Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 3, 1924, p. 2

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hr jrhm tcertb i iii ic a alitll t 19 4 biqnalb l r i iiinlmf tin ir little h pip 11 wm in tw imp nut 11m- uli miuni 1 chill if joii ii i mi u hln join llu tho in 1 iii hl miiiiugk on li crrni o onh i i ill am tin iiitulmi tr uh u ilulnty imw u i toth iimihlu ti a inixlittf nort of u u i uihu it 1 u utile n ill in i iiithii out uim krltlilll nil of ili my if yoil i i uhiniif i hi try liivon lu hi riikml lln 1m1 hood ir ul nlim you will ihiil ami ili- litiuwbi of tin uldoni wuv i i i tlntf 1 th ml to nului hi tho rhythm of ih wind mi1 dm bh o lv tl muihjldo uuutj llubhh ovr imt nllllll loud hi i willi- miultwl irku hn4i- upward uf lv liutliui tpilnif li h r lv- weloonn iiprlnir i in re iuiy ii liii in out und w iiiiiv v u i nlutf t vr mliii what mtitilt hi hlus- kewhiu to u win u w if in thu e im uuilom 11 luouikl mi hi know tilprluif lusome muld i on h r wuy 1 lnlii w kichuniuon selmas preference ibu fob t day ilolmu earn ud uinl put clevn otlu in it i uho mutlo teaspoon vou link tnn lexon uho explalnml t ur duuiuhlntnd mliilum um thoy mjrviiod together the sickly nolo ruutin no sfllin u i uuld unl oil t tnut buvo uatd h level touspoonful thutw wo kulmu uureod trlum- phutitly hho lonkil hwuat tatld bright mru vankiifan confided to hur liuh burnt that dlclii that i cant help hiv 1 1 ili lict trod it for more intelligent thin uho liuii oil i inl irltin tho ilitoulboncn ih thru lit answered it takes u- tlonco fit roursu to much thom hut hho comprehended perfectly when i npoko to her yes ii ml whut did you nay cxwwl ovuulluft youd have u merry tlmo though tuichlnir her to cook with your vocabulary your mother told too herself llmi even your baby talk was in wordil of threw ay i tables naiihfinuo thut ho laughed a ho wild it a month had paused when mrs vunkuruli camn smiling into bar hlu bundn iitudy ive jum had nnn of my ridiculous vncountnrm with sol ma aha said i notkixl tho thrna layers of hor caka upraad uut lit tho pantry and bald o bolmu you burnftd one didnt yout thats too bad to my surprise hh tntlhttmod up and answarod no why yds i told hr dont you oo this black oilsor yes she said i mo bur nod but not too bad i thought ho was feolnc aaucy so i robukod hor and nho cvit solemn and i dont know wham it mlht have led if she hsxlnt happen oil to say almost with tears not iwo luid one bad thorns a lesson for you though mr vankuran rejoined attar the laufih id suggest that you avoid ldlomatla asp evasions at that instant selma appeared in the doorway to say that the chinese laundry in an was there and wanted to knuw how noon he must bring hack mr vunkurans linen tell him theres no immediate exlg- nncy thu mil tor of the house replied carelessly and bent to his writing whlln hclaiu- htnred no hurry helma mrs vankurun uupplonientcd hut before tho door hud ralrly elided tvhlnil the girl she turn ed on hnr huaband of all messages t wend to a chinaman by belmal no immediate wxibency she quotxl merrily when yuuvv utudled anglo- kaxun nlinpllcliy as long as 1 have sir ill dk lour mlvlco about idioms utid thlngh it wam undeniably her hour of triumph hut her humblod husband would liuvu lvn much to hear s httl dlnjoguu which took place letween mlatrosu und inn id thu next day- mr vntikuran talk nice kngllsh mora nlc us mm vankuran thu girl unnounrnd calmly what make you think wot oh hu wurdw sound so high 1 liko vor much lesrh his kngluh xiimmmmiriuismmmrmiamwxmtaiaiiaifiairxmmx ijp irrr ircbb giinrt stnry the pjtksto door koi i 111 nllhklv ln act it ft mrcy si im ki mll rleil m illlltllllw inking khr ili into mud ut v i uti p j iry hiilntthitl ilmiii iliiouili tint pourlnir iln ltliln1 hlni triimllol oi in ru i hue wti in run idti riouilm irlnplni mhul kut isrli wh 1 in lui uilu out iut n tln lu u i u m lly omiiplxl thy xut iviit r tln rtnh ii nil hli hiinilii uii thiiint into ki t of hlii two out und 1 lrll th tin i ph i i hi tw n hu knl m lly hlu limit irld uhmply und hi roudyyvhy iim t iii ihlvn mirt muhiyyiiy ii tflui j uoltttt beauty outofdoors a rocvni ruport to the iark and outdoor art association presents a mass of littertmttntf information re garding tho rood work which town und vllliigc improvement societies art doing the two hundred and fifty r mum uoclotun uti whoso work the re port is busod ruprusentu the irovinco of ontario lly truepluillng tho una or uhruha uhd flowiru und in many other ways mtreets liuu limn bcuutlrlod 1ubll bathhiuxom ilrluklngfountalnii and come 1 1 cr tttlioil ho uucs hava corns into being town purkii sunltary reform thu inurkhik f hutorlo mwiu and u core of olhui lienuntu have up rung direotly rrom tho efforts of our im provement mxletlum xuch as womens instltuiem i o i u und horticul tural hckllh i blmllui work is being dune on ull jftenilvi inulu in many foreign coyu- irlns in one iiiolo they have tqrnm to public umus of rt und refreshment u d inula i tiht burlalpluo and grounds luthorto rlusrd u 1m un interesting fnct that the looiih of tlni hwudlnh town of orsa liavt u m ploy ml uricntiflo forestry en wleaiy that tho msio of trees provides for ull the public uxponaow usually rnot by tux the built attvant- ugn of improvument work in well worth oonulderlng but that is not the tnwl rvumiil for urging it uke personal tiouttiubm uml i louiilluoss it is good for its own uikti for the promotion of solfronpm1 for the cultlvutlon of u proper pnimonul und ulvu prlo und for the mlvunoiunont of good cltlsen- nhlp tim woiiiitiiu clubs of cunuilu hiv doiio m thuu uny other ugoniy for thuuiirt ml of thu influent it is u publid wink wljlt h wonmn uiu liroh- bly di ixmt und they muy bu trusted to curry it into uvury turner uf thu uilld depth of niagara river at u mihil of the imilloophicnl boclely of wuilngton lr j w hpenier rmentwl inuny new and saf- prtslng funts ubout thu nthgura hivor below thu ullw bound imva bvan md ut poltiu wlium such work wui huppuiiul to he impossible a aalf- ruglnlirlnt buoy was rtipoutudly iioiit over thu ull on ono nti union it mtrunk inn tullcii toiks ut u depth of only 72ritot but lower down the duptiivir foumt in u uotwueti hi unl 100 fuuf in a lulru hunnitl thu depth foitml wits 1uj fiot a duptti of 1hc fet wuii rupeutndly ound iiuur i ho utntlluvi bridge two mllui below the falu in thu whirlpool rapids a bounding of i j foot was obtained llolow thu luplil a narrow channel was discover d iti3 fool in depth be ing 1h1 feet beluw the tavol of ike ontsilo it rium have boon fonnm when tlio laku lay about iff birt wlkfw us preswnt lowl- w ii h kiiimii h r lu mintii to go hi jl ut 111 inlt pllicl iii the n uml hull lip un iv i in thin mud hi liuov l it up thou- iim niul pull him hiwk into th roud with u ulih mi lly wllhdiw hl huiidii fiom lint do poiketu iintl gtiimpllii tllr w i lulltll ullilil the ull- willing boih into lh mlddh of the hlghwii i dont ii hu tnumhlil why tho rudles aid snlutj hud to hold u mooting on uh u duy uu thhit they couldnt tll whut tho wintlior wus kolug to h uny morn tlmtt you could lunk where tliut horn lu go- lug mlly uu u hhi on one of fh hneu knough of tin to nuld tell whut it wax going lo ho wlitil they got up thin morning no not luum than u third of in wore there hut yoll would no well i biillevo lu doing my duty nd if i tun only hilng you up m ionll do youm 1 uluill lw tluinkfu and you would ituvn thut carriage houno door uhut molly cpntlnuod coming ut luut to thu true nourco of hlu dlcpnttit and now ive got to climb out in thin driving rain und ilrujf it open i gueiui it wout hurt you thing le orrtuln heuu wont ha porch- ed ull over uvur thing hiulde nu thoy would bo if wed left it open if youd keep your h vim in thulr yard wu shouldnt have to keep every door tho place shut the bona wcro u soro hub j net the cuuoo of almoat dally admonition und therefore molly choyn torjgjio his aunts remarks thut iiocjukw so ha suld us they turned ifatothu driveway thut its all i ji do to drag it back and forth in dry went her in thin mud i dont know whether x can get it open or not your grandfather huntf that door molly and it haa given good nervlce of course it sags unin now but you know that ive boon trying to got u carpentor to come anil flat it it aint tho rlgit kind of u door aunt kale a grnut big thing like thut shouldnt awing theres too much leverage when jerry hud nearly reached ll bltf door lu tho front of thu white car riage house molly pulled up on the reins und painfully climbed over tli wheel now just eeo what 1vu got to dul ho complained 1 bollovo thut mud a foot doop over there in the mldllel walking on the tips of iiim toes he picked his way glut across th quagmire unfustotmd tho wtaplo und pulled the door buck a yard or two at that point the sagging lowur corner began to hltu into thu mud und mully rolcumcd hu holtf to mlowi ut it cant you sue aunt kate how it actst he said now if it w up liko the now whitlow uaahutf touch would ueud it lo the top und w could drlv right hi thoros room too for thorn ulnl uny loft mtittiiplhoii open thut tlooil juu wulit to utuml there till yollve uoukud to th iiklut aint itrlng to opn itr ho guiu two or three fuehlu lugh that moved thf tloor lt thuii uix inchiw 1 vo not to upluuh round like u ducj und get ull mud from heud to foot when i it went up uli i huirlbetl ueluncthou ourhy huvo 1 got tt git out und opn thut door myself t mr lly noting the determination lr he voice gripped thu iloorwlth both hands und manuged to drug it u uttlo further back ml kate seued tho linos and wormed jerry und thu churl olea through thu opening thats the muutiuut job on tho place molly grumbled wiping his hands on a wisp of buy but yo would go to the aw horlety ill setlf 1 iwiit got u rurpdnlai youre just nopplng mully tho hlui of your stundlng thorn in the ruin iilul urgulngt arguing unlit ml lly uuoss if youd nearly pulled your uimu urf i wudlud round lu thut mud youd call it uomethhil ho ut ing after n wumi uupiitir mully utt wltn his sllppurtul f u t rihthiuani tho shulf im1ow thu oven o tho kit thou rung ho wum fuollng toinfortnhln uml soi cur hut his thoughts utlll run un tlu door of the carrlugu houuu lie rot prvsmilly utid vulkinj ucross to ono of tho wiiuhnvii r tho catch und begun to work tho low er ttusli up mill down mully his uunt i rlyl ilnuu you sen how youio letting in tho wind und ruin youll h vn thut uliudu spoil und the lump blownoutl khuttiug tho window mslly stop ped buck und imliitud u hm fornnnger ut it dont you sou how it works ha ilomauded its ull in tho couutei- welghu now if thut door hud u counterweight willi i opt m golllg vet pulluym it would 11 up mill down just liko thut huh wo colihl dilvu into tho yurd on u rulny duy ruuoh uml tniich a luvr uml up would go tho door und wu could drlvn in w out getting out uf utu turrlugv lluuipbl hlu jiunt uxtlulmd why not suy 1isto t huugu ny uwuy und begouol uml not litivo uny dour thiro ut ulh wtti thu kind 1 in telling you ubout would bo pioity iiuui u pjosto duo i ynuvo got to kiii p up with the thuou aunt ciile ill hho a curpetiter und htn work will bo hour miough up with the times to suit mo miss icuto cortululy did her hut during the next fortnight to uigugi u cutponuir uu uhu hud iromlsud uln siioku to ihieti dlrfoioiit inuii but not ono of hem upiuuired mi tho iluto thut she mentioned or imltevt on uny sub uuult duo lurhupii uioy logutdetl th job nu lining nlthniiiih uonj of them voutur a to uny no iniit h to miss kula miuhwhlle molly who hud h titudyhig the ultiiutkou bud luhl pli of his own lu found two hour is w whh h h ould whbui th ilooi by ubout u foot ho collided u quantity or rope und uncukthml two old ulugl tuluys uml ono ilouhlu pulloy und ho got a oupl of iwohyfours to support uo door on the liihhlu und to form the grqvo in whhh it would nlldo un uny ilpwu whut he now modod wus u oounturwolghl of t luuut our hundred aud fifty pounds to ruiuu tins hoavy door lor uanin tlmu ho lliuovorud nothing suitable but ut hint ut his unoh jovs fan tuund a uuhmrqd milk un 1 j hum ml upon ii with ihllihl utl rrlt1 it home on bii now hi wus iuly foi hili hut ii wiintd u ctiir i id lu whh h in folk if aunt kut ui pr mnt h voiild hi ur mm ull 1iitu of oh tlom uh lud no uvml uh whut fllh in ill hii i hi ijtdl aid iiu 1 ii whirl hiiil un t no iimpiioilunik befon i v 1 lliulf in mi lly it thinilliil by holding iitiotlui prolong d n mdon to whuh aunt unto w m with mrs ai inltiigo they i i orf tniiy ni iluu for tho m eilug win to tw hthl ukih- i oid homo lnii thuu tuilui uwijf hui m llj widi to i nil fin hrir liefor iupp 1 11 wligoil lllilt i culm mls 1 lit tlk gloi 1 limit id o olio i nit in to i f the i if foi dun 1 hh noun tho milk lolr bi- n to stop 1 11 l s of ho hud ht tho hiin uiik iitl e bn vorklni uikfuut fv in u rlihlj ut tngliig h t tho prllmluinit no un to bo inli for ml li iinllon tin hhiii uh hlu uunt hud dopuild iho tiiomoiit she dlu- ppinrcd down tn i old im begun to uw a upiiir hole tin tiugh tho tlooi of ho oitrlngn houno ut thr right of tho looiwuy ho muilt it lu enough or tho milk iiu to ni thiouih it after uimirowlng tho hlni u from the ioi und lo wj rim it hut upon tho ouoll ha hill i ml boul du to iu klbj to bro itlen it then hi means of rollnni he trundlml it iniiido entlwliio uhlfitd it ubout uml prletl it up until it stood oriit u tain lit llio frame 1 irst im jut up tho twohyfouni to hold it in pi u en uml to form tho groove then im ftuitound two ropt h to tho dooi one ul ouch uppm oruu to mftoiu dlteftly uhowi tho foruoru ho hookel thu two uluglo pullni through tvoiio ho tiussoil tho two rop and thou um thim lliroiiijli tho luh pulley whhh im huil utlui hd to rafter nlwvo tho hoto iri tho flooi ivom thoro the ropes run down tt tho milk cuii which im provided with i hull i mod hnuvy sturf to till the tun ho muttered uftor he hud tied tin ropes to thu ball well thorn nru two ploughpolntii und u lot of obi soldo hi tho iihop uml part of n keg of nulls he hurried uwuy und returned wit ua many heavy article i uil ha coul find ull of which ho dumped into l cuu an it wus uh not heavy enough ho uddotl il ciowlmr uiruut in nmlwli u viao und uovorul dltcurded hum ehoos tho tun wan now too heuvy fur him to llrt uo ho hud to iihovu over tho hoto after pausing u moment before th fliml tost he luheil tlio cuu into th hole tho door stuggeretl uml jlgkled cnlwlao it did not iu tli perfectly und tho u train on tho two ropes wus hot utiuul but it wont up the cuti sunk to thu bottom of the cellur thuu mully threw hlu wolght tin tho door und brought tho can buck 1 vo gut u few pound ii too much lu thoro ho suld to hlnmolf putting ft hlu violent uxurtiou and 111 buvo to shorten tho lopoii for i wunt c sot thu can up on w uholf front whit li i can rnlousu it uo romovud two thlrdii of thu weight rifled thu cuu to tho top of uli upended box tloito ihihiiio tho hot uml readjusted tho lopea next ha tuude u umull shulf hlngud uo thut it would tuin down and tuiiteiiod it t tlio wull of tho building directly or tho hoi a into u juartirimii hole thut hi borud through thu sldo of th tmuwo dhectly uhdor tho uholf hu thrust largo bolt that holt held up tlio uholf but u cord utluihod tho hi ml of it uml tied to u tonvoiiloiit too mitilil tho th ivowu would ouuhlu him to diu out the bolt till ooutltoi weight lllop ping through into tho loiiui woum lillso tha uor ho mlhd dellghhdb luwvlghlod the cuii hwiing it oyoi upon iho uhclf und going i ouiul oildddo tin ougli tho umull door mutt to tin hum pullul mi the cofd at the no ond ji i k th iiolt ama out und thu tlooi wont up tho experlmotit wow nut completely successful b tho door ultippod wluu twiv or throu foot uhort of tho top hut u uttlo timuothlug hero und thoro would muko run ovoiily at thut numionu tho kitchen clock was striking four mtlly hud not puuu- ed to out scarcely to hiutho ulnce his uunt hud loft hours bofoio uml ho wus to cull for hu ut thu kordu ut live oclock htlirlodly running out thn milk wagon hu dragged ilown the door loplucul thu holt uiuloi tho uholf uixl nishutl to huriicits joiry afior uutlug threo doughnuts und living hlu clothe u few porfnilituo hiuuheu with hi hundu ho drove uwuy in grut good humor with tlurwojld uml with hi holf kcuicoly hull ho found u piucurlouii uout botwunii tho two lutuou uml hturt id im tho hitinewitrd trip when hi uunt turm d tt dinuppiovlng kiuoc upon hlni whut huvo you boon doing this uf- tniiooii melly uho uukol your not looking very tidy mullys hinlle was inyulorlous never mind now ho rjpllod ive got surprlso for you o dour mild his uunt but she did not mess tho muhjot t until miu ar- inltugu huil ullghtid now whut buvo you boon doing uhu tie mum od youll i oti in ii mlnuto gt up jerry a dear aunt kuto ivmuttjtl foui lug tho worst you huvent ikioii do ing uoinothliig lo thut dooi buvo youf just ymi wall jo on jerry they tuniud into tho vufri uml hultttl hi fine thu urrlugohouss duo luiidug to one old- molly jerked upon thu ion 1 hu rospouso wus morn prompt thuu hfom uml thu dooi lu hplto of u row jogglu uml joiku tuuv ud upward liko u stuio mirtulii aunt kutou mouth opened with tin tonluhnioiit nut unmutd with udmlr uthm jirry lunuod hui k uml thon uielug the way open lfou him duel ed uhuml at thut moment aunt kuto uirouniod uml mellyu coiupluieiil sinlh fioxe upon his fuuo ihu duor huvlng gono u liko inrki t wait i liming down liko th utlt k it hutl 10iiu up so fust thut wlnm it ttpnped tho utiulii ou tho tvrwolght- ml i op j wim tirtllh th y wr old uiitl weukeiioi by tlmo uml nxpouui o rtoth bioko uml then of iui thei wum 110111111 lo uupixnt thu lutivy door mlb huw it siutt win n joity s hip uli tly utuli r it iu 1 up h th yulled slushing furlmiib will llnoii llio door wuu u ki ow whun uhovo ihh ltpu it just grutul iheh houdu us molly slirluked thi lipl alillhl a hikoild lutnr itdcuiemt- ll upoll the lout bohlml tllelll willi 11 lettouudlug hinuuh uml the plop 01 bursting uutks lly this tlmo juny wau going ilk a rucu horse iho hind whuelu utch- ing tho bottom of tio door drugged the splintering wreck behind than until tho rear wull uf ihu currlut boujjo stoppvd ths old borons impotu oih lgllt lou pi tig front lu eollupmud vpltit lo mun jcutu ul lilchod for aupporl ut tin wide of thu ohsxtotd oloss ml uaiui 11 0m1hn t mill uikoi mid 1 in in ut 1 1 d nmu uut ufti 1 hint tbi onvoriiullon wih iv 1011 ll one 11 1- it omilutrd ill mo1 wholly of a iphltd mouologiio on bio pul th 11 hi moinhig till lu no tn i foi onliulii tpn by tiuy- om lu got u urpeiitri ilmot by pliilnil rr uml st him to build lik 11 ttuk door lilt ullbdlltt 1 lly wuullml thn piijmiii of th work with gc at hi tniit mid un tltili piuinil hlu spirits ton pi tihlli while ids uuntti ut i r oohd unit vtnliig hu wus bhuholf uuuln thro ore u lot of olds und omlu ihal ml i orguunn left atint hate hu unlit mid thu ft nt of thut milk wiig lu nil light 1 un tpuk it over intu 11 uut of milky mid it ii bo luori u fth thuu it ivii was 1 mi 111 morn hui ihd ulghlnif 11ml biuglilug hi tho mm liutil i give yiu up bun plainly l hop loss case the debt philosopher chllhn mid fools wo nuy toll the iiuth uuf wbllu tho fool speaks tho tiilth through incident or ignor- mii tin i lid octtui uptaku it hi virtue of hlu inutlnctlvu nullug of ihutaiti 1 he ilvoyeurold ixiy moy hu u hutttr piactltiil iotyiholjitlit tbun his mot hor a f mluliio tulli regulur ju k mother with thu village gossip jilid hitornperncd it with tuihnr ucld com- hienh 011 iho milliliter the toucher tho church wopruno und ho family ook ono mid ull wore found wanting in ho judgment as uho talked jack unlenod at luut uho noticed hli utuudlng buforo her hht eyaii fuatenod upon hof gloomy fuco jack suld she i dont lika little boyn who slure ho gravely continued to look at her uml replied utor ilu consideration you dont 1 nnm to like much o anj thing ho thu childs instinct pricked the bubble of tho wumuuil 1 r 1 ileal nature why dont you go to pluy ut willlu m01 guns house uuked u frlntid uf tho nmnll klonulil well hu uuld meditatively my liminma ukes no in hut willies mnmniu only protends to whoi he bus company ami sometime sli forgets shes pretondlng it is evidently not worth whllo to protend with this ponotrutltifc child two umull bto thoro ware invited huppy iiuir to take tea with u large he tried und lonely nplnnler on their return they were ijuoatlonod worn you good boys hussell yeu mother wo were wr you ihiiiter yeu wo wore surot wo hugged hor a good deal und kissed hr u good ileal und utu up ull her supper whut could bo mora gracious polite ness thuu thlut and vrhoro should wo look tor mom wholesome truth- tulllng or keener human knowlodg than muy ho found in him whom wordeworth wisely culled thou jient lhllosophei thou little chlldt russian thistle control llussluu thldtlo lu only un unnuul und itn ueed lu not of long vitality in the soil so by ull the rules of thu guiuo it ought o bo ouully controlled but this docn not by uny means ul wuys liuult indeed there ore largi urouu in tho 1rulrlo irovlnces and u fow umull ureas eluewhorn in canada whoro it bun thn farmer worry intf these uro uluionl without ex ception uttus uf dry tnoro or less sundy uml nspeclully drlftlug ml in uout h- western manitoba und tho dry bull of tlio 1rovlnt es to tho wmt tho succotiuloli of dry yuru has given ltuhstmi thlullu idoul conditions tor lucrouuo in udjolulug urum equally iionod to infestiitlon foi almost on daily extended purlod of yeuru it mcum rhlully on lull way hidings und uiny u0v1 lui un uggn uslvo faun minl for tho mlmple reumoii thut v- huu pot the ublllty o compedi with tho v kulutlou i thimo itollti how- i vi r lot thnuo uollu blotuo tun down 101 thut lli uupport onli iiidlnoieiil 1 ropu und hey loo muy ho lovudud if ut ull hiilltiod to buiomo loouo uml hlu tho iirtoiisuu iiguliihl uuuiihiii thlutlc muy lui luunclilii in hu spilng if u huimm 1 ifullow is cotiuidored nocus- uury und gool prucllco in thu locality 011 other gtounds it will give tha best opportunity to tight this pout u thoroughly curried out 0110 season can vry largely do the work cultivated crop is ulso useful und u rotutlott which lucludcil u cultlvuted crop every few yuru us in pusslhh on u utock farm cuu cuntrol tho wuel umlor most cundltunim when gruln lu thu ci op to occupy thu luiid tin ueodlmtl should bo prepured early und well und bo mown only win 11 mohi- lui i tilth uud win mth uro favoruhlo for prompt m rinlnutlon or iho grain u htroko or two of tho burrow when tho gruln lu young to destroy tho woul cidlhigu uud if thu 1 rop hiiu boon town not ton thinly it will tuko inoio tood thiiji harm from tho operation once the gruln lu well under wuy uny jtuuulun thlutht plunls present forced to uo low until tho crop is bur- ulod but us uooii mi they uru ui ioverid thoy push up rupldly uitl mion locomn u dunso mut of steiiiu 01 u uomrss tuiiglu uf brunches depend- intf iu how thickly thoy stumt iu furu thoy bcomo coo lurgo und prickly lo bo uuslly iwipdleij mvy should bo plowed undsr i ftu1 u- dluclug ii liuhlbiliily ulcsr hui bhuir 10 bo ful- lowd by ploshhf btlr lu uveii batter provided ll slthif ijaj thif suedu 1110 not allowed to nuuu other suggustlonu lut taluk- bt mudo uro to roplso uoniu of the sptlng gruinu willi full rye in whub th uuu- uluh thlwdiu starting wilt im kllbjd by wuti 1 1 frost utui 110 congenial iuwd bid will bo iimdo in tho spring 1 ruithur seeds to uturt or by pustur lug sheop or cuttlo 011 ryo or uny uthoi i rop contuhilng iho wood it will bo leudlly uut un down uml turned to good uccouul in ho proem itomn fuimeru uru hveit luiihldwrljig whutber thoy en mint make thn best of u laid job by llttllxjiig u lisa ball ihlstlu us u ullug i op which suggostloii of 1 ours h only to ho tmtortslneil nu tt lust rsuort slm o uuntlnwiry und even oseullont corn can bo grown hi most plucou roublud by this wood uml 110 amount or turning will ovr 10b it of llu pro lific uoodllig und pomlflous lovhjk hublluh clioh llotuuut central lporhnontal tut m ottuwu out a steady job tlui origin of gruft lu prokihly lu thu iiihi ov 1 y thut uonuhlng hinj hi lugs hi u large rows id l ho nnlv ptill m tin 11 lu to uml iho 1 uuy thing tuuits differ an imrt giri hud iho mlufoi turn to pluy u purtlt tilurly vlgorouu utboke ut tho monioiit thut u ueoih 1 wuyfurer hkulkod ucious thu edgo tho ouiuo th bull idruck tho li- pushur uml lemlered him insenulhlo for u htlof time wlnm bo leiuvorod u ilvodollai bill jtjs pressed into hi hsmj by the tugrulful golfer l hanky er suld the injured man attor a klndlljig glance at thu luonuy an when will you bt phtylu ugalu ulrt lr t moth or llruvea worm lxternilnalor has mukul us a rellnblu worm pjopuruoon mud tt ajways tuuju- luins libi rsputeliun what the warning meant l in fin wnitti the lntl otiil txl till 0 no mining 4 1 ny 11 lilt u ft 1 nil 1 who nt hint thu wus llvln- iii ilombo they ilnully dr w up lu rtuit of 1111 nnilonl kulnway in ih unglu uf u portly ruln- rl wull olpiill lino 1 wiih ull old liinplo abiv uiiiiul 1 1 hiigu imnlun- it th t nhig tin glut illl wu htopihll out of 1 h ih kuhuwm till 4 hi fl ihr utory uml looked soiuuwhut doubt flll ut lb mmili1 kutnwtiy within ull wim tturk uud ulhuit uh iho gruvf j ah thut 1 ould hu distinguished wus 1 dim impnlpiihh depth r foi la go und the fulnt hoi of a p bbly fopt- iwith will i uiiuud to hud direct 1 into it climi uiiih r thu wull however ikiio wait u uti kh uf open lawn wliih wuihoiigli might huti to thn biiuiio hi wu pllkhid iho gnlo open und w 10 ibout o ntor whou thu ihkshuw in n upiaiu forwurd with ii ia of warning whiilii thu luuttei miked 1 ompuuloii no no uo uuld thu coolh u wu puiuu d prrplextil why hot no not thin jiugutlvo uppeurod in 1 thn xliiit of ilulr nuglluh voca hului y 1 iiiippoiio uuld my companion hut il lu not louuldorml guod form tu onli r uiiutinoliu d all iioiisenso i know hlu 1 hup wll onough to go lu uml iouiio him out cotnu uhendt luiihllig tlni onlhrt tiuhln wo en ter d uml bogmn lb ukirf hu wull lb foru wo hud ink 11 im titepu how ev r one of thu tnui tiliuutud homothtnfi hi the v rnnt utur uml u moment lutr thoro cuiuo un iiniiwiriiig cry from iituuow in ro lu tho mm kv dlutau then u vole fiom tho llouso lulled in ungllnh uaiol wiuih thut hello jlmt tailed my companion it lu dick uud u friend w huts the low ubout uny way j wnvu come tu cull on you tho words wito follow tl by u howl of iiulonhihmont uud delight whhh wan t followed by un unxlou where uto you ovn hoio by tho wall l iiy tho wull 7 buiud utilll budid utlll lio you hear htutul utockatlll dont tnoy hund or foot for your llfnl then thu meaning of ull thu uprour rtauhod nrr too in u ulckonlng wuvo of umhihtamllug cobrtim i whlmporecl to my rrionil look lie whlsporod not ulx fort lu front of him thu hhlmmi r of the tiuwludon gross wax brokou by u long dark band which even 11u wo wutcbod moved slowly to- wurtl tjto wall und dlsuppcurod we wultn in silence with dump fuou uml tho hulr bristling at tha buck of our necks irnnently lights hi gun to flush through tho shrubbery und wo httud unft cries mid tho phlnt- phlut of lung bamboos striking the turf two nut i vj uervmitu with lun- tornu uml bamboo poles worn proceed ing slowly uloug tho mine of tho wall toward uk and behind them walked our bout with a luuturn und u dog whip if u nako ooiiitis towurd you dont move hu culled ho will cruwl bunt without bothering you wo would nut buvo moved if uongul tlgur hud boii coming towurd us 111 ful t wu lilovud stiffly evol utter we hutl boon cauxotl to tho bun galow which hud been built close to un uiicluiit ruin surrounded by ex tensive grounds l nice place louvo got here ob- uorved uni oh tho iiiuikeu suld our host why thoyru nothing uu long us you let thorn ulonu thuts tholi resorva lion over by tho wull i uli ould no tuoru think of walking thuro in the dink hum i uouhl or gtilmk l tllj iniiiku cuke ut iho soo ijlft limy hover troiihlu uu ill tonfeuu thut ut lltit i dldn liko tin m very well myself but i ooii fou ud thut it win u cnuo of mutuitl olerullnn wo npict uch otluru ptluiij und loiulno ourilli utt icily in out 41 wn put in of tho preinlsi u 1 hro in 0111 tdd rhup who culls uljii 1110 on tho miiimluli ut ruio inttivulu llu followlmr duy w hud bruk- init with litn uud he lihowi tl uu ubout hlu plnco whh h wim fiuu iniitlug by iluj light llu imtl ihctuc riitni run nlug wattt n planii-pluywi- und 11 talk liiguntiihlno hut ho had ulso the cobruu uml wo did not utivy him tho tropkul 111 1 don of pu mill no to which bo hud tiuiuiiliiiintl hlniuolf the land of the free tlim uu 1 ight tuitions reproiihitod in thlu wind of ours uuld mr hul lo run to hlu wife on hlu return from 11 poind 0 mot ting llu beuun to count hum off 011 his lingers thoio11 lrluh rilnrli uyolullnuu lolcu ocrmiuiu uonuulnuu oreoku un aint it pur 1 tlluroitihuhcr tlui lther wan then u irlhh 1 rhirh miiybo twiui am 1 knuu uuggout- ul mru halloran t flint thut u it mild hor huubuml i louldnt think do you peed more business tho uvomgtf value of onturlo und quobojc fctfjrm in 10000 thejtr jiveruko iucomo 1 qvf 2000 thoro iiw au1000 departiiiont btore end wlacawiiko bmalltown morchubu ttffl gettlnjr uio surpriho of thulr live to find haw tinsy it la to bell thyturtfumijnsf fami lies by long distance every duy brings uj moro proof try it conbuiuhuy pick out sumo uttructivo uplo bar- mdna offer thom by loni dlutunci to abf prosperooa furmiiiif rfmntlucuj n duy for u weolc juiiko uio wsulu by tho ikirccntaifii of ftklea aircraft for forests with n vi w to king 11 iti i ino lnllmi to onlirlou uul funnl uijia tbtrten bvdropliiuim of 1mm uh 1 h ivp irtv i pur i i hi the jrovln lul jovrnini nt onlui o ucirtllng it n prom 1 pat it mil wllho put jnln no i vh on muy 1 il kl it is hoped thuu in ioiiiw th otld euro of those investing lurie iiinun ot my in tho orgunuulliin uml n in i of pulp mid pup i imlinilrlt t i ml mills wluu the pi mint fltn comploteil and the uh for ga n lod for oiwirutloii outui in pnl- ubiy will buvo tho largoit ni i i ulrcruf system in thu win id of tho sum of l loouoi p in din in he yriir 1dj3 to light tli lu ho lir vlnce a lurgo perionlag wu pi id wages uud fsooqo sp lit work din runulnd r win p ml 1 i the upkenii of uu orguulz d imul iu- trol the iepaitmonl bdhv d thut uvui wilh so grout un xp mlltm inly a small portion of- tho noithnn ureu of forest luptl wait pi opm ly patrolled und with tin lulaptloti of aircraft it lu intend d to divide tin northern foront urouu inui dbitilih in uddlllou to giving ulni norvii n uml prottctlon several limes us lurg ml th hutrolled it is omtlmiitii that t vine will save by the uuo uf i nt least jcb ooo per ynniipi rs rd lrtrifi for 11 jbakersof good things i imtlu iill iu 1 111 the choicest anb lightest of paotdv thl most tlmiting plcq and dunb thl puhcut and most whollsome uhead always si kiving iomaklouh baking uliilk has maijl ir nu msi fairbanks bakery lhono jl muusirett acton looking forward a llvoyearmiltl boy hud fullt 11 uud cut his lip uo badly that it wuu lu c 11- uary for the doctor to utluh it the joungutor biavilj hoio im piiln and then turned round lo hlu uoiiow ing tnolhor who wmt mukhik 11 110 it fuss ubout he operation never mind the lad i iv l iihout ed my mousturhn will hltlo it it pays toue martin senour woodlac stain for furniturefloors woodwork wrvte to haul office moctlretj bar fro pooldot home paimtnc made easy sold bv w d c talbot economy mie cheupiaifc motor car moat economical car ot neccsbarlly tho tho new 1924 mclaughlinbuick mahtorfour is the logical car lor otfery person to whom economy and sorvlco uro of prlmo importtmco thih highgrado four ii ho ruggod and so well con structed thut repairs arc seldom needed and upkeep expense is at tho minimum the masterfour mclaughlinbuick motorin extremely powerful yet tho gasoline consumption is low tho musterfour is so reliablo und efficient that it delivers day in and day out servlco with very little t depreciation so that the man who owns u master- four can get a higher resale prlco than the owjier of other makes of cars the cmac inferred payment pun makes it easy for you to own a car c us about it fisher king representatives for this district georgetown ont mclaughlin bulck ikjdmtji tl in uil 11 ml f ti it tsg he dont rear em the man who says he never reads ad vertisements will oilen he discovered in hc act of insisting upon a welladvertised jirand of something lie needs tie does read advertisements though he may not muke a businesh of it so do you be cause your eyes are as tjuiek as light and more sensitive ilum tlueanievu film but jet the advertisements in this paper put hero in good faith by worthwhile con cerns iiuve the honor of conscious alien- lion from you not a mere glance as you turn the pages long dttanc4 station you say i dont reads ads what are you v doing now jiil3jtgtiij mje n mm t

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