Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 27, 1924, p. 5

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r artmt 3xtt frraa 3jiimthuav am lit i j 27 1034 thc unpunxtual man i ii luoll i an to at l in li ilu llookel u l i llf tin town 111 lthl methoutjii rny nx mljhi i hi v 1 i i fuuol i irtilln irh i o lit i if hi in i th hi il li i nthlm t lull anil saw ih linil una nr my tin in wmlh hum i i i dm whin tin tialn imi i n i inlh fu uii i m v minut w ii i m li 1 wly hiiiml tl audi u inirryt iw linw i run ii i iiltoul uinl t i in urn ilxlng ly nl nil him li miieli u ruin ill i i hutl notion pmyt i i him vi jiuiiliiy hrh ol u ium li m ii hill slow i li i u ill i n lit r i lull u whiter ulul iii tin ni at li i you know id iiihl il hli in und then vi nmili i twenty years aoo from tho iiiuo of the free pra of thursday march 31 1wh i uti i- to rvlc in all th churdiia luixt hunday xi r v wlllluma hax i ul mi altrac ttvo milul iltlntr hi hla uhoo aloro tho coal pobhtn a nut yt solved numixra of dtlx no iii it ul n without anthracite after njtnitum wmkx i l unlliiuouv alolghlng the wtiioln an mining into sorvico oitulu thoro is cyiry piobiibllity that acton will hav ji rtu- n w o t it station before jhrltmn tho wnovv lit going away gradually nnd thorn have bo n no floods aw wo fed rod ihcru being no frost in tho ground the water r uillly sink into tho earth minn laura omy tiua been appoint ed uruwiilmt of iviinx church to uc coed mra h tl 11 u n or who very efficiently fulfilled ho duties for sev eral years mr a o clarrldgo tho now pro prietor or gordon hall form la now getting settled tho re jio vu rortun- uto in gottlng hlm household gooda and farm implement etc moved lforo i ho roads broke up tho moving wj qullo a contract u he moved 32 load to tho now homo mr jumna mclam has disposed of hlm blackamlthing business and pro party on main titroet to jamu it an derson kden mills who take posses slop on april 11 mr mclom ha ban for thirtysix year in tho hop disponed of iio served hi timet thorn and bo unlit out tho bualneaa twenty two years ogu from the late michael speight born nklleh in nuiuutkuwoya on wed nesday march 1g 104 to mr and mm george nolle u daughter died kennedy in acton on saturday march 2fl may kennedy agrd 73 yearn the sunday school k lesson for sunday march 30 1021 saving snowbound deer from starvation down to fundamentals mow lyrilu ict r said m1m ton- noy dofcnalvoly you noodn l mhuko your hoad at mo reproachful txtcuun i cant halp it and it m no fault of mine i don t lntcrfero with other folk lllclnc her do it and i haven t aid a word usalnvt her have 17 sho pretty and brought up nice and per fectly polite and do daforentlaj to her der i d like to ahuka her as if 1 wero nlnoty and had one foot in the gravel and 1 daro nay tom mot tram baa married a prixo ilko everybody utya he ha so what you can and to erltloiao in my bohavjor i don t see i declare i don t ann ann cried mfi peter uuxhlns you re iclvlnit yourself away with every word t havon t criticised only you know you dcucrvo i ahould 1 don tl initiated ann tcnney atoutiy sho rem 1 mitt mo of ulana maruje that a ulu pretty oa can be turned out neat and caroful from o wbdat shuaf mould and nlcecavored and made of good uouruhln tuff only so amooth and ahiny und allthery i never could ubldo it her man nor are u mlto too man ner mra poters conceded so pollahed you don l uccm to net u holt of her anywhere to pull her in cloae she work with ua und tulka with lw und nmllca awet on ua but aha oem to atay outaldo and i doti t believe aho want to elthur i think ahe d like to be folfcay f oho could she frioa hard to bo ugreooble ob ahe juot fairly ullatena with atteeablenvaat nuld ann tenney dry ly i don t know what a underneath and i imvnr expect to they hud been talking on a corner with a chilly aat wind and peltlnc ruin driving ugulnxt the two umbrel la canted together at a oonvunta- tlonal uncle mrn patera laid her cold which doveldiwd into brunchltla to the imprudonca of that tittle chat u event wenkh beforo ahe auw tenny uuli und then ann rail with u iuh of atiiirkllntf cafm bt jelly out hi ti mining rulntji napkin ovr it uml upon the top in i u jwrfimjt kind hint wua uiiowmi to put tho du on i hi invulld truy and carry it up horxilf after prula- ina mid tuatinir mra lotor aald with a lauh im glud it m jolly ann for other folk have aunt m lluiirmano but jlhen of uuurau i know you wouldnt not ounhiuurlim the way you run down bluncniuvikis titat tlnu wo tulkud so i did uhaentml an and 1 urt of run down paulino moitrum too uml i d outfht lit been uahumed shea oavj likable a juuuutluln i verrriit to itut at hor tlettlnif ut ftr wuii the traublo tliwugh tho wilt wo nwumd it out ihe other duy mii id lydlti pctera with intereat how d you inuiiukt o do it amir ls duln t udinlttt l mimw luny it hapimitted hh wim mlllitf margie ulniuf oih ry in nnw yui k over p comer und i wii ulmoat tuiroam room lulklua iiuildlukm with amiitiadu lumkln will i iiothud tho talk wk kind uf lungulnhlng in tho opery corner and win n i tituitod r- cltlnic u ruowliit for chocolute rlcu tid- dluic it toimd doiid und all of audden puulliiw motttiiiu lotinud for ward and imgifud if to writ it nut tor hur lm imvji ould iurry it rulq in her hud so did and nho thuuk- tl mv und aald if only l om woul 1 vat it a lied be uo ulud sioina who d bvuii having trouble itiukhitf itotiutirtm hud tut but he la drmlrnl fund of inoculate willi iiuxl muetlutc atu mini uvi r juat ooiunliig not it bit hi i miut m 1 1 o and aun out heforr nhi d hillf cruhtmd thu room s mimm loin jumi loved it con you till nn any more linolate leaat na that lire ainiplu und goo i hoverlngr i told her if uhe d utop in on i ho way bui u id wrlto liei out hulf a doxau und file did luul i did of cturti i wu glad to helti hur ut we v grown tual chummy ovr it though lydln youd be urirlud i m not muiii lyiilu you got uu dor the nurrucn und down to rumto nibiltula that wit ull i aupikmie unit wua it uaauntod ann hwoda funduiui ntiil diuta auro ltd avoir if i um u nettled apliiater wun 1 deny that husband turv too- iteutou the i r immiim ok till imhtokv i itom allkaflam to hoi omon l idi n 1xx jihovul im in rful nil kiikium hlow i n r i it uml iiliinhtnl in 1 v ihgklu innix i mi 103 n leaaan thmi 7 im thioiruiy tho liliitory of in j wlah imtloo i ikiii with abruhnm the frlnl f lul thf fjitliir of tin full i fill th uhhr t nil mooom which imvo 1 id it mmnjln ihllr hull f pructliuliy with him ami with hl- family huh mmli th llrnt i mi mini nf ironil- n git tin fiimliy lxi uln n null 11m- htm dlnclilln- of i ill ulul munvrlng in the irtm of lliilr kimniiin immy bound tin in to latthm thi gn jit lkml uml wfuiderit of f iimi ix du declari l ih ir iue duutlny at ml rm i tin mvimunt mull with ihelr n rfullior wwi renewed iinilrniml uml impllflid in lh nation tin iiiw wuw given uft n a hoolinuatt fin tin hlldhood f thf hbwiwrn ii tlon a kind if ext rnul i onmlom o in i in in it to olotlnr tin ivrunlltuh nt ii i cut mm uml lb flrat part or tho promlmi to ahiuhum wuu rulluhd hut for ii long time th nation e m d o iiniku ni t rogrchm the perlkl wbloh lutrvumil between the oiitiy into camian mil the life of samuel wua u tlmu if unurchy and upoulaay th uftok of juilgea ih a rcori of two c nturlon or national disintegration and rellgloua dcclenalon it whh iirresniiry humnnly apoaklng- in ardor that tiny might learn their wpakiieaa uu tliey wore unable hn yet bu tho puru thooorucy lh direct gov- nrnment of clod wlthuut h inter vention of mi earthly ruler home vji bin bond munt be found to unite into u aolld man tho acatterod irlbom which could not an yet be firmly bound together into one bu tho invlalblu itu of a common allegiance to jlohovuh material und political meanm mot pre pare the wuy for the pi ritual nnd rellgioua end othorwiao tho nuuun munt coaao to exist ground to piece between tho enemlea which aurround- ed it on all aide in order to make aolld advance retrogreaslon wo inev itable at thl critical juncture god raised up samuel a prophet accund only to moaea to guide the mtlon through thl criala in ita eadatonce and effect the transition to the aecond atajre of it education j the monarchy the apvorolnty of u vlalbla monarch waa a doclennhin from tho ideal of the theocracy yet a king might haye boen given by ood in ilia own time a a neceaaory factor in the training of the nation llut the demand- for a king a mdo xy tho laraollto at thim period waa tile dir ect outootne of falthfulnes it kvub a defection from tod ntverthhw the request wa granted ood flrt gave thom u vfng occordln to their own ideal that bitter experience mlfiht teach them u lesaon thov would not otherwise learn and then a klnjt af ter iii own heart a ttya reprcacn- tuttvo or tho kingdom oraod in ma hauda uuch a monarchy a we inny conceive might have been akd for without sin fulflllod important pur- posea by consolidating the ecattered tribe into a body strong enough to maintain its independence thu euving the nation from destruction and pin atrvlng it to fulfill its great destiny of bleaalng to the world the hierarchy tho hierarchy at length took tho place of the monarchy and reaumed the ideal of theocracy when tho kingdom foil andthe dla olplo of the captivity had done its work the unity of a church aueoeedud to the unity of a nation the voice of prophecy ceased in tho absence of now revelations the people pondered on the past till at length tho time was fulfilled und the kingdom of ood come mountain tersonalltlea tho hlatory we have reviewed jn the lust quarter may be compared to a mountain range in whoso high elevation thsro arv commanding pat this range be gan with abraham the friend of the father of tho faithful joseph tho herbert hoover of uw egyptian fain ine moaoa the liberator legislator and prophet joshua tho cjtiwm- soldior and man of courage burouuj tho last of the judges and tho found er of the school of the prophet saul the flrot king af larael the many aided javid shepherd rnual clan athlete aoldier ruler diplomat mystic und murdered and solomon the moat brilliant failure in tho whole hlatory each of these mountain men brought to us lesiion both of warn ing and of inspiration not one of i waa wholly kood or wholly bad ay bo said that in each case tho good waa greater than the ovll und that each did hie part in tho ongoing revelation und evergrowing king dom of ood v for study and ditouealon what wore he three great periods in the hlatory of israeli how many of these epoch aro covered by thu jesaoos of tho paac three monlhat when and with whom did tho theo cracy begin what waa abruhumm great contribution to religion what was tho national condition during tho time of the judges when did bani- ttppear what was hi mlaalou teaaage what part did bo have ilablishlng tho monoruhyr wua favorable to this change what wua thij result of the monarchy did tho fall uf th monarchy und the ilia caprine of thro captivity ravlvu ibo earlier idouu of israel doea disap pointment rightly received loud to greater aplrltuallty waa thla true of israel characterize the mountain men of thla range of hlatory dsify reading for next week monday march 311 kings 13 1c tuesday april 11 kllga is 1j0 wednesday april t icing tj 21- 33 liiiuwlay aphl b j tctnrl lf krlday april 41 kings lb 25 so saturday april b i klngm 16 uib hii nday april 8 psalm 131 tactics timlr bout wu drifting idly the auu ahotn ubovi und the mu wua avrene whllu tiivi wum sitting uuugly then he iroiowl 1 rum the opjhiwlttf und of the raf alio guxd ut him calmly 1 htm ahu aald am a mailer of munmoii auiiao realising that wo lire in thla boat on watrr nxiiu than nfty feet dup and if you weie going to act ue you ahould act if i airupted io w would b lmlhd i will dt line yoilf nop4iawl ut ii in mom fut ua you im ugaili that girl will niuku a giaid wit a great discovery uttlu jjoria h vry imiiuu ihe other day ahe of n l hit mint il uliuin of hoi candy will you have u vunr d aliim aunt mury- tdio aakod aw idly the same tlhii tiudiilinf tn lutpor bag thank you 1 will r idled uuut ami an aim waa particular whut alii ulu ahu aelucted u wblto otiu auntie aald uttl ikirla do you know tho itlitur lice- butwuu lh pink and whlu tdinimdjr nit dour aidd auntli with kind ly minllm wet ill cull you uxplulmd dorla thiy wm all nink mo and i aueked ull tho pink off hie white jtnu uidn t i do ll jilcelyt how they orouolif h doer in abovo too exhausted to tzacupe slow quite happy after rasaue win u wliiln umik uml with it the dnjmmt miiouh of thr m in n thu dwell era in in nor lb nutty often have opportunity to k i form hunuitiiliiri an uclii towliidt tin iihimtln that the woikla it it only now and then that the wlliti i iohi too nuvoio for the furry folk cold weatlier they can pretty well tit und ami win u the enow la huaviont thin iio always knots in the deplhaof tho forest wlmm it a not too deep to move tin 1 pluci m whom an eneruoito and renoiin liful deer can dig down to tho food that ilea undoriieath hut moinotiim n llui door are taught in the open by a jtij avy fall that mako the going hard and if the way to agfoty la long th deer bnooiim ox haueted and likely vlrtlma of ntrva tlon that wua the caao when tlieae photographs were taken near ul jo vile a pleusntit little summer anil winter resort that lies among th lauren linn hills on tho canadian pa clfla itojlwuy north uf montreal iur ing the stay of a party of v in i torn there for the winter aportli wonl was brought in by a guide that two der were atrahded four nr flvo miles away on the shore of lake oulmet a rescue party at once set out with nnow ahoug and toboggans and when they arrived on the ncono they found the iinr too kxhauntnd to miikp any serious uttumpt to eucupe uently but firmly tliulr fuet were lied with strips of aacklii to pri vent injury through strugglliu liny wri laid on the toboggans ii ml hauled back to the hotel yhrp uu li introduction to a big buy atork on i a himii to sleep in lulto nioncilrt them to their trouble in liti iimtonlulilngly aimrt time thoy became uwed to being with human be luga and thoy uppan nlly rind their new iiomu loin mutiy advalitagus over tholr older and wilder atnli at the lighthouse a merry crowd of young people had run over in a launch that clear august morning to visit north island light thoy scnfmblod laughingly up tho rocky path and then atood hiughtngiy looking acrona the desolate plla of rocks softened only by a row huckle berry bushes and uluntod nrs that was pot uulte all elthei fur in a ahel- turcd un gin of th house- waa a ln gnrden of pot tulaeu marl go i in and xlnnlas the keopi f and iiim wife ulul aon tntt thn vlaltora the two men with n court sy hone the uu genuine bu- intise it wa allent thn little gruy- halretl woman with vivi 1 interest thu nngernoaa la hur bright dark cyw appealed irrtulstubly to one uf the girts hhu drupitd boliiiil us die crowd troopi d uf ti r tho noun und tumid buck to the little iwimun 1 vi neon llghta bufnro hu aald i womb r if you d let me come in and mukv you a lit t to call instead hh was almost atartled at thu sud den illumination of tho old fn would i lot yon ueuryr iand aakes i guess ou don t know whttt ita like to live on a rock i till father ninl will in m ihi only line i onvy them la when vlultora cunm und go togging off after thou mdul al- ya thoy have to huny right off ua goon a they vi spud the light and i acarcoly gut a look u them i tease the menfolk ow rful 1 tull mo whut they worn und how thoy looked but neither of them in of thu noticing kind nnd when men folks aln t not in ing they aio t and you can t make om tho girl leaned forwutd moved by u audden inipulite how do you mnlum it 7 alio nuked thoy have the light hut you off hero alone oh i don i auu how you endure itl a temperate announcement the cause of blue monday the w la- old th young blue ones with quit t bumoi oil tbiru luta of wo j a of nduring the kooperw wjfu said i think of furm r wive iih far off from folks as i am with only inn t ull round th m i was born in ulcht or the sea and it doosn t ayotu to niu i could live away from it thin i bo i gig to thu light ton you havn to if you keep one and if i tlon t touch tho uimii i cook for the men that do und thut counts they d gi t blue und iuuer in n hurry if they had to do fur tlnm- solve i guns thut a thu real secret of it ym don t got vtry much nut a long a you v got some body t do for and i guuua moat in oplo have thut if they d only raio it the girl drew u long breath thank you aim said it la a rul light- soimon arss fl before jt tin t o ar many who have la i n nfflhoil with norm and have driven thuin away with or thomas lilectrlo oil all alipl larly troubbwl ahould iom no tltue hi pplylug this uplendld r uli dy uh liro la nothing like- it lo bo hud it thuap but its powei lu in no way expiossed by its low piui canadas qeooraphv a uioilnatid tnlhs of prulrle hy moatet warrior won ilehiild hur window op n wldo to gkiet tin rising uun a thousand tnlha of river a thousand miles of sea a ihnusumlmllen uljluuilialliaaks hr grand geogrupliy james m mucoregor rod and oun for april agood dosi rliitiou of u union trip taken in the kluiuluu htku dirttrlol qlluhix with u map uhowllig tho route nnd full dstulla lonoining tin trip la written by j jnuklliu ill the alhil uhu of hod und tlun in canada tlil numboi ulso contuhia a good bo hunting atury by i t young wh desirltuh hla bunt hunt on tho oo ltlvur llrlllah ulumblit und a big game hunt in a 1 bojl a by k hung both of whloh uri unuaimliy good slot lea the j hoi tegular depart tuaiit contain mui h of interval ami lit april issue will be enjoy 1 by all the man woman or child who suc ceeded in extracting a word of com mendation from ebon if abb felt that a notable feat hud doon accomplished ills wife used to toll with much en joyment the etory of hor brief court ship i used to think he must like me she always begun for he came wed ncsdays and sundays regular and sometimes took me buggyriding in between hut ho never said anything really other young men would tell me t had bright eyes und rosy chocks an 1 so on but kb never did i usrd to get roal trlod with him sumotlme iui one county fair day i had charge of the camfy table and i overheard the young men talking outsldd the window that waa right be hind me ella lanes the prout girl in hla town one of om aald ahe was y cousin llla waa moat of tho boys chimed in and said so sho wa but three or four of spoke up for soma other choice at laat i heard lb saying my name i don t soe but what mllly locke ft- way looks um well as you oou id ex poet for one of lu r age ho said and then of course i knew his mind was all mad up oiid ao did they when he beuued ma homo that evening ha aald i most wish you could huvuheurd what i told em ubout you this noon mllly und i said i did el tho window waa opeu then he said im glad you did you know my mind is yours tho amor and i allowed was though his question might have seemed blln i home but we wera married within month and woe tinvur filt to regret it either of us wuh so tliorough u uruparatlun at hand as millers worm powder the mother who allows her children td suf for from the lavagca of worms la unwise and culpably euro loss a child subj oied to thu attacks uf worms is always unhealthy und will be stunted in ita growth it la u merciful uci to rm it of these destructive purusltes specially when ll can be done with- ut dluiculiy my legacy the little true i planted out and often mused upon may be alive to grow and thrivo and out into tho sunlight strive when i am dead and gone bo it shuli bo my legapy to toller in the sun ho swetft its shade oucii man unit muld xltiy be induced to taku u apude alid plant anuthei one ktholwynu wuth raid most pi raona have had occasjon at one time or another lo feel that bluu monday la not merely a phrase the chirfcttiiso of the unpleasant color of thy day may lid in injudicious eat ing mi sunday a mun who takes the brat caiit nf his splendid teams of work homes nnin that ha never give his unfmiiu tho traditional extra ijuart of oao on sunduj thoy aro not walking und therefore do not need and rjijlliot jiroperly take rare of thu extra food tin result of ovorfeerlng i thut the next day the horso aro logy and tut lined to shirk won if thoy do not hi come actually sick a amnllei tillowunco keeps thorn in letter con dition and timpir the excellent con dition of that maim teams proves thai he lx right ulu name ruin inlcht be applied wuh bo n i tit o human b ings sunday is or ahoitli a day of rest but the tiutial hun day dliuur in mmiy families is nior olatwiratr than the dlmmr on working days what wonder then that with mute food than the body la arouu turned to and with much less exorcist in which to uu ui the xtra fin i thr- hluiihs f munday has hecomi uii hiublluhi i fact hurelj human hluga oiikht to uo its much judgment hi the cure of themselves its the liunu own ex 1hh in the cure of his mil rnul h the oh of the people many oil have come and tone but lr thorns 1 clectilo oil continues to maintain it touillon and inorcnuo it sphere of useful n own each ymr it aterllng luuiltlou have brought it to the front und kept it thf r on i it up truly lu uillnl the oil of tin peopl thoua- utidrf have b unfitted by it nnd wouu use no other preparation a jolly game this is a very amusing ruci for an jivn numb r of pluiora who uro to bo ill i uiili d in pairs provide aomu plucix of k trine tlnie or four yarda in leiikth mull end uf wkh la fastened mmur ly to a piece of wood thl la bust done by cutting a nick all round the wood hi which to tie the string now let each palt of players stand opposite oiiit unothor holding the string tiuit at u given word they uluit winding ho string on the wood as fuht us they can iii they meet uivii taking hauda they run to a cer tain spot sulertd us thu winning post mid thu first coujro to breast the tape who can show that their string is fully wound up are the winners ian calling th kettle black i a luallo wa hitting on tl o bank uf a ah earn v hen the parson daughter came that way- punch give th con versation welt hi is i bo fair maxd wl the way 0 that ere fisherman that i be sajd the loafer why la that curvur asked the young lady the owi foul has beep a tttt i here fur the uat ax hours und hasp t caught uothln uttw do you know that j buamjsqxcmn ui h tho wliu tlmo to hayo ihe children sound und healthy is the flrat care uf u mother they cannot be healthy if troubled with worms use mother clruve worm htxtermlnatai no chance ihe local cldtgymau hud called upon the deserted husband to uympathlxo with hihl the bereft una seemed singularly ulieeiful lonalderlug thu nature uf hla lo ita too bud jock too bad i suit the domlnlu i uudt ratund that sandy who pcrsiiiid d your wife to elope with him waa your beat nlemt th huahand smiled unll 4 he said he was unl h tho i interuated in raiiadlan apod a creed to live by o live ua gently us i mil lo he no muttur whet a man 1c take what conn of good r iii and cling lo faith mnl honor atlll to do my bast and let that stand 1 lu record of my bfll nd hand and hen huulttuihiio coma to ine shu wtrk und liupo for victory i hdfor a aubst to qetithat cork when a cork line ai uldniuly droii pxl into a bottle thnad u button oi u wiring and dioji it into thu bottle then plorcs the nrk with a luuitjn and draw it up to the titik or thu bttftk putt the thread and the a tuhtt button will force tho cork otit liniment stops bleeding at once prevents blood pcisoninfi removes all inflammation radio in canada itovlviht inturvst in radio in canad ih revoalftd iii flgurn issued here rw contly iiy the foderul oovernment le purfmont of murhlu since ueuomber laut ll llcoiuos foi broadcasting uta- iu havu been issued by thu depart mtmt tnaktngtrrarurdr4i oroudcasl ing suuons in canada the new atutlona ure by provinces located aj follows ontario 6 nova scotia t quoboo 1 lirltlah coluinbiu b und alberta montrvul leads in the numb rocolvlllg llcitluud issued tu atnuteura with o0u white in toronto 3 40u have paid unl the work of col looting thu hieiisv fee is nut lioully coiililutc1 apptsixluiatuly ju u3d ruho ikoimu havu biuii issued tu umatoura in can udit ut to january jl uccordlng to the loloida of ho depart munt of marina luiilld la playing uu ituportunt part in thu uolnnlxallun of canada whut wet o r gm dud la foi e i hu udvont of ludlo ua isolated f ut niutumu in palt of he no unity miiu distance rrom lallwtyn und ii hi mi nts ut now lliiku i with half thu umtlhiut by thu myatlu and t hu t ing bond of radio ttlephony ua that isolutluu und dla lanco uppuui to hi in many rvapeota only uniunliiglima tu ma railway time tables at ablun golno west no 21 llbajn no 31 10 3hs-m- nn il 3 2 pm n 36 5 09 pjn no 30 130pm no 36 hun lay 10 20 am golnu est jo 30 7 0gam no 30 lliliun no 34 3 30 pm mo ll 17 pm no 38 8 13 pm no 34 sunday 7 dg pm how to wash and preserve- woolens woolen garments or articles cleansed with surprise soap feel soft fluffy and well washed dry woolen articles in a moderate temperature not in the sun and do not allow them to freeze sun is injurious to wool freezing causes shrinkage lii2ii wjv flat wall paint dirt dust and grime cannot penetrate its hardy film stains can bo easily washed away without marring the good looking surface there is a wide choice of torjcsuitablq for decorating any typo of room intcnpr dccoratos recommend it because it gives tho glosslcss kewcty finish ao much desired it also aids correct diffusion of light we have a complete stock of all kinds of martin senour ioo pore faints w d talbot main street phono 76 acton ontario toronto suburban railway waatbound electric no a3 i x 40um no t 11 4uum no d7 4piini r 40 p m no 01 n 1 koofra no 00 u40pm esathound no ti 7 42 am no ut lo 42um no v 1 43 pm no us 4 42 pm no 60 7 42 pm no 70 10 43 pm sunday timetable westbound 11 40 am 3 40 pm 0 40 m 0 40pm 10 42em 3 42 pm c 42 pan b 43 pjn freight delivered by npeclal agepressj frojghl byeigbt picked up at an ad dress in toronto j2 t thettfoiuj agent aetna no kb no fi no 63 no 87 no co no 0 no 64 no 88 u eaatbound internal and external pains are promptly relieved i ob thomas eclectric and 18 tooay a orcatcr fielxen than evej1 18 a testimonial that spcaks foh it0 hu14ebou8 cuhativc qualitiea nal pains j by j acton horticultural sodety acton horticultural society a public meeting imoek the au8itcek of tim a1iovu hooilty wit1 ill m in town ilall acton on friday march 28th 1924 whhn an audhkss on hohticulttlhw will xy ullivliiqo ilv j e carter esq of guelph president o ih ontario horticultural society the chair will be token by h p moore fcmj at 8 p m- lvorybtxly la cordially invlttmi to come and hoar u carter who la always interesting and instructive your iirniico will oiicnuruge ih satiety in tholr efforts to make our town u real houy skt no admission no c0ljlkct10n frank 8criven presldenl e t thetford sad tress ha wab honest kunckvd ut tho ruiin- id uskod fur the furmer tah of woe ami uakwd makes rthlnfj aay the tun- strluilut of the air passages and tin struggle for breath too familiar iv deuce or uatbinetla rouble cauno ilaiuit dr j 1 kullogg asthma itscnudy this la tho famous itmedy whhh la known fur and wide for ita complete ecteullvuneaa oven under very sevem conditions it la uu uniru i nicporinioptal pi epurutltni but onm with many years sjllairong service bhlmt it huy it frutn your nearest dealer for a fob yr a yi u can hav a job wftid he farm i 1 vim con trn tiet ugga for me if vui aro i hi iln you wont at a any 1h tr nip choke with vrutltude and iiiuothm sir hit hull with brimful of ulu tied tours you ail runt um with any mottal thing on v rth 1 or twei ty years wua inailaaer f u hathh uao and i liwei took a si igje hath 1 llntlowuj coin u iiiovif takea tip com oil i by the routs try it am lirov it nnxvv 4avage and kee better writ or phone for appointment for when you wuh to come a- d savage optometrist a mfo optician 8svfje optical building rlflht at th post office guelph t e gibbons expert shoe repaibinq prompt attention to order8 left t e gibbons main 6tkket actof hnpravlngg corkatmonorvnar ttoronto canao acton elevator near o t r station following brands on hand flour manitoda plour pastry rolled oats oat chop oat8 oilcake hay and ohain groin itoueht anil rolalled alex l noble henry awrey manager castoria mother fletchers castorla is a harmless sulistitule for castor oil paregoric teething dropi and soothing syrups prepared tp relieve infants in anus and children all aes of constipation wind colic flatulency to sweden stomach j diarrhea regtilate bowels aids in the assimilation of kood pronioling cheerfulness rest and natural sic to avulj iinludoiu i p r l if nn f irii pjlrkam phvitliiii everywhere recommend it- al sleep without opiates p alihiy loou for ihe slhiiaturc of cr7llljit h get your job printing at the free press this stored policy to represent ijoods on- illy u to their quality to sell to those who know and to those who dont know at a uiilforrn fair pilco to lulbll al gubanteea and ebcer luly correct all mis takes to desorvo your confidence by alwuyo giving you satisfaction savage co jtiwellttlb guelph ontario

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