiic inhtlhanch wimtk f c walls dutrlct manager north amerloan ulfe- assuranas co 0044 dou of hswlltdr bldg hsmlltort ontario chevrolet brings motoring enjoyment to every canadian how great tho service done for the cana dian people by chevrolet cannot be estimated how great the benefits it has brought to them is beyond human ability to reckon it haa provided them at a cost unequalled in motordorn with a means to speed up business to increase wealth to better health to bring friends closer and to open up every part of the whole country to every canadian the fine quality strength endurance and full equipment provided by chevrolet cannot be purchased for so little money anywhere else moreover the owner of a chevrolet finds a further satisfaction in the savings effected day by day as he drives his car no otljer car built can be run or maintained as cheaply aa chevrolet chevrolet cars are built in canada by cana dian workmen every dollar you pay not only buys a goodlooking comfortable car but helps build up a strong canadianindustryc cm ask about the gmjic deferred payment pima je3 ileal lawtdportaiiofw chevrolet quick relief for thistleton man dreco puts well known printer on highroad to recovery dreco brought me immediate re lief agy mr p- a payne of thutlo lowp ontario two year ago i camo from england to toronto on tario and since that time my system ha bean in a hmtly rundown condi tion i felt tired out all the time and seemed to have no energy or vitality constipation has been a great souroo of annoyance compelling ma to oon- tlnually take laxatives- i also bad severe pain over my kidney strange to ay my appetite w good but seemingly received no nour- lshmnt from my food feeling hungry all the time i became very nervoua the leaat thing making me jumpy and irritable 1 read considerable about dreco and decided to give it a trial i really feel belter now than 1 have for a long jlme i em improver dally in every way i think dreco is businesb directory medical dn j a mcniven phyalelan and surgeon office and ltsllniei corner ijower avenue and kigit htraet rifnk df ii i nklson kiikixkh x btiikbt aeton ontario legal hone ht 71 i x tlfrx tt harold nashjparmek m a barrister selioltef notary pub lie conveyaneer ete perrvman block acton omt monky fknt w mvjitoaoth hours 830 a rn in a pm haturdoye haa tsrutfk h c meir barfleter betleltor notary public oeeroetewn orrt dental dr j m bell d d s l d- s dentist honor graduate of toronto unl ver ity the latest anesthetic used if dettlred onlo at residence corner ml anal rredeiidk street dr f g gollop dds lds denial burgee n offlee over bank of nova beocaa hours 30 to ew evenings by appointment miscellaneous francis nunan beetiaindar iccouui book of all kind made io rder periodicals of every deacrtptioa carefully bound itullrtg neatly ax4 promptly done wyndham street ouelpb ona over william store ihonva omce tgl 37tw dr a le pree cmropracnc electbothervpy 130 upper wyndham street guclph ovr 11 year xpirliiee conbuitatios vtchin fisher king eepke3entativ15s for this section call on them at erin an important fcuturc of tho debate on tho budget last week has been the united and insistent demand of parliament fpr u decrease in taxation and the uppureutly aintcro desiro of all groups is for still greater economy in public expenditures tarit taxation thritt theso three may bel termed the catchwords of tho session of 124 or write and they will call on you georgetown we can supply you beautiful hardwood floors wonderful mmllolno and am continuing to tuk it tho liberal government shuuld place itself on record is the one that was instrumental l abolishing the franking privilege enjoyed by members of par liament why a man who is elected member is allowod to send freo of postage all sorts of docu ments to his sisters and his cousins and his aunts in various parts of the dominion is something no feller can understand alllston herald it looks very much as if neither the provincial treasurer in tho late government nor tho staff f officials occupying positions under him knew very much- about ordinary financing when a common brokpr can atop n and make a commission or stoomp in two days moit broken even would have been aatjaded vtri the ordinary onotwcltth of one itirice the coat all great movements munfdpal i been aatjafjed vitri the ordinary onetwcltth pf one yldclal and natiqnal are inaugurated from arnall ue cent cotntnlatlo nd i8500i f rlitkiff moat bahate vfnmmm the old dwelling at urlabane br lug the sign urlabane iost otnce wu destroyed by fire one evening i wesg- a defective chimney was the cause this waa one of the land mark at the seventh line corner uf hugh hogg lived there lately ami lost the content a social evening was spent fat th home of mr small prior to thetr removul kch member of ttie fjunlv jtrasrimidtt the recipient olr or friendship alijsgg clrole has been formed here wlthalux ucklnney a jresldent ang mrs junto delanay uecretarytrea urur cooperation in marketing eggi lu tho objoat a play entitled all on aooount of ioliy by in alton amusement club wilt be gwen in the town nail krll oil rtlaiy evening march 31 under the uuaiilca of the seoul jiother association mr bam mrclealt of scot guard buuk is visiting wllh ur and urs if c austin a meeting for the purpose of orgali- ulng the horticultural society wl huld lii the town lull erin on tues day april 8 ut 1 p tn ur and mrs oeo ijddall end two uhtldren- have rfntoved to ielroll where trllddall tiux u poslttbvimrr the ford automobile 1lsiil tbo taidles aid of uurnh church held n yr uoosfut ht im tricks ipu und u large crowd puoyd r gooil thing a feature of the lea was u lecture by hev it parkhause of kvorton who took for hie subjeel lalron atalnt mr utivld cawthru of ilurka fall vis hod his cousin mr j c awrey und fither friend ln illluburg last week mr it p nodwell ulllshung wa in st thomas and gave an addrea on otalo arowllig at a short oourwc lu fruit and vegetable growing air alex mcklnnon lltllaburg at tended the funeral of her brother mr john thomson in grand uapld mlclt mr ale ucxlnnon hulaburg x- ititeve who ha been iii for several months haa so far imrrovrd a lojbo able to attend service on bunday mr norman awrey inflicted a pain ful wound on the back lart of tho knee wltb an axe while outunar wood several stitch were necessary in dreealn tfea wourvo adiooat j for it tonlo value if you are feeling rundown knj out of sorts the chance are that in digestion ha a hold on you in some way or another the stomach liver bowel and wdney are imt doing the work they hould they rtoed help to correct and tone them and n- lure own help i dreco made from her own herbs root bark and leaves thl on remedy thoroughly cleanses the system stimulate and strength en the organs and purine the hlood it contain ho mercury ltah or hnhlt forming dru dreao i being polallylnlroduett tn acton by a t brown and la aold by treed druaglal everywhere i builders vk can hupiiy you with ghev uump umb credit valley sanp stone dimension stone verandah caps bills and heads conning rubble stone willtb itoh iluctttf d robertson co 1ijj1tep lime and stone quarries tu 32 mlltmi out 0 ardwood flooring is not expensive italowooat j will surprise you think what hardwood flooring means i it means the disappearance i forever of a rough and un- i sightly floor no more carpets to buy or take- up inthcj spring and fall for cleaning xt means that the floor can be cleaned with practically no effort whatsoever it meant per manence for hardwood floors dont wear out it means also that your house is more valuable conmlmcr buy 30 million fert or sbamankknt floors m y of omic mulc biich niul bch- mcb fudnitlna tn color wmi kroln bkauanj knt u ibo hlchobt uuidwrd it u trttteinkcd lid auntecd nd it utiw hetaht of economy la ontoort and io service stamankewf hardwood floowno voh sate ry j b mackenzie no 1 bird flooring wears liko iron and looks well and is cosily cleaned prico only 08c per foot for cash purchase v kolloor thm kitchen in place of painting thocoai for a room 10x13 which requires 4 66 eet would bo 13 28 plus 3 per cent government sales tax if booked 5 per cent more n norman mcleod manager lhot48 v 1 r j kerr auctioneer und rcaj estate accnt 17 yuan uiimrlmice acton ontario tiulua ontrunted to it j kerr re ceive ultentlon from date of llutlng to data of salu list your sale with me atnsldonce lower avunuo aotoo 1liono sb acton call at my expense guelph business college olturai uptodate clerical llutlnoiu tiionogruphy ulid uo- cretarlal courao by ukpurt x- perlonced touchera uludoillu may enter any day white rok inkoumatiow v t blllott irlnclpal ferrt5 wrfj3fe3 wral iojafiaw- rt r d vcctablca gooj i tlivcrjondveetalicicoow f ftv3 cotl gocji wo tto- i ot rjwjbcedj lie mii-r- nc u obvious lor tudo ovtrytj hre bxtjtt amnuali a karoo uu uemiutnt irtirautaco a wndu onl eravjnco cvi kiuiuohii 5t wfcir tfokonio canada r- j e ciieevers book dlnpeii qub0 8l ttet quelpri oht llooka and mugnklnos bound id llandsoiiie and ltillwtuiitlu1 covers natnom letterxd in gold on lllble hymn uooks and utlur books all work promptly executed the old and kelluble i granite and murblu worlm we are manotactjirer and dlreot importer of all kind of monumental and headstone work we soil dlreot to our auatomere at wholesale lirtoe thug avlng our customer 40 per oent w have he beat appliances gud the only meohanio in the dominion who can operate pneumeua tool properly w oaa referenoeg from hundred of our qutomr in toroirto and other plgoeg when other have to have law aulta in order to colleol we have um igrgeat and beat stock of oranlte la 1 th dominion or mors than any uirew dealer in tha west we are isglu- mat dir nd employ no agenta and bo not annoy or peat auatomm b amdlng out ignorant agent aollcua- 9 mmrfn employ only mchjuoa and dfy oomietitlon fchhamilton abp it v

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