Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 3, 1924, p. 1

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v ft fortyninth year no 40 thursday morning april 3 1024 acton ontario canada thursday morninq april 3 1024- singlo copies five cents the methodist church acton rev chab haoketx paalor pirtonio vvtllow st u 00 n m thi milliliter subject tim hurrumentii 2 30 p m ktiiidtiy hthoolf 7 01 p in tlio minister subject our yoihodll hymn ivjhviioiv welcome presbyterian knox chprch acton mlnietor rsv a c quwtrt m a mann will w street lllio u m tliu mlnliitar subject i tibiinutfmie und privilege of ciiiiii li members 3 00 p m hundnybchool 245 p m illhlo class htudy in mitlhnw chapters vltl und ix 7 00 p mmnnh hnrvun with menv choir hpeuknr principal taylor of india stranger leaving addles with the usher will b called upon by the pant or all ark cordially invited special notices alvmliement in ihli column cl p uotil minimum ctiarac jmt per insertion for sale team f kanorol purposo home apply to a k ciiipph 192 ilnwer avenue wanted exporluiicod ntoniaraphor- ploase apply by mall hinting rxporlonco and qualification lo uox 10 khhe pllksh for bale quiinseeg of heed ilarloy o a c jo 21 apply to hash- johnston uit 2 2nd linn erin for sale ono socondfhand hucey and on do wry wnjton apply lo uavip williamson 2 guelph street acton potatoes for bale quantity of hmii potatooa dooley nnd early eureka varieties pure clean eed apply to r n riiown 302 acton crossroad sewing machine wanted to root for two wock commencln april 7 for womans institute sewing class apply to mrs x e gamble secretary for bale strawberry plant nnd raspberry rane all loading varieties dunlon and glon mary strawberries 17 p 1000 raspherrtoh h pr 1000 charles oldham 3oi it r no 2 norval repair work the undersigned la at present avail able for all kinds of household repair dont wait for- iho ruah season charge moderntn i f moohe main street l08t in acton or between acton and lo i third line erin 1 pair horao blan kets on march is finder ploaar lav at q edward acton ii m rbid r r no 2 aoton p o nursing tho undersigned who has had hos pital experience la open for xm- gagementa for prlvnto nu rains apply to wanted local itepresentntlve for tho north american life aaaurance co ad- dr v c walls district mannil to4c rank of hamilton rids 38tf hamilton ontario garden work tho undoralsnod la prepared to re- celvq order for any burdening work lawns and flower beds carefully at tended to moderate rates your patronogo is solicited v hcriven p o hex 150 elsin htroot- radio licenses the undensbrned hoa been appoint by radio inspector s j bills or tor onto to iseue radio llcenaea and see that ail radio receiving acts are li censed tho too for thl license 1m ono dollar made tiayublo to e vanatteit ijox 662 georgetown card of thanks tho undnmlgned an ire to express their alncore thunks und appreciation to tho linlghborw and friends for their kindly act and sympathy during tho sickness mid dutith of thnlr fulher the lute john lluller the family card of thanks tlio undurhlkiiml jjialrti to iituml their nlmnrt thankn to the itoople of acton for thuir nymputhy und kind- nou on tho occuulun of thu duth of their ulritr mr- hull of port arthur nl their liumu on murili 10 th kind dodw und wordy of nyniputhy wro very greutly appreciated mr und lra jumm d ioutlot mull htrnflt anton wonderland friday april womimjroor htu rrhik tom muiithuti a cuniwiv druinu wilttdti by 1 ada comedy clnttkii till cih1 ix willi tilt juvullll u hilut them alt iii tll ilold n ugniri saturday april 5 wud bui hckok aurrlnu- william h hart the it atory that tnudo him fitmoua comtnly creation euwlui ioil- nou ilodfle lodt novelty rel hon elephitiitm tuesday april 8 rnmbllrt kid with hoot lllmoil chapter 3 of tile lluuntnd vttlloy wllh ruth hulund comedy creation mlaa uollyurood coming illuuhnurda hth wlfo wllli r x gregory son the witchery of easter styles arid their splendid values counsel right away shopping no time now to delay easter choosing spring fashions have blossomed into their fullest beauty at this store what ever is newest prettiest and most distinctive is represented in tho array the new modes arc exquisite indeed 1 and such interesting varieties novelties and accessories arc a source of delight tool and with prices so reasonable and moderate easter shopping never promised as much pleasure and satisfaction as it docs this season womens tailored suits play the leading role and theres no lack of variety in their clever new ways thcros many a thrill for the person who dotes on tailored clcganco and simplicity for the boyish fitted costume in twill or tweed has won tho fashion laurels and theres many a nice little surprise for those who liko the little feminine touch of braid or embroidery or o flaring line ever so many afffirnhi-prir- yftft to5z50 millinery coats dresses skirts louses ncckflxings gloves hosiery new easter apparel and accessories silk dress goods and wool fabrics a glorious array of smart styles and gratifying prices to please you when you make your easter visit to guelph to macdonalds d e macdonald bros ltd gaelphs leading and largest store ifiphiipiimwls news of local import women institute monthly maatlno the regular monthly meeting of the women inntltuto will be held at the homo of mm george lanu mall- h l root on friday april a at s oclock the tllolrict lroldont mm englahart will nddraan the meeting with other protfrumme kverylody welcome entertained their cowerkara tho adult iliblo cloa of knox church hunday hchool entertained the oftlceru and teacher and the choir and tho young women auxiliary 1 the wchool room laat wednaaday vbi- ing a very enjoyable social avenlng prne npant hev mr bio wart the pnialor of the church and teacher of tin ciuiim wa the ufa or tho gather ing tho hoapltallty of the clais wii ijimi hi l in gurala of the 1 m sueoa the weekend specials quaker kisses tho oldfashioned molasses candy tho purest candy made regularly 40c lb weekend special 32c lb assorted chocolates assorted chocolates hard and soft centres with n nice vanilla chocolate coating regularly 40c weekend special 32c lb uessing contest guess tho weight of the large chocolate easter egg it is wrapped in tinsel paper with a blue ribbon tied around it and is displayed in the large window tho nearest guess to the correct weight gets the egg fuller particulars in next weeks paper easter novelties wo also have a very large range of fancy easter eggs and novelties come in and seo the real chicks tho chocolato egg cupswith the fried eggs in then also tho china egg cup with tho chocolate eggs we have chocolato bunnies and hens dont forget the fancy baskets ico cream carried in both bulk and bricks mill street acton h wiles easter buy your footwear for easter now while tho sizes are all hcrcand the assortment good fa have a stock of new spring footwear that would be hard to beat in any largo town or city at easily 75c to 150 cheaper because our overhead expenses arc bo much smaller wc can afford tocll them at thcbc low priced head tho following list i wouensrunt iutlui mho in oxfmu udup wlippvi1 timimn llohm in uniy and iiatent funcy ut itched utouu in nil hit inwtt htyle at prliri fiam 29o 376 b4b0 60o mens lhiuiit 0rlw en if mid kid oxfoidd und imtota imweut luwt und toux a lino of k wj uto h ut k3 610 600 700 all ooodyuur wthw und worth 1100 to 1u il puh- imo thuu w am imldntf childrens in -llijm- lml ull lthui- ull kl ut ulyhv and woai nt pii tliut dify tonuotltloii fiom 100 to 3oa rubber dootb 24fi v5 for uhlldi m0 wtinitinh 3a0 intt mimmim und uonit hoi j3roof hoseimens and womens new eanu factory and school lloooj sale prices on oalance of winter goods harry harrison the shoe man new llnee of travellina no qub rtd suit caaea nil the rummage 8ali tho rumviago aale rld by italic of the uethodlat church wndneadny waa p gratifying aucc it waa found that the ladle had in their home many article which thsy had no further ue for and that peopl ut tended the aale who desired theso vary article a a reault tile vert creditable aum of over 1s0 clear ot oxpenae waa realized from the as1 ulid tram the tea room conducted dur- intf it proareaa sprlno comlna earlier than lat year uprlug la eurllnr than it wa la your it waa a year ago laat saturday tliut lulrviow ilacr tho anceatral homo of tho hldnoy smith family wo tlfatroyd by fire thot day the tern- poiuturo wu down to ten below zero ilia ground waa covered with mow und thcrii weru two feet or more of front in tho ground lut saturday tho mercury tood between thirty ani forty atl day the moat of tho mow goiin und there waa practically no from in the ground make acton more beautiful during 1924 comprehensive and informational address by j e carter president ontario horti cultural association many suaocsttons to the amatur oaroener for successfully growing plants and flowers mitnolmial6lfi hegent mr atnoa thu i ofllco department luea notice that the united state autborl- tloa require that orkand alter april i u cuatom declaration form sid tnu1 be attached to all parcol of genera merchanduc parcel boat poated in canada und addreaaed for delivery ir ibv united state they further ie- ijulrn that commercial invoice or hiutcmonta of value bo oncloaed with booto urvpuld ut printed matter rate ulno in aralnd parcel of gonerul mer- cliuiidlao prepaid at letter rate poated in cmiutla addrraad for delivery in tho united state jr i o d e officer eleoud the omcer elected of tho lakeafd chapter of the i o li it for 1b24 u followml llonori muhoii ltnkntit ml oilu ii arfnatrong 11 vlcnhegent ml lucy ed ward 2nd vlcelosent ml vlda ram ahaw 3rd v ice irl dent ml laabel htart secretary mlaa alio john tone troamiror- ml iva johnaon standard hearer itla be aale wood- hall wind rlno fir alarm at milton tho atrong gale which wa blowing on saturday played un unuaual trick on the tire brtgadv milton when it blew a window abutter into the raachanlam of the electric fire bell in the town hall towor and et off the fire alarm the wholu brigade r ponded in record timo there wa no fire hi sight and believing that somebody liud turned in u fatau ulurm an attempt waa tnadw to pull the lover to shut off the clang ing of tho bell thl waa found ina- poaslble and bio are ball continued to ring for 30 minute a largo number itlxenu congreguted at the town hull wondering where the flra waa 8vs hi pennies for the fr pras tho following delightfully naive and intorvutliig loiter wu received fqpm a oeorgutown luddle yrterday tnomlng april int 1924 ieur mr kditor now ublci to tako your paper ut lumt iuavo been auvlng up alnc chrutma for the uubacrlptlon price wit a un take tho oriatown herald i think that til taunt 1hx 1 on of the boat dubor 1 huvo ever road and well worth tho montty we have bn bori owing it from other people o you ust not think i know nothing about hoping to seo thin wtteuh paper from u homo boy i remain your truly maater cbarle duvle itog 0 georgetown ont disturbing th peao laat saturday blglil about or after lilnlght m number ot men wnt into iu chlneee rnstaumnt of ing lok on mill street and ordered supper while tley wnm there a disturbance took puco which resulted in o fraca hrd outside by poarsby there wo loud talk und it is alleged much profane lubguug h is stated that th dls- tur bunco commenced through intor- fttrunotf with the dlahu un the tables thu chtheau proprietor requested that till idumii und word enaued on htuiy 1 that a chinaman in the r- tuurunt wu truck in the mouth by uf tho aueged disturbers and n hot that u chlnamun run ut on of thu vlaitoi with a knife it seem to bo u fuut thut un unseemly dlaturuunue followed thu uniruncfl of the midnight vihiioim und that ottlseu outside heanl it und ivpoited a tmlsteious tlmo inmtl constable atkins and chlsf mdltnmmoit urc invnatlautlng hm mat ter und ttwju b ulrl in lollco court l- morrow to roehsster bssmotar oiui ut th tlrat motorhifajji town to vonluro un an outoftowhrlp uiiio thu big storm in lnbruury mr j 11 lajiguvln uprlutundnt thu howmihoii shoo kmctory -mri-aii- gevln la bit urdent lopr of motoring uml hu buuii impatient for tho snow hunkm to bocom uniilhltated and th rouila to dry up on saturday rtoi iioon ho uauynd to take a trip to itochestnr n y und ho uccompllsh- d hlu objootlve accodipunlod by ills btother mr v lungovltu he went up lh hlghwuy to ouolph thl aaotlon hu iuivl fulrly well tho trip front ouulpli to hamilton wa a trial hlimd thuin woro auow bunk und sidling ilrlds gulurv und during thai ntiotch the el omenta soemed to tsnltu tholr force ugulnat the motorists it ruined it thundered thore wa sleet and nnow und gale tremendous kront llumltion to nlaguru lull thu roud wus flno while from lowlstou to rochester over the milllqn dollar hlghwuyjt was ilka summer travelling the lntrnpld motorlstu iintuhwl homo ugulti ubout un oplock uunduy uvvii- tttg introduovil by h 1 orury ireslduht i vho prusldvd duilli aton wus honored on friday by having a visit and a splendid address from j i carter ouolph who is president of ontario horticultural as sociation mr carter 1 one of tho moat unthdsluatlu growers of plans and flowers in tho province ho ha or year glvoii critlcul nnd continu ous miufy in the growing of planta rtowern nnd shrubs in 111 home gar- det ha wa tolled with keen interest ihqlr drdlopment oxperlmented suc csfujly their propagation and im provement introducod tho liewont vnbuos tciui with lntelllgnt method ha combatod insect pttsts and other nsmlo of tho nowir garden mr carter 1 therefore woll qualified to advise and instruct the man or woman who desire lo cultivate tho home garden to tho best advantage und to uffact most satisfactory results hi- address on lrlduy ovoulng in the town hull under the ausplcv of acton horilriiltuiul boo i my was mont interouilng nut instructive to tlio half hundred udiuikiii uurttonnj who hud assembled mr carter wi moore tho lit acton society the uvenlng naturally tin holding th dltlnctlv oirice of iresldvnt of tho jloviltulul association mr cuitur in his intro- luclory romarkm iavi interesting in formation reupectlng work of thut or ganlzution it is growing in interest and uaefulness as the people of on tarlo becomo-bqixed-uf- th va4uof organised effort in 191b the hortloul tural socio tie had a total membership 4000 in 1923 the membership hoi increased to 60000 and mr carter expect tho enrolment will rnach 00000 thl year thirty new societies itavo already unn organised thl ynar and it la probubl that ut least twenty more- will be formed bulletins con taining special ur tides for tho tnfor- malion und tuicourugoinoiit of the amateur surduiur uru now being sup plied wnokly to 100 newapuperu of tin 1rovtnce any bulletin published will bo supplied to any ponton applying ti th secretory of tho ontario hortloul tural association ut toronto or to thi secretary of tho canadian hortlcul tural council ut ottawa mr carter said ho had visited acton m number of time during tho post year or so and he congratulated thi ieopla upon thu splendid showing of flower and plant uround thnlr homes ii wa glad thoy had such u thriving horticultural socloty hero tho pleas ure in having flowois is lurcoty thi ploagur of growing them ho noticed that some work had boon done in beautifying public placu in town willi flower notably tha eoldlen monu ment plot a utile mora effort about tho public buuduag would well repay the effort tho government ilulldlng would be improved wllh flower bed at he side and there wu room at some of tho street corner for flowers and shrub with attention glvoii to tho point few town of actons else in the ivovlnco would how to a good advantasv the growing of flower hi tho homu garden wa the apeclal theme of pre sident carter for the evening it hu could give some helpful ideus respect ing tho growing of un amateur garden he would be well satisfied ha advlsod the home card on be studied wull u to it adaptability for he arrangement and growing of plunt und flowers plan i our gurdoii evry burden presents problems no two ure alike they must bi worked out by tho in dividual owner a few generul principle worn given for swcurlng uttruotivu rusulta keep the uwn where you have one us much a possible upon do not plant shrubs through tho lawn use rhrub and ornamental trees a buckgrouiul con struct your flower bed in rroni uf them und in tho borders and keep your lawn clnur tho border of pcr- nlul will ulwuyu look woll in front of your shrubs perennial uuggusiod wuro poo n low iris larkspur foxglove daisy etc u rose garden should hu out li the sunshine away from uny trees fhut carpet of lowgrowing floworti psuch u punsy lobelia morning glory petunia ulay bo plultted between tho rosa bushes they will help tho rosv bushe and make u bouutlful carpet itock gardens were spoken of but they are only suitable whor thuro is u large place th unnuul gurdoii wu stteolally dwelt upon grower were udvlsod to plant those variolic of annual which will sacuro u continuity of bloom for u long u period a possible llbiomlug plants uro posslblo from april until october a general principle to follow 1 to plant the higher varieties so thut they will not overshadow thn lower onus but have ull como into view there ar gut do ns planttid for erfeul und other for uso tho uvarnju gar den is wluit most of u wunt whwrr wo can go and pluck nowers for the houmnor to give to our frlonds vairuiuein ur u vhul ructor in on siicc uf growing ilowfir leuvos nd lime und wulliotud mutuire aiv ot a iiuumlty of bono moul wuj ulso riicommended hut the uvorugo iiuuerclul fyilillser is nobt to rn leuvits lit thomlms jyuutoful uk ill as tmuuyhig rtiey should be plttetr und luii ulwuis used on the gulden wood ushus ure invaluable the construction of hot boils und oold rrame wu xpluled how to piopugutu plant j und u thom in llut wa nxplulustl moet lntfirfllng fuuturo of tlil jidld uddroas wus thu mutlfod used itlltg towor from oed i utfchtgsvtetrrrtti ntc and rnvinuslhg f theexjtulls wuro tuliiutuly explained r gludloll peonies cunuus irls7elmutis rosat columbines v thing to com but in the gurdletitnd how to do it silccenmfully wus uo vury interesting mr curtur coitcludd his vuluublo udjies wlththe homely utttnonltion hsu the hnu und not tli huso if you wunt u uuufsttory krden the hoe in continual use will render thu hose vnry eihlom moeury a good bright hoe geiimully tucanu u auocous- ful garden mr t hirlven pro hi- at uf th acton hortloultursl socloty made a brief address showing whul had boon ucrompllejmtl during the six year exlatuiv of thi lorul souloty tlu dittjiutlon of ihuusunds of hoxu of ujaots tun ut thouaaad of bulb vty pound ut asc pv ed uud vouruj people for o t- a joint mting of prbytrin and msthodlaf youno folk pass strong resolution h tho motnbern of the young pooplon julld of knox church were t uuest on monday evening of tho young people ieuguo of ilia methodist church thoro was a largo gathering tho school room or tlio methodist church being well filled tha guests presented un uxcellonl programme they waro cordially wel comed by itov c harkott tho ttor und miss mlnnln z ilennett iroaldent of the league tho programmo rendered comprised the following heading of ihu scrlp- turo by mian isabel anderson mixed quartette by mr stewart mis laura akin and messrs k currte unit i worden voral nolo by miss junn kennedy with violin obllgato y miss l v mason mr taylor and mr wor den a vocal duott was uung by mrs minnie moora and mr near und a piano duett was given by miss gray and mr itu hon mis jean orr contributed a piano solo miss vara hurst road the cuttle thief a feature of tlio avenlng wus strong addre oti prohibition by lie a c slawurt m a in which tho position was taken that tho ontarli tomporun oo act has greatly improved conditions and that it should bo c tlnuod without any intorferonce with more aggressive effort toward enforcement cltlxeiiw generally worn nppeallud to for cooptiratlun in tho matter of enforcement following tho uddroa thu resolu tion below wiui ptuuunttid und carried by a standing voto only ono poruon in th largo guthuriug opposing wiiorouu wo buliovu thut it is tho ileslro of our provincial gov ernment to curry out thn will of the people of this province und whrus wo uru mutltlod to oh- aorvu thut our immiar hu deilu- ltaly utatud that thoro wllj bo no clianio in exlstlntt tnmpnruiica leg- islutlon until uaiiutioml by thu will of the puoplo unil whoruos tlo oxiatltig loglslu- ta7i hu nof been lu forco for u sufficient tlui to give it u fuir test und whereas statistic prove that thorn hu been u tnarkod improve ment morally financially and socially alnc tho o t a liuu come into forct und whorcnii wa coiitldmtly bellnvu that if tho cltlitoii more effectively cooperatod with tho uuvcrnmciit 111 the enforcing of tho act u much gmaor improvement is pouslbln und who reus we beliovu thut it is the will of thu majority of tl citizen of this lrovinco that thu preuont tumperuncn lugiulatlou vlx iiiq o t a continue in force lie it toolved by this joint maallng of thu league uf the methodist church und tho young puoplo guild uf thu presbyturian church thut wa uurncstly und respectfully pmy our provincial govern mont for tho conllnuuncu und fullest powaiblo unforcemunt uf the ontario tempuruiicu act the ronolution wuapovod by a t lirownof tho young peoples league and soconded by georso mdnn of tha young peoples guild aftar being carried it wu algnod by tho presidents of the league and thu guild mil copies forwarded to premier rorgu- uon and gaqrg hillmar m p lk tho member for this county whan the programme was concluded refreshment were served und a social hour was very enjoyably mpent neighborhood news- town and country na00aoaweva mr i u lien n campbell of moftut at tenilnd tin fun or ut of the late d t chrtutin nt guelph lust wolnohluy ur noimttii maruhnllj who woo opo ruled on for aipnnilct at tho generul lloiipllnl guelph three woekx hbo wus in a critlcul condition lue w4k hut is now making progress toward recovery social and personal a guelph booze xarn bootleoor fooled the officers by dropping bottles in pot of macaroni soup provincial lluunsa inspector john grunt 1w just about u wise us ihoy hmk tham says tho guelph mruury what he doesnt know of tho tricks of thu trade is not worth knowing hu knowledge uf tho wily ways of the bootlegger 1 at time almost cunuy but oven the beat of thom gel foolod somotime itecently inspector grunt received information that led him to believe that llipjor- wa being sold in a roulduncu lu st patricks wurd hn bldud his time und watched his oppor tunity until he thought tha opportune moment had urrived with the alas all nt ho passed on the word to pro vincial constublo uulvllle hilfait huuak und it pollcumuh ur two greas ed up the axlu of his old bluebodlod rouduter und siied down into the wurd uouchlng his objective with out tnlshup tha miutpected house wu surrounded before thu inmate kliuw unythlng untoward wa liupjeiilng suturing the house without opposition thorough search wu luude uf the iremlsus evry foot of spuoo wuj xuiulnod wvdii thu walls worn sound ed but not even u whirr of liquor wus discovered hu housu wum ranuucketl from top tu bottom und flnully thu uttlcer tf law do pur tod dlsuppoliltod und chugiilied there wu just one plitce in wllch the diligent omctal fallal lo look und thut wus on thu stove on which ulmmored a grnat iron mt of mucaroul soup und two crock uf gooderhutil 4lnd upeolul tho polio olmclul hud uppmred so udde illy thut thu boollcjtgxthad hud to time to do any thing and he popped tho two bottles of hooch into thu hint biding pluco thut uutno to hand which huppeuud to b th pot mucuronl soup the story juaked the next day police court news arthur lullluger wus very tuurh un der the llltlueiice of liquor when ur- lotd by police lu guelph lust thurs day uriuiuooti ulllnuur pleaded guilty he wus tilled tell dullurs und cost when he wa cullud o tho wltliou box uihi quustlonud us to the souroo of ids uupply he stoutly muliiluined thut he hud twtdvod hi liquor ut hreolau where sovetui funnel s hud liouttil kirn lo older the muglstiute however sent him buck to thu celbi to upbiu up when he will ugulu be queatlniiud with lospeut lo his boon hupply guelph ueioury f dublin hchool report for tlio tnontll of mnrch for h h no u lquolng ur iv miirhv stewart 73 john uhtck go ah hornleco ilrockun jr iv margaret waldlo 6h ub ooimld mcdougall k2 ab jr iii howard webstar 07 jr h luwroiico webster 77 wll- mor kryoi- co ab wilfrid wuldle ch hilly mcphodran 01 edith urack- i- br i stewart ituddlck 72 walter fryer 03 uh jr i amilo illack 72 ab jr primer blgna wobster 73 c i- acheson- teacher rockwooo a pleasing event look placo at the homo of mr john joliffe laat friday uvaiiltig- thl wu tho presentation of a braes jardiniere to miss alao why to who la about to be married mis piurl ilichurdsou road un ad- droam expressive of the love and es- tmm of thu member of tho adult lllblo clans of tho mathodlat cliurch and mrs carton made the presenta tion tho uddroa wum signed by mr j ii ltuvonii president mrs joseph moore mrs j fiixaimmons and mr it it lc hard no n miss whyte gratefully thunkud thn numbers for tho kind word spoken and tho beautiful pres old jtocruuhmenls woro then served und un wiijoyubh social hour was spent i ng crewsons corners ood muny peoplu suem to be iry- ut their motors for tho spring on tho throomllo ii notch of highway hlwrii bore und acton ono hjh- powiiud mr wuii obuorvud making four irlpu up hoc- ono uvenlng last week thin imw plocu of roud ha come thiougli tho winter in splondld con dition mr on in liitnli is ono of tlu buy poop i o liuiie diiys he commenced in tho tiiiiit huulnuiot in acton lust week und docs hlu butchering on the farm hure thin mimns a good muny trips buck unit fotth tlio fuimulu uto busy in tho mupk sugar hliuli and huve bogun murketlntf thoir dolitctublt prod no l of syrup the tuti of nap has boon fairly sood und u coimldorubln juutitlty ha ulready ido lohne school tin- i port for march or lome hchool s us follows hr iv luclnda grorf und icthol gitiff riiuiil mary makachern hec tor outlif- vlvlun wiggins hr 111 loijle swackhumer ooorgw gitn uomi waller wilfred mo- liahiril jr iii chrlssle swackhamor verna murray ted huirop wllllo hurrop itoiiottu walter llurbara guthrie ihiindoii ciowson ur it thelma graff lluby mprruy hoy liomiy jr ii corlniio mucdotuld hurrj muiray howard grurf pansy troup i laura johnston wallace swuck- huuiui tob aiidrruon anno maclionuld teacher limehouse mih a nolo elliott of milton pld a flying visit to floiidiu lime ho use all uccldunt which might have re sulted very seriously occurred at dolly vuidoit last woek mr a hill wus woi king in a stooped position when u stone full rrom tho rock thirty foot ubovo striking him on the back no itoiiu ware brokati und it is ex pucted h will soon bo uround uguln alt uru pleased to welcome dr und mis lindsay back tb tho old home stead wo will tiov havo a doctor 111 our tuldnt on april 17 the w m s will hold a phi social in community hum a good programme will bo given by local lent iltuloguus recitations musical inctlons etc all outstanding fou nt of the progt unime will bu u uolooelon by tho llmehoustt lcap ycur llund kumnihliig now th most iplvuulng ovont of the evunlng i- tho gviitlemen will be tho welling iireutiig of the plos como ull although murch was quite laknbllko it lived up tu it reputation ut thu lust churchill thu uiitudmice ut the church sr- vlco on huuduy uf tut noon wus very suuill owing lo the bad load culumltlo seem o follow one an other on tho rutin of mr philip uued uf th nrth hnu the bjini wus de- utioyed on uunduy lebruary h last hjiiuutsy foiunoon us mr jtuud was iippioulilug tho fuitn fiom acton wlti a prospective purchiuur it was ob- hnivod thut tho house was on tire a spin it fiom tho chimney hud fallen on the loof and igullod thualilliglus mr hood huiilodly cllmhod tu the uosiiu of the th u with the uaslstance of iiolghhuih wliu hud gu ill tired und uub- uuiki the huimiu with snow thu duin- ufn wus niiial u lourf of ubout 3600 while t lie rti o wus in prom ess a uust of wind cuiuu uii und unroofed a suction of the home utuhlo about twidvi or foui loon fwvt squarn wu blown art urh uldo mr ltied husold thu fuitu lo mi goig meytits of toiouto who gets inmiodliito pohhiiisiin mi und mis ltoid und family will lutuinto toiouto kiiu whence thoy iitio to this fuim twq yooirs ugo packets uf ilowur sueds to every child uttundiliir srhool wus pult uf the func tlrmlmf of the society thu cum of tin soldlurmumuniont plot hud been pleusurn tiliynur the eupply of pluntw und ttowersiurji hod ut euoh of thu uhuixrhes wus urrnbtfuij uml an offort would be wutiu to butitlticatho hurruukidliigs of the public hulldlnwii- ho uppvttllod t ull tiltlsonu to unite wltu um soolety 111 its ondiuvor to hoiinl i ry thu town nils intel gating miolliig ilnsed wuji thu nullotiul alilhnm titoiiih the efforts of president mmlven und the genorolty of thu gooiuelitwli llturul cum putty thom wus u ptofuslon uf cuinallons durfu- vltl uud tulip ducorallug the platform mr vlrtor u hmnloy njienl huniay in oakvillo als aiinl olllii- itpnl sunday with friend lu toronto mr j c matthewu iiponi tho wnnk- nd wllh frleudii in toronto mr c il hnrrlm a buslnea trip to mrs monteomery uf torontu ipcnl a day or so thin wok wllh frlonds lu mr a l hfimutrool of milton npnnt a couple of days hint wnik with acton friends mrs w h flurmy if wing hum upnt u rouplu of days thin week with friend in town mrs noblu mr i jim is now making atimfactory prourrsru ut tho guelph general hospital mr and mrs amos manoi and george spont tho wooknnd with lola- tlve in kitchener mni jamca firutlirook and mis ilertle smith worn hem from toronto for a weekend visit mr hart mason und mlss muriel of hrantford urn hpoiidlug a tew day with friend in iown mlssess marburol unit ituby clark of toronto spont thn wuokxnd wlh mr and mrs w j gould mr stnphun ilousell tf avonlea husk hu boon lu town ronowlng friendships during the wiek mrs ilurtland conuvvr wus ugucat ut the home of mr uud mis hnbnrt ilonnntt iako avrnuo lut wool mrs jus gibbons jr end mis helen of toronto vullod a fw days fritown this wook wllh her nlaior mr g a dills has mudo good pro- graa sinco hlu operation ut tht cen- ural hospital guelph und expect lo turn home in a day or two mr hlrum hwackhamur and mm it wansbrough uttendou tliu funeral ot their cousin the lute loorg ar- dlnell in toronto on monday mus hniinuh wullnte futurned homo rrom guelph houpltul yestorduy she iiclng iilicly and her friend hope for her sped riiuvory mr nnd mr john ciimuron woro at ouelit on motiduy to piy thoir last rcspocts to thejr friend thp luto mra samuel moffat whoao funtfrul wus hold on turuday mn atchle mcdonald cumpbilvillo unnuuncu thu oiigugemnnt of his daughter joaslo amiu to orvliio v watson tuuuloy the murriuifn to take pluce quietly hi april mr c c kondnmun und mis kdna henderson itov a c stowart m a muaer h p moore junius bymon unil john u kennedy attended the unerul of tho lute xi i christie at guelph on wednesday i tlio engugimuul is announced of jean only duughlor of mrs waller luwuon georgetown to mr joeoph h hunter youngest sou of mr franco hunter norval thu murruigo to mko place quietly early in apr mr dr mcnlvuii und ml isabel returned homo from hi peters burg florida last week mr mcnivenu frioiulm will imi plousutl tu learn thut her sojourn lu thu south during the winter greutly impiovod tr houlth mr noll mcm3bb wus at hamilton lust wek uttundlng p- fajiilly birth day party given by his ulster mra lteuttlu to their mother ilru archi bald mcnubb who ls now in bur ightyslxth year this lino old lady tho wu for many years un unlearned resident of acton is on joying good health und looks forwurd to uddod years of happy life kp off th orn please thuilghtluss puuplu old uud young huve at quired tho habit of saving u fow steps by cutting ucros lawns und houluvulds tills u the suuhoii of lli your when thu gi ouud is soft an lawns ule inoie easily damaged kee ocf the grass slunu should he futth- fully olmtttycd in fuct 11 should not ijo liucluuiy loliav jilull u sign to pievuiit putiplo fioin being inconsider ate muny cliismni tuku u just pride in kuuplng thu ir lawnu und tiuulevald hnuutltu and huvuputd tot eldewalku foi thn uii ommoilutlon of podustiiana uud tho leuiit couitesy thoy run show is to lo these wulks limtoud of tho lutidui luwiut und boulevards- diminishing number of newspapers thorn ure tii luiwupapur und regularly publluhud periodicals in canada usulnut lt5s u year ago dully pupors huvo decruusud rrom 121 114 svmlwuukllus from 34 to 30 und wooklles froiii 10 jj lo 075 those fuel ure shown in mcklmu directory if canadian puhluatjonu under whlali lalnu the 17th edition of thu cuiiudlun iiuwspuper directory liuu just been issued th dsrllho of tli vesr april young april evur rreah und dour wool slxteull untollg till moiithii darling uf the ytuirl urt your unlllv can hush utul dio lol u yea oui takes it rn tho tear is rully globed dainty laughter uhukeu it lou your uuils upon tho wind thut shull tlco thu uwullow ivvus your lips upon the on my and tho rosu uhull follow 1 frederick lunghildgo community club for loo a i btors ay uu i liiurchutitu huvu bunded to- tithet- uu a community club thnlr object is to induce tluiao who huvo ucqulred the habit of trading out uf town to luuvo thoir money where it will do thu luout good tu the inout people numoly ut home tlcuutu uf nicinbarulilp uro issued tu ull cuutum- ers und prlxus ui o offtu ed for the umuuiit of cush purcluuiuji coyoi lug tht imilod ftum apill 1 to juno 3d blutyfourth journalist olkhdsy tho mitchell advocuto hud just com pleted itiiuulyfoiirth yuui of publi cation mince thh jouutulu bhth it bus been coiitlnuounu uwiied uud pub- llshod by the davlu ft in 11 y of which mr hjj davlu is the prouent publish ui he lu kouplng tho pupoi woll up to lh nnnntlurd sot fur it by bin dla- llitgulshod father tlio lute police mug- utiuto davis of ooutuo ho him the llisulutlloiuil ushhtlaiko uf a win thy and talented wife whom he wuu fnr- tuuato enough to uud in aclon th wrong m wu worrying a jew who hud bnirowod uioiui from a fiiend uuod to walk up am down his bciliqoiii night uflot night till hn ticurly dove hbi wife nuvty after he hud boon ut it about u wo she bald tu hlur muuwu 1 vol walk- up and down do loom ull il night he uld i ilk ui uml duwi do room ltehoc a tun aut i vorrled 1 uwi iitutnn in poiliulh iin i cannul pay him veil luid 111 wife if 1 vos you 1 uhould go hucjl t bed und lot isuucs wulk up mid dow ills room its hisvurry ulut ut 4 r

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